Ci 403 Lesson Plan 3

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Secondary English Language Arts: Revised ed:TPA Lesson Plan Template

Name: Rachel Sassine

Lesson Title: Vietnam War Songs
Grade Level: 10
Lesson Goals
Central Focus: Describe the central focus (of the unit) and explain how this lesson reflects the central focus.

To explore what we carry with us, synthesizing narrative strategies from mentor texts and creating personal narratives with thematic
elements that reflect individual growth experiences
Students will be encountering and examining texts in multiple ways in order to aid them in interpretation and analysis. They will be
listening to the songs, as well as reading the lyrics as a poem. In groups, they will be discussing the themes and annotating the poems.
These texts allow students to analyze narratives and supplemental texts relating to the overall mentor text. They will also practice their
annotation skills. Understanding thematic elements and interpreting perspective will give students the skills to create their own
narratives using said elements and perspective.
List the title, author, and write a short description of the text(s) used in this lesson.
Ballad of the Green Berets by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler- Written by a Green Beret Staff Sargent in the Vietnam War, Ballad of the

Green Berets is one of the few positive war songs. The song praises and honors the troops, particularly the special forces called the
Green Berets. It describes their valiant deeds in battle and promoting a legacy in the armed forces.
Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel- This song describes horrors and struggles of Vietnam war veterans. It is composed from actual

experiences of soldiers stationed in Vietnam. It is more negative and explicit than the Ballad of the Green Berets as it draws in
imagery from the war front and fighting on the front lines.
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework (draw from research and readings in CI and English coursework:
I begin my lesson with a quick write to give the students an opportunity to perform low stakes writing each day. It
is allows the students to be reflective of their work and their progress, as well as make connections to the work
they will do (Burke 121). This lesson incorporates various media types including text and songs. This will cater to
various types of learners, which is highly effective and makes connections to the students interests and
everyday life (Burke 50-51). The annotations will then be explanatory in nature.

Standard(s) Addressed (use examples from both the Common Core State Standards and the Illinois Professional Teaching

Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges
and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating
the credibility and accuracy of each source.
IPTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area
knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teacher
creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and
evidence-based practice.
IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates
cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active
engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal-setting.
Recall your central focus and explain how the standards (above) and learning objectives (below), that you have identified, support
students learning:

Students will be encountering and examining texts in multiple ways in order to aid them in interpretation and analysis. They will be
listening to the songs, as well as reading the lyrics as a poem. In groups, they will be discussing the themes and annotating the poems.
These texts allow students to analyze narratives and supplemental texts relating to the overall mentor text. They will also practice their
annotation skills. Understanding thematic elements and interpreting perspective will give students the skills to create their own
narratives using said elements and perspective.
Materials/ Instructional Resources: YouTube clips for audio:, Print outs of songs: Ballad of the Green Berets by Robin Moore and Staff Sgt. Barry
Sadler and Goodnight Saigon by Billy Joel, Annotation worksheet, song biographies, quick write prompt, paper, a computer, and

writing utensils

*Learning Objectives (Add additional objective boxes as


*Assessment (both formal and informal)- Evidence of Student


Objective 1: Students will be able to interpret the lyrics of

the songs and, in turn, identify the main ideas and theme
of each.

Related Assessment:
Annotation Sheets
Group Discussions

Explain the Assessments Alignment with the Objective:

Annotation Sheets- The annotation sheets will display the
students knowledge of the main idea and theme of the lyrics.
Group Discussions- The students will discuss their ideas on
the songs with their groups before writing down their answers.
This will allow me to informally assess their understanding, as
I will listen to their conversations as they take place.

Describe the form of Student feedback that accompanies

the assessment:
Annotation Sheets- The students will receive written feedback
pertaining to their analysis of the songs and lyrics.
Group Discussions- Students will informally receive verbal
feedback on their discussions as they take place.

Objective 2:
Students will be able to annotate the lyrics for imagery,
syntax, word choice, and rhyme scheme.

