Application Form
Application Form
Student No:
Application form
1 Personal details
Dr Mr Mrs Miss Ms
First name (s) Previous surname / Family name, if changed
Postcode Postcode
Passport Number (for Overseas Applicants only) Will you require details on campus accommodation?
(Please send photocopy of passport)
Yes No
Email Address
FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY: Year Abroad Yes No Semester Abroad Yes No
5 Work experience
Give details of work experience, training and employment. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Job title Name of organisation Full time/ From To
part time
Address Address
Please explain how you will be able to pay for your Tuition or accommodation expense (Self financed, parents scholarship etc)
13 Declaration
I confirm that the information I have given on this form is true, complete and accurate and no information requested or other
material information has been omitted. I have read the Notes of Guidance, in particular those relating to this section.
I understand what they say and I agree to abide by the conditions set out there. I acknowledge that the information on this
form will be used in accordance with the Caspian Khazri Edu ltd policy and will be used to form the basis of my student
record. I give my consent to the processing of my data by the Caspian Khazri ltd. If I do not fully comply with these
requirements the Caspian khazri shall have the right to cancel my application and I shall have no claim against the
Caspian khazri in relation thereto.
Applicant’s Signature…………………………...........