Presentation DSC

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a good place to live is
a good place to visit



What is Destination Stewardship?



To help Utila improve its

authenticity, sense of place,
sustainability, and responsible
tourism economics

To support, protect and enhance

Utilas attributes for both the
locals and visitors.

By creating collaboration amongst

local individuals and organizations
that are most familiar with the
unique environmental, historical
and cultural assets

Why a Destination Stewardship

To provide destination managers & stakeholders
with a place to negotiate sustainable
destination development, ongoing management
and effective destination marketing outcomes
So work can be maintained beyond the scope of
STI/SDAA initiatives and can be an
institutionalized process
To be safeguarded against risk of change in
Allowing Utila to sustain its efforts beyond the 4
years that current administration has power
By continuing to build a business case for it and
helping Utila tell a compelling story about what
is occurring in the destination
Ensuring sustainable tourism becomes
the norm

Roles of the DSC?


a master Management plan and a

Marketing strategy for Utila


the dialogue between the private

sector, public sector, and other stakeholders
who otherwise collaborate with difficulty or dont
understand how their decisions affect Utila in the

Improve the long-term prosperity of the local



the satisfaction level of tourists


that all stakeholders, including

community groups, have an opportunity to
engage with and benefit from tourism


policy development in Utila for positive,

long-term change


sustainable balance between

economic benefits and socio-cultural and
environmental costs in order to optimize the
adverse impacts of tourism


Private Sector
NGO Community


do you think?

Voluntary group of leaders & leading organizations that oversee

implementation of destination sustainability projects & commit
to work together to embed policies and practices into all levels
of tourism planning, development & management

Lets look at some examples!

What are Destination Stewardship
Councils up to in other destinations?

Sal, Cape Verde Better Beaches

to improve the beach user experience & increase the number of tourists and
residents visiting five of Sal's beaches.
Installing interpretation signage highlighting flora and fauna at the most used
beaches in Sal, with support from key public sector partners.
Carrying out beach assessments at Sals most used beaches, with support from
National Volunteers, and implementing beach improvement action plans
centered on areas such as beach safety, litter and waste collection, and
Delivering workshops on caring for the beach environment at primary schools in
Coordinating beach cleans involving residents and local tourism industry
Business Benefits
Beaches are a vital part of the holiday experience in Cape Verde. By creating,
cleaner, greener beaches, Sal will be able to meet or exceed customer
expectations and help create a vibrant beach environment that attracts
customers, is valued by local communities and that benefits wildlife and local
businesses alike.

Discover the Real Sal

to improve the visitor experience and perceptions of Sal through the
improvement of the existing excursion offer and the development of new
Installing interpretation signage at key attractions which include information on
Sals history and culture, with support from public sector partners.
Creating a Sal Insider Guide and a pocket sized map of Sal highlighting insights
from local residents on the best things to taste, buy, see and do and Sal, which
will be distributed pre-departure and in destination.
Providing training to micro-excursion providers on topics such as health and
safety, costing and pricing and excursion design, as well as encouraging market
linkages with the mainstream tourism industry.
Business benefits
A key benefit for all tourism businesses is the improvement of the customer
experience and the ability to exceed customer expectations of the destination.
By promoting local attractions, Sal is able to differentiate itself from other
holiday destinations.
Various government stakeholders have committed to collaborate with the Travel
Foundation in forming an account of Sals history and culture.
Feedback from the training provided so far has been overwhelmingly positive. In
follow-up research, 9 out of the 10 participants surveyed had applied the
knowledge acquired and reported positive feedback from customers on excursion

Bocas del Toro, Panama

Promoting Sustainable Tourism through
improved destination management

Created first Tourist Information Center which serves as a hub for sharing and
addressing environmental and social issues related to tourism.

Developed a destination Marketing Strategy: designing a logo, creating Geotourism

maps, launching a website to promote BSTA member products, and creating
member sell sheets to be displayed in the information center.

Coordinating workshops for best management practices for hotels, customer service
training for information center staff, and conservation and guide training for local
boat drivers.

Created a Waste Management Committee, which broadcasts public service

announcements on local TV, collects recyclable waste, and organizes regular beach

Created of a Farmers' Market Committee which organizes a bi-weekly Farmers'

Market to sell local products and showcase local dances and music.

Lets create Sustainable Tourism

in a Sustainable Community!


Council Planning Meeting
Thursday, May 14th
11:00 12:00

Final discussion and agreements about Destination

Stewardship Council. Destination Liaisons have the
option to convene a first meeting of the DSC on
Thursday so that the STI Assessor can help
destination partners to facilitate the first meeting.

Lets review each slide for:


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