Settle3D Liquefaction Theory Manual v4
Settle3D Liquefaction Theory Manual v4
Settle3D Liquefaction Theory Manual v4
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 4
2 Theory ..................................................................................................................... 4
3 Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR) ....................................................................................... 5
4 Stress Reduction Factor, rd .................................................................................... 5
5 Magnitude Scaling Factor, MSF ............................................................................ 8
6 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Based Calculations........................................ 10
6.1 Pre-Defined Triggering Methods ................................................................... 10
6.2 SPT-N Value Correction Factors ................................................................... 11
6.2.1 Overburden Correction Factor, CN .......................................................... 12
6.2.2 Hammer Energy Efficiency Correction Factor, CE ................................. 14
6.2.3 Borehole Diameter Correction Factor, CB ............................................... 14
6.2.4 Rod Length Correction Factor, CR ........................................................... 15
6.2.5 Sampler Correction Factor, CS ................................................................ 16
6.3 Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR) ....................................................................... 16
6.3.1 Seed et al. (1984) ...................................................................................... 17
6.3.2 NCEER (1997) .......................................................................................... 17
6.3.3 Idriss and Boulanger (2004) .................................................................... 19
6.3.4 Cetin et al. (2004) – Deterministic .......................................................... 19
6.3.5 Japanese Bridge Code (JRA 1990) .......................................................... 19
6.3.6 Cetin et al. (2004) – Probabilistic ............................................................ 20
6.3.7 Liao et al. (1988) – Probabilistic .............................................................. 20
6.3.8 Youd and Noble (2001) – Probabilistic .................................................... 21
6.4 Relative Density, DR ....................................................................................... 22
6.5 Fines Content Correction ............................................................................... 23
6.6 Overburden Correction Factor, K ................................................................ 24
6.7 Shear Stress Correction Factor, K ............................................................... 26
7 Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Based Calculations .............................................. 27
7.1 Robertson and Wride (1997) ........................................................................... 27
7.1.1 Calculating IC ........................................................................................... 27
7.2 Modified Robertson and Wride (1998) ........................................................... 29
7.2.1 Calculating IC ........................................................................................... 29
7.3 Idriss and Boulanger (2004) ........................................................................... 30
7.3.1 Calculating qc1N ........................................................................................ 30
7.4 Idriss and Boulanger (2014) ........................................................................... 31
7.5 Moss et al. (2006) – Deterministic ................................................................. 32
7.6 Moss et al. (2006) – Probabilistic ................................................................... 33
8 Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) Based Calculations ..................................................... 33
8.1 Andrus (2004) ................................................................................................. 33
8.2 NCEER (1997) ................................................................................................ 34
8.3 Juang et al. (2001) Probabilistic .................................................................... 34
9 Post-Liquefaction Lateral Displacement ............................................................. 36
Methods ........................................................................................ 36
9.1 Ground Profile ................................................................................................ 36
9.2 SPT
9.2.1 Zhang, Robertson, and Brachman (2004)................................................ 36
9.2.2 Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983)................................................................ 38
9.2.3 Shamoto et al. (1998) ............................................................................... 39
9.2.4 Wu et al. (2003) ........................................................................................ 42
9.2.5 Cetin et al. (2009) ..................................................................................... 42
9.3 CPT Methods ........................................................................................ 43
9.3.1 Zhang, Robertson, and Brachman (2004)................................................ 43
9.3.2 Yoshimine et al. (2006) ............................................................................ 44
9.4 VST Methods ........................................................................................ 45
10 Post-Liquefaction Reconsolidation Settlement ................................................. 46
10.1 SPT Methods........................................................................................... 46
10.1.1 Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992) ............................................................ 46
10.1.2 Tokimatsu and Seed (1984) .................................................................. 48
10.1.3 Shamoto (1984) ..................................................................................... 49
10.1.4 Wu et al. (2003) ..................................................................................... 52
10.1.5 Cetin et al. (2009).................................................................................. 52
10.2 CPT Methods .......................................................................................... 53
10.3 VST Methods .......................................................................................... 54
11 References .......................................................................................................... 55
1 Introduction
Settle3D offers different methods of calculating the factor of safety associated with
liquefaction resistance, probability of liquefaction, and the input parameters
required for those calculations. This manual also describes the calculating of lateral
spreading displacement as well as the vertical settlement due to liquefaction.
