Lesson Plan 12 18 La Loteria de Navidad

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Name: Melinda Selleck

Date: 12/18/15
Placement School: Lowell High School
Course (Spanish 2a) & Approximate Proficiency (Beginner)
Grades/Ages of students: 9th-10th
Mentor Teacher: Sarah Ellis
Lesson Topic: Chapter 2 quiz, La loteria de navidad
****At the beginning of fifth hour, we hear announcements and do
the pledge of the allegiance in Spanish.
A Brief Overview of the Lesson
This lesson includes TPR practice with all previous vocabulary terms and
introduction of new vocabulary terms.
This lesson also includes a domino activity with the previous vocabulary terms and
new vocabulary.
There is an introduction/review of emotions with a PowerPoint.

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, students will be able to:
Students will be able to respond with the appropriate action when given a
Students will be able to match the English word with the appropriate Spanish
word, using their dominoes.
Students will be able to identify all of the new & previous vocabulary terms in
writing and orally.

Students will be able to conjugate verbs in the present tense in the TL.
Students will be able to describe how they feel in a given situation orally and in
writing in the TL.
Students will be able to ask and answer how they feel in writing and orally in the
Students will be able to describe days of the week in the TL.
Previous Related Learning

L.1.2.a. follow simple three or four-step oral

Students are familiar with
directions to complete a classroom task.
the routine of introducing

L.2.2.a. Understand simple speech produced by

new vocabulary with TPR.
peers and adults on familiar topics with repetition

Students are familiar with

and rephrasing.
the routine to complete their

S.2.2.a Participate in social conversations with

domino activity.
peers and adults on a familiar topic by asking and
answering questions and requesting information.
Students are familiar with

S.4.2.a Ask and respond to questions using phrases

the vocabulary from todays
or simple sentences.
lesson (its been introduced

S.6.3.a. Speak clearly and comprehensibly by using

through TPR).
Standard grammatical forms and pronunciation,
Students are familiar with
phrasing and intonation.
completing round robin

S.7.1.a. Describe a concept with prepared text.

R.2.1.f. Use decoding skills to read known and

unfamiliar words.
Students have learned

R.2.1.g. Match oral words to written words

feelings in Spanish 1.

R.3.2.a. Use context clues as a strategy to figure

Students have done a similar

out meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.
four corners game.

W.1.2.c. Write simple sentences using key words

available in the classroom environment.

W.1.3.a. Write with consistent use of spelling
patterns and rules

Activity 1 (Time: 10 mins)

This activity engages students to begin the class thinking in Spanish. They will get
in the habit of completing these activities each day. Even though the task may
vary, they are always required to write it in their notebooks and to date it. It has
been noticed that students werent being held accountable for the work they
contribute in their notebooks, which should be diffused when the teacher reminds
students that the work they put in their notebook will be part of their grade. The
dominoes contain the new and old vocabulary words and provide students with
additional practice.
Modes of Communication and Skills Incorporated in this
Activity (circle all that apply):
(e.g., Individual work,
Interpersonal Mode, Interpretive Mode, Presentational
pair work, group work,
team work, whole
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar(ing),
class, etc.)

First the teacher will great the class and direct their
attention to the white board. The teacher will remind
students to write the new vocabulary in their notebook.
The teacher will pull up the bell ringer and ask students
to identify the meaning of the phrase and why it is
Students will write.
The teacher will then say levanta la mano and will read
the new vocabulary terms (preocupado, aburrido, triste,
ocupado) in Spanish and students will repeat each word.
The teacher will ask if anyone knows what the word
The teacher will state the English translation for the
Students will write the English in their notebooks next to
the Spanish.
The teacher will show the action for the word.
The last four steps will be repeated for each word.
The teacher will then say levantense. Students will
stand up.
The teacher will say a vocabulary word and students will
respond with the appropriate action.
The teacher will use new and old vocabulary terms.
The teacher will tell students sientense and cierran
los ojos. Students will sit and close their eyes to quiz
themselves on the commands. The teacher will give the
commands and the students will show the commands.
The teacher will then say abren los ojos and the
teacher will then tell students to get out their dominos
and will give students two minutes to practice. (CAN
The teacher will wait for all students to get out their
dominoes and will say empieza. Students will practice

Materials /
Resources Needed
White board,
white board
pencils, paper

their dominoes for two minutes and teacher will set the
timer. The teacher will pass back any papers while they
are working.
The timer will go off and the teacher will ask students to
put away their dominoes.
The teacher will remind students to study their
vocabulary words and to practice their conjugations.

