Notes PDE Pt1
Notes PDE Pt1
Notes PDE Pt1
Part I
Second linear partial differential equations; Separation of Variables; 2point boundary value problems; Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
We are about to study a simple type of partial differential equations (PDEs):
the second order linear PDEs. Recall that a partial differential equation is
any differential equation that contains two or more independent variables.
Therefore the derivative(s) in the equation are partial derivatives. We will
examine the simplest case of equations with 2 independent variables. A few
examples of second order linear PDEs in 2 variables are:
2 uxx = ut
a2 uxx = utt
uxx + uyy = 0
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2 uxx = ut
Where the constant coefficient 2 is the thermo diffusivity of the bar, given
by 2 = k / s. (k = thermal conductivity, = density, s = specific heat, of the
material of the bar.)
Further, let us assume that both ends of the bar are kept constantly at 0
degree temperature (abstractly, by connecting them both to a heat reservoir
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of the same temperature; more practically, say they are immersed in iced
water). This assumption imposes explicit restriction on the bars ends, in
this case:
u(0, t) = 0, and
u(L, t) = 0. t > 0
Those two conditions are called the boundary conditions of this problem.
They literally specify the conditions present at the boundaries between the
bar and the outside. Think them as the environmental factors of the given
In addition, there is an initial condition: the initial temperature distribution
within the bar, u(x, 0). It is a snapshot of the temperature everywhere inside
the bar at t = 0. Therefore, it is an (arbitrary) function of the spatial variable
x only. That is, the initial condition is u(x, 0) = f (x).
Hence, what we have is a problem given by:
2 uxx = ut ,
0 < x < L,
(Boundary conditions)
u(0, t) = 0, and
u(L, t) = 0,
(Initial condition)
u(x, 0) = f (x).
t > 0,
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If the boundary conditions specify u, e.g. u(0, t) = f (t) and u(L, t) = g(t), then
they are often called Dirichlet conditions. If they specify the (spatial)
derivative, e.g. ux(0, t) = f (t) and ux(L, t) = g(t), then they are often called
Neumann conditions. If the boundary conditions are linear combinations of
u and its derivative, e.g. u(0, t) + ux(0, t) = f (t), then they are called Robin
conditions. Those are the 3 most common classes of boundary conditions.
If the specified functions in a set of condition are all equal to zero, then they
are homogeneous. Our current example, therefore, is a homogeneous
Dirichlet type problem.
But before any of those boundary and initial conditions could be applied, we
will first need to process the given partial differential equation. What can
we do with it? There are other tools (by Laplace transforms, for example),
but the most accessible method to us is called the method of Separation of
Variables. The idea is to somehow de-couple the independent variables,
therefore rewrite the single partial differential equation into 2 ordinary
differential equations of one independent variable each (which we already
know how to solve). We will solve the 2 equations individually, and then
combine their results to find the general solution of the given partial
differential equation. For a reason that should become clear very shortly, the
method of Separation of Variables is sometimes called the method of
Eigenfunction Expansion.
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Separation of Variables
Start with the one-dimensional heat conduction equation 2 uxx = ut .
Suppose that its solution u(x, t) is such a function that it can be expressed as
a product, u(x, t) = X(x)T(t), where X is a function of x alone and T is a
function of t alone. Then, its partial derivatives can also be expressed
simply by:
uxx = X T
ux = X T
utt = X T
ut = X T
uxt = utx = X T
2 X T = X T .
X 2T
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But how do we completely pull it apart into 2 equations? The critical idea
here is that, because the independent variables x and t can, and do, vary
independently, in order for the above equation to hold for all values of x and
t, the expressions on both sides of the equation must be equal to the same
constant. Let us call the constant . It is called the constant of separation.
(The negative sign is optional, of course, since is an arbitrary number and
it could be either positive or negative or even zero. But putting a negative
sign here right now makes our later calculation a little easier.) Thus,
= .
X 2T
Why must the two sides be the same constant? Well, think what would
happen if one of the sides isnt a constant. The equation would not be true
for all x and t if that were the case, because then one side/variable could be
held at a fixed value while the other side/variable changes.
Next, equate first the x-term and then the t-term with . We have
X = X
T = 2 T
X + X = 0,
T + 2 T = 0.
Consequently, the single partial differential equation has now been separated
into a simultaneous system of 2 ordinary differential equations. They are a
second order homogeneous linear equation in terms of x, and a first order
linear equation (it is also a separable equation) in terms of t. Both of them
can be solved easily using what we have already learned in this class.
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Lastly, now that the partial differential equation becomes two ordinary
differential equations, we need to similarly rewrite the boundary conditions.
