Topic 2 Notes
Topic 2 Notes
Biotic: living factors or components, e.g. plants and animals.
Abiotic: non-living factors or components, e.g. soil, water, wind, etc
Trophic level: is the position that an organism or a group of organisms in a community occupies in
a food chain.
A food chain shows the flow of energy from one organism to the
A food web is a complex network of interrelated food chains.
Producers (autotrophs): manufacture their own food from simple
inorganic substances (including sun light).
Consumers (heterotrophs): feed on autotrophs or other organisms
to obtain energy.
Example of different feeding levels:
Trophic level 1 producer e.g. grass
Trophic level 2 herbivore (primary consumer) e.g.
Trophic level 3 carnivore (secondary consumer) e.g. field mouse
Trophic level 4 carnivore (tertiary consumer) e.g. eagle
Top carnivores are found at the top of the trophic level (nothing feeds on them) e.g. lions, tigers,
8 0 p a ra s ite s
1 0 h e rb iv o re s
1 0 0 p ro d u c e rs
Bioaccumulation: If a chemical in the environment breaks down slowly or does not break down at all,
plants may take it up and animals may take it in when they breathe. If they do not excrete or egest it, it will
accumulate in their bodies over time. Its concentration will therefore build up until eventually it may be
high enough to kill the organism.
Biomagnification: If a herbivore eats a plant which has chemicals in its tissues, the herbivore will take in
the chemical. However, because the herbivore will eat many plants the concentration of the chemical in the
herbivore will be higher than the plant. If a carnivore then eats those herbivores exposed, because it will eat
many of them, the concentration of the chemical will increase in the carnivore. In this way the chemical
concentration will increase as it moves up the trophic level. The top trophic levels will therefore be exposed
to the highest concentration and may die. This is why top carnivores are the most vulnerable.
Understand the implications of these two factors upon ecosystems (food chain).
Species: is a particular type of organism, e.g. gazelle.
Population: is a group of individuals of the same species living in the
same area, e.g. group of gazelle in Al Areen Park.
Habitat: is the environment where a species usually lives, e.g. Camels
habitat is the desert.
Niche: refers to the responsibilities of an organism and its interactions
with other organisms and abiotic factors.
Community: is a group of populations living and interacting with each other in a common habitat, e.g.
tropical rainforest is a community of plants and animals.
Ecosystem: is a community of interdependent organisms and the abiotic factors in the environment in
which they live.
Competition: two or more organisms attempting to use the same resource. If resources are scarce then
competition is high.
Parasitism: is a relationship between two species, in
which one species lives in or on another species, gaining
resources from it. Parasitism involve one species
benefiting at the expense of another (the other species is
Mutualism: is a relation between two or more species, in which both or all benefit and none suffer. For
example an epiphyte (fern) growing halfway up a tree trunk, or vines).
Other examples of symbiosis are commensalisms and
parasitism. Commensalism is a relationship, in which one
partner is helped and neither is harmed.
Predation: is when one animal eats another animal, e.g. lion
eats a zebra.
Herbivory: when an animal feeds on plants, e.g. a cow
feeding on grass.
See above and below 2.2.2
Abiotic factors: are non-living, physical and chemical factors of an ecosystem.
Includes: the atmosphere; climate (light intensity, temperature range, precipitation); soil structure and
chemistry; water chemistry; and level of pollutants.
E.g. Abiotic factors in a marine ecosystem
Limiting factors: are physical of biological necessities that an ecosystem can not live without, whose
presence in excess of shortage can lead to adverse and negative affects.
Temperature: influences the metabolic rate at which reactions occur in organisms.
Most marine organisms are ectothermic, having a body temperature very close to that of their
surroundings. Ocean temperatures vary less than those on land but are different based on depth and
Salinity: greatly affects cell membranes and protein structures in organisms. It also affects osmotic
potential in organisms. The level of salinity if affected by rainfall, evapouration and run-off from land.
Dissolved gases: are necessary for respiration and photosynthesis. CO2 dissolves more easily in water
than O2. CO2 is more abundant in deep waters and O2 is less prevalent as photosynthesis is limited by light
Pressure: comes from layers of water therefore with an increase in depth comes an increase in pressure.
