Journal 6

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Name: Mahra Al Qassimi

ID: H00330597
Instuctor: Mr. Basel Badran
EPC 1903 Practicum 1b

Reflections on Journal 6

On February 29, unfortunately my MST injured her leg and took one week off.
Mr. Matthew came in as a substitute teacher for the students. Mr. Matthew told
my partner and I that its his job to come in place of teachers that cant come in and
hes always there to help out when needed. He asked us what were here for and
what we needed, and assured us to feel comfortable to ask any questions and speak
out if we had any doubt about our observations. Mr. Matthew told us about how he
has a strict rule on following his and Ms. Tammys schedule, he used his own
learning styles but also Ms. Tammys. For example, in Literacy class, Ms. Tammy
would play a fun song called Jolly Phonics Phase Three, and we all sing along with
anticipation. Last weeks math lesson was about Addition up to 5, he started a
math game online on the smart board and asked the students to come up and
answer the addition questions. He googled red, blue, orange and green objects to
show the student in order for them to be able recognize these colors. He handed
them two papers on each table, the girls and boys had to work separately to draw
things depending on their given colors. He asked me, my partner Nada, Ms. Lizzle
and also included himself to separate and go to a table and teach, I had the pleasure
to go to the reading table and read them a non-fiction book. All I had to do was
follow the Literacy groups plan (Image shown below), read it for them, then let

each student read a page alone out loud of course, ask them whether this book is
fiction or non-fiction and why they think that, and draw their favorite character
from the book and explain why it is their favorite character. He also made sure that
we participated and not only observed, the only thing that worried me was his
patience, if they were being naughty he would laugh with them one minute and get
mad the other. Theres this student, Nada, she loves holding on to someone. Nada
would keep holding on to Mr. Matthew but he would easily get annoyed, and I
dont blame him because I have discussed with Ms. Tammy about her and she told
me tat sometimes she has to be tough with her because she expects others to do her
work for her, she doesnt try to make effort. I agree with everything that Ms.
Tammy and I discussed but I also believe that you should be patient with a child,
Ive seen Ms. Tammy being patient with her but not with Mr. Matthew. My partner
and I were talking and I thought I was the only one who noticed how easily he gets
mad, in my opinion, I believe that Ms. Lizzle, Ms. Tammys assistant wouldve
done a better job looking after the students because she knew the daily schedule
and how each student personality is and the students are very comfortable with her.
A classroom in general should feel comfortable, the students should be able to
enjoy their time even when learning without the fear of getting scolded for getting
over excited about the lesson given.

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