The boundary conditions can be rewritten as:
u(0, t) = 0 X(0)T(t) = 0 X(0) = 0
u(L, t) = 0 X(L)T(t) = 0 X(L) = 0
T(t) = 0
T(t) = 0
X + X = 0,
X(0) = 0
X(L) = 0,
T + 2 T = 0 .
The general solution (that satisfies the boundary conditions) shall be solved
from this system of simultaneous differential equations. Then the initial
condition u(x, 0) = f (x) could be applied to find the particular solution.
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t 3 X T + x3 X T = 0 ,
t3 X T = x3 X T .
Divide both sides by X T , we have separated the variables:
t 3 T x3 X
X .
Now insert a constant of separation:
t 3 T x3 X
= .
Finally, rewrite it into 2 equations:
t3 T = T
x3 X = X
T + t3 T = 0,
X x3 X = 0.
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Example: Separate
ux + 2 utx 10 utt = 0,
u(0, t) = 0, ux(L, t) = 0.
X T + 2 X T 10 X T = 0,
X T + 2 X T = 10 X T .
Divide both sides by X T , and insert a constant of separation:
T + 2T 10 X
= .
Rewrite it into 2 equations:
T + 2 T = T
10 X = X
T + 2 T + T = 0,
X + 10 X = 0.
X(0) = 0
X (L) = 0
T(t) = 0
T(t) = 0
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X + X = 0,
T + 2 T = 0.
X(0) = 0
and X(L) = 0,
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Somewhat fortunately for us, that in (1) above while the boundary
conditions are fixed, the equation itself is not note that the coefficient ,
which was just the arbitrary constant of separation, has not been determined.
Thus, what we need to do here is somewhat a reverse of what youd have
expected to be doing. Namely, we will start with the fixed boundary
conditions and try to find an equation (by finding an appropriate coefficient
) that has a nonzero solution satisfying the given boundary conditions. (In
other words, we are starting with the answer and then go looking for the
correct question that would give that answer!) This kind of reversed
boundary value problems is called an Eigenvalue problem. The specific
value(s) of that would produce a nonzero solution of the boundary value
problem is called an eigenvalue of the boundary value problem. The
nonzero solution that arises from each eigenvalue is called a corresponding
eigenfunction of the boundary value problem.
dx 2
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X + X = 0,
X(0) = 0
and X(L) = 0,
will have a nonzero solution satisfying both boundary conditions. Since the
form of the general solution of the second order linear equation is dependent
on the type of roots that its characteristic equation has. In this example, the
characteristic equation is r 2 + = 0. The type of roots it has is dependent on
its discriminant, which is simply 4. We will attempt to find by
separately considering the 3 possible types of the solution arise from the
different roots of the characteristic equation.
+ C2 e
. Applying the
C2 = C1
+ C2 e
= C1 ( e
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C1 = 0
C2 = 0 (because L > 0)
C1 = 0
n2 2
= = 2 ,
n = 1, 2, 3,
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All such values of are called the eigenvalues of the given boundary value
problem. Recall that the actual solution of this problem corresponding to
each eigenvalue is called an eigenfunction of the problem.
What are the eigenfunctions, then? Retracing our work above, we see that
they occur only when are positive (therefore, the general solution in the
form of X(x) = C1 cos(x) + C2 sin(x)), that C1 must be zero, and C2 could
2 2 2
be any nonzero constant. Lastly, = n /L , where n = 1, 2, 3, are all
the positive integers.
Therefore, the eigenfunctions corresponding to the eigenvalues found above
that is, they are the actual nonzero solutions that satisfy the given set of
boundary conditions when the original differential equation has = n22/L2
as its coefficient are
X n = sin
n x
L ,
n = 1, 2, 3,
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X + X = 0,
X(0) = 0
and X (L) = 0.
Case 1: If < 0:
Again denote = 2, where = > 0 . The characteristic
equation becomes r 2 + = r 2 2 = 0, which has roots r = .
C2 e
C2 = C1
= C1 ( e
Case 2: If = 0:
Again, the equation becomes X = 0. The general solution is,
therefore, X(x) = C1 + C2 x. Its derivative is X (x) = C2.
Applying boundary conditions to get
X(0) = 0 = C1
X (L) = 0 = C2
C1 = 0
C2 = 0
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Case 3: If > 0:
As before, denote = 2, where = > 0 . The characteristic
equation is then r 2 + = r 2 + 2 = 0, which has roots r = i.
