Towards Gigayear Storage Using A Silicon-Nitride/Tungsten Based Medium

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arXiv:1310.2961v1 [cs.

ET] 9 Oct 2013

Towards Gigayear Storage Using a

Silicon-Nitride/Tungsten Based Medium
Jeroen de Vries1, , Dimitri Schellenberg1 , Leon Abelmann1,3 , Andreas
Manz2,3 and Miko Elwenspoek1,2

MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5,

Enschede, The Netherlands
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Albert-Ludwigs-Universit
at Freiburg,
Albertstrae 19, D-79104, Freiburg i.Br, Germany
KIST-Europe, Campus E7, D-66123, Saarbr
ucken, Germany

Current digital data storage systems are able to store huge amounts of data.
Even though the data density of digital information storage has increased
tremendously over the last few decades, the data longevity is limited to only
a few decades.
If we want to preserve anything about the human race which can outlast
the human race itself, we require a data storage medium designed to last for
1 million to 1 billion years. In this paper a medium is investigated consisting of tungsten encapsulated by siliconnitride which, according to elevated
temperature tests, will last for well over the suggested time.
Keywords: Long term data storage, SiN-W, Storage medium, tungsten,
silicon nitride
1. Introduction
The human race has achieved many things we consider worth storing.
From paintings found in caves as shown in figure 1 to pieces currently on

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Preprint submitted to ArXiv

14th October 2013

Figure 1: Cave painting from the El Castillo cave in Spain, estimated to be over 40 000
years old

display in musea. Whether it is music, art, literature or scientific breakthroughs, people have tried to ensure preservation of information for future
Musea are filled with art and most of the music and movies today are
accessible through the internet, but for how long? At some point humanity
as we know it will cease to exist [1] and slowly all our achievements will
disappear. Given sufficient time, all memory of humanity will be erased.
To ensure that knowledge about human life is available for many future
generations or even future lifeforms we require a form of data storage suitable
for storage at extreme timescales.
There are of course some requirements for such a data storage system.
The system should be able to survive for at least the required time without
losing its content. The data should be easily decodable and the data carriers
should be stored in locations likely to change little over 1 million years to
ensure that the data carrier does not end up at the bottom of the ocean
after a million years. It is also necessary of course to determine what data
is relevant to store. All aspects of such a storage system are combined in a
multidisciplinary project called the human document project [2].
Although each of these aspects is of vital importance to ensure that the
stored data will survive and is recognised as such, in this paper we will only
focus on the fabrication of a data carrier which can survive for over one
million years.
To preserve information for future generations, people have stored data in
various ways. In recent years the storage capacity has increased tremendously
due to the possibilities created by digital information storage. Where in 1956

the IBM 305 RAMAC was capable of storing 5 MB of data using fifty 24
diameter disks, currently 4 TB can be stored on four 3.5 diameter disks.
This means a decrease of form factor and power consumption while greatly
increasing the storage capacity. This increase in capacity has not yet reached
its limit [3]. Although there has been a huge increase in storage density, the
data longevity is limited to about a decade.
Storage systems like DVDs will not last much longer and tape storage
will (if stored in a proper environment) last only several decades. Archival
paper is expected to last up to 500 years but only if it is stored in a suitable
A recent long-term data storage system is created by the Long Now
Foundation where the information is etched into a substrate and then electroformed in solid nickel [4]. The resulting disk contains 13 000 pages of
information on more than 1500 human languages. A disadvantage of the
disk is that its surface is fragile and can easily be scratched so an encasing
for the disk is essential for long time survival and repeated readout might
damage the surface of the disk.
If we want to store information for much longer timescales none of the
above described media will be suitable and a new type of storage medium is
required where the longevity of the data is more important than the storage
In order to store information for very long timescales, a medium is required which will survive for at least this period and still contain discernible
data. We believe that the relevant storage time should be at least 1 million
years and at most 1 billion years [1].
The type of storage medium suitable for these timescales should likely
be fabricated especially for this project. There are many types of media
which will be suitable, of which the most exotic is DNA based data storage
within a living organism which reproduces itself [5]. We have chosen a disk
based storage system because such a system can be created with technology
which is already available and will likely be easier recognisable than a data
carrier inside a living organism. Although magnetic based data storage is
highly suitable for current purposes, its energy barrier is too low to survive
for 1 million years. Moreover, the data could be erased or modified by strong
magnetic fields.
We expect that the data that needs to be stored for the Human Document
Project will have been thoroughly verified and is not subject to change.
Therefore a write-once-read-many (WORM) type data system would be

