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Nineteenth Edition 2012

Issued by: Shell Aviation Shell International Petroleum Co. Ltd. Shell Centre York Road London SE1 7NA

All rights reserved. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The companies in which Royal Dutch Shell plc directly and indirectly owns investments are separate entities. In this document the expressions Shell, Group and Shell Group are sometimes used for convenience where references are made to Group companies in general. Likewise, the words we, us and our are also used to refer to Group companies in general or those who work for them. These expressions are also used where there is no purpose in identifying specific companies. 2012 Shell International Petroleum Company Limited.


Shell companies manufacture, and distribute throughout the world a full range of aviation products required for the operation and maintenance of aircraft of all types. This range includes:Aviation Turbine Fuels Aviation Gasolines AeroShell Performance Additives AeroShell Turbine Engine Oils AeroShell Piston Engine Oils AeroShell Greases AeroShell Hydraulic Fluids AeroShell Fluids AeroShell Preservatives This manual contains information on the characteristics and specifications of these products and offers guidance on their application. The Specification information provided is correct as known at the time of going to press. Due to the fact that commercial and military specifications for aviation products are subject to frequent changes, it is advisable to consult the local Shell company, whose representative will also give advice on availability (not all grades are always available worldwide), prices and packaging and will be glad to answer any other queries. All reasonable care has been taken in the preparation of this publication; however, no responsibility can be accepted for the consequences of any inaccuracy which it may contain.


The notes contained in this section apply to the complete range of AeroShell products. Additional notes specific to each product group are given in the notes at the front of

each chapter. Notation

The brand names chosen for the range of AeroShell products comprise three parts: the name AeroShell followed by the words Turbine Oil, Fluid, Grease, etc. and finally a number and/or letters designating each product. The numbers do not always follow a sequence. In the case of turbine and piston engine oils the number relates to the oil viscosity; for greases, fluids and compounds the numbers merely differentiate between products and gaps occur in the sequence due to obsolescence. Consequently an up-to-date version of this book should always be used for reference purposes.

Under this heading the more important and known representative aviation uses have been named for each AeroShell Grade, and these are intended to serve as a general indicator of the type of application for which the grade is normally suitable. Further consultation with the component manufacturer is recommended in case of doubt. Whenever an aircraft is certified, all of the oils, greases and hydraulic fluids used on that aircraft are specified for each application point on the type certificate. The Type Certificate will specify, either by specification number or by specific brand names, those grades which are qualified to be used. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations state that only grades qualified for specific applications can be used in certified aircraft. Therefore it is the responsibility of the aircraft owner or designated representative to determine which grades should be used. Many AeroShell products are used in non-aviation applications especially where the operating requirements or properties are at the extreme for industrial lubricants (for example, high or low temperatures). Details are not included in this publication but further information is available from local Shell companies. In selecting an AeroShell Grade for a non-aviation application the properties of the grade must be examined. This will only give an approximate indication as to the expected performance in the specific application. However, such data must be regarded as guidance only. There is no laboratory test that can give a complete prediction of performance in the actual use, and the final stage in any

decision must involve performance tests in either the actual equipment or in the laboratory/test house under conditions expected in service.

The majority of AeroShell products are manufactured to comply with British or U.S. Government Specifications because these are acceptable to most aircraft manufacturers and airline operators. In certain cases where no suitable specification exists, Shell products have been developed to meet specific performance requirements. Many of the British and U.S. Government Specifications (as well as those of other NATO countries) are interchangeable, although the specifications are not identical. The words approved, meets, equivalent and corresponding have been used in the text to define the relationship between products and specifications; the precise meaning of these terms is as follows: Approved indicates that the product has been manufactured to meet the requirements of the specification, and against which it has been approved (where type approval is required). Meets indicates that the product complies with the requirements of the specification and, either type approval is being obtained, or because the specification is now obsolete, it is not possible to obtain type approval (where type approval is required). Equivalent indicates that the product complies with the major requirements of the specification but has not necessarily been manufactured to the specification. Corresponding indicates that the product has not been manufactured to meet the specification and that it is the nearest product available. The letters DEF, DEF STAN, DTD, DED, D.Eng.R.D., D.Eng.D, DERD, CS, TS and BS refer to British Specifications; MIL and DOD refer to American Specifications. As an aid to users, details of French and Russian Specifications are included but specifications of other countries are not included. Currently major changes are taking place to both U.S. and British Specifications. The U.S. authorities have decided to eliminate MIL specifications as they are currently known and replace them with performance specifications. These will be labelled MIL-PRF- followed by a number. Many MIL-PRF- specifications

