RMC 19-2015
RMC 19-2015
RMC 19-2015
In connection with the implementation of the Electronic Platform in Filing Tax Returns under eFPS or
eBIRForms specially for those filing or filing and payment of Income Tax Returns for Calendar Year 2014 due
on or before April 15, 2015, this Circular is issued to provide answers/resolutions to FAQs in addition to those
already posted in the eFPS/eBIRForms Systems available in the BIR website.
1. What are the available electronic platforms of the BIR in filing tax return?
There are 2 electronic platforms available:
a) Electronic Filing and Payment System (eFPS)
b) Electronic Bureau of Internal Revenue Forms System (eBIRForms)
2. How do I make use of eBIRForms?
The taxpayer must first download the Offline eBIRForms Package from either of the following webistes:
a) www.bir.gov.ph
b) www.knowyourtaxes.ph
c) www.dof.gov.ph
d) www.bamaquino.com
e) Dropbox using this link: http://goo.gl/UCr8XS
f) Direct link using: http://ftp.pregi.net/bir/ebirforms_package_v4.7.08_ITRv2013.zip;
or copy through taxpayers USB flash drive from the RDO e-Lounge and install it in his/her computer.
The package contains the thirty-six (36) BIR Forms comprised of Income Tax Returns (ITR); Excise Tax
Forms; VAT Forms; Withholding Tax Forms; Documentary Stamp Tax Forms; Percentage Tax Forms;
ONETT Forms and Payment Form. It is used in the preparation of tax returns. Users must click on the
"SUBMIT" button after successful form validation.
After downloading the package, the taxpayer should now close the website, specially the BIR website or go
offline, so as not to congest traffic going to the websites. After downloading, install the said package, and
prepare the returns offline. After preparing the returns offline, you should save the copy of the return you
will be filing by clicking the button, Final Copy, and then click Submit. When you are ready to click the
Submit button, make sure you are online. When you click Submit, you will be redirected to eFile using
Online eBIRForms System. After submitting the returns online, the system will prompt you if you are already
enrolled in the Online eBIRForms System or not. If yes, you will be asked to provide your user name and
password. If not, you will be asked to enroll and you will be redirected to the enrollment site. To enroll, click
on the SIGN UP tab.
Online eBIRForms System is a filing infrastructure that accepts tax returns submitted online and
automatically computes penalties for tax returns submitted beyond the due date.
7. Under Sec. 4(3) of RR 6-2014 and RR 5-2015 mandating the use of eBIRForms and electronically filing
No Payment Returns, who are those exempted and may file manually?
The following can file manually their No Payment Returns:
o Senior Citizen (SC) or Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) filing for their own return;
o Employees deriving purely compensation income whether from one or more employers, whether or not
they have any tax due that need to be paid;
o Employees qualified for substituted filing under RR 2-98 Sec. 2.83.4, as amended, but opted to file for
an Income Tax Return (ITR) and are filing for purposes of promotion (PNP/AFP), loans, scholarship,
foreign travel requirements, etc.
Illustration No. 2. Mr. B is a Single Proprietor who is an Accredited Printer of the BIR. He is mandated
to enroll and file electronically using eBIRForms whether it is a No Payment or with Payment tax return.
11. Should the Revenue District Offices (RDOs) and Authorized Agent Banks (AABs) still accept the
manual filing of tax returns for Income Tax Returns for Calendar Year ending December 31, 2014?
YES, RDOs and AABs should continue to accept manually filed returns (either printed BIR Forms or
generated forms from the Offline eBIRForms). However, for taxpayers that are mandated to use eFPS &
eBIRForms but continue to file manually, the taxpayer shall be subjected to the P 1,000 penalty per return
pursuant to Section 250 of the NIRC of 1997 and 25% surcharge for wrong venue under RR No. 5-2015.
The RDOs shall assess the penalties and surcharge after the filing of the returns.
13. Do you still need to submit the printed form after eFiling to the RDO or AAB? How about
If you electronically file and electronically pay using eBIRForms or eFPS without any attachments required,
you dont need to submit anything to the RDO/LTDO/LT Office. However, if there are required attachments
in your income tax returns, you shall submit to the RDO/LTDO/LT Office within fifteen (15) days from the
date of eFiling.
For eFPS:
a. Printed copy of Tax Returns with Filing Reference Number (FRN) Page; and
b. Required attachments.