Figure 2: Data is stored in the state of a system, which can be in two or more energy

Readback of the disk should be possible using electromagnetic waves
which, we expect, any sufficiently developed society would be able to use.
The disk can contain multiple levels of data with different data densities.
Using visible light the low density data could be read by eye or using optical
microscopy. Higher density data could be made visible by for instance electron beams. A dedicated readback system would in this case not be stored
with the data carrier because such a system would also need to survive for
at least as long as the disk. Plans to create a readback system could be part
of the information on the data carrier.
2. Theory
All data is volatile so it is not possible to store data indefinitely. Even data
engraved in a marble slab will eventually erode away. The longevity of a data
carrier can of course be increased by storing it in a monitored environment
such as in current paper archives where the humidity, temperature, pressure
etc. are controlled. This however, would require that the environment also
survives and is maintained for at least as long as the data carrier. We believe
that the chances of such an environment surviving for a million years in
operating conditions are slim, so we prefer a data carrier which has a high
chance of surviving without such a dedicated environment.
In order to create a stable data carrier, able to preserve data for a million
years, a high energy barrier against erasure is required. This thermal stability
of data is a well studied aspect in magnetic data storage [6].

Using a simple but effective theory based on the Arrhenius law, as often
used by scientists in the hard disk industry, we can determine the energy
barrier required for a certain storage time. For the data storage system we
assume that one bit of data is stored in a way much like in current magnetic
storage systems. The data is stored in one of the energy minima of the
system, which is separated from the other minima by an energy barrier E,
as indicated in figure 2. If the system would be kept at a temperature of 0 K,
there would be no thermal fluctuations and the system would stay in this
state indefinitely. However at elevated temperatures, the probability that
the system will jump to another energy minimum after time t, Psw is given
by the Arrhenius law [7].
Psw = 1 exp (t/ (T ))
(T ) = f01 exp (E/kB T )


Where is the decay time [s], kB Boltzmann constant [J K1 ], T the

absolute temperature [K] and f0 the attempt frequency [Hz] which is related
to the atomic vibrations and is in the order of 1 GHz for magnetic particles [8].
We assume that the probability of switching from one of the energy minima to another is low, so we can neglect secondary processes like switching
back to the original energy minimum. We also assume that the switching
behaviour of one element does not influence the switching behaviour of the
others. In this case the number of incorrect bits of information in a large data
set of N bits is given by Psw N. In modern storage systems error fractions
up to of 1 105 can be comfortably corrected by suitable error codes.
Rewriting equation 2 gives:


> t/ln (1 ) t/
E/kB T > ln (tf0 /)

for 1


For a data storage time of 1 million years with =1 105 and f0 =1 GHz,
E should be 63 kB T , for 1 billion years the energy barrier should be raised
to 70 kB T (1.8 eV at room temperature). These energy barriers are given for
the ideal case, where there are no distributions of properties which lower the
energy barriers. These values are well within the range of todays technology.
To prove that the data will in fact remain without uncorrectable errors for
one million years is another challenge. To wait for a million years to be certain

Storage period

1 hour

1 week

1 year

1 106 years
1 109 years

461 K
509 K

411 K
455 K

380 K
420 K

Table 1: Testing at elevated temperatures to prove data retention for different timescales
at T=300 K with =1 106

that the data remains would be slightly impracticable, so an accelerated

ageing test is required. Starting from equation 4 there are three variables we
can act upon, the testing time tt , the observed number of errors during the
test t and the temperature at which the tests are performed Tt .
E/kB Tt > ln(tt f0 /t )