Related Assessment:
Annotation Sheets
Group Discussions

Explain the Assessments Alignment with the Objective:

Annotation Sheets- The annotation sheets will display the
students knowledge of the syntax, word choice, and imagery
lyrics. This will also be shown on their annotated copy of the
poem, which I will collect along with the annotation sheet.
Group Discussions- The students will discuss the lyrics and
their literary devices with their groups before writing down
their answers. This will allow me to informally assess their
understanding, as I will listen to their conversations as they
take place.

Describe the form of Student feedback that accompanies

the assessment:
Annotation Sheets- The students will receive written feedback
pertaining to their annotations of the lyrics.
Group Discussions- Students will informally receive verbal
feedback on their discussions as they take place.

Objective 3:

Related Assessment:

Students will be able to have thoughtful discussions with

their peers on the perspective of songs and the authors

Group Discussions
Explain the Assessments Alignment with the Objective:
Group Discussions- The students will discuss the songs and
the lyrics in depth with their groups as they annotate and
analyze them. They will also compare the lyrics to one another,
as well as the artists who wrote them. This will allow me to
informally assess their understanding of perspective and
credibility, as I will listen to their conversations as they take

Describe the form of Student feedback that accompanies

the assessment:
Group Discussions- Students will informally receive verbal
feedback on their discussions as they take place.

Lesson Considerations
Prior Academic Learning and Prerequisite Skills: (Cite evidence that describes what students know, what they can

do, and what they are still learning to do.)

It can be assumed that the students will have varying levels of knowledge about the Vietnam War, but most will know very
little. This will be the first time we will be covering it in class. As for the lyrics, they should be familiar with analyzing poetry,
as they have done this in the previous unit multiple times. Analyzing poetry with an audio component might be a bit more


Personal, cultural, and community assets related to the central focusExplain what you know about your students
everyday experiences, cultural and language backgrounds and practices, and interests.
Students may have parents or grandparents that fought in the Vietnam War and may be sensitive to some of the
issues. They may also have strong opinions about some of the topics covered in the book. Some students, such
as our Congolese student, may have no knowledge of the war at all.

Students might assume that the songs are representative of everyones beliefs towards the war. They may have
misconceptions about the degree of the tragedy as it is toned down in the songs.

Language Objectives and Demands

Identify a Language Function:
Language Function. Using information about your students language assets and needs, identify one language function essential
for students within your central focus. Listed below are some sample language functions. You may choose one of these or another
more appropriate language function for this lesson.










Green Berets


Delta Force
Silver Wings
Parris Island
Learning and Linguistic Accommodations: Describe the instructional accommodations that you must make, as the classroom
teacher, in order to address the learning needs of students with special needs and students who are not English proficient or
students who use varieties of English.
Accommodations for students with Special Needs:

For the student with autism, I will speak with the Special Education teacher and discuss the students IEP or 504 plan in
order to create appropriate lesson accommodations that best fit the childs needs.
Accommodations for students who are not proficient uses of Standard English:

Lyrics to the songs will be translated into French for our ELL. During discussions and annotations, they will be paired with
strong readers, so that they can ask their peers questions and work together on analysis.
Explain your instructional decision-making and the way you plan to support student learning when using whole class,
small groups, and individualized assignments. In addition, explain accommodations for students who have
special needs and students who are not proficient users of Standard English as part of whole class and small
group arrangements
Because this will be a new topic for students, I have chosen to do a lot of small group work, as well as whole class. This
will allow the students to work off of each other and will allow me to present them with a base knowledge. This will allow
them to grow in their learning, so that later, they will be able to do the readings on their own. For the student with autism, I
will speak with the Special education instructor about the IEP. For the ELL, I will pair this student with strong readers to
support their learning.