The general solution is X(x) = C1 cos(x) + C2 sin(x). Its derivative is
X (x) = C1 sin(x) + C2 cos(x). Applying boundary conditions to
X(0) = 0 = C1 cos(0) + C2 sin(0) = C1
X (L) = 0 = C1 sin(L) + C2 cos(L) = C2 cos(L)
C1 = 0
(2n 1) 2 2
= =
4 L2
n = 1, 2, 3,
X n = sin
(2n 1) x
n = 1, 2, 3,
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Let us return to solving the heat conduction problem. After finding the
eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions by solving the 2-point
boundary value problem, the next step in the process is to solve the second
equation (that of the time variable t):
T + 2 T = 0.
n 2 2
T =0.
Tn (t ) = Cn e
2 n 2 2 t / L2
n = 1, 2, 3,
We can now assemble the result from the two ordinary differential equations
to find the solutions of the partial differential equation. Recall that the
assumption in the separation of variables method is that the PDE has
solutions in the form u(x, t) = X(x)T(t). Therefore, we see that the solutions
of the one-dimensional heat conduction equation, with the boundary
conditions u(0, t) = 0 and u(L, t) = 0, are in the form
u n ( x, t ) = X n ( x) Tn (t ) = Cn e
2 n 2 2 t / L2
n x
L ,
n = 1, 2, 3,
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The general solution, of the temperature distribution (recall that this general
solution is only valid for the given set of boundary conditions) within a bar
that has both ends kept at 0 degree, is just the linear combination of all the
above (linearly independent) functions un(x, t). That is,
u ( x, t ) = Cn e
2 n 2 2 t / L2
n =1
n x
L .
Once the general solution has been found, we can now apply the initial
condition in order to find the particular solution. Set t = 0 in the general
solution above, and equate it with the initial condition u(x, 0) = f (x):
u ( x,0) = Cn sin
n =1
n x
= f ( x) .
Take a few seconds to grasp what this equation says, and we quickly realize
that we are not out of the woods yet. The equation above specifies that the
(arbitrary) initial condition must be equal to an infinite series of sine terms,
and there are infinitely many coefficients cn that need to be solved. Can this
equation even be solved, in general? The answer is a reassuring yes. But
to get there we still need to know several things. Namely, what kind of
functions could be expressed as a series of sines (and, more generally, sines
and/or cosines)? Even if such functions exist, how does the arbitrary initial
condition f (x) fit in? Lastly, how could we possibly solve for the infinitely
many coefficients with just this one equation given?
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Exercises E-1.1:
1 4 Determine whether each PDE can be separated. Then separate it into
two ODEs if it is possible to separate.
x2 uxx t2 utt = 0
uxx 3u = ut ,
u(0, t) = 0,
u(, t) = 0.
uxx + 2t utx = 4 u,
ux(0, t) = 0,
u(9, t) = 0.
X + X = 0,
X(0) = 0 ,
X (2) = 0.
X + X = 0,
X (0) = 0 , X(2) = 0.
X + X = 0,
X (0) = 0 , X (2) = 0.
X X = 0,
X(0) = 0 ,
X X = 0,
X (0) = 0 , X(1) = 0.
X(1) = 0.
12. (a) Show that any positive eigenvalue of the boundary value problem
X + X = 0,
X(0) + X (0) = 0,
X(L) = 0,
must be in the form = , where satisfies the equation = tan(L). (b) Is
0 an eigenvalue of this problem?
13. Show that 0 is not an eigenvalue, and that any positive eigenvalue of the
boundary value problem
X + X = 0,
X(0) X (0) = 0,
X(L) + 2X (L) = 0,
2 2 1
must be in the form = , where satisfies the equation
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Answers E-1.1:
1. Separable; there are many ways to separate, one possible result is
x2 X + X = 0, and t2 T + T = 0.
2. Not separable.
3. Separable; one possible result is
X + ( 3)X = 0, and T + T = 0.
The boundary conditions become X (0) = 0 , X() = 0.
4. Separable; one possible result is
X + X 4X = 0, and 2t T T = 0.
The boundary conditions become X (0) = 0 , X(9) = 0.
6. = , X n = sin
, n = 1, 2, 3,
(2n 1) x
( 2n 1) 2
7. =
, X n = sin
, n = 1, 2, 3,
(2n 1) x
( 2n 1) 2
8. =
, X n = cos
, n = 1, 2, 3,
9. = 0, X0 = 1; and
, X n = cos
, n = 1, 2, 3,
10. = n 2 2 , X n = sin n x , n = 1, 2, 3,
(2n 1) x
( 2n 1) 2 2
11. =
, X n = cos
n = 1, 2, 3,
12. (b) No, 0 is not an eigenvalue.
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