SAP Plant Maintenance Interview Questions Answers

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SAP PM Interview Questions,

Answers, and Explanations

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SAP PM Interview Questions, Answers, and

Explanations .............................................................. viii
Question 1: DP90 change invoices quantity via DIP
Question 2: Regarding Call Horizon in the
Maintenance Plan ............................................3
Question 3: Date used for Maintenance Plan
Scheduling using Shift Factor .......................4
Question 4: Copy Functional location ...............................6
Question 5: Maintenance Order-TECO ..............................7
Question 6: Deletion Flag for a FL .....................................9
Question 7: Copy of functional location .........................10
Question 8: Accounting Indicator in DP91 .....................11
Question 9: Maintenance Plan User Status.....................12
Question 10: Identify parts as billable or non-billable ....13
Question 11: User defined fields in list editing .................14
Question 12: External repair ..............................................15
Question 13: Notification and orders across
planning plants ..............................................17
Question 14: Catalogs in PM order / Task List .................18
Question 15: Catalog profile for Equipment .....................19
Question 16: Actual variance maintenance plan ..............20
Question 17: Issue Stock to PM Order ..............................21
Question 18: Warranty of spares ........................................22
Question 19: Message while completing RMA order .......24
Question 20: Default equipment category ........................25
Question 21: Access Control in Equipment Master .........26
Question 22: Contract with several different billing
value line items..............................................27
Question 23: Equipment & Functional Local Class .........28
Question 24: Equipment Classification .............................29
Question 25: Measuring Point ............................................30
Question 26: Multiple counter plan with different
cycle sets ........................................................31
Question 27: Canceling refurbishment after costs are
incurred ..........................................................33
Question 28: The combination of organizational data
is not correct..................................................35
Question 29: Creating a subordinate Functional
Location using BAPI .....................................36
Question 30: Master data changes in FL /EQUI ...............37
Question 31: Automatic warranty dates update during
equipment creation .......................................39
Question 32: Revenue posting allowed for old orders ....40
Question 33: Need a field to store warranty against
a sales order item ..........................................41
Question 34: Data origin change for address for
Question 35: Superior order and sub order ......................45
Question 36: Structural display ..........................................46
Question 37: IP19 scheduling overview (Gantt chart) ....47
Question 38: Message C7 057 No valid capacity for
finite scheduling ............................................48
Question 39: Equipment installation at F/L ......................49
Question 40: Availability Control for Cost Center ...........50
Question 41: Billing Plan .....................................................52
Question 42: Multiple counter plans with hierarchy .......53
Question 43: Requirement date for components .............55
Question 44: Refurbishment of parts ................................56
Question 45: Authorization and order type ......................58
Question 46: Maintenance Plan ..........................................59
Question 47: Document flow in the Maintenance order ...60
Question 48: Measuring Points...........................................61
Question 49: Work Order Released Schedule...................62
Question 50: Warranty Costs ..............................................63
Question 51: Storage Location in PM ................................65
Question 52: Determine task processor automatically
at save .............................................................66

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Question 53: Inspection points in the task list .................67
Question 54: TECO Order ...................................................69
Question 55: Table for Activity Planned Costs .................71
Question 56: How to add new TCode to table T365 ........72
Question 57: Change estimated costs on a CS order .......73
Question 58: Link maintenance plan category to
number range.................................................74
Question 59: Table and field for notification status .........75
Question 60: Notification mail ............................................76
Question 61: DIP Profile ......................................................77
Question 62: Automatic release of PM order creating
from notification ...........................................78
Question 63: Tables storing the priorities, notification
Question 64: Business Area ................................................80
Question 65: PP-PM integration .........................................81
Question 66: Priority types in order ..................................83
Question 67: Additional data in equipment master .........84
Question 68: Maintenance order not generating
in counter based planning ............................85
Question 69: Batch job for Automatic settlement
of Maintenance Orders .................................87
Question 70: Goods Issues to Service Orders across
Company Codes ............................................89
Question 71: Table that contains both measuring
point and equipment .....................................91
Question 72: Report connects between maintenance
plan and its task list ......................................92
Question 73: The Authorization Object werks in IA25
transaction .....................................................93
Question 74: Creating Person responsible and
Department responsible ...............................94
Question 75: Costing variant for PM orders .....................95
Question 76: Final configuration ........................................96
Question 77: PM02 work order ..........................................97
Question 78: About the release of the Maintenance order ... 98

Question 79: POPUP Screen ...............................................99
Question 80: Settlement of Maintenance Order .............100
Question 81: Auto creation of Equipment master
from GI=>Asset ...........................................101
Question 82: Exit to check and change data on save
in Service order ...........................................103
Question 83: Changing the Planning Plant in task list ....105
Question 84: Number range for PM orders .....................106
Question 85: Object information keys .............................108
Question 86: Postponement of Order ..............................109
Question 87: Four doubts in CS .......................................111
Question 88: Equipment history update for Spare
parts ..............................................................114
Question 89: PM order with material cost ......................115
Question 90: Collective release ........................................116
Question 91: Flow path of maintenance order ...............117
Question 92: Exits to validate item classification
and notification data ...................................118
Question 93: Lube Routes .................................................119
Question 94: Starting IW28, with variant, from a
desktop icon ................................................120
Question 95: Maintenance work center mandatory
in PM-order ..................................................121
Question 96: Notification tabs are not showing .............122
Question 97: Possibility to take over parameter
after object change .....................................123
Question 98: Confirmation Data in Maintenance
Plan Category ..............................................125
Question 99: Use TCode ‘cv01n’ to upload one file
to SAP ...........................................................127
Question 100: Fleet Objects in 4.6c: TARE,
GVM and GCM .............................................128
Index: .......................................................................129

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SAP PM Interview Questions,
Answers, and Explanations

Equity Press
SAP PM Interview Questions


DP90 change invoices quantity via DIP

We use DP90 resource related billing to bill our service
orders and transfer the actual cost to a pricing condition in
the sales debit note request.

We then change the proposed percentage rate in the dip

profile (source) to 115% -> and add a surcharge of 15% (or
30% depending on situation) in the DP90 overview, the initial
quantity, initial amount, quantity to be billed, and amount to
be billed are correctly shown. Our problem is the quantity
in the SD order. We would like the initial quantity to be used
with the calculated new price, but SAP seem to transfer only
the calculated new quantity and initial price and use SD
pricing functionality to determine the net price.

For example:

1 PC - 100 EUR -> surcharge of 10 % -> 110 EUR

The result in SD is as follows:

QTY: 1, 1 PC Base Price 100 EUR Total Price 110 EUR;

Is there anyone who knows if this can be customized?

Can user exit be used to influence the configuration and results?

A second problem that we have is that when we cancel the

debit note request and redo RRB with DP90 the system uses
the recalculated quantity and the price as starting point, and

SAP PM Interview Questions

adds another time to the surcharge.

For example: 2nd DP90 qty = 1, 1 pc* 1.10 and price = 121 EUR;

Depending on the selection criteria of the DIP profile, we

have also proposed percentage 115% or 130%. In one sales
order, there can be items with 115%, other with 130%.

Labor costs: 100 EUR -> surcharge 115 EUR for 1.15 H;
Material: 10 EUR -> surcharge 130 EUR of 1.30PC;

On the invoice we want 1 h for 115 EUR and 1 PC for 130

EUR instead of 1, 15 h and 1.30 pc;

How can we fix this?

The “usual” method used for this process is the accounting

In the service order header you will see a two-digit field called
accounting indicator (Accounting Indicator). The field can
also be seen in confirmation documents (IW41) and (DP90).

With this field you can set discounts/surcharges. You can

also use condition type KMB1 (or is it KBM1) in conjunction
with accounting indicators.

As standard, the accounting indicator is copied from the

service order header to the DP90 screen, or via confirmation

If this is not happening in your system, then check any RRB

user-exits (AD01*) or OSS for a relevant note.

SAP PM Interview Questions


Regarding Call Horizon in the Maintenance

If we create a Maintenance Plan with reference to a Package
which has different cycles say (Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly).
The call horizon is applied based on the least frequency.

For example:

If the call date is calculated as 3 days earlier for a Weekly

cycle, it holds good for the monthly and Yearly cycle.

My client wants a different call horizon for each cycle defined

in the Maintenance Package.

Is there any way to configure it as required by the client?

This is standard functionality. You can utilize user-exits to
change these values.

SAP PM Interview Questions


Date used for Maintenance Plan Scheduling

using Shift Factor
I need some confirmation information on Maintenance Plan

If you are using maintenance plan and makes use of

Shift Factors, what date is used in the adjustment of the
maintenance Plan which is considering previous order?

Is it the TECO date on the Order or is it on the Confirmations


I have heard it is on the first confirmed operation but cannot

believe this, unless it is adjusted with every sub-sequent

I do not have access to a system currently. Is there an

explanation on the written principle to Plan Adjustments
when using Shift Factors?

You know that really annoying pop-up box that appears
when you TECO and order? The one with the reference date
and time?

This is the information used as a basis for the shift factors.

In the newer versions, there are two reference dates and times.
One of them is specifically used for maintenance plans.

SAP PM Interview Questions

The new functionality is available from version 4.7 onwards.

You need to activate this for each of the maintenance plan

SAP PM Interview Questions


Copy Functional location

I need to transfer the FL and EQ.

Can we copy a functional location with its equipments from

one plant to another plant? If so, then what do we need in
the target plant?

You can copy the FLoc structure via TCode IL04; however
you cannot copy the equipment.

At first, create in the customizing all the objects depending

on planning and maintenance plant: Company area, planer
group, and location.

Than, create the new work center, and cost center for the
new plant.