For eBIRForms eFile and ePay (upon availability) / eFile and manually pay:
a. Printed copy of the return with the eMail Notification Page received:
b. Required attachments
If there are other attachments to be submitted such as Summary Alphalists of Withholding Tax (SAWT),
Monthly Alphalists of Payees (MAP) required under BIR Form Nos. 1600, 1601E, 1601F, it shall prepared
using the Data Entry Module or Summary List of Sales/Purchases/Importation for all VAT taxpayers in
BIR Form No. 2550Q prepared using the RELIEF of the BIR and submitted via email to:
[email protected].
14. How do I know if the form has already been submitted to the online eBIRForms System?
The tax return has been successfully filed if the system displays the FRN along with the continue button
to go to the FRN page. The page should also display the message "The form has been successfully filed."
However, for eBIRForms on 2014 ITR filing (BIR Form Nos. 1700, 1701, 1702RT, 1702EX, 1702MX),
instead of an FRN, a system generated eMail Notification will be received by the taxpayer as an evidence
of eFiled return.
Users can also view their submitted forms by clicking on the "Submitted Tax Returns" link.
15. After filling-up all necessary information in the return and validating if all entries are correct, can I
still modify/correct/edit?
Yes, modify/correct/edit entries are still possible. The Offline eBIRForms is encouraged to be used to
provide ample time for return preparation, and does not require an internet connection. Ensure to click
validate everytime there are changes/edits/modifications.
16. What happens when I click FINAL COPY of my ITR under eBIRForms?
Once the FINAL COPY is clicked subsequent changes to the forms will no longer be allowed. This is
the final copy for submission to the BIR. It creates an encrypted copy with an xml file extension. For
taxpayers enrolled with eBIRForms, type username and password for the return to be eFiled and an
eMail Notification will be generated as proof that the return has been received by the BIR. Then proceed
to ePay (upon availability) or manually pay following existing issuances.
For taxpayers not enrolled with eBIRForms, after completing the returns in Offline eBIRForms and click
FINAL COPY, the system will ask if filing online, if YES is chosen, then the return will be eFiled
where an eMail Notification will be generated as proof that the return has been received by the BIR.
Proceed to manually pay following existing issuances and procedures. Subsequently, when asked to
enroll to eBIRForms, if click YES, the system redirects to the eBIRForms enrollment process.
20. In the email notification received from BIR using eBIRForms, there is an attached file (xml) of the
efiled return. Can I open the attached file for my printing and use?
NO, the attached file is a programmed file and is encrypted for security purposes.
The final copy of the returns automatically saved in the computer and can be retrieve/open thru the
eBIRForms where the list of BIR Forms are shown, then select the form number and the list of filed returns
will be displayed on the summary table with the corresponding return periods. Click the specific return to
be retrieved then click view.
21. Can I open the return filed in online eBIRForms and re-print?
Yes, simply click on Submitted Tax Return button and select the required return to view and print.
22. I am both mandated to use eFPS and eBIRForms, which one should I use?
Use eFS. However, for forms not available in eFPS, use eBIRForms. In which case, enrollment to
eBIRForms is required.
23. Why do I receive an error on the telephone number field during enrolment to the eBIRForms
It all depends on the browser of the computer being used. eBIRForms System is compatible to Internet
Explorer 9. Enter 3 numeric on the 1St box, then the 7 digit number in the 2nd box. For browser Internet
Explorer 10 or higher, use Google Chrome Browser v23 or up and Mozilla FireFox v16 or up in enrolment.
24. Why do I receive an error that my TIN is invalid during enrolment in the eBIRForms?
The TIN is not yet uploaded in the eFPS/eBIRForms. Contact the RDO to upload TIN and proceed to
25. Why can I not file and instead receive an error that my form is not registered when I submit my
return online using eBIRForms?
The form type is not updated in BIRs database. Fill-out BIR Form No. 1905 (Update Registration
Information) with the required attachments and submit to the RDO where registered to update registration
27. What are the penalties for failure to file returns under electronic systems of the BIR by taxpayers
mandatorily covered by eFPS or eBIRForms?
All taxpayers, under the existing issuances, who are mandatorily covered to file their returns using eFPS
or eBIRForms, who fail to do so, shall be imposed a penalty of P1,000 per return pursuant to Section 250
of the NIRC of 1997, as amended.
In addition, the taxpayer, shall also be imposed civil penalties equivalent to 25% of the tax due to be paid,
for filings a return not in accordance with existing regulations, thus, tantamount to WRONG VENUE filing
pursuant to Section 248 (A)(3) of the NIRC of 1997, as amended.
RDOs are directed to include non-compliant taxpayers in their priority audit program.
28. Under RR 6-2014, mandated to use eBIRForms are tax agent/practitioners and all its clientstaxpayers. Clarify the term Client-Taxpayers?
