Technical Specification Preliminaries and Preamble Clauses

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In interpreting the contract, in the event of discrepancies or conflicts:

A. Technical specification govern over plans
B. Plans drawn with largest scale govern, and figured dimensions govern
over scaled dimensions

These preliminary clauses apply to the whole of the work contained in

these, bills of quantities, and to all variation, whether additions, omissions
or alterations.


Methods of Measurements: Unless otherwise stated, all quantities are not measurements of the
completed work do not include any allowance for laps, waste, change in
volume etc.
The rates inserted by the tenderer against each item shall, unless
otherwise stated in the item or unless there are separate items for extra
work, include all labours, waste of materials in mixing, working or cutting
etc, transport and everything else necessary for the proper completion of
each item and for over head expenses and profits
NOTE:Each item includes for the provision of all local materials and labour
(provide, manufacture and fix) unless described as FIX ONLY. Each
item should therefore be properly priced on the understanding that the
prices quoted should include for cost of local materials, labour, overhead
expenses and profits and for obligation and liabilities of the Contractor in
execution and completing the work. Where items are specified as FIX
ONLY, the Contractor should allow for transportation of materials from
the stores of the supplier, provided these stores are within the town
boundary or as otherwise stated, to the sites of the work attending to
supplier for insurance survey, fixing into brickwork or concrete in
accordance to manufactures instructions and in position as shown on
drawings; allowing for all matters as described under each item.
If any item in the preliminaries or in other parts of these bills is not priced,
it will be deemed that the Contractor has made due allowance for it in the
rates for the other.


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Dimensions: All dimensions whether on the drawings or in the Bill of Quantities, shall
be checked on the site from the buildings as it progresses and where
necessary amended to fit within actual size of the buildings.
Figured dimensions shall be preferred to scale measurements.


Definitions and Abbreviations: -

ABS Pipe
PVC Pipe


Means meter cube (M3)
Means meter superficial (M2)
Indicates meter run or linear (ML/Run)
Means number (No.)
Means Kilograms (Kgs.)
Means Weight
Means the same or do
Sudanese Dinars
Acrylonitrile-butadiene pipe
Polyvinyl chloride pipe
Means the person, firm or company with
whom the contract is made by the UNDP
Means the UNDP chief engineer or firm
or person, and their properly authorized
assistants and inspectors, designated by
the UNDP to prepare plans and administer

Provisional items:Will be the subject of decisions to be made during the progress of the
work and therefore will be remeasured when completed. Therefore no
such work is to be covered up until measurements or levels have been
taken, agreed by the Engineer and recorded. All alternatives items are to
be priced but not included in the total amount of the tender, unless
otherwise stated.


Errors in Quantities: Any approved error in the quantities given in these bills of quantities will
be subject to an adjustment in the Final measurement in the same
manner as alterations to plans.
The Contractor, will have no further claims what-so-ever, whether in
respect of surplus of shortage of materials ordered, work incorrectly
executed, loss of profit or any other matter.


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Extra Charges: The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself with regard to
roads and communications available to the site. No claims by the
Contractor for additional payment will be allowed on the ground of any
misunderstanding with respect to any such matter or otherwise on the
grounds of any allegation or fact that incorrect information was given to
him by any person on his parts to obtain correct information, nor shall the
Contractor be relieved from any risks or obligations imposed on or
undertaken by him under this contract on any such grounds or on the
grounds that he did not, or could not foresee any matter which may in
fact affect or have affected the execution of the Works.


Clean up: The Contractor shall at all times keep the site free from all rubbish and
debris arising from the execution of the Works, on completion, the whole
of the work shall left clean.
All debris, dirt splashes on works of all kinds, shall be removed and the
buildings and site left to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


Errors in Contractors Tender: Before the acceptance of a particular tender, the Contractors price bills
of quantities will be checked by the Engineer and all arithmetical errors
will be corrected and agreed upon. Their tender will be increased or
decreased before acceptance as necessitated by the above.


The Contractor shall read the specification clauses before he quotes his
rates for the work and his rates shall include the cost of the materials to
be used and the labour required for the execution of the Works as
described in this specification, which is to be strictly observed except in
so far as otherwise provided in the Bill of Quantities or the schedule of
rates and prices. All materials used have to be previously approved by
the Engineer.
1.1 The excavation dimensions have been taken net and perpendicular
and no allowance has been made for any increase in bulk after the
earth has been excavated or for sloping sides. The widths of the
trenches is given as the actual width of the built foundation.


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The rates of excavation shall include: a.

Provision and maintenance of all tracks and roadways necessary

for the proper execution of the work all such work to be approved,
before being put in hand.


Allowance for the extra labour involved for excavating in the

foundations of any existing buildings, for those of the new building,
and for such shoring, planking or strutting as may be required.


Setting out the Works. The Contractor will be held responsible for
the accuracy thereof.


Digging and carting away all vegetable earth from the site of the
building or transporting and depositing where directed.


Keeping topsoil, relevelling or shaping to contoured gardens etc.,

as may be directed by the Engineer.


Allowance for pumping all excavations free of water as may be

necessary and the provision of all necessary board, coverings etc.
to protect excavations from flooding by rain as may be directed by
the Engineer in charge of his representatives.


Back filling around foundations with soil, as specified below,

paragraph 5.


Blasting: if blasting is considered necessary by the Contractor it

shall be done on his own responsibility after taking all reasonable
precautions for the safety of persons and property and obtaining
any necessary permits.


The Contractor shall cover up and protect from injury all materials as
directed by the Engineer, such as stone, brick, tiles etc., including the
protection of columns, moulding, reveals etc.


The Contractor shall arrange for a temporary water supply and for
electric lighting power where required on the site, for the erection and
completion of the Works and shall pay all charge for the installation,
use and clearing away on completion, unless otherwise stated.


The Contractor shall provide a suitable toilet for the use of workmen all to
the satisfaction of the sanitary authorities and the Engineer. The
Contractor must keep it clean and clear away on completion. He shall
also provide a first aid dressing case holding wound dressing etc,
required for first aid.


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The Contractor on entering upon the site shall break down any old walls, or
walling including foundation cut down trees or bushes, as may be required and
either grub-up their roots or burn them with paraffin, as may be directed,
remove all the resulting and other debris, fill in all holes and generally level and
prepare the site for building operation.
The Contractor is advised to visit the site and ascertain for himself the nature of
the soil to be excavated and the prices quoted for excavation are to include for
excavation in any type of soil except rocks, (that need blasting).
The item `Soil` is to be deemed to include made up ground, bricks rubble or all
other substance whether or not such substances are part of the natural

The excavation shall proceed in such a manner as the Engineer or his

representative may direct the Contractor, however, shall be solely
responsible for the safety of any adjoining property and he must satisfy
himself that the procedure directed by the Engineer or his representative
will enable him to complete the foundations without damage.


