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Animesh Kumar Patra
To develop mathematical model of V/f control of three phase Induction Motor in
MATLAB/Simulink and analyze the performance of the Induction Motor drive through off line
Real time simulation of V/f control in three phase Induction Motor through High Speed
Reconfigurable Power Electronics Controller (HSRPEC) developed by C DAC.
To analyze the V/f control technique and compare them in both off line and online simulation.
High Speed Reconfigurable Power Electronic Controller
Speed control of Induction Motor
V/f control of induction motor
Simulation of V/f control of Induction Motor
 Hardware setup for V/f control of induction motor
Vector Control Of Induction Motor
Conclusion and Future Scope
Most of Induction Motors are driven by Voltage Source Inverter (VSI).
To meet the switching requirements of VSIs micro controllers, DSP and FPGA
have been used for control of Induction Motor.
At the core of every power electronics system lies a controller for meeting the
system requirements.
These controllers are often realized in off-the-shelf microcontrollers.
DSPs which are stiff and limited in terms of resources and are at the risk of
becoming obsolete.
This method is lopsided by higher power consumption, component density and
ASICs were considered as the alternatives for general purpose controllers for
long time. However, they proved to be a costlier substitute as any change in the
system will require re-design and re-fabrication which is expensive as well as
time consuming, taking into account the complexity of recent embedded design
A solution to the growing issues of DSP implementations came with the
introduction of FPGA technology enabling re-configurability.
Unlike traditional DSPs, FPGAs have massively parallel structures containing a
standardized set of arrays of configurable logic blocks (CLBs), memory, DSP slices
and other components such as hardware multipliers.
All components of a computer system can be placed on a single FPGA using
these modules and on-chip memory. This concept is known as a System on
Programmable Chip (SOPC).
An alternative is provided in the form of a High Speed Re-Configurable Power
Electronics Controller (HSRPEC) developed in an FPGA using SOPC methodology.
Reconfigurable architectures are those that can be dynamically configured and
reused for varying applications.
Reusable components including CPU come in the form of Intellectual Property (IP)
cores as soft, hard or firm cores.
System design in FPGA chips is typically done using CAD (Computer Aided Design)
software which supports tools for integrating IP cores of processors and peripherals
including memory and also provide application software development environment.
The CAD tool automatically handles the Low-level execution information, so that
the designer can concentrate on the design functionality.
Block diagram of PE controller system Block diagram of PE controller system
implemented in Conventional Method implemented in SOPC Method
The FPGA offers various advantages such as:

1. Reconfigurable hardware for various PE applications.

2. Reduced processor obsolescence risk.
3. FPGA independent design.
4. Faster performance.
5. Faster concept to system design.
6. Generic board design handles a variety of PE applications.
Potential application areas of FPGA as a Digital Controller are:-

1. Solar MPPT Applications

2. High Frequency Inverter
3. High Performance AC Drive
4. DC Drive
5. UPS
6. DC-DC Converters
7. Multi-level Inverters
8. Interleaved DC-DC Converters
9. Cyclo Converters
10. Matrix Converters
11. Smart metering
12. Power Factor Correction (PFC)
13. Power Quality Applications
14. Controller with Custom/standard Communication Protocol
SOPC Design Methodology for Power Electronic Controller Development

Development environment will be based on the following


1. Altera QUARTUS II IDE with QSYS (SOPC Builder) from ALTERA

2. NIOS II Embedded Suit for System Software Development
3. Model Sim for SOPC Simulation
4. PC with Windows /Linux
Various methods of speed control of Induction Motor
The Induction Motor drive system controlled by V/f is widely used in various
industrial fields.
However, its applicability is restricted, due to limited speed variation. The V/f
control provides large torque in low speed range but in high speed range the
torque is compromised.
In view of this fact the coordination of V/f and vector control is also explored for
wide range speed control of Induction Motor.
The Induction Motor speed is governed in the V/f control by changing the stator
voltage and frequency magnitude in such a manner that the air gap flux always
stays at the required steady state value.
If the V/f proportion stays constant for any change in any given frequency then flux
remains constant and the torque becomes independent of the supply frequency.
In order to keep flux constant, the V/f ratio at the different speed would also be
constant. As the speed increases, the stator voltages must, therefore, be
proportionally increased in order to maintain the ratio of V/f constant.
However, due to slip as a function of motor load, the frequency (or synchronous
speed) is not the actual speed.
1. A voltage is required at 0-fc Hz, so the voltage drop across
the stator resistance cannot be ignored and must be
compensated for by increasing the Vs. So, the V/f profile is not
linear. From the steady- state equivalent circuit with Rs not
equal to 0, the cut-off frequency (fc) and the appropriate stator
voltages may be analytically calculated.