By observing many bits, we can determine error rates lower than 1 105
and extrapolate from there when this value will be reached. By testing at
higher temperatures, we can increase the number of errors per time unit.
Combining equation 4 and equation 5, the temperature at which the test is
performed is given by:

ln tf0
Tt > T  
ln tt ft0


Taking for instance an observed error rate ten times better than the desired rate (so t =1 106 ), the required testing temperature to prove that
the data is stable for a million years within a year is 380 K. Table 1 lists
values for different testing and storing times, which are well within the experimental range.
This simple model is a first step towards proving that data will be retained
for at least one million years by means of an elevated temperature test. This
method is also known as accelerated ageing [9]. The method does have its
shortcomings however.
2.1. Attempt frequency
The simple Arrhenius model assumes that the attempt frequency to overcome the energy barrier is much higher than the reciprocal of the testing time
(in other words, there should be many attempts to switch the entire bit within

the testing period). This condition is most likely met. Other causes of data
loss, such as theft, meteor impact or the sun entering the red giant phase [1]
cannot be revealed by accelerated ageing (fortunately).
2.2. Local minima
The model assumes that one single event switches the bit. Whereas this
might be true for patterned magnetic disks, it certainly is not the case for all
data storage systems. In the simple model, we assume that the system only
possesses global minima, where local minima might exist which can serve
as intermediate steps towards overcoming the energy barrier between global
minima states. An example of such a system is the phase change medium
(used in rewritable optical discs) where data is stored in the position of atoms,
which can reside in a huge number of local minima. In this case the chance
of switching should be calculated as a cascade of events, each possibly with
their own attempt frequency. The process could then be described by an
Arrhenius cascade [10].
2.3. Temperature dependence
The simple model assumes that the energy barrier is independent of the
temperature. In most situations this will not be the case. In general the energy barrier will decrease with increasing temperature. An accelerated test
will then underestimate the lifetime of the medium. The model also assumes
that attempt frequencies are independent of the temperature. Fortunately,
the attempt frequency appears in both the numerator and denominator of
equation 6. A ten-fold increase in attempt frequency only reduces the temperatures in table 1 by 10 K. Detailed knowledge on the attempt frequency
is of lesser importance, as is obvious from equation 4.
Despite the shortcomings of the single switch Arrhenius model, it is still
of interest to perform actual accelerated tests on a real medium, especially
at temperatures much higher than listed in table 1.
3. Fabrication
The suggested data storage system consists of a medium where the data
is represented by one material embedded within a second, different material
as schematically described in figure 3. We have selected as the base materials
tungsten for the data and Si3 N4 for the encapsulating material. Tungsten has
a high melting temperature and high activation energy, furthermore it has a


100 nm
e ,

Figure 3: W-Si3 N4 WORM medium, which is transparent to electron or photon beams

Figure 4: W-Si3 N4 WORM medium, which is readable by constructive interference on the
silicon base and destructive interference on the tungsten islands.

low thermal expansion coefficent. The Si3 N4 has a high fracture toughness
and low thermal expansion coefficient. Another important feature of the
Si3 N4 is its transparency to light. A very thin film would also be transparent
to electron beams. These materials are readily available and generally used
in microfabrication.
An alternative to the transparent medium is a medium with high contrast
in reflection. Contrast can be enhanced by using an optical beam of a single
wavelength. If the layer thickness is tuned correctly, constructive interference
can occur in the parts where there is no metal and destructive interference
in the parts where metal is present or vice versa, as shown schematically in
figure 4. This makes it possible to have a much thicker base because the
sample does not need to be optically transparent. It should however still be
ensured that not all the light gets absorbed by the nitride layer. With light
in the visible spectrum, this method can be used for low density data.
3.1. Optical readable data
As a demonstration, data is written in two-dimensional (matrix) barcodes,
which can be read back by a camera and computer. These two-dimensional