Excavate for all walls, piers and other foundations to the depths, widths
and inclinations shown on the drawings or to such other depths as may
be direct by the Engineer or his representative and deposit sufficient soil
for all refilling of trenches as may be necessary or demanded, removing
any surplus.


No work shall be backfilled until approval has been obtained from the
Engineer or his representative. The earth shall then be brought back
from the place where it was temporarily deposited and the trenches or
the excavations shall be filled up to the height of the original surface with
earth in layers of not more than 25 cms, in thickness. Each layer shall be
well watered and rammed and consolidated as may be required, all to the
directions and satisfaction of the Engineer or his representative.


Provide all materials and labour for making good all settlement and
keeping in repair the surface of any road, footway or areas upon the site
during the whole period of the Works are in his hand, and for a period six
months after the completion of such works, and in case he neglects or
refuses to make good and settlements in any trench, or other area
whether public or private, the Engineer or his representative may have
such works or necessary repairs carried out by other persons and the
expenses thereof shall be paid by the Contractor, or deducted from any
money that may be due to him or shall be paid by the sureties.


Remove all building debris and clear the whole of the site on completion,
to the satisfaction of the Engineer or his representative.


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No sand or any other materials found or excavated on the site may be

used in the work unless written permission has been obtained from the
Engineer if it is agreed to make use of any such materials for back filling
around foundation, the material must be clear of rock and rubbish. The
total price to be paid shall be agreed upon and the value deducted from
sums due to the Contractor.


The filling under floors, where shown in the drawings shall be clean
desert or drift sand, deposited in layer not exceeding 15 cms. in depth,
each layer being well rammed, watered and compacted to a minimum of
90% Modified Proctor Test. The compaction shall be verified and
approved by the Engineer.

Hard Core Filling: Hard core is to be formed or clean, hard broken stone
that will pass in all directions through a 100 mm. dia. ring. Only sufficient
stand is to be mixed with the hard core as will completely fill the
interstices and aid in the work of consolidation. Hard core is to be well
packed, rammed and, where possible rolled with a heavy roller.


Cement: Whatever is source, shall comply with the latest approved standard
specification for ordinary Portland cement. It shall be delivered to the site
in sealed bags as received from the supplier and shall be stored in such
manner as to keep it dry, ventilated and sound. The cement shall not be
stored higher than two meters. If the Engineer considers as shed
necessary for this purpose the Contractor shall provide and erect one at
his expense.
Cement shall be used in the order delivered. It shall be checked and
tested before being used. Each bag, even partially set, has to be
immediately removed from the site. Different kinds of cement should be
stored in such away that one should not be mistaken for the other.


Aggregates: Shall be obtained from an approved source and shall comply with the

Sand:Shall be natural sand or crushed gravel or stone clean sharp,

coarse grift, pit or river sand free from silt, dust, clay, salt or any
other matter, shall pass a 3/16'' (4.7 mm) squire mesh and shall be
the best reasonably obtainable for the work. All sand shall be
washed and sieved as often as is required to make it conform to
this specification.


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Coarse aggregate: Shall be natural gravel, stone or other approved materials hard
strong and durable, non porous free from adherent coating or
other harmful matter and shall pass or be crushed to pass the
meshes specified in the concrete mixes and be well graded by
sieving and combination where necessary down to a minimum
mesh of 3/16'' (4.7 mms) coarse aggregated shall be washed as
often as is required to make it conform to specification.


Granite Chipping: Shall be approved tone graded from 3/8'' (9.4 mms) and otherwise
in accordance with the above. As a aggregating shall be piled in
approved positions selected to prevent contamination.


Water: Used in the Works shall be from a source approved by the Engineer free
from oil, acid alkali vegetable and organic or from any matter harmful to
any material with which it is used. If available, a drinking water pipe
supply shall be used provided that it has no pronounced odor or taste.


Concrete Mixes: The following mixes, which are normally used, are measured by volume
using machine mixers. For hand - mixing the quantity of cement shall be
increased by 10 percent. The volume of sand the dry volume of sand if
damp the volume shall be adjusted as ordered by the Engineer, to allow
for the greater volume of sand damp. Measuring shall be carried out
accurately without consolidation in undamaged boxes or tins of approved

Mix ''A'' Concrete (Plain Concrete):-

For unreinforced concrete:

Minimum Concrete 28 days compressive Strength shall be 17 MPa (N/mm2)
Maximum Slump is 10 cm
Maximum Water-Cement Ration is 0.50
1 Part Portland cement (but not less than 225 kg. per M3
3 Parts sand.
6 Parts coarse aggregate to pass 1 1/2 square mesh (40 mms)


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Mix ''B'' Concrete Reinforced Concrete :-

Minimum Concrete 28 days compressive Strength shall be 25 MPa (N/mm2)

Maximum Slump is 10 cm
Maximum Water-Cement Ration is 0.50
1 Part Portland cement (but not less than 330 kgs, M3 concrete)
2 Parts sand
4 Parts coarse aggregate to pase pass 3/4'' mesh (20 mms) well


Mixing: The concrete shall be mixed on the site in an approved efficient

mechanical mixer, the materials shall be poured dry in the machine, a
measured and approved quantity of water shall be accurately added from
tested measuring tank attached to the machine and the mixing continued
for at least two minutes after the addition of the water or longer if
necessary, until the mass in uniform in colour and consistency. No more
water shall be used than is necessary to produce a workable mix.
Hand Mixing: If approved, shall be carried out on a clean, raised close jointed platform
of adequate size for each batch. The materials shall be turned over twice
in the dry state to mix thoroughly water, shall be added through a rose,
and the mass turned over at least twice in a wet state to produce a
workable mix with the minimum of water, of uniform colour and

15. Placing: Concrete shall be transported and placed as near as possible to its final
positions, in such away as to prevent segregation of the ingredients. It is
strictly forbidden to pour concrete from a higher fall than 1.00 meter
without using hoppers, which will, be approved by the Engineer.
All concrete shall be well tamped and thoroughly worked into position to
exclude all voids and air holes. Successive layers not exceeding 30 cms,
each shall follow rapidly to prevent distinct joints between them and the
sum of previous layers shall be removed.
If concrete has been in position 30 minutes. The Engineer may require
that no more concrete may be placed in contact there with until 24 hours
have elapsed. Should the concrete has been laid 24 hours, the set
surface shall be scrubbed with a hard steel wire brush dusted and

