Backup' Restore' Coursefile: Lecturer Manual AND SESSION 1 2012/2013 Backing Up A Course
Backup' Restore' Coursefile: Lecturer Manual AND SESSION 1 2012/2013 Backing Up A Course
Backup' Restore' Coursefile: Lecturer Manual AND SESSION 1 2012/2013 Backing Up A Course
4. Check the boxes of the elements you would like to backup. By default, all check boxes
will be checked. Make sure the User Data check boxes are NOT checked (if any).
8. Another page will display your backup as a .zip file. You can download it by rightclicking the file name and clicking Save Target As.
9. Please make sure that you keep the file in the directory that you recognize such as my
documents, desktop or new folder created.
10. Make sure the date and time when the backup were done is correct. Backup process
complete here.
Restoring a course
A course backup file may be restored from within any existing course for which you have
permission. During the restore process, you will be given the option to restore as a new course
or into an existing course.
1. Open the current elearning site at Login using your acid
account. You will be able to see your course on navigation block > My Course. If you
are not able to see any courses assign to your site, please refer to the faculty
administration to confirm.
2. You will be shown with an empty course site ( if restore process have not yet been
done by the elearning administration).
4. Upload the backup file or choose a file in the course backup area or user private
backup area and click Restore
5. Confirm - Check that everything is as required then click the Continue button
6. Destination - Choose whether the course should be restored as a new course or into an
existing course then click the Continue button
7. Settings - Select activities, blocks, filters and possibly other items as required then
click the Next button
8. Schema - Select/deselect specific items and amend the course name, short name and
start date if necessary then click the Next button
9. Review - Check that everything is as required, using the Previous button if necessary,
then click the 'Perform restore' button
11. Once successful, you will be prompted with the restored course. Some amendment
might be needed as the version is different.