Pressure affects the ability to float (buoyancy) so to counteract for heavy muscles and bone swimming
fishes have gas-filled bladders. Deep sea fish however have light bones and oily skin.
Taxonomy: the classification of different species into categories based upon similarities in their nutrition,
cell structure, appearance and developmental features.
Based on: morphology; physiology; genetics; and biochemistry.
Consider: anatomical; biochemical, embryonic development, and evolutionary relationships
Hierarchy of classification:
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family - Genus Species
Scientists use a two word system for the naming of organisms called Binomial Nomenclature (Scientific
Genus is capitalised and species isnt (e.g. Homo sapiens humans)
In order to identify new species scientists use a dichotomous key and by asking a series of yes/no questions
it is possible to identify the organism. (See powerpoint notes)
Knowing population sizes is important in order to make informed environmental management decisions. If
population is estimated to be too high then can lead to the overexploitation of that population and ultimately
lead to its extinction. An estimation that is too low can lead to hurting people and their dependence upon
natural resources for survival. It is important to collect random samples in order to get a more accurate
representation of the data.
Where N = total population; n1 = number of individuals first marked and released; n2 = the
total number of individuals captured in the second sample; n3 = the number of marked
individuals in the second sample.
Assumptions: The population of organisms must be closed (no immigration or emigration).
Time between the first and second sample must be small compared to their life span, allowed
enough time to mix completely with the population, and the individuals should not be
disadvantaged by being caught and marked.
Diversity: refers to the number of different species found in a particular area (species richness) and the
total number of each species present (abundance). It also considers how evenly the different species are
represented in that area (evenness).
See above equation. Remember to calculate the sum of ( ) n(n-1) for each species present.
Biome: a collection of ecosystems that share similar climatic conditions and so give rise to similar
vegetation patterns, e.g. tropical rainforest, desert.
Tropical Rainforest
Distribution: within 5 North and South of the equator.
Climate: High rainfall 2000 5000 mm per year. High temperatures 26 - 28C
mean and little seasonal variation. High levels of insolation due to closeness to
Structure: Very high levels of biodiversity; plants compete for light causing
multi-storey profile (stratification) from floor to canopy. Due to high plant
diversity many niches and habitats for animals.
Relative Productivity: Estimated to produce 40% of NPP of all terrestrial
ecosystems. Growing season all year round, fast decomposition, respiration and
photosynthetic rates. Biomass gain is very high in immature plants, but there is
no net gain in larger more mature plants. Rapid recycling of nutrients.
Issues and Human Activity: deforestation from logging and land clearing for agriculture. 50 % of worlds
population live in the tropics and subtropics and 1 in 8 live in or near a tropical rainforest, which places a
huge strain on tropical rainforests for resources.
Distribution: cover 20 30% of Earths land surface
about 30 North and South of Equator, where dry air
descends. Most are in the middle of continents (e.g. Gobi
desert cold desert). The Atacama desert in Chile can
have no rain for 20 years or more, and is the driest place
on Earth.
Climate: Water limited, precipitation less than 250mm
per year and irregular. Evapouration exceeds
precipitation (E>P)
Structure: few species, low biodiversity. What can
survive in deserts is well adapted. Soils can be rich in
nutrients as they are not washed away. Plants mostly
cacti and succulents. Reptiles are dominant, snakes, lizards, but small mammals can survive by adapting to
nocturnal life or reduce sweat loss by not having sweat glands and absorbing water from their food. Slow
rate of decomposition.
Relative Productivity: Both primary and secondary productivity are low due to limited water and plant
biomass can not build up. Food chains tend to be short.
Issues and Human Activity: traditionally nomadic tribes herd animals such as camels and goats as
agriculture. Population density low as cannot support large human population. Oil has been found under
deserts and many are rich in minerals including gold and silver. Irrigation is possible by tapping
underground aquifers but there is extremely high rate of evapouration causing increased salt content until
crops can not grow (salinization).
Temeprate Grassland
Distribution: in centres of continents 40 60 North of
Climate: P = E, or P >E slightly. Temperature range high
as not near the sea, which moderates temperatures. Low
rainfall at times, leads to threat of drought.
Structure: Wide diversity of grasses. Probably not a
climax community as arrested by grazing animals (can
never reach full potential as animals eat grass too quickly).