Download, from the functional location, all the data

depending on planning and the maintenance plant.

Do the same for the pieces of equipment if they are not

installed on functional location.

At the first level of the FL, change the maintenance plant.

Normally, the system changes all the data on all the sub level
and EQ. Now you can reload on FL and/or EQ all the data
depending on planning and maintenance plant.

SAP PM Interview Questions


Maintenance Order-TECO
I have created a Purchase Requisition through a Maintenance
Order by using Non-stock item category. Later, I decided that
I don’t want that material for that work. So I ticked on Clear
Reservation at the time of Confirmation in IW42. When I tried
to Tech the Maintenance Order, I am getting the following
error message:

“Final issue for the reservation item 0001 is not completed,

teco not possible Message no. ME303”

How can I do Tech without the need of that material?

I won’t create a PO normally if I do Clear Reservation at the

time of confirmation. Automatically, the system will delete
the PR. It’s happening in IDES.

It didn’t happen in Production server (ECC 5.0) though.

How can I do Tech without the need of that material?

It sounds very much like a User Exit (Enhancement) may be
active in your system. The TECO User Exit to consider is:

Use Transaction CMOD so you can see if there is such an exit


Drop down on the project field to search for a project associated

SAP PM Interview Questions

with indicated exit. Search by “Information System” and at

the bottom of the selection screen there is an Icon called “All
Selections” [Shows a little + sign too].

Now once you have expanded the selection criteria insert the
indicated User Exit Number in the “Enhancement” field. Execute
and wait to see if there is a project associated with the exit at
TECO. If there is one, select it and select the DISPLAY ICON.

Once the data is shown there is a “Project Status”. If this is

“Active”, then you have an active exit on TECO.

I suggest you have an ABAPer look at the code associated in the

“Include” of the exit.

I suspect there is code checking a flag on the Materials or


SAP PM Interview Questions


Deletion Flag for a FL

Even when we have set a Deletion flag for a Functional
Location, it allows us to install Equipment in it. Our
requirement is that the System should disallow it.

Is it a standard functionality of SAP?

Yes it is.

This could be blocked by using a user status.

SAP PM Interview Questions


Copy of functional location

I have a requirement from a client that he wants to copy the
Functional location with its equipment from one plant to
another plant if it is possible.

If yes, how can I accomplish this?

Try transaction cc04:

• Use a filter to display only what you need in the

• From the hierarchy display, right mouse click on the
node you need to copy;
• From the context options dialog, select ‘Copy sub

Test this thoroughly before using in your Production system

as it is possible to create part of your structure. If SAP
encounters a problem with an object, the rest of the structure
will not be created.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Accounting Indicator in DP91

The accounting indicator entered in the header of the service
order applies to all labor and parts confirmed and issued. We
see the accounting indicator when we do DP91. If we change
the accounting indicator from say 01 (billable) to 03 (warranty)
this transfers into the repair order (seen on the sales b tab),
but the costs still post to 01.

Why do the costs not repost to the correct accounts based on

the accounting indicator in DP91?

Check your pricing procedure to see what account key
(ActKy) is set for the condition type (the standard is KBM1).
From there, you can proceed to correct any errors.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Maintenance Plan User Status

I can create a profile available to Maintenance Plans.
However, I am not able to allocate it.

Is it possible to assign a user status to a Maintenance Plan?

In the 47 system, you can assign the user-status to a
maintenance plan.

Please check ECC5 or ECC6 for verification of profile data.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Identify parts as billable or non-billable

We need to identify parts in the service order as billable or
non-billable. We are using the accounting indicator on the
header of the service order to identify warranty or non-
warranty repair. However, entering the accounting indicator
here applies to all parts and labor confirmed and issued to
the service order. We want to be able to enter an accounting
indicator or some other process of identifying individual
parts as billable or non-billable.

You can enter the accounting indicator in DP90 instead.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


User defined fields in list editing

When we do enhancement by adding user defined fields in
notification is it possible to select notifications based on
user defined fields in list editing transaction?

My guess is that you will not be able to see the customer-
specific fields in the standard list edit programs.

But you can simply copy these programs and include the
fields yourself.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


External repair
We are trying to do In-house repair process and we are using
SM03 order type to create the RAS order. This process is
okay and running smooth.

Now there is new requirement, the guys here does not repair
all the equipments in-house. Some are sent to vendors for
repair and I tried using the SM03 control key and I am able to
key in a GL account and able to generate a Preq.

When I try to convert this Preq into a Po the system gives

me an error message saying that, “The service order cannot
carry revenues”. See the detailed message below.

Since this is a RAS order and we are using the std SM03
service order which is not relevant for revenue posting.

May be I am missing something here, Can some one guide

me here?

The message:

Order 4124749 cannot carry revenues

Message no. KO 014

You have tried to post an order, which is not allowed to
carry revenues, under a revenue element (or the system
determined the order automatically).

The field “Revenues” in the order type determines whether

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SAP PM Interview Questions

revenues can be posted to an order or not. Orders carrying

revenues cannot be settled to a cost center.

System Response
Order 4124749 cannot carry revenues.

You can either

enter a different order.

enter a different cost element (not a revenue element).

What cost element are you using?

It looks like the service master(s) are picking-up a revenue

element when it should be a cost element!!

Check with your FI/CO team

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Notification and orders across planning

Is it possible to have a notification created for planning
plant A, then create a service order for planning plant B for
that notification? From there, is it also possible to create a
res. rel. billing document for that service order in the sales
organization assigned to planning plant A?

This is the current set-up:

Notification - created in plant A;

Service order - created in plant B;
Rec. rel. billing document - created in sales org assigned to
plant A;

The problem is that plant A and the sales organization

belongs to company code A but plant B belongs to company
code B.

How do we go about cross planning?

I don’t see how. Plant A and Plant B and the Sales Organization
exist with a different Company Code.

This constitutes inter-company trading.

You will need to consult with your FI/CO team.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Catalogs in PM order / Task List

What is the purpose of Catalog tab in Task List and PM

I find this in the component overview of orders and task

lists. We maintained BOMs for equipment. We use catalogs
for Notification.

How to use catalogs in the component overview of order?

Do we need to do some settings in material master?

If you are referring to the Catalog button at the bottom of
the Components tab, then this is used to link to an internal/
external internet site where you can order spare parts.

Have a look in the PM IMG for OCI (under orders).

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Catalog profile for Equipment

What is the process for maintaining catalog a profile for each

We have a general catalog profile for all the equipment. We

are interested in having a display of catalogs for the selected
equipment in Notifications.

Is it possible to maintain catalog profiles for Functional


Create a catalog profile and assign it to your equipment in the
Organization tab. This will then be copied to the Notification
when the equipment number is entered.

The same works for Functional locations.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Actual variance maintenance plan

In Maintenance plan we get the Actual variance (of Day) in
“maintenance plan schedule calls” tab.

As we are looking for the number of days, the plan is not


Can we get same data in any other list reports?

Assuming you mean the date difference between planned
and actual (confirmation date), this date can be found in
tables MHIS and respectively.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Issue Stock to PM Order

What is the best process to issue stock to an order?

For example if an order needs the stock not to be detailed

within the original order, how does the store clerk add this
additional stock to the order?

Obviously, it needs accounting for and has an impact on

MRP. I assume there is a quicker and easier way of adding
it without the store clerk going to change the order, adding
the stock, then going to MIGO and doing an issue from
reservation etc.

Is there a way to configure this to be more efficient?

Check if it gives the hint of issuing the material which is not
reserved in the work order.

For a more detailed procedure, please refer from:

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Warranty of spares
An urgent requirement from our clients is the capture of the
warranty of spare parts. I know the warranty of equipment,
function, and location. However, I am not up to date on
how to check the warranty of material component when we
create the order & assign the component to the orders which
are under warranty. If there are any user exits available to
check the warranty at the time of release or save and check
the condition of component based on the characteristics
value defined in the material master data classification. This
will ensure that when the component is under warranty,
the users do not save or release the order & give an error
message to check the material under warranty.

I have created one material with a classification & assigned

characteristics like a warranty counter or warranty period
that defines the value in this classification. From here, the
user can create the order for any equipment & assigned
this material which act as a spare to order for repair (in
case it needs one). When the user saves this order system
to check the characteristics warranty period & counter for
that material which are allocated in the component tab,
the characteristics value exit for any material system will
then throw a warning message that this material is under
warranty. The user has to check the validity of warranty for
that material manually.

The only thing missing from the configuration is the

knowledge or know how on how to capture the warranty of
spare parts. Where can I get this information and how do I
capture the warranty of spare parts?

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SAP PM Interview Questions

This is regulation warranty for materials.

Follow the steps for compliance with regulation:

1) Go to the transaction BGM1;

2) Create master warranty screen will appear. From there,

enter all the mandatory data;

3) Go to class, it will ask for class assignment, but don’t

assign any class there;

4) Now what you have to do is use transaction CL02 for

creating class there in the basic data it will ask for
validity. Enter from date and to date as warranty dates
and save the class;

5) Assign the class to the meter warranty you created and

save it.

This will work out and solve your problem even though it
seems to be a crude method.

If the purpose of this is to serve only as an information

message, then you could probably utilize user-exit CNEX0026
(general inspection of material).

You can view this user-exit via TCode SMOD.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Message while completing RMA order

1. When we are technically completing the service order for
RMA processing (SM03 in standard SAP), you get a message
about the status of the repair materials. I understand that the
‘free to be delivered’ quantity is picked up from unrestricted
sales order stock and ‘blocked’ quantity is picked up from
the blocked sales order stock.

But how is the scrap quantity is picked up?

