Development of Real Time Controller of A Single Machine Infinite Bus System With PSS
Development of Real Time Controller of A Single Machine Infinite Bus System With PSS
Development of Real Time Controller of A Single Machine Infinite Bus System With PSS
Research Scholar,
Electrical Engineering Department:
FTE,M.S.University of Baroda,India
Research Scholar,
Electrical Engineering Department:
FTE,M.S.University of Baroda,India
A real time controller of a Single Machine Infinite Bus power system has been developed in the Matlab/Simulink environment
with code composer studio v3.3 for the Improvement of the transient stability. The real time transient stability simulations are
available on the proposed controller for SMIB power systems. Transient stability has been given much attention by power
system researchers and planners in recent years, and is being regarded as one of the major sources of power system insecurity.
This paper presents the modelling and simulation of a single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system with real time controllers
using MATLAB programming with CCS. The efficiency of the developed controller has been demonstrated through the real
time simulator available with code composer studio to investigate the stabilization control performance for a study SMIB power
Keywords: Controller design, Transient stability, single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system, power system stabilizer
(PSS), Code Composer Studio (CCS).
Power system stabilizer (PSS) controller design, methods of combining the PSS with the excitation controller (AVR),
and investigation of many different input signals and the vast field of tuning methodologies are all part of the PSS
topic. This Paper will focus on development of a few of the technologies and approaches, with the goal of making the
case for using this type of controller to solve the low frequency inter-area oscillation problem. The gain settings of these
stabilizers are determined based on the linearized model of the power system around a nominal operating point to
provide optimal performance at this point. Generally, the power systems are highly nonlinear and the operating
conditions can vary over a wide range. Therefore, CPSS performance is degraded whenever the operating point changes
from one to another because of fixed parameters of the stabilizer. The application of a power system stabilizer (PSS) for
improving the stability of power systems has received much attention [3,4,5]. Real time controller for PSS appears to be
the most suitable one, due to its robustness and lower computation burden [6]. The Real time controllers could easily be
constructed using a simple microcomputer (with CCS). The supplementary stabilizing signal is determined using fuzzy
membership. This paper presents a real time nonlinear control of generator excitation. Control signal is given to sum
point of AVR unit shown in figure 1 & will provide sufficient damping torque for synchronous generator unit with
extra enhanced in rise time & settling time & maximum overshoot and finally robustness that makes it much suitable
for interconnected nonlinear synchronous generators.
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This paper aims for linearized Phillips-Heffron model of power system installed with Real time controller and
demonstrates the application of the model in analysing the damping effect of this controller and designing a Power
system stabiliser to enhance power system oscillation stability [5].
where, Pm and Pe are the input and output powers of the generator respectively; M and D the inertia constant and
damping coefficient; b the synchronous speed; and are the rotor angle and speed; The electrical power output is,
where, Vtd and Vtq are components of generator terminal voltage (Vt) and Iq is current along the q-axis. The IEEE
Type ST1 excitation system is considered in this work. The dynamic model of the excitation system is
where, Vref represents the steady state (reference) value of terminal voltage, KA and TA are the gain constant and time
constant of exciter respectively. Block diagram of linearized Philips Heffron model of SMIB system installed which is
used for this paper.
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the links, information can be transferred to and from Code Composer Studio and with the embedded objects,
information about data and functions stored on the signal processor can be retrieved. Within the collection of hardware
that Link for Code Composer Studio supports, some features of the link cannot be applied. This features or components
are three Link for Code Composer Studio IDE Lets use objects to create links between CCS IDE MATLAB. Link for
Real-Time Data Exchange Interface Provides a communication pathway between MATLAB and the signal processor.
Embedded Objects Provides Object methods and properties that let access and manipulate information stored in
memory and register on signal processor, or in Code Composer Studio project. Hardware-in-the-Loop Enables to
write functions in MATLAB that exercise functions from project on target processor. From MATLAB, data can be
generated, can be send to target, and a function C can be used to manipulate the data in the hardware. The basic
functionality of CCS with Real time controller is shown in figure 4.
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time power system damping controller should satisfy the following stability and performance criteria. a) A minimum
damping ratio should be maintained for critical modes and greater than 0.1 for low frequency modes like inter-area
modes. b) The settling time is the main damping criteria for oscillations in time domain specifications which should be
lower than the desired value.c) The damping action should not deteriorate the system to unacceptable condition and
should maintain the performance and stability of the system. This is because lower the damping the phase margin is
reduced [13].
Design Requirements
Time domain specifications:
Rise Time : 5 sec
Settling Time : 10 sec
% Overshoot : 10
% Rise : 1
% Settling : 5
% Undershoot : 10
Step response bounds from 0 to 15seconds. The main task is to damp out the oscillations in the SMIB system by the
designed Real time Controller for PSS with stabilizer parameters as a constraints with various disturbances. In addition
to that the optimization algorithm should satisfy the above specified requirements for the response of speed, rotor angle
and terminal voltage of the SMIB system. Settling time is considered as a main performance criteria, because, the
damping of oscillations is represented through the reduction of settling time. The following Table 1 shows the main
significant to the settling time, however other design requirements are more or less satisfied depends upon the
optimization algorithm chosen shows the response of speed, rotor angle and terminal voltage of SMIB system with
simplex and pattern search optimization tuned PSS [14]. It is observed that the oscillations are damped out and the
settling time is also reduced to less than 15 seconds. To know the stability condition of SMIB system with tuned PSS
the pole-zero map for the closed loop system from step to speed, rotor angle and terminal voltage for three optimization
algorithm is shown in fig.6,7& 8. From the figure it is infer that the oscillations are damp out quickly and also system
changed from marginal stability condition to stable system [15].
With PSS
Without PSS
Spe ed, pu
Time, Sec
Page 39
Torque Variations
With PSS
Witho ut PSS
Time, Sec
Witho ut PSS
Time, Sec
Torque Variations
Speed Changes
With PSS
Improved With
Real timePSS
Angular Position
Torque Variations
Speed Changes
Angular Position
Torque Variations
Speed Changes
From the simulation we can conclude that real time power system stabilizer we can stabilize our system up to certain
limit and maintain the synchronism between the inter connected area and protect the whole power system from cascade
tripping which is very serious matter. We can also say that only using PSS we cannot maintain stability but in some
cases or condition it is require using other devices to maintain stability. Nowadays static devices are widely use in
system for compensation of reactive power demand and help to maintain system stability in some transient condition.
Also from fig 6, 7 and 8 Angular position which indicate the angle difference between machine and the rotors speed in
p.u. We can clearly see that if there is no PSS than system cant able to sustain stability and become out of step. When
we use PSS system becomes stable but there is low frequency oscillation present. When we use Real time control of PSS
system may stable with no low frequency oscillation. So Real time PSS more accurate compare conventional PSS. From
fig 9, 10 and 11 which shows Rise Time, Peak Time and Settling Time comparisons respectively.The response of the
system for the given disturbance is growing in oscillations, so that the settling time is more than 35 seconds. So a
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