Pte Essay Ans

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Do you think consumer should

avoid over packed products or it is responsibility of
producer to avoid extra packaging of products?" Give your
views or any relevant example with your own experience .
Packaging of a product plays a vital role in the sale of the goods and is required to store the product
for a long time, transport the product and carry product information. Whether the consumers should
avoid over packed products or the responsibility lies with the owner is definitely a matter of
deliberation. In my opinion, both the producer and the end user should take the onus to avoid
excessive packaging of a product until or unless it's severely required or unavoidable.
Most companies focus on the packing with intent of how this will drive customers to the product and
how much does it costs? The environmental sustainability takes backseat for product packing. For
example, the typical snack chip bag is made up of seven layers of foil and plastic which make them
light, reduce shipping volume, more graphics friendly and doesn't consume much shelf space.
However, the downside is they aren't recyclable.
A business has legal duty to meet general environmental obligations . The effects should be
mitigated by using of more recyclable materials for packing rather than using plastics or other nondegradable materials.
On the other hand, the consumer should also be aware that the manufacturers are not liable for
disposal of the waste produced from the packaging. Customers should give preference to the
products with minimum covering or to the products packed with recyclable material.
In conclusion, both the producers and consumers should put their best foot forward to stop this
malpractice. The manufacturers should voluntarily reduce packaging and give more stress on using
recyclable materials. On the other side, the consumers should refrain from buying excessively
packaged products and prefer products with packaging that could be reused, composted and


Many people think regions affect

successful persons. What is your opinion about native
regions and accomplished person influence on the regions
they belong to?

Many people argue that the success of an individual depends on the region in which he or she has grown
up. However, in my opinion, native region is not only the factor in achieving success. A persons attitude,
capability, determination and hard work also play a pivotal role in achieving success.

Native environment plays a valuable role in inculcating new traits such as leadership, behavior, social
skills, etc. An individual acquires these qualities over a period of time. The behavior of people in
neighborhood, school friends and college friends significantly influences the behavior and skills of an
individual. For example, surrounding yourself with friends who are self-disciplined ca help you to be selfdisciplined.
On the other hand, native environment is not only the factor that is responsible for the development of an
individual and his success. A persons zeal to learn new things, exposure to new environment, challenges
and circumstances enables him to respond, think and behave in different perspective. It allows the person
to think in broad perspective and this open-minded thinking, determination and hard work plays a vital role
in achieving success. To illustrate, Bill gates, Ratan tata, APJ Abdul Kalam set a perfect example of
successful individuals in their respective fields.
To conclude, only native region may not be the reason or factor of an individual's success. There are a lot
of other factors that drives an individual towards success.


The environment we are living in

is in danger due to various who do u think
should be responsible to solve it? Is it the governments,
organization or each individual?

Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take steps to reduce
the damage that we are causing to the planet. In my opinion both government and individuals should take
responsibility to address the environmental issues. This essay will discuss environmental problems and
the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.
Two of the biggest threats to the environment are air pollution and waste. Gas emissions from factories
and exhaust fumes from vehicles lead to global warming, which may have a devastating effect on the
planet in the future. As the human population increases, we are also producing ever greater quantities of
waste, which contaminates the earth and pollutes rivers and oceans.
Government could certainly make more effort to reduce air pollution. They could introduce laws to limit
emissions from factories or to force companies to use renewable energy from solar, wind or water power.
They could also impose green taxes' on drivers and airline companies. In this way, people would be
encouraged to use public transport and to take fewer flights abroad, therefore reducing emissions.
Individuals should also take responsibility for the impact they have on the environment. They can take
public transport rather than driving, choose products with less packaging, and recycle as much as
possible. Most supermarkets now provide reusable bags for shoppers as well as banks' for recycling
glass, plastic and paper in their car parks. We can help reduce waste by reusing and recycling.
In conclusion, both national governments and individuals must play their part in looking after the



The invention of television around 2 decades back opened the frontiers for the
transmission of visual communication and awareness. Since then, the research and
development on this has never paused, today we have 3D and curved television
available as well. In fact, it is very difficult to find a domestic family without
watching a TV during their daily life. It has made the world a small place to live in
by making all sorts of shows, news updates and information on all areas via wide
range of channels.
Televisions provides a wide range of channels to choose from such as tourism,
travel, food, movies, music, news, sports and many more. In fact, the information is
so useful that people plan their holiday based on the tourism show, prepare new
dishes by following the recipes, and become aware of all sorts of happenings around
the world and least to mention the craze of sports event.
For many, TV is almost become indispensable as they believe it to be a friend who is
always there when needed. Nowadays TVs come with many features such as
Internet; can be used to play video games, quizzes and many other interactive
functions. It can be a good way to spend time with, which is often necessary when
Televisions have influenced our lives so much that people watching daily shows
specially, have the hangover of the show throughout the day. But, it is our
responsibility to limit anything in excess. The benefits which TV has bought in our
lives cannot be denied.



Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth
than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is true that some celebrities are known for their glamorous lifestyles rather than for the work they do.
While I agree that these celebrities set a bad example for children, I believe that other famous people act
as positive role models.
On the one hand, many people do achieve fame without really working for it. They may have inherited
money from parents, married a famous or wealthy person, or they may have appeared in gossip
magazines or on a reality TV programme. A good example would be Paris Hilton, who is rich and famous
for the wrong reasons. She spends her time attending parties and nightclubs, and her behaviour
promotes the idea that appearance, glamour and media profile are more important than hard work and
good character. The message to young people is that success can be achieved easily, and that school
work is not necessary.
On the other hand, there are at least as many celebrities whose accomplishments make them excellent
role models for young people. Actors, musicians and sports stars become famous idols because they
have worked hard and applied themselves to develop real skills and abilities. They demonstrate great
effort, determination and ambition, which is required for someone who wants to be truly successful in their
chosen field. An example is the actor and martial artist Jackie Chan, who has become world famous
through years of practice and hard work. This kind of self-made celebrity can inspire children to develop
their talents through application and perseverance.
In a nutshell, we can say that all celebrates set examples for the people in the society. But the difference
lies in the pattern of influence they have on us. Somebody influences positively whereas somebody do
the same negatively. It is our responsibility to determine who are to follow.



Employee involvement means every employee is regarded as a unique human

being, not just a cog in a machine; each employee is involved in helping the
organization to meet its goals. Every employees input is solicited and valued by
his/her management. Employee and management recognize that each employee is
involved running the business.
Employee involvement or participation in decision making process provides every
employee with an opportunity to express their views and share their experience
knowledge with other employees. This will improve the relationship between the
employee and manager, while it brings a feel of team work among other employees
in a team. Expressing views enables effective communication between co-workers,
with each employee bringing individual strengths to a specific project or task and
ultimately an increase in team work and performance.
An employee that has potential in making many decisions is commending to
managers, however this can result in effects. Employees who dont have sufficient

knowledge, qualification, experience or competence on specific business decisions

can misunderstand the organization success or create internal conflicts in the
business. That is some business decision roles cannot be taken by an employee as it
requires skills.
In conclusion, employee involvement plays a very important role in the success of
any organizations. Though employee involvement has various negative impacts on
the organization, it shows that under certain conditions employees are more
committed to decisions and that better decisions are made if they are involved.
Employee involvement increases team work and produce better performances.

















It is evident that science and modern inventions have revolutionized the world and is a
blessing to mankind. With the advent of computers, antibiotics and airplane, humans have
progressed in all spheres of life. In my opinion, computers seem to be the greatest
inventions of all times. This could be clearly seen by looking at its multitasking
capabilities, ability to store information and utility in almost all fields.

First of all, computers can do numerous mathematical calculations with incredible

speed and pin point accuracy. For example, a person can simultaneously execute more than
one task, thereby increasing the productivity and reducing the human errors. This makes it
clear how the human involvement is minimized by just supplying data to the computer for
evaluations and getting results in fraction of seconds. Thus, I can say that computer is one of
the most outstanding innovations of the last century.
Secondly, computers can store large amounts of information and a user
can retrieve it later for further processing. For instance, trend analysis and forecasting in a
company are done by referring to historical data. These examples illustrate the usefulness of
computers for measuring the success of a company. It is obvious from this
that the computers have contributed significantly to the worlds economy.
Finally, there are many uses of computer in different fields of work. Engineers,
architects, jewels, and film-makers all use computers to design things. Teachers, writers,
and most office workers use computers for research, word processing and emailing. Small
businesses can use computers as a point of sale and for general record keeping.
In conclusion, we can say that computers are the top innovations of all times
considering high speed processing at a time, high storage facility and presence in almost
every field. It is hoped that new softwares and hardwares will keep on making the
computer better as life without computer seems to be like a rose without petal.







It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on peoples behaviour,

but legislation cannot reform human nature.Laws cannot change what is in
peoples hearts and minds.Many problems of modern society cannot be
solved by laws and legal system because moral behaviour cannot be
To start with , laws are developed to discipline the society and so that every
individual can live in peace and harmony without any insecurities and
fears.To maintain such a control, rules are formulated to prevent all

offences and punishment are devised for every social and personal
transgression so that crimes once committed are not repeated again.An
acute system like this is enough to keep people from all kinds of crimes and
wrongdoings;however if this was true there would not have been such a
high crime rate as we see today.
Also humans have a tendency of getting intrigued and do something which
is generally not allowed to.A punishment in such cases may deter the
individual from doing it again but a more contemplative question here is
whether such a punishment brings in any reform which I think is not the
To conclude , in my opinion , to thwart a crime the state of the mind and
heart of the individual should be explored to determine the core cause
which perpetuated the crime. Also there is an active collaboration required
between the legal system and the reformatory facilitative organisations to
bring in a necessary change to the lives of individual who went on such a
heinous path. Law should not just be a system of restriction and
punishments but also of rehabilitation, only then it will help transform
human immorality which in turn will facilitate the development of a
peaceful novel society.





