Montpelier Community Association, Inc

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Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Deerfield Community Center
January 12, 2016
Trustees in Attendance: Paul Buehler, Bob Derrick, Patricia Douville, Lillian Fazio, Brad Gimbert, Tim Jacobs, Jack Keating,
Richard Mason and Jean Sorrentino.
Trustees Absent with Cause: None.
Community Members Present: Sean Beaver, Mary Derrick, Dody Gibson, and Mary Hughes.
President Bob Derrick called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. There was a quorum to conduct business.
Secretarys Report: Tricia Douville
The minutes of the December 2015 board meeting were reviewed. Trustee Douville made a motion to accept the
minutes. Trustee Keating seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Lillian Fazio
Trustee Fazio prepared and distributed the monthly financial reports.
Due to the tireless efforts of the Board in pursuing those that dont pay, uncollected assessments have been reduced
from $15,000 to $10,900.
There is $59,000 in savings currently. The treasurer recommended funds be transferred to the Reserve Fund. Trustee
Keating made a motion to transfer $50,000 to the Reserve Fund. Trustee Mason seconded the motion and it passed
unanimously. This will bring the Reserve Fund to almost $182,000. This leaves $30,000 in checking which is sufficient
for startup funds for the 2016 season.
WSSC sent an estimated bill for more than $1,000. Trustee Fazio requested an actual reading since the common
grounds get very little use during the winter. An actual reading and the associated bill now would be better than
carrying a credit when the meter is finally read in the summer.
Republic Service (dumpster) billed the MCA for December and January pickup in addition to the rental only fee (which
is billed when you only rent the container without the weekly pick up). The rental fee has been paid, but they
continue to bill for December and January pick up. The treasurer called to get it straight but they did not respond. A
registered letter should be sent regarding the agreement for suspending the service over the winter or someone call
them again. Trustee Gimbert volunteered to call them to see if he could sort it out.
ACC Committee: Jack Keating, Chairperson
Trustee Keating submitted the December meeting minutes and the agenda from the January meeting.
Letters were sent out regarding some violations, including a fine and the installation of a structure without prior
Trustee Derrick reported that the Nationwide attorney representing the MCA in the legal matter now on appeal
expects to have the decision sometime in March.
Communications Committee: Sean Beaver, Chairperson
The recommended vendor ratings system is up on the MCA website, but some kinks with access have to be worked
out. There should not be a problem with liability for the MCA if someone posts a negative review. Liability would be
on the author of the rating itself.
The Montpelier Community 50 anniversary was discussed. Mr. Beaver has still not received much of a response for
pictures or stories about the early days of the neighborhood. It will take a door to door campaign if we are to collect
memorabilia and volunteers to plan a social event recognizing the Communities 50 birthday.
Facilities Committee: Paul Buehler and Brad Gimbert, Co-Chairs
Trustee Gimbert spoke with Mr. Dengler about getting the cores replaced in the common grounds pad locks.
One of the lights in the playground is out and the head is loose on a light near the pool. Trustee Keating has mentioned
in the past that he would ask his electrician to look at them next time they are in the area.
The new shade structure is all weather so the Chairmen decided to leave it up over the winter.
Pool Committee: Mary Derrick, Chairperson
Mrs. Derrick expects to have quotes for the 2016 management contract from Lighthouse very soon.

Pool membership was discussed and whether any forms need to be revised. The Board approved the forms and
expressed their support of the Chairperson and the gate attendants for applying their own discretion regarding
residency rules as the cases come up.

Social Committee: Patricia Douville, Chairperson

Six carolers visited about 11 houses for the caroling social event. It was well received by everyone involved and there
was interest is doing it again next year.
Thank you to Trustee Derrick and Mr. Beaver for the Holiday Lights judging. Mr. Beaver did a great job posting the
winning houses on the website and Facebook page.
The Egg Hunt will be Saturday, March 19 .
Security Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson
There have been four break-ins in the neighborhood over the past month (Oxwell, Cedarbrook and Mount Pleasant).
Residents are encouraged to get to know their neighbors so they can more easily recognize when something looks out
of the ordinary. Also, immediately report suspicious activity by calling 911, NOT the non-emergency line.
Cpl. Wilson, our Community Outreach Policeman for several years now, has been transferred to the Bowie station.
Chief Magaw retired and is now the Director of Public Safety. It is expected that the County Council will approve
Deputy Chief Henry Stawinsky as the Interim Chief.
Liz Clark graduated from the Citizens Police Academy. Montpelier now has 8 graduates. There will be another
academy for adults and youth announced in the Spring. Anyone interested in participating in the free training should
contact Trustee Mason.
Traffic Committee: Richard Mason, Chairperson
Emergency work at Montpelier Drive and Cedarbrook, unrelated to the pipe replacement program, caused a water
shutdown for several hours on 1/6/16.
A new Prince Georges County project manager has been assigned to the Montpelier Drive Project. There are plans to
present the final 4 plans to the Board before introducing it to the community, but no meeting dates have been
Welcoming Committee: Carolyn Campbell Flowe, Chairperson
The committee has been given a list of new owners and is working on handouts which will be useful. Trustee Derrick
requested a copy of the list and also a list of those newcomers who have been visited.
Trustee Derrick reminded the Facilities Co-Chairmans that a map of the walking route for trash pick-up would be
helpful when they brief C. Heidel on his new duties. Especially since there will be 2 new trashcans to empty.
Trustee Gimbert was unable to get a bid for the security camera project, but he will find out if a company he knows are
interested. Trustee Keating believes that he can get another bid or two. Three will be required since this acquisition is
expected to be over $1000.00.
Installing photo cell lighting at the Montpelier sign was discussed. The Board approved of the idea and Park and
Planning will be approached about the plan.
The blue house on the corner of Rte. 197 and Montpelier is to be auctioned on January 20.
The County has been asked to evaluate the leaning tree off Oxwell Lane and Royal Ridge to determine if they should
remove it. If, in the Countys determination, it is a danger of impacting County property they do have the right to
remove it.
The walking path needs some TLC (new drainage pipe and a new layer of asphalt millings) so the Board will seek
volunteers and a date to spread the millings for the walking path when the weather permits.
Some concrete work on uneven surfaces at the pool will need to be scheduled for the Spring. A meeting is needed to
discuss exactly what is needed. The go-ahead was already given for replacing the sand in the filters.
The Board approved continuing the yearly service contract with our accountant ($945 quarterly). This includes the By
Laws required annual review.
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Deerfield Rec Center is disposing of some lockers and offered them to the MCA. Trustee Gimbert will get them for use
in the guard shack.

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 8, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Deerfield Recreation Center, preschool
room. The motion was made and seconded to adjourn at 8:18 pm. The motion passed unanimously.

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