2. Is possible to issue the service material to the order and

post back the repaired material into stock?

The process I follow for the scrap in RMA is as follows:

1. Go to va02;
2. Select the line item;
3. Click repairs and mark scrap; The system will then give
you a message saying “manual inventory is posting”;
4. Does TECo. System will give you a message: “Free-to-
delivery is 0 and scrapped is 1”.

Use 551 mvt Type.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Default equipment category

There is a requirement to default equipment category ‘M’ for
certain users and ‘P’ for some other. In configuration, default
equipment category is maintained as M.

Is there any way to assign ‘P’ to certain users?

You could set the User’s Parameter ID (PID) for this.

Set PID = EQT for Equip Category, Value = P.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Access Control in Equipment Master

Equipment master consists of several tabs. It is possible to
restrict access to some tabs when visited in change mode.

The client wants some tabs to appear in a display mode and

some in change mode when equipment is visited through

How do I enforce this?

Try Transaction and Screen Variants.

The T-CODE is SHD0.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Contract with several different billing value

line items
We have service contracts with customers wherein we would
like to bill them for the actual work done monthly instead of
a fixed value (as determined by the monthly plan). We are
certain to use contracts or else I could have used time and
material to bill them.

Is there a way to force the contract to bill a certain value

monthly based on the actual costs collected on the service
orders for that month?

Try settling all service order costs to the contract. After
which, perform RRB on the contract itself (no billing plan

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Equipment & Functional Local Class

I would like to create one class for both function, location
and equipment and then call it maintenance objects. I do
know that you can allow multiple objects in the class type.

How do I set this up?

You check in the IMG under Cross-Application Components-

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Equipment Classification
I have a Client that wants to have an equipment class
automatically default to the equipment master during
the create stage. The client also requires that when the
equipment is either in display or change to display an
information warning message prompting the user to review
the classification and its associated characteristics.

I have checked the configuration for Classification and PM

and haven’t found anything that would satisfy the client’s
requirements. This appears be a custom change to the code.

How do I fulfill all the clients’ requirements?

You could create equipment with reference to another (say
dummy master equipment).

Then utilize user-exit IEQM0003 (Additional checks before

equipment update) to pop-up your warning message.

You could further investigate the following:

Use IEQM0003 to kick-off a batch program or workflow to

re-enter the equipment (after initial save) and add data.

Create new event/method for business object EQUI (TCode


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SAP PM Interview Questions


Measuring Point
Can I maintain two different units in a measuring point?

For example:

I entered all readings in Amperes. Is it possible to maintain

readings in Volts at the same time? If so, how do I go about

You can have as many measurement points as you need.

You will need to create another measurement type

(characteristic) to accommodate the other unit of measure.

Create a new measurement point with a new unit of

measure and then link the new point with the old one using
transmission of measurement reading. This will resolve your

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Multiple counter plan with different cycle

The scenario is as follows:

If an equipment has following maintenance cycles:

1000 hrs or 250 liters

5000 hrs or 500 liters
10000 hrs or 1000 liters

The problem is that the maintenance steps are different for

each of these cycle sets. In this scenario I am facing two

The first is how to make a single maintenance plan which

cover different cycle sets with different maintenance steps
(task list).

The second is how do I create three separate cycle sets and

use them in three different maintenance plans? Afterwards,
how do I avoid scheduling of 1000 hrs or 250 liters once I
schedule 5000 hrs or 500 liters?

Enable the enhancement for the multiple counters in SPRO.

The path is PM&CS-->Maintenance Plans, Work centers,

Task list, and PRTs-->Maintenance Plans-->Configure Special
functions for maintenance planning.

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Then, go through the documentation provided in the

IMG before enabling this, as this setting will become

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Canceling refurbishment after costs are

We utilize the Refurbishment process to refurbish our
repairable spares. Our process is:

1) Create refurbishment order to repair a spare currently

in inventory under the “damaged” valuation area. Target
delivery is to the “repaired” valuation area.

2) Issue repairable spare from stock (valuation area

“damaged”) to refurbishment order.

3) Begin in-depth inspection, proceed with repair.

4) Deliver repaired spare back to inventory (valuation area


5) TECO order.

In some cases, we may determine at step 3 that the spare is

beyond repair. At this point the spare needs to be returned to
inventory in the valuation area “damaged”, and subsequently

We have been unable to find the functionality to allow us

to return the spare to the “damaged” valuation area. It is
not possible to change the target valuation area in the work

Has anyone developed a process to back out of


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Return the unit back to the repaired valuation area.

Then perform a stock-to-stock transfer from repaired to


Return the damaged item on the same order as damaged

with a 262 (qty -1 on order).

Do transaction MB31 for zero qty and flag final delivery so

that the work order can get status DLV.

If there are costs on the work order (i.e. cost of inspection)

it is seen as an expense and settled to a CC.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


The combination of organizational data is

not correct
I am working with CS. When using IW51 to create a notification
for a customer I get the following information message:

“The combination of organizational data is not correct”.

The message number is: QM 054

No more information is given. My parameters in my own

data are the same as other users and they do not experience
any problems with IW51.

The customer belongs to sales area 7000, dist. channel 10

and division 10. But I never get that far that I can choose a
customer. I just get an initial screen, while others go directly
into the notification.

Why is this happening and how do I resolve this?

I’m assuming you have entered equipment in the notification.

If so, ensure that the sale organization of the customer is the

same as the sales organization in the equipment master.

Verify if the customer belong to a sales area (sales order, dist

channel, division).

Check this via TCode XD03.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Creating a subordinate Functional Location

using BAPI
I’m trying to use BAPI_FUNCLOC_CREATE to create a
subordinate Functional Location (ex., 1033-ADMI with
superior functional location 1033 already established).

This BAPI ends with a blank/zero Return value but no

updating is performed.

How do I fix this problem?

You need to perform a “commit” function after the BAPI

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Master data changes in FL /EQUI

I have several related questions about the subject matter:

1. We are changing “Location” information in master data

of FL and Equi. We want same changes reflected in the
old notification and in the order of change objects.

The order table by direct way IAOL is FL/EQu table.

How can we accomplish this? How do I update notification?

2. What will be the fate of the PMIS info structures data

(S061 etc), if I update the database table ILOA directly?

3. I also want to change the notification/order location data

which is coming from ILOA table (which can be change
in FL/EQ directly). When I am changing location data
in FL, it’s reflected in ILOA table but by close order/
notification, it’s not showing updated location.

Solutions are presented in the same number they were

1. The only nice way is through the cancellation of business

completion and TECO. Change the location, and then
TECO, and business completion again.

This can be done with a CATT. A disadvantage could be

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that the reference dates has the work order or notification


The quick and dirty solution is a direct update in table


Another way is to talk to your ABAP team about “direct

database updates” on table ILOA.

2. That will depend on the extent of PMIS usage. If you

don’t use PMIS then it won’t matter.

3. When you create an Order/Notification, the location data

is automatically copied (once only) from the FLoc/Equi.
This copy function does NOT occur automatically again.

The following are now possible:

If no changes are made to the Equip/Floc/Order/Notif, then

the data remains consistent.

You can change the data in the Floc/Equip. but the Order/
Notif is not automatically updated with these changes.

You can change the data in the Order/Notif but the Floc/
Equip is not automatically updated with these changes.

If you perform a right-click in the Order/Notif, there is a

function Update reference object data which will re-copy the
location data from the FLoc/Equip.

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Automatic warranty dates update during

equipment creation
I want to update warranty dates while creating the serial
number and equipment during transaction outbound delivery.
Can you please tell me the user exit for these?

Investigate user-exit IQSM0007 (Serial numbers, user exit
for goods movements).

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Revenue posting allowed for old orders

Concerning the indicator “Revenue posting allowed”: we
have set the indicator in the order type. It is copied from the
order type when you create new orders.
But the orders that already exist are not changed when we
set this indicator at a later date in the order type.

We have old orders and we need to use DP90 for these


Is it possible to change this rule?

The simple solution is to close the old orders, and re-create
new ones.

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Need a field to store warranty against a

sales order item
I am trying to change the way we calculate customer

Currently we use BGM2 to maintain materials that have

warranty (our standard is 12 months). Then in a user exit in
the outbound delivery screen we determine if a material has
a master warranty and update the equipment records with
the warranty begin date and the master warranty code.

However we also offer customers extended warranty on

an order by order basis so I need to store any non-standard
warranties against a sales order line, I will then check this
before updating the equipment record, in the case of a non-
standard warranty I will update the warranty begin and end
dates. Currently, we are handling this by putting the extended
warranty in sales texts and changing the equipment record

Is there a good field to use for this? Are there any alternative

Just to make things slightly more complex whatever field I

end up using will need to be able to be copied from contract
to quote to sales order.

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I can think of two ways for this in the sales order:

1. Configurable materials i.e. using VC (usually not


2. Create some new fields on the additional data tabs

(header and item level)

Use the additional data tabs to do this and then used a batch
program run overnight to work out what equipment records
to update if the update is not needed immediately.

You don’t need to use a user exit but SD is very good for
user modifications. There are plenty of user exits and the
documentation is very good too (unusual for SAP). In
transaction SPRO, Sales and distribution->User Exits, there
are user exits at all stages of the process. Click on the IMG
activity document and the help will tell you the user exits
and the program names.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Data origin change for address for

We have very big hierarchies for Functional location/
equipment where address is inherited by FL/EQ lower down
in hierarchy. Due to business reasons we want to maintain
different addresses for FL/EQ (after three years of SAP!).

Following these moves, we have some questions:

Is there any risk (other than the data transfer flow for
address) in doing this?

Are there any standard transaction/functions to carry this

out en masse?