2 Theory
The use of in situ “index” testing is the dominant approach for assessment of the
likelihood of “triggering” or initiation of liquefaction. The methods available in
Settle3D are:
The cyclic stress ratio, CSR, as proposed by Seed and Idriss (1971), is defined as the
average cyclic shear stress, , developed on the horizontal surface of soil layers
due to vertically propagating shear waves normalized by the initial vertical effective
stress, , to incorporate the increase in shear strength due to increase in effective
stress. By appropriately weighting the individual stress cycles based on laboratory
test data, it has been found that a reasonable amplitude to use for the “average” or
equivalent uniform stress, , is about 65% of the maximum shear stress.
= = 0.65 $ $ %&
! "
! "
= maximum horizontal ground surface acceleration (g)
= gravitational acceleration
= total overburden pressure at depth z
= effective overburden pressure at depth z
= stress reduction factor
This equation is used to calculate CSR for all three analysis types.
The stress reduction factor, rd, is used to determine the maximum shear stress at
different depths in the soil. Values generally range 1 at the ground surface to lower
values at larger depths.
The SPT, CPT, and VST methods use the same rd formulations. The following are
provided in Settle3D:
- NCEER (1997)
- Idriss (1999)
- Kayen (1992)
- Cetin et al. (2004)
- Liao and Whitman (1986b)
NCEER (1997)
42*3 = −1.012 − 1.126 sin ; + 5.133=
62*3 = 0.106 + 0.118 sin ; + 5.142=
Kayen (1992)
%& = 1 − 0.012*
* = depth in meters
± X YZ
= standard deviation (assumed to be zero)
= depth in meters
! "
= gravitational acceleration
= site shear wave velocity over the top 12m
- For very soft sites with BC,DE! less than 120m/s, use a limiting stiffness of
If the magnitude of the earthquake is not 7.5, then the CRR values need to be
corrected for earthquake magnitude. The following corrections are available:
= 2.5 − 0.2 8
Idriss (1999)
This method can also be found in Idriss and Boulanger 2004 and 2008.
efDghC K
= 1.09 + ; = ≤ 2.2
! "
2jD 3UJhC
= 1.09 + i k ≤ 2.2
! "
= $
Youd and Noble (1997)
The summary of the 1996/1998 NCEER Workshop proceedings by Youd and Idriss
(2001) outlines various methods for calculating the MSF and provide
recommendations for engineering practice.
The following MSF values are for calculated probabilities of liquefaction, the
equation for which is also shown.
l,#mn2op 3 = ln $ = −7.0351 + 2.1738 − 0.26782jD 3UJhC + 3.0265 ln2 3
1 − op 7
+,% op < 20% = L. K
+,% 7 <7
10K. L
+,% op < 32% = L.KK
+,% 7 <7
+,% op < 50% = L.OD
+,% 7 < 7.75
+,% 7 ≥ 7.5 = E. U
Cetin (2004)
7.5 E.ED
= $
= E. U
6 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Based Calculations
The table below outlines the options that are automatically selected when each pre-
defined triggering method is used.
Triggering Methods
Youd et al. Idriss and Cetin et al. Cetin et al.
(2001) Boulanger (2004) – (2004) –
(2008) Deterministic Probabilistic
Triggering Method NCEER Idriss and Cetin et al. Cetin et al.
