Orientation Newsletter 2015

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Welcome to KG1!


September 6, 2015

Message from Ms. Corinn

I would like to welcome you to the American International School of

Egypt and
tell you how excited I am to be teaching your child this
year. This is my fourth year teaching KG1. I have taught for a total of

9 years. I am originally from the United States and I received my
degree from Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock,

Pennsylvania. I have taught all over the United States as well as in

the United
Arab Emirates.

is an important time for children. In addition to
your child the academic skills outlined in the kindergarten
curriculum, I will be helping your child to learn life and social skills like
routines, respect, teamwork, listening and responsibility.
Studies have shown the most effective way at this age is through

play-based learning. As a result, lessons in my class are taught
through centers, activities, and games.
To aid your
child with their transition into a fully English environment

we have Ms. Suzy in our classroom. While Ms. Suzy is fluent in Arabic

and English
she speaks only in English while at school to the students.
Though Ms. Suzy is an important member of our class, please do not

speak to her regarding your childs academic performance. Instead
set up a
meeting with me or send me an e-mail with your concerns
and questions.

To assist with cleaning the classroom, we have Ms. Basma in our class.

Ms. Basma
is also an important member of our classroom, please do
not speak to her about your childs progress.

Im looking forward to an amazing year together!

Ms. Corinn Ms. C

Important Dates:
September 6, 2015: KG1
orientation. Parents
attend during their
scheduled time with
their child.
September 7, 2015:
Parent meeting in the
auditorium at 9:30am.
Please bring your
children to their
classroom first. You will
pick them up after the
September 8, 2015: First
day of school without
parents for KG1. All
children will be brought
to school in the morning
and will return home by
car or bus.

Inside this issue:

Daily Schedule
Healthy Food Policy 2
Lost Items
Car Riders
Toys from home
Medical Issues
Supply List
Preparation Tips

KG1E Daily Schedule

8:15-8:30 Homeroom
8:30-9:15 Snack/Snack Recess
Arabic (Thursday)
9:15-10:45 Class Time
10:45-11:30 Specials
Class Time (Tuesday and Thursday)
11:30-12:15PE (Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday)
Class Time (Monday/Wednesday)
12:15-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:45 Recess

1:45-2:30 Nap

2:30-2:45 Daily Wrap-Up
2:45 Dismissal

KG1 Specials
Physical Education is on Sunday, Tuesday,
and Thursday. Our P.E. teacher is Mr.
Denton. Please send your child to school
wearing running shoes on our PE days.
Art class is on Wednesday. Our art teacher
is Ms. Sue. Please send your child to school
wearing an older uniform on our art day.
Arabic classes will be on Sunday and
Thursday. Our Arabic teacher is Ms. Ola.
Music is on Monday with Mr. Bruce.

Birthday Celebrations

Healthy Food Policy

Students must have a healthy lunch,
something to drink (water bottle, milk, juice
box, etc.) and a healthy snack (fruits or
vegetables) everyday. Popular and easy to
eat snacks you could send are cucumbers,
apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, or
strawberries. Chips, chocolate, and sugary
snacks go against the Healthy Food policy of
the school and therefore cannot be eaten at
school. We will be eating in a large group,

family style. This is a great time for learning
English and social skills.


Birthday celebrations will be held twice

each month on the second and last
Wednesday. We encourage parents to
help us celebrate by bringing one
cupcake and juice for each student. No
gift bags or toys will be given. Siblings from
other classes will not be allowed to attend
classroom birthday parties. The birthday
policy is school wide for Early Childhood.
We thank you in advance for complying
with the policy.

Lost Items



For daily communication, you can use your childs planner to write

me notes. Please check your childs planner on a regular basis. I
mostly e-mail if there is a concern but I will occasionally write notes

in the planner. You can also email me at [email protected].
I check my e-mail throughout the day. Please be sure to allow

for me to read my e-mail before you contact the school. You also
can set up a meeting with me through the Early Childhood

Secretary, Ms. Heba.

