Neural Stem Cell Poster

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Neural stem cells

Virginia Mattis, Soshana Svendsen, Dhruv Sareen and Clive Svendsen

Neural stem cells are capable of self-renewal and can generate neurons,
astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. During nervous system development,
NSCs within the primitive neural ectoderm give rise to neural progenitors,
which rapidly become regionally and temporally specified, first
generating large projection neurons and later small interneurons and glia.
Small numbers of NSCs persist in the adult brain. They proliferate slowly
and produce new neurons throughout life to replenish cells in the

hippocampus and olfactory bulb. NSCs and progenitor cells can be

isolated from embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and
fetal and adult brain samples. They can be induced to differentiate into
neurons and glia in vitro and in vivo. NSCs grown in culture allow invitro
modeling of nervous system development and diseases. NSCs are also
under investigation as potential therapeutic agents for neurodegenerative
diseases and nervous system injury.

Fetal neural stem cells

The CNS begins as a tube of neuroepithelial cells,
the most primitive form of neural stem cells. In the
cortex, neuroepithelial cells transition into radial
glial cells, which then give rise to neural
progenitors, neurons, astrocytes and
oligodendrocytes. In other regions of the
developing CNS1 such as spinal cord and striatum,
radial glial cells are not as prominent, and
progenitors emerge from nonradial multipotent
NSC populations. True NSCs are difficult to expand
from fetal brain tissue. They may be better thought
of as regionally pre-specified progenitor cells with
characteristics of the region from which they were
initially isolated.

Dopamine neurons

Radial glia

Adult somatic cells


Embryonic histogenesis

Adult SVZ

Lateral ventricle


high quality, standardized media and reagents for your

pluripotent, fetal or adult CNS-derived neural stem cell

STEMcircles provide a non-viral, non-integrating
approach to reprogramming somatic cells into
iPS cells. STEMcircles vectors have higher
transfection efficiencies and more persistent
expression than regular plasmid-based reprogramming

Parkinsons disease is caused by loss of dopamine

production in the brains basal ganglia.
Dopamine-producing neurons can be derived
from ES cells and could be used eventually to
replace those that are lost to disease. Although
this idea works in animal models, human trials
using primary fetal tissue revealed that new
dopamine neurons could cause side effects.
More work in animal models will be necessary to
uncover mechanisms that may enable the
functional integration of transplanted
dopaminergic neurons.

Motor neurons
RA, Shh

other factors



Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis


In ALS, progressive paralysis is caused by loss of

cortical and spinal motor neurons. Efforts to
replenish motor neurons from NSC transplants
are challenging, as the new neurons would need
to grow axons over long distances to connect to
the denervated muscles. An alternative
approach to cell therapy for ALS is the
transplantation of NSC-derived astrocytes to
protect remaining motor neurons in early-stage
patients from further degeneration.


Derivation and
expansion of NSCs

ES and iPS cells

Pluripotent ES and iPS cells can be expanded
indefinitely in culture because they express
telomerase, which prevents chromosome aging.
Both stem cell types are able to make any tissue
in the body, including NSCs.

Maintenance of pluripotent cells:

mTeSR 1 is a highly specialized, complete medium
designed for the culture of human ES and iPS cells in
serum-free, feeder-independent conditions. mTeSR1 has
been shown to maintain human ES and iPS cell
pluripotency after extended periods in culture and can
also support the derivation of iPS cells.

Neural induction:
AggreWell plates allow users to control the size and
shape of embryoid bodies (EBs), allowing reproducibility,
optimization of differentiation protocols to specific


To convert different tissue sources

into NSCs, cells derived from fetal
(green box), adult (teal box) or ES/
iPS (gold box) sources are cultured in
media containing the mitogens EGF
and FGF-2. NSCs derived from these
sources can be expanded either as
spherical aggregates termed
'neurospheres' or as monolayer
2Dcultures. They can turn into
neurons, astrocytes and
oligodendrocytes, depending on the
growth and differentiation factors
they are exposed to during
subsequent in vitro differentiation


Adult differentiated cells are

unipotent, able to generate only
their own kind. Adult fibroblasts,
which can be obtained easily
from skin biopsies, as well as
adult cells from other sources, can be converted into iPS
cells by overexpression of a few genes, including the
transcription factors OCT4 and SOX2. Adult cells from
other sources have also been converted to iPS cells. iPS
cells are similar to ES cells in many ways, and can be
differentiated into NSCs in vitro using similar



Inner cell mass

Somatic tissue

STEMCELL Technologies is committed to providing


Parkinsons disease

FGF-8, Shh

NT-3, NT-4,
low FGF-2

2D monolayer culture

NSCs are located within two regions of the adult human and
rodent brain (green): the subgranular zone of the
hippocampus and the subventricular zone of the striatum2.
Adult NSCs generate new neurons throughout life that
integrate into hippocampal and olfactory circuits and are
thought to be important for memory and olfaction. These
NSCs can be isolated and expanded from rodent brains;
however, they are more difficult to isolate from human brain
biopsies or autopsy samples. Another type of NSC outside
these two regions expresses the marker NG2 and can also
proliferate in vitro and in vivo. However, this cell type does
not normally give rise to new neurons in vivo. NG2 cells can
be activated after injury and can generate new

The inner cell mass from the

blastocyst stage of the early
embryo contains ES cells. These
are truly pluripotent stem cells
that can generate any tissue of the
body, including NSCs. The
derivation of human ES cells,
however, has been very
controversial for ethical reasons,
prompting the search for
alternative NSC sources.

