Geo5-Engineering Manuals Em2

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Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs

Part 2
Chapter 1 - 12, refer to Engineering Manual Part 1

Chapter 13. Pile Foundations Introduction ..................................................... 2

Chapter 14. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile.......... 10

Chapter 15. Analysis of a single pile settlement ............................................... 22

Chapter 16. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity and settlement of

piles investigated on the basis of CPT tests................................... 32

Chapter 17. Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile.............. 41

Chapter 18. Analysis of vertical load bearing capacity and settlement of a

pile group ........................................................................................ 49

Chapter 19. Analysis of deformation and pile group dimensioning ............... 57

Chapter 13. Pile Foundations Introduction

The objective of this chapter is to explain the practical use of programs for the analysis of pile
foundations in GEO 5.
GEO 5 software contains three pile foundation analysis programs Piles, Pile CPT and Pile
Group. The text below contains closer explanation of which of the programs is to be used
under particular conditions individual programs are subsequently described in other chapters.

Vertical load-bearing capacity of pile foundations is determined by various methods:

by a static pile test: these tests are directly required in some countries and a structural
analysis functions only as a preliminary pile foundation proposal;
by an analysis based on soil shear strength parameters: using analysis methods
NAVFAC DM 7.2, Tomlinson, CSN 73 1002 and Effective stress in programs PILES
by an analysis based on the assessment of penetration tests: PILE CPT program;
by an analysis according to equations for regression curves obtained from the results
of static loading tests (according to Masopust): PILES program; Vertical load-bearing
capacity is determined from the pile loading curve for corresponding (allowable)
settlement (CSN 73 1002 standard specifies the corresponding settlement value

slim 25.0 mm ).
by an analysis based on Mohr-Coulomb parameters and stress-strain properties
of soils: using the so-called Spring Method in PILES and PILE GROUP programs;
by numerical analysis using the Finite Element Method: the FEM program.

It follows from this list that piles can be assessed using many ways and on the basis of different
input parameters. It means that analysis results can be identical, but often they can significantly

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

The great advantage of GEO 5 is the fact that the user can try more variants and analysis
methods, find the most likely behaviour of the pile foundation and subsequently determine
the total bearing capacity or settlement of a single pile or a pile group.

The vertical load-bearing capacity of pile foundations is assessed in GEO 5 programs (with the
only exception: Pile Group Spring Method) only for the loading by a vertical normal force.
The loading by horizontal forces, bending and torsional moments has no influence
on the analysis of the vertical load-bearing capacity of piles.
The procedure of the vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile analysis in GEO 5 PILES
is presented in Chapters 14 and 15, whilst the analysis for the same pile on the basis of CPT
tests is described in Chapter 16.

Horizontal bearing capacity of pile foundations:

The result of the analysis for a horizontally loaded pile is the pile horizontal deformation
and the curve for internal forces along the pile shaft.

In the case of a single pile, its horizontal deformation and reinforcement depend
on the calculated modulus of horizontal reaction of the sub-soil and the loading by the lateral
force or the bending moment. The analysis procedure is explained in Chapter 17.
The analysis for a pile group is presented in Chapter 19.

Settlement of pile foundations:

The actual load-bearing capacity of a pile is directly associated with its settlement because
of the fact that virtually any pile settles under the action of loading and gets vertically

The settlement of single piles is determined in the PILES program by the following methods:
according to Masopust (non-linear): the program analyses the settlement of a single pile
on the basis of the regression coefficients along the skin and under the pile base.
according to Poulos (linear): the program analyses the value of the total settlement
on the basis of the determined pile base bearing capacity Rb and the pile skin bearing
capacity Rs .
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by means of the Spring Method: the program analyses the loading curve on the basis
of set parameters of soils using the Finite Element Method.

The PILES program constructs the loading curve (the so-called working diagram) for all
of the methods.

The settlement of a pile group is described in Chapter 18, the settlement of piles designed
on the basis of penetration tests CPT is presented in Chapter 16.

Program selection:
1. the decision according to the stiffness of the base slab (pile cap). When the pile cap
is considered to be infinitely stiff, the Pile Group solution is used. In the other cases
we investigate single piles.

2. the decision according the results of geological survey. If results of CPT tests
are available, the Pile CPT program is used for the analysis of the single pile or the pile
group (see Chapter 16). In the other cases the program Piles (or Pile Group) is used
for the solution, on the basis of the set soil parameters.

Distinguished according to the analysis type are:

analysis for drained conditions: effective parameters of shear strength of soils ef , cef
are used in the Piles and Pile Group programs as a standard for analysis methods
CSN 73 1002 and Effective stress;
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

analysis for undrained conditions: only the value of the total soil cohesion cu is set
in the Piles and Pile Group programs. The vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile
is determined according to Tomlinson, whilst a pile group is analysed as the loadbearing capacity of a soil cylinder (block) according to the FHWA.

The NAVFAC DM 7.2 method combines both of the above-mentioned analysis procedures.
It is possible for each soil layer to choose whether the soil is considered as drained
(cohesionless) or undrained (cohesive).

General specification of the problem:

Analyse the vertical load-bearing capacity and settlement of a pile foundation (see the Chart)
in the set geological profile; further determine the horizontal deformation of the piles
and propose reinforcement for individual piles. The pile foundation consists of four bored piles
with the diameter d 1.0 m and length l 12.0 m . The resultant of the total loading
N , M y , H x acts at the level of the upper surface of the foundation slab (pile cap)

namely in the slab centre. C 20/25 reinforced concrete is used for the piles.

Loads acting on piles:

For the problem simplification we will always consider 1 loading case in the program.
The determination of loads acting on the pile foundation is different depending on the structure
type and subsequent solution, i.e. whether we solve a single pile or a pile group.

Pile Group
We assume that the slab joining the piles is stiff. In our case we will consider a pile cap
with the thickness t 1.0 m . In this case we determine the total reaction in the pile cap centre.

Note: A simple method of obtaining loads on a pile group using any of the static programs
is described in the Help for the Pile Group program Determination of loading on a pile

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a) Design (calculation) loads:

Vertical normal force:

N 5680 kN ,

Bending moment:

M y 480 kNm ,

Horizontal force

H x 310 kN .

b) Imposed (working) loads:

Vertical normal force:

N 4000 kN ,

Bending moment:

M y 320 kNm ,

Horizontal force:

H x 240 kN .

Problem specification chart pile foundation

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Single piles:
If the slab is soft in bending (non-stiff) or the building is founded on a pile cap, the structural
diagram is different and we will obtain reactions at the heads of individual piles from a static
program (e.g. GEO 5 Plate, FIN 3D, SCIA Engineer, Dlubal RStab etc.).