Is it ok to do this (inherited to individual) using SCAT script


Are there any other problems that maybe caused by this?

How do we do “direct database update for the origin indicator

(superior or individually maintained”?

I don’t see a major problem in theory.

In practice it may be a little tricky since you need to determine

the correct address for each FLoc/Equip.

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We did something similar a number of years back via ABAP

program and it worked OK. From memory we did it via
direct database update for the origin indicator (superior or
individually maintained), then a function module to add the
addresses to the technical object.

For the rest of your concerns, talk and coordinate with your
ABAP team. They will know how to handle those.

With regards the last question, the fields are located in table

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Superior order and sub order

I want to use the sub-orders. However, I have a few doubts
and would like to clarify some issues before I begin:

1) After the settlement of Sub order to Superior order, will

I see the actual cost of Sub order in main work order?

2) Where can we find the list of sub order for one Superior
order with all values and order numbers?

Yes, there is a specific cost report in the order (Extras-
>Suborders->Cost overview).

The TCode IW38 uses the Leading order and the Superior
order fields.

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Structural display
I have the equipment and sub equipment.
My equipment is installed in functional location and the sub-
equipment installed in equipment.

When I go to t.code IH01 I am not able to see the sub-

equipment in that structural display.

What is the transaction to view all f/l, equipment and sub-


I have checked all boxes (Location hierarchy, Equipment

Installed, Equipment Hierarchy, Expand Assembly, and Valid
date is current date.). However, it is still showing F/L only.

I am using 4.7 version.

Go into the FLoc (IL02) and display the structure list (button
at top of the screen). Check if your equipment hierarchy is

If not, go to the equipment and check the details on the

Structure tab. Also display the structure list.

If both of the above don’t work, then it would appear to be a

bug - check OSS using IH01 as search criteria.

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IP19 scheduling overview (Gantt chart)

I want to save the scheduling overview Gantt chart in excel

How can this be accomplished?

The answer is to copy IP19 to your own program and add the
required functionality.

This is a specialized area in which you need to know SAP’s

own programming language (called ABAP).

You should have a Development/Basis team somewhere

within your project/company - ask them for a more detailed

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Message C7 057 No valid capacity for finite

The following message was received when trying to confirm
an order:

“Work center has finite scheduling ticked”.

The same Work center could confirm other orders. This is the
first confirmation for the work center in question. Meanwhile,
other confirmation exists for other work centers.

Check to see if you have confirmed too much time for the
same date with this work center.

If you are interested in finite capacity check, you can visit

the site:

There are some examples that show how a custom finite

capacity check with sap screen examples works.

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Equipment installation at F/L

What is the purpose of “Position” field for equipment
installation at functional location?

Can I give serial numbers like 1, 2, 3 ... for that or any other
exact specification?

On the definition of ‘Position’, ‘Position’ is when you install
any equipment to give the analysis you need regarding a
particular field. It is not mandatory but it all depends on your
company structure or how you define the function location.

By default, the SAP system sort in the hierarchy, the pieces of

equipment by alphanumerical order. If you use the position
field, your equipment will be sorted by the value of this

An example may be a pump-bay with four pumps:

The pump-bay may be represented in SAP as a single

Functional Location. The four pumps would then be four
Equipment masters.

The positions of the pumps (equipment) in the pump-bay

(Field Location) could be 1, 2, 3 and 4.

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Availability Control for Cost Center

The requirement is that the client wants to control the Budget
at Cost Center level.

Budget is maintained for Cost Centers using the TCode KPZ2

for the Fiscal year month wise. At the time of posting Goods
Issue or Time Confirmation or Service Entry Sheet for the
Maintenance Order, if the amount exceeds the Budget, the
system should give message.

For Order and Project, availability control is there by default

in SAP.

Could you please give some input on budget control at Cost


I think the control can be established when requesting for
the resources.

Example: raising a PR, after the release of a PR, and goods


The scenario is for Expenses Budget for the Cost Center.

The Engineering Department gives Expenses Budget (Includes

Manpower cost, Spares, External Services) for the fiscal year
with a monthly break up.

Using the TCode KPZ2, the Budget values will be maintained.

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Let us take an example Budget for January 2006 for the Cost
Center Engineering Department is $500,000. At the time of
posting transactions like Goods Issue, Service Entry Sheet
or Time Confirmation, if the total expenses for the month
of January exceeds the Budget value $500,000, the system
should give the message.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Billing Plan
When creating the billing document from the repair request
the billing date is taking the repair request create date. How
do I appoint the billing date as the current date?

Have a look in the header of the ‘repair order’. There, you
should find the billing date.

Typically, this is used by the billing due list (TCode VF04) to

determine when to invoice the customer.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Multiple counter plans with hierarchy

We’re currently running strategy-based PM plans that contain
different visits. Example: Every 2000 machine hours we do
a small visit, every 4000 machine hours a larger visit and so
on. We have set this up with hierarchies, meaning that at e.g.
4000 machine hours, only the large visit takes place, and the
small visit is suppressed.

This works fine, but we want to extend this to both counter

and time based. Example: a large visit every 4000 machine
hours, or every year, whichever is reached first. From what
I’ve seen, we cannot use priorities in multiple counter plans.
Is this correct?

There was an enhancement with 4.7 - you’re supposed to

be able to use 2 cycle sets in the plan. I tested it using my
first cycle set of every 5,000 miles or 6 months (whichever
came first) and my second cycle set at every 40,000 miles
or 24 months (whichever came first). The first cycle set was
triggering correctly, however the second cycle set doesn’t
trigger correctly based on the counter. Time wise it was
working. I did an OSS note but got no where. They were
basically telling me it worked just fine based on time.

How do I use the enhancement and get the second cycle to

trigger correctly based on a counter?

You can’t use the package and hierarchy concept in multi-
counter plans. But I remember vaguely that something was

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foreseen in 4.7 extension set 200.

There are some alternative avenues you might want to


Investigate user-exit IPRM0002 (Determine planned date

info for maintenance plan).

Alternatively, you could stick with your strategy-based

maintenance plans and develop an ABAP program to give
you the required functionality.

It could work something like this:

1. Run batch program before your IP30 run (date monitoring


2. Program determines if the time-period is exceeded (e.g.

1 year);

3. If exceeded, manually call the next maintenance visit;

4. Run IP30 as usual;

If you decide to go down this route, make sure you test it


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SAP PM Interview Questions


Requirement date for components

Can anyone tell me if it’s possible to have different
requirements dates for materials on the component list of a
work order.

We have a number of components that are required on

different days.

I tried using the off-set, but with no luck.

It appears that the requirement date is the same as the basic

start date; can this be changed for each component?

You can check the ‘scheduling parameters’ in customizing.
You need an option with ‘operation dates’ in stead of ‘order

The standard setting for PM and CS orders is forward


The planned-dates for components therefore take the start-

date of the operation (not order header) as the starting point
for the calculation. Days are added/subtracted from various
dates in the order and material master to determine the
estimated delivery dates.

This is performed for each individual material/component.

Take note that each component can have a different offset.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Refurbishment of parts
Here is the scenario with my client:

1) My client buys bulk scrap by weight (Lbs/Kgs).He does

not know at the time of receipt what parts come with the

2) When there is a requirement for refurbishing the parts

they create a Work order and issue the scrap in weight
(e.g. 100 lbs of some 1000lbs of scrap in inventory) to
the Work Order. Add labor and other parts and make a
refurbished part. Their labor codes are service materials
of type DIEN. My client also uses split valuation. My
client also sends out parts for third party refurbishment
if they can not be done in-house.

3) My client also wants to capture the actual cost of

refurbishing each part (Cost of labor and materials)
since these will be sold at actual cost of Refurbishment
+ Margin. Note that this may be different for two similar
parts so I can not settle this to Material. The client uses
valuation at std cost.(No MAP)

I need help on whether I need to use the PM refurbishment

order or do I use the service order. What is the repair order
scenario for this? Can you explain the steps in this process?

How do I capture the actual refurbishment costs on the sales


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I think you will need to use the repair order option. This
will allow you to return the item(s) into stock (maybe
special Stock Location), and then decide if a service order
is required.

However, you will not be able to use DIEN materials in the

service order for labor costs/codes.

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Authorization and order type

We must create an activity group which allows users to
create, change and display certain order types. Also we must
add authorization for another order type for these users, but
they should only be able to display these orders. Our release
is 46B. We don’t have user-exit IWO10033.

This can be done in 4.6 with PFCG. But if you’re in 46B, the
only thing I can think of is putting some validation in the
customer exit of the work order and save. I agree it’s a bit
late in the process, but it’s better than nothing.

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Maintenance Plan
We have created one Plan area wise / Section wise
Machineries, at header level given one Equipment & others
attached in the Object list.

The system is generating order for header Equipment &

history also on the same list.

Is it possible we can see or maintain history for all equipment

which are attached in the object list?

Can the system generate a different order for each of the


Is there any other solution to maintain the history for all

these equipment by a single Plan?

The system will create a call-object (order, notification, etc)
for each maintenance item in the maintenance plan. It does
not create a call-object for items in the object list.

Therefore, to answer your question, create additional

maintenance items in the maintenance plan and link each to

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Document flow in the Maintenance order

I combine several notifications to one Maintenance order
using tcode ‘IW32’, and when I display document flow in
the Maintenance order, I find that it only can show one pm
notification, and it can’t display other notifications.

Can anyone tell me how to display the other notifications in

the document flow of the Maintenance order?

The other notifications can be found on the ‘object list’ tab.

