Total Station Lab Manual

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The key takeaways are that a total station is an electronic surveying instrument that combines an electronic theodolite, electronic distance measurement, and a microprocessor to measure horizontal and vertical angles as well as distances. It is commonly used in construction and surveying projects.

The main components of a total station are an electronic theodolite to measure horizontal and vertical angles, an electronic distance measuring device (EDM) to measure distances, and a microprocessor with memory to automatically calculate coordinates based on the angle and distance measurements.

A total station measures distance using an infrared beam that is transmitted to a target prism. The prism reflects the beam back to the total station, and the EDM uses timing measurements to calculate the distance travelled by the beam.


The most commonly used surveying instrument is the total station. A total station is the
combination of an electronic theodolite, an electronic distance measuring device (EDM), and a
microprocessor with memory unit. The original name of this instrument of this type was electronic
tacheometer but HEWEET PACKARD introduced the name TOTAL STATION.
With this instrument, we can determine angles and distance from the instrument to the points to
be surveyed with the aid of trigonometry, the angles and distances may be used to calculate the relative
position (EASTING, Northing and Elevation) of surveyed points.
All total stations have an electronic distance measuring device (EDM) and electronic angles
scanning which measure the angles and distance and displayed digitally. The horizontal distance, the
height difference and coordinates are calculated automatically and all measurements and additional
information can be recorded.
The EDM instrument transmit an infrared beam, which is reflected back to the unit with the help
of a prism (by total internal reflection), and the EDM used timing measurements to calculate the distance
travelled by the beam. With the exceptions, the EDM instrument requires that the target be highly
reflective and a reflecting prism is normally as the target.
Most of the total stations, include data recorders. The raw data (angles and distances) and the coordinates of points sighted are recorded along with same additional information. The data thus recorded
can be directly downloaded to a computer at a later time. The use of a data recorder further reduces the
recording errors and eliminates the need for a person to record data in the field.
At present, TOTAL STATION is widely used in many survey sites. Sometimes it is not fully used
since the users are unaware of its full optional capability. Total station used for levelling comes under the
classification indirect levelling. It can maintain considerable accuracy and is hence for many public work
such as construction of roads, airports and harbours.
The total station is mounted on a tripod and levelled before use. Meanwhile the PRISM mounted
on pole (TARGET ROD) of known height. The mounting bracket includes the aids for aiming the

instrument. The prism is mounted so that its reflection point is aligned with the centre of the pole on
which it has been mounted. Although the tip of the pole is placed to be surveyed, the instrument must be
aimed at the prism. So it will calculate the position of the prism and not the point to be surveyed, since
the prism is directly above the tip. The height of the pole may be subtracted to determine the location of
the point that can be done automatically. The pole must be held up right, and a bubble level attached to
give the technician holding the pole upright particularly if there is any wind and as a result at such
occasions, the reading may be taken by not sighting at the prism but on the tip of the pole where it
touches the ground. The angle from north would then be fixed and telescope could be raised to the level
of the prism, adjusting only the angle of inclination.


2.1 Centring and Levelling of the Instrument
2.1.1 Setting up the instrument and the tripod
1. Adjust the tripod legs so that a height suitable for observation is obtained when the
Instrument is set on the tripod.
2. Hang the plumb bob on the hook of the tripod, and coarse centre over the station on the
ground. At this time, set the tripod and fix the metal shoes firmly into the ground so that the
tripod head is as levelled as possible.
3. If the tripod head is mislevelled by the action of fixing the metal shoes into the ground,
correct the level by extending or retracting each leg of the tripod.

Note Laser plummet model (The instrument is equipped with the laser plummet. The laser
plummet is not set to be ON at factory shipping.)

Turn on the laser plummet function by pushing the [Laser] key and [F4] [PLUM.ADJ]

Match the position by the tripod so that the laser mark coincides with the ground mark.

The centring knob is loosened, and the upper plate is pushed by the tip of a finger,
and a centre mark is matched to the ground mark.

Tighten the centring knob.

Loosen the horizontal clamp screw, rotate the instrument by 90, and confirm the
vial of the circular vial is at the centre position. Correct the vial with the leveling
screw when the vial comes off from the center position.

2.1.2 Levelling with the plate vial

(A) Align the plate vial in parallel with a line joining any two of the levelling screws.
Then, adjust the two screws to centre the bubble in the plate vial.
- Turn two levelling screws in an opposite direction mutually in a way that the bubble
moves from the side of the plate vial to the center.
(B) Rotate the total station 90.
- Use the remaining screw to centre the bubble in the plate vial.
- Rotate the instrument by 90 and 180 and confirm the position of the bubble in the
plate vial. At this time, it is not necessary to adjust it if the bubble of the plate vial is in
the vicinity of the centre.