Decomposition forms a mat, which is high in nutrients. Animals include Kangaroo, bison, antelope (buck),
and burrowing animals. Carnivores: wolves, coyotes. No trees.
Relative Productivity: Not very high
Issues and Human Activity: Used for cereal crops. Cereals are annual grasses. Black earth soils of the
steppes are rich in nutrients and deep so ideal for agriculture. Prairies in North America are less fertile and
therefore lots of fertilizers are used. Grasslands are also widely used for grazing livestock like cattle and
sheep. Issues therefore include overgrazing, soil degradation and fertilizers infiltrating the water table.
Temperate Forest
Distribution: Between 40 and 60 North and South of the
Climate: P>E. Rainfall is 500 1500mm per year. Winters
freezing in some e.g. Eastern China, milder in Western
Europe due to Gulf Stream. Temperatures range from -30 to
+30C. Summers cool.
Structure: Fewer species than tropical rainforests, e.g. in
Britain, oaks, which can reach heights of 30 40 m, become
the dominant species of the climax vegetation. Other trees,
such as the elm, beech, sycamore, ash and chestnut, grow a little less high. Relatively few species and many
woodlands are dominated by one species, e.g. beech. In USA here can be over 30 species per sq. km. Trees
have a growing season of 6-8 months, may only row by about 50cm a year. Woodlands show stratification.
Beneath the canopy is a lower shrub layer is not too dense, is of covered in a thick undergrowth of
brambles, grass, bracken and ferns. Many flowering plants (bluebells) bloom early in the year before the
taller trees have developed their full foliage. Epiphytes, e.g. mistletoe, mosses, lichens and algae, grow on
the branches. The forest floor has a reasonably thick leaf litter that is readily broken down. Rapid recycling
of nutrients, although some are lost through leaching. The leaching of humus and nutrients and the mixing
by biota produce a brown-coloured soil. Well-developed food chains in these forests with many autotrophs,
herbivores (rabbits, deer and mice) and carnivores (foxes). Deciduous trees give way to coniferous towards
polar latitudes and where there is an increase in either altitude or steepness of slope. P>E sufficiently to
cause some leaching.
Relative Productivity: 2nd highest NPP after tropical rainforests but much lower than these because of leaf
fall in winter so reduced photosynthesis and transpiration and frozen soils when water is limiting.
Temperatures and insolation lower in winters too as further from the equator.
Issues and Human Activity: Much temperate forest has been cleared for agriculture or urban
developments. Large predators (wolves, bears) virtually wiped out.
Most of Europes natural primary deciduous woodland has been cleared for farming, for use as fuel and in
building, and for urban development. Some that is left under threat, e.g. US pacific Northwest old-growth
temperate and coniferous forests. Often mineral wealth under for forests is mined. Examples: US Pacific
Artic tundra
Distribution: Just south of the Arctic ice cap and small amounts in southern hemisphere. (Alpine tundra is
found as isolated patches on high mountains from the poles to the tropics.)
Climate: Water is limiting but fire can also stop the climax community forming. Frozen ground
(permafrost), cold, high winds and little precipitation mean the growing season is only 6 weeks per year.
Permafrost reaches to the surface in winter but in summer the top layers of soil defrost and plants can grow.
Producers: also known as autotrophs, are able to convert light energy (solar energy) into chemical energy
(food) during the process of photosynthesis. They are at the start of every food chain and therefore very
Consumers: also known as heterotrophs, which feed on autotrophs and or other heterotrophs in order to
obtain energy.
Decomposers: obtain energy from dead organisms and are responsible for breaking down dead organic
matter and returning nutrients and minerals to the soil.
The process whereby light energy is converted into chemical energy. The inputs required are water, carbon
dioxide, chlorophyll and certain wavelengths of light. The
outputs are oxygen, chemical energy and some water. It is
the start of any food chain, and energy is thus provided for
other organisms, which is ultimately lost as heat during
respiration. Transformations include carbon dioxide and
water being converted into glucose and oxygen. Transfers
include light energy transferred from sun to plant to
animals that eat the plants.
light energy
The process whereby chemical energy is broken down in order to release energy for use by the organism.
