APES Notes - Chapter 20: The Atmosphere: Climate, Climate Change, and Ozone Depletion

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Chapter 20: The Atmosphere: Climate, Climate Change, and Ozone Depletion

20.1 Atmosphere and Weather

Atmospheric Structure
I. The gases within the lowest layer, the troposphere, are responsible for
moderating the flow of energy to Earth and are involved with the
biogeochemical cycling of many elements and compounds.

A. The troposphere ranges in thickness from 10 miles in the tropics to 5

miles in higher latitudes, due mainly to differences in heat energy

B. This layer contains practically all of the water vapor and clouds in the
atmosphere; it is the site and source of our weather.

C. Except for local temperature inversions, the troposphere gets colder

with altitude.

D. Air masses in this layer are well mixed vertically, so pollutants can
reach the top within a few days. Substances entering the troposphere
may be changed chemically and washed back to Earth’s surface by

II. Above the tropopause is the stratosphere, a layer within which temperature
increases with altitude, up to about 40 miles above the surface of the

A. The temperature increases primarily because the stratosphere

contains ozone, a form of oxygen that absorbs high-energy radiation
emitted by the Sun.

B. Because there is little vertical mixing of air masses in the stratosphere

and no precipitation from it, substances that enter it can remain there
for a long time.

C. Beyond the stratosphere are two more layers, the mesosphere and the
thermosphere, where the ozone concentration declines and only small
amounts of oxygen and nitrogen are found.

I. The day-to-day variations in temperature, air pressure, wind, humidity, and
precipitation constitute our weather. Climate is the result of long-term
weather patterns in a region.
A. Solar radiation enters the atmosphere and then takes a number of
possible courses. Some of it is reflected by clouds and Earth’s surface,
but most is absorbed by the atmosphere, oceans, and land, which are
heated in the process. The land and oceans then radiate some of their
heat back upward as infrared energy.
II. Some of the heat that is radiated back is transferred to the atmosphere.
Thus, air masses will grow warmer at the surface of Earth and will tend to
expand, becoming lighter. The lighter air will then rise, creating vertical
air currents.
A. On a large scale, this movement creates major convection currents. Air
must flow in to replace the rising warm air, and the inflow leads to
horizontal air-flows, or wind. The ultimate source of the horizontal flow
is cooler air that is sinking, and the combination produces Hadley cells.
These major flows of air create regions of high rainfall, deserts, and
horizontal winds.
III. Convection currents bring us the day-to-day changes in our weather as they
move in a general pattern from west to east.
A. Rising air creates high pressure up in the atmosphere, leaving behind a
region of lower pressure close to Earth. Once the moist, high-pressure
air has cooled by radiating heat to space and losing heat through
condensation, the air then flows horizontally toward regions of sinking
cool, dry air. There, the air is warmed at the surface and creates a
region of higher pressure. The difference in pressure leads to airflows,
which are the winds we experience. Winds tend to flow from high-
pressure regions towards low-pressure regions.
IV. The larger scale air movements of Hadley cells are influenced by Earth’s
rotation from west to east. This creates the trade winds over the oceans
and the general flow of weather from west to east.
A. Higher in the troposphere, Earth’s rotation and air-pressure gradients
generate veritable rivers of air, called jet streams, that flow eastward
at speeds of more than 300mph and that meander considerably. Jet
streams are able to steer major air masses in the lower troposphere.
V. Air masses of different temperatures and pressures meet at boundaries
called fronts, which are regions of rapid weather change.
A. Other movements of air masses due to differences in pressure and
temperature include hurricanes, typhoons, and tornadoes. There are
also major seasonal airflows—monsoons—that often represent a
reversal of previous wind patterns. Monsoons are created by major
differences in cooling and heating between oceans and continents.