*Lesson Plan Details

Lesson Introduction1. Students enter into the classroom and sit in their assigned seats.
2. A quick write prompt will be on the board (See below).
3. Students will respond to the prompt (~1/2 page).
4. We will come together as a group and have a few students share their response.
Learning Activities 5. I will give a brief overview of the Vietnam War.
6. I will highlight the public opinion and involvement.
7. This will transition us to discussing media response, particularly in song.
8. I will introduce the songs to the class.
9. Students will receive a hand-out with the lyrics to the two songs we will be listening to.
10. I will play the first song.
11. Once the song is over, student can jot down notes on what they noticed.
12. They will be placed into pre-determined groups (based on reading level).
13. Once as a class we will read over the lyrics.
14. The students will read over the lyrics again in their groups and annotate as they go along.
15. They will then complete an annotation worksheet for the song. (see attached)
16. We will come together as a class and share and discuss their findings.
17. We will then listen to the second song.
18. Once the song is over, student can jot down notes on what they noticed.
19. They will get back into their original groups.
20. We will read over the lyrics to the second song once as a class.
21. The students will read over the lyrics again in their groups and annotate as they go along.
22. They will then complete an annotation worksheet for the song. (see attached)

23. We will come together as a class and share and discuss their findings.
24. I will put a brief biography of the artists on the board with a little background for the song.
25. Students will then compare and contrast the poems, discussing opinion of the war, point of view, and
author bias/credibility.

Describe how your planned formal and informal assessments, including a written product, will provide direct evidence of
students abilities to construct meaning from, interpret, OR respond to a complex text throughout the learning segment.
I will be walking around the entire time the groups are working to speak with them about their annotations and analysis, as
well as general thoughts on the songs. I will also be grading their annotation sheets which will provide them with written
feedback on this topic as well.

1. We will come together as a class and share and discuss their findings. The students will turn in their
annotation sheets and lyric sheets.

Students will be able to research the war on the classroom computers.

Resources and References (use APA or MLA listing the information from the conceptual framework above as
well as from any other categories where cited a source):
Burke, Jim. The English Teacher's Companion: A Completely New Guide to Classroom, Curriculum, and the
Profession. Fourth ed. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2013. Print.

Joel, Billy. "Goodnight, Saigon." The Nylon Curtain. Columbia, 1982. Web.

Sadler, Staff Sgt. Barry. "The Ballad of the Green Berets." The Ballad of the Green Berets. RCA, 1966. Web.

Attachments: handouts, assessments, etc.

"Ballad Of The Green Beret"

Fighting soldiers from the sky
Fearless men who jump and die
Men who mean just what they say
The brave men of the Green Beret
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men we'll test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Trained to live, off nature's land
Trained in combat, hand to hand
Men who fight by night and day
Courage deep from the Green Beret
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men we'll test today
But only three win the Green Beret
Delta Force and CIA
Marines and SOCOM clear the way
Covert missions now in play
Special OPS like the Green Beret
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men we'll test today
But only three win the Green Beret

While back at home a young wife waits

Her Green Beret has met his fate
He has died for those oppressed
Leaving her this last request
Put silver wings on my son's chest
Make him one of America's best
He'll be a man they'll test one day
So have him win the Green Beret
Have him win the Green Beret
Silver wings upon their chest
These are men, America's best
One hundred men we'll test today
But only three win the Green Beret

"Goodnight Saigon"
We met as soul mates
On Parris Island
We left as inmates
From an asylum
And we were sharp
As sharp as knives
And we were so gung ho
To lay down our lives
We came in spastic
Like tameless horses
We left in plastic
As numbered corpses
And we learned fast
To travel light
Our arms were heavy
But our bellies were tight
We had no home front
We had no soft soap
They sent us Playboy
They gave us Bob Hope
We dug in deep
And shot on sight
And prayed to Jesus Christ
With all of our might
We had no cameras
To shoot the landscape

We passed the hash pipe

And played our Doors tapes
And it was dark
So dark at night
And we held on to each other
Like brother to brother
We promised our mothers we'd write
And we would all go down together
We said we'd all go down together
Yes we would all go down together
Remember Charlie
Remember Baker
They left their childhood
On every acre
And who was wrong?
And who was right?
It didn't matter in the thick of the fight
We held the day
In the palm
Of our hand
They ruled the night
And the night
Seemed to last as long as six weeks
On Parris Island
We held the coastline
They held the highlands
And they were sharp
As sharp as knives

They heard the hum of our motors

They counted the rotors
And waited for us to arrive
And we would all go down together
We said we'd all go down together
Yes we would all go down together
north to Saigon
Had about an hour to catch myself a plane
So all I mean to say is I don't like dyin' either but man I ain't gonna crawl