In this example, we will for simplification carry out the pile analysis using only 1 loading case.

a) Design loading:
Vertical normal force:

N1 1450 kN ,

Bending moment:

M y ,1 120 kNm ,

Horizontal force:

H x ,1 85 kN .

b) Service loading:
Vertical normal force:

N1 1015 kN ,

Bending moment:

M y ,1 80 kNm ,

Horizontal force:

H x ,1 60 kN .

Loads action chart distribution of loading among individual single piles

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Note: If we assume identical dimensions and reinforcement of piles, we can assess all piles
as one pile, but with loading combinations acting on all piles.

Geological profile
0.0 to 6.0 m:

Sandy Clay (CS, consistency firm),

down from 6,0 m:

Sand with trace of fines (S-F, medium dense soil).

Note: The basic soil parameters are the same as for the calculation of single piles
and for the verification of the pile group. Their values are given in the following table.

Sandy Clay (CS)

consistency firm

Sand with trace

of fines (S-F)
medium dense soil





14,0 / 50,0


Angle of internal friction ef



Adhesion factor


Bearing capacity coefficient p



Poissons ratio



Oedometric modulus Eoed MPa



Deformation modulus E def MPa



(cohesive soil)

Sand, gravel
(cohesionless soil)








Soil parameters / Classification

Unit weight kN m 3

Unit weight of satur. soil sat kN m 3

Cohesion of soil cef / cu kPa

Type of soil
Angle of dispersion

Coefficient k MN m 3

Modulus of horizont. comp. n h MN m 3

Modulus of elasticity E MPa

Table with the soil parameters pile foundations (summary)

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

List of chapters related to pile foundations:

Chapter 13:

Pile foundations

Chapter 14:

Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile

Chapter 15:

Analysis of single pile settlement

Chapter 16:

CPT tests based pile analysis

Chapter 17:

Analysis of horizontal load-bearing capacity of a single pile

Chapter 18:

Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity and settlement of a pile group

Chapter 19:

Analysis of deformation and pile group dimensioning.

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Chapter 14. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile

The objective of this chapter is to explain the application of the GEO 5 PILES program
for the analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile to a specified
practical problem.

Problem specification:
General problem specification is described in the previous chapter (13. Pile foundations
Introduction). All analyses of the vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile shall be carried
out in compliance with requirements of EN 1997-1 (Design approach 2). The resultant
of loading components N 1 , M y ,1 , H x ,1 acts at the pile head level.

Problem specification chart single pile

We will apply the GEO 5 PILES program to the analysis of this problem. In the text
below we will describe the solution to this example step by step.

In this analysis we will assess a single pile using various analytical calculation methods
(NAVFAC DM 7.2, EFETIVE STRESS and CSN 73 1002) and will focus ourselves
on the input parameters which influence overall results. In new versions of the GEO 5 Piles
program there will be more methods available; at the moment (July 2013) the Russian SNiP

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

and Chinese GB are being worked on. The system of working with the program will remain
completely unchanged.

Specification definition:
We click on the Select Settings button (at the bottom left of the screen) in the Settings
frame and then we select the Standard EN 1997 DA2 analysis setting. Further we set
the method of the analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a pile using the analytical
solution. In our case we will assess the pile in drained conditions.

Dialog window Setting list

We will use the NAVFAC DM 7.2 method, which is set by default for this analysis
setting, for the initial assessment of the pile (see the picture).

Frame Analysis settings

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In the next step we will specify the geological profile. We will leave the Modulus k h
out, because of the fact that in this analysis we dont analyse the lateral load. In our case
it therefore doesnt matter which value is specified for the Dispersion angle ,
because this parameter will not at all affect the resulting value of the vertical load-bearing
capacity of the pile.

Further we will define the other parameters of soils required for the analysis and assign
them to the profile. The NAVFAC DM 7.2 method requires that the soil type is defined first,
i.e. whether it is a cohesive or cohesionless soil layer. All below-listed parameters influence
the magnitude of skin friction Rs kN .

(Soil classification)
CS Sandy clay,
firm consistency
S-F Sand with trace of
fines, medium dense soil

Angle of

of soil
cef / cu kPa





- / 50







kN m 3

Table with the soil parameters Vertical bearing capacity (analytical solution)

For the 1st layer, which is considered as undrained cohesive soil (class F4,
firm consistency), we must in addition specify the total soil cohesion (undrained shear strength)

cu kPa and the so-called adhesion factor . This factor is determined relative to the soil
consistency, pile material and total soil cohesion (for more details visit Help F1).
For the 2nd layer, which is considered as cohesionless soil (class S3, medium dense),
we must in addition specify the angle of skin friction , which depends on the pile material.
Further we must define the coefficient of lateral stress K , which is affected by the type
of loading (tension pressure) and by the pile installation technology (for more details visit
Help F1). For the problem simplification we will select the option calculate for both
of the two variants.

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Dialogue window Add new soils

In the Material frame, we will specify material characteristics of the pile unit weight
of the structure 23.0 kN m 3 .

Subsequently we will define the load acting on the pile. The design (calculation) loading
is considered for the calculation of the vertical load-bearing capacity of the pile,
while the service load is considered for the calculation of settlement.

Dialogue window New load

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

In the Geometry frame we will specify the circular cross-section of the pile
and further determine its basic dimensions, i.e. the diameter and length. Subsequently we will
define the type of the pile installation technology.

Geometry frame
We will leave the GWT + subsoil frame out. In the Stage settings frame we will
leave the permanent design situation and then we will go over to the assessment of the pile
using the Vertical capacity frame.

Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile NAVFAC DM 7.2 analysis

First we must specify in the frame Vertical capacity the calculation parameters
affecting the magnitude of the pile base bearing capacity Rb kN . First we will define
the critical depth k dc analysis coefficient, which is derived from the so-called critical depth
depending on the soil density (for more details visit Help F1). We will consider
this coefficient as k dc 1,0 .

Another important parameter is the coefficient of bearing capacity

N q ,

which is determined according to the size of the soil internal friction angle ef relative
to the pile installation technology (for more details visit Help F1). In this case we will
consider N q 10.0 .

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Vertical capacity frame assessment according to NAVFAC DM 7.2

The design vertical bearing capacity of a centrally loaded pile Rc kN consists
of the sum of the skin friction R s and the resistance on pile base Rb . To meet the condition
for reliability, its value must be higher than the magnitude of the design load Vd kN
acting on the pile head.

Rc 2219.06 kN Vd 1450.0 kN SATISFACTORY.

Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile EFFECTIVE STRESS analysis

Now we will get back to the input data settings and will carry out the analysis
of the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile for the other analysis methods (Effective stress
and CSN 73 1002).
In the Settings frame we will click on the Edit button. In the Piles tab sheet,
at the drained conditions calculation, we will select the Effective stress option.
The other parameters will remain unchanged.