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saturated with water and the concrete shall be well rammed in contact
when the concrete has been laid more than seventy two hours in addition
to the above, the surface shall be chipped. In both cases thick slurry of
neat cement must be applied first before the new concrete is to be
poured allowed to pour concrete.
If necessary the concerting shall be completed in one operation. Here
breaks cannot be avoided these shall occur in positions approved by the
Engineer and be of the form approved by him on resuming, the surface
shall be treated as previously state.
Concrete shall be mixed until there is a uniform distribution of materials
and shall be discharged completely before the mixer is recharged.
Ready-mixed concrete: Shall be mixed and placed before the initial set
has occurred, and in no event after it has contained its water content for
more than for more than 30 minutes.
Placing: All concrete shall be placed upon clean, damp surfaces free
from running water. Concrete shall not be placed in water nor shall water
be allowed to rise over freshly-placed concrete until the concrete has
obtained its final set. All concrete shall be deposited in approximately
horizontal layers and concreting shall be carried on as a continuous
operation, as far as practicable, until the placing in the section is
completed. Concrete shall be internally vibrated during pouring operation
to avoid honeycombs.
Concrete that has partially hardened or been contaminated by foreign
materials shall not be deposited in the structure.
Construction Joints: Where construction joints are required, they shall
comply with the following:
Surface cleaning, The surface of concrete construction joints shall be
cleaned and laitance removed.
Joint treatment, immediately before new concrete is placed, construction
joints shall be wetted and standing water removed.
Location in slabs, beams and girders, Construction joints in floors shall
be located within the middle third of spans of slabs, beams and girders.
Vertical support, Beam, girders or slabs supported by columns or walls
shall not be cast or erected until concrete in the vertical support member
is no longer plastic.


Vibration of Concrete:All reinforced concrete shall be vibrated, by a mechanical `immersion` or

`pocket` type vibrator of tubular form for pillars and beams and ` Pan
Vibrator` for slabs floor or rafts. External vibrators may be used if it is
impossible to insert an immersion vibrator (very narrow section, or very
heavy reinforcement).
Vibration of concrete shall be carried out carefully and all form works
should be properly reinforced with extra bracing and battens.


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Curing: Concrete shall be kept wet 10 days wetted sacking or layer of dry sand
minimum 4 cms, thick which must be sprayed wet, after it has been laid
on the concrete or in any other way as directed to protect it from drying
effects of winds or sun and from all running water. It must also be
protected from vibration and shocks for at least seven days and no
further loads or any type shall be applied during this period, concrete
surfaces to receive any paving must be made rough directly after laying.



Samples and Tests:1.

The Contractor shall allow for taking samples of same concrete at

any stage of the work, the Engineer or his representative shall
take slump-test and cubes for crushing test, the Contractor shall
be responsible for curing the cubes after removing them from the
metal forms and for cleaning greasing and reassembly of metal


Test on ingredients for concrete and cement mortar shall be

carried out at the Contractor`s expense with such frequency as the
Engineer or his representative may required. The frequency of
test will be governed by the uniformity of materials subsequently
delivered and type of structure in which the concrete is used.

Tests of Concrete :1.

The strength of the concrete shall be tested in accordance with

B.S. Code of Practice CP 114 (1948) or the IBC of 2003 and the
latest version of the American Concrete Institute (ACI 318).
Compressive strength tests shall be performed after 7 days and
after 28 days curing. The 7 days concrete compressive strength
shall achieve, as minimum, 60% of the 28 days design
compressive strength value. Not more than one cube in every 50
tested shall fail to reach the minimum strength specified and in
case shall more than one cube fail on any one day this respect.


In the event of the number of failures exceeding the limits

specified the Engineer or his representative shall have the power
to order the demolition of such parts of the Works which have
been constructed with concrete shown to be deficient in strength
and in that case the Contractor shall repair such works with
satisfactory concrete; all at his own expense
The Engineer or his representative may ordered tests to be made
of the concrete in the finished structure in such manner as may be
appropriate to the particular conditions or parts of the Works. The
concrete may be loaded `in situ` or test sections may be ordered
to be cut out or drilled with a diamond drill should such tests prove
that concrete is satisfactory, they shall be paid for together with


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the making good to the structure. If however, the concrete shall

have been found to fail short of the specified requirements, the
Engineer or his representative may order the whole of the
defective materials and work to be cut out and replaced by the
Contractor without further charge.

Anchors:Where concrete is covered and /or jointed by brick work in vertical

position anchors of 1/4'' rod reinforcement 50 cms. Long shall be but into
form work at distance of 50 cms in run or square.


Formwork (Shuttering to concrete): a.

General : The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply

design, support, erection, wedding, casing, striking and removal of
formwork. The design and strength of formwork and supports
shall be such as to ensure it to remain rigid; to preserve the
concrete during laying, setting and curing and shall allow for all
live and dead, self and superimposed loads. The timber shall be
sound and seasoned and edges shall be shot and close-jointed to
prevent undue loss liquid from the mix. The design and assembly
shall be such that the formwork can be eased and struck without
shock, vibration or damage to the concrete. Where concrete is to
be plastered or rendered, a sufficient key shall be provided if
necessary, by re-hacking.


Cleaning:- The interior of the formwork shall be cleaned of all

rubbish and debris and thoroughly wetted or treated with an
approved non-staining moulding oil before the concrete is poured.
Guide-bars must be used to ensure the thickness of any concrete


Striking :- The formwork shall not be struck until the concrete is

sufficiently set to take all loads without damage, and until the
Engineers permission has been obtained. It shall be candied out
without damage or careless striking. The minimum periods of time
shall elapse between the pouring of the concrete and striking or
slackening the formwork on the various classes of work shall in the
absence of particular requirement for special structures or
conditions to be laid down from time to time by the Engineer be as
Class of work for normal type of cement:
Side of beams
Short columns
Long columns


36 hours
48 hours
48 hours
5 days
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Soffits of beams and Horizontal

and inclined slabs

10 days

Wrote Formwork:: Where the face of the concrete is to be left

exposed and visible decorated, without the use of plaster, wrote
formwork or approved steel formwork is to be used, such formwork
shall be as before and shall also have a smooth and true face
where in contact with the concrete, after striking and inspection.
The faces shall be rubbed over the cleaned up all joints, grain and
knot marks removed and left fair even and smooth.
Slurring over and patching will not be permitted and stopping must
not be excessive.



Re-use: When re-used, formwork must be clean, free from old

concrete and in accordance with the above requirements. Timber
used as formwork shall not be incorporated in the Works as
carpentry or joinery timber.

Reinforcement:Shall be designed and placed as shown on the drawing and bending

schedule and in accordance with the following:
(A) (i)

Rod reinforcement shall be of mild steel conforming to B.S 785.

Mesh reinforcement shall comply with B.S.4483. Materials,
which at any time show signs of brittleness of cracking shall be
rejected and removed from the site.
The Contractor shall allow for taking three samples of every
thickness of the reinforcement rods, at any stage of work and
depositing them with the Engineer.


High Tensile (H.T.) steel reinforcement shall be either cold

worked steel bars of circular or octagonal section complying
with B.S. 1144 or hot rolled high tensile bars having a
guaranteed minimum yield stress of 60.000 Ibs. per sq. inch
and other physical properties in accordance with B.S. 1144 the
overall size of any bar shall not exceed its nominal size by more
than 10 percent. All reinforcements shall be in the 'diameter''
range and the substitution of `Square twisted` range shall not
be allowed.

