Maker Project Plan Template

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Maker Project Plan Template

Begin by deciding what it is that you

want your students to come away
with? Are you most interested in
creating an experience that highlights
the engineering design process? Are
there habits of mind I want students to
develop during this project? (flexibility?
risk taking? persistence?) What are
your students interested in?

This will be for my Intro to Design Thinking class. I want students

to engage with the design thinking process and be introduced to
the engineering design process.
Habits of Mind:
Creating, Imagining, and Innovating

What will students do as part of this

lesson or project? Is the selection of
the project more student or teacher
driven? How do you know they will be
interested? What will students
ultimately learn about their learning as
a result of this project?

What will students do?

Students will go through the steps of Design Thinking to create a
new study space for a peer.
I will select the design challenge question, students will decide
who their user is and how they want to solve the problem.
Students will ultimately learn the design process as well as the
process of reflection and revision

What curriculum ties are inherent in

your project. How can the learning
that takes place through this project
support current classroom initiatives?
How can you make Making a part of
your regular instruction (rather than a
fun moment outside your regular day)?

Design Thinking Competencies:

Empathy. The student will uncover and capture deep-seated
values, beliefs, and needs from the user(s).
Define. The student synthesizes the learnings from the empathy
phase and develops a statement of user needs. This statement
reframes the original problem as a specific human centered
Ideate. The student will brainstorm as many ideas as possible that
might help address the users need(s).
Prototype. The student will quickly create manifestations of an
idea in order to test it and get feedback, and to use that feedback
to iterate.
Feedback/Test. The student will use prototype(s) to gather
feedback from users, and use the feedback to improve the idea
through different iterations of prototypes
Reflection. The student will carefully consider how the steps of
the design process helped him/her achieve or not achieve a viable
solution for a users specific need(s)
This learning will be demonstrated throughout the process.
Students will have a Design Challenge Packet to guide their
learning throughout the process. The focus will be on Prototype,
Feedback/Test, and Revision.
I think Making ties in really well to this class. I want students to
make a 3D prototype of their new study space or something to be
used in their study space using the supplies we have in our

Think about the process that will

guide this project. What is your
projects story? What does its
beginning, middle, and end look like?
What will learning look like as students
move through the activity?

Beginning: Empathy- engage students in why study spaces are

important. I think I want a video and an article. I want students to
also think about the struggles they have and what distracts them
Middle: Students define their user and brainstorm solutions to
their user problem statement. Then I want students to engage in
building, feedback from peers, reiteration.

End: Final Product presentations at Project Showcase in the

Next, think about logistics. How do
you need to change your environment
in order to make this happen. Can you
be flexible with your room
arrangement? Your schedule? What
materials and tools will you need to
make it happen?

My classroom environment is set-up fairly well for this project. The

MakerSpace construction needs to be done so I can have my
students in working on a more consistent basis. I think I will
rearrange my tables to be in pods/groups from the U shape they
are in now. The schedule isnt very flexible, I will see the students
for 1 hour twice a week.

How will you assess your students?

How will your students share what
theyve created, and more importantly
what theyve learned as theyve gone
through the process. How will your
students record the process as it

I will assess through observation during the Empathy, Define,

Ideate, Prototype, and Feedback/Test phases. I will observe
student participation and talk with students informally during the
process. I will also collect their Design Challenge Packets
throughout the process. Students will use their packets to write out
their thinking, learning, and reflecting. I will also evaluate the final
products based on a rubric (still to be made)

What do you see as your biggest

challenge in moving forward? How
might you mitigate these challenges?

The biggest challenge going forward is the construction timeline.

Right now I never know when the construction crew will be here
and when they wont. It makes it difficult to plan when my students
can be working in the space we have dedicated to Making.

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