The document is an application form for a contractual post at the National School of Drama. It requests information such as name, contact details, educational qualifications, employment history, additional supporting information, and a statement of eligibility. Applicants are asked to submit self-certified copies of credentials and qualifications along with 2 passport photos.
The document is an application form for a contractual post at the National School of Drama. It requests information such as name, contact details, educational qualifications, employment history, additional supporting information, and a statement of eligibility. Applicants are asked to submit self-certified copies of credentials and qualifications along with 2 passport photos.
Application for the Contractual post of ____________________________
Name (in Block Letters)
Fathers / Husbands Name
Date of Birth (in Christian era)
Phone Nos. & Email ID
Educational Qualifications : Examination
Board / University
Year of passing
Division / Class
Details of employment in chronological order : (Attach Separate Sheet)
Additional information, which
you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Please enclose a separate sheet.
Please State clearly whether in
the light of entries made by you above, you are eligible for the above post.
Salary (Last drawn)
Signature of the candidate
Date: PS: Please submit self-certified copies of Certificates/Degrees and other credentials in support of your education qualifications and experience along with 2 passport size photographs.