have now been issued and others will follow until all current MIL specifications have been converted. The numeric part of the MIL-PRF- designation is the same as the numeric part of the MIL specification it replaces; however, the letter which denotes the Revision level has also changed. MIL specifications which are cancelled or obsolete will not be changed. A small number of MIL specifications have been converted to MIL-DTL- specifications, where DTL represents detail. For certain products, the U.S. authorities have decided to no longer maintain military specifications; in these cases, they have been converted to civil specifications by the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). Examples of these changes include: MIL-H-5606G became MIL-PRF-5606H MIL-L-23699E became MIL-PRF-23699F MIL-T-83133D became MIL-DTL-83133E MIL-G-4343C became SAE-AMS-G-4343 British specifications are being standardised on Defence Standards (commonly referred to as DEF STAN). The changeover is virtually complete and all current DERD, DTD, CS and TS specifications have now been converted to DEF STAN specifications; in doing so, the numeric part has also been changed. Obsolete or Cancelled British Specifications will not be changed. The British Ministry of Defence has also moved away from qualifying or approving products and no longer issues Qualified Products Lists (QPLs). Instead, the onus is put on the supplier under the new PCC (Product Conformity Certification) scheme to demonstrate that the product supplied is fit for purpose. Instead of QPLs, the Ministry of Defence now holds TAPLs (Technically Acceptable Products Lists).

Obsolete or cancelled specifications

Where specifications have been cancelled and superseded by another, the word Obsolete is shown after the specification. Even though the specification is obsolete, Shell may still manufacture the grade to meet the requirements of the obsolete specification and tests each batch of product against these requirements. In the majority of cases, test reports and product containers which normally include the specification number will also carry the annotation (Obs) or (Obsolete) after the specification.

Compatibility of Aeroshell grades with materials

Considerable care has to be exercised during selection of materials, including metals, paints, varnishes, insulation materials, plastics and elastomers, to ensure that they are compatible with the chosen lubricant whether it be an oil, fluid or grease. This is particularly important if the product has a synthetic oil component. Since compatibility also depends upon the operating environment, it is impossible for lubricant suppliers to be aware of all possibilities of use. Therefore, it is most important that material or equipment manufacturers are consulted regarding compatibility of oils, fluids and greases with specific materials. Most elastomer manufacturers produce comprehensive tables of compatibility of their elastomers with a large range of products and these tables should therefore be consulted. Where appropriate, more information on compatibility is given at the front of each product section in this book.

For many years aircraft operators have been seeking to rationalise the oils and greases used on aircraft and to reduce the number of different products in their inventories. It is possible to achieve this providing either the equipment manufacturers approval has been obtained or the alternatives have been listed in the relevant manuals. In some cases equipment manufacturers (e.g. Boeing) are taking steps to reduce the number of different grades required in support of their aircraft.

Use of alternative products

Apart from those products which are used for the same applications, but under different operating conditions, alternative grades should not be used as a substitute for grades which are not available.

Consumers are encouraged to obtain supplies of AeroShell products in the smallest packages commensurate with their use. Small packages which can

generally be used as dispensers reduce the risk of product contamination. With larger containers it is usually necessary to decant the contents into smaller containers or jugs which may not always be perfectly clean. In addition, there is a possibility of contamination occurring through the lid or cap being left off or not being replaced properly.

Every Shell company holds adequate stocks of those grades known to be in demand, based whenever possible on the offtake of the previous six months. For grades not in regular demand, special supply arrangements have usually to be made in advance.

Temperature and viscosity

All temperatures are quoted in Celsius. Whilst the more recent British and U.S. Specifications are now based on Celsius temperatures, the earlier specifications are still based on Fahrenheit temperatures. In such cases, whilst it is acceptable to use and quote temperatures in degrees Celsius, the Fahrenheit temperature remains the reference temperature. All viscosities are now shown as mm2/s, (millimetres squared per second) This unit is related to centiStokes as follows: 1 centiStoke (cSt) = 1 mm2/s

Substitutes for Russian aviation lubricants

A number of AeroShell substitutes for Russian Grades are available for use in aircraft of Russian origin. Full details of these are included in the Specification Section of this publication and where appropriate the Russian equivalent is shown on each grade page. Further information is available from local Shell companies.

Typical properties
Typical properties as reported in this publication are determined by averaging actual batch data provided by the manufacturing facilities over a period of time. This data is therefore typical but obviously cannot be guaranteed to be identical to the batches of products provided at any specific time. In some instances, this averaging involves more than one manufacturing facility when products are sup-

plied from a number of facilities. It must be emphasised that the data provided in this publication is presented only as a guide for the assistance of AeroShell product users.