2. At fc- frated Hz, it follows the constant V/f relationship. The

slope actually represents the air gap flux quantity.

3. The constant V/f ratio cannot be satisfied at higher frated Hz,

because the stator voltages would be limited at the rated value
in order to prevent insulation break down at stator windings. Stator voltage versus Frequency profile under V/f control
The resulting air gap flux would therefore be decreased, and
this will inevitably result in decreasing the developed torque
correspondingly. Usually this region is called a “field weakening
region”. In order to prevent this, the constant V/f principle is
also violated at such frequencies.
In the speed torque characteristics of Induction Motor the maximum torque is independent of the rotor
resistance. However, the slip at which the maximum torque occurs varies with rotor resistance. When
the rotor resistances increased, so is the slip for maximum torque, and the stable operating slip range of
the motor increases.

Torque Versus Slip Speed of an Induction Motor

Parameters of 3 Hp, 1430 RPM Induction Motor
PWM generation technique for open loop V/f control
Open loop Simulation of V/f control of Induction Motor
Flowchart of V/f control of 3-phase AC induction motor
Close loop simulation of V/f control of Induction Motor
Power Electronic Processor designed for V/f control of 3-phase induction motor
Setup for V/f control of induction motor
Voltage and Current Waveform for 50 Hz
Voltage and Current Waveform for 40 Hz
Voltage and Current Waveform for 50 Hz
Voltage and Current Waveform for 40 Hz
In vector control two quadrature components of three phase currents are synthesized, one of
which is responsible for flux component which in turn effect the speed and the second
component is responsible for the torque
The transformation methods which transform the three phase quantities into two phase
quadrature quantities are:
1) Clarke Transform
2) Park Transform
Clarke Transformation
It is used to transform the three phase quantities into stationary two-phase quantities which
are orthogonal to each other
where 𝑖𝑎 𝑖𝑏 𝑖𝑐 are three phase quantities and 𝑖𝛼 𝑖𝛽 𝑖𝛾 are transformed quantities and 𝑖𝛾 is zero as
vector sum of three phase quantities displaced equally and of same magnitude is zero
Park Transformation
By Clarke transformation the 3 phase quantities are changed to stationary two phase quantities.
Park transformation is used to transform the stationary frame reference to rotating frame

where 𝑖𝑑𝑞 is the rotating reference frame quantities, 𝑖𝛼𝛽 is the stationary reference frame
quantities and θ is the rotor angle that has to be known for calculating the park transformation

The offline simulation of V/f control of Induction Motor is implemented in MATLAB/Simulink for both
open as well as close loop operation of the Induction Motor.
In open loop application the operation of the Induction Motor at two different frequencies have
been demonstrated and analyzed. It was observed that the output torque remains nearly constant
for varying frequency as the V/f ratio is kept constant by varying the voltage in proportion to
In close loop application also the output torque remains constant for varying frequency as the V/f
ratio is constant which is described by calculating the error between actual speed and reference
speed and varying the frequency accordingly.

Scalar control of induction motor has been shown using V/f control technique on FPGA. Further real
time implementation of vector control and Direct Torque control of three phase Induction Motor can
be demonstrated. Also, the FPGA board can be used in various power electronic application like
voltage mode control of boost converter, DC drives, MPPT applications, cyclo converters etc. FPGA
can also be used in power system application like power factor correction, power quality application,
smart metering and many more.
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 José Rodríguez, Senior Member, IEEE, Jorge Pontt, Senior Member, IEEE, César A. Silva, Member, IEEE, Pablo Correa, Pablo Lezana, Member, IEEE, Patricio Cortés,
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February 2007, pp. 495-503.

 Yongchang Zhang, Member, IEEE, and Haitao Yang, Student Member, IEEE, “Model-Predictive Flux Control of Induction Motor Drives with Switching Instant
Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 30, No. 3, September 2015, pp. 1113-1122.

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