Levelling screw

Levelling screw

2.2 Eyepiece adjustment

The eyepiece adjustment is performed before target sighting.
1. Remove the telescope lens cap.
2. Point the telescope at a bright object, and rotate


the eyepiece ring full counter clockwise.

Look through the eyepiece, and rotate the
eyepiece ring clockwise until the reticle appears at
its maximum sharpness.
When looking into the eyepiece, avoid an
intense look to prevent parallax and eye

When it is hard to see the reticle due to poor brightness, press [ILLU] + [F3] [RETICLE]
to access the RETICLE INTENSITY ADJ. screen. Use the left and right arrow to adjust
the reticle intensity.

2.3 Target sighting

2.3.1 Target sighting by Manual focus
1. Loosen the telescope clamp and horizontal clamp screws.
2. Point the telescope at the target using a collimator.
3. Tighten the above two screws.
4. Adjust the eyepiece.
5. Look through the telescope and then rotate the Focus ring and stop it where the target can
be clearly seen and the target image does not move in relation to reticle even if your eye is
vertically and horizontally moved.
6. Align the reticle accurately on the target using telescope and horizontal tangent screws.
Note - The Focus ring rotation clockwise makes it possible to focus on closer objects
and counter clockwise will focus on further objects.

2.4 Attachment and detachment of tribrach

The tribrach of LTS-202N and LTS-205N can be detached from the instrument, if required
when replacing the instrument with a prism for example.

First loosen the recessed screw with a screwdriver, then rotate the locking knob until
the arrow points upward, and lift the instrument up.


Mount the instrument on the tribrach with the guide marks coinciding, and rotate the
locking knob until the arrow points downwards.

The guide and guide mark must be fitted to attach the instrument.

When the tribrach does not need to be attached or detached, or the instrument is to be
transported, tighten the recessed screw with a screwdriver
to fix
the locking knob.

Tribrach locking lever

Recessed screw


1. General:
Total station is a combination of Electronic Theodolite and Electronic Distance Meter (EDM)
in one unit. This instrument directly measures 3D co-ordinates, slope, horizontal and vertical
distances. This has large internal memory of 3000 points to store field data and can be directly
down loaded to the computer from the instrument through interface cable.
2. Electronic Distance Meter:
This is used to measure directly, to an acceptable accuracy, the distance between any two inter
- visible points in the survey system. The technique of EDM eliminates the need for chaining
or taping.
3. Principle of EDM:
The basic principle is the indirect determination of the time required for a light beam to travel
between two stations and by using frequency the distance is displayed.
4. Basic Functions of EDM:
1. It generates the carrier and measuring wave frequencies.
2. It modulates and demodulates the carrier wave.
3. It measures the phase difference between the transmitted and received waves.
4. It displays the result of measurement.

Top handle
Focus ring
Eyepiece ring
Laser indicator
Plate vial
SD & USB cover
Display panel
Key board

Instrument height mark

Battery latch
Battery pack
Telescope tangent screw
Telescope clamp screw
Clamp screw

Detaching knob

Tangent screw

Levelling screw

Base plate


Leveling the Total Station must be accomplished to sufficient accuracy otherwise the

instrument will not report results.

Leveling the instrument takes 30 to 45 minutes and make sure you can see all targets from
the instrument station before going through the process

Step 1: Tripod Setup

Tripod legs should be equally spaced

Tripod head should be approximately

Head should be directly over survey

Step 2: Mount Instrument on Tripod

Place Instrument on Tripod

Secure with centering screw while
bracing the instrument with the other

Insert battery in instrument before

Step 3: Plumb

Turn on the instrument. The laser





automatically, and the Level/Plummet

screen appears.

adjustments to center the plummet over the ground point.

Use the footscrews to make small adjustments to center the plummet over the ground

Step 4: Rough Leveling


of the tripod legs

to make


Adjust the height of the tripod legs to level the circular level bubble. Note: Do not move
the legs from their position just lengthen or shorten them, one at a time, as necessary to
bring the bubble into centre.

Step 5: Fine Plumb & Level:

At this time your instrument should be very close to level and very close to the ground
point, check the plummet & circular level bubble to verify this. If this is not the case you
must repeat the Plumb & Rough Leveling steps above, otherwise, continue on to the next

Turn the instrument until it is parallel to two footscrews.
Centre the electronic level of the first axis by turning the two footscrews. Arrows show the
direction of rotation required. When the electronic level is cantered the arrows are

replaced by checkmarks.
Centre the electronic level for the second axis by turning the last footscrew. An arrow
shows the direction of rotation required. When the electronic level is cantered the arrow is

replaced by a checkmark.
When the electronic level is cantered and three checkmarks are shown, the instrument has

been perfectly leveled up.

