The virus enters a human's lungs and finds a suitable cell to infect, releasing its RNA inside the cell's nucleus. The nucleus shrinks and expands as the viral RNA begins multiplying, causing the cell to become red and burst, releasing three new viruses. However, white blood cells detect the viruses as a threat and deploy antibodies to find and immobilize them, ultimately absorbing and destroying the viruses to prevent further infection.
The virus enters a human's lungs and finds a suitable cell to infect, releasing its RNA inside the cell's nucleus. The nucleus shrinks and expands as the viral RNA begins multiplying, causing the cell to become red and burst, releasing three new viruses. However, white blood cells detect the viruses as a threat and deploy antibodies to find and immobilize them, ultimately absorbing and destroying the viruses to prevent further infection.
The virus enters a human's lungs and finds a suitable cell to infect, releasing its RNA inside the cell's nucleus. The nucleus shrinks and expands as the viral RNA begins multiplying, causing the cell to become red and burst, releasing three new viruses. However, white blood cells detect the viruses as a threat and deploy antibodies to find and immobilize them, ultimately absorbing and destroying the viruses to prevent further infection.
The virus enters a human's lungs and finds a suitable cell to infect, releasing its RNA inside the cell's nucleus. The nucleus shrinks and expands as the viral RNA begins multiplying, causing the cell to become red and burst, releasing three new viruses. However, white blood cells detect the viruses as a threat and deploy antibodies to find and immobilize them, ultimately absorbing and destroying the viruses to prevent further infection.
VIRUS Scanning for threats... none found searching for suitable cell for multiplication. Virus finds a cell VIRUS Cell located, using genetic key to access cell. INT. INCIDE THE CELL Virus enters cell and spots nucleus VIRUS Nucleus located. Virus flies to the nucleus VIRUS Releasing Rna, to begin viral multiplication process. Virus ejects the Rna And slowly fades as the Rna travels into the cell. VIRUS Missions complete... Nucleus slowly becomes red, the now red nucleus slowly shrinks and then quickly expands. INT. HUMAN LUNGS Cell slowly becomes red, and three new viruses emerge NEW VIRUS LEADER Find heathy cells and use them to multiply. Viruses search for cells. Cells tower locates a threat and sends anti bodies out. WHITE BLOOD CELL TOWER Unidentified threat located, antibodies locate and immobilize threat Antibodies find and immobilize viruses
2 Virus enters the human lungs
Unable to move... Must insure virus survival... WHITE BLOOD CELL Cataloguing Gnome... Gnome catalogued destroying virus. NEW VIRUS LEADER Activate escape protocol. Viruses are absorbed by White blood cell and destroyed. Blood cells leaves.