I. Climate is the average temperature and precipitation expected throughout a
typical year in a given region.
Climates in the Past
I. Earth’s climate has oscillated between ice ages and warm periods. The most
likely explanation for these major oscillations is the existence of known
variations in Earth’s orbit, such that, in different modes of orbital
configuration, the distribution of solar radiation over different continents
and latitudes varies substantially. These oscillations take place according
to several periodic time intervals, called Milankovitch cycles.
A. Superimposed on the major oscillations is a record of rapid climatic
fluctuations during periods of glaciation and warmer times.
Ocean and Atmosphere
I. The oceans are the major source of water for the hydrologic cycle and the
main source of heat entering the atmosphere. The evaporation of ocean
water supplies the atmosphere with water vapor, and when water vapor
condenses in the atmosphere, it supplies the atmosphere with heat.
A. The oceans play an important role in climate change because of their
innate heat capacity. Oceans also convey heat throughout the globe.
II. El Nino occurs when a major shift in atmospheric pressure over the central
equatorial Pacific Ocean leads to a reversal of trade winds that normally
blow from an easterly direction. Warm water spreads to the east, the jet
streams strengthen and shift from their normal courses, patterns in
precipitation and evaporation are affected.
A. La Nina conditions are just the reverse—the easterly trade winds are
reestablished with even greater intensity, upwelling of colder ocean
water in the eastern Pacific from the depths replaces the surface water
blown westward, the jet streams are weakened, and weather patterns
are again affected.
III. A thermohaline circulation pattern dominates oceanic currents, where
thermohaline refers to the effects that temperature and salinity have on
the density of seawater. This conveyor system acts as a giant, complex
conveyor belt, moving water masses from the surface to deep oceans and
back again, according to the density of the mass.
A. A key area is the high-latitude North Atlantic, where salty water from
the Gulf Stream moves northward on the surface and is cooled by
Arctic air currents. Cooling increases the density of the water, which
then sinks and spreads southward to the southern tip of Africa, where
it is joined by cold Antarctic waters. Together, the two streams spread
northward into the Indian and Pacific oceans as deep currents.
Gradually, the currents slow down and warm, becoming less dense and
welling up to the surface, where they are further warmed and begin to
move surface waters back again toward the North Atlantic. This
movement transfers enormous amounts of heat toward Europe.
B. Recent evidence suggests that the conveyor system has been
interrupted in the past, changing climate abruptly. One mechanism
that could accomplish such a change is the appearance of unusually
large amounts of fresh water in the North Atlantic, lowering the density
of the water and therefore preventing much of the massive sinking
that normally occurs there and blocking the northward movement of
warmer, saltier water.
C. North Atlantic marine sediments show evidence of the periodic
invasion of icebergs from the polar ice cap that supplied huge amounts
of fresh water as they melted—Heinrich events. These invasions
coincided with rapid cooling and suggests that the conveyor system
shifted southward. When this shift occurred, a major cooling of the
climate took place within a few decades.
IV. One of the likely consequences of extended global warming is increased
precipitation over the North Atlantic and more melting of sea and ice caps.
If such a pattern is sustained, it could lead to a weakening in the normal
operation of the conveyor ad a change in climate, especially in the
northern latitudes.

