I Hear The School Singing

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Topic or Unit of Study


Language Arts (English)

American Poetry

How does one use reflection in writing?

How does one connect to the larger world through personal writing?

Time Allotment
Assessment of Prior Knowledge

Instructional Materials

Grade 11, Grade 12

2 class periods. 50 minutes. per class.
Students will use a wide variety of discussion and poetic techniques in order to fulfill the
requirements of this lesson. The main technique being reviewed is the observational poem.

Students will need their notebooks and a writing utensil.


Materials and resources:

Copies of Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing"
Arrangements to observe a outdoor school activity


AP Literature students will read and analyze Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing." Followin
some warm-up activities, students will observe an outdoor marching band practice in the schoo
stadium in order to gather observational details for a poetry activity. On the second day of the
students will use their observational notes from the previous day in order to create a draft of th
observational poem about the marching band.




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MD- High School Core Learning Goals

Subject: English
Goal Goal 1 : The student will demonstrate the ability to respond to a text by empl
personal experiences and critical analysis.
Expectation 1.3 : The student will explain and give evidence to support perception
about print and non-print works.
Indicator 1.3.3 : The student will identify features of language that create voice an
Indicator 1.3.5 : The student will explain how common and universal experiences

as the source of literary themes which cross time and cultures.

Goal Goal 2 : The student will demonstrate the ability to compose in a variety of m
by developing content, employing specific forms, and selecting language appropriate
particular audience and purpose.
Expectation 2.2 : The student will compose texts using the prewriting, drafting, an
revision strategies of effective writers and speakers.
Indicator 2.2.1 : The student will use a variety of prewriting strategies to generate
develop ideas.
Indicator 2.2.2 : The student will select and organize ideas for specific audiences a
Goal Goal 4 : The student will demonstrate the ability to evaluate the content,
organization, and language use of texts.
Expectation 4.1 : The student will describe the effect that a given text, heard or re
has on a listener or reader.
Indicator 4.1.1 : The student will state and explain a personal response to a given
Indicator 4.1.2 : The student will identify specific words, phrases, scenes, images,
symbols that support a personal response to a given text

USA- Nat. Council of Teachers of English: Standards for the English

Language Arts

Standard 1.: Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an
understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and
world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society
the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Among these texts are fiction and nonfic
classic and contemporary works.
Standard 11.: Students participate as knowledgeable, reflective, creative, and criti
members of a variety of literacy communities.
Lesson Objective(s)

Students will demonstrate their observation and perception skills.

Students will apply descriptive language to their own writing.
Students will analyze an essential American work through discussion and questioning.
Students will create observational poems for their AP Literature portfolios.

Affective Objectives
Students will garner an appreciation for language and expression through personal writing.
Students will discover and question their roles in the larger community.
Students will share their literary voices in a supporting, safe literary community.


Introduction (Motivation)

Students will have five minutes to look around the room, pick two or three things that interest
and describe them using rich, descriptive language

The instructor can model what the activity by picking an object in the room and describing it ou
using the kind of language you would like to see in their work.

Teaching / Activities

Day One

1. Students will read Walt Whitman's "I Hear America Singing" individually. Following the readin
students will discuss the following questions: "Define the singing in the poem and justify your p
on the 'song,'" "Determine if the singing is a literal or figurative singing--how do you know?"
"Generate three discussion questions in order to further the class' discussion."

2. Following the discussion, students will use the remainder of the class period to observe an ou
marching band practice. The students are required to observe one particular member of the ba
then observe the band as a whole. They are to collect sensory details that can later be used to
develop and observational poem. The students will have to think about how the band as a whol
about what its doing; students must also capture how they personally feel and construct their
reaction through their poems.

3. Students will be escorted back into the building and will share their descriptions with a partn
student who is NOT sharing must develop questions about what is not clear in their partner's w
Day Two

1. After reading and analyzing the poems, ask your students to go back to their notes about th
person (people) they observed and revise them. They should also pay attention to the way the
thought their people felt, and the way they felt about their person.

Ask your students to write a short poem describing the person (people) including how and why
sing. Ask them to make sure their song reflects how they feel about their people.
2. Students will use the class period to write and workshop thier poems.


Differentiated Instruction

Students will share their poems with the class.

Each of these students in this specific AP Literature class are classified as advanced learners the
I build these rigorous activites in order to challenge them from the normal classroom discussion
they have already seemed to manipulate.


Each student's poem and observational notes will be used as a formative grade.

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