(iii) Test: if required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall submit

that his own expense certified test data of the following


Ultimate tensile stress

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Yield point stress




Cold bend test

Should such certificates not be submitted by the manufactures, the

Contractor shall also have the requisite tests made at his own
expense at approved testing laboratories.

All reinforcements shall be stored in such a manner as to prevent

deterioration. Before being placed in position and before the
concrete is poured, it shall be clean and free from loose rust,
scale, oil, grease, paint or other matters liable to weaken the bond
of the concrete to the steel.


Reinforcement shall be cut and bend cold. Hooks cranks overlaps

etc,. shall be as shown on the bending schedule or details.
Hooks shall have an inner diameter of four times the rod diameter
and the straight return beyond the bend shall be at least four times
the rod diameter. All edges of rods in tension shall be hooked,
and connected longitudinally shall have an overlap of at least 40
diameter in beams and slabs.


Welding will not be permitted unless special approval is obtained.


Reinforcement shall be accurately placed and maintained in

position with precast concrete blocks while the concrete is poured
and rammed.
Minimum Concrete Cover:
Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth: 7.5 cm
Concrete exposed to earth or weather: 5 cm
Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground:
cm in beams and 2 cm in slabs


Rods, stirrups, etc, in contact shall be tightly wired with malleable

soft iron wire not less than 16 S.W.C.


Mesh reinforcement shall be laid with the long way of the mesh
spanning from support and shall have laps equal to 40x the
diameter of the bars, and where these are two layers of fabric the
laps shall be staggered in both direction all laps shall be securely
wired as above to prevent movement.


Gang-boards and supports shall be laid over the reinforcement to

prevent damage and heading down after it has been placed in
position. Special attention should be given to cantilevers.


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The Contractor shall notify the Engineer when concreting is about

to commence to each section of the work and no concrete shall be
poured until the Engineer or his representative has a proved the
reinforcement and formwork.

Rates: The rates for concrete, reinforced or otherwise, shall include the full price
concrete excluding reinforcement unless otherwise stated and allow for
throats fillets etc, and also for careful striking cleaning of all faces rubbing
them down and removing all projecting lips, splayed edges and notching.



Brick: Bricks shall be well burnt red-clay bricks of the best quality obtainable,
hard square, sound and even in size containing no ungrounded particles
of lime. Bricks laid below ground level shall be selected on the site for
the greatest hardness and least porosity bricks to be left exposed shall
be selected on the site as those of the best shape, regularity and

The Contractor shall allow for taking samples at every delivery of bricks
on the site at any stage of the work and depositing them with the
Hot Weather Construction: When the ambient temperature exceeds 46C or
40C with a wind velocity greater than 13 km/h, sand piles shall be maintained
in a damp, loose conditions and the following requirements also apply:
1. Temperature of mortar shall be maintained below 49C.
2. Mixers, mortar transport containers and mortar boards shall be flushed
with cool water before they come into contact with mortar ingredients or
3. Mortar consistency shall be maintained by re-tempering with cool water.
Mortar shall be used within 2 hours of initial mixing.


Workmanship:The concrete foundations or concrete floors shall be cleaned from earth,

dust debris, etc, and wetted before bricks, blocks or stone are laid.
All bricks shall be thoroughly soaked by immersion under water until they
are saturated and shall be laid wet and kept wet after bedding for at least
seventy-two hours.


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Brickworks shall be thoroughly wetted before further brickwork is built

from or bonded into the same. All joints shall be well flushed up at every
course with full beds of mortar and the vertical joints completely filled.
Perpends shall be maintained and quoins, reveals and jambs shall be
plumb and true. No portion of the walls shall be raised more than 1.5
meters above any other part at one time without the consent of the
Engineer or his representative temporary changes of level occur, the
work shall be racked back not toothed.

Course Heights: The Engineers instructions are to be obtained and followed with regard
to the height of course, but in general course heights shall be 7.5 cms,
approx., and Mortar joints approx. 1 cm. thick the course shall be set out
so that bed joints occur in line with sills, Lintels and other feature and cut
courses are to be avoided as far as possible, courses heights shall not
vary throughout the building, each course shall be level throughout the


Bond:The bond commonly used shall be English bond (alternated course of

header and stretchers bricks) or Flemish bond (alternated headers and
stretchers in each course). The prepends broken one-quarter brick length
(6 cms), half-brick walls shall be broken in stretcher bond the prepends
broken one-half brick length (12 cms).
Stretchers courses shall consist of whole bricks except where closer are
necessary. Header course may include snap headers but these shall be
separated by at least two whole bricks, no piece shall be less than 8 cm.
Long and the two pieces used to make one brick shall not required a joint
less than 1 cm nor more than 4 cms. All corbels overstating etc. shall be
in whole bricks except where closes are necessary.


Pointing :All external and internal brick work where left exposed, shall be finished
to an even true fair-face with one of the selected types of joints:

Flush or plinth as stated in the Bills of Quantities pointing will be
V shaped carried out as the work proceeds
Concave or roded
Flush and roded


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Horizontal Damp-Proof Course :The damp proof course shall be one layer of rubberoid three ply rooting
felt and on the required widths, fully lapped at angles; and breaking joints
at least 30 cms bedded in a level bed of special compound.


Plaster Key:Shall be formed on brickwork to be plastered by raking out all vertical and
horizontal joints to a depth of 2 cms. While the walls being built.


Rate: The prices of brickwork shall include all materials labours, scaffolding,
cutting to form bond, openings, holes etc. and for all templates and
moulds of each and every kind that may be required, except those stated
under separate extra items.


Water Proofing of Flat Roof with Ruberoid Roofing Felt:Coat concrete surface and part of parapet uniformly with ruberoid special
bitumen and while hot, lay three plies asphalt roofing felt without wrinkles
or buckles, lap each sheet 12'' (or 18'') over preceding sheet, mop with
ruberoid special bitumen the full 12'' (or 18'') on each sheet so that in no
places shall felt touch felt, roofing felt shall be raised on parapet and cut
off as stated in Bills or as shown on drawing over entire surface pour one
uniform coat of ruberoid special bitumen and spread over it a thin layer
of clean sharp sand.


Water Proofing of Roof with Flintkote and Fibber Glass Veil:a-

Clean surface or R.C. slab and 10 or 20 cms high skirting on

parapet, and apply by brush on the whole surface with type 3
Flintkote Emulsion mixed with water at the rate of (0.25, of flintkote
per square meter).


When this is dry apply neat coat of type 3 flintkote Emulsion at the
rate of (0.50 kgs) per square meter by brush.


Apply over previous coat and on the whole surface of slab and 10
cms. high skirting on beams or parapet walls a neat coat of type 3,
Flintkote Emulsion at the rate of (0.50 kg) per square meter and
while still wet lay over it Fibber - glass veil as membrane over
lapping 10 cms. well embedded in the coat of emulsion and allow
to dry.