Figure 5: Design of the HDP disk. Each pixel in the large QR codes consists of a QR

barcodes were introduced for cases where more information needs to be stored
than can be accomodated by their one-dimensional predecessors, but are now
becoming increasingly popular. The implementation we chose was the quick
response (QR) code [11], which can be easily decoded by todays smartphones.
The level of QR code containing the largest amount of information can lose
up to 7 % of the data before the code becomes unreadable.
For the encoding of the final disk, it is likely that a coding scheme would
be required which focusses on easy decodability. By keeping the size of the
QR code low, it is possible to read out the disk by an optical microscope.
For the demonstration, the entire disk was covered with a centimeter sized
QR code. Each pixel of the code consists of a set of much smaller QR codes
with pixels of only a few micrometers in size as shown in figure 5.
For design of the thickness of the nitride layers and the tungsten layers, optical calculation software was used in order to determine the optimum thickness for maximum extinction and amplification in the layers.
The wavelength was chosen to be 550 nm.
The medium consists of a 338 nm layer of LPCVD Si3 N4 on a bare silicon
wafer. The tungsten is patterned using optical lithography and a mask containing the QR codes. The pattern is etched using Ar ion beam etching and
a top layer of PECVD nitride of 225 nm is deposited on top of the tungsten
patterns. The process steps are schematically shown in figure 6 where the
silicon removal in step 8 is not necessary.

3.2. Line patterns

Because readout by optical microscope means that the data density is
low, it is also necessary to have a higher density storage method. The higher
data density storage can be achieved by embedding the data in the nitride
for readout by electron beam. Here we assume that the medium should be
transparent to electrons, which means that the disk will be very thin and
For the high data density sample, tungsten lines are used instead of islands. With this sample it is possible to simulate high density data with a
linewidth below 100 nm.
The lines will make it easier to create very small structures and inspect
the sample after thermal exposure by means of an SEM. A drawback of these
lines is the variation in stress in the sample in the direction along the lines
compared to across the lines. The process steps are described in figure 6.
The test sample is created by depositing a layer of 230 nm silicon nitride
on a cleaned bare silicon wafer by an LPCVD process. On top of the silicon
a layer of 50 nm tungsten is deposited by magnetron sputtering. A layer of
DUV 30-J8 bottom anti-reflective coating (BARC) is applied by spin coating, which limits the standing waves in the resist and improves the vertical
sidewalls. On top of the BARC, a layer of PEK-500 positive resist is spun.
Laser interference lithography (LIL) is used to create the pattern of
100 nm wide lines [12]. For the actual data carrier either a standard lithography mask process could be used or a laser could be used to write the
data in the resist. The resist is developed in OPD4262 after exposure. The
process flow is depicted in figure 6 and a scanning electron micrograph of the
developed sample is shown in figure 7 a.
A short O2 reactive ion beam etching (RIBE) step is used to transfer
the pattern into the BARC layer. The BARC pattern is transferred into the
tungsten layer by argon ion beam milling as can be seen in figure 7 b.
The entire sample is subsequently covered with Si3 N4 by a PECVD process to encapsulate the tungsten lines. The result is shown in figure 7 c. In
the cross-section image from bottom to top, the silicon, the LPCVD siliconnitride, the tungsten lines and the PECVD silicon nitride can be seen. The
Si3 N4 in the final product is much thicker than the thickness schematically
shown in figure 3 to observe possible spreading of the tungsten clearly.
For the optical transparent sample, the silicon needs to be removed from
the bottom of the sample and a medium with tungsten lines encapsulated in