IF REQUIRED, Centre the instrument precisely over the ground point. Loosen the
instrument from the tripod (loosen only) and slide the instrument over the point while


Display and keyboard

Enter key

Laser key
Power supply key

Function key

Illumination key


Operation keys


ON/OFF of power supply.
Returns to previous screen or cancels an operation.
Turns the illumination of the LCD display and telescope reticle
on and off.
Accepts the selected (highlighted) choice or the displayed screen
Displays the laser plummet and the LD point screen when you
push the Laser key.
(Refer to 2.5 LD POINT, Laser pointer, 3.2 Laser plummet).
At the numerical value screen, the numerical value and the sign
. displayed are input. The English characters printed right
under numeric of each key are input.
Pressing [ILLU]+[ESC] key causes a help menu to appear in
MODE A or MODE B or causes a help message to appear.



Function keys


F. Key




Pressing this key one time measures the distance in

normal mode. Another measurement type can be
selected by Initial Setting 2.
Pressing this key twice measures the distance in coarse
mode. Another measurement type can be selected by
initial setting 2.

[0 SET]


Switches the target. REFLECTORLESS / SHEET /

Resets the horizontal angle to 0 0 0 by pressing
twice. Express Special Functions.
Switches the screen between MODE A and MODE B.










Switches the display composition in the order

H.angle/H.dst./V.dst., H.angle/V.angle/S.dst. and
Brings up the angle setting screen for setting anglerelated
Pressing this key twice retains (holds) the horizontal
angle shown on the display.
Brings up the screen for changing the target constant,
temperature, pressure setting.
Switches the screen between MODE A and MODE B.

[Other functions]
[ ]
[ ]






Moves the cursor to the left.

Moves the cursor to the right.
Moves the cursor up.
Moves the cursor down.
Goes back five items on the screen.
Gose forward five items on the screen.
Changing the reticle illumination when pressing
illumination key.
Changing the LCD contrast when pressing illumination key.
Changing the LCD illumination when pressing
illumination key.
Clear the figure.
Open the selection window.

[How to move the menu number]


The cursor is located at Menu 1.

Press the numeric key 0 and 2 to

move to Menu 2 or press [F4] [


Alphanumeric input

The point name is input by the alphanumeric keys as following.


Letter under key


Letter & figure order to input

[ ][?][!][_][][^][|][&][7]

LD POINT, Laser pointer

The Laser pointer function turns the laser beam on continuously to become the aiming point so
that visual confirmation is possible.
a. When the [F2] [ RED MARK] key is pressed after pressing the [Laser] key, the Laser
pointer function is turned on. The Laser indicator is turned on and the

mark on the left

of the screen blinks while the Laser pointer function is operating.

b. If the [Laser] key is pressed and the [F2] [RED MARK] key is pressed while the Laser
pointer function is operating, the Laser pointer function is turned off.
1. The beam of the sun is strong and visual confirmation is difficult in daytime when outdoors.
2. The laser beam is designed not to be able to observe through the telescope.
3. Please visually align the laser beam to the target and mark the centre.
Confirm the alignment (horizontal and vertical ) before measuring when performing accurate
work like stake out when using the Laser pointer function.
Also refer to 11.9 The EDM beam axis.
4. Please do not look at the laser source of beam directly.

The target mode and its Constant of current
setting are shown at the left of the battery mark.
For example in case of each Constant 0, Reflector
less (Non-Prism); N 0, Prism; P 0
Pressing [F2] [TARGET] changes the target mode.

The target mode is changed sequentially as follows. Reflector sheet - Prism - Reflectorless

The selected target mode is stored in the memory even if the power is turned off. So, next
time you can use the same mode after turning on.

The target Constant differs according to the selected target mode. So, confirm the target
mode and its Constant shown at the top screen after changing the target.

[Distance measurement by reflectorless (Non-Prism) mode]

The measurement range and accuracy of Reflectorless are based on the condition that laser
beam is emitted perpendicular to the white side of the Kodak Gray Card. The measurement
range may be influenced by the shape of the target and its environment. There is a
possibility that the range may vary when the target does not satisfy the conditions above at
survey work.

Pay attention to the following in case of distance measurement by Reflectorless. In

case of resulting in low accuracy, perform the distance measurement by Prism.

The CODE number 521 [LONG RANGE MES.] shows ON/OFF.

The WARNING (Laser Power) screen is displayed when Message ON is selected, and then
[F1] [MEAS] key is pressed.

Pressing [F1] [MEAS] one time selects Second MEAS setting and twice selects QUIT.

There is a possibility that correct distance measurement may be impossible by dispersion or

reduction of laser beam when the laser beam comes into the target from diagonal angle.