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Dialogue window Edit current settings

Then we will proceed to the Soils frame, where we in addition define for this analysis
method the coefficient of pile bearing capacity p , which affects the magnitude of skin
friction Rs kN . This parameter is determined according to the soil internal friction angle

ef and the soil type (for more details visit Help F1).

Dialogue window Modification of soil parameters

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The other frames remain unchanged. Now we will get back to the Vertical capacity
frame. For the Effective Stress method we must first specify the value of the coefficient
of bearing capacity N p , which significantly affects the pile base bearing capacity Rb kN .
This parameter is determined according to the size of the soil internal friction angle ef
and the soil type (for more details visit Help F1).

The significant influence of this parameter on the result is demonstrated

by the following table:
for N p 10 (pile base in clayey soil):

Rb 1542.44 kN ,

for N p 30 (pile base in sandy soil):

Rb 4626.71 kN ,

for N p 60 (pile base in gravelly soil):

Rb 9253.42 kN .

For our particular problem specification we consider the coefficient of bearing capacity
N p 30 (the pile base in sandy soil). The guidance values of N p can be found in Help for

more details visit F1.

Vertical capacity frame assessment according to the Effective Stress method


Rc 6172.8 kN Vd 1450.0 kN SATISFACORY.

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Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile CSN 73 1002 analysis method
Now we will get back to the frame in the Settings frame, where we will change
the analysis method for drained conditions in the dialogue window Edit current settings
to CSN 73 1002. All of the other input parameters will remain unchanged.

Dialogue window Edit current settings

Note: The analysis procedure is presented in the publication Pile foundations Comments on
CSN 73 1002 (Chapter 15: Designing, part B General solution according to group 1
of the limit states theory, page 15). All program procedures are based on the relationships
contained in this text, with the exception of calculation coefficients, which depend
on the assessment methodology adopted (for more details visit Help - F1).
Subsequently we will re-assess the pile in the Vertical capacity frame. We will leave
the coefficient of technological influence equal to 1.0 (the analysis of vertical load-bearing
capacity of a pile without the reduction due to the installation technology).

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Vertical capacity assessment according to CSN 73 1002 frame

CSN 73 1002:

Rc 5776.18 kN Vd 1450.0 kN SATISFACTORY.

Vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile analysis results:

The values of the total vertical bearing capacity Rc of a pile differ depending
on the analysis methods used and the input parameters assumed by these methods:

adhesion factor ,
pile skin friction angle ,
coefficient of lateral soil stress K ,
critical depth analysis coefficient k dc ,
coefficient of bearing capacity N q .


coefficient of pile bearing capacity p ,

coefficient of bearing capacity N p .

CSN 73 1002:

soil cohesion cef kPa ,

soil internal friction angle ef .

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The results of the analysis of the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile in drained
conditions relative to the analysis method used are presented in the following table:

EN 1997-1, DA2
(drained conditions)
Analysis method

Pile skin bearing

Rs kN

Pile base bearing

Rb kN

Vertical bearing
Rc kN

CSN 73 1002




Summary of results Vertical bearing capacity of pile in drained conditions

The total vertical bearing capacity of a centrally loaded single pile Rc is higher
than the value of the design load Vd acting on it. The fundamental reliability condition
for the ultimate limit state is met; the pile design is therefore satisfactory.

It follows from the analysis results that the total vertical bearing capacity of a pile
is different. This fact is caused both by the different input parameters and by the chosen
analysis method.

The assessment of piles depends first of all on the chosen analysis method and input
parameters describing the soil. Designers should always use such calculation procedures
for which they have required soil parameters available resulting from the results of engineering
geological surveys and which reflect local practices.

It is certainly improper to assess a pile using all analysis methods contained

in the program and choose the best or the worst results.

For the Czech and Slovak Republics the GEO 5 software authors recommend
calculating the vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile using the following two methods:

a) An analysis taking into consideration the value of the allowable settlement

slim 25 mm (the procedure according to Masopust, which is based on the solution

to regression curves equations).
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b) An analysis according to CSN 73 1002. The pile analysis procedure remains identical
with that contained in CSN, but the loading and calculation coefficients reducing
the soil parameters or the pile resistance are specified according to EN 1997-1.
This analysis therefore fully complies with EN 1997-1.

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Chapter 15. Analysis of a single pile settlement

The objective of this chapter is to explain the application of the GEO 5 PILES program
for the analysis of the settlement of a single pile to a specified practical problem.

Problem specification:
The general problem specification is described in chapter 13. Pile foundations Introduction.
All analyses of the single pile settlement shall be carried out as a follow-up to the previous
problem presented in chapter 14. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile.

Problem specification chart single pile

We will apply the GEO 5 PILES program to the analysis of this problem. In the text
below we will describe the solution to this example step by step.

In this analysis we will calculate the settlement of a single pile using the following
linear settlement theory (according to Prof. Poulos),
nonlinear settlement theory (according to Masopust).

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Linear loading curve (solution according to Poulos) is determined from the results
of the calculation of the vertical bearing capacity of the pile. The fundamental input
into the calculation comprises the pile skin bearing capacity and pile base bearing capacity
values Rs and Rb . These values are obtained from the previous analysis of the vertical
bearing capacity of a single pile in dependence on the method applied (NAVFAC DM 7.2,
Effective Stress, CSN 73 1002 or Tomlinson).

Nonlinear loading curve (solution according to Masopust) is based on the specification using
the so-called regression coefficients. The result is therefore independent of the load-bearing
capacity analysis methods and can be therefore used even for the determination of the vertical
bearing capacity of a single pile, where the capacity corresponds to the allowable settlement
(usually 25 mm).

Specification procedure: The linear settlement theory (POULOS)

We will leave the analysis settings unchanged as Standard EN 1997 DA2
according to the previous problem, the analysis of bearing capacity according to NAVFAC DM
7.2. The linear loading curve (Poulos) has already been specified for these analysis settings.

Analysis settings frame

Note: The analysis of the limit loading curve is based on the theory of elasticity.
Ground is described by the modulus of deformation E def and Poissons ratio .

This method makes the determination of the limit loading curve possible for the following
end-bearing piles: suitable for common soil types, e.g. medium dense and dense
cohesionless soils (sands, gravels), stiff and hard clays, hard rock and semi-rock
sub-grade in this case the pile base transfers part of the load to the soil.
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floating piles: suitable for the use in soft clays, floating sands and fine-grained
cohesive soils (loess) in this case zero pile base bearing capacity Rb is assumed.

In this case the pile is installed in sands, therefore we will consider it as an end-bearing
pile. The basic calculation condition is that the specific skin friction R sy is determined
for the moment when the pile skin bearing capacity no more increases and other loading
is transferred only by the pile base (for more details visit Help F1).

