Addition Lesson Plan

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Addition Lesson Plan

Teacher: Maricela Lopez

Subject: Math
White board
Addition box
Teddy bears (manipulatives)
CA content standards/ common core state standards:
Standard: K.OA. A.2
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart
and taking from.
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to add within 10 with a 90% accuracy by using
manipulatives to complete an addition worksheet.
Anticipatory Set:
Teacher: Yesterday, I went camping with my sisters and little brother. We went camping to the
forest. We climbed rocks. We came back and set up our tent. My older sister and I made some
yummy hamburgers. At night, we had smores and guess what animal I saw? (Ask students what
kind of animals live there in the forest.) Well guess what? (Teacher will put up two bears on the
board.) I saw two bears walking by our tent. Then I turned around and saw two more bears!
(Teacher will put up two more bears.) I thought they wanted to eat me, turns out they were just
going to get some blueberries. I was so scared. Let me ask you guys a question. How many bears
did I see? (Students should be able to answer my question.) (4) Yes! Today we will learn how to
do addition.
Input/ Procedure: (I do)
1. Teacher will begin with the anticipatory set by telling a story about bears. And asking
them questions about it: (Have students answer questions with their elbow partner.)
a. How many bears did I see?
b. How did you know there were 4?
2. After discussing their answers with elbow partner, we will share. Teacher will tell them
that they will be learning about addition. Explain to them that what they just did is called
addition. Have them say addition out loud a few times.
3. Read the addition definition out loud.

4. Introduce kindergartners to the addition sign. Show them what the sign looks like by
drawing it on the board; tell them how to use it. For instance, the addition sign is
commonly spoken as the word plus such as five plus five. Teach students that the
addition sign is used to combine the number that goes before it and the number that goes
after it.
5. Teacher will write an addition problem on the board. Student will discuss with elbow
6. Using the Teddy bears, teacher will solve the addition problem.
7. As a class, we will do two examples together. Teacher will choose two students to go up.
One student will put inside the cup two and the other student will put inside the cup three.
8. Teacher will take the bears out and then have everyone count out loud.
9. Have a student write down the answer on the board.
10. Explain to students how to do the worksheet. Do one of the problems with them.
11. Teacher will give time to students to do the worksheet,. They will be able to use the

Checking for Understanding:

Checking for understanding will take place throughout the lesson, as we do it together. Also,
when we are sharing and doing worksheet.
Guided Practice: (We do)
Guided practice will take place when students do the we do through the lesson.
Independent Practice: (You do)
1. Explain to students how to do the worksheet. Do one of the problems with them.
2. Students will be given a math worksheet to do. They will be able to use the
1. Call on students to share their answers.
2. Ask student if they think their right or wrong.
3. Check answers together.

Assessment/Standard of Performance:
Given the Teddy Bear worksheet I will know if students have mastered the objective.

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