20.3 Global Climate Change

The Earth as a Greenhouse
I. Factors that influence the climate include interactive, internal components
(oceans, the atmosphere, snow cover, sea ice) and external factors (solar
radiation, the Earth’s rotation, slow changes in the planet’s orbit, and the
gaseous makeup of the atmosphere).
A. Radioactive forcing is the influence a particular factor has on the
energy balance of the atmosphere-ocean-land system. A factor can be
positive, leading to warming, or negative, leading to cooling.
II. Water vapor, CO2, and other gases in the atmosphere play a role analogous
to that of the glass in a greenhouse. Light energy comes through the
atmosphere and is absorbed by Earth and converted to heat energy at the
planet’s surface. The infrared heat radiates back upward through the
atmosphere and into space.
A. Our global climate depends on Earth’s concentrations of greenhouse
gases. If these concentrations increase or decrease significantly, their
influence as positive forcing agents will change.
B. Ozone in the troposphere has a positive radiative forcing effect,
whereas its impact in the stratosphere is negative. Tropospheric ozone
has a strong anthropogenic component linked to pollution.
III. Earth’s atmosphere is also subject to negative forcing factors. For example,
clouds cover 50% of Earth’s surface and reflect some 21% of solar
radiation away to space before it ever reaches the ground. Sunlight
reflected this way is called the planetary albedo, and in contributes to
overall cooling by preventing a certain amount of warming in the first
A. The effect of the albedo is especially true for low-lying clouds.
However, high-flying wispy clouds have a positive forcing effect,
absorbing some of the infrared radiation and emitting some infrared
B. Snow and ice also reflect sunlight, contributing to the planetary albedo.
However, this effect is greatly reduced by the widespread soot
originating from anthropogenic sources. By darkening the snow and
ice, the soot promotes the absorption of radiant energy rather than
C. Volcanic activity can also lead to planetary cooling.
D. Anthropogenic sulfate aerosols play a significant role in canceling out
some of the warming from greenhouse gases. Sulfur dioxide and soot
from industrial sources enter the atmosphere and react with
compounds there to form a high-level aerosol haze. This haze reflects
and scatters some sunlight and also contributes to the formation of
clouds. Sooty aerosol has an overall warming effect, but sulfate aerosol
creates substantial cooling, mainly through its tendency to increase
global cloud cover.
IV. Since the Sun is the source of radiant energy that heats Earth, any variability
in the sun’s radiation reaching Earth will likely influence the climate.
However, no long-term trends have been detected.
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
I. Arctic temperatures are increasing at close to twice the rate as those of the
rest of the world.
A. Arctic climate is now warming rapidly and much larger changes are
projected. Warmer winters, increased precipitation and decreased ice
and snow cover will persist for centuries.
B. Arctic warming and its consequences have world-wide implications.
Several feedback mechanisms are involved, the most significant being
the change in albedo as ice and snow surfaces give way to ocean and
exposed soil and vegetation. One reason why Arctic warming is more
rapid than elsewhere is this albedo change. More of the sun’s energy is
absorbed, causing more melting, which causes more warming. Another
positive feedback is the release of carbon dioxide as carbon stored in
permafrost melts and decomposes.
C. Arctic vegetation zones will shift, and animal ranges and distribution
will change. Marine habitats are already shrinking for polar bears,
seals, and seabirds. The treeline is expected to extend northward,
replacing tundra. Caribou and other land animals will be impacted, and
new species may invade the arctic. The longer growing season could
allow agriculture to expand northward, and some Arctic marine
fisheries could become more productive.
D. Reduced sea ice is very likely to increase marine transport and access
to resources. The reduction of sea ice will lengthen the navigation
E. Thawing ground will disrupt transportation, building, and other
What About the Antarctic?
I. Some studies indicate that the Antarctic could be a huge factor in future sea
level rise. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets hold enough water to
raise sea level by 70 meters.
A. For the Antarctic, snowfall in the interior and melting of coastal glaciers
and ice sheets provide a delicate balance in their impact on sea level.
B. Losses of ice are attributed to higher temperatures on the continent.
20.4 Responses to Climate Change
I. One possible response to this situation is adaptation. That is, we must
anticipate some harm to natural and human systems and should plan
adaptive responses to lessen the vulnerability of people, their property,
and the biosphere to coming changes.
A. It seems more sensible to reduce the rate at which emissions are
added to the atmosphere and, eventually, bring about a sustainable
balance. This is the mitigation response.
II. The FCCC has proposed three principles to address the issue of possible
climate change.
A. The precautionary principle states, “in order to protect the
environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by
States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of
serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not
be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation.”
B. According to the polluter pays principle, polluters should pay for the
damage their pollution causes.
C. The equity principle addresses the issue of international equity and
intergenerational equity of pollution levels.
Response 1: Mitigation
I. A number of steps have been suggested to combat global climate change,
with the goal of stabilizing the greenhouse gas content of the atmosphere
at levels and on a time scale that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic
interference with the climate system and that are consistent with
sustainable development.
A. The Framework Convention on Climate Change agreed to the goal of
stabilizing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere, starting by
reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 in
all industrial nations. It operated on a voluntary basis.
B. The Kyoto Protocol mandates a 5% reduction of 1990 levels by 2012.
The targeted reductions of the Kyoto Protocol will not stabilize
atmospheric concentrations of GHGs. The IPCC calculates that it would
take immediate reductions in emissions of at least 60% worldwide to
stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations at today’s levels. Since this
has no chance of happening, the concentration will continue to rise.
C. The U.N. Climate Control Conference agreed there would be future