Once in IW32, just click on the tab page with the label

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Measuring Points
We have created a Measuring Point for the Measurement
of the Vibration of Machine & the given Target Value of
Vibration. Is it possible if the vibration level is more than the
targeted value and then automatically “Notification” will be
generated by the system?

Search for the ‘condition based maintenance’ on data within
the system. It will provide you the necessary processes
involved and verification of data you have queried.

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Released Schedule
Does anyone know how I can be able to identify when a work
order is released? I only found the date when the order was
released, but I can’t find anything on what time of the day the
order was released.

What table can this be checked with?

Where in the transaction can this be located?

Is there any function or further steps with which this can be

identified (function module, bapi, etc)?

Have a look in the action or changes log within the order.

Go to the status screen and select the REL status. Use the
menu path Extras >Change documents > For status. This
will show date, time, and user.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Warranty Costs
There is one query for warranty costs. What we are doing
is using the accounting indicator to show goods that are
under warranty. When we do the billing it takes zero value as
accounting indicator has -100% in condition records.

Now after billing the value categories in the service order is

showing the warranty costs as the negative of revenue. Is it
correct or accurate?

I will explain with an example:

The cost of a good is Rs 20(ek01) but the sales price is Rs 100

(PR00). When it is under warranty it is showing -100 as the
warranty costs instead of 20 because we have assigned the
sales price to KBM1 condition type(-100%) to cancel it. Is it
the right way?

It is showing warranty costs as Rs 100 in the value category.

How can I show the actual costs as warranty costs?

How can I show the cost in the warranty value category?

Right now my warranty costs are showing Rs 100. Should it

show Rs 100 or Rs 10 as warranty costs?

This is the standard way to use the accounting indicator: that
the costs will not change.

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An alternative is to settle the costs from the service order to

a special account for warranty.

Change your pricing procedure to ignore EK01.

This could be achieved in many ways e.g. make the line

statistical only, use ABAP, etc.

Talk to your local SD team, they should be able to advise.

EK01 represents the cost of the item to your company.

PR00 represents the sales price (revenue) to the customer.

In your case the revenue is zero (PR00) but it still cost your
company money to perform the service (EK01).

Here is an example of the standard pricing procedure


EK01: 100EUR
PR00: 500EUR
Total: 500EUR

Now add 100% discount

EK01: 100EUR
PR00: 500EUR
KBM1: -100%
Total: 100EUR

If you want the total to be zero, then you will need to change
your pricing procedure.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Storage Location in PM
We have a problem here. Our design is, the delivery address
in the Purchase Order is deriving from the Storage location.
So, when creating the request from work order, we enter the
material master (if it is stock item) as well as the storage
location, vendor details, etc, under the Component tab.
Then, the storage location will be defaulted into PR, then
PO. Hence, the delivery address is there.

But in service, I can’t enter any Storage Location. Is there a

solution for this?

If I create the service in PM (via IW31), is there a way for me

to enter the Storage Location?

Storage locations are only used when issuing/receiving stock
into the warehouse.

I think the delivery address can only be entered for non-

stock materials. This makes sense since you are delivering a
physical object to a particular location.

Services are not stock/non-stock items and I suspect you

cannot enter a SLoc or delivery address.

You could try user-exits/batch program which allocates the

address dependent upon some information from the order.

Have a look at the services user-exits via TCode SMOD and

search criteria SRV*.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Determine task processor automatically at

Is it possible to determine header tasks automatically at
Save without selecting the Save + Determine tasks button?
The users only want to click the Save button and trigger the
Save + Determine tasks. How do I program this?

It is possible if there is an IMG setting for automatic task
determination on save.

Another to do this via one of the following user-exits:

QQMA0014: Checks before saving a notification;

ICSV0002: Automatic task determination for service


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SAP PM Interview Questions


Inspection points in the task list

There is an inspection point facility in the task list where
we can put qualitative and quantitative values for inspection.
Once we call the task list in the work order the operation
details comes in the work order but the details of inspection
points are not displayed in the work order neither I find any
facility to view the inspection points details. I think we need
to use inspection points for inspection type of work order.

In my case inspection lot is not created automatically,

rather, it has to be created manually. My scenario is that
during schedule inspection inspectors are going to inspect a
particular area in which they have to check many inspection
points both quantitative and qualitative. In this case we are
creating a task list in which we define all the inspection
points with target values. Once we call the task list in the
maintenance plan and run it, work order is created but the
information of inspection point is not indicated in the work
order and neither will the inspection lot be created.

I am using inspection point 300 for equipment and maintaining

inspection points in the task list. However, once I carry out
scheduling, run work order is created but no inspection lot
is created. How do I create an inspection lot automatically
from the scheduling run?

When you are creating the MIC by QS21, at that time u have
to define the particular characteristics as Qualitative or

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If you want to see the inspection characteristics in work

order you have to check the inspection lot. There you will
get all the information about characteristics and range that
you defined in the task list.

I am not 100% sure, but the inspection point concept is

extensively used in production processes and specifically in
the repetitive manufacturing. In the case of PM, by selecting
equipment as the inspection point (300) you can continue to
put the equipment number and do result in recording.

In the IMG ‘Assign Inspection Types to Maintenance/Service

Order Types’, check whether the Inspection type 14 is set
for your plant and order type (which you are using in your
‘inspection’ plans).

Just check you inspection plan status, once it is released.

The inspection lot should generate when the maintenance

order is released.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


TECO Order
I have some issues pertaining to Work order.

The users technically complete the work orders and settle

it. However, they come back after a few days and cancel the
technical completion and post against the work order. This
must be a posting a problem as it is not posting to the correct
cost center.

I have two questions about this:

1. Is there a setting such that once an Order is TECO, work

completion cannot be cancelled?

2. How can I stop a user from posting anything in TECO


Answers are given in the order they were asked:

1. Authorization object I_VORG_ORD is checked through:



Where BETRVORG equals ‘BUTA’;

But, also in TECO, people can consume (unplanned) materials

or confirm work hours; you might want to double check if

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SAP PM Interview Questions

blocking the un-TECO would resolve your problem.

There is an alternative solution:

Utilize a user-exit to pop-up a warning/error message when

creating a confirmation document.

Have a look at TCode SMOD with a search criteria


It’s just an alternative option to investigate. The first solution

was better but it wouldn’t work for goods movements via
IW41, but not for POs, SES, etc.

User-statuses could also cause problems e.g.

- PR created in REL status
- PO created in REL status
- Order TECO’ed and user-status blocks goods movements;
- Now try to GR the PO - you will now get a status error.

At some level you need to control processes via training/

education etc.

2. You can do this by using a user profile, in which a status is

activated automatically by the TECO business process.

To this user status, you can block ‘actual postings’;

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Table for Activity Planned Costs

Can someone tell me the tables in CO for actual costs by
activity type?

You can try COEP, COSP, COSS, COST, and BSEG.

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How to add new TCode to table T365

I want to add a new Z transaction that will be used only for
the creation of a special notification type. The problem is, I
can not configure a default value for a transaction that does
not exist on table T365.

The version we use is 4.6C

I tried via SM30 but it is a repair function.

How can I maintain the table?

You can try TCode SM30 or SE11 instead.

Try entering T365 in SM30 and then pressing the

customizing button (or similar).

This should bring up a list of IMG elements where T365 can

be configured.

Go to SE16> give table name T365>there is a create button,

Put your Tcode & program name;

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Change estimated costs on a CS order

I have read from previous posts that it is not possible in
standard SAP to change the estimated costs for released
service orders.

Has there been a system modification implemented to change

this and make it possible? What do you have to change to
enable the user exit?

You cannot change the estimated costs once the order is

But I believe that it is possible via a “direct database update”.

Coordinate the task with your ABAP team as they are in a
position to help.

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Linking maintenance plan category to

number range
I have created an external number range for maintenance
plans, and a maintenance plan category for maintenance
orders. In SPRO I can add an external range number, but
when I tried to save, the value isn’t saved.

Is there another way of linking these two functions?

If there have been any warning or error messages displayed,
please include message number e.g. AB 055.

In IP20, select the relevant unassigned MPC (little button),

select the relevant number range and press the big button
to assign.

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Table and field for notification status

Which are the exact SAP table and field for SAP PM
Notification status?

The easiest way is to use function module STATUS_TEXT_

You can find the PM/CS tables here.

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Notification mail
I have one issue with my client. The Production people will
create the Notification. With reference to that Notification
Maintenance people will create the Maintenance order.

My requirement is:

When ever they create Notification the Maintenance people

should receive an automatically generated email.

1) Is it possible to generate email to a particular user in


2) Is it possible to generate email to a particular user in

Outlook express?

There are several options for emailing in SAP. Here are

1. Use standard Workflow functions to send email to SAP


2. Synchronize your SAP inbox with Outlook/Lotus Notes


3. Use custom developments to send emails (user-exits,

BADIs, etc).

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SAP PM Interview Questions


DIP Profile
I have just set-up a repair order in which this repair order
creates a service order to record repair activities. The
RRB profile is located on the repair order. When the goods
movement is done on a service order, it will basically capture
the actual cost.

Now when it comes to billing, I will need to execute dp90 on

the repair order. Unfortunately the systems give me an error

‘No expenditure item found’.

However, there are expenditure items found on the service


How can this be resolved?

Do the following to correct the situation:

Make sure that you run DP90 with the sales order number
and not the service order. Go back to the service order and
check if there are actual costs involved.

Check your DIP Profile; specifically the sources section to

ensure that you are not filtering out any dynamic items.

Check the planned/actual report (button) in the Cost tab;

check that a quantity is displayed.

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Automatic release of PM order creating

from notification
Can we do the automatic release of the maintenance order
when we create the order from maintenance notification? I
had set the automatic relay in customizing for the order.