Technical service
Shell provides a full technical service in support of its products and their performance. Two elements of this service are firstly highly qualified technical staff and secondly laboratories and product research/development facilities. The technical staff maintain contact with customer, engine and airframe manufacturers, and accessory equipment manufacturers. The laboratories and product research/development facilities of Shell Global Solutions provide laboratory services to assist in problem analysis and product development.

Further information and publications

Additional information, changes in approval status, changes in specifications, user experience and other useful data is available from local Shell companies. In addition, brochures and leaflets on particular topics are published from time to time. Copies of any brochure/leaflet are available from local Shell companies or online at


Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Shell Jet A-1 Jet A Jet B TS-1 No.3 JP-4 JP-5 JP-8

Shell JP-8 +100 Shell AeroJet


Shell Avgas 100 Shell Avgas 100LL

AeroShell Performance Additive 101


STRAIGHT OILS AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Oil Oil Oil Oil 65 80 100 120

ASHLESS DISPERSANT OILS AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil W80 W100 W120 W 15W-50 W80 Plus W100 Plus


AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 2 AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4


AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra

MINERAL AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP SYNTHETIC AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Turbine Oil Turbine Oil Turbine Oil Turbine Oil Turbine Oil Turbine Oil Ascender 308 390 500 555 560 750

AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease 5 6 7 14 15 22 33 58 64

AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid 4 31 41 51 61 71

AeroShell SSF and LGF

LUBRICATING OILS AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid 1 3 12 18

GEARBOX OILS AeroShell Fluid 5L-A AeroShell Fluid 5M-A AeroShell Fluid S.8350 CALIBRATING FLUIDS AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2 DE-ICING FLUIDS AeroShell Compound 06A AeroShell Compound 07 AVIONIC COOLING FLUIDS AeroShell Fluid 602

INTERNAL AeroShell Fluid 2F AeroShell Fluid 2XN EXTERNAL AeroShell Compound 05


AeroShell grades which have been discontinued since 1975 are listed below. Where available, U.S. and British specifications, a description of the grade and a suitable alternative AeroShell grade follow in that order. AeroShell Oil W65; J-1899; SAE Grade 30 ashless dispersant oil. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Oil Diesel: 10W-40; Replaced by AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra. AeroShell Turbine Oil 9; DEF STAN 91-97; A 9mm2/s mineral turbine oil. There is no suitable alternative AeroShell Grade. AeroShell Turbine Oil 9B; DEF STAN 91-97; A 9mm2/s mineral turbine oil with an EP agent. There is no suitable alternative AeroShell Grade. AeroShell Turbine Oil 529; MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD; Standard grade 5cSt turbine engine oil. AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 is a direct replacement. AeroShell Turbine Oil 530; MIL-PRF-23699F Grade C/I; Corrosion inhibited synthetic turbine engine oil. No AeroShell alternative. Shell Aviation Grease 7; MIL-G-23827B; DEF STAN 91-53; A general purpose synthetic grease. Acceptable alternative is AeroShell Grease 7, but the two grades should not be mixed. AeroShell Grease 8; DEF STAN91-54; A grease containing graphite. No direct replacement, although AeroShell Grease 17 may be suitable for some applications. AeroShell Grease 11MS; High load aircraft grease. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Grease 15A; MIL-G-25013E; DE STAN 91-55 (Obsolete); Replaced by AeroShell Grease 15. AeroShell Grease; 16 MIL-G-25760A (Obsolete); DTD.5579 (Obsolete); Depending on application, AeroShell Greases 22, 33 or 58 may be suitable. AeroShell Grease 17; MIL-G-21164D; Replaced by AeroShell Grease 64, but the two grades should not be mixed. AeroShell Grease 22A; MIL-G-81322; Replaced by AeroShell Grease 22C, which in turn was replaced by AeroShell Grease 22CF. AeroShell Grease 22C; MIL-G-81322; Replaced by AeroShell Grease 22CF. AeroShell Grease 22CF; MIL-PRF-81322G; Advanced general purpose grease. AeroShell Grease 22 is direct replacement. AeroShell Grease 23; MIL-G-81827A; High load capacity grease. Alternative grade was AeroShell Grease 23C.