(1997) Boulanger (2004) (2004)
(2004) Deterministic Probabilistic
Depth Depth Liao & Idriss and Liao & Liao &
Correction Correction Whitman Boulanger Whitman Whitman
(1986) (2004) (1986) (1986)
Sampling Standard Standard Standard Standard
Advanced MSF Idriss Idriss and None None
Settings (1999) Boulanger
Stress Idriss Idriss Cetin et al. Cetin et al.
Reduction (1999) (1999) (2004) (2004)
Relative Skempton Idriss and Skempton Skempton
Density (1986) Boulanger (1986) (1986)
Fines Youd et al. Idriss and Cetin et al. Cetin et al.
Content (2001) Boulanger (2004) (2004)
Correction (2008)
K sigma Hynes and Idriss and Cetin et al. Cetin et al.
Olsen Boulanger (2004) (2004)
(1999) (2008)
K alpha None None None None
Before the CRR can be calculated, the N values obtained from the SPT must be
borehole diameter, and hammer energy efficiency, resulting in a2jD 3UJ value. The
corrected for the following factors: overburden, rod length, non-standard sampler,
jUJ = j t u v w
The overburden correction factor adjusts N values to the N1 value that would be
measured at the same depth if the effective overburden stress was 1 atm.
g =i k
Bazaraa (1967)
= +,% ≤ 1.5
1+2 J
= +,% > 1.5
3.25 + 0.5 J
m` my z`+
g ≤ 2.0
2jD 3UJ ≤ 46
g = 0.77 log i k
J m` my zo ≤ 282 z•
g = ≤ 1.7
1.2 + o {
6.2.2 Hammer Energy Efficiency Correction Factor, CE
The energy efficiency correction factor is calculated using the measured energy ratio
as follows.
‚ !
It varies from 0.5-1.3. The ranges are taken from Skempton (1986).
Hammer Type CE
Donut hammer 0.5-1.0
Safety hammer 0.7-1.2
Automatic hammer 0.8-1.3
More specifically,
Hammer Type CE
Automatic Trip 0.9-1.6
Europe Donut Free fall 1.0
China Donut Free Fall 1.0
China Donut Rope& Pulley 0.83
Japan Donut Free Fall 1.3
Japan Donut Rope& Pulley 1.12
United States Safety Rope& pulley 0.89
United States Donut Rope& pulley 0.72
United States Automatic Trip Rope&
The following table, from Skempton (1986) summarizes the borehole diameter
correction factors for various borehole diameters.
The rod length correction factor accounts for how energy transferred to the
sampling rods is affected by the rod length.
The following table from Youd et al (2001) summarizes the rod correction factor for
various rod lengths. The rod length above the ground is added to the depth to
obtain the total rod length before choosing the appropriate correction factor.
The figure below illustrates the recommended CR values (rod length from point of
hammer impact to tip of sampler). Note that Cetin assumes a length of 1.2m for rod
protrusion, and this is added to the depth before the correction factor is calculated.
The sampler correction factor is applied in cases when the split spoon sampler has
room for liner rings, but those rings were not used.
For samplers without liners, the correction factor Cs ranges from 1.0-1.3 (NCEER,
1997). The following CS values are implemented.
u = 1.1 jD,UJ ≤ 10
CS Condition Reference
(Cetin et al, 2004)
= 1+ 10 ≤ jD,UJ ≤ 30
(Cetin et al, 2004)
u = 1.3 jD,UJ ≥ 30 (Cetin et al, 2004)
The cyclic resistance ratio is the other term required to calculate the factor of safety
against liquefaction. The cyclic resistance ratio represents the maximum CSR at
which a given soil can resist liquefaction.
= .
The curves recommended by Youd and Idriss (2001) / NCEER (1997) are based on
the Seed et al. (1984) curves.