But when I create the order from notification, the system

does not set the status relay for the maintenance order. How
can I fix this?

You can read the help-text in the IMG for that field. It explains
in detail the processes for which this functionality applies.

Initially, you can investigate user-exit IWO10009 (at save).

Then, you should still be able to utilize IWO10009 to check

if a notification has been assigned (possibly via the program

You should also get your ABAP team to get involved and
check the problem.

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Tables storing the priorities, notification

I need for the tables to be able to provide the priority
configuration. A table that store notification types and a
table that stores the work order types.

Where do I find the configuration function for this?

Check in the PM/CS links. There you’ll find an entry to PM

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Business Area
Does anyone know how a Business Area defaults into the Add
Data Tab page on a Work Order (even though the Business
Area field is hidden in configuration)?

Go to iw32> Extras-->Settings -->Default values -in General;
There you can set the business area, planning plant, and
profit center etc.

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PP-PM integration
We have a requirement at our client place.

At the time of production confirmation using transaction code

C011, the system has to cumulate the confirmed production
quantities. When it reaches a certain quantity (Ex: 100 tons),
the system should generate the maintenance order in Plant

Is there any possibility for configuration in SAP for the above-

mentioned query?

What is the appropriate formula or configuration step?

Should we create the equipment as PRT equipment

(Equipment category as PRT)?

There is an integration of PP-PM in case of PRTs, wherein
you can create measuring documents for usage of PRT when
you do confirmation using CO11. This will in turn create the
maintenance order as PRT.

You can use the equipment for which you need to create the
maintenance order as PRT in the routing of PP and for the
PRT you have to put in the formula for calculating its usage.

When you do the confirmation for the produced material

the formula will update the usage of PRT which will in turn
create a measuring document.

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Try to do the above.

Or you can try creating that equipment as PRT. The formulas

are on the same line as the formulae that you create for work

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Priority types in order

I have configured the priority types for order PM and was
able to assign on each order types. But the priority types
are not working (activated). However, in notifications, the
priority types are working correctly.

How do I correct this error and provide some consistency on

the processes involved?

If you get a warning or error message give the message
number e.g. AB 055.

The work order priorities are not influencing the basic dates,
unless you enter the priority on the very first screen.

There is however a customer exits available to implement

the same behavior as in the notification.

Check the IW* customer exits to confirm functionality.

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Additional data in equipment master

I would like to activate the user fields in Equipment Master
but unable to do it. I only managed to activate the additional
data TAB. The new TAB is blank. Example: ‘no field is

How can I fulfill this requirement?

You should considered classification.

Alternatively, investigate user-exit ITOB0001 (sub screen for

technical. object master data) via TCode SMOD.

Or BADIs EQUI_SCR_* (via TCode SE18);

You may also try searching SAPFans using ITOB0001.

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Maintenance order not generating in

counter based planning
I am facing a problem in the maintenance schedule plan.

1. Strategy plan

A maintenance plan is scheduled for every 100 hrs, where the

maintenance order should generate for every 100 hrs. However,
I am facing problem whenever the measuring document has
completed more than 100 hrs. reading, because the maintenance
order is not created. Below are the steps I have taken:

-Created measuring point with annual estimate 3650;
-Measuring document created for more than 100 hrs;
-Scheduling period is for 90 days;

2. Multiple counter plan with OR condition i.e. 300hr or


In multiple counter plans, I also did a schedule but when

the measuring document created more than 300 km, I am
not getting the maintenance order. Below should be the
indicative factors:

- Characteristic---Hours;
- Created measuring point with annual estimate 3650;
- Measuring document created for 200 hrs;
- Characteristic---Kilo meters;
- Created measuring point with annual estimate 3650;
- Measuring document created for more than 300 km.;

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I did all scheduling through IP10.

How do I correct the problem?

You need to re-schedule the maintenance plan(s) after each
measurement document is entered.

This is usually achieved via TCode IP30 which is set to run

periodically (batch).

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Batch job for Automatic settlement of

Maintenance Orders
I have to schedule a Batch job on a daily basis for the
settlement of Maintenance Orders.

I have chosen transaction KO8G and defined a variant inside

it. The variant defined have selection parameters mentioned
below - Controlling are/Company Code/Order type [Range]/

Status is checked like CRTD/REL/TECO/COMP.

However, the problem is in the transaction KO8G - there is

only one entry field for settlement period. I can only give one
period. For example, say (1). However, when the same job
would run in the next period, say (2), how do I get this to
change to (2)?

Furthermore, as I understand it, I have to mention a “Status

Selection Profile” in the variant with “REL” or “TECO” in
the customizing of Selection Profiles in order to further
define that only Orders with these system statuses should
be chosen.

Also, in the transaction there is a field called Settlement

Period and fiscal Year. Do I have to change this field manually
for each batch job? If so, this means that I can’t run this on
daily basis.

How do I schedule all of these as a background job?

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In the definition of the variant, you can specify fields from
table TVARV. One of those is ‘current period’. ‘Current year’
is also available.

Each time the program with the variant is run, the ‘actual’
values of TVARV are determined.

Of course, the value of ‘current period’ must be updated each


One comment though: It doesn’t make sense to settle the

CRTD orders.

There is also no need for CLSD or a status selection profile.

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Goods Issues to Service Orders across

Company Codes
I have segregated several questions according to the
relevance of their topics:

Question A:

Is it possible to issue stock direct to a Service Order within a

different company code?

What specifics would need to be set to ensure that the

finances post correctly?

Are there any specific business considerations that need to

be taken into account for this process to work?

Question B:

I am assuming that the next stage would be for CC2 to create

a billing document and CC1 to enter the invoice for payment
on to the system?

Can all of this be avoided to bring the whole process into

some back ground financial transactions to get the costs
straight onto the Service Order?

Where can I get a copy of the MB1A 261 movement issues

CC2 stock to the CC1 Service Order?

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Answers were given as they were grouped:

Answer A: Yes it is possible.

You need to talk to your MM team about this.

If you are interested in implementing it yourself, the basic

process is as follows:

1. Create PM/CS order with non-stock materials (CC1)

2. Order creates a PR (CC1)
3. Create a PO from the PR and assign inter-company-
vendor for CC2
4. Create Delivery document (CC2)
5. Goods issue from delivery document (CC2)
6. Goods receipt for PO (CC1)
7. Create billing document (type IV) from CC2 to CC1

Answer B:

Yes, there is an inter-company billing document (type IV)

created from CC2 to CC1.

All processes can be amended accordingly as required.

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Table that contains both measuring point

and equipment
Can you tell me which table contains both a measuring point
and equipment number, and a measuring point and functional

The purpose in finding one is to find a corresponding

equipment or function location for a given measuring point.

In EQUI (equipment master table) the values for the field

IMRC_POINT is blank corresponding to equipment number
which is having a measuring point.

Given the above data, how do I find this table?

Try the following:



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Report connects between maintenance plan

and its task list
Is there a report that can show me a maintenance plan and
all its task lists?

You need a list-edit report for maintenance items. Look for

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The Authorization Object WERKS in IA25

When deleting a Task List in IA25, only I_ROUT object is
being checked for the Field ACTVT to be with values 24 &

This means that the person from Plant 1 can delete Task
Lists from Plant 2.

Therefore, the Authorization Object WERKS is not checked!

How do I correct this?

See if there is an authorization object for IWERK (planning
plant). From there, do the revisions as needed to comply
with your requirement.

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Creating Person responsible and

Department responsible
How do I create a person responsible and department
responsible which are related to NOTIFICATIONS T-CODE

A Person responsible (employee no./personnel no.) and
Department are to be created as HR master records.

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Costing variant for PM orders

I intend to use the standard Costing Variant for PM Orders.

What are the Standard costing variants used for PM Orders?

If I use the standard costing variant, is it necessary to assign

a costing type and valuation variant to it?

The standard planned/actual costing variants are both set to

Your FI/CO team may need to adjust the costing type and
valuation variant etc.

Either way, coordinate with your FI/CO team about these


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Final configuration
What is the difference between Baseline configuration and
Final configuration?

It depends on the implementation methodology you are
using (e.g. ASAP).

Typically speaking, baseline configuration is a basic set-up to

demonstrate processes to the business.

The final configuration would then be the final design ready

for go-live.

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PM02 work order

I am reviewing the requirements for PM reporting and one
of the requests is to change the SAP system configuration
to not allow manual PM02 type work orders through the
following transactions: IH01, IW31, IW24, IW25, IW26 and
ZIW26. An added requirement is to display a hard error if a
client tries to create a PM02 work order through one of these

Can anyone please let me know how to approach and

accomplish this requirement?

You can try using Authorizations on the TCode and Order

This is absolutely possible by restricting authorizations by

PM order type.

Do it through the authorization objects: I_AUART and I_


Lastly, check and coordinate with your authorization


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About the release of the Maintenance order

When I have already released one maintenance order and
want to retract the order, how do I go about canceling the

You cannot reverse the REL status back to CRTD status.

Standard status flow: CRTD->REL->TECO->CLSD;

However, you can cancel both the TECO and CLSD


You can also postpone an order through:

Go to “Order-->Functions-->Complete-->Cancel TECO or
Cancel Business Completion;

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POPUP Screen
I have a requirement from the client to popup the history of
the equipment at the time of creating service notification of
the same equipment.

Is this possible? If so, how do I go about it?

Yes, it is possible. Activate the object information & give the
time for which you need the history pop ups.

There is also a user-exit to support the standard object

information functionality (see ICSV0004: Check PM object
and display object information).

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Settlement of Maintenance Order

If settlement will not run for Maintenance Orders, what is
the repercussion?