meetings aimed at producing a new, tougher set of binding limits on
GHG emissions that would take after 2012 and that there would be
broader dialogues towards reaching nonbinding accords addressing
global climate change.
D. The U.S.’s Global Climate Change Initiative recommends a 18%
reduction in emissions intensity—the ratio of emissions to economic
output—over the next 10 years. This would not lower emissions.
Response 2: Adaptation
I. Climate change is already happening and will likely accelerate in the future.
Mitigation is the response that is essential to reducing the magnitude of
future climate change, but adaptation will also be needed.
A. Crop yields are likely to be reduced in tropical and subtropical regions
as warming and droughts become more severe. Some agriculture in
the north temperate regions may be enhanced.
B. Water is likely to become more scarce in many regions already
suffering from water scarcity, especially the subtropics.
C. Increased heat and moisture in many regions will likely lead to an
increase in infectious disease and potentially lethal heat waves.
D. Increased intensity and frequency of storm events will bring severe
flooding to many regions that already are prone to natural disasters.
The rise of sea levels will intensify the risks in coastal areas.
II. The effects of climate change are expected to be greatest in developing
countries in terms of loss of life and relative effects on investment and
A. The Least Developed Countries Fund advises countries on national
adaptation strategies, and a Special Climate Change Fund provided
additional financial assistance to developing countries affected by
climate change.
B. The emphasis on adaptation is on the developing countries, since it is
assumed that the developed countries will be more able to afford the
costs of adaptation.
III. The World Bank has stated some concerns regarding climate change and
A. Climate change impacts will be superimposed on existing
vulnerabilities—water availability, food security, health and disease,
life in low-lying regions. The poor already suffer disproportionately
from these risks.
B. The countries with the fewest resources will likely bear the greatest
burden of climate change, with greater loss of life and economic
C. Ecosystem goods and services are likely to be disrupted by climate
change. The poor depend especially on these for survival, so they will
be most affected.
D. Even today, more than 96% of disaster-related deaths take place in
developing countries. Major weather events can set back development
for decades.
E. Because poverty is so severe in these countries, adaptation must be
treated in the context of reducing poverty and achieving the
Millennium Development Goals. Practically every one of the goals is
threatened by the anticipated impacts of climate change.
F. The World Bank says that the best way to address climate change
impacts on the poor is by integrating adaptation measures into
substantial development and poverty reduction measures. These
include improved governance, vulnerability assessments, access of
information on climate change, and the integration of impacts into
economic processes.
20.5 Depletion of the Ozone Layer
I. The strasopheric ozone protects earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The
depletion of this layer is another major atmospheric challenge that is due
to human technology, specifically, CFCs.
Radiation and Importance of the Shield
I. Solar radiation emits electromagnetic waves with a wide range of energies
and wavelengths. Ultraviolet wavelengths are slightly shorter than the
wavelengths of violet light.
A. UVB radiation consists of wavelengths that range from 280 to 320
nanometers, whereas UVA radiation is from 320 to 400 nanometers.
UVB is more energetic and therefore more dangerous, but UVA can
also cause damage.
II. On penetrating the atmosphere and being absorbed by biological tissues, UV
radiation damages protein and DNA molecules at the surface of all living
things. We are spared more damaging effects from UV rays because most
UV radiation is absorbed by ozone in the stratosphere.
Formation and Breakdown of the Shield
I. Ozone is formed in the stratosphere when UV radiation acts on oxygen
molecules. The high-energy UV radiation first causes some molecular
oxygen to split apart into free oxygen atoms, and these atoms then
combine with molecular oxygen to form ozone.
A. The amount of ozone in the stratosphere is dynamic. There is an
equilibrium due to the continual cycle of reactions of formation and
reactions of destruction.
B. Because of seasonal changes in solar radiation, ozone concentration in
the Northern Hemisphere is highest in summer and lowest in winter. In
general, ozone concentrations are highest at the equator and diminish
as latitude increases.
II. Chlorofluorocarbons are a type of halogenated hydrocarbon. CFCs are
nonreactive, nonflammable, non-toxic organic molecules in which both
chlorine and fluorine atoms have replaced some hydrogen atoms. At room
temperature, CFCs are gases under normal pressure, but they liquefy
under modest pressure, giving off heat in the process and becoming cold.
They are used as refrigerants, air conditioners, and propellants.
A. In the stratosphere, they are subject to intense UV radiation, which
breaks them apart and releases chlorine atoms. The free chlorine
atoms then attack stratospheric ozone to form chlorine monoxide and
molecular oxygen. Two molecules of chlorine monoxide may react to
release more chlorine and an oxygen molecule.
B. These reactions are part of the chlorine catalytic cycle, because
chlorine is continuously regenerated as it reacts with ozone.
C. CFCs are judged to be dangerous because they act as a transport
agent that continuously moves chlorine atoms into the stratosphere.
The damage can persist because the chlorine atoms are removed from
the stratosphere very slowly.
D. Any substance carrying reactive halogens to the stratosphere has the
potential to deplete ozone.
III. In the summer, gases such as nitrogen dioxide and methane react with
chlorine monoxide and chlorine to trap the chlorine, forming chlorine
reservoirs, preventing much ozone depletion. When the Antarctic winter
arrives in June, it creates a vortex in the stratosphere, which confines
stratospheric gases within a ring of air circulating around the Antarctic.
A. The extremely cold temperatures of the Antarctic winter cause the
small amounts of moisture and other chemicals present in the
stratosphere to form the south polar stratospheric clouds. During
winter, the cloud particles provide surfaces on which chemical
reactions release molecular chlorine from the chlorine reservoirs.
B. When sunlight returns to the Antarctic in the spring, the Sun’s warmth
breaks up the clouds. UV light then attacks the molecular chlorine,
releasing free chlorine and initiating the chlorine cycle, which rapidly
destroys ozone.

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