Figure 3: Simplified Base Curve Recommended for Calculation of CRR from SPT
data, with Empirical Liquefaction Data (modified from Seed et al., (1985)
1 2jD 3UJhC 50 1
= + + −
34 − 2jD 3UJhC 135 ƒ102jD 3UJhC + 45„ E 200
6.3.3 Idriss and Boulanger (2004)
2jD 3UJ 21 + 0.004 3 − 29.53 ‰y2 73 − 3.70 ‰y $ + 0.05 + 16.85 + 2.70ŠMD 2op 3
22jD 3UJ , 7, , , op 3 = exp ˆ ‹
This method is based on both the equivalent clean sand N value as well as the
particle size distribution.
2jD 3UJhC
= 0.0882Ž − 0.05 +,% 0.6// ≤ • < 2//
d… . , …D
+ 0.7 J
Similar to the deterministic method, the Cetin et al. (2004) Probabilistic method has
the fines content correction built into the PL formulation.
2jD 3UJ 21 + 0.004 3 − 13.32 ln@ •‘ G − 29.53 ln2 73 − 3.70 ln $ + 0.05 + 16.85
op @2jD 3UJ , •‘ , 7, , G = Φ “− ”
l,#mn2op 3 = ln $ = −7.0351 + 2.1738 − 0.26782jD 3UJhC + 3.0265 ln2 3
1 − op 7
The relative density, DR, of a soil is used in the calculation of the overburden
correction factor, CN. The following methods are available:
- Skempton (1986)
- Ishihara (1979)
- Tatsuoka et al. (1980)
- Idriss and Boulanger (2003)
- Ishihara, Yasuda, and Yokota (1981)
Skempton (1986)
jD,UJ = 41 ∗ •t E 30
Ishihara (1979)
•t = Ž
•t = 0.0676|jD,UJ + 0.085 ‰,#DJ $
6.5 Fines Content Correction
9.7 15.7 E
Δ2jD 3UJ = exp i1.63 + − $ k
+ 0.01 + 0.01
4 = 0 +,% ≤ 5%
4 = exp H1.76 − E
$V +,% 5% < < 35%
4 = 5.0 +,% ≥ 35%
6 = 1.0 +,% ≤ 5%
6 = –0.99 + i k— +,% 5% < < 35%
6 = 1.2 +,% ≥ 35%
In addition to magnitude, the CRR can be corrected for overburden. The CRR of
sand depends on the effective overburden stress; liquefaction resistance increases
with increasing confining stress.
=i k
+ = 0.7 − 0.8 +,% 40% < %I‰ nm›I œIy`mn• < 60%
+ = 0.6 − 0.7 +,% 60% < %I‰ nm›I œIy`mn• < 80% 38
The parameter f is a function of site conditions, and the estimates below are
recommended conservative values for clean and silty sands and gravels.
This method is essentially the same as the one found in Idriss and Boulanger
(2004), except that the limit for K is higher.
= 1− ln i k ≤ 1.1
@18.9 − 2.55|2jD 3UJ G
Figure 7: values, shown with NCEER recommendations (for n=0.7 and DR<60%)
for comparison
6.7 Shear Stress Correction Factor, K
is the static shear stress correction factor, used to correct CRR values for the
effects of static shear stresses. The only option available in Settle3D for this factor
is from Idriss and Boulanger (2003).
= + ž exp $
= 1267 + 6364 E − 634 exp243 − 632 exp2−43
ž = expƒ−1.11 + 12.34 E + 1.31 ln24 + 0.00013„
• = 0.138 + 0.1264 + 2.524 K
Ÿt = − •t
− ln ; o =
4 ≤ 0.35
−0.6 ≤ Ÿt ≤ 0
= relative density
suppressed and depends on the grain type (Q~10 for quarz and feldspar, 8 for
limestone, 7 for anthracite, and 5.5 for chalk; Settle3D uses 8)
= atmospheric pressure
= tan of slope angle.
7 Cone Penetration Test (CPT) Based Calculations
As mentioned in previous section, the magnitude scaling factor (MSF) and stress
reduction factor (rd) equations are the same as for SPT. These equations can be
found in sections 4 and 5.