AeroShell Grease 23C; MIL-G-81827A; Synthetic grease with molybdenum disulphide. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Grease 43C; SAE-AMS-G-4343; Pneumatic system grease. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Grease 33MS; MIL-G-21164D; Product re-named as AeroShell Grease 64 AeroShell Grease S.4768; DEF STAN 80-81; Anti-seize compound. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Grease S.7108; SAE-AMS-G-6032; DEF STAN 91-6; Gasoline and oil resistant grease. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Fluid 1AC; AAF.3580D; A special hydraulic fluid. No direct alternative although some equipment manufacturers have approved alternative grades. AeroShell Fluid 2T; MIL-C-6529C Type III; Corrosion preventive for turbine engines. AeroShell Fluid 2XN is the concentrate from which AeroShell Fluid 2T was made. AeroShell Fluid 7; MIL-H-6083; DTD.5540; A preservative mineral hydraulic fluid. Replaced by AeroShell Fluid 71. AeroShell Fluid 9; DEF STAN 91-40; A piston engine storage oil. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Fluid 10; -; DTD.791C; A wax thickened piston engine storage oil. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Fluid 14; DTD.445A; A cleaning fluid. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Fluid 61 Type II; MIL-H-46170B; Preservative synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic fluid dyed red. Alternative is AeroShell Fluid 61 Type I which is undyed. AeroShell Fluid 634; MIL-PRF-63460D; Cleaning, preserving and lubricating fluid. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Compound 01; A quick drying preservative fluid. In many cases, two coats of AeroShell Compound 02 can be used in place of Compound 01. AeroShell Compound 06; Denatured ethyl alcohol. No direct alternative, although AeroShell Compound 06A or AeroShell Compound 07 may be suitable for some applications. AeroShell Compound 08; SAE-AMS-2518A; DEF STAN 80-80; Graphited

anti-seize compound. No AeroShell alternative. AeroShell Compound 09; MIL-M-7866C; Molybdenum disulphide powder. There is no suitable AeroShell alternative. Shell Compound S.7632; MIL-A-8243D; De-icing fluid. Shell Aviation Fluid S.7229; A compressor wash fluid. No AeroShell alternative.

In many countries there has been increasing interest in health, safety and environmental issues arising from the handling and use of oil products. Of late, legislation in many countries has changed, or is changing, with the result that information quickly becomes either out of date or is insufficient for a particular area. All AeroShell components registered in U.S. and Europe and increasingly in other countries such as Japan, China, Australia, Korea Safety Data Sheets are available for all grades Storage and handling information available to operators Labelling standards Many countries now require Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to be prepared for individual products and for these documents to be readily available to the users of the product. Safety Data Sheets are available for all AeroShell grades and copies of these can be made available by local Shell companies. Where necessary, local Shell companies will ensure that any document they supply will comply with local legislation. If no local legislation exists then the data will be in accordance with the requirements of the European Community. These Safety Data Sheets contain information on: Composition/information on ingredients Hazard identification First Aid measures Fire Fighting measures

Accidental release measures Exposure control/personal protection Toxicological information Ecological information Disposal considerations Regulatory information These Safety Data Sheets are revised and re-issued whenever there is a change in the legal requirements and thus operators should always ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition. They can be accessed via the Internet at: msds/ or at: Safety Data Sheets are intended to act as a guide to users of Shell Aviation products and whilst the information is given in good faith, any remedial action must be the responsibility of the persons concerned and Shell cannot be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from any action taken.


Generally AeroShell products are very stable and do not normally deteriorate if stored and handled correctly. Owing to the nature of aviation there is a need to adopt procedures which enhance safety requirements and ensure product quality. Thus these recommendations must be considered as minimum requirements and any local requirements (e.g. ISO 9000, governmental and/or aviation authority requirements) which are more stringent take precedence.

Quality control
All AeroShell products are blended in batches with each batch composed of the identical formulation to all previous batches. A range of tests are performed on each batch to evaluate the physical, chemical and performance characteristics of the product. Historically, the batch-to-batch variations are minor and within the limits of test repeatability.

As each batch is prepared, a small quantity of product is set aside in sealed containers. These are then kept for a period of time in order to provide a reference base. Equally as important as good quality control during the blending and filling operation is correct storage and handling of the product prior to use. Customers can enhance the product storage by using first-in, first-out inventory procedures and maintaining the oil under normal storage conditions (i.e. indoors, protected from excessive heat, moisture and dust) and full details of the recommended storage, handling and retesting procedures are given in this section.