The popularity of extreme sports has continued to grow over the last decade. These
activities are undertaken at high speed, high altitude, and high degree of physical exertion.
It is agreed that no amount of words are adequate to convey the thrill of skiing, deep sea
diving, bungee jumping, water rafting or any other adventure sport. This argument can be
proven by looking at how these kinds of sports teach self-reliance, teamwork and let
everyone leave their comfort zone.

Firstly, the risk-taking sports help in development of self confidence and

independence. For instance, by successfully facing up the challenge of adventurous sports
like rock-climbing, young people overcome their fears and apprehensions along the way and
develop a feeling of unusual accomplishment (achievement). This makes it clear that
climbing mountain, instead of an indoor game, helps in developing the balance, using more
muscle groups, and taking on a journey in an uncontrolled environment that stimulates
brain with countless variables. Thus, achieving your goals in an unpredictable weather,
recognizing the thrill of beating storm and making it back home safely result in
enhancement of overall personality of an adventurous person.
Moreover, many people are reluctant to try new things like mountain biking, scuba
diving, white river rafting, para-gliding etc., thinking that they do not possess the skills
or have an ability to enjoy it. Encouraging people to try new activities results in building up
team spirit, promoting positive attitude and making them come out of their comfort zone.
Thus, we can say that by trying out dangerous sports, one can get rid-off the negative feeling
and develop a feeling of working as a team.
Looking at the above, we can say that adventure sports have many impressive
benefits including problem solving, improved communication skills, self-confidence and
team work. However, it is recommended that these sports should be tried under proper
guidance and supervision of a guard.
While every sport has a danger, extreme sports athletes are at a high risk of
serious injuries. For example, back-country snowboarders are known for riding on an
unpredictable terrain where avalanches are common. Since these off-piste riders do not ride
on a groomed slope, hazards such as large boulders and fallen trees can be easily hidden
under large deposits of newly fallen snow. As can be seen from this example, even a smallest
misstep can plummet big wave surfers more than 30 feet below the breaking ocean waves.
Thus, we can say that adventurous people are prepared to gamble their safety in search of
adrenaline rush.








Information revolution has changed the way of mass communications and had some
negative and positive effects on individual lives as well as on society. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
We are living in the age of 21 century and technology is shaping our lives. The human
has made rapid development and progress in achieving the goals and objectives
towards information dissemination. In the last decade, the mass communication
flourished tremendously in the society as people are eager to get recent and actual
The mass communication has been accelerated in the last few years. It has made easier
access to the information form different regions of the world essential part before. The
computer Internet technology boosts the speed of mass communication. Earlier the
newspapers were the only source of mass communication media, but now the mass
communication is equipped with the latest technology and innovations of computer
Internet. The mass communication media is playing a pivotal role in the society. The
politicians are using mass communication media for their election campaigns and
make the people in their favor to caste vote. Products advertisements are being done
for business promotions to attract consumers toward their product. The indispensable
role of mass media in our society become highly effect to help and organize the needful
people towards the charity promotions to help someone for medical treatment and
support for the basic necessities of life.
In contract, media is also responsible to introduce deprave and nefarious elements in
the society. The mass media in a shape of business promotes celebrities with their
various lifestyle, such as they are addicted to drinking and smoking. The adolescents
adopt the famous celebrities lifestyle without having the actual knowledge which is
hidden and can cause severe harm to their health. The extreme sports like bungee
jumping is usually promote by the media as a form of adventure which can be adopted
by the people and put someones life in danger.
In conclusion, the mass media has highly influenced our live and is affecting that a
person can change opinion towards the thing around. It is giving benefits to people it is

taken in correct direction, but if the mass media is controlled and use for someones
interest than it is highly deterioration for the society.




















The development of society is going towards a globalised world where education is
an essential foundation for personal, social and economic success. International studies are
becoming a new trend for young people as a way to expand their education beyond their
traditional education style. It is agreed that adding a foreign qualification has become an
integral part of higher studies. This argument is proven by looking at how it widens peoples
perspective and helps them with better career opportunities.
Studying abroad helps people increase their awareness about different cultures of
the world. This will contribute in creating individuals with a broader understanding of
issues concerning todays society rather than limiting them in a scope of home education
system. For example, universities have a large community of students both from the local
area and all around the globe. The diverse academic community enhances the quality of
learning by providing wider spectrum of opinions and expertise. This example clearly shows
that international education enhances outlook and sharpens self-awareness. Therefore, we
can say that traveling is an important element of education.
Moreover, acquiring a globally recognized qualification or degree opens the doors
for international job market. The students gain more knowledge and expertise when abroad
and apply them to situations requiring international interactions. Also, employers look for
the graduates with international experience either by studying or working abroad. Thus, we
can say that international studies add value to a students education.
In summary, it can be said that travelling to foreign countries for higher studies is a
key to succeed in this globalised planet.

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