There is a possibility that the instrument cannot calculate correctly when receiving
reflected laser beam from forth and back directions in case of measuring the target on the
There is a possibility that synthesized values are calculated and the distance may become
longer or shorter than the actual one when the operator measures the target of slope or
sphere or rugged shape.
There is a possibility that the instrument cannot calculate correctly collecting the reflected
laser beam from a man or a car that comes and goes in front of the target.

[Distance measurement by reflector sheet mode]

Position the Reflector sheet whose reflecting surface faces the aiming line to be approx.
right angle when the distance is measured by it. If it is positioned not to be approx.
right angle, there is a possibility that correct distance measurement may be impossible by
dispersion or reduction of laser beam.

[Applied measurement range by each target mode]

When a wrong target mode is selected, a correct distance cannot be measured.

Please select a correct target mode and measure.

It is sometimes possible to measure without prism under special conditions like in the close
distance, targeting on a wall surface. However, there is a possibility including some errors in
this case, so be sure to select the reflectorless mode.

The target constant should be correctly selected and confirmed in case that the reflector
sheet is used at the prism mode and the prism is used at the reflector sheet mode.



Measuring an angle

Aim at the first target, then press [F3] [0 SET]

twice in succession to reset the horizontal angle to

Aim at the second target, then read the horizontal

angle and vertical angle.


The [F3] [0 SET] key cannot reset the vertical angle to 0.

Even though you turn the power off during a survey, the horizontal angle displayed
last time is saved, so that it is restored when the power is turned on next time.
When the restored horizontal angle is not necessary, reset it to 0.


Resetting the horizontal angle to 0

Pressing [F3] [0 SET] twice in succession resets

the horizontal angle to 0 0' 0".


The [F3] [0 SET] cannot reset the vertical angle to 0.

Pressing the [F3] [0 SET] accidentally during measurement does not reset the
horizontal angle to 0 unless you press it again. Once the buzzer stops sounding, you
can go to the next step.
You can reset the horizontal angle to 0 any time except when it has been held.




1.1 Distance measurement

The LTS-200 series has two distance measurement modes of primary MEAS and second
MEAS. Pressing the [F1] [MEAS] one time goes to primary MEAS and twice goes to second
You can freely select and allocate your desired measurement mode in primary MEAS and
second MEAS by the initial setting 2. The MEASURE SHOT is set at primary MEAS and
TRACK CONT is set at second MEAS as a factory default setting.
MEASURE SHOT means the distance measurement by the shot mode.
MEASURE CONT means the distance measurement by the continuous mode.
TRACK SHOT means the fast distance measurement by the shot mode.
TRACK CONT means the fast distance measurement by the continuous mode.
Confirm the target constant before beginning the distance measurement.

Example: MEASURE SHOTat primary MEAS (Factory default setting)

Collimate the telescope at a target and press the [F1]
[MEAS] once to start measuring the distance. Once
distance measurement has been started, the distance
measurement mark remains displayed. Upon
reception of a reflected light from the target, the
instrument beeps and displays the mark to start the
shot measurement automatically.

Pressing the [F1] [MEAS] after collimating the telescope at the prism starts shot distance
measurement with the MEAS text blinking. Distance measurement is completed and the
MEAS text stops blinking the moment the distance measured by shot measurement is
displayed. During continuous measurement, the MEAS text keeps on blinking. Pressing


the [F1] [MEAS] again terminates both distance measurement and blinking of the
MEAS text.
Pressing[F5][MODE]and [F1] [DISP] cycles through the sets of
display items:H.angle/H.dst./V.dst., H.angle/V.angle/S.dst., and
Pressing the [ESC] or [F2] [TARGET] or [F5] [MODE] during distance
measurement stops it.
If the shot count for distance measurement has been set to 2 or more in initial setting
2, the distance is measured for the specified number of times to display the averaged

Example: TRACK CONT at second MEAS (Factory default setting)

Collimate the telescope at a Target and press [F1]
[MEAS] twice to start measuring the distance.
Upon reception of a reflected light from the
target, the instrument beeps and displays the
mark to start the TRACK distance measurement.

Press [F1] [MEAS ] twice.

Pressing [F1] [MEAS] twice after collimating the telescope at the Target starts
Continuous distance measurement at fast speed with the MEAS text blinking.
It remains blinking during the measurement. If you press the [F1] [MEAS] again,
Distance measurement is completed and the MEAS text stops blinking.
Pressing [F5][MODE]and[F1] [DISP] cycles through the sets of display
tems: H.angle/H.dst./V.dst., H.angle/V.angle/S.dst., and
Pressing the [ESC] or [F2] [TARGET] or [F5] [MODE] during fast distance
measurement stops it.

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