Tkam CH 12

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Adriana Chronopoulos

Playing Dress Up: Gender Role Expectations Within TKAM




One 80 minute class


To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee


TKAM student study guide, 31 copies of TKAM, Audiobook TKAM, 1 video

clips Gender Roles-Interviews with Kids, 31 copies of Chapter 13 Gender
Role handout, 31 paper dolls, class speakers and smart board

McGill University
McGill Supervisor: Mr. Donald Houston
Date Of Lesson: November 12TH 2015
Room: 220

Third Field Experience

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Maya Doughan
Subject Area: English Language Arts
Students: 31

English Language Arts

Cycle One

Year 1 (Gr. 7)
Year 2 (Gr. 8)

Cycle Two

Year 1 (Gr. 9)
Year 2 (Gr. 10)

Year 3 (Gr. 11)

Category of Program Content

Competency 1: Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn:


Collaborates with peers to construct knowledge about how things are done

Participates in collaborative action research groups using an inquiry process

Applies procedural and meaning- making strategies to achieve a purpose

Contributes to team efforts as an interactive and critical listener

Competency 2: Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts

Integrates reading profile, stance and strategiesto make sense of a textin a

specific context

Talks about own response to a text within a classroom community

Interprets the relationship(s) between reader text and context in light of own

Adriana Chronopoulos
Students will be able to:


Students will understand that people behave a certain way depending on their
surroundings, we all play different roles in life
Students will identify the word racism and apply it to Jem & Scouts experience at
Students will be able to identify and define gender roles
Students will be able to identity if and how Scout defies stereotypical gender roles
After watching a brief clip and referring to a classroom survey, students will identify
their own prejudices and expectations of gender roles.
Cycle One

Cycle Two



<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 1. Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn

Competency 2. Represents her/his literacy in different media
<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 3. Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
Competency 4. Writes a variety of genres for personal and social purposes
<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 1. Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn
<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 2. Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
Competency 3. Produces texts for personal and social purposes

<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 1. Uses information

Competency 2. Solves problems
<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 3. Exercises critical
Competency 4. Uses creativity
Competency 5. Adopts effective work methods
Health and Well-Being
Personal and

Competency 6. Uses ICT

<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 7. Achieves his/her
<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 8. Cooperates with
<INPUT TYPE=\ Competency 9. Communicates
Environmental Awareness /
Consumer Rights and
<INPUT TYPE=\ Citizenship
Community Life

Adriana Chronopoulos

Playing Dress Up: Gender Role Expectations Within TKAM

Previous Class
The previous class covered chapter 11 in TKAM. The instructor will ask the students for quick
summary of chapter 11. Key concept that was discussed and that should be expressed by the
students is why Mrs. Dubose is considered to be a role model for courage.

10 Min. for Activity

As students enter the classroom, the instructor will ensure that they each pick up a novel and
get their study guides ready for in class work.

Each student will receive a paper doll with a selection of outfits (appendix 1) and Gender
Role fillable handout on chapter 13 (appendix 2). The students will be instructed that they
have 5 minutes to clothe her any way they choose. During this time the instructor will take


After the three minutes, the instructor will do a survey asking the following questions:
1. How do you describe the doll?
2. How many of you have the doll dressed in a skirt?


How many of you have the doll dressed in pants?


What colours are her outfit?

The instructor will write down the findings on the board to give the class a visual cue of the
results. The instructor is looking for key concepts in female gender roles, words like cute,
pretty, and pink should be noted.

The instructor will then inform the students to take note of the results because after the readings
we will come back to our findings for analysis.
Extension/Whats Next?
Reading of Chapter 12 &13
Multi-level Modifications
The audio recording of the novel allows for a clear voice to be projected in the classroom. The
readers voice highlights mood and tone throughout the reading thus making it more beneficial to
the students listening and following along. The instructor can modify the lesson at any point.
He/She has the power to stop the audio to add insight, prompt discussion and offer further
explanation where needed. The instructor can also let the class explore their thoughts by
offering them ample time during discussion to formulate their thoughts and opinions.

LEARNING ACTIVITY 2: Reading/Listening TKAM Ch. 12


Adriana Chronopoulos
40 Min. for Activity
Students will listen to the audio book of TKAM chapter 12. The audio recording begins at time
code 4:46:42 and finishes at time code 5:18:13 (roughly 32 minutes).

Students will listen to the audio of chapter 12 of TKAM

During the audio the instructor will stop at certain points to hold classroom discussions on
key quotations to highlighting their importance and meaning. (These stops have been
highlighted within the teachers copy of TKAM).
Chapter 12 Highlights/Stops
1. Image to correlate with the Montgomery Advisor cartoon of Atticus pg.155 (appendix 3)
2. Scout & Jem experience racism from Lula; explain reverse Racism. Pg.159
3. Play a portion of Hymn 273 (appendix 4) so the students have a better understanding of
the Negro church experience that Jem and Scout were being exposed to. Pg.161
4. Why is Calpurnia talking differently? What does it mean her having command of two
languages? Explain the critique of her people: acting white. Pg.167
The instructor will ask a student to re-summarize the chapter to ensure that there is a clear
understanding of what happened in the chapter. Key points that should be reiterated are: Jem
and Scouts experience at the black church and Calpurnia speaking two languages.
Extension/Whats Next?
Chapter 13 & Gender Role Hand-out
Multi-level Modifications
The Gender Role Fillable handout will offer a visual component to help students place their
ideas. Having the handout with them while reading the chapter allows them the opportunity to fill
out the handout while reading. The instructor giving a cue (bell) when there is an important
passage will also aid students. The instructor has non verbally told the students that this is
important, it is now up to the students to use their critical judgement in order to place that
information in the appropriate bubble.
30 Min. for Activity

