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Pine River
cruises past
Marion for a win

"Kevin (Witbeck) is a
good coach and they'll get
nothing but better," he
MARION The shots
"Marion's kids worked
Everyone contributed.
hard tonight."
All in all, it was a good
Lukas Sizemore paced
night for Pine River as the
Pine River with 10 points
Bucks beat Marion 65-15
in a Highland Conference while Greg Park had nine
boys basketball game Fri- points, seven rebounds
and three steals.
day night.
"It was a really nice
Connor Hoaglund added
team win for us," Pine
eight rebounds, Mitchell
River coach Brian Goode- McDonald nine assists,
now said. "All 12 guys got Brandon Fulks five asinto the scorebook.
sists and Matt Goodenow
"Kudos to the guys com- three steals.
ing off the bench, too. EvTyler Johnson paced
eryone of them was ready Marion with six points.
to play and they played
Brian Goodenow comwell."
mended Hoaglund for
Pine River led 24-0 after giving the Bucks a rethe first quarter and took bounding presence off the
a commanding 41-9 lead
bench and McDonald and
into the halftime break.
Fulks for a good job of diDespite the lopsided
recting the game.
score, Goodenow was
Pine River (5-2 overall,
complimentary toward
1-2 Highland) is at LakevMarion.
iew on Monday.
cadillac news

cadillac news

EVART Their plan

worked pretty much to perfection.
Evart kept things tight
inside against a much
larger Lake City team
and it worked well as the
Wildcats beat the Trojans
63-49 in a Highland Conference boys basketball game
Thursday night.
Evart coach Kris Morgan was pleased with his
team's execution.
"We ran a lot of zone and
made a consious effort to
make their guards try to
beat us because they are
way bigger than us," he
"That plan worked with
some good team defense."
The Wildcats led 16-6
after the first quarter and
34-20 at halftime. It was
49-37 going into the fourth
Lake City coach Brad
Besko talked about defense, too, but this was the
other side of it.
"They really tried to
spread us out and we
couldn't contain their dribble penetration," he said.
"They were all guard-oriented they executed their
game plan to a tee.
"We've got to get better
defensively, that's all there
is to it."
Rob Tapling paced Evart
with 17 points while Danny Griffin had 15 and Noah
Drake added 11.

Buckley beats Leland

ter the first quarter and

38-35 at halftime. It was
BUCKLEY They kept 54-40 going into the fourth
coming in waves and it
eventually did the job.
Denver Cade paced
Buckley picked up a
Buckley with 18 points, 10
71-52 win over Leland in
rebounds and six assists
a Northwest Conference
while Austin Harris had
boys basketball contest
17 points, 13 rebounds
Thursday night.
and eight assists. Bryce
"We battled through,"
Guernsey added 17 points
Buckley coach Blair Moss and Joe Weber scored 13.
said. "In the end, I thought
The Bears (5-1 overall,
we wore them down."
4-0 Northwest) are at
The Bears led 17-10 afOnekama on Tuesday.
cadillac news

roger hagerman | for the cadillac news

Evarts Nolan VanOrder goes up with a shot against Lake Citys Kory Root (15) and Lucas Marion during Thursdays Highland Conference contest. The Wildcats beat the Trojans 63-49.
Nolan VanOrder grabbed
10 rebounds and Cody
Fournier dished out seven
Lucas Marion paced