In the next step we will define the deformational properties of soils required
for the analysis of settlement, i.e. oedometric modulus E oed , or deformation modulus E def
and Poissons ratio .

(Soil classification)
CS Sandy clay,
firm consistency
S-F Sand with trace of
fines, medium dense soil

kN m 3

Angle of

Cohesion Poissons
of soil
cef kPa

Eoed MPa











Soil parameters table Settlement of single pile

For the purpose of analysing the settlement of a single pile we will define the service
(working) load.

Dialogue window New load

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We will leave the other frames out because they remain unchanged. Then we will go
over to the settlement analysis in the Settlement frame.
We will specify the secant modulus of deformation E s MPa for individual soil types
using the edit E s button.
For the 1st layer of cohesive soil (class CS, I c 0.5 ) we will set the recommended
value of the secant modulus of deformation E s 17.0 MPa . For the 2nd layer of cohesionless
soil (class S-F, I d 0.5 ) we will assume the secant modulus of deformation value
E s 24.0 MPa according to the table.

Dialogue window Input for load settlement curve secant modulus of deformation E s

Note: The secant modulus of deformation E s depends on the pile diameter and the thickness
of individual soil layers. The values of this modulus should be determined on the basis of in-situ
tests. Its value for cohesionless and cohesive soils further depends on the relative density
index I d and the consistency index I c , respectively.

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Settlement frame Linear loading curve (solution according to Poulos)

Further we will set the limit settlement, which is the maximum settlement value
for which the loading curve is calculated. We will click on In detail button and will present
subtract the settlement value calculated for the maximum service load.

For the vertical bearing capacity analysis using the NAVFAC DM 7.2 the resultant
settlement of the single pile s 11.3 mm .

Single pile settlement analysis: Linear settlement theory (POULOS), the other methods
Now we will get back to the input data settings. In the Settings frame we will click
on the Edit button. In the Piles tab sheet for the analysis for drained conditions we will first
select the option Effective Stress, and then the option CSN 73 1002 for the next analysis.
The other input parameters will remain unchanged.

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Dialogue window Edit current settings

Subsequently we will get back to the Settlement frame, where we will see the results.
The magnitude of the limit settlement slim , the pile type and the secant modulus of deformation
E s remain identical with those used in the previous case.

For the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile determined using the EFFECTIVE
STRESSES method, the resultant settlement s 6.1 mm .

Settlement frame Linear loading curve (according to Poulos) for the Effective Stresses
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

For the vertical bearing capacity of a single pile which is determined for the
CSN 73 1002 method, the analysis of the pile settlement s 6.1 mm .

Settlement frame Linear loading curve (according to Poulos) for the CSN 73 1002 method

Results of the single pile settlement analysis according to the linear theory (Poulos)
in dependence on the vertical bearing capacity analysis method used are presented
in the following table:

Linear loading curve

Analysis method

Load at the onset of

mobilization of skin
friction R yu kN

CSN 73 1002


Total resistance
Rc kN for

slim 25,0 mm

of single pile
s mm

Summary of results Settlement of single pile according to Poulos

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Analysis of single pile settlement: Nonlinear settlement theory (MASOPUST)

This solution is independent of previous analyses of the vertical bearing capacity of a pile.
The method is based on the solution to regression curves equations according to the results
of static pile loading tests. This solution method is used first of all in the Czech and Slovak
Republics. It provides reliable and conservative results for local engineering geological
We will click on the Edit button in the Settings frame. In the Piles tab sheet
for the loading curve we will choose the nonlinear option (Masopust).

Dialogue window Edit current settings

The other data remains unchanged. Then we will go over to the Settlement frame.

We consider the service load for the nonlinear limit loading curve because this is
the case of the analysis according to the limit state of serviceability. We will leave the shaft
protection factor value at m2 1.0 , therefore we will not reduce the resultant value
of the vertical bearing capacity of the pile with respect to the installation technology.
We will leave the values of the allowable (maximum) settlement slim and secant modulus
of deformation E s identical with those used in previous analyses.

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Settlement frame solution according to the nonlinear settlement theory (Masopust)

Further we will set the values of regression coefficients using the Edit a, b and Edit
e, f buttons. When editing is being carried out, values of regression coefficients recommended
for various types of soils and rocks are displayed in the dialogue window.

Dialogue window Input for load settlement curve regression coefficients a, b (e, f)
Note: The specific skin friction depends on regression coefficients a, b. The stress on the pile
base (at fully mobilised skin friction) depends on regression coefficients e, f. The values
of these regression coefficients were derived from regression curves equations determined
on the basis of a statistical analysis of results of about 350 static pile loading tests in the Czech
and Slovak Republics (for more details visit Help F1). For cohesionless soils and cohesive
soils, these values depend on the relative density index I d and the consistence index I c ,
respectively (for more details visit Help F1).
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The pile settlement for the specific service load s 4.6 mm .

Settlement frame Nonlinear loading curve (according to Masopust)

Note: This method is used even for the pile load-bearing capacity analysis, where the program
calculates on its own the pile bearing capacity for the limit settlement (usually 25 mm).
Total load-bearing capacity for slim : Rc 1681.67 kN Vd 1015.0 kN Satisfactory.

The program calculated the pile settlement for the specified service load to be within
the range of 4.6 to 11.2 mm (depending on the method used). This settlement is smaller
than the maximum allowable settlement the pile is satisfactory from the 2nd limit state point
of view.

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Chapter 16. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity and settlement of

piles investigated on the basis of CPT tests
The objective of this chapter is to explain the use of the GEO 5 CPT PILE program.

Problem specification:
The general problem specification is described in the previous chapter (13. Pile foundations
Introduction). Analyse the load-bearing capacity and settlement of a single pile, or a pile group
according to the EN 1997-2.

Problem specification chart single pile investigated according to CPT tests

We will apply the GEO 5 CPT PILE program to the analysis of this problem.
In the text below we will describe the solution to this example step by step.
We will click on the Select setting button (at the bottom left of the screen)
in the Settings list frame and then we will choose the Standard EN 1997 analysis settings.
The design approach is not important, the analysis is carried out in accordance
with the EN 1997-2 standard: Geotechnical Design Part 2: Ground investigation and testing.

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Dialogue window Settings list

In the first analysis we will assess a single pile, we therefore will not specify
the reduction of correlation coefficients 3 , 4 . We will not take the influence of the negative
skin friction into consideration. In this frame it is also possible to specify the partial factor
of model uncertainty, which is used for reducing the total calculated bearing capacity of the pile
we will leave the standard value of 1.0.

Settings frame
Note: Correlation coefficients 3 , 4 , thus even the total bearing capacity of the pile, depend
on the number of completed CPT tests. When we have got more completed CPT tests available,
the magnitude of the correlation coefficients is smaller. For 1 completed static penetration test
the values are 3 , 4 1.4 according to Table A.10 - Correlation coefficients for deriving
characteristic values of pile capacities from ground tests presented in EN 1997-1
(Part A.3.3.3).