6. Ar IBE

1. Silicon
3. Sputter W

7. Nitride
8. Silicon

4. Deposit
BARC and
or photoresist
5. Pattern
develop resist

Figure 6: Design of the HDP disk. Each pixel in the large QR codes consists of a QR

a Si3 N4 matrix remains. The silicon removal of step 8 shown in figure 6 is

not performed to ensure mechanical stability of the sample.
4. Elevated temperature test
By testing the sample at relevant temperatures it can be shown that it
should in principle be possible to store data for at least one million years.
A second interesting test would be to investigate whether the sample would
survive higher temperatures which would for instance occur during a house
4.1. Optical readable data
The sample with the QR codes was exposed to temperatures of 513(5) K,
613(5) K and 713(5) K. Each temperature increase causes a reduction in the
number of readable QR codes by the decoding algorithm. This is caused by
cracking of the top Si3 N4 as can be seen in figure 8. The unreadable QR
codes are not visibly damaged and the tungsten is still present.
The misreading of the information is caused by the readout using an
optical microscope without a monochromatic light source. The images are
taken using a top mounted camera and contain a multitude of colours, caused




400 nm

300 nm

W lines



400 nm

1 m

Figure 7: a) Scanning electron micrograph of the test sample before etching. b) Scanning
electron micrograph of the test sample after etching containing W lines. c) Scanning
electron micrograph of the cross-section of the encapsulated lines in the test sample d)
Scanning electron micrograph of the sample after 1 hour at 473 K

by the variation in Si3 N4 thickness due to the cracking. The very simple
detection software was unable to correctly assign a black or white colour to
multitude of colours caused by the cracking of the top siliconnitride layer.
Due to the complexity of the QR code, damage to some areas affects the
readability more than other areas [11]. When for instance the finder patterns
are damaged, the QR code can not be read anymore. This can be seen from
the example in figure 9 where the finder patterns of a damaged QR code are
manually repaired and the QR code becomes readable again.
A single wavelength microscope or more advanced detection software
might solve this problem for the QR codes.


1 m

1 m

1 m

Figure 8: Optical microscope images of the same QR code left: after fabrication, center:
after 2 hours at 613 K and right: 2 hours at 763 K

Figure 9: Manually repaired QR codes by fixing the finder patterns in the red circles.

4.2. Line patterns

Table 1 shows that an ageing test at 445 K for 1 hour is sufficient to prove
that the line sample would survive for at least 1 million years. The sample
was kept in an oven at 473 (5)K for approximately one hour. Figure 7 c and
d show SEM images of the sample before and after the test. We observe no
visible degradation of the sample, which indicates that this sample would
still be error free after 1 million years. Lower temperatures have not been
tested because the PECVD nitride is deposited at temperatures of 573 K.
This means that below this temperature damage would have occured during
deposition. The sample has furthermore been tested at 723(5) K and 848(5) K
without visible damage to the sample.

40 m
Figure 10: SEM image of the whiskers growing from the top of the sample

A test temperature of 1373(5) K for four hours, which can occur in a hot
spot during a house fire, showed that the sample was completely destroyed
and the tungsten lines could not be recognised anymore. The Si3 N4 seems to
have peeled off probably due to variations in thermal expansion coefficients
of the top and bottom layer Si3 N4 and the W.
After exposing the sample to a temperature of 923(5) K for 4 hours we
observed whiskers growing from the top of the sample as can be seen in
figure 10. Here we also see the peeling of the Si3 N4 layer. After inspection
using an SEM with EDX capabilities we found that the whiskers contain high
levels of tungsten and oxygen as can be seen in figure 11. What likely has
happened is that the top Si3 N4 deposited by the PECVD process starts to
exhibit cracks and oxygen can interact with the tungsten. Under the influence
of oxygen and the high temperature, WO whiskers are formed, similar to the
ones described by Cho et al. [13].
Higher temperatures should be possible when the thermal expansion coefficients of the top and bottom layers are matched with the metal layer and
the lines are replaced by islands. Previously it was already found that a
sample with small dots embedded in Si3 N4 was able to survive temperatures
up to 1073 K for 30 minutes without degradation [14]. Whether a sample
with larger islands would also survive these temperatures remains to be investigated.