Weekly newsletters will be posted on the AIS Portal every Thursday

outlining important information and dates, at home activities, and
what your child will be learning bout in the upcoming week.

If your child returns home from

school missing an item or with
something that is not theirs,
please let me know
immediately. The longer that
we wait to look for items, the
harder it is for us to find them.
All items that are left on the
playground or on the buses are
taken immediately to the Lost
and Found at the Front Gate
(Gate 1). Please remember to
label everything with your
childs name and room number
(116 or KG1E).

Car Riders

Medical Issues

In order for a child to leave with a person other than
their parents, Ms. Heba in the Early Childhood Office
must have a photocopy of their identification and
written permission from the childs parents. All car
riders will be picked up at Gate 5. Please do not
take your child from the car rider line in the school
building or from their classroom.

Please fill in the Medical Information Form as soon

as possible and return it to school. Please notify me
immediately if your child has a food allergy so that

I can notify the other parents that these foods are
allowed in class.

General Rules:
Students are to be at the school by 8:20 and are
dismissed at 2:45. Parents are not allowed to enter
their childs class without permission. When dropping
your child off at school, drop them off at the gate
and they will then proceed to the classroom. When
waiting for your child at the end of the day, please
wait at the appropriate gate, not in the building.

In case of a fever, persistent or serious cold or

cough, please keep your child at home. Please
call the school if your child will not be coming to

If your child must take medication, please notify Dr.
Neveen. Our school doctors administer all


Toys and Items from Home

toys or items from home are allowed in class
unless I have sent a note home requesting them.
prevents arguments over toys and broken
items. Anything that your child brings in without
permission will be taken and placed in my desk
until the end of the day.
Please remember to label your childs belongings.
If items are not labeled it becomes incredibly
difficult to keep track of them.

General Behavioral Expectations

Arrival: Hang bag and jacket in the room and remain in the classroom. Begin to do your independent

Specials: Students are expected to listen, follow directions, and participate.

Snack and Lunch: Staying seated at the table until everyone
is finished, using utensils when needed,
politely asking for items that they need for eating their meal.

Centers: Students choose an activity and stay engaged for at least 5 minutes, communicate with peers
and the teacher in English, and clean up the center before moving on.
Recess: Students properly use equipment, share toys, and follow the rules of the playground.
Story: They listen, respect others, maintain focus throughout the story, answer simple questions about the
story and learn concepts of print.
mats and putting away their pillow and
Nap: Students learn to respect others by staying on their own
Packing-Up: Opening and shutting their own bags, putting away important papers and notes to parents.

Independence is always encouraged. I usually tell the children, Try it yourself, then ask for help

before assisting them with tasks.

Preparing your Child for School

My Contact Information
Room # 116, Main floor
Phone: 022-6188400
Fax: 022-6174002
Email: [email protected]

1. Have your child practice writing and recognizing their

first and last name.
2. Work with your child on using their manners (not
interrupting, saying please and thank you, apologizing
when they need to).
3. Have your child practice putting on their outdoor
clothing (shoes, jackets) by themselves. Make sure they
practice using buttons and zippers.
4. Start to have your child use the bathroom on their own
if they arent ready.
5. Read to them daily and have them practice sitting
quietly during stories.
6. Have them begin to go to bed before 8 oclock at

Supply Checklist
Please send in these items and make sure that they are labeled with your childs first and last
name and room (KG1E).

1 small pillow
1 small blanket
4 packages of wet wipes
1 package of colored pencils
1 package of crayons
1 package of washable markers
3 boxes of tissues
1 box of small ziplock bags
1 box of large ziplock bags
1 water bottle (everyday)
1 pair of underwear

1 pair of pants
1 shirt
1 pair of socks
1 paint shirt
1 large backpack big enough to hold snack, lunch, and notes from the school
Plastic, foldable nap mat

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