Total Station
Total Station
Total Station
Objective: To study different parts of Total station and temporary adjustments and also use of
Description: Total station surveying - defined as the use of electronic survey equipment used to
perform horizontal and vertical measurements in reference to a grid system (e.g. UTM, mine grid),&
Total Station Instrument is an instrument with combined digital electronic theodolite, EDM and
5. Turn on the instrument. The laser plummet will be activated automatically, and the
Level/Plummet screen appears. If this screen does not appear, press user key 1.
6. IF NECESSARY Move the position of the tripod legs to make large adjustments to center the
plummet over the ground point.
7. Use the footscrews to make small adjustments to center the plummet over the ground point.
8. Adjust the height of the tripod legs to level the circular level bubble. Note: Do not move the legs
from their position just lengthen or shorten them, one at a time, as necessary to bring the bubble
into center.
Advantages of Total Station Surveying:
Relatively quick collection of information
Digital design data from CAD programs can be uploaded to data collector.
Daily survey information can also be quickly downloaded into CAD which eliminates
data manipulation time required using conventional survey techniques.
Total Station Field Operating Procedure :
1- Set up and level TSI over a point
2- Enter the following data (the instrument coordinates and elevation, the height of the
instrument and reflector)
3- Aim the telescope on the reflector and make sure of the proper alignment of both the TSI
and reflector
4- After alignment, the return signal level is automatically optimized and displayed
5- Make the required measurement by pressing the appropriate buttons and follow the
manufacturer instructions
1. To become familiar with using a total station to measure horizontal angles, horizontal
distances and height differences.
2. To become familiar working with angles expressed in degrees, minutes, seconds format.
3. To apply a compass rule adjustment to the traverse (polygon) measured in the previous
lab session.
4. To balance the traverse with respect to elevation and reference it to a know bench mark.
Total station, tripod, prism & rod, tape.
Sample layout :
1. There will be 4 or 5 points polygon for this lab (In the shown figure, the closed traverse
ABCDA). Locate the figure to be measured (as directed by your instructor).
2. Prepare your field book for recording horizontal angles, horizontal distances and height
3. Draw a sketch to show the location of the figure to be measured and label the vertices.
4. Begin your measurements by setting up on one of the points; this becomes your
instrument station for the first set of measurements.
5. Enter the current temperature and barometric pressure on the instrument .
6. Measure the heights of the total station and the prism and then enter them on the
7. The interior angles of the figure are to be measured as “angles to the right.”
8. Set your horizontal angle to zero while sighting the rod on the backsight point.
9. Measure the horizontal distance of the line from the instrument station to the backsight
point and record it in your field book.
10. Measure the height difference to the backsight point and record it in your field book.
11. Turn the total station to the foresight point and record the horizontal angle. This is the
interior horizontal angle (measured to the right, clockwise) for that vertex of the figure as
measured with the instrument in the direct position.
12. While sighting the foresight point measure the horizontal distance of the line from the
instrument station to the foresight point and record it in your field book.
13. Measure the height difference to the foresight point and record it in your field book
14. Plunge the telescope and reset the backsight (zero) to measure the interior horizontal
angle again with the instrument in reverse position.
15. Move the total station to each point in the figure and repeat the process as described
above to obtain 2 sets of angle measurement for each interior angle, two distance
measurements and two height differences for each side of the figure.
16. Measure two "geo-referencing" angles:
A. From your "Base Control Point" geodetic station, sight your "Backsight Control Point" and
turn the clockwise angle to your nearest parcel corner (we'll call this the "reference corner"
of your parcel.) Turn this angle twice and take the mean.
B. Set up on the "reference corner", backsight the "Base Control Point" geodetic station and
turn the angle to the first station in your traverse. This line is termed the "reference side".
Double the angle and take the mean.
17. Calculate the mean interior angles and record them in your field book.
18. Calculate the angular misclosure of your traverse and show the calculation and result in
your field book.
19. Calculate the mean distance for each side and record it in your field book.
20. Calculate the mean height difference for each side and record it in your field book.
21. Calculate elevation of traverse by adding the height difference (Δh) from the initial
traverse point (first point your group set up).