The following methods are employed in the Robertson and Wride (1997) triggering
1. Calculate Ic using the procedure outlined in the NCEER summary report.
2. Calculate qc1N using the n value from the Ic calculation.
ehDghC = h ehDg 42
= 0.833 £ ¤ + 0.05 m+ ehDghC < 50
ehDghC K
= 93 £ ¤ + 0.08 m+ 50 ≤ ehDghC < 160
7.1.1 Calculating IC
The soil behavior type index, Ic, is calculated using the following equation:
¢h = ƒ23.47 − log2 33E + 21.22 + log2 33E „J. 44
= H V ∗ 100%
eh − {
eh − o ¥
=H V– $ —
o {
The recommended procedure for calculating the soil behavior type index is iterative,
as outlined in the NCEER summary report (Robertson and Wride, 1997).
eh − o D.J
eh −
=H $– $ —=H V
{ {
o { {
2. If Ic > 2.6 (or the user-defined Ic,max), the soil is clayey and not susceptible to
3. If Ic < 2.6 (or the user-defined Ic,max), recalculate Q using n = 0.5, and
recalculate Ic.
4. If Ic < 2.6 (or the user-defined Ic,max), the soil is non-plastic and granular. No
further calculation is required.
5. If Ic > 2.6 (or the user-defined Ic,max), the soil is probably silty. Calculate qc1N
using the equations below, with n = 0.7 in the equation for CQ.
ehDg = $ ≤ 254
« =i k ≤ 1.7
The following methods are employed in Modified Robertson and Wride (1998):
1. Calculate Ic using the procedure outlined in Robertson and Wride (1998).
2. Calculate qc1N using the n value from the Ic calculation.
h = 0 +,% ≤ 5%
ΔehDg = ehDg
1− h
= 0.833 £ ¤ + 0.05 m+ ehDghC < 50
ehDghC K
= 93 £ ¤ + 0.08 m+ 50 ≤ ehDghC < 160
7.2.1 Calculating IC
The recommended procedure for calculating the soil behavior type index is iterative,
as outlined in Robertson and Wride (1998).
1. Assume n=1.0 and calculate Q and Ic as outlined in Section 7.1.1. If ¢h > 2.6
then the point is considered not liquefiable.
The following methods are employed in the Idriss and Boulanger (2004) triggering
1. Calculate qc1N according to Idriss and Boulanger (2004) iterative procedure.
2. Calculate Kc, based on Idriss and Boulanger (2004).
= ≤ 0.3; ehDg ≤ 211
37.3 − 8.272ehDg 3J.EUL
= 1− ln i k ≤ 1.0
A total of 100 iterations are performed, after which the last calculated value of qc1Nis
7.4 Idriss and Boulanger (2014)
The following methods are employed in the Idriss and Boulanger (2014) triggering
1. Calculate qcN = qt/Pa.
e¹ = eh + ºE 21 − 3 61
ehg =
o !
g = $ ≤ 1.7
ehDg = g ehg 64
= ≤ 0.3
37.3 − 8.272ehDghC 3J.EUL
= 1− ln i k ≤ 1.1
4. Calculate CRR based on Idriss and Boulanger (2014).
The following methods are employed in the deterministic Moss et al. (2006)
triggering method:
1. Calculate qc1, with c calculated according to the method outlined in Moss et
al. (2006).
• = +D $
= $ ∙ 100
eh −
+D = ¼D ∙ eh S
+E = −@•D ∙ eh S + •K G
+K = ž`2log210 + eh 33 ¾R
ehD = ‘ ∙ eh
o h
‘ = $ ≤ 1.7
= exp{Àeh,D
+ eh,D @0.110 ∙ š G + @0.001 ∙ š G + •@1 + 0.850 ∙ š G − 0.848
∙ ln2 7 3 − 0.002 ∙ ln2 3 − 20.923 + 1.632 ∙ ΦMD 2op 3Á /7.177}
7.6 Moss et al. (2006) – Probabilistic
The following methods are employed in the probabilistic Moss et al. (2006)
triggering method:
1. Calculate qc1, with c calculated according to the method outlined in Moss et
al. (2006). The calculations are outlined in the section above.