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

In the next step we will define the parameters of soil types to be used in the analysis
and will assign them to the profile. For the assessment according EN 1997-2 we must first
define the soil type, whether the soil layer is clayey or sandy or gravelly. The soil type
determines the magnitude of coefficients for the calculation of skin friction and the pile base
bearing capacity.

Further we will set the internal friction angle size and the volume weight. We will leave
the calculated skin friction reducing coefficient s with the possibility of additional
calculation the program allows users to enter these values in special cases by hand, but using
coefficients according to respective standards is a common procedure (for more details
visit Help F1).

Dialogue window Add new soils Clayey soil (class F4)

In the cases of sandy and gravelly soils we must in addition enter the size of grains
and the overconsolidation ratio (OCR). This parameter reduces the value of maximum stress
on pile base p max, pata MPa . In our particular case we consider this value as OCR 2.0
and the grain size as sand finer than 600 nm . (For more details visit Help F1).

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Dialogue window Add new soils Sand with trace of fines (class S3)
In the Type of construction frame we will choose the single pile option.
Then we will enter the maximum magnitude of vertical load acting on the pile. The design load
and service load are used for the pile bearing capacity analysis and the pile settlement analysis,

Type of construction frame

In the Geometry frame we will enter the pile material and cross-section, specify basic
dimensions, i.e. the pile diameter and length in soil. Subsequently we will define the pile
execution technology. In this particular case we have bored piles, with the borehole uncased
or stabilised with drilling mud.

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

We will maintain the calculation of the coefficient of pile base resistance p ,

with the possibility of additional calculation (similarly to coefficient s ).

Geometry frame
In the Import CPT frame we will import completed tests into the program.
In this particular case we will import the CPT tests into the program in the *.TXT format
(using the Import button), for which we will choose the metric unit system m, MPa, kPa .
Clicking on the Show button will open the preview of the given file from which we will
import the respective data. Then we will confirm everything by the Import button.

Dialog window Import CPT

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Dialogue window Edit test

Now we will go over to the verification of the single pile using the Bearing capacity
frame, in which we will check the calculation results. By clicking on the In Detail button
we will in addition show intermediate results for the vertical pile bearing capacity analysis.

Dialogue window Verification (detailed) Vertical bearing capacity

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

The vertical bearing capacity of a pile Rc ,d consists of the summary of skin friction
and pile base resistance (for more details visit Help F1). To meet the reliability condition,
its value must be higher than the magnitude of the acting design load Fs ,d .

EN 1997-2:

Rc ,d 4505.12 kN Fs ,d 1450.0 kN SATISFACTORY.

Subsequently we will go over to the Settlement frame, displaying the ultimate loading
curve for the pile and the results of the total pile settlement w1,d 2.2 mm for service load
Fs 1015 kN .

Settlement frame Ultimate loading curve (working diagram) for a pile

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Specification procedure and analysis: Pile group

Now we will carry out the assessment of a pile group with a rigid grid. In the Settings
frame we will choose the option Reduce coefficients 3 , 4 (rigid structure).

Settings frame

Note: Characteristic values of bearing capacities Rb;k and R s ;k will be determined according
to the following relationship, which is contained in EN 1997-1 (clause Ultimate
compressive resistance from ground test results:

Rc;k Rb;k Rs;k

Rb;cal Rs;cal


Rc;cal mean Rc;cal min



Correlation coefficients 3 , 4 depend on the number of tests (testing profiles) n;

they will be applied to:
average bearing capacity value Rc;cal mean Rb;cal Rs ;cal mean ,
highest values of the calculated bearing capacity Rc;cal min Rb;cal Rs ;cal min .

Then we will go over to the Construction frame, where we will define parameters
required for the pile group analysis. We will consider the pile foundation (pile cap with piles)
to be a rigid structure, where it is assumed that all piles settle equally. Further we will set
the number of piles n 4 .

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Construction frame

The other frames remain unchanged.

Now we will get back to the Bearing capacity frame, where the assessment results
are displayed.

Dialogue window Verification (detailed) Vertical bearing capacity

EN 1997-2:

Rc ,d 19 822.54 kN Fs ,d 5 800.0 kN SATISFACTORY.

The vertical bearing capacity of the pile or the pile group being assessed is satisfactory.
The main advantage of the CPT tests based analysis is its speed and unambiguousness.
This procedure is precisely described in EN 1997-2: Geotechnical Design Part 2: Ground
investigation and testing and the often ambiguous defining of strength-related parameters
is not necessary.

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Chapter 17. Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile

The objective of this chapter is to explain the use of the GEO 5 PILE program for the analysis
of horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile.

Problem specification:
The general problem specification is described in the previous chapter (13. Pile foundations
Introduction). Carry out all calculations for the horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile as a
follow-up to the previous problem presented in chapter 14. Analysis of vertical load-bearing
capacity of a single pile. The resultant of loading components N 1 , M y ,1 , H x ,1 acts at the pile
head level. Calculate pile dimensions in accordance with EN 1992-1.

Problem specification chart single pile

We will apply the GEO 5 PILES program to the analysis of this problem. In the text
below we will describe the solution to this example step by step.

The laterally loaded pile is analysed by the Finite Element Method as a beam resting
on an elastic Winkler medium. Parameters of soils along the pile length are characterised by the
modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil.
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

The program contains more possibilities how to determine the modulus of reaction
of subsoil. Methods with linear course (Linear, Matlock and Reese) are suitable
for cohesionless









are rather for cohesive soils. The calculation method for the modulus k h in accordance
with CSN 73 1004 combines both approaches.

In the first part of this chapter we will carry out the calculation using the constant
modulus of reaction of subsoil; in the second part we will compare differences existing
when other methods are used.

Specification definition:
The general analysis settings, values of specified loads and the geological profile
including basic strength-related parameters of soils remain unchanged.
We will choose the constant modulus in the Modulus k h frame.

Modulus k h frame

Note: The constant course of the modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil depends
on the modulus of deformation of soil E def MPa and the reduced pile width

r m

(for more details visit Help F1).

Subsequently, in the parameters of soils, we will set the value of the angle of dispersion

within the range


ef . This coefficient is therefore determined relative

to the internal soil friction angle size (for more details visit Help F1).

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

(Soil classification)

kN m 3

Angle of internal
friction ef

Angle of

of soil









CS Sandy clay,
firm consistency
S-F Sand with trace of
fines, medium dense soil

Table with the soil parameters Horizontal bearing capacity of single pile
In the Material frame, we will specify the pile characteristics the unit weight
of the structure,









for the dimensioning of the pile shaft.