5. Calculate the latitude and departure of each leg and write them in the table including the
6. Calculate the sum of the latitudes to determine the error in latitude.
7. Calculate the sum of the departures to determine the error in departure.
8. Calculate the closure error for the entire traverse:
Closure error = √Dep. Error2 + Lat. Error2
9. Calculate the precision (ratio of error) of the traverse:
precision = closure error / traverse perimeter
10. Calculate the correction for each latitude and departure:
1. Calculate the vertical misclosure of the traverse by summing the mean height differences.
A. Distribute the vertical misclosure evenly to each leg of the traverse to determine the
adjusted height differences for each leg.
B. Check your calculations by summing the adjusted height differences again, now the sum
should equal zero.
2. Calculate the elevations of each point using the Temporary Bench Mark.
Site Example:
Main Target : Determine the area in (ft2) of the given traverse
Sub Target :
1. Determine the error of closure (Ec) and relative accuracy for the given traverse (figure
For course AB:
Latitude = L ⨯ COS (β)
= 690.88 ⨯ COS (79°49'00") = 122.15
Since bearing for AB is in quadrant (SW), latitude sign is (-)
Latitude AB= -122.15
Departure= L ⨯ SIN (β)
= 690.88 ⨯ SIN (79°49'00") = 679.99
Since bearing for AB is in quadrant (SW), departure sign is (-)
Departure AB= -679.99
The same implies for the other courses (BC, CD, DE)
Ec= √(𝛴Δ𝑌)2+(𝛴Δ𝑋)2
2. Correct the latitudes and departures for the traverse given the data in table no.1
ΣΔY= -0.68
ΣΔX= +1.05
P = 3739.48 ft
For course AB:
NA= 100.00 + 757.00 = 857.00
EA = EB + DepB-A
EA = 1169.72 + 201.63 = 1371.35
3. Calculate the coordinates for the stations of the given traverse in figure 7
Assume station C (closest to the west) has an East coordinate (E) of (100.00)
Compute East coordinates for the rest of stations
EC= 100.00 (assumed)
ED= 100.00 + 108.89 = 208.89
EE= 208.89 + 960.83 = 1169.72
EA= EE+ DepE-A
EA= 1169.71 + 201.63 = 1371.35
EB= EA+ DepB-A
EB= 1371.35 – 680.18 = 691.17
Assume station E (closest to the south) has a North coordinate (N) of (100.00)
Compute North coordinates for the rest of stations
NE= 100.00 (assumed)
NA= NE + LatE-A
NA= 100 + 757.00 = 857.00
NB= NA + LatA-B
NB= 857.00 -122.02 = 734.98
NC= NB + LatB-C
NC= 734.98 + 174.00 = 908.98
ND= NC+ LatC-D
ND= 908.98 -669.02 = 239.96
L = |Lat|/Cosβ =|Dep|/Sinβ=√Lat2+Dep2
β: the new (corrected) bearing angle
Dep: corrected departure
Lat: corrected latitude
L: new course length
4.Calculate the adjusted bearing and length of the course AB in the traverse
which has the given data:
Corrected latitude= -122.02
Corrected departure= -680.17
β= tan-1 x680.17/122.02=79°49’47”
Since latitude and departure is both negative, then the course direction in the South West
The bearing is S 79°49'47"W
L= √122.022+680.182=691.04 ft
5.Compute the adjusted bearing and length of the course BC of the traverse
using the given data:
Station B: N 734.98 E 691.17
Station C: N 908.98 E 100.00
Dep = EC - EB
Dep= 100 - 691.17= -591.17
Lat= NC – NB
Lat= 908.98 - 734.98= 174.00
β= tan-1|−591.17|/|174.00|=73°35’57”
L= √(−591.17)2+(174.00)2=616.25 𝑓𝑡
Since the departure is negative and the latitude is positive, the course BC is in the North
West quadrant
β= N 73°35'57" W
Σc= Σa – Σb
4- Calculate the area
Area = Σc/2
Determine the area in (ft2) of the given traverse
9.72)(857.00)= 2683510
(1371.35)= 1273529
Σc= Σa – Σb = 1409981 ft2