How will you check for your students understanding during this activity? In
other words, how will you know if students have met the learning objectives of
this activity?
Based on the responses they give in the class discussion. Teacher will determine if
they understand the vocabulary if they can put their dominoes together, if they
are able to give the actions of the commands. When we look over the notebooks,
we will also know if they are staying on task by what they are writing in it.
Transition: The teacher will pass out the chapter 2 packets.

Activity 2 (Time: 20 mins)

Rationale: Before introducing new material, the students will be reviewing
what was covered yesterday. The students are reminded of the different
feelings vocabulary with TPR and also when the teacher reads through it in the
book. The teacher has students work with the material in a similar activity they
did yesterday, to give them additional writing practice of what they practiced
speaking yesterday. The teacher checks students homework before going over
the answers to ensure that all students are completing their work. The correct
answers are highlighted on the board and students have the opportunity to
correct their work so they have the correct information to study for their quiz.
Modes of Communication and Skills Incorporated in this
Activity (circle all that apply):
(e.g., Individual work,
Interpersonal Mode, Interpretive Mode, Presentational
pair work, group work,
team work, whole
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar(ing),
class, etc.)
The teacher will ask students to open their books to
page 40. The teacher will read through the rules for
talking about feelings and will review the different
pencils, chapter
The teacher will then ask students to have their packets
two packets
out. The teacher will ask students to play the dice game
on page four. The teacher will pass out the dice and put
students into groups. (While they are playing the teacher
will go around the room and check their homework.) (10)
Once the ten minutes is up, the teacher will tell students
to fill in the remaining sentences as homework. If they
dont have dice, they can create their own combinations,
just dont repeat the same sentence.
The teacher will call on students to write the answers
from the homework on the board. The teacher will tell
students to be checking each others work as they are
The teacher will highlight the correct answers. The
teacher will ask students what is still confusing?

How will you check for student understanding?

Have students show me a thumbs up, sideways or down with how they
are comprehending the new material. Also, when they raise their hands
to indicate a correct response.
Transition: The teacher will ask students to keep out their packets so they can
take notes.

Activity 3 (Time: 20 mins)

Modes of Communication and Skills Incorporated in this
Activity (circle all that apply):
Interpersonal Mode, Interpretive Mode, Presentational
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Grammar(ing),

The teacher will tell students that this PowerPoint is a

review of days of the week vocabulary. This vocabulary
is what they should be studying for their quiz tomorrow!
The teacher will pull up the days of the week PowerPoint.
The teacher will ask students to be taking notes in their
packets on the blank sheets or on a separate piece of
lined paper.
The teacher will read through each slide, asking students
to repeat after me with vocabulary terms.
On the question slide, the teacher will read each
question and state the meaning. The teacher will also
highlight the way to respond to each question. The
teacher will model a couple of examples.
The teacher will ask students to ask their table mate a
question and their tablemate will respond to the
question in Spanish (5 mins).
The students will take turns asking.
The teacher will call on random students to present their
question and answer with the class. (the teacher will go
around the room and assign pairs of students a question
to ask and answer).
The students will share.
The teacher will then ask students to open their packets
to page 6. The teacher will explain the directions for the
activity on pg. 42 in their book and model an example.
The teacher will ask if students have questions.
The teacher will allow students to complete the activity.
The teacher will call on random students to share their
answers with the class.
The teacher will remind students that they have a quiz
tomorrow and there is a portion very similar to this!
The teacher will highlight the correct answers (can be
assigned for homework if there isnt sufficient time
We will do round robin cards. Directions are as follows:
The teacher will pass out new round robin cards with

(e.g., Individual work,
pair work, group work,
team work, whole
class, etc.)

Round robin
cards, stop
watch, book,
white packet,
screen, dice

chapter 2 vocabulary on them. The teacher will refresh

students of the rules before beginning. The teacher will
also tell students that this time they will be timed to see
how quickly they can complete it. Tell students also, that
they are competing against the other hours.
The teacher will then ask for a volunteer to start.
The teacher will count down 3-2-1 and then begin the
stop watch.
The students will take turns reading their cards in
Spanish first.
Students will sit down after they have read their cards.
All students will be sitting at the end, the teacher will
stop the timer and write the time down. (Allow students
to go twice)
The teacher will tell students they will have another
chance tomorrow to try again.
How will you check for student understanding?
I will know if they have met the objective by the sentences they share in
I will know if students are on track by their ability to complete round
Transition: The teacher will ask students if they met the learning objective for
the day. Can you describe how you feel?

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