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Apply a final coat over the whole surface and over 10 cms high
skirting of reversed beam or parapet walls Flintkote type 3
emulsion at the rate of 1 kg per square meter.
The whole work shall be carried out to the full satisfaction of the
Engineer the ''Fibber glass veil shall be to the approval of the
Engineer and of approved manufacturer.


Rates:The rates for all roofing materials shall include all laps cutting bedding,
materials and labour, compound and all other items tabulated on the
finished net surface areas without allowance for laps. The Contractor
shall make allowance for extra quantities at the laps as described in bills.


Insulation to Roof with lime: Concrete Gauged in Cement (Khafgy): a-

Concrete with aggregate of broken red bricks composed as follows

1 part hydrated stone lime, 2 parts coarse sand and 4 parts
approved broken red bricks to pass 1 1/2` mesh all mixed and
watered for at least 4 days to mature. Then 8 parts of this mix
gauged with 1: part cement laid institu, 7 cms, minimum thickness,
to falls on concrete roofs and left rough to receive a blending


Lime concrete surface finishing on khafgy:Finishing khafgy surface with a blinding screed (2 cms minimum
thick) of gauge lime mortar composed of 1 part hydrated stone
lime, 2 part sharp and 1 part homra (red bricks powder) all mixed
and watered for at less 4 days to mature, then 8 parts of this mix
gauged with 1 part cement are laid and spread well worked in lime
concrete base (while green) with a steel trowel, smoothly finished.
All mixing operations and curing are as concreter and or as
directed by the Engineer.


The Steel Doors and Windows: Required, shall be obtainable from approved markers. The Contractor
shall obtain the Engineers written approval of the full specification of the
illustration if required.


Painting of steel work:Preparation of surface and paints to be as specified in `Painter

and Decorator `all steel work, except steel work which is to be


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embedded in concrete or on which welding is to be carried out on

site, to be painted one coat of primer at works before dispatch:
after erection one further coat of primer to be applied after
touching up original coat where necessary. Steel work for welding
on site is to be dispatched unpainted immediately after dislagging,
inspection and approval, such steel work is to be coated one coat
of primer on site before erection, and a further coat of primer
immediately after erection.
All steel work to be painted one coat of undercoating paint and
one coat of finishing paint in addition to priming. Meeting surfaces
in permanent contact after assembly to be painted with red lead
primer before riveting or bolting, the surfaces being brought
together while the paint is still wet.


Materials: Generally materials shall be as specified in `Contractor` but the sand

shall be sharp sand of eh fineness required to produce the specified


Lime: For plaster work and specially for use with Portland cement, shall be
hydrated lime and used in the form of a carefully slaked and matured
putty perfectly free from slow slacking particulars.


Gypsum:Shall not be mixed with Portland cement for any building work and shall
not be used in direct contact with metal.


All joints in brick work which have be plastered shall be raked out 1 cm,
deep as a key for the plaster, this is included in bricklaying.


Dubbing Out: The rates shall allow for all dubbing out to make up any uneven surface
of walling before the first coat of plaster is applied and for horizontal
guides out of the same mix as for the second coat. The thickness
specified for plaster shall be in addition to any dubbing out.


Preparation:All surfaces to be plastered, shall be clean free from dust and thoroughly
wetted immediately before the plaster is applied.


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Mortar:Containing cement shall be used within one hour of cement being added,
knocking up and re-tempering will not be allowed.


Sample Areas:May be required by the Engineer for his approval. They shall be hacked
off and cleared away as required.


Cut out and making good all defective work and leave the whole to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.


Internal Plaster:Shall be the mix and mortar specified. It shall be 2 cms. thick finished to
a true and even surface with a wood float corners of building shall be
finished true, vertical even and done together with the rest of the wall
surfaces. All surfaces to be plastered shall be cleaned and left free from
grease dirt loose or projecting mortar and should be well wetted before
the work is executed. Finished plastered surfaces shall be left true, even
and free from blemishes.


External Tyrolene Finish:All surfaces shall be treated as specified in previous paragraph; surfaces
shall be properly raked out on all joints, surfaces plastered in the mix
specified and in; the same way as stated in previous paragraph with
keycomb marks left in the finished plastered surface to from key
The finished coat shall be sprayed by Tyrolene machine with mix c (1.1)
to the colour specified and with even thickness right through the whole
work. Tapping shall be specified if desired in the mix and should be done
in a proper and manlike manner. All exposed concrete surfaces should
be hammer stricken before plastering. Samples should be provided and
approved by the Engineer before commencing on the mass work
Discoloration shall be rejected.


Cement Render:Where specified shall be out of the mix required, 2 cms thick finished with
a steel trowel and wooden float where painted.


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Measurements:Quantities are calculated net; openings are deducted, any plastered part
of 30 cms width or less is measured separately under narrow width.


Rates:Shall include of all scaffolding, dubbing out, sample areas making good
up to a time all boundaries and around pipes etc. Rates shall also include
internal angles and external corners where all are done in the same mix
as the main plaster or in different mix. Prices shall also include to plaster
richer mix to special arises.
For jambs, reveals and cills no extra items it allowed for labour and
difference of materials, unless specially stated.


Plaster mixes:
Shall be as stated in Bill of Quantities or in drawings and as follow:a)

Mix ''A'' 3 coat external plaster:

First Coat : Tartacha rough cast. Mix 400 kgs of cement to one
M3 of sand.
Second Coat: Undercoat minimum 1.5. cms thick 2 parts lime 3
parts sand 150 kgs cement to one M3 of the above mix.
Third Coat: Tyrikene finish pressed with steel trowel after

Part hydrated lime

Parts marble powder
Parts clear sand

One part of the above mix, mixed with the same volume of
coloured cement (1:1) to obtain the colour directed by the

Mix `B` : As Mix `A` but left rough cast not pressed with a steel


Mix `C` : As mix `A` but finished to true and even surface with a
wood float.


Mix`D`: 3 coats internal plaster

First Coat : Tartacha rough cast, Mix 400 kgs, of cement to one
M3 sand.


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Second Coat: Under coat minimum 1.5 cm 2 parts lime, 3 parts

sand 150 kgs cement to one M3 of the above mix.
Third Coat: Pure gypsum finishes with steel trowel

Mix `E` : Same as Mix `A` but with an addition on water proofing
product (sulphricate, `Sica` or any other approved manufactured.


Mix `F` : Two coats plaster;

First Coat : Tartacha rough coat Mix 400 kgs of cement to one M3
Second Coat: Takhachine 3 cms thick 1 part cement; 6 parts
sand; (250 kgs. cement to one M3 of sand)
Second coat to be finished true and clean with wood float to
receive painting.


Mix `C` : Same as Mix `F` but with the second coat 1 part cement
(150 kgs) 8 parts sand.


Mix `h` : Three Coats plaster, cement render.