The inputs are organic matter (food) and oxygen in order to produce outputs, carbon dioxide, water and
waste products. Transformations include glucose is converted into energy (usually mechanical, i.e.
movement, and life processes, i.e. breathing) and, glucose and oxygen converted to energy and water.
Transfers from glucose (chemical energy (stored) to mechanical energy).
Glucose + oxygen energy + water + carbon dioxide
2.5.3 Ecological energetics: is the study of energy flow and storage in food chains and webs.
Solar energy drives almost all ecosystems. Energy continually flows through systems. We give out energy
as respiration and it is only temporarily stored as chemical energy in food. Materials whether nutrients,
oxygen, carbon dioxide or water, are cycled and recycled within ecosystems.
Therefore energy flows and materials cycle.
Fate of solar radiation: See Figure 3.35 Pg 57 and below
2.5.4 SEE Above for water cycle and Pgs 83, 84, 85 Fig. 4.24 4.27 For Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles
As well as being essential for life it is the water cycle that drives the worlds weather systems.
2.5.5 Productivity
Gross Productivity: is the total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time.
Net Productivity: is the gain in energy or biomass per unit are per unit time that remains after deductions
due to respiration.
Net Primary Productivity: is the rate at which plants accumulate dry mass (actual plant material). This
store of energy is a potential food for consumers within the ecosystem.
Net Secondary Productivity: is the energy in the food ingested less the energy lost in egestion and the
energy used up for respiration.
Gross Primary Productivity: refers to the total amount of energy produced by plants from sunlight
(photosynthesis) before any deductions. See Equation above
Net Primary Productivity: see above
Gross Secondary Productivity: is the total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time by
consumers through absorption. See equation above
Net Secondary Productivity: see above
Limiting factors: factors that limit or prevent a community, population or organism from growing larger.
Carrying Capacity: the maximum number of a species that an environment can sustainably support.
S-curve: also called sigmoid curve, represents a population where growth was initially rapid then a point is
met where resources are becoming limited and population growth slows until eventually the population size
reaches the carrying capacity. The population then fluctuates around the carrying capacity.
Density dependent factors: factors that affect the population size based on the population density.
Availability of resources
Density-independent factors: affect the population size regardless of the population density.
Natural disasters
Internal Factors: include most density dependent, fertility or size of breeding territory.
External Factors: includes most density independent factors, predation and disease.
K-strategists: larger, have fewer offspring, reproduce at a later
stage in their longer lifespans, are well adapted to stable
environmental conditions and high parental care and therefore their
survival rate is relatively high. Have high ability to compete, and
are some of the last species in succession. They have specialised
niches and there populations sizes are stable and usually around
the carrying
R-strategists: smaller organisms have fewer
offspring; reproduce earlier in their short lifespans.
Have little or no parental care, most die before
reaching reproductive age, adapted to unstable
environmental conditions. Population sizes fluctuate
wildly above and below the carrying capacity, have low ability to compete and are early successional
2.6.5 Succession
Succession: is usually described as the orderly succession of species toward a climax community (biome)
over time or as a sequence of communities (sera) with each transition community as a seral stage
Ecosystem Characteristics
Food chains
Relative Species abundance
Total biomass
Humus (non-living organic matter)
Species diversity
Gross Productivity
Net Productivity
Mineral cycles
Nutrient recycling
Climax communities are not completely permanent and changes in response to disturbance will still occur
and thereby open up possibilities for new organisms to settle.
Factors affecting the nature of climax communities include climatic and
edaphic factors, such as floods, fire, landslides, earthquakes, hurricanes
and other natural hazards. Human activities obviously also play a major
role in disrupting climax communities. All these factors have the effect of
creating gaps for new pioneer species to colonise, which adds both to the
productivity and diversity of the community.
See fig. 14.6 Pg 270
An environmental gradient is a trend in one or more abiotic and or biotic components of an ecosystem.
Techniques include transects.
Line transect: simplest version, string or measuring tape
laid out in the direction of the environmental gradient and all
species touching the string or tape are recorded and counted.
Normally many line transects need to be combined in order
to obtain more accurate results.
Belt transect: is a strip of chosen width through the
ecosystem. Created by laying down two parallel line
transects (1m apart) between which individuals are
Interrupted transect: samples are taken at points (intervals)
along the line or belt transect.