Recognizing Patterns in Music Lesson Plan

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DME Lesson Plan Template

Note: Type into this template. Do not print it out and hand-write the lesson plan.
Name: Joshua Ready

Grade level for lesson: 1st Grade

Lesson Title/Topic: Recognizing Patterns in Music

Concept: Patterns

National Standard(s):
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
Lesson Objectives:
What the students should know and be able to do by the end of
this lesson. These should be VERY specific and numbered.

For each objective, there should be a corresponding assessment:

How will you know what the students know and are able to do
at the end of the lesson?

1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of

patterns by placing the next item within a
pattern sequence correctly
2. Students will sing with classmates a
traditional nursery rhyme and identify patterns
within the song.

1. This objective will be assessed by drawing

patterns on the board and calling on students
to come up and complete unfinished patterns.
2. This objective will be assessed by asking the
students to tell the class where they heard
patterns within the music.

What will you need to accomplish the lesson? Be specific (as if providing instructions for a substitute teacher).

Whiteboard or chalkboard
Recognizing Patterns in Music and Childrens Literature Lesson Plan Pictures and Worksheet Handout

Curricular item from 112A _Rhythm Sticks_________________________________________________________________

Be very specific so that a qualified substitute teacher could accomplish the lesson from this plan. Number the activities and
corresponding instructions.


Pattern Identification

Explain to the class what a pattern is. (For example, a
pattern is something that repeats itself, or happens
over and over). Tell them a pattern can be something
they see with their eyes.
Explain that a pattern can also be something you hear
with your ears and that many songs have patterns
made up of repeating words or phrases, and repeating
tunes. To reinforce this, use rhythm sticks to create a
simple pattern and have students identify it.
Draw on the board different types of patterns, such as
square-triangle, square-triangle, or blue-greenyellow, blue-green-yellow. Leave part of the pattern
unfinished and call on students to come up and
complete the pattern.

Pattern Creation

Song Preparation

Sing-Through 1

Song Pattern Identification

Sing-Through 2

Knowledge Check

Tell the class that they are now going to create their
own patterns with shapes on paper. Separate the
class in groups of 4-6 and tell the students that they
are going to work together in their groups to create
patterns from the shapes you are about to handout to
them. Then, take the shapes from the handout and
pass them out to each group.
Ask the class to raise their hand if theyve heard the
song Old MacDonald. Tell them Old MacDonald is a
song with patterns. It has repeating words with
melodic phrases. Ask them to listen for the repeating
patterns as you sing the song together.
Lead the students in singing the song Old
MacDonald while introducing the animals in the
following order: cow, pig, sheep, and dog. You can
hold up or point to a picture of the animal from the
handout to indicate which animal you will be singing
about in each verse.
After singing the song, ask the students what patterns
they noticed. Answers may include EIEIO, Old
MacDonald had a Farm, On that farm he had a, or
the different animal noises. As the children share
their answers, write them on the board or put the
Lesson Plan Handout on the board.
Tell the students you are going to sing together old
MacDonald again. Explain to them that as you sing
it, this time you want them to count how many times
a given pattern is repeated. Then lead the students in
singing the song.
When youre done singing, ask the class how many
times the specified pattern was repeated and write the
students answers on the board. Then ask the students
if theyve heard or seen patterns in other places such
as songs, advertisements, or books.

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