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Matthew Allardice - Careers Personalized Student Learning Plan

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Personalized Student Learning Plan 

Name: Derek M. Allardice Jr. Block: 8 Date Updated: 1-24-18

Part I: Career Paths

My Career First Choice Careers: Pathways to this Career: (Military,

Clusters: Apprenticeship, Technical School,
2-Year College, 4-Year College)

● Arts, Film and Video Editors Technical school and/ or 2/4 year
Fine artist Technical school and/ or 4 year
ons Camera Operator Apprenticeship and/ or 4 year

● Science, Actor Technical school, and/ or 4 year

and Second Choice Careers: Pathways to this Career: (Military,
Mathematics (Backup Plan) Apprenticeship, Technical School,
2-Year College, 4-Year College)
● Education
and Training
Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary 4 year

Elementary School Teachers, Except Special 4 year


My Top Military My Top My Top My Top 2-Year My Top 4-Year If I started a

Careers: Apprenticeship Technical School Careers: College Business:
Careers: School Careers: Careers:

● Audio and ● Plumbing ● Electrician ● Video ● Cinematog ● Video

Video editor rapher advertisi
Equipment ng
Technician business

Part II: Career Plan

Refer to the ​Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook​ for information

Career Name Pathway Education/ Salary Benefits Disadvantages

Degree Required

Cinematograph 4 year college BFA, Bachelors 52,380 ● Cheap to ● Late

er or of Motion start work
apprenticeship pictures, or ● Good pay days
● Travel ● Odd
with hours
around ● Start with
the world little to no

Electrician Technical Licence, 52,720 ● Simple ● You

school associates and good could die
degree, or paying with one
apprenticeships job mistake
● Requires ● Is
only the typically
understa paid
nding of hourly or
electricity by job
● Is helpful and not
with at by salary
home ● Not
repairs to having
avoid the
expensiv satisfacti
e bills. on of
in a field I

Plumber Technical Apprenticeship, $51,450 ● Less ● Working

school and or get a chance with dirty
license of death water,
● Is helpful and
with possibly
plumbing sewage
issues at ●
my own
● Easy to

Part III: Choosing a School (if Military, look for an ROTC program)

Majors that will lead to my Career: Other Majors I’m Interested in:

● Bachelor of Fine Arts ●

● Bachelor's degree in Motion Pictures

Top 5 Schools: Location: Tuition: Benefits: Disadvantages: Added to

Naviance? Y/N

FSU Tallahassee FL $6,507 in-state, ● Possible ● Far away Y

$21,673 with in state from family
out-of-state tuition

NYU New york $50,464 ● A great ● In the city, Y

in-state, school with expensive
$50,464 lots of especially if
opportunitie living off
s campus
without a
of a job

Full Sail Orlando FL $19,153 ● Close to ● Really Y

University grandmothe expensive
r. And a since it is a
good school for profit
that helps private
students school
even after

Champlain Burlington $41,010 ● Not as far ● Too Y

College vermont in-state, away from expensiv
$41,010 family. Good e. I could
program, buy and
and rent out a
connections small
house in
with that
kind of

Scad Atlanta, $35,910 ● Close to ● Expensive Y

Georgia in-state, uncle. Great especially
$35,910 program with no
with lots of guarantee
connections of job.
since it is like Expensive to
the east live in city

Part IV: Your Career Plan

- I am most interested in pursuing video making since i enjoy using the camera to direct the eye of the
audience to share insightful stories. Stories that inspire people, bring them to tears, make them laugh,
and much more. I intend to become a cinematographer since in this career, I would be able to work with
directors to put into frame what they want, along with actions and colors that reveals a deeper
meaning to the overall story. While I am in high school, I can take my free time at home and use it to
develop my portfolio and advance my skills in filmmaking. I can also take two open blocks as well as
VHS to have more time to study video. I might even ask Mrs. Tomasini to let me take video 3 and 4 at the
same time.

Parv V: Backup Plan

In a complete paragraph, explain what you can do if your plan does not work out. Consider the worst-case
scenarios: what if your parents lose their jobs and cannot help you pay for school? What if college turns out to
be more difficult than you thought and you fail? What if your family member(s) get sick and you have to help
take care of them, rather than pursuing your goals?

- If my original plan of going down to Florida, living with my grandmother, working for a year, then going
to college does not work out, I’d probably look to rent a place for cheap, maybe with a friend, and find a
small job enough to get by. I’d then use ten percent of my earnings and invest it in buying stock to
increase my wealth. With the money I am earning from my stock and my job id buy a small apartment
and rent it out to people so that I can use that to make more passive income. With this money I would
buy my own house, a small one, then continue this process trying to develop more ways of making
passive income until I can make a good amount of money without working. It would be at this point that
I’d go back to school, or use my money to take care of parents, or grandmother. If I cannot rent a house
with a friend, I’d go to a homeless shelter until i can get back on my feet. If not, a nice park, or behind
some buildings. I could take my camping gear and live in some national park far away from everything,
maybe even leave the country to live in the jungle. Or I save some money then move to a third world
country where every dollar I own would go a long way.

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