2. Calculate PL according to Moss et al. (2006), based on the user-defined Factor
of Safety, or calculate CRR based on the user-defined probability of
liquefaction. The CRR calculation method is outlined above.
+ eh,D @0.110 ∙ š G + @0.001 ∙ š G + •@1 + 0.850 ∙ š G − 7.177 ∙ ln2 3
Å −0.848 ∙ ln2 7 3 − 0.002 ∙ ln2 3 − 20.923 È
op = Φ{− Ä Ç
à Æ
The magnitude scaling factor (MSF) and stress reduction factor (rd) equations are
the same as for CPT and SPT. These equations can be found in sections 4 and 5.
o J.E
BCD = BC $
The following methods are employed in the Andrus (2004) triggering method:
1. Calculate Vs1cs using the formulation for Kfc from Juang et al.
2. Calculate CRR according to Andrus (2004).
BCDhC E 1 1
= 0.022 H V + 2.8 H − V
100 215 − BCDhC 215
You can also account for an overburden correction factor. The Idriss and Boulanger
(2004) equation is as follows:
= 1− ln i k ≤ 1.1
= ≤ 0.3
18.9 − 3.12BCDhC /1003D.É U
BCD E ž ž
= $ + −
100 BCDh − BCD BCDh
BCDhC = šh BCD
šh = 1, for ≤ 5%
šh = 1 + Ê2 − 53 for 5 < < 35%
šh = 1 + 30Ê for ≥ 35%
Ê = 0.009 − 0.0109 $ + 0.0038 $
100 100
ln H V = 14.8967 − 0.0611BCDhC + 2.6418 ln2 3
1 − op
l•¢ = ËJ TÍÎ Ì! ∙ œ*
" 79
l• = 2 + 0.23 ∙ l•¢
+,% 0.2% < < 3.5%
l MJ.O
l• = 6 ∙ $ ∙ l•¢
+,% 4 < l/Ï < 40 81
The following methods are available for calculating the maximum shear strain,
when SPT data is used:
- Zhang, Robertson, and Brachman (2004)
- Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983)
- Shamato et al. (1998)
- Wu et al. (1993)
- Cetin et al. (2009)
In this method, the relative density (Dr) is first calculated based on the method
selected by the user.
The curves shown in the figure below are interpolated to determine the correct
maximum shear strain.
Figure 8: Relationship between maximum cyclic shear strain and factor of safety for
different relative densities
9.2.2 Tokimatsu and Yoshimi (1983)
The curves shown below are interpolated to determine the correct maximum shear
For this method, one of three graphs is used to interpolate the maximum shear
Figure 10: Relationship between normalized SPT-N value and shear strain potential
for clean sands
For FC < 20%, the graph below is used.
Figure 11: Relationship between normalized SPT-N value and shear strain potential
for the case of FC=10%
For FC > 20%, the graph below is used.
Figure 12: Relationship between normalized SPT-N value and shear strain potential
for the case of FC=20%
9.2.4 Wu et al. (2003)
The graphs below are interpolated to find the maximum shear strain.
The steps for calculating the maximum shear strain according to Cetin et al. (2009)
are outlined below.
1. Calculate according to Hynes and Olsen (1999). The formula can be found
in Section 6.6.
2. Calculate the relative density, Dr, according to the method selected by the
3. Calculate Kmc.
4. Calculate CSRss201D1.
CC,EJ,D,Ð,D = ∙ ∙ !h
5. Calculate Ì! " .
The following methods are available for calculating the maximum shear strain,
when CPT data is used:
- Zhang, Robertson, and Brachman (2004)
- Yoshimine (2006)
•Ñ = −85 + 76 log2ehDg 3 85
The Yoshimine et al. (2006) method is based on and a limiting shear strain.