The term Client-Taxpayers shall mean those taxpayers who are otherwise authorizing their tax
agents/practitioners to file on their behalf.
Thus, client-taxpayers whose tax agents/practitioners only sign the audit certificate but have NO
The linking module of authorization by the client-taxpayer to his/her tax agent/practitioner is available
online via eBIRForms.
29. For purposes of penalty calculation, when is the date the returns are eFiled?
For the purpose of determining the date when the returns are filed, if no payment is required, it shall be
the date the original eFiling was duly submitted. Hence, it is necessary that the FRN and/or email
notification must always be kept as evidence of efiling. However, if payment is required, it is the date of
the payment that determines whether the returns were file on time and whether or not surcharges,
penalties and/or interest shall be due.
In case of dispute, the final copy of the return in file extension xml which can be viewed in the electronic
platform of the BIR shall prevail.
The system is available 24 hours everyday. However, returns eFiled during tax deadline must be
submitted on or before 10pm, to provide enough time in assuring that the return was received by the BIR
as evidenced by the FRN/email notification received by the taxpayer.
31. Should penalties be imposed for some returns of taxpayers with peculiar transactions such as: a)
those with NOLCO of over four (4) years e.g. renewable energy where NOLCO is seven (7) years,
and b) ONETT specifically for Capital Gains Tax Return (CGT) where payments should be where
the property is located?
Yes, penalties shall be imposed for those not electronically filing but are mandated to use
eFPS/eBIRForms. Provided, where there are systems enhancements being developed to conform with
the special requirements, these taxpayers may be allowed to manually file on their peculiar nature without
penalties. Provided further, that upon systems availability, conformance of electronic platform must be
complied with.
33. Where will employees of Large Taxpayers (LTs) file their ITRs?
Under RMC 10-2015, for taxable year 2014, LT employees will file to the RDO where the LT is physically
located/situated or RDO where the taxpayer is registered. As such, if with payment, it shall be within the
concerned RDO. They can file manually to the concerned RDO for No Payment Return. However, they
are encouraged to prepare and fill-up forms using the Offline eBIRForms and submit via email for their
ease, convenience and avoid long lines during the filing period.
RMC 13-2015 provides that all juridical entities/corporations are mandated to disclose Supplementary
Information such as Income/Receipts/Revenue subjected to Final Withholding including Real
Properties/stock transactions, Income/Receipts/Revenue Exempt from Income Tax, etc. For individuals
filing BIR Form Nos. 1700 and 1701, it shall be optional for calendar year 2014 due for filing on or before
April 15, 2015, and mandatory starting calendar year 2015.
36. What do I need to present to the AABs to pay my Annual Income Tax? I
In paying the tax due for the returns eFiled using eBIRForms, you must present to the AABs the following:
Printed copy of returns duly signed, and
Email notification of successful e-Filing;
For eFPS, eFile and FRN shall be generated by the system, then continue to ePay.
37. How do I submit attachments for the voluminous creditable withholding taxes under BIR Form
Nos. 2307 / 2316?
Under RR 2-2015, the SAWT is submitted using Data Entry and validation module of the BIR under RR
1-2014. On the other hand, in lieu of the submission of hard copies of BIR Form Nos. 2307/2316 as an
attachment to SAWT, must SCAN the original copies of BIR Form No. 2307 through a scanning machine
or device; store the soft copies using pdf file format with filenames alphabetically arranged in DVD-R.
Submit the DVD-R (properly labeled) to the BIR where registered, together with a Notarized Certification
of said RR, duly signed by the authorized representative of the taxpayer certifying that the soft copies of
the said form are the complete and exact copies of the original thereof. The filename shall contain the
following information separated by an underline: BIR registered name of the taxpayer-payor, TIN including
branch code and Taxable period.
Example: Rizal Mfg.Corp_131885220000_09312014
However, if several BIR Form No. 2307 of same payor and same taxable period, indicate at the end the
series number suffix such as:
Bonifacio Mfg.Corp_131885250000_09312014_1; Bonifacio
Mfg.Corp_131885250000_09312014_2; Bonifacio Mfg.Corp3_131885250000_09312014_3
This requirement is mandatory for all Large Taxpayers. Any non-LTS may, at its/his/her option comply
with the said requirements. Provided, that non-LTS shall no longer be allowed to submit in hard copies
thereafter once the said taxpayer opted to comply with the requirements prescribed by the Regulations.
All concerned are hereby enjoined to be guided accordingly and to give this Circular as wide a publicity as
(Original Signed)
Commissioner of Internal Revenue