Ballad Of The Green Beret"

Lutter contre les soldats du ciel
Les hommes courageux qui sautent et meurent
Les hommes qui signifie que ce qu'ils disent
Les braves du bret vert
Ailes d'argent sur leur poitrine
Ce sont des hommes, l'Amrique meilleure
Une centaine d'hommes nous testons aujourd'hui
Mais seulement trois gagnent le bret vert
Form vivre, hors des terres de la nature
Form au combat, main main
Des hommes qui luttent jour et nuit
Courage profonde du bret vert
Ailes d'argent sur leur poitrine
Ce sont des hommes, l'Amrique meilleure
Une centaine d'hommes nous testons aujourd'hui
Mais seulement trois gagnent le bret vert
Delta Force et de la CIA
Marines et SOCOM dgager la voie
Missions secrtes maintenant en jeu
Special Ops comme le bret vert
Ailes d'argent sur leur poitrine
Ce sont des hommes, l'Amrique meilleure
Une centaine d'hommes nous testons aujourd'hui
Mais seulement trois gagnent le bret vert
Bien que de retour chez une jeune femme attend
Son bret vert a rencontr son destin
Il est mort pour ceux qui sont opprims
Laissant cette dernire demande
Mettez ailes d'argent sur la poitrine de mon fils

Faites-lui l'un des meilleurs de l'Amrique

Il sera un homme qu'ils vont tester un jour
Donc lui aurait gagner le bret vert
Demandez-lui de gagner le bret vert
Ailes d'argent sur leur poitrine
Ce sont des hommes, l'Amrique meilleure
Une centaine d'hommes nous testons aujourd'hui
Mais seulement trois gagnent le bret vert
Bonne nuit Saigon"
Nous avons rencontr que des mes surs
Sur l'le de Parris
Nous sommes partis comme des dtenus
De un asile
Et nous tions forte
Tranchant comme couteaux
Et nous tions si Gung Ho
Pour donner notre vie
Nous sommes venus dans spastique
Comme les chevaux Tameless
Nous sommes partis en plastique
Comme cadavres numrots
Et nous avons appris rapide
Pour voyager lger
Nos bras taient lourds
Mais nos ventres taient serrs
Nous avons eu pas de front domicile
Nous avons eu pas de savon doux
Ils nous ont envoy Playboy
Ils nous ont donn de Bob Hope
Nous avons creus en profondeur
Et abattus vue
Et pri Jsus-Christ
Avec toutes nos forces
Nous avons eu pas de camras

Pour filmer le paysage

Nous avons pass le tuyau de hachage
Et jou nos portes bandes
Et il faisait noir
Donc sombre la nuit
Et nous avons tenu l'autre
Comme frre frre
Nous avons promis nos mres nous serions crivons
Et nous serions tous descendre ensemble
Nous avons dit que nous descendons tous ensemble
Oui, nous allions tous la mme table
Rappelez-vous Charlie
Ils ont quitt leur enfance
Sur chaque acre
Et qui avait tort?
Et qui avait raison?
Il n'a pas d'importance dans l'paisseur de la lutte
Nous avons organis la journe
Dans la paume
De notre main
Ils ont gouvern la nuit
Et la nuit
Semblait durer aussi longtemps que six semaines
Sur l'le de Parris
Nous avons tenu le littoral
Ils ont tenu les hauts plateaux
Et ils taient forte
Tranchant comme couteaux
Ils ont entendu le bourdonnement de nos moteurs
Ils ont compt les rotors
Et attendu pour nous d'arriver
Et nous serions tous descendre ensemble
Nous avons dit que nous descendons tous ensemble
Oui, nous allions tous la mme table
au nord de Saigon
Eu environ une heure pour me prendre un avion

Donc, tout ce que je veux dire est que je ne l'aime pas non plus, mais Dyin 'homme que je ne vais pas crawl est

Name: _________
Pages I read today: _____

A summary of what I read:

A prediction or inference:

A quote that stood out to me:


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