Ì! = min †ÌÒÓ! , 0.03522 − 3 $‡
9.4 VST Methods
The and ÌÒÓ! expressions from Yoshimine et al. (2006) and Idriss and Boulanger
(2008) were adapted for shear wave velocity by Yi (2010).
= 0.032 + 0.836 $ − 0.190 $
100 100
ÌÒÓ! = min –0.5, 7.05 $ —≥0
Ì! = min †ÌÒÓ! , 0.03522 − 3 $‡
10 Post-Liquefaction Reconsolidation Settlement
The following methods are available for calculating Õ when SPT data is used:
- Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992)
- Tokimatsu and Seed (1984)
- Shamato (1984)
- Wu et al. (2003)
- Cetin et al. (2009)
where DR is calculated according to the method specified by the user, and Ì! " is
calculated according to Zhang, Robertson, and Brachman (2004).
Figure 15: Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992) method for predicting volumetric and
shear strain
10.1.2 Tokimatsu and Seed (1984)
For FC<10%:
Figure 17: Relationship between normalized SPT-N, dynamic shear stress ratio, and
volumetric strain for clean sands
For FC<20%:
Figure 18: Relationship between normalized SPT-N, dynamic shear stress ratio, and
volumetric strain for FC=10%
For other fine content values:
Figure 19: Relationship between normalized SPT-N, dynamic shear stress ratio, and
volumetric strain for FC=20%
10.1.4 Wu et al. (2003)
Figure 20: Correlations between CSR, N160cs, and reconsolidation volumetric strain
(Wu et al., 2003)
The Cetin et al. (2009) method incorporates a depth factor. With the depth factor,
the contribution of layers to settlement at the surface decreases as the depth of the
layer increases, and beyond a certain depth (zcr) the settlement of an individual
layer cannot be traced at the ground level. It was determined that the threshold
depth is 18m.
The steps for calculating the maximum shear strain according to Cetin et al. (2009)
are outlined below:
1. Calculate according to Hynes and Olsen (1999).
2. Calculate relative density, Dr, according to the method selected by the user.
3. Calculate Kmc, and CSRss,20,1,D,1.
CC,EJ,D,Ð,D = ∙ ∙ !h
• =1−
*hÑÓ¹Óh Ò
where *hÑÓ¹Óh Ò = 18 /.
Õ =• ∙Õ J 97
When CPT input data is used, the strain is calculated according to Yoshimine et al.
Yi (2010) adapted Ishihara and Yoshimine (1992) for Vs data, and the following
formulation for reconsolidation strain is used.
Õ = 1.5 ∙ exp i−0.449 $ k ∙ min20.08, Ì! " 3
11 References
Cetin, K. O., Bilge, H. T.,Wu, J., Kammerer, A. M., and Seed, R. B. (2009).
“Probabilistic models for cyclic straining of saturated clean sands.” J. Geotech.
Geoenviron. Eng., 135(3), 371–386.
Cetin, K. O., Bilge, H. T.,Wu, J., Kammerer, A. M., and Seed, R. B. (2009).
“Probabilistic Model for the Assessment of Cyclically Induced Reconsolidation
(Volumetric) Settlements.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 135(3), 387–398.
Cetin K.O., Seed R.B., Der Kiureghian A., Tokimatsu K., Harder L.F. Jr, Kayen
R.E., MossR.E.S. (2004), “SPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of
seismic soil liquefaction potential”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, ASCE, 130(12), 1314-1340.
Idriss I. M., 1999, "An update to the Seed-Idriss simplified procedure for evaluating
liquefaction potential in Proceedings, TRB Workshop on New Approaches to
Liquefaction, Publication No. FHWA-RD-99-165, Federal Highway Administration,
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