First Coat: Tartacha rough cast, mix 400 kgs, of cement to one
M3 of sand.
Second Coat: Under coat 1.5 cms thick minimum, mix 250 kgs.
of cement to one M3 of sand.
Third Coat: 1 Part sand 1 part Portland cement finished smooth
with a steel trowel if left unpainted or with wooden float if finish to
be oil paint.


Mix `i` : Same as Mix `H` but with an addition of water proofing
product (sulphricate, Sica or any other approved manufacture.


Mix `j` : For painting

2 Parts lime
2 Parts sand
200 kgs cement to one M3 of the above mix.



Mix `k` : For painting 2 parts lime 2 parts sand, 200 kgs, cement
to one M2 of the above mix.

Wall Lining :-


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Glazed tiles shall be of first quality and of a colour approved by the

Engineer, special round corner (inner and out beads) shall be used when
necessary and top tiles shall have rounded edges. The tiles shall be laid
over a bed of cement mortar (1: 4) and pointed afterwards with coloured
cement to match the tiles; shall be laid with accurate and straight
mortared joints.

Plumber and Drain Layer

All the installation and fittings should conform to Khartoum Municipal
Council Drainage Local Order or as otherwise stated if the work is not in

Waste and Supply Pipes:

Shall be galvanized medium grade steel tubing with screwed joints
conforming to British Standard specifications, if not otherwise stated.


Diameters:The Diameter of all pipes is the internal bores.


Joints:The threaded ends of the pipes shall be painted with white lead linseed
or before jointing joints shall be made by winding a few threads of gasket;
yarn around the threaded ends and screwing into the coupling to one half
the coupling depth. Before and after jointing the interior shall be free of
all burrs and obstructions.


Fittings:Shall be malleable iron for use with the piping used. All pipes inside the
building are to be bedded in channels inside the walls below plaster or
glazed tiles levels unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer and shall be
of approved quality and jointed as described. No knuckles bends will be


Fixing Pipes:Piping shall be fixed to walls with spring pipe hooks or clips of size
suitable for the various pipes diameters and not exceeding 125 cms
between hooks or other supports. Supply pipe shall be laid and fixed to
allow air escape naturally at big tap.


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Rates:The Contractor shall allow for all connection and bends being made by
the plumber in the length of the pipe jointing and fixing elbows bends and
other ready made fittings and shall include cutting, threading and making
joints and connections.


Sanitary Fittings:Shall be as shown in the drawing and of a manufacture approved by the

Engineer. The manufacturers reference number and the type of fittings
which is proposed to be installed shall be submitted to the Engineer and
his approval obtained before ordering.


Soil and Vent Pipes:Shall be cast iron, ABS, PVC, or another approved material, with spigot
socket joints and shall comply with standard specifications, cast iron pipe
shall be jointed with gasket and lead caulking. The pipe shall be fixed to
the walls with strong galvanized metal clip below each socket or holder.
Proper bends junctions, connectors, etc. shall be used as may be
required. The vent or oil vent pipe shall continued up to its higher and
above roof level of 100 cms. and finished with a galvanized wire balloon


Excavation:Excavate all trenches for drains. Inspection chambers, gullies, to proper

falls and levels, return filling and properly consolidate after completion of
drain layer work and cast away surplus. The trenches are to be
inspected by the Engineer before any back filling is started and after the
pipes have been checked by air or water pressure.


Rain Water Pipes:Shall be in plastic (PVC or ABS), conforming to British Standard

Specifications, they shall be jointed as stated for soil pipes and fixed with
a galvanized ring clip below each socket; each pipe shall end with a bend
and discharge into a concrete channel to convey the water away from the
buildings; where chutes are to be provided to discharge from flat roof
they shall be in A.C. pipe of dia. shown in digs or as otherwise stated in
the bill.


Water Supply:The W.C. cisterns and lavatory basin are to be fed directly from the water
supply with a stop cock. Provide the flushing cistern with an overflow
pipe to discharge over the water closet.


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Cold Water Service:The Contractor shall make arrangements with, and pay all charges to the
water authority for the provision of 3/4 '' water service or other size
required by the authority and shall install a meter box as required. He
shall provide a suitable stop cock at the boundary of the premises unless
otherwise stated.


Stand Pipe:Supply and fix a 3/4'' or 1/2'' stand pipe with 3/4'' or (1/2) o tap for
hoserecl as required for used in the garden or as otherwise stated.


Stop Cocks:The Contractor shall provide a 3/4'' stop cock to control the supply to
each bathroom and W.C. and a 1/2'' stop cock to the kitchen sink or as
otherwise stated in bills.


Concrete Bed and Hunching: Lay 10 cms thick P.C.C. (Mix ''B'' bed under pipes to the required fall as
shown; on drawings. Pipes to be laid on pad and tested before
hunching, care to be taken; during hunching to avoid pipe movement.


Drain Laid on Sand Bed:Under concrete bedding where the soil is of such a nature as clay or
cotton soil the pipes should be laid over a bed of 40 cms of clean and
well rammed under the above mentioned P.C. bedding and after the test,
the remaining of the excavated trench could be back filled with the
excavated soil and properly watered and rammed to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.


Concrete:For inspection chambers septic tanks, and soak away pit shall be as
specified on drawing and as described in the concrete trade.


Bricklayer:For inspection chambers and septic tanks shall be in red brick as

specified on drawing and as described in Bricklayer trade.


Drain Pipes:Shall be in plastic (PVC or ABS), spigot and socket not coated,
conforming to British Standard specification with flexible spigot and
socket joint (with rubber and ring laid and jointed as specified by the
manufacturer, the inside of the pipes shall be wiped clean at each joint as


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it is made to ensure a clear bore. The pipe shall be laid to a true fall as
indicated on the drawing.

Cement:Shall be ordinary Portland cement as described in the concrete trade.


Bricks: Shall be as specified in the Bricklayer Trade and built in the manner
therein specified but bricks bedded in a cement mortar of not less than
1:4 mix.


Manhole Covers: The manholes covers and frames shall be of an air tight in cast iron of
approved; weight as stated in bills. The frames shall be bedded in
cement mortar (1:4) over kerbing of inspection chamber.


Gullies:Shall be glazed stoneware or C.I trapped gullies with 4'' outlets and G.I.
grills, bedded and surrounded with 15 cms, P.C.C. connected to A.C.
drain with easy bends and cement joints. Lay 10 cms, kerbs round gully
top; in brick on edge and render in cement mortar (1/4) internal and
external surfaces, and fix 12'' x 12'' cast iron manholes cover and frames
on top.


Interceptor and Septic Tank:Provide 4 S.G.W. intercepting trap and set in P.C.C. in wall in septic tank
and inspection chambers, provide inlet and outlet pipes to septic tank in
G.I. and connect to soakaway with A.C. pipes as below.


Provide and fix 4'' Mica-Flap Fresh Air outlet and connect to intercepting
manholes with 4'' diam A.C. pipe with necessary "diam 90'' A.C bends.


