A. Prepare A Slide Presentation Containing The Following Requirements: 1. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION (80% of The Presentation)

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For those students who got a YES on the topic and title proposal selection during our class

here is the instruction for the second step:
A. Prepare a slide presentation containing the following requirements:
1. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION (80% of the presentation)
a. Technical definition of the proposed working title
b. Justify the need for the proposal (Statement of the Problem). Answer the following
- What is the problem and reasons for undertaking the proposed study?
(Highlight the issues to be investigated.)
- What are your research goals? (identify the aim, objectives, assumptions
and key questions)
Aim one sentence highlighting your ultimate goal
Try to phrase your aim in the form of:
o To provide guidelines...
o To develop a conceptual model...
o To create...
o To design...
Objectives 3 or 5 single sentence objectives breaking down your
aim (sub-aims).
Try to phrase your aim in the form of:
o To create...
o To develop...
o To assess...
o To analyse...
o To evaluate...
o Etc. (with exception TO DESIGN...)
Assumption a tentative proposition that is subject to verification.
o Often formulated as if... then statements
Key question states the position for investigation
- What is the social, environmental, cultural, economic, and/or religious need
addressed by the project?
- What is the social, environmental, cultural, economic, and/or religious
importance/significance of the project?
- In what ways will it contribute to the development of the country, the
community and the users?
c. Define the target users of the proposal.
d. Project Description (project scope and components)
e. Preliminary concepts
2. SITE SELECTION CRITERIA (20% of the presentation)
a. The content may include standard local or foreign project requirements set by LGUs
or NGUs, references, laws, codes, charters, land use and zoning requirements,

accessibility of target users (transportation, proximity, etc.), existing utility systems,

and topographic & climatic conditions relevant to the proposed project proposal.
- No unnecessary slide animation.
- Follow RULE OF 7 in creating a slide presentation (7 Lines, 7 words). Fewer words and more
image the better. Also, use high quality images. Refer to this link:
7 Presentation Tips
PowerPoint 7X7


There is no limit in the number of presentation slides. But, create a presentation with a time
limit in mind (5minutes).
The Name and Photo of the presenter will be placed on the last slide of the presentation with
references and a disclaimer statement at the bottom. Failure to provide this would mean NO
Last Name, FN. MI.
Email address:[email protected]
Showing head and
shoulder on white

Provide a short description about

Eg. A student of Adamson University,
College of Architecture.....


Save presentation file into PDF Format with file name containing your surname and name
initials. (e.g. SurnameFNMIrmaproposal.pdf or LeeJGPrmaproposal.pdf)
Provide and submit a detailed manuscript of the information above. The content of the slide
presentation is just the summary (the gist) of the items listed above. The manuscript contains all
information you wanted to present about the topic. Maximum number of pages is 3 ONLY.
Email the an e-file of the slide presentation and manuscript via:

40097 RMA MWF3-4 https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzNBY0QHkhBapuAb3SLhQfXxidOuEU

40098 RMA MWF2-3 https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbzQ8wSiYB3I6lxr2h6PW2aLVLiBIznpzb_f2fo-tCq/dev

Deadline of submission for all e-files will be on January 4, 2016.

o Slide presentation until 12 midnight only.
o Manuscript during class hours.

The class will submit a CD compilation of the entire presentation files arranged in folders based
on the schedule of presentation of each student on January 5, 2016.


Prepare for a 5 minutes oral presentation.

There will be a draw of lot on January 4, 2016 for the schedule of the presentation.
Presentation schedule will be on January 6, 8, 11, 13 and 15, 2016.
Presenters will wear a formal attire or smart casual.
The presenter will use ENGLISH as a medium for oral presentation.
There will a total of 10 presenters who will present his/her topic proposal per day.
The first presenter on each dates of presentation will lead the Adamsonian Prayer.
The presenter is not allowed to read the presentation projected on the board. The presenter
may prepare a cue card to guide him/her all throughout the presentation.
A strict 5 minutes presentation time will be implemented.
A class representative will signal the end of the presentation at exactly on the 5th minute.
The presenters will set up a laptop with a CD reader and projector. The presentation files will be
coming from the CD submitted by the class.
Each presenter will submit a rubric printed on an 8 x11 bond paper on January 4, 2016. This
will serve as the grading sheet for the presentation. A rubric file is attached together with this

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