Spectrum 6

4 m


Spectrum 6

C NaW W Ag Ag
Full Scale 5794 cts Cursor: 0.000


Figure 11: Top: SEM image of the whisker. Bottom: EDX information of the whisker
showing large contents of W and O

5. Discussion
The initial attempt to create a medium containing embedded data which
is able to survive for 1 million years is promising. The optical readable
data in the form of QR codes was able to survive the temperature up to
713(5) K. The amount of readable QR codes decreases at higher temperatures, but this seems to be largely due to the detection scheme as the tungsten
is still present. The medium can survive high temperatures, up to 1 hour at
848(5) K, without visible degradation of the medium but at higher temperatures the medium degrades rapidly.
At lower temperatures which corresponds to a storage time of 1 million

years or more, the data carrier survives. If we only take the Arrhenius law
into account this should be sufficient to prove that data will survive for 1
million years.
It is likely however that the Arrhenius law that we use is too simple to
describe the real ageing process. If the energy barrier consists of intermediate
steps, a cascaded Arrhenius law would be required and data deterioration
could occur much faster than expected from these results [10, 15].
We do believe however that diffusion of the tungsten is not the primary
concern as shown by the cracks caused by the elevated temperature test.
Prolonged exposure of the tungsten to oxygen could lead to the creation
of the whiskers. Furthermore low attempt frequency processes like erosion,
fracturing and vandalism might have a much larger influence on the lifetime
of the disk than diffusion.
The suggested medium is also interesting for fire-proof archiving. Possible
solutions to ensure that information could also survive temperatures in the
excess of 973 K to 1173 K would be to have a better encapsulation process
ensuring that the thermal expansion coefficients of top and bottom layers
are matched with the metal layer. However house fires can contain hot spots
with temperatures above 1473 K which might still prove to be too high for
the medium to survive. The Si3 N4 or other encapsulation material should be
dense in order to limit the diffusion of oxygen. A different material acting as
data could also solve the reaction with oxygen. Materials with a slightly
lower melting point than the 3683 K of tungsten should be no problem.
When the sample survived a temperature of 848 K for one hour we would,
according to the theory, have proven that the sample would last 9 1029
years, which is highly unlikely.
6. Conclusion
Initial calculations show that it is possible to store data for over 1 million
years, or even 1 billion years, with reasonable energy barriers in the order of
70 kB T . To prove that the data will not disappear over this time period, one
can perform accelerated ageing tests at moderately elevated temperatures
(461 K for 1 hour to represent 1 million years).
A disk with data in the form of QR codes has been fabricated and was
able to survive the temperature tests, and therefore will survive one million
years of storage according to theory. Data readout failure at even higher


temperatures occurs because of the internal stress in the layer stack at elevated temperatures, which leads to fractures in the top layer, resulting in
color changes in the readback image.
A model for a high density recording medium, consisting of W lines with
a width below 100 nm embedded in a Si3 N4 matrix, has been successfully
fabricated. An accelerated ageing test was performed by storing the sample
at 473 K for one hour. There was no visible degradation of the sample or
the tungsten lines. If we only take diffusion into account this proves that the
sample will survive for well over 1 million years when stored at 300 K.
Exposure of the medium to higher temperatures shows degradation due
to the difference in thermal expansion coefficients between the two different
types of Si3 N4 and the W lines. The top layer of Si3 N4 starts to shows cracks
and the W is exposed to the environment. This leads to the whiskers being
grown under the influence of oxygen and high temperature.
7. Future work
Reduction of the amount of decodable QR codes is likely caused by the
white light source of the microscope and the simple detection scheme. Solving
the problem with the variation in stress between the nitride and the tungsten
layers would probably also solve the readout issues of the QR codes.
Another influence on the sample could be etching of the nitride due to
acids. There are known acids like phosphoric acid which can etch siliconnitride. Also erosion due to influences of for instance wind and sand can deteriorate the medium. A suitable container or storage location can decrease
these influences. To properly investigate these influences more advanced tests
will have to be performed on the medium.
8. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Kechun Ma and Johnny Sanderink for
helping with the fabrication as well as Mark Smithers for the SEM and EDX
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