Authentic Planning Format

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Authentic Planning & Assessment Format

Topic: Lent

Year level:
Year 6


Curriculum Links


Church: Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding

The Churchs liturgical year is told through a framework of different seasons
(Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Ordinary Time), revealing the story of
salvation and drawing inspiration from Jewish tradition.
Make connections between some key celebrations of the Churchs liturgical
year and the story of salvation.
Identify where, how and why forms of sacred art are used in liturgical
Identify ways in which believers actively participate in liturgical celebrations
and interpret the meaning of these for believers.
Year 6 Achievement Standard
They identify and describe many ways in which faith is celebrated in the lives of
believers, past and present, including the commemoration of High Holy Days by
Jewish believers; the Churchs liturgical year and the celebration of Eucharist.
Students will be assisted to:
Identify the main features of Lent
Describe the purpose of Lent in relation to the Catholic community
Describe one symbolic feature of Lent in detail
Create a concise, informative and engaging piece of text regarding Lent
Assess peers work according to the criteria sheet
Fertile Question:
Your group is to plan and create an
informative online poster regarding Lent and
what it means to the Catholic community.
Students are required to research and
engage in whole class discussion and display
the journey of learning through adjusting
content from small group discussions, the
online forum and peer assessment.

Summative Assessment:
In pairs plan, create and assess an
online information poster through
Glogster. Students are to:
Identity the main features of Lent
Describe one symbolic feature in
Explain what Lent means to the
Catholic community


Learning Episode 1
Introduce topic/unit
Revise content and the main features of
Explain the criteria sheet to students and
discuss possible alterations on the criteria
Show students how to use the online tool
Glogster, possibly use this tool
throughout the unit.

Formative Assessment
Active participation and
contribution towards partner,
small group and whole class
Summative Assessment
Give a brief overview of Lent
Describe one symbolic feature
of Lent in detail
Identify the purpose of Lent in
relation to the Catholic
Create a concise, informative
and engaging piece of text
regarding Lent
Assess peers work according to
the criteria sheet



Learning Episode 2: Prepare

Place students in pairs
Students are to research three content
1. Overview of Lent
2. One symbolic feature
3. Meaning to Catholics/believers
Students are to select one symbolic
feature to describe in particular. Options
o Cross
o Purple
o Ash
o 40 days
o Fasting
Students are to research their chosen
topic and gather information from: books,
Internet, lesson content etc.
Towards the end of the lesson students
are to group with another pair and discuss
what they have found.
This new group is to enter their
information about Lent in an online forum.
As a whole class read through the forum
and discuss content.

Formative Assessment
Assessment as learning:
Active participation and
contribution towards partner,
small group and whole class
Comprehensive and informative
research submitted on the
forum page.
Insightful feedback and ability to
adjust and develop information

Learning Episode 3: Create

Gather research and information
Create poster on Glogster by using the
research gathered
Ensure poster is engaging, informative
and concise.
Once poster is complete students are to
swap posters with another group and
assess one anothers through filling out a
peer assessment form.
Feedback needs to be constructive with
both warm and cool feedback.
Students are to then make the
appropriate changes

Formative Assessment
Assessment as learning:
Peer assessment evaluating
and verifying content.

Support and Scaffolding

What do you know about Lent?
Why is this significant to the
Catholic community?
Have you researched all three
Why is this feature symbolic to
How do you know this?
What information have you all
Why is Lent important?
What information do you know
about your chosen symbol?

Summative Assessment
Assessment of learning:
Informative, engaging and
concise online poster
Peer assessment feedback
has been incorporated into
the final product.


Metacognitive Reflection
Variety of assessment strategies for diverse
Peer Interaction
Active participation and contribution
towards partner, small group and whole
class interaction.
Insightful feedback
Creative Content
Comprehensive and informative
research submitted on the forum page.
Ability to adjust and develop
information content
Informative, engaging and concise
online poster
Peer assessment feedback has been
incorporated into the final product
Peer Assessment
Peer assessment, evaluating and
verifying content

Reflective Questions

What would you like to improve

Would you like to ask any
What do you need to know more
What did you find challenging?
How are you reaching the
How could you improve your
peer assessment?
What would you change on your
information poster?
How could you improve it?

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