Child Soldiers
Child Soldiers
Child Soldiers
Location and
According to
Samantha Nutt, Congo is
one of the many where
they use children as
soldiers. More than 3
million people are at battle and half of them
are children. Why would parents want their
child to die? Most of the kids are either
taken without knowing or forced into it.
Usually most of the people that battle have
some sort of damage from the range of head
to toe. Some of the kids have bad memories
often and cant get over it. Most of the kids
have seen deaths and it usually scares them,
causing nightmares.
Children in war are affecting the kids
more than it does for adults. Children in the
war see gun shots zooming past them and
sometimes hit them losing a limb or two.
Adults can go through therapy to help them
and not make them so terrified when they
sleep and not to have nightmares. On the
other hand children might remember the war
for their whole lifetime; even though they go
through therapy it still might not help them
the way they expected.
Victims describe acts of cannibalism,
torture (including genital amputation), rape,
summary executions and sexual slavery at
the hands of Congolese armed militias
(Nutt). Kids and other
people in war are
getting tortured in
many different ways
than one can imagine,
from assault to
Climate change can
cause the battle to be
harder and children
arent usually
prepared for different weather that adults
are. Childrens immune system isnt as
strong as adults are. Also children might not
have the right layers on or clothes to be
prepared for weather like snow which needs
heavy clothes on.
When children are in war they usually use
weapons that are bigger than them. Children
in battle use AK-47s, RPGs, and other heavy
artilleries. It is sad that children as tall as 4
foot are carrying guns as big as 5 feet.
Effects of War:
Some effects of war can be a loss of
a limb, loss of a loved one, and to be injured
physically and mentally.
Child soldiers have experienced
more severe exposure to war events, and
explore how war might affect youths
Written by:
Dylan Horrall
Works Cited:
"A Fairer World :: Youth :: Child Soldiers." A Fairer World :: Youth :: Child Soldiers.
Clarence High School, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.
de Silva, Harenda, Chris Hobbs, and Helga Hanks. Conscription Of Children In Armed
ConflictA Form Of Child Abuse. A Study Of 19 Former Child Soldiers. Child Abuse Review
10.2 (2001): 125-134. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2015
Nutt, Samantha. Arms and The Child. Macleans 117.6 (2004): 34-36. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
Spencer, Michael. "When Children Are Pawns in the Game of War." Internetmonkcom.
Mike Bell, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.