C5lesson Plan Template For Observation 2014
C5lesson Plan Template For Observation 2014
C5lesson Plan Template For Observation 2014
DIRECTIONS: For the support providers observation of a lesson, use this template or a district-aligned lesson plan
template. Collect the graded work from the three focus students to attach to the Analysis of Student Work (C-7).
Subject(s): History
Grade: 7
Date(s) 4/13
Time: 9:39-10:23
Grade Level Standard(s)
Common Core Standard or Content Standard addressed: WH7.8.5 Detail advances made in literature, the arts,
science, mathematics, cartography, engineering, and the understanding of human anatomy and
astronomy (e.g., Dante Aligheri, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo di Buonarroti Simoni, Johann Gutenberg,
William Shakespeare).
Intended Learning Targets: Students will be able to explain through a project on their iPad presentation how
some of these significant advances continued to impact and further the Renaissance as well as have an
impact on us today.
Language Objectives: Comprehension: Student will be able to read and orally respond to simple literary
texts and texts in context by using simple sentences to answer factual comprehension questions.
Formative Assessment for Learning
In what ways will you gather evidence of understanding (elicit evidence interpret evidence act on evidence)
throughout your lesson? Throughout the lesson I will have the students completing a worksheet/study
guide. From their results and discussion answers, I will be able to lead them back to our objective as
The students will also be working on their iPad presentation in class. As I walk around observing, I will be
able to see if/where students need help. These presentations will also allow me to hear/see where I need
to reteach before they have their final test as well.
In what ways will students be engaged in reflection and self-assessment of their learning or the learning of their peers?
The students have started Quarter 4 with 3 specific goals for History. We have been working together on
reaching these goals by mapping their improvement in their Warm-Ups.
The students also have a complete organized list of expectations for their iPad presentation. They know
they will be responsible for grading their partner and the class presentations.
The winner (the group that was voted to have the best presentation will receive a prize).
Rigor and Relevance
Place the tasks that will demonstrate student understanding in the appropriate Depth Of Knowledge (DOK) Levels.
DOK Level 1 (Recall):
DOK Level 2 (Skill/Concept):
As we read, students will be called upon to recall
Throughout the reading, we will discuss major
events, details and settings from the text.
characters and events as to what led the
Students will label different cities and countries
Renaissance to move north. Students will describe
throughout Europe during the Renaissance.
the event through cause and effect of the
Renaissance moving into northern Europe.
(organize, represent and interpret data)
DOK Level 4 (Extended Thinking):
Ultimately, the students have a final project due
May 1. That is an extension of this mini project.
However, for today and tomorrow, the students will
analyze and synthesize information from different
sources from our text, and their research on the
Students will create a presentation on the ipad that
will persuade the class from the perspective of one
of the main artists, scientists, engineers etc. during
the time period. They will defend their character
and explain that without their contribution to the
Renaissance, the world would not be the same
21st Century Skills Incorporation
How will students engage in the following?
Students will collaborate with a partner and
articulate their ideas in a helpful and specific way.
They will need to work together to divide the work
and complete the project.
Integrated ELD My EL student, Max, will complete the same activities as the other students,
however I will evaluate him at his ELD standard and proficiency level.
Designated ELD I will work with Max, and pull him to the side, where I will have him read a few
paragraphs from our text. I will then ask him specific factual, comprehensive questions that he
will respond to orally.
What ELD Standards and Proficiency levels will be addressed? English Language Arts- Standards: Reading
Comprehension 7RC2.0 Focus on Informational Materials
Early Intermediate Level Grades 6-8:
Read and orally respond to simple literary texts and texts in content areas by using simple sentences to
answer factual comprehension questions.
Collaborative (engagement in dialogue with others) Student will participate in partner and group discussions.
He will be paired with a higher, patient student.
Interpretive (comprehension and analysis of written and spoken texts) I will have the student read aloud to me,
and then answer basic questions aloud to me.
Productive (creation of oral presentations and written texts) Student will participate and work with the group. I
will have the group assign him a specific page in the project. He will be responsible for verbally saying his
page and creating it.
Consider IEPs, 504s, English Language Proficiencies (ELP), learning styles,
Special Populations: I will verbally give directions along with them being on the board. For the project, I will
also print out the directions and expectations for each group.
English learners: There will be visuals, examples given, repetition throughout the lesson, and connections
back to him.
General Population: For the remainder of the class, I will have them participating with other classmates,
collaborating, having them standing up- moving around, connecting with others. They will be adding
visuals into their notes,
Copyright Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education
Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) 2014
Inquiry into Teaching and Learning - Lesson Plan Template for Observation
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