Dynamic Ecosystem: 8.1 The Abiotic and Biotic Component of The Environment The Abiotic Component
Dynamic Ecosystem: 8.1 The Abiotic and Biotic Component of The Environment The Abiotic Component
Food web:
One species (the commensal) benefits, the other (the host)
don’t get benefits nor is harmed
E.g. epiphytes grows on branches of trees
Relationship between two species of organisms in which both
E.g. bacteria in the digestive system of human
Relationship between two organisms in which one organism
(the parasites) benefits from the other organism (the host)
Two types:
Ectoparasites – live on the surface of the host
(e.g. ticks and fleas)
Endoparasites – live inside the body of the host (e.g.
Relationship where an organism which is smaller, called the
prey, is haunted and eaten by a stronger animal, the predator
E.g. an owl (predator) and a rat (prey)
A group of organisms that have similar characterisitics,
share the same roles in an ecosystem and are capable of
A group of organisms of same species living in the same
habitat at the same time.
Several different species living in the same habitat in an
A community of organisms which interact with their non-
living environment & function as unit.Vary in size.
Niche – role of an organism in ecosystem.
8.4 Biodiversity
What is meant by biodiversity…
Tiny living things that only can be seen using microscope
Classified based on their characteristics (appearance, shape,
size, method of reproduction, nutrition and habitat)
Classified into 5 groups:
1.Viruses – smallest microorganisms, not a living cell and must
use living cells to reproduce. (E.g. HIV, Influenza virus etc.)
2. Bacteria – unicellular organisms, have cell wall, form spores
under unfavourable condition and have 3 common shape a
spherical, rod-shaped and spiral. (E.g. Lactobacillus sp.,
Straphyloccous sp. etc.)
3. Protozoa – unicellular organism, have plasma membrane and
can carry out living processes. (E.g. Amoeba sp., Paramecium
sp. etc.)
4. Algae – have chlorophyl and chloroplast, can undergoes
photosynthesis process. (E.g. Spirogyra sp.)
5.Fungi – heterotrophic microorganisms, feeds by secreting
enzymes that break down the surrounding organic material into
simple molecule before absorb them. (E.g. Mucor sp., yeast etc.)
The role of useful microorganisms in the ecosystem
.Roles of microorganisms in ecosystem
.Decomposition The nitrogen cycle
.Digesting animal’s food
.Digesting human’s food
Appreciating Biodiversity
• Through conservation and