Lake City with 16 points

and eight rebounds while
Kory Root and Cade Peterson had eight points

falls to

Evart (3-4 overall, 1-1

Highland) hosts Manton on Tuesday while
Lake City (3-3, 1-2) hosts

Dombrowski: Tigers probably

not re-signing Scherzer

But without re-signing Scherzer, that

starting four will be slimmed down to
three in 2015. With David Price due to hit
A few months ago, president and genfree agency next winter, it likely will be
eral manager Dave Dombrowski was
cut to two in 2016.
asked about a window.
And those two are Justin Verlander,
It was shortly after the season ended in who is an ace with an asterisk after an
early October, too soon for another year
average 2014, and Anibal Sanchez, whose
in which a World Series title was the Tiright shoulder isn't spotless.
gers' only goal, and among other things
Scherzer, 30, has averaged a 3.24 ERA
like the bullpen, he was asked about this and 241 strikeouts since 2012.
window to win a championship.
He won the American League Cy
What does he think of it? Did he think Young in 2013, finished fifth in 2014 and
it was closing?
is one of the top starters in the majors.
"I don't buy it," Dombrowski said. "And
He not only offers the Tigers the shortI think there's a couple of reasons. First term impact needed to distance themof all, we have a good team, and we have selves from the pack, but also the longa good foundation coming back. And I
term stability at the top of the rotation
don't think there's many clubs in baseto keep them there in the future.
ball that would take their starting four
Scherzer doesn't come without risk
going into our off-season with the startsigning power pitchers for big bucks into
ing four we know that we have."
their late 30s is just that and he won't
The Tigers have a good team and a
return to Detroit without a substantial
good foundation coming back. But the
raise over the six-year, $144-million confoundation on which they built four
tract offered last spring.
consecutive American League Central
But a contract of that caliber is not
championships is showing cracks.
up to Dombrowski, but rather 85-yearAnd those cracks are questions that
old owner Mike Ilitch, who has come so
point to an answer Dombrowski didn't
close but yet so far from the World Series
say then and needn't say now: The wintitle he covets.
dow is Max Scherzer.
But before you get to the World Series,
At the owners' meetings in Paradise
you must get to the postseason.
Valley, Ariz., Dombrowski was asked by
And the most proven way to get there,
Ken Davidoff of the New York Post on
the Tigers have proven four times over,
Thursday if he thought they would reis with strong starting pitching.
sign the free-agent right-hander.
"We love Max," Dombrowski said at the
"I would say no, probably not," Domwinter meetings last month, and he could
browski said.
have been speaking for 29 other teams.
by anthony fenech
tribune news service

cadillac news

MCBAIN The inclination would be to throw this

tape out the window.
Not so, though.
Northern Michigan
Christian struggled with
the basics and dropped a
75-61 decision to Beal City
in a Highland Conference
contest Thursday night.
Comets coach Dale Veddler wasn't too happy with
the way his team handled
the game.
"We didn't rebound well
and we didn't defend well,"
he said. "We needed to play
32 minutes against this
team and we didn't.
"We've got to learn from
this game, especially defensively."
The game was tied 14-14
after the first quarter before the Aggies led 29-24 at
halftime. It was 48-45 going
into the fourth quarter before Beal City pulled away
at the free-throw line. | friday, january 16, 2015

marc vieau | cadillac news

Northern Michigan Christians Jonathan Perry drives to the basket

against a Beal City player during Thursdays Highland Conference.
The Aggies beat the Comets 75-61.
Jordan Eisenga paced
NMC with 23 points while
Cody Winkle scord 14 and
Kade Ellens had eight.
The Comets (4-1 overall, 1-1
Highland) are at Big Rapids

Crossroads on Saturday.
NMC won the JV game
48-44. Chase Gernaat paced
the Comets with 24 points
and Jared Eisenga added

Cadillac Bantam team

competes in Silver Sticks

cob Kaspriak, Scheurer and Haydon Watkins. Justin Smith came up huge on the
The Cadillac Bantam hockey team trav- penalty kill at the end of the game when
Cadillac had two of their defensemen in
eled to Pelham, Ontario for the Silver
the box for almost two full minutes.
Sticks International Tournament from
Cadillac was placed into Tier II and beat
Jan. 7-11.
On Thursday, Cadillac opened pool play West Dundee, Ill., 4-1 in the uarterfinals.
Tim Carlington, Nixon, Alex Lietaert,
with a 2-1 loss to Mooretown.
Ethan Nixon scored Cadillac's lone goal and Watkins scored for the Vikings with
with assists from Brian Geiger and Bren- Scheurer (2) and Eller picking up assists.
Seth VanNewkirk was outstanding in
dan Phillips. Jacque Coleman played really well defensively in the neutral zone to goal stopping 11 of the 12 shots he faced.
On Saturday, Cadillac faced the Huntshelp slow down the Mooretown players.
In the second game on Thursday, Cadil- ville Otters from Ontario in the semifinals and lost a very hard-played game 3-1.
lac lost to a very good team from Pelham
Cadillac got on the board first on a goal
Ontario 10-0.
from Geiger off assists from Lietaert and
On Friday, in the last game of the pool
play Cadillac tied Tri Valley, Calif., 3-3.
Unfortunately, Huntsville scored three
Allan Scheurer scored two goals and Philunanswered goals and Cadillac could not
lips also scored a goal. Assisting on the
find the back of the net again.
goals were Brandon Eller (2), Nixon, Jafor the cadillac news

courtesy photo

The Cadillac Bantam hockey team in front of Niagara Falls. Front Row: Hayden Watkins, Brian Geiger,
Ethan Nixon, Alex Lietaert, Jacob Kaspriak, Jacque Coleman and Tim Carlington. Back Row: Coach
Derek Graham, Seth VanNewkirk, Justin Smith, Allan Scheurer, Brandon Eller, Brendan Phillips, Coach
Ryan Schultz and Coach Chad Geiger.

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