Vive Le Français !: 1 General Course Information
Vive Le Français !: 1 General Course Information
Vive Le Français !: 1 General Course Information
Faculty Name
Course Title
Room Number
Office Hours
Faculty Contact
Vive le franais !
2 Course materials
Course materials:
Madames website:
These are translation sites that are not recommended for thoughtful study and
learning, but rather as additional aids to grasp meaning, and improve understanding.
3 Assessment
Grading policy:
Individual academic achievement will be based on a variety of assessments that reflect what a
student knows, understands, and can do according to the Course Standards delineated for this
level. Come prepared to participate, and you will have FUN! All assignments, orals, and tests
have a numerical value from which you can determine the letter grade based on the
following percentile breakdown:
A : 90%-100%
B : 80%-89%
C : 70%-79%
D : 60%-69%
Ordinarily, you have an opportunity to earn well over 1000 points per semester. Grades are based on a
semester cumulative point system. There are no weighted grades.
Formative assessments
Quizzes, reading responses, journal writes, essays, letters, in-class worksheets, homework.
Orals, participation, activities, presentations.
Skits, role plays, projects, open-ended orals, completeness of notebook (binder) which is
your portfolio. These assessments are accompanied by a detailed rubrique that clearly
outlines what you must do to receive the grade that you desire.
Student Records:
Students will keep a running tally of their graded work on the record sheet provided. All graded papers will be
saved by the teacher in case there is a discrepancy between student records and the instructors grade book.
Extra Credit: some test questions.
Expect daily homework in the form of study guides, based on the class lesson to reinforce
a. Expect formative practice and assessments the next scheduled day, based on the
study guide.
b. Study guides are announced daily, posted on the whiteboard and on Madames
In the case of an excused absence, it is your responsibility to check the website, or the
whiteboard upon your return. You may also call your homework partner (recorded in your
c. You have the number of days absent, plus one to submit make-up work for all excused
absences, except for exams and long-range assignments that you have known about in
advance. Meaning : long-term projects are due the day that you return.
District policy:
If a student has excessive, excused absences that result in insufficient work upon
which to base a grade, then he/she will receive an (I) Incomplete, and will have 3
weeks to make up the work.
Complete your long-term projects on time; due at the beginning of class. Work will drop
one letter grade per day that it is late. Assignments that are not received will be
recorded as a zero.
Participate in written, oral and creative projects that often require teamwork.
Be prepared to actively participate in class (detailed scoring guide and expectations in this
Learning Targets
Semester 1
LT 1. Students will be able to greet and introduce themselves and others.
LT 2. Students will be able to communicate about themselves and others.
LT 3. Students will be able to communicate about their activities and interests.
LT 4. Students will be able to communicate about the members of their family.
Semester 2
LT 5. Students will be able to communicate about school.
LT 6. Students will be able to communicate about their daily lives.
LT 7. Students will be able to communicate about the city.
LT 8. Students will be able to communicate about a series of events.
Course Standards
Level 1: Novice-Mid: NMIS 1-5, NMIW 1-4, NMPS 1-5, NMPW 1-5, NMIR 1-4, NMIL1-4. Course standards are
posted in the classroom and available in print upon request
4 Schedule
Unit 1: Qui suis-je ?
Components addressed
Students will work
with partners, in
small groups, or in
full-class setting to:
Share and
Verify and justify
Students will
Take notes
Share solutions
an answers with
partners and in
small groups
Present work to
Justify or correct
others work
Students will access
help and information
From class notes
From textbooks
From internet
Students are expected to
Investigate and develop
their own solutions
Follow a problem-solving
Choose and use tools to
find solutions
Evaluate and critique
others solutions
Reflect on own
understanding and ability
Reflect on the usefulness
and applicability of their
5 Classroom conduct
Make-up Work
Whenever a class is missed, it is the students responsibility to see their teachers concerning make-up assignments. It is
important that this be done the day the student returns to school so that he/she does not fall behind the rest of the class.
Students are allowed one more day than the number of days absent to complete their make-up work.
This policy does not apply to tests, exams, or major projects which were scheduled in advance. In these cases, the
teachers written class guidelines will apply. If extenuating circumstances prevent the student from attending class, the
student should contact the teacher.
It is the responsibility of the school to strongly promote academic honesty and integrity. Cheating will not be tolerated. The
student will have another opportunity to do his/her own work.
School-Wide Focus - Respectful Behavior
As a learning community at Hillsboro High School, we are dedicated to establishing a learning environment that models
respect, dignity, and decency. Our staff is committed to a school-wide effort to ensure a respectful environment throughout
our campus every day. Our respectful environment means:
Modeling a respectful attitude to all students and staff (Reflective, Caring, Communicators).
Our staff will work respectfully with students to address disrespectful behaviors. Every staff member may work with any
student to redirect their behaviors. Inappropriate behaviors may result in disciplinary consequences. Please note that the
IB Learner Profile ideals are in italics next to our description of a respectful environment.
Hilhi Tardy Sweep System in Student Handbook
a. At the first period bell, students still in the halls will be swept to report to the attendance office for an admit
slip. First period tardies will be addressed by admin.
b. Tardies are counted by period. A parent contact will be made once a referral is made to the administrator (4th
c. Consequences for tardies:
1st tardy: warning
2nd tardy: warning
3rd tardy: 1 detention-assigned by teacher
4th tardy: referral-after school (T/Th) or Wed AM-assigned by admin
5th tardy -Saturday School-assigned by admin
d. After 10 tardies, a parent/student/administrator conference will be held.
e. At the end of Semester One, tardy counts will start over.
Electronic Devices
Hilhi discourages students from bringing personal electronic devices to school (such as iPods, MP3 Players, hand-held
games, etc.). Unfortunately, many stolen items are not recovered and the student has to suffer a loss. If students must
bring a cell phone to school, we suggest that they only use it before and after school. If a student is using the device during
class without teacher permission, the student will take the device to the front office. Refer to the School Policy for detailed
consequences of subsequent infractions.