How will this affect business?

You may have several effects:

1. You may not be able to close the orders (CLSD);

2. You may not post the costs in the correct period;

3. In CS, contract profitability may be distorted;

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Auto creation of Equipment master from

1. I would like to know whether there is a possibility to
automatically create an equipment master from an asset
created due to GI of material from inventory. If yes, how
can this be accomplished?

I’m currently using serial with no functionality.

2. How can I create an asset master from equipment master


Responses are given according to the number they were

1. You cannot use a serial number and asset accounting

together. But it is possible to create an equipment master
automatically from an asset (or vice versa). Check the IMG
nodes under Financial Accounting > Asset Accounting >
Master Data > Automatic Creation of Equipment Master

Have a quick look on OSS and perform the following:

-Goods issue creates serial number;

--Serial number creates equipment;
---Equipment creates asset master;

However I suspect the reverse is not possible (automatically).

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2. Its set-up is somewhere in the Asset Accounting IMG.

Talk to your FI/CO team about this activity.

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Exit to check and change data on save in

Service order
1. I need to check and change some data while saving
the service order (for example based on planner group
we want to change the material supply plant in the
components screen - IW31&IW32).

Are there any preferred exits for this?

2. I tried these 2 exits and I am able to validate & display a

message but the client requirement is to change the data.
Are there any BADI for this?

Answers are given according to the number they were

1. I don’t think there is a user-exit to change the data on


Instead, you could validate the data and issue a message by

using one of the following user-exits:

IWO10009: Check for ‘Save’ Event;

PPCO0001: Application development: PP orders;

2. You can view BADIs via TCode SE18.

Try conducting a search using ALM* or IW*.

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You can also check out Customer exit CNEX0027 (EXIT_

SAPLCOMK_007) Customer Enhancement: Plant and Storage
Location Determination.

The documentation states:

‘’ You can use this customer exit to perform a plant or location

determination for a component.

The system processes the function module when a bill of

material or a task list is included, as well as when components
are entered manually in the component list.

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Changing the Planning Plant in task list

If I want to change the Planning Plant for the task list, how
should I proceed?

It cannot be actually be changed, but you can modify
a particular Equipment in IE02 -> in Organization ->
Responsibility -> Planning Plant.

You can also change IP05 in the Planning Data.

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Number range for PM orders

I am facing a problem regarding the number range in PM
orders in customizing.

I had given a common number range to all the PM orders that

is 9000000 to 9999999. However, when we started to create
PM01 it starts with 9000000 and goes up to 9000003 for the 4
orders. After this, we started to create PM02 and the systems
start the number from 9000020. Hence, we lost the remaining
number range from 9000004 to 9000019.

In current number range it is also showing 9000039. It is

taking a batch of 20 for the orders.

Why is this happening?

How can I correct the situation?

This sounds like a buffering problem.

You can try searching OSS. It could also be something to do

with the application servers allocating a certain amount of

Ask and Coordinate with your Basis team.

An alternative approach would be:

During the configuration, define the number range like it is

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configured below - for example:

PM01 1xxxxxxx to 1xxxxxxx

PM02 2xxxxxxx to 3xxxxxxx
PM03 4xxxxxxx to 4xxxxxxx

Hence, it will show the different number for PM01 and then
For PM02.

If you still get this skipping range problem for the same type,
then you really have to inform your BASIS team.

Here’s a 2nd alternative answer:

The ‘skipping’ of nos. is fairly common. Check out SAP

note 62077 to understand the phenomenon, the solution
(no buffering) & the problems if it is the buffering will be

Interaction steps:

Separate the number ranges for each order type. It will reduce
the buffering problems and give an immediate identifier of
the order type i.e. PM01 = 6000000, PM02 = 7000000 etc.

Different number ranges can then be used in many of the list-

edit reports such as IW38.

Remember that with number ranges, you do NOT to take up

all the available number range (e.g. 0 to 99999999999999999).
If you do, this will cause you problems in the future.

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Object information keys

I have assigned Object information keys (PM) to Maintenance
order, but I find that when I create order in the object
information section, the field of OrdsCrtd is not automatically

How can I fix this issue?

You need to save the order(s) before they are even registered.
This will fix your issue.

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Postponement of Order
Can we postpone all planned orders for a specified period
of time?

It means whenever the plant is under shutdown for 30 Days,

major work in that duration will not be generated.

You may use revisions for rescheduling the orders. I am not
aware of any method to “stop” the planned orders getting

Assuming that you are talking about orders generated from

maintenance plans, here’s what you can do to resolve the

1. Skip the relevant calls via TCode IP10.

2. Alternatively investigate user-exit IPRM0002 (Determine

planned date info for maintenance plan).

3. By ip02 you can lock the order and when you require the
service again, you can unlock the same.

To unlock, do the following:

1. Go to IP02---> maintenance plan----> function---->active


2. Check the schedule. You will find the schedule locked.

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Hence you will not get any order for your specified

Until you un-lock the plan, IP30 will then try to create the
back-logged orders.

Deactivating a maintenance plan is not the same as locking

an order.

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Four doubts in CS
I have been assigned an additional responsibility of handling
the CS module. Though I have undergone CS training at
the SAP academy, I have some basic doubts and would be
thankful if somebody can clarify them.

1. Construction type: How useful is this? Can I be given an

example of this for better understanding?

2. A group of machines is delivered at the customers site (for

each an equipment master is created). Now notifications
will be raised on a single Equipment number.

How can I see the defects in the notification reports

by selecting only one equipment number? For this, do
I have to use some other technical object for grouping
them together?

3. Can I have an alphanumerical serial numbers which I

will assign during the deliveries?

4. If the owners (customer) of the equipment changes how

do I update the equipment master with this change?

For the first question, you alone can determine this as you go
along the new functions assigned to you.

Answer to 2nd:

First of all you cannot group the equipment and raise the

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notification. Either you create a function location and install

the relative equipment under that and create a notification
against that function location. This will help you if done

Answer to 3rd: You can configure this to happen.

Answer to 4th:

Your master data of equipment is to be maintained as per

manufacturer name and not on customer name. Equipment
is installed at function location and that will come under a
maintenance plant and the company code. These are basic
things and rules you have to comply with.

Also, if that customer is defined as in the above hierarchy,

then you have to dismantle the equipment and transfer to the
relevant particular company code.

There is an alternative solution:

1. For the construction type:

This is used in two main ways; to assign a material BOM

which you can explode in the order to obtain maintenance
spares, and/or to denote the material required to replace
the whole equipment.

As a standard, you can only use the Material BOM

(construction type) in PM/CS orders and NOT in sales

2. Machine Groups: Use the list-edit reports.

There is no such field as machine groups. Common

methods are to be used in the customer (sold-to party)

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or functional location as grouping functions.

3. Investigate user-exit IQSM0001 (Automatic serial number


4. Customer Equipment:

Change the equipment manually. Or like many customers

do, write an ABAP program to update equipment after
delivery to customer.

Many clients prefer to use the Sold-to Party instead


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SAP PM Interview Questions


Equipment history update for Spare parts

I am not able to give the equipment no. in the spare part sales
order. This would update the history of equipment and the
client can track all the spare parts delivered or consumed
for the equipment.

Is it possible to give the equipment no. in sales order similar

to service and maintenance contract type?

Where can the equipment no. be given? Will this update the
equipment master history automatically?

I had tried this option earlier, only that the client was not
comfortable in executing one extra sales transaction. It looks
like there is no other option but to convince them on this.

Is there any other solution to this problem?

You have several options on how to approach this.

1. You can create a new sales document with type


2. You can also use serial numbers.

You can also raise an OSS Message to SAP asking them if its
possible to create a sales order via VA01 and still have the
technical object list.

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PM order with material cost

When I execute a PM work order with materials linked to it,
I am not able to get the planned cost / actual values of the
materials with the cost elements.

What is the appropriate setting that needs to be done in order

to capture the material costs with cost elements?

You can do the following:

1. Ensure your materials have a valuation class assigned.

2. Ensure your order has planned/actual costing variants

assigned (last tab).

3. Ensure your value categories are correct.

4. Check the costs via the planned/actual report button on

the Cost tab.

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Collective release
How can I release the collective Preventive maintenance

Try using TCode IW38 by entering your order type for
‘Preventive maintenance orders’.

Once in the list-display, select the relevant order and use


Order->Release order.

Alternatively, set the Release immediately flag in the order

type customizing (TCode OIOA).

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Flow path of maintenance order

What is the flow path of maintenance order?

I am not sure whether technical completion needs to be done

after settlement of order or before settlement (KO8G).

While running settlement of order, what type of orders

need to be selected out of in process, closed, technically
completed, and released types?

The standard procedure or flow is after TECO. You can then
go for settlement afterwards.

So do the Release, confirmation and then TECO.

Technically speaking, you can perform settlement in either

REL or TECO status.

Therefore it is up to your business or purpose to decide.

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Exits to validate item classification and

notification data
We need to validate standard notification fields and also the
data stored in the class characteristic field of notification at
item level for updating a user status in service notification.

Can u suggest a suitable exit for this?

You can investigate user-exit QQMA0014 (Checks before
saving a notification).

An alternative solution can be as follows:

Get the classification (or maybe status) information into a


You can also read the PROGRAM STACK in user-exits – and

then ask your ABAP team.

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Lube Routes
Can lube routes be created in SAP? I assume the best way is
with an object list in the maintenance item.

If there is a better way, what is the process involved?

There is an OSS Note to attach a measurement entry list to a
maintenance plan. You can refer from it for guidance.

