Arthur Jones

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Arthur Jones

6th Period Chemistry


A Lasting Bubble!!!

Scientific Question
Which substances can make the bubble last longer?
How much substance does it take to last longer than 2minutes?

I believe adding soap or washing powder will improve how long the bubble last without popping.

Analyze Data
Im a draw a chart to keep my data for each experiment together, and a stopwatch to keep time of the

1. First, make your mix he different substances with the bubble, and store them in clearly labeled
glass jars. Use jar for each different substances and label with the formula using a permanent
marker. Here are three basic substances to try, but notice that the total volume of the solution is
kept consistent:
2. Now get the wand from the bubbles little container for each substances. Use it to blow the

bubbles from each substance.

Blow a bubble and catch it on your wand. Immediately start the stopwatch and time how long the

bubble lasts.
4. For each bubble, calculate the average time in seconds that the bubbles lasted. Do this calculation
by adding up all of the data for a substance, and dividing by the number of trials for that
5. Make a graph of your data. For each substance, make a bar of the average time in seconds that the
bubble lasted.
6. Analyze your data. Which substance worked the best?

Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"Astronomy Picture of the Day [Archive] - Page 5 - Sat Universe." Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"Contents." Soap Bubbles. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"Science Dictionary - Online Science Term Finder." Science Dictionary - Online Science Term
Finder. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.
"Science Fair Project Ideas." Science Fair Project Ideas. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

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