LEARNING ACTIVITY 3: Identifying Gender Role Expectations

The instructor will go over the Gender Role fillable handout on chapter 13. Students will be
responsible for filling out part one of the handout during the reading of chapter 13.
Students will listen to the audio book of TKAM chapter 13. The audio recording begins at time
code 5:18:13 and finishes at time code 5:39:46 (roughly 22 minutes).
Students will listen to the audio of chapter 13 of TKAM
Due to unforeseen interruptions earlier in the week, the instructor will not stop during this
reading in order to ensure that the chapter is covered during class.

Adriana Chronopoulos
The instructor will give cues (ringing of a bell) throughout the reading indicating that what
is being said can be applied to the handout. It is for the students to determine where they
fit in.
Once the reading is complete the instructor will immediately show a 2 minute video clip
(appendix 5) of childrens perspectives of gender roles.
After the video the instructor will open the class up for discussion. Students will be asked:
1. What are gender role expectations?
2. What do the childrens responses in the video tell us about societies influence?
3. How do aunt Alexandra and Scout fit into the theme of gender role expectations
and gender identity?
4. What does our class survey say about our own gender role expectations?

This discussion will go until the bell rings.

Students will be able to identify gender roles expectations
Evaluation Criteria
The evaluation of this lesson will be based on how the students engage in classroom discussion,
as well as what they analyse about gender role expectations in the handout due next class.
Students will also be responsible to answer their study guide questions of chapter 12 & 13 for
next class, these chapter questions allow the instructor to evaluate if students understood the
chapter and more importantly if they were paying attention to the readings in class.
Extra Time
Due to the compactness of this lesson, I do not foresee there being any extra time (I will most
likely run out of time). If by chance there is extra time, students will work on their study guide
questions for chapter 12 &13.
Extension/Whats Next?
Chapter 14 &15 reading and analysis.
Multi-level Modifications

Having done a quick classroom survey and analysis prior to the activity, the instructor
has given the class useful data regarding gender role expectations. These observations
done in class will make the idea of gender roles more approachable because the
information came from the students themselves, making the date more personable.

Students will be able to take work home with them in order to complete it. The instructor
will also inform the class that they are going to be available during lunch to discuss any
clarifications they might need regarding the chapters.

My goal this class:

This week I have had an overwhelming amount of misbehavior within my classroom. I

was severely disrespected by students not listening, laughing in my face when
disciplined and acts of defiance such as swinging on the doorframe. This will be the first
time since that incident that I teaching some those students. My goal in this class is to reestablish my dominant role as teacher within my classroom. To do so I plan on
separating some of the troublesome students from sitting next to each other by
implementing a new seating chart (appendix 6).

I am sending off the ringleader to S.T.E.P. to read and work on the chapters by himself.

Adriana Chronopoulos
As he walks into class I will immediately hand him a novel with the instructions informing
him to go to S.T.E.P., the message being sent to him as well as the rest of the class is
that if you cannot behave in a respectful manner, where you cripple others opportunity to
learn, you are not welcome in this classroom (This strategy was discussed and approved
by my CT).

I will circulate more in the classroom by using a remote for my laptop. The remote will
ensure that I am not stuck having to be near the laptop in order to stop and play the
audio. With the remote I will now have the freedom to move around the class. My hopes
are that if the students see me circulating this will stop the chitchat and keep them on

My second goal is time management. Due to the unforeseen guest speaker I am

combining two lessons into one to make up missed time. This means during the audio I
will make few stops and when I do they point I am making have to be quick and precise.
My biggest concern is to keep the students focused because they are not accustomed to
this quicker pace of instruction.

Time is not my friend, so I will used my professional judgment as to when to cut off
discussion and move on to the next topic. I am aware that I might go over time; I voiced
my concerns to my CT. I am to do as much as I can in this class and whatever I could not
accomplish will be done in the following lesson.



Appendix 1: Paper Dolls

Adriana Chronopoulos

Adriana Chronopoulos

Adriana Chronopoulos

Adriana Chronopoulos
Appendix 2: Gender Roles Handout

TKAM Chapter 13: Aunt Alexandra & Scout

1. As you listen to chapter 13 of TKAM write in the bubble any words, or quotes that may

2. After watching the mini clip on gender roles and expectations, what can you
say about our finding in the class survey on the paper dolls? How can you
apply gender role expectations to Scout and Aunt Alexandras relationship?

Adriana Chronopoulos
Appendix 3: Montgomery Advisor cartoon of Atticus

Appendix 4: Audio clip of Hymn 273

Appendix 5: Video Clip Gender Roles-Interviews with Kids
Appendix 6: Seating Chart

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