Makalah Language N Society

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Submitted to fullfil assignment of

Mr. Sholihin M.Hum

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By Group I :

Rahmat Satria




Ramlah A. Wahab


Rika Permatasari




The writer would like to deliver her deeply thanks to Allah SWT and Prophet
Muhammad that gave health and strength to us and our family that we could

arrange this paper is well. The paper title is Relationship between language and
society was expressly we arrange as a pilot book for knowledge about the
Relationship between language and society and learning all about sociolinguistic.
Of course all statement of content this paper has advantages and disadvantages, so
that we hope comment and suggestion from reader for perfection content of this
paper and as pilot for us, until we can arranging the paper is perfectly in the future.

Bima, march 17th 2014

The Writer


Abstract. Human is social creature that cant live individually, rather they have to
interact with their peers. So that the human used language for talk and interact.
Language is sound sign system is arbitrer was used for work same, interact, and self
identification. Sociolinguistic is linguistic branch was examine relationship between
language and society. Generally sociolinguistic has discussed about relationship
between language and language narrator as community.

This paper using theory about relationship between language and society. The
research has search relationship between language and society through internet
acces and some books. In societys life language function traditionally can be said
as means of verbal communication used by the society to communicate. Chaer
(2004:15) said that function that become a sociolinguistic problem is from the
speaker, listener, topic, code, and testament side. There are 3 factors in
sociolinguistic, they are social factor, social dimension, and explanation factor.





Introduction .

Background of the study ..... 1


Statements of problem . 1

Relationship between language and society .. 2
Closing .. 5
Suggestion . 5




Background of the study

We are knew that language and society is unseparable two currency side. No people
without country and no country without people. However while the time is running
in a language can happened displacement. The matter was happened caused
influenced by everything as follow science and technology developments. So like we
knew that function of language in general as social communicative.
Language is a vehicle to interact with other people. Thus every people of course
should own and use the social means of communication. There are no people
without country and no country without people. While the science and technology is
running, so language experience transition is very significant. Language really could
not apart from every people. This two case mutual interrelated, so did with
indonesian language raised from melayu language was charachteristic lingua
Sociolinguistics is study the relationship between language and society (Holmes,
1992:1, Kridalaksana, 2008:225). The sociolinguistics deals with explaining why we
speak differently in different social context and factor such as, class, ethnicity, age,
and sex. This study is concerned with the identifying the social functions of
language and the ways it is used to convey social meaning. Sociolinguistics is also
the study about dialects, languages in contact, language and education, and
language in use (Fromkin, 2011: 430). Chaer (2004:2) explains that sociolinguistics
is the study about sociology and linguistics. In vice versa, Wardhough states that
sociolinguistics and the sociology are different study.
The sociolinguistics will be concerned with investigating the relationship between
language and society with the goal of better understanding of the structure of
language and of how languages function in communication; the equivalent goal in
the sociology of language will be to discover how social structure can be better
understood through the study of language, e.g., how certain linguistics features
serve to characterize particular social arrangement (1986:12).

Statements of problem

Language and speak


Language and level

Relationship between language and society


Language is central to social interaction in every society, regardless of location and

time period. Language and social interaction have a reciprocal relationship:
language shapes social interactions and social interactions shape language.
Language is a tool for interact with other human. So language cant separated with
human. Through language we can related and interact with other human and
created communicative in the community
Sociolinguistics is the study of the connection between language and society and
the way people use language in different social situations. It asks the question,
"How does language affect the social nature of human beings, and how does social
interaction shape language?" It ranges greatly in depth and detail, from the study of
dialects across a given region to the analysis of the way men and women speak to
each other in certain situations.
The basic premise of sociolinguistics is that language is variable and ever-changing.
As a result, language is not uniform or constant. Rather, it is varied and inconsistent
for both the individual user and within and among groups of speakers who use the
same language.
People adjust the way they talk to their social situation. An individual, for instance,
will speak differently to a child than he or she will to their college professor. This
socio-situational variation is sometimes called register and depends no only on the
occasion and relationship between the participants, but also on the participants
region, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, age, and gender.
One way that sociolinguists study language is through dated written records. They
examine both hand-written and printed documents to identify how language and
society have interacted in the past. This is often referred to as historical
sociolinguistics: the study of the relationship between changes in society and

changes in language over time. For example, historical sociolinguists have studied
the use and frequency of the pronoun thou in dated documents and found that its
replacement with the word you is correlated with changes in class structure in 16th
and 17th century England.
Sociolinguists also commonly study dialect, which is the regional, social, or ethnic
variation of a language. For example, the primary language in the United States is
English. People who live in the South, however, often vary in the way they speak
and the words they use compared to people who live in the Northwest, even though
it is all the same language. There are different dialects of English, depending on
what region of the country you are in.
Sociolinguists study many other issues as well. For instance, they often examine the
values that hearers place on variations in language, the regulation of linguistic
behavior, language standardization, and educational and governmental policies
concerning language.



In societys life language function traditionally can be said as means of verbal

communication used by the society to communicate. But the language function is
not merely a means of communication. Chaer (2004:15) said that function that
become a sociolinguistic problem is from the speaker, listener, topic, code, and
testament side.
The means from the statement that the point is that language is different if we see
from different aspec as mentioned above. Explanation from language function as
follow :

Listener side

From listener side, language function directive. Language is not just make listener
do something, but do anything conform what speaker want.