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Starting IW28, with variant, from a desktop

Currently I can create the icon but it only kicks off the
transaction with the initial selection screen. I would like to
be able to attach a variant to the icon and have it execute
automatically so that the user would be presented with the
appropriate list.

Is there a way to apply a selection variant to a desktop item

created from the easy access menu?

Try saving the variant as U_XXXXXX where XXXXXX as
your user name.

Furthermore, if you add the display variant at the bottom

of the selection-screen, then you can choose which fields to

This works for most of the PM list edit reports.

I noticed that this functionality is now creeping into other

modules (MM and SD).

You can also add it to your own customer-specific ABAP

reports. Get your ABAP guys to debug the initialization
section of the program.

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Maintenance work center mandatory in PM-

At this moment the maintenance work center and planner
group are mandatory fields in a PM01-order.

In the customizing (define field selection) I could only search

for the planner group how this field is set mandatory for a
certain order-type. However I couldn’t find this setting for
the maintenance work center.

Is this set a mandatory field? If so, how can I influence this?

Check the influencing factors (button at the top of screen) in
the field selection.

The main work center in the work order header is always

mandatory, you can’t change it.

In the initial screen, when you create a work order, enter a

functional location which contains a work center. After this,
you will not have a problem filling up this field.

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Notification tabs are not showing

One time I copied the notification type M1 to create a
new notification type. However, the reference object tab
(equipment, functional location and assembly) is not showing
in the new notification.

What is the reason for this?

Ensure that you have tabs assigned to your notification type
in the IMG (Set Screen Templates for the Notification Type).

Also make sure that the checkbox called Tab is set for each
tab; this ensures that the tabs are displayed.

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Possibility to take over parameter after

object change
Is it somehow possible that after a change of reference object,
related data of the new reference object is automatically
transferred into the order (E.G. related maintenance work
center, planner group, settlement role etc)?

If I change the reference object, the system comes up with

message ‘IW501’.

“Object change ==> Order data might not be the same as

default values
Message no. IW501”

You changed the reference object of the maintenance order.
However, certain data in the maintenance order refers to the
original reference object.

The following data in particular is affected:

Settlement rule
Main work center
Assignment data of order header (for example, WBS element,
business area)
Partner data
The delivery address for external resources derived from the
reference object
System Response
The system does not change this default data automatically.

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Check whether the data of the maintenance order also applies
to the new reference object and if necessary, change it.

How do I go about resolving this issue?

Right-click with your mouse in the order, there should be an
option for updating reference object data. From there, you
may choose your options for resolving this.

Note: this option is usually not in the menu.

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Confirmation Data in Maintenance Plan

I don’t want to set the Indicator in Confirmation Requirement
at the time of maintenance plan creation.

What is the impact on Confirmation Data indicator in

maintenance plan category?

You can search for “Completion Requirement” procedures in
the manual.

Essentially it means that if the box is checked, then the

previous order (or other call object) must be TECOed before
the next order is created.

Or an alternative approach would be:

When you TECO an order there is a reference date popup box,

you will see two sets of dates/times (object and maintenance
plan). This occurs when the confirmation data checkbox is
set in the maintenance plan category. Otherwise there is only
one set of dates/times.

See the field description below:

Indicator: Separate completion of maintenance call date;

You can use this indicator to influence the maintenance
processing process. For example, you can prevent that every

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SAP PM Interview Questions

employee who can complete orders and notifications can

also influence the scheduling of maintenance plans through
the data.

With this indicator you can:

1. Activate a separate completion for the maintenance plan

for the completion of call object notification and order.

2. Activate a dialog for the completion of notifications and

orders using list processing.

3. Activate additional functionality for completing the call

objects notification and order using a BAdI.

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Use TCode ‘cv01n’ to upload one file to SAP

When I am using Tcode ‘cv01n’ to upload one file to sap and
I click ‘Check In’
button, it appears information ‘SAP archiving for document
type DOC maximum 0 bytes: file has 537,600 bytes’.

Can anyone tell me how to configure the maximum bytes?

The transaction CV01N creates an object in SAP. This object
is just a link with your document on your PC or on a server.

The transaction CV01N does not upload your file in SAP.

You can also check in transaction DC10 the value for ‘file

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Fleet Objects in 4.6c: TARE, GVM and GCM

We are currently putting together our design for fleet objects
in 4.6c and are looking at the use of the fields for vehicle
mass values.

Here are some acronyms:

Tare Weight: curb weight of the vehicle (including fuel and oils)
GVM: Gross Vehicle Mass
GCM: Gross Combined Mass (total mass of vehicle + mass of
towed vehicle - as specified by the manufacturer)

What we’ve come up with (on the <Fleet 1> tab is:
Weight field --> Tare
Total Weight --> GVM
Max Load Weight --> GCM

The only issue we see with this is in transactions ie36 and ie37
where the ‘Weight’ field is reported as the ‘Gross Weight’.

Are there any other issues that we should be aware of?

Are we better off using these fields in a different way? If so,

what are our options?

Here are two alternative options:

1. Use classification to include additional fields.

2. Utilize Enhancement ITOB0003 (Customer Include sub screen
for fleet object data) to add the field and functionality.

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SAP PM Interview Questions


Access Control ........................................................................26

Accounting Indicator .............................................................11
Activity Planned Costs ...........................................................71
actual costing variants .........................................................115
Automatic warranty ...............................................................39
Availability Control.................................................................50
Billing Plan ..............................................................................52
billing value line items ...........................................................27
BSEG ........................................................................................71
Business Area ..........................................................................80
Catalog profile .........................................................................19
CLSD ......................................................................................100
COEP ........................................................................................71
Collective release .................................................................116
condition based maintenance ...............................................61

- 129 -
SAP PM Interview Questions

Configurable materials ...........................................................42

Confirmation Requirement ..................................................125
Construction type .................................................................111
COSP ........................................................................................71
COSS ........................................................................................71
Cost Center ..............................................................................50
COST ........................................................................................71
Costing variant ........................................................................95
counter plans...........................................................................53
CS order ...................................................................................73
cycle set ...................................................................................31
Data origin change..................................................................43
Deletion Flag .............................................................................9
DIEN .........................................................................................57
DIP Profile ...............................................................................77
direct database update ...........................................................73
Document flow ........................................................................60
DP90 ..............................................................................1,2,13,77
DP91 .........................................................................................11
ECC5 ........................................................................................12
ECC6 ........................................................................................12
EK01 .........................................................................................64
Enhancement ............................................................................7
EQUI ....................................................................................29,37
equipment category ................................................................25
Equipment Classification .......................................................29
Equipment installation ...........................................................49
Equipment Master .............................................................26,84
EQUZ ........................................................................................44

- 130 -
SAP PM Interview Questions

External repair ........................................................................15

Final configuration .................................................................96
Functional Local Class ...........................................................28
functional location ............................................................10,36
Goods Issues ...........................................................................89
hierarchy ..................................................................................53
IAOL .........................................................................................37
IL02 ...........................................................................................46
IL04 .............................................................................................6
ILOA .........................................................................................44
IP02 .........................................................................................109
IP05 .........................................................................................105
IP10 .........................................................................................109
IP18 ...........................................................................................92
IP19 ...........................................................................................47
IP20 ...........................................................................................74
IP30 ....................................................................................54,110
item classification .................................................................118
KPZ2 .........................................................................................50
Lube Routes...........................................................................119
Maintenance Order ...................................................60,100,117
Maintenance Plan Category ...........................................74,125
Maintenance Plan ...................................................3,4,12,59,92
maintenance planning ............................................................31

- 131 -
SAP PM Interview Questions

Maintenance work ................................................................121

material cost ..........................................................................115
Measuring Point .................................................................30,61
No valid capacity ....................................................................48
non-billable ..............................................................................13
Notification mail .....................................................................76
notification status ...................................................................75
Notification ..............................................................................17
Number range ..................................................................74,106
Object information keys ......................................................108
OIOA .......................................................................................116
order type ................................................................................58
organizational data .................................................................35
Outlook express ......................................................................76
PFCG ........................................................................................58
Planning Plant .......................................................................105
PM order .................................................................18,21,78,115
PM&C .......................................................................................31
PM/CS .......................................................................................79
PM02 .........................................................................................97
POPUP .....................................................................................99
Postponement .......................................................................109
PP-PM integration...................................................................81
Priority types ...........................................................................83
QQMA0014 .............................................................................118
QS21 .........................................................................................67
Released Schedule ..................................................................62
Requirement date ...................................................................55

- 132 -
SAP PM Interview Questions

Revenue posting .....................................................................40

RMA order ...............................................................................24
scheduling overview...............................................................47
serial numbers.......................................................................111
Shift Factor ................................................................................4
SM03 .........................................................................................24
SM30 .........................................................................................72
SMOD .......................................................................................65
Spare parts.............................................................................114
SRV* .........................................................................................65
Storage Location .....................................................................65
Structural display ...................................................................46
sub order ..................................................................................45
Superior order .........................................................................45
SWO1 ........................................................................................29
T365 ..........................................................................................72
TARE ......................................................................................128
task processor .........................................................................66
TECO Order.............................................................................69
TECO ................................................................................4,7,117
user defined fields ...................................................................14
User Exi .....................................................................................7
User Status ..............................................................................12
user-exit .................................................................................118

- 133 -
SAP PM Interview Questions

valuation area ..........................................................................34

valuation class.......................................................................115
value categories ....................................................................115
variance maintenance plan....................................................20
Warranty Costs ........................................................................63
Warranty ..................................................................................22
warranty ...................................................................................41
WERKS .....................................................................................93

- 134 -
SAP PM Interview Questions

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SAP SD Interview Questions, Answers,

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SAP Security Essentials

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