Material frame
Now we will go over to the Horizontal capacity frame, where we determine the value
of the maximum horizontal deformation at the pile head, the course of the internal forces along
the pile length and results of the pile dimensioning for the assessment of concrete
reinforcement in the direction of the maximum effect.

Horizontal bearing capacity frame Assessment for constant course of modulus k h

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Note: The boundary condition for the pile fixing at the pile base is modelled first of all
in the cases of end-bearing piles with bases in hard rock or semi-rock sub-grade (it is not
this case). The boundary conditions at pile head are applied when the so-called deformation
load is used, where only the angular rotation and deformation at pile head are set
in the program, without setting the force load (for more details visit Help F1).

Constant course of the modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil k h , internal forces

along the pile length

In this frame we will carry out dimensioning of the pile reinforcement. We will design
longitudinal structural reinforcement 18 pcs 16 mm and minimum concrete cover
of 60 mm, corresponding to the environmental exposure grade XC1.

In the case being solved we consider the reinforcement ratio for the laterally loaded
single pile in accordance with CSN EN 1536: Execution of special geotechnical works - Bored
piles (Table 4 Minimum reinforcement of bored piles). This possibility is set in the program
as the Pile.

Cross-sectional area of the pile:

Area of longitudinal reinforcement:

Ac m 2

As m 2

Ac 0.5 m 2

As 0.5 % Ac

0.5 m 2 Ac 1.0 m 2

As 0.0025 m 2

Ac 1.0 m 2

As 0.25 % Ac

EN 1536: Table 4 Minimum reinforcement of bored piles

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Note: It is better for compressed elements to use the reinforcement ratio as if it is

for a column, whilst a beam is better for piles subjected to bending. For a combination of
vertical and lateral loading the CSN EN 1536 prescribes the minimum reinforcement ratio for
bored piles corresponding to the proportion of the reinforcement sectional area to concrete
area (for more details visit Help F1).

We observe the use of the bending-subjected pile cross-section and the condition for the
minimum reinforcement ratio in the pile dimensioning results.

Dialogue Window Verification (detailed)

Analysis results
Within the framework of the assessment of the laterally loaded single pile,
we are interested











the maximum deformations and the use of the pile cross-section. For the constant course of the
modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil k h the resultant values are as follows:
Maximum pile deformation:

u max 4.2 mm .

Maximum shear force:

Qmax 85.0 kN .

Maximum bending moment:

M max 120.0 kNm .

RC pile bearing capacity:

16.3 %


Pile reinforcement ratio:

77.5 %


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Comparison of results of various methods of the determination of the modulus of subsoil

The values and course of the modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil k h vary
depending on different analysis methods used and input soil parameters, which affect it:

angle of dispersion ,

LINEAR (Bowles):

angle of dispersion ,

coefficient k MN m 3 according to the soil type,

According to CSN 73 1004: cohesive, or cohesionless soil,

Modulus of horizontal compressibility n h MN m 3 ,

modulus of elasticity E MPa .

According to VESIC:

In this calculation, we will set input values in the program using Help (see F1)
as follows:

Modulus of subsoil
reaction k h MN m 3

Angle of

k MN m 3

Modulus of horizontal
of elasticity
n h MN m 3

10 CS

LINEAR (Bowles)

CSN 73 1004

15 S-F


10 CS

60 CS

15 S-F

150 S-F





Cohesive soil CS, firm consistency


Cohesionless soil S-F, medium dense


5,0 CS



15,5 S-F


Summary table of soil parameters for horizontal bearing capacity of single pile

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Now we will get back to the setting of input data; we will always change the respective method
of the calculation of the modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil and then we will add
remaining parameters of soils. We will carry out the procedure for the following methods:
using the linear course (according to Bowles),
according to CSN 73 1004,
according to Vesic.

Linear course of the modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil k h , internal forces

Course of modulus of subsoil reaction k h according to CSN 73 1004, internal forces

Course of modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil k h according to Vesic, internal forces

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Results of the analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of single pile:

The results of the analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile relative
to the method used for the calculation of the modulus of horizontal reaction of subsoil k h
are presented in the following table:

Modulus of subsoil
reaction k h MN m 3

LINEAR (Bowles)
CSN 73 1004

Max. pile
u max mm

Max. bending
M max kNm

RC pile bearing
capacity %




Summary of results Horizontal bearing capacity and dimensioning of single pile

It follows from the calculation results that the observed values of internal forces
along the pile length and the maximum deformations at the pile head are slightly different,
but the influence of the chosen method of the modulus of subsoil reaction calculation
is not crucial.

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Chapter 18. Analysis of vertical load bearing capacity and settlement of a

pile group
The objective of this chapter is to explain the application of the GEO 5 PILE GROUP

Analyses in the Pile Group program can be divided into two groups:
Spring Method,
analytical solutions.

The Spring Method makes the calculation of the deformation of the entire pile foundation and
determination of internal forces along the lengths of individual piles possible.
Loading is defined as a general spatially acting combination of N , M x , M y , M z , H x , H y .
An important result is rotation and displacement of the rigid pile cap and further the
dimensioning of the reinforcement cage for individual piles. The Spring Method is dealt with in
the following chapter 19. Analysis of deformation and dimensioning of a pile group.

The analytical solution is intended for analysing vertical bearing capacity of a pile group
loaded solely by a vertical normal force. The analysis result comprises the vertical bearing
capacity of the pile foundation and the average settlement of the pile.

The analytical solution is further divided according to the soil type:

for cohesive soils,
for cohesionless soils.

The vertical bearing capacity of a pile group in cohesive soil is considered to be

in undrained conditions. It is determined as the bearing capacity of an earth body in the form
of a prism drawn around the pile group according to the FHWA. Only the total soil cohesion
(undrained shear strength) cu is specified for the analysis purpose.

The settlement of a pile group in cohesive soil (in undrained conditions) is based
on the calculation of the settlement of a substitute spread foundation (the so-called
consolidation settlement of pile group or, abbreviated, the 2:1 method).
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

For the purpose of this pile group settlement assessment the analysis incorporates the influence
of the foundation depth and of the thickness of the deformation zone according
to the methodology for assessing the settlement of spread foundations. It is possible
in the Czech and Slovak Republics to apply the procedure according to CSN 73 1001 Ground
under spread foundations to the analysis of pile group settlement.

The assessment of a pile group in cohesionless soil is based on procedures identical

with those used for the analysis of a single pile in cohesionless soil (chapter 14. Analysis
of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile). The only introduced addition is the so-called
efficiency of pile group reducing the total vertical bearing capacity of pile foundation.

The loading curve for a pile group in cohesionless soil is constructed in the same way
as the curve for a single pile (chapter 15. Analysis of single pile settlement) according to
Prof. H. G. Poulos, with the exception of the total settlement of the pile group,
which is increased by the so-called group settlement factor g f , which allows for the group
effect of individual piles. The extent of this parameter depends on the geometrical arrangement
of the pile group.