Testing:After laying in accordance with instruction and drawings the line of drains
pipes shall be tested in the presence of the Engineer or his
representative by blocking the lower end of each line with a plug and
filling with water in order to have a minimum head of pressure of 10 ft. (3
meter) for 15 minutes; or by air through a pump up to a pressure of 10
cms., in the ''U'' tube. The water shall be retained until such time as
ordered by the Engineer and no loss shall permitted after the initial
absorption of the pipes, if tested by air the maximum loss after 5 minutes
shall not exceed 20 mms. Manholes, if required, shall be tested by
blocking the pipes and filling them with, water. A smoke test shall be
carried out on soil down pipes bent pipes and waste pipes as may be


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required by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide all water, labour
and apparatus for the tests.
After testing the pipes the concrete bed of hunching or sand filling around
pipes can be proceeded with, followed by back filling with earth in layers
not exceeding 25cm. watered and well rammed

Water Services in Polythene Tube:Shall be Marrleythene or Alkathene tubing, (low density black polythene
tube) normal gauge, jointed with special brass ''instautor'' fitting as
manufactured by I.C.I Ltd. The pipes and fitting shall be laid and jointed
in accordance to manufacturers instructions.


Glazier:The materials used for glazing work shall not inferior to the sample
approved by the Engineer, and shall be cut to allow 1/8'' (3 mms), all
round between the glass panel and the wood or metal sash.


Glass Sheets:Shall be manufactured by the flat or vertical drawn process and shall be
double strength ''B'' quality colour clear and fire finished wave must be
reduced to the minimum and run in straight line and horizontally. The
thickness of glass sheets shall be 1/8'' or 3/16 depending on the sizes of
the panels and as may be stated in the bills. When specifying sizes, the
width dimension is given first. Glass sizes in the schedules are given


Plate Glass:Shall be manufactured in continuous ribbon, both sides ground to two

surfaces producing uniformity of thickness, then the glass is further
polished giving a polished plate quality of glass.


Figures Rolled Glass:This is a rolled flat glass with impressed design on one or both sides
accomplished during the rolling process. The design and thickness shall
be as specified in bills and as approved by the Engineer.


Putty for Wood Sash:Generally is a mixture of pigment and linseed oil; a good mix is given with
80 - 90, widening with 10 - 20% of linseed oil the putty should not adhere
with too great tenacity to the putty knife or to glaziers hand yet it should
not be too dry to apply to the sash. One of coat priming paint or boiled
linseed oil should be applied to the sash before applying of putty. The
putty should not painted until it is thoroughly set.


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Putty for Metal Sash:This may be supplied together with the metal sash or may be supplies
with glazing materials, as may be stated in the bill. The putty should be
made in order to adhere to the non-porous surface of the metal sash
either inside or outside and should be applied as recommended by the


The putty shall be painted when thoroughly set and hard panes of glass
shall be well bedded in back putty. Springed by means of an approved
metal sash spring or as directed, and front puttied. The putty shall finish
the full depth of the glazing rebate and be left smooth and clean. The
priming specified in the painter trade shall be applied on glazing rebates
before glazing.


If wooden or metal beads are specified, they should be fixed according to

windows, or door manufacture instructions and as shown on drawings.
Panes of glass shall be well bedded in back putty as specified in item
125 above.


Leave all glazing clean and perfectly water tight on completion to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.


Painter:The paints distemper etc, shall be of brands approved by the engineer.

Under coat paint shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the
approved finishing coat. Mixing thinning and application shall be in
accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the paint
manufacturers and the Engineer.
The finishing coat shall be flat or glossy as directed or as specified in the


Thinning:On one account shall paraffin be used for thinning paint Turpentine.,
thinner or an approved substitute shall be used.


The Colours:Small shall be as ordered by the Engineer sample areas shall be

prepared as required by the Engineer for purpose of ascertaining colour,
finish and workmanship and such areas shall be removed as directed.


Workmanship:Unless otherwise ordered, all primers, paint, etc. shall be applied with
approved brushes of sizes suited to each part of the work. Each coat


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shall be thoroughly dry and shall be well rubbed down with fine sand
paper and dusted before the next coat is applied, paint etc. shall not be
applies on a damp, dusty or dirty surface and not in dusty or wet weather.
The finished work shall be smooth free from brush marks, tears blisters
and other defects due to defective materials. Workman ship or the
weather. No putty shall be painted until it has full set. Glazing rebates
shall be primed before the glass is fixed.

Lime White:Is to freshly burnt hydrated lime, slacked and mixed with a suitable binder
to prevent flaking, it shall be applied cold.



Oil bound water paint (washable distemper may be thinned with

water for internal use to the approval of the Engineer, if used
externally, the first coat shall be thinned with petrifying liquid
(colour as required by the Engineer).
Pamastic:Shall be of approved brand, clean all surfaces to be painted, putty
and smooth down with sand paper so as to produce an even
smooth surface, all as recommended by the manufacturers and
directed by the Engineer i.e. then apply the recommended under
coat and two coat pamastic in accordance with the instructions of
the manufactures (colour as required by the Engineer).


Preparation of Walls Etc:Brickwork, concrete, plaster and ceiling board etc, to be painted shall be
brushed down and shall receive one coat of an approved under- coat
plaster to receive oil paint shall receive one coat plaster sealer.


Clean Up:All paint spot and marks on glass and elsewhere not required shall be
removed as the work proceeds and the whole left clean to the
satisfaction of the Engineer on completion of the works.


Electrical: This chapter of the specification covers the following system.

Electric Power Lighting.
Telephone system (Instruments and FABX covered by prime Cost Item)
Bell system
Earthling System


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Notes to Tenderers
For correct interpretation of measurement of quantities, tenderers are
advised to read following notes carefully.


All quoted rates shall be understood as for supply, install, connect, test
and commission.

Import licenses, duties and tariffs

Successful tenderer shall find his own ways and means to obtain
necessary import licenses for materials required to be imported. The
tender price shall include all duties, tariffs, taxes and any other rates
applicable for materials either imported or locally manufactured.


The installation shall be guaranteed for a period of one year from the
date of provisional acceptance for trouble free operation. During the
guarantee period contractor shall replace free of cost all faulty materials
and damages caused by bad manworkship.

Storage of materials and security

The tenderer shall allow in his price for safe storage of all materials at
site and shall also be responsible to provide necessary watch and ward.


Tender shall allow for the following insurances during the validity of

Workmens compensation insurance.

Contractors all risk insurance.
Fire and burglary insurance.



Only qualified and experienced workers shall be employed on this

installation and Engineer shall reserve the rights to test any worker
working on this installation for competency.


Tenderer shall allow in this price for providing first class quality tools for
skilled workmen.

Working conditions


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Working conditions at site shall be governed by the local labour

regulations and tender rates shall include for gratuity, leave, travelling
expenses and any other privileges allowed to the workers as per
employer and employed persons regulations.

