Sept 9 Newsletter 2012
Sept 9 Newsletter 2012
Sept 9 Newsletter 2012
2020 Moody Avenue, North Vancouver, British Columbia, V7L 3V3 Phone: 604-903-3730 Fax: 604-903-3731
Queensbury School Mission Statement Education at Queensbury is directed towards providing all children an equal opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to maximize their potential in intellectual, social and physical development. Queensbury School Code of Conduct Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Cooperative. Believe in Yourself and Others Please visit our school website: school links: Queensbury School
Volunteer Forms For Parents If you are planning to volunteer in the school or to drive on a field trip this year, please come by the school office to pick up the volunteer application package. Please complete and return to the office as soon as possible. Thank you to all the parents who devote countless hours supporting the students of Queensbury. SMILE! Student Photos
Individual student photos will take place on Friday, October 12. Mark your calendars!
There is no formal supervision before 8:50 am. Students will be allowed into the building beginning at 8:40. There is a first bell at 8:45 to signal to the students to begin preparing for the start of the day. The 8:50 bell is the start of instruction in the classes. To assist with morning routines, we ask that you have your child here at school on time. Everyone is to enter through the front door with the exception of the students in the classes downstairs who may use the door on the south side leading into the lower level. We would also appreciate it if parents can be prompt with the drop off and to exit classes by the second bell to allow instruction to begin.
Medications at School
If your child is anaphylactic and you have not yet completed medical forms or do not have an epi-pen at school, please inform the school immediately. New Students - Forms will be sent home the first week of school. Please take to your family doctor and return forms to school as soon as possible. Returning Students - A form will be sent home the first week of school. Please complete the form indicating no change in your childs medical plan. IF THERE ARE CHANGES, a new form signed by the Dr. must be brought to the office. Our priority is to keep your child safe at school!
Lunch Time Routines We remind parents at this time that you are welcome to take your child home for lunch hour to give a much needed break or to spend quality time, if you are able. Please be sure that students sign out prior to leaving school grounds, and check in upon their return. It is important that we know which children are physically in the school so that if there is an emergency, we do not waste precious time looking for a child that is not present. Parents must provide a note to the office indicating that their child has permission to go home at lunch time. One note for the year is fine if the child goes home every day. If your child will be going home only occasionally, please provide a note for that particular day. For students who wish to go to a friends for lunch, a permission note from both sets of parents is required. If there is no note, the child must remain at school. Children staying for lunch will have from noon to 12:25 pm to eat their food. The bell at 12:15 will allow students ready to go out to do so. All students must head outside at the 12:25 pm bell. Students will re-enter the school at the 12:50 bell. Instruction will begin promptly at 12:55 p.m. During the first six to eight weeks of school, the kindergarten childrens lunch hour will be different from that of the rest of the school in order to teach the children the procedures, rules and expectations of lunchtime. They will be Playing First (from 11:30 to 12:00 being supervised by SEAs) and Eating Later in their classroom (from 12:00-12:25 being supervised by SEAs and Grade 6/7 lunch monitors)
Dogs at School
Please remember that your family pet does not belong at school. Dog walkers should not tie the dogs to the fences. We are concerned that children may be nipped as they walk by. Ask a friend to remain with the pet, while you come inside, or allow your child the independence of walking in the front door on his/her own.
Office Staff: Administrative Assistant Office Assistant Supervision Aide Teaching Staff: Division E01 E02 E03 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 E09 E10 E11 E12 Grade 7 6 5 4 3/4 3 2 2 1 1 K K
*Mrs. Young will return in January from Maternity Leave. Non-Enrolling Teaching Staff: Library/ NIT Music ESL Learning Assistance Gifted Counsellor Band Learning Support Worker Special Education Aides: Mrs. Sandy Dodimead Mrs. Darlene McIntosh Mrs. Poupak Toufanian Miss Brenna Kelly Mrs. Gail Stein (LSW) Custodial Staff: Mr. Chris Bustamante
Mr. Manjit Sidhu
Mrs. Wendy Evans Mrs. Joanne Rittich Ms. Cheryl Yasayko Mrs. Biro Dhaliwal/ Mrs. Lise Smith/ TBA TBA Ms. Enzula Tavormina Mr. Steve Toren Ms. Gail Stein
CONTACTING QUEENSBURY STAFF If you wish to contact staff at Queensbury School, you may use email as follows: First initial, last name, (example ) You may also leave a message at the office at 604-903-3730
Library Fundraiser: Used Childrens Book Sale Time and Location: Friday, September 14th at 3:00 pm at the front entrance of the school All books 25 cents If you have gently used childrens books you would like to donate to the sale, please drop them off at the library anytime before the Friday sale.
Please note: The complete school calendar is accessed through the school website. It is
recommended that you refer to it on a regular basis as it is updated frequently. The information below gives a glimpse of activities taking place in September. In future newsletters, this feature will not be included as all updates will be available on the website calendar. Sept. 7 Sept. 11 Welcome Back Assembly 9:15 am Meet the Teacher Night
Schedule of Events 5:30 6:00 6:30 6:30 7:00 Bighouse Meeting for Grade 4 parents Meet the Intermediate Teachers Meet the Primary Teachers Outdoor School Meeting for Grade 6 parents Location: Room 6 (Gr. 4 to 7) classrooms (Gr. 1 to 3) classrooms Location: Room 3 Location: Library
Kindergarten First Full Day of Class 8:50 3:00 Terry Fox Run for all students 2:00 pm Grade 4s to Big House - Return on Sept. 25 Shakewood Annie Friday - School Based Professional Day - NO SCHOOL ATTENTION PARENTS! IAP Kids Plus Accident Insurance
This is a great, inexpensive way to protect your child every day. Applications are available at the office. You can apply online as well at
Field Trip fees vary by trip and are determined at the time of planning.