Problem specification:
The general problem specification is described in the previous chapter (13. Pile foundations
Introduction). Carry out all calculations for the vertical bearing capacity of a pile group
in accordance with EN 1997-1 (DA 2) relative to the problem 14. Analysis of vertical loadbearing capacity of a single pile. The resultant of the total loading comprising N , M y , H x
acts at the upper base of the pile cap, just in its centre.

Problem specification chart pile group

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

We will use the GEO 5 PILE GROUP program for this problem analysis.
For the problem simplification and acceleration of the setting of general problem parameters
(the design, soil, assigning and the profile) we will use the possibility of importing data
from the problem 14. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of a single pile.

In this analysis we will assess the pile group according to analytical calculation methods
(NAVFAC DM 7.2, EFFECTIVE STRESS a CSN 73 1002) identical with those applied to
a single pile. We will focus ourselves on other input parameters affecting the overall results.

Specification procedure:
In the Settings frame we will click on the Setting list button and then we will
choose the Standard EN 1997 DA2calculation setting. We will maintain the calculation
system using the analytical solution. In our particular case we will consider the type of soil
to be cohesionless soil because we will assess the piles in drained conditions.

Dialogue window Setting list

Settings frame

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

We will use the possibility of importing the data, avoiding the necessity of setting all
input data again. We will start to solve the problem 14. Analysis of vertical bearing capacity of
a single pile in the GEO 5 Piles program; on the upper tool bar we will click on the Edit
button and then we will select the Copy data option. Subsequently, in the GEO 5 Pile
Group in the file being edited by us, we will again click on the Edit button on the upper tool
bar and choose the Paste data option. Through this step the data required for the analysis
will be transferred and a significant part of the work with inserting input data will be facilitated.

Dialogue window Insert data

Now we will go over to the Structure frame. We will specify ground plan dimensions
of the base slab (the pile cap), the number of piles in the group, their diameter and spacing
on centres (between piles in direction x , or y ).

Structure frame

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Subsequently, in the Geometry frame, we will define the depth from ground surface, the pile
head offset, the pile cap thickness and the lengths of all piles in the group. Individual piles
in the group have equal diameters and lengths.
In the Material frame we will specify the unit weight of the structure

23.0 kN m 3 . Subsequently we will define the loading. The pile group vertical bearing
capacity is analysed using design loads, whilst service load is used for the settlement analysis.

Dialogue window New load Design (calculation) load

Dialogue window New load service (imposed) load

We will carry out the pile group assessment in the Vertical capacity frame.
To meet the condition of reliability, value R g must be bigger than the magnitude of the acting
design load Vd (for more details visit Help F1). For the NAVFAC DM 7.2 analysis method
and the pile group efficiency La Barr (CSN 73 1002) according to the initial analysis settings,
the results of the vertical bearing capacity of the pile group are as follows:
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

La Barr (CSN 73 1002):

g 0.84 .
Rg 7491.90 kN Vd 6991.86 kN Satisfactory.

Note: The calculated vertical bearing capacity of a pile group in cohesionless soil must be
reduced because individual piles statically affect each other. The assessment in the program
contains several methods of determining the pile group efficiency g . This dimensionless figure
(usually within the range 0.5 to 1.0) reduces the pile group total vertical bearing capacity R g
with respect to:
the number of piles in group n x , n y ;
the spacing of piles in group on centres s x , s y ;
the diameter of piles in group d .
The pile group efficiency g depends solely on the set pile group geometry, not on the analysis

Further we can check the vertical bearing capacity even for other methods
of the determination of pile group efficiency g . We will go over back to the Settings frame.
We will click on the Edit button at the bottom left of the screen and will select step by step
remaining possibilities UFC 3-220-01A, or Seiler-Keeney in the Pile group tab sheet.

Dialogue window Edit current settings

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

For the other analysis methods, the procedure in the program is analogical
with the problem solution 14. Analysis of vertical bearing capacity of a single pile.

The results of the analysis of the vertical bearing capacity of a pile group
in cohesionless soil (i.e. in drained conditions) relative to the method used and the pile group
efficiency g are presented in the following table:

La Barr (CSN 73 1002):

g 0.84 ,

UFC 3-220-01A:

g 0.80 ,


g 0.99 .

EN 1997-1, DA2
(cohesionless soil)
Analysis method

of pile group



CSN 73 1002

Bearing capacity
of single pile
Rc kN





Bearing capacity
of pile group
R g kN
20 840.41
19 572.96
24 560.34
19 501.36
18 483.79
22 982.28

Summary of results Vertical bearing capacity of pile group in drained conditions

Conclusion (vertical capacity of pile group):

The calculated vertical bearing capacity of pile group R g in cohesionless soil must be
reduced (using the so-called pile group efficiency g ) because individual piles statically affect
each other. It applies in general that individual piles in a group affect each other more
with the spacing on centres decreased.

The designer should always carefully consider whether to use the calculation in drained
or undrained conditions for the analytical solution to vertical bearing capacity of pile group.
The two calculation types are significantly different.
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Analysis of pile group settlement

The analysis of the pile group settlement is completely identical with that applied to a single
pile, the calculated settlement is in addition multiplied by the group settlement factor g f .

Note: The extent of the group settlement factor g f depends on the geometrical arrangement
of the pile group, i.e. the diameter of piles in the group and the width of the pile cap.

The analysis results are presented in the following table:

Analysis method of
vertical bearing capacity
of pile group

Load at the onset

of mobilization of skin
friction R yu kN

Settlement of pile group

s mm for force V 4000 kN

CSN 73 1002



Summary of results Settlement of pile group according to Poulos

Conclusion (pile group settlement):

It follows from the analysis results that the vertical bearing capacity of a pile group
is different as far as the total settlement is concerned. The analysis of the pile group settlement
in cohesionless soil (drained conditions) is based on the linear settlement theory,
for which the basic input data required for the settlement calculation comprises the values
of skin friction Rs and the resistance on pile base Rb .

In contrast, the settlement of a pile group in cohesive soil (undrained conditions)

is based on the calculation for a substitute spread foundation. In the world this calculation
method is titled the so-called consolidation settlement of a pile group or, abbreviated,
the 2:1 method. For this pile group settlement assessment, the effect of the depth from ground
surface and the deepness of deformation zone in accordance with the methodology
for assessing the settlement of spread foundations is introduced into the calculation.

The two calculation methods significantly differ and provide absolutely different
results. GEO 5 program authors recommend that vertical bearing capacity and settlement
of a pile group should be calculated according to local customs.
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Chapter 19. Analysis of deformation and pile group dimensioning

The objective of this chapter is to explain the application of the GEO 5 PILE GROUP
program to the analysis of angular rotation and displacement of a stiff pile cap,
to the determination of internal forces along the lengths of individual piles and to the pile crosssections dimensioning.