Loss of inhibitory GABAergic neurons in the

striatum leads to uncontrolled movement in
Huntingtons disease patients. As the disease
progresses other brain areas degenerate, and
patients suffer severe cognitive decline.
Replacement or protection of striatal GABAergic
neurons using NSC-derived cells may slow the
disease, but the progressive spread of
degeneration is difficult to address. Grafting of
NSCs into multiple sites in both the striatum and
cortex might be a feasible approach.

BDNF, Dkk1,
Shh, cAMP


Adult neural stem cells

Early embryo

Huntingtons disease

GABA neurons

lineages, standardization of the production of EBs and

reduction of variability associated with ES and iPS cell
Neural Induction Medium promotes the efficient
induction of human ES and iPS cells cultured in mTeSR1
to neural progenitor cells and their progeny.

Expansion of neural stem/progenitor cells:

NeuroCult Proliferation Media enable efficient
expansion of neural stem and progenitor cells in culture
while maintaining self-renewal, proliferation and
differentiation potential. Optimized media formulations

To promote NSC differentiation,

EGF and FGF-2 are usually replaced
with specific morphogens or
growth factors that promote initial
maturation into either neurons or
glia. Final differentiation into
specific neuron and glial types
requires other morphogens and
growth factors, and in some cases
transcription factors. Current
protocols for differentiation of
specific neuron and glial types are
indicated along the shaded paths.
Yield varies substantially for the
different cell types. In some cases
only NSCs from certain sources can
generate specific types of neural
tissue. For example, only ES and iPS
derived NSCs (gold shaded lines) can
generate all types of neurons,
whereas fetal and adult-derived
NSCs do not easily make
dopaminergic and motor neurons
after expansion in culture.

are available for human, mouse and rat CNS-derived cells

cultured as neurospheres or adherent monolayers.

Differentiation of neural stem/progenitor cells:

NeuroCult Differentiation Media are designed to
differentiate neural stem and progenitor cells into
neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Optimized
formulations are available for human, mouse and rat
CNS-derived cells.
For more information on how STEMCELL Technologies can
help you, please visit our website:



Spinal cord injury

Expanded naive or partially differentiated populations of NSCs can be transplanted into the
CNS of experimental animals to test their potential to differentiate into functional neuronal
or glial cells in vivo. Such animal studies are the first steps towards developing cell therapies
for neurological disorders. At present, two clinical trials are under way in the USA,
transplanting fetally derived NSCs into the brains of children with Battens disease and
adults with ALS. Such transplants may help by replacing neural tissue and/or by releasing
growth factors that support any remaining functional tissue. One of the major challenges
with NSC-derived transplants is a chance of tumor growth from residual mitogenic cells.
EScell derived transplants in particular may grow teratomas from residual pluripotent,
dividing cells. Fetal- or adult-brain-derived transplants cannot grow teratomas but still carry
some risk of tumorigenicity, which will require careful monitoring. Immune rejection issues
will also be a challenge for this field.
ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; BDNF, brain-derived
neurotrophic factor; BMP, bone morphogenetic factor;
cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; CNS, central
nervous system; CNTF, ciliary neurotrophic factor;
Dkk1, Dickkopf-1; EGF, epidermal growth factor;
ES, embryonic stem (cell); FDA, US Food and Drug
Administration; FGF, fibroblast growth factor;
GABA, g-aminobutyric acid; iPS, induced pluripotent
stem (cell); LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor; NG2, nerve/
glial antigen 2; NGN, neurogenin; NSC, neural stem cell;
NT, neurotrophin; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor;

PMN, Purmorphamine; RA, retinoic acid; Shh, Sonic

hedgehog; SVZ, subventricular zone; VN, vitronectin;
2D, two-dimensional

1. Alvarez-Buylla, A., Garca-Verdugo, J. M. & Tramontin,
A. D. A unified hypothesis on the lineage of neural
stem cells. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 2, 287293 (2001).
2. Zhao, C., Deng, W. & Gage, F. H. Mechanisms and
functional implications of adult neurogenesis. Cell
132, 645660 (2008).

Trauma to the spinal cord results in paralysis

below the site of injury due to severed longdistance connections between the brain and
limb muscles. An FDA-approved protocol uses
human ES cell derived NSCs to generate new
oligodendrocytes in the injured spinal cord,
expecting that remyelination of remaining
damaged but not severed axons would increase
their conductance and improve function.

Multiple sclerosis
Oligodendrocyte degeneration leads to
demyelination of axons, which causes slowed
conductance leading to a multitude of
neurological symptoms. In promising animal
studies, transplantation of pre-differentiated
NSCs results in remyelination and renewed
motor function. In human patients, the
challenge is to target transplanted cells to the
many demyelinated lesions that are widely
dispersed throughout the CNS.
Contact information
The authors are affiliated with the Regenerative Medicine
Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles,
California, USA.
e-mail: [email protected]
Edited by Annette Markus; copyedited by Anita Gould;
designed by Kirsten Lee
2010 Nature Publishing Group

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