Italian Rifle Platoon TOE 1939-43

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Italian Rifle Platoon (Plotone Fucilieri) (38 men): September 1939 July 1941

HQ section (2 men):
1 Officer (pistol)
1 Runner
2 x Rifle Squads (18 men each):
1 x Rifle Group (9 men):
1 NCO (Rifle)
8 other ranks (Rifles)
1 x LMG Group (9 men):
1 Corporal (Rifle)
2 x LMG teams (4 men each):
1 gunner (Breda Mod 30 LMG, pistol)
1 loader (Rifle)
2 ammo carriers (Rifle)
This structure was in place from the beginning of the war until July 1941, at which time it
was replaced by the next reorganization.
Ministero della Guerra n.3704 - Addestramento della Fanteria Vol 1 Roma 1939
Addestramento della Fanteria Vol 2 - Roma 1939 tavola A.
Manuale de Regolamenti per I corsi allievi ufficiali de complemento - Roma 1940
tavola A & D.
Impreso e Addestramento Tattico Ministero della Guerra Roma 1940 (tactical
procedures and training)
Nozioni di Organica 1941.

Note: The Italian word for Infantry is Fanteria, but the units comprising infantry divisions
were known as Rifle Platoon (Plotone Fucilieri), Rifle Squad (Squadra Fucilieri) and
Rifle Group (Gruppo Fucilieri).
Note: This organization applies to leg (non-motorized) rifle platoons.

Updated 10/22/2009

Italian Rifle Platoon (Plotone Fucilieri) (42 men): July 1941 September 1943
HQ section (2 men):
1 Officer (pistol)
1 Runner
2 x Rifle Squads (20 men each):
1 x Rifle Group (11 men):
1 NCO (Rifle)
10 other ranks (Rifles)
1 x LMG Group (9 men):
1 Corporal (Rifle)
2 x LMG teams (4 men each):
1 gunner (LMG, pistol)
1 loader (Rifle)
2 ammo carriers (Rifle)
This structure was in effect from July 1941 through the end of 1942 (see source #1). In
1943 another reorganization of forces was performed. However, at the platoon level,
the structure remained the same (see source #2). So the basic rifle platoon structure
remained unchanged from July 1941 through the armistice in September 1943.
Prima serie di aggiunte e varianti all'Addestramento della fanteria.Vol I (16/07/1941)
(and would have applied from July 1941 through the end of 1942)
Le Squadre Della Fanteria (1943)
Italian Army Order of Battle (Madeja)


Updated 10/22/2009

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