Petah Kelsey 1st Observation Form

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<Teaching Performance Expectations TPEs>

TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction Do

all lesson activities reflect the standard? Does the candidate utilize subject-specific
pedagogical skills in the subject matter?

TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction - Describe how

the candidate monitored student learning during instruction.

TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments - Does the candidate have

a performance task/assessment tied to the learning objective by which to measure
students progress toward achieving standard? If results of students work are known,
how well did students achieve understanding of the content standard? How well does
the candidate interpret the assessment results?

TPE 4: Making Content Accessible - Describe how the candidate explained

the content, reinforced the content, and helped students access the academic
content/language (e.g., the use of written and oral presentation, manipulatives,
physical models, diagrams, visual and performing arts, non-verbal communication, or

TPE 5: Student Engagement - Describe how the candidate engages all

students during the lesson (e.g., communicating the purpose of the lesson, extending
students thinking with stimulating and challenging questions, projects, discussions,
debates, investigations, etc.).

TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Practices - Is the candidates lesson

and instructional activity challenging, yet developmentally appropriate, for students
grade and skill levels? How so or how might it be improved?

TPE 7: Teaching English Learners How did the candidate make adjustments
in the lesson for English learners? Can the candidate explain the differentiated
strategies based on theory?

TPE 8: Learning About Students Does the candidate demonstrate a deep

understanding of students background knowledge, interests, strengths, and needs?

TPE 9: Instructional Planning - Does the candidate provide evidence of a

lesson plan that is based on the standards? Does the candidate include a plan for
differentiation for students with special needs, English learners, etc.?

TPE 10: Instructional Time - Do students have adequate time to practice and
apply what they learned? Describe the candidates use of instructional time (pacing
and carrying out procedural tasks and transitions).

TPE 11: Social Environment Describe how the candidate promotes a

positive learning environment. How does the candidates address positive and/or
negative behavior?
Sample Observation Comments

Areas of Strength (Please collect evidence during lesson and connect it to

the TPEs):
Ex) T Today, we are going to add two-digit numbers. Why is it important to know
how to add two numbers? Pair-share with your neighbor.
S1 Because when we go to the store and want to buy 2 toys, we know how much
we owe. S2 Ya. You can add it in your head and know how much money you need.
(TPE5; You are communicating the objective and asking the students to reflect on the
purpose of the lesson.)
Areas of Improvement (Please collect evidence during lesson and connect it
to the TPEs)
Ex) T What is your answer for #5? What is 66+23? S 89
T- Good job!
(TPE2; You can extend the students thinking by having him explain how he arrived at
the answer)
Next Steps (With the candidate, create 1-3 action steps for the next
observation based on the TPEs):
Try to plan out specific adaptations for your English learners, such as sentence
frames, visuals, and/or graphic organizers (TPE7)

Observation/Reflection Form for Multiple and Single Subject

Teacher Candidate Petah Kelsey Date 3/26/15 Subject Science Grade _____5_____ Observer of Lesson
(check one): master teacher peer colleague university supervisor self/candidate

VANGUARD UNIVERSITY - Graduate Program in

Areas of Strength (Please collect evidence during lesson and
connect it to the TPEs):
(TPE 9) Ms. Kelsey put thought, planning, and effort into her science
lesson. We met and went over her lesson plan making sure that
scaffolds and supports were in place for the second language and the
full inclusion students. (TPE1) The lesson was aligned with the science
standards (TPE 5) and the activity (science lab) that she had the
students perform had them engaged (each student had tasks to
perform) and excited about the chemical reaction taking place. (TPE
3) Students also complete a lab write up and reflection to demonstrate
and assess student understanding. (TPE 4 and 9) She provided
visuals for vocabulary and restated concepts and directions to ensure
student understanding. (TPE 2) Students discussed with peers for

further support and Ms. Kelsey moved about the class checking with
students, assessing understanding, and verifying that the experiments
went as planned. (TPE 11) As she moved about she gave positive
feedback and conformation on what the students were doing. She
provided guidance and support as needed, modeling the respectful
positive behavior that she expected from every student. Ms. Kelseys
lesson was very successful and very well received by the students.
Areas of Improvement (Please collect evidence during lesson
and connect it to the TPEs):
Students were totally engaged and involved in the experiment and had
many discussions about their observations, their predictions, and
results. Since the students were so involved it was more challenging to
keep them on task and progressing through the lesson in a timely
manner before leaving for music. (TPE 10) They would have loved to
stay longer and make further predictions with changes being applied to
the experiment. That being said the students continued to discuss the
lesson into the afternoon, asking how they could replicate it at home to
demonstrate to parents and siblings.
Next Steps (With the candidate, create 1-3 action steps for the
next observation based on the TPEs):
We discussed what the successes of the lesson were, how it might be
changed, and what shortcomings there were. The lesson was well
planned and executed, the one area where we will plan more
thoroughly in future lessons will be in keeping the students on task
more and adhering more closely to the time limitations. (TPE 10)


: Jane Freet

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