Problem specification:
General problem specification is described in the previous chapter (13. Pile foundations
Introduction). ). All analyses of the vertical load-bearing capacity of a pile group shall be
carried out relative to the previous problem 18. Analysis of vertical bearing capacity
and settlement of pile group. The resultant of the total load comprising N , M y , H x acts
at the upper base of the pile cap, just in its centre. The dimensioning of piles in the group shall
be carried out in accordance with standard EN 1992-1-1 (EC 2), using standard values of partial

Problem specification chart pile group

To solve this problem we will use the GEO 5 PILE GROUP program. For the problem
simplification and acceleration of the setting of general problem parameters we will use all
input data from the problem 18. Analysis of vertical load-bearing capacity of pile group (e.g.
by means of data importing).
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

We will analyse the pile group according to the so-called Spring Method, which models
individual piles as beams on an elastic bed. Each pile is internally divided into ten sections, for
which the values of horizontal and vertical springs are computed. The base slab (pile cap) is
considered to be infinitely stiff. The solution itself is carried out using the deformation variant
of the Finite Element Method.

Specification procedure:
We will change the analysis type in the Settings frame to the Spring method option.
We will consider the connection of piles to the base slab to be stiff, i.e. fixed. It is assumed for
this boundary condition that the bending moment will be transferred in the pile heads.
For the pile bearing at the base we will select the floating piles compute the stiffness
of springs from soil parameters option.

Note: The program makes several options for boundary conditions for the pile bearing
in vertical direction possible. For end-bearing piles, or piles keyed into bedrock,
the vertical stiffness of springs is not specified the pile base is modelled as a joint or a sliding
joint. For floating piles, it is necessary to define the sizes of vertical springs, both on the skin
and then on the pile base. The program makes specifying of the size of springs possible, but it is
mostly reasonable to select the compute the size of springs option. In this case the program
computes the springs from deformational properties of soils for the typical load set (for more
details visit Help F1).

Analysis settings frame spring method

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

The horizontal modulus of subsoil reaction characterises the pile behaviour in the lateral
direction. For this analysis we will consider the modulus k h (inclusive of parameters affecting
its magnitude) to be identical with that used in the single pile solution (see Chapter 17. Analysis
of horizontal bearing capacity of a single pile). In the opening part of this chapter we will carry
out the analysis using the constant modulus of subsoil reaction and, in the second part, we will
compare the differences between the results when other methods are used (linear according to
Bowles, according to CSN 73 1004 and according to Vesic).
In the Material frame we will specify characteristics of individual piles in the group,
i.e. the unit weight of the structure, the concrete type used and longitudinal concrete
reinforcement for the dimensioning of the pile shaft.

Material frame

Subsequently we will define the load. Design load is applied to the dimensioning
of individual piles in the group and the determination of the internal forces curves,
whilst service load is used for the calculation of deformations.

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Dialogue window Edit load Design load

Dialogue window Edit load Service load

In the Vertical springs frame we will select the so-called typical load, which is used
for the calculation of the stiffness of vertical springs. In our case we will choose the Load No.
2 Service option.

Vertical springs Typical load

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Note: In the case of the Typical load option, the service (characteristic) load should be applied,
which best characterises the structure behaviour (for more details visit Help F1). The
procedure for the computation of the vertical springs is as follows:

a) The calculated load is distributed among individual piles.

b) The size of vertical springs on the pile skin and at the base is determined
for individual piles, depending on the load and soil parameters.
The effect of the load on the calculated stiffness is significant for example, the stiffness of the
spring at the base is always zero for a tensioned pile. For that reason it may be advantageous
in some cases to carry out the calculation several times for various typical loads.

Analysis: Spring Method

In the Analysis frame we will carry out the assessment of the pile group for the initial
settings (the constant modulus of subsoil horizontal reaction) and will display the results with
internal force curves.

Analysis frame Spring Method (constant modulus of subsoil reaction)

Note: The stiffness of piles in the group is automatically modified according to their locations.
Piles on the edge and inside the group have the sizes of the horizontal stiffness and shear
stiffness of springs reduced in comparison with a single pile. Springs on pile bases are not
reduced (for more details visit Help F1).

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

Analysis Spring Method (horizontal displacement and rotation of the pile cap,
deformations in the x direction)

The results of the analysis for the initial settings (for maximum deformation) are as follows:
Maximum settlement:

22.6 mm ;

Max. horizontal displacement of pile cap:

2.3 mm ;

Maximum rotation of pile cap:

8.1 10 3 .

Subsequently we will go over to the Dimensioning frame and, similarly to the chapter
5. Analysis of horizontal bearing capacity of single pile, we will propose and assess the main
structural reinforcement of the piles. We will consider identical reinforcement ratio for all piles
in the group 16 pcs 16 mm and the minimum concrete cover of 60 mm, according to the
exposure grade XC1.
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

The reinforcement ratio for a generally loaded pile group is in this case considered to be
in accordance with CSN EN 1536:1999 (identically with that in chapter 17). In the program
this option is set as a pile (for more details visit Help F1).

Dimensioning frame results for all piles in the group from the envelope of loading cases

We observe the utilisation of cross-section of all piles in the group in terms of bending
and the condition for the minimum reinforcement ratio for the overall envelope of load cases:

RC pile bearing capacity:

22.3 %


Reinforcement ratio:

87.2 %


( 0.410 min 0.357 % ).

Analysis results:
The procedure in the program for other analyses is analogical with the procedure
applied to the previous problems. We will always change the method of the calculation
of the modulus of subsoil reaction in the Settings frame and will carry out the assessment
of the pile group in the Analysis and Dimensioning frames. We will record the results
in summary tables.
Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

of subsoil reaction
k h MN m 3

Compressive force
(maximum, minimum)

bending moment

shear force











according to
CSN 73 1004




according to


Summary of results (internal forces) Verification of a pile group (spring method)

of subsoil reaction
k h MN m 3


Max. horizontal

Max. rotation
of pile cap

RC pile bearing




8,1 10 3





1,3 10 2


according to
CSN 73 1004



1,2 10 2


according to



1,5 10 2


Summary of results displacements and dimensioning of a pile group

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

The values of the maximum settlement of the pile group, settlement displacements
and the base slab rotation are within allowable limits.

It follows from the analysis results that the observed values of internal forces
along the length of individual piles and the maximum deformations at pile heads in the group
are slightly different, but the influence of the method selected for the calculation
of the modulus of subsoil reaction k h is not so essential.

The pile reinforcement cage proposed is satisfactory. The main condition for the reinforcement
ratio of piles is also met.

Engineering manuals for GEO5 programs - Part 2

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