Archery Lesson Plan
Archery Lesson Plan
Archery Lesson Plan
of 10
Lesson Objective(s) edTPA Phase II: Planning Pyramid (Standards, Goals/Objectives, and Assessment)
1. TSWBAT review the parts of the re-curve bow and the arrow by correctly answering the
equipment questions before the lesson.
2. TSWBAT inspect bows and arrows before and during use for continual safety and performance.
3. TSWBAT demonstrate understanding of the activity while following directions and safely
participating in the archery lesson.
4. TLW develop shooting skills with a re-curve bow and demonstrate 16 out of 20 points accurately
on the partner skills rubric.
What is Katniss Everdeen from
Hunger Games favorite
weapon? Who thinks they can
hit the target like Katniss?
Todays lesson focuses on
learning how to properly shoot
the re-curve bow and arrow,
while using proper skills such
as stance, nocking arrow, draw,
anchor, aiming and release.
First we are going to review the
re-curve bow and arrow
Who can tell me a part of the
re-curve bow?
Who can tell me a part of the
Appendix A
Range Lay-out
Appendix B
Review of the bow components
1. Lower Limb
2. Upper Limb
3. Arrow Rest
4. Grip
5. Sight Window
6. Bow String
7. Nocking Point
8. Nock
Appendix C
Review of the arrow
1. Head
2. Shaft
3. Fletching/Vanes
4. Nock
Review of the range
1 Whistle blast- Walk to
the shooting line and
pick up the bow.
2 Whistle blastsRemove arrow from
quiver and nock the
arrow and shoot.
3 Whistle blasts- You
may go get your arrows.
5 Whistle blasts- There
is an emergency and
place arrows in the
quiver, put the bow
down on the white line,
and sit behind the white
The range commands as
mentioned in objective
number 4 will allow the
students to participate
with continuous safety.
When I say Go you will sit
crisscross apple sauce behind a
re-curve bow in groups of
two. Sit quietly and wait for
further instructions. Ready?
First I will explain while
demonstrating each component
of shooting a re-curve bow.
Then you will have a minute to
practice each section before we
move on. We will move
through all of the steps
1. Stance:
Each student should straddle the
shooting line one foot on either
side. If the archer is right
handed, the left foot should be
over the shooting line towards
the target line. You should then
place your feet shoulder width
apart and your lead foot
midpoint of your back foot.
Then turn (open) the front foot
toward the target. Imagine the
shooter is facing 12 oclock
position. The toes of the back
foot should be pointed to 12
oclock, parallel to the shooting
line. The toes of the front foot
should be pointing towards 10
oclock for a right handed
shooter and 2 oclock for a left
handed shooter. Stand Vertical
with your head up and knees
firm with slight pressure
on inside of both knees and feet.
Appendix D
Stance Diagram
Student Practice
2. Nock Arrow
With your bow in your bow
hand use your string hand to
withdraw an arrow from the
Appendix E
Correct Nocked Arrow
Stance Cues:
-Shoulder width apart
- Face 12 oclock
-Righty: right foot
10 oclock
-Lefty: left foot
2 oclock
Bow hand-Non
dominant hand
String hand-Dominant
Appendix F
Draw Hand
Student Practice
3. Drawing Hand Set
With your bow at arms length
and pointed down, grasp the
sting with all three fingers
under the nock at least to the
first joint of the fingers forming
a hook. Keep back of hand flat
and the thumb down and
Student Practice
4. Bow Hand Set:
Place your hand in the bow grip
with the meaty part of your
thumb inside the grip to the
lifeline of the palm. The lifeline
should be aligned over the
center of the bows grip. When
set properly the knuckles of the
bow hand should form a 30
angle. At the same time your
bow hand is set rotate your
elbow down to the left (for
right-handed archer). This hand
and elbow position allows for
improved string clearance of the
bow arm.
Student Practice
Appendix G
Bow Hand
Shot Execution
5. Pre-Draw
Starting with your bow arm
hanging relaxed at your side,
lift your arm allowing it to
hinge at your shoulder so your
shoulder will remain level.
Your drawing hand will remain
hooked around the bowstring
with the bow un-drawn the
drawing hand, arm and elbow
should be parallel to the floor or
Appendix H
Pre-Draw Cues:
Bow arm parallel to
Appendix I
Draw Cues:
String on the right side
of face
Student Practice
6. Draw:
Pull or draw the string toward
the right side of your
Face (right-handed archer)
by rotating your hips and your
shoulder around until your
elbow is slightly in front of the
arrow line. You want the
feeling of getting in behind the
bow. You should feel your
upper back muscles
being activated.
Student Practice
7. Anchor:
Anchor by touching your index
finger to the corner of your
mouth. Keep muscles active
while maintaining full draw.
Appendix J
CFU: Where should your index
finger be touching?
Anchor Cues:
Index finger on corner
of mouth
Appendix K
Aiming Cues:
If eye dominance is a
problem close nondominant eye.
Student Practice
8. Aiming:
Your Dominant eye is your rear
sight and must be consistent in
location as if relates to the
anchor. Think of aiming as an
alignment between your eye,
the string and your front sight.
Your front sight is your arrows
point. Allow your bow to move
naturally a perfectly still bow
Student Practice
10. Release:
The release is a combination of
relaxing your fingers and the
back of your hand in a single
instant. All your arms and back
muscles remain active during
this process.
Appendix L
Release Cues:
Count 1,2,3Release
Appendix M
Follow Through
Reflection Cues:
Continue to aim at the
target after shot
Student Practice
11. Follow through
Upon release, your drawing
hand will move rearward with
your fingers relaxed and end up
with your thumb touching or
near your drawing shoulder.
The shoulder hinge so your
elbow can move/relax down.
The bow arm moves a bit
forward then slightly both
left(right for left-handed
shooter) and down after followthrough, reflect upon the
position of your drawing and
bow hand to see that they are in
the proper ending positions as a
result of having kept your
muscles active throughout the
shot sequence.
Student Practice
Ok, now that we have practiced
all of the steps we are going to
put them all together and shoot
the re-curve. Step up to the
shooting line and prepare to
shoot. Use the partner check off
to help you remember the cues
for each part.
GUIDES: In pairs
students will use a
rubric check off to
understanding of the
skills necessary to shoot
the re-curve bow and
job today, I could see
everyone getting better
at their form and ability
to hit the target.
Appendix A
Range Lay-out
Appendix B
Re-curve Bow Components
Appendix C
Arrow Components
Appendix D
Stance Diagram
Appendix E
Correct Nocked Arrow
Appendix F
Draw Hand
Appendix G
Bow Hand
Appendix H
Appendix I
Appendix J
Appendix K
Appendix L
Appendix M
Follow Through
Appendix N
Student Check Off
Instructions: Check yes or no if you see your partner doing the skill.
Nock Arrow
Bow Hand
Reflection: FollowThrough