Speaker side

From speaker side, language function personally or individually. It means that

speaker explain about his attitude to what he speak.

Topic side

From topic side, language function reference. In this matter the language function
as instrument for explain about object or happening in the sorrounding speaker or in
the culture.

Code side

From code side, language function metalingual or metalinguistic.Its language used

to talk about language itself.

Message side

From the speech side thats give, language function imaginative. Its the language
can be used to convey think, idea, and feeling.
In verbal reportaire has societys own, society language has different by three, they
are :

Monolingual society (One language)


Bilingual society (Two language)


Multilingual society (More than two language)

In this part of the discussion, the writer will describe sociolinguistic factors, the
dialects, languages in contact, language and education, and language use (Holmes,
1992; Fromkin, 2011).
1. Sociolinguistic factors
a. Social factors
The social factors are including the users, participants, social settings and functions.
The users divide who is talking to whom (e.g. wife-husband, teacher-student). The
setting and social context are also relevant such as, at home, hospital and class.
The function describes why are they speaking and another factor is topic which
describes what are they talking about.
b. Social dimensions
The relationship between the participants is one of the factors of the social
dimension. The factors like the social distance (intimate-high solidarity), status scale
(high-low status), the status, formality (formal-informal) and functional scale (topic
of interaction) are really influenced the sociolinguistics.
c. Explanation factors
This factor is to identify clearly the linguistic variation such as, vocabulary, sounds,
grammatical construction, dialects, languages and the different social which lead
the speakers to use one form rather than another such as, participant, setting or
function of the interaction.
2. Dialect

All speakers can talk to each other and pretty much understand each other.
Between one and another do not speak alike. It can be influenced by age, sex, social
situation and where and when the language was learned. The language of an
individual speaker with its unique characteristics is referred to as the speakers
idiolect. When there are systematic differences in the way groups speak a language,
it says that each group speaks a dialect of that language. Chambers (1980:5)
noticed that dialect on the other hand, refers to varieties which are grammatically
(and perhaps lexically) as well as phonologically different from other varieties. The
example when the two speakers are say I done it last night and I did it last night,
they are saying different dialects.
3. Language in contact
Sometime the user of language finds the speaker of language that speaks different
language. It can be seen clearly in some part of the world that the speaker of
bilingual communities, you may not have to travel very far at all to find the
language disconnect. To make the user understand about this situation, they need a
language that can communicate each other. In this part, lingua franca, bilingualism,
pidgin and creole, are the kinds of language in contact. The details are explained
Lingua Franca is the language that is used by common agreement of the people
who speak diverse language. English has been called lingua franca of the whole
Pidgin and Creole
Pidgin is a mixed language that arises in situations where speakers of different
languages are unable to understand each others native language and, therefore
need to develop a common means of communication (Bussman, 1998:905). Pidgin
is used to communicate among the people who have no common language (Todd,
1974:1). Creole is defined as a language has evolved in a contact situation to
become the native of generation of the speaker (Fromkin, 2011:458). It can be said
that creoles are the pidgin that has a native speaker.
Bilingualism is the ability to speak two or more languages, either by an individual
speakers, individual bilingualism, or within a society, societal bilingualism. The kind
of bilingualism is code-switching which is described as the a speech style unique to
bilingual, in which fluent speakers switch languages between or within sentences or
in whole code.
4. Language and Education
Second-Language Teaching Method has two approaches: the synthetic approach
(teaching grammatical, lexical, phonological, and the functional units of language

step by step) and analytic approach (topics, texts or tasks) which has concern in
content based instruction.
5. Language in Use
The language in use can be described in style and jargon. Style is the various
languages that are used by the speaker in the situation dialects. Everybody has at
least formal and informal style. In an informal style, the rule of constructing are
used most often, the syntactic rules of negation and agreement may be altered, and
many words are used that do not occur in the formal style. Jargon is the language
that is used by the conceible science, profession, trade, and occupation uses
specific slang terms. The examples of linguistic jargon for Introduction to Linguistics
are phoneme, morpheme, lexicon, phrase structure rules and so on.



Sociolinguistics is the study of the relation between language and society. There are
some sociolinguistic factors such as, social factors, social dimensions, and
explanation factors. Every person has a unique way of speaking called as idiolects,
and dialects which are grammatically (and perhaps lexically) as well as
phonologically different from other varieties. The language in contact consists of
Lingua Franca, Bilingualism, Pidgin and Creol. The language education can be seen
in second-language teaching method. Language in use includes styles and jargons.


Every person must be related and talk using language well, respectful, wise, and
have ethics in speak, especially when are in the community. Speaker have to can
adapting his language when are in the something place. Both in formal circles and
informal circles.


Alwasilah, A Chaedar. 1993. Pengantar Sosiologi Bahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.

Aslinda,Leni, Syafyahya. 2010 . Pengantar Sosiolinguistik. Redika Aditama
Hendri.2011. Sosiolinguistik : Masyarakat Bahasa. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Aziz. 2011. Materi Sosiolinguistik: Masyarakat
Bahasa.. march 17th 2014, 20:19:38

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