Cable joints and terminations

PILC cable joints shall be done by experienced jointers only. All joints
shall be tested according to IEE regulations and test certificates shall be
provided duty signed by the contractor.
PVC, SWA, PVC cables shall terminate using compression type glands.
Mineral insulated copper covered cables shall be terminated with proper
glands, seals, compound fillings and neoprene sleeving.


All measurements given in these schedules are approximate and

tenderer is advised to check all quantities with relevant drawings.

Cable Spreader Boxes

Air-conditioning feeder circuit breakers shall be fitted with appropriate

cable spreader boxes and glands for to take desired size of incoming and
out going cables.

Lightening protection

A PC sum of is allowed to cover the cost of lightening protection system.

The successful tenderer shall request Messrs. W.J Furse and Co. LTD.
Traffic Street, Nottingham, England for design and estimate of price of

Installation notes


Standard lighting points shall be connected not more than 7 points

in any one 5 amp circuit. Cable size used shall be 1.5 sq mm.


5 am sockets shall be connected not more than 3 sockets, in any

one 15 amp circuit. The cable size used shall be 2.5sq mm.


15 amp sockets shall be connected separately to a 15 amp circuit.

Cable size used shall be 2.5 sq mm.


13 amp sockets shall be wired in ring main system but not more
than 10 sockets in one 30 amp circuit. Cable size shall be 2.5 sq


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Water heater up to 20 gallons capacity shall be connected to a

separate 20 amp circuit. Water heaters must be thermostatically


Cooker, loading up to 6 k. w. shall be connected to a separate

amp circuit.


Exhaust fans are recommended to be wired in separate circuit

but fan sizes up to 15 inch 4 Nos. may be wired to one 10 amp
circuit using 1.5 sq mm cables.


All other circuit cable sizes shall be specified separately.


Conduit extra low voltage circuits such as bells, telephones, Radio

diffusion system, television areals etc. shall be run separately and
runs shall keep a distance not less than one meter from normal
medium and low voltage power or lighting circuits.

n-10 Draw wire shall be left in for ali telephone and television areals
n-11 For any other item not covered in this notes, the tenderer are
advised to seek clarifications from the Architect.
All electrical work shall conform to the requirements of the installation of
electrical Engineers (UK). Wiring Regulations, Fifteenth Edition 1981
amended to and including June 1987. Where not in contradiction of the
local Electricity Authority `s requirements.
The electrical power system will be supplied from 415/240 volt 3 phase 4
wire 50 Hz National Electricity Corporation mains.
The Contractor shall attend on and afford all facilities to the local
Electricity Authorities and shall provide all terminal cable pits, terminal
boxes for cables and underground ducts to facilitate all main feeder work.
The Contractor shall provide shop drawing and details of the installation
and shall complete application forms as may be required by the NEC for
providing a connection from the mains.
The Drawings indicate the approximate location of electrical devices and
Equipment. The exact location may be varied, with the prior approval of
the Engineer, to simplify and improve the installation (e.g. to avoid having
lighting interrupted by fans).
All materials shall be new and in accord with the relevant British
Standard (listed Appendix 1 of the I.E.E. Wiring Regulations).
The Contractor shall on completion of the Works provide two complete
sets of instructions or manuals covering the operation, maintenances and

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the ordering of spare parts of all the electrical Equipment. There shall
also be provided a list showing the local agents for each item.
Nameplates in Arabic and English shall be fixed on or adjoining all panel
boards, switches and pieces of Equipment for which the use or
identification may not be readily apparent. Nameplates shall be of
laminated sheet plastic show white letters on a black background.
The conductor of all cables shall be of copper.
The minimum conductor size used shall be not less than 1.55 mm2
except for flexible cords to BS6500 for which the minimum conductor size
shall be not less than 1 mm2. Cables in conduits shall be single core
non-sheathed general purpose to BS6004 or BS6346.
Armoured cables shall be multicore PVC insulated and sheathed,
galvanized steel wire armoured and overall black PVC extruded
sheathing type TMI of BS6746.
Indoor cables shall be solid tinned copper 0.6 mm diameter, PVC
insulated, polyester tape overall and; PVC sheathed. An additional 0.7
mm diameter earth wire shall be provided.
Underground cables shall be galvanized steel tape armoured and overall
black polythene sheeted.
The number of conductors shall be as shown on the Drawings.
Cables for bells shall be rated for a minimum 250 volts service. Cables
shall be tinned, annealed, single strand copper with a minimum cross
section area of 0.7 mm2 PVC insulated.
Wherever underground cables pass under walls or enter or leave building
there shall be a plaques in concrete mounted on the external wall 150
mm x 200 mm with a recessed laminated plastic sheet showing in white
letters on black in Arabic and English details of the type and location of
the cable.
Markers 600 mm x 400 mm x 100 mm of Class A concrete shall be
located along cable trench routes and flush with the ground at not more
than 50 m intervals and each change of direction. Such markers shall
have details of the cable impressed on them.
Steel conduit shall be heavy gauge screwed welded conduit galvanized
internally and externally and free from all internal roughness all to
BS4568. The minimum conduit size shall be 20 mm.
Exposed screw threads shall be painted with a zinc rich paint after


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Fittings shall be screwed malleable cast-iron or steel to BS4568 and shall

be galvanized. Fittings to BS 820 will not be accepted.
Flexible metal conduit to BS 731 part 1 shall be galvanized and at the
junction with conduit and fittings shall have a protective plastic sleeve
prevent stress concentration
15 non - metallic conduit and fittings:
Non- metallic conduit and fittings shall be to BS4607. The minimum
conduit size shall be 20 mm.
All conduits embedded in ceiling slabs and walls shall be non-metallic.
Exposed conduits shall be screwed steel.
All conduit work and plastering shall be completed and conduit shall be
swabbed through before drawing in cables.
Conduit in slabs shall be installed as close to the middle of the slab as
practicable and should run parallel to the main reinforcement.
Exposed conduit shall be screwed steel and shall be installed parallel or
at right angles to walls and ceiling beams or clipped in line with structural
steel work. All changes in direction shall be made as far as in possible
with approved bends and pull boxes. The spacing between parallel runs
shall be uniform throughout.
Conduit shall be supported by purpose made saddles fixed in
accordance with Table Lic of LEE Wiring Regulations with, supports on
each side of fittings other than straight couplings and each end of bends.
When fixing to steelwork clips shall be used instead of saddles and holes
shall not be drilled in structural steelwork to carry the clips.
Sleeves shall be provided for cables passing through floor slabs and
walls. All openings shall be sealed with mastic compound. Sleeves shall
be flush at the bottom of slabs and shall project 30 mm above floor
The number of cables and the sizes of conduits indicated on the
Drawings are for guidance only. The Contractor shall install cables and
conduits as necessary for the complete electrical system.


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