Golden Farms Inc Vs Hon. Ferrer-Calleja, BLR
Golden Farms Inc Vs Hon. Ferrer-Calleja, BLR
Golden Farms Inc Vs Hon. Ferrer-Calleja, BLR
G.R. No. 78755 July 19, 1989
GOLDEN FARMS, INC., petitioner,
J. V. Yap Law Office for petitioner.
Beethoven L. Orcullo for private respondent.
Petitioner Golden Farms, Inc., seeks a reversal of the resolution of public respondent
Department of Labor and Employment Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja in BLR Case No.
A-2-56-87 which affirmed on appeal the decision of Labor Arbiter Conrado O.
Macasa, Sr., in NLRC Case No. R-418-ROXI-MED-UR-8886, issuing a directive as
In view of the foregoing, the herein petition for certification election filed by the
National Federation of Labor (NFL) is hereby DISMISSED; whereas, its resultant and
relevant consequence of its recognized representation of the entire rank-and-file
employees of the bargaining unit should be given life and meaning, as it is hereby
directed, and Employer Golden Farms, Incorporated likewise enjoined to negotiate for
a supplementary collective bargaining agreement, or for the inclusion of the herein
monthly paid rank-and- file employees at Luna, Kapalong, Davao del Norte, and
Lanang, Davao City in the still existing negotiated contract, whichever the parties may
consider just and appropriate under the circumstances.
SO ORDERED. (p. 29, Rollo)
The case originated as a Petition for Direct Certification Election or Recognition filed
by herein private respondent in behalf of certain office employees and foremen before
Regional Office No. XI, Davao City of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.
Petitioner herein opposed said petition on the ground among others that a perusal of
the names allegedly supporting the said petition showed that said persons by the
nature of their jobs are performing managerial functions and/or occupying confidential
positions such that they cannot validly constitute a separate or distinct group from the
existing collective bargaining unit also represented by private respondent.
Petitioner is a corporation engaged in the production of bananas for export. Private
respondent Union represents the employees/workers of petitioner corporation, who
were the same signatories to an earlier Petition for Certification Election filed in 1984
before the Ministry of Labor known as ROXI Case No. UR-70-84, which was
dismissed by a Resolution issued by Med-Arbiter Conchita Martinez when it was
established that a collective bargaining unit (NFL) between the Corporation and the
rank-and-file employees was and is in existence at the time of the filing of the said
petition for certification election until the present filing. However, in the order of
dismissal, it was stated:
After taking into consideration the functions exercised by the foremen as contained in
their joint affidavits (Annexes "A-1", "A-2" & "A-3", Petitioner's Position Paper)
apparently, they fall within the classification of rank-and-file employees. For, as
consistently ruled in a long line of decisions, mere supervisory designations in the
position titles, do not make the holders of such positions any less rank and filers,
without the convincing proof that such supervisory designations are coupled with
actual performance of managerial functions. In the cases at bar, what was submitted
by the respondent companies are only lists of employees holding the positions of
foremen and confidential positions and as such are not covered by the bargaining
unit. Such piece of evidence alone does not constitute convincing proof for us to
adapt respondents' stance (Annexes "A", "B", "C", & "D"). Comment on Petition). (p.
13, Rollo)
Having had no opportunity to contest the abovementioned statement in the order of
dismissal, petitioner herein as private respondent therein, filed a "Manifestation"
stating among others:
2. That since the petitions were dismissed the herein employees make clear for the
record that said view would run counter to the provision of the pertinent Collective
Bargaining Agreement whereby the foremen were already acknowledged and agreed
upon to be managerial employees and accordingly excluded from the coverage of the
said CBA;
Collective Bargaining Agreement wherein this kind of employees by the nature of their
functions/positions are expressly excluded.
As to the company foremen, while in the performance of supervisory functions, they
may be the extension or alter ego of the management. Adversely, the foremen, by
their actuation, may influence the workers under their supervision to engage in slow
down commercial activities or similar activities detrimental to the policy, interest or
business objectives of the company or corporation, hence they also cannot join.
WHEREFORE, finding the assailed directive of Med-Arbiter Conrado O. Macasa, Sr.
which was affirmed by Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja reiterating the directive of Med-