Product quality
In making any product which conforms to a military specification, a manufacturer can choose either to just barely meet the specification or to exceed the specification performance requirements. When a product exceeds the specification minimum requirements, the customer is provided with extra protection. The majority of AeroShell branded products exceed the specifications against which they are approved and have become acknowledged as industry standards. The products which Shell companies supply for military use are the same products supplied to commercial customers. The fact that the AeroShell products perform well in commercial operations further attests to the quality cushion which is provided to the military organisation using them.

Importance of correct storage and handling

The importance of correct storage and handling cannot be over emphasised. Shell manufacturing plants pay particular attention to quality control throughout the entire manufacturing, blending and filling process of all aviation products. Rigorous checks take place during these operations and thorough testing before release of a product ensures that it meets the requirements of the specification and is fit to do the job for which it is intended. It is therefore very important that operators and users of these products take equal care when handling and storing these products so that they remain in first class condition.

The most common problems

Deterioration of product quality arises mainly from contamination by water and/

or dirt, and by temperature extremes during storage. In addition, deterioration can occur through the container being badly dented or damaged. Invariably, the sharp corners of dented or damaged containers are places of weakness where pinholes easily occur and rust readily forms.

Water contamination
Contamination by water can occur in two ways: By breathing of the container. In principal this happens when a container is stored in the open air. It may then be subjected to wide temperature changes (this includes, for example, the variation between daytime and night time temperature). At elevated temperatures the contents of the package will expand, and the layer of air above the oil will try to find a way out. With drums this is even possible through well sealed bungs. When cooling takes place, humid air often has the opportunity to penetrate into the drum, where the moisture then condenses out and the product becomes contaminated. Initially no more than a few droplets may be introduced, but with time the amount progressively increases and the contamination becomes significant and can lead to internal rusting of the container. By penetration of water present on top of the container. Containers are carefully and thoroughly sealed after filling. However, if either breathing or if rusting (leading to pinholes in the container) has occurred, it is possible for water present on top of the container to penetrate the container and contaminate the product. Preventing water contamination is simple: Store the product in a warehouse immediately after receipt. The warehouse should be dry, clean and not subject to wide temperature changes. Drums must be placed horizontally with the bungs at the quarter to three position. Pails and cartons must be stored in such a way that they cannot be damaged.

Contamination by dirt
Dirt cannot normally penetrate to the contents of a container until it has been opened. The dirt present in a dusty atmosphere will settle upon the surfaces of containers. Do not remove product from such containers without first having taken the proper precautions.

Prevention AeroShell products should be stored in a dry, dust-free warehouse. Before a container is opened the top should be thoroughly cleaned. In the case of drums it is recommended that the whole top, and particularly the area around the bungs, should be thoroughly cleaned. Greases Greases require special precautions. Grease containers should never be opened in a dusty atmosphere. Before removing the contents, make sure that the equipment to be used for this is clean and free from dust and dirt. A wooden scraper is generally not recommended because it leaves small particles of wood mixed in with the grease which could affect the performance of the product. In order to prevent oil separation into the hole from which grease has been removed, the surface of the product should be flattened out. Therefore: Always leave a smooth surface, and close the container after use! Oil separation to a greater or lesser extent occurs with all greases. Unless the separation is excessive the grease can be used providing it is stirred well before use. Superclean Hydraulic Fluids Superclean hydraulic fluids, as the name implies, are hydraulic fluids which are exceptionally clean. This is achieved by extensive filtering of the fluid, thorough cleaning of containers, and packing in a clean room. In view of this, particular care should be taken when opening the containers since it is all too easy for the fluid to lose its superclean properties. It is recommended that for superclean fluids a dispensing device, which includes fine filtration, is used.

Storage temperatures
Aviation lubricants should not be stored in the open air. Even inside warehouses, strong sunlight entering through windows and open doors can cause prolonged high temperatures on the surfaces of containers, which may affect product quality. Accordingly, containers should be kept in a shaded location. Certain aviation products (in most cases for ground application) are affected by extremes of cold. Such low temperatures can inhibit the performance of these

products and make them either difficult to pour, or difficult to use.

Volatile component products

In general, aviation lubricating oils do not present an inherent fire risk. The main exceptions are those products containing volatile components, e.g. certain AeroShell Compounds. If a product is believed to present a fire risk, it should be stored in a separate special flameproof store room, away from other products. It is not advisable to store more than will be needed for direct use. AeroShell products with volatile components are: AeroShell Compounds 06A and 07

Shelf life, periodic inspection and re-testing

It is very important that no misunderstanding should ever arise over the contents of a container. Issue of an incorrect product from the warehouse should be prevented at all costs - especially for aviation applications. Great care must therefore be taken to ensure that the right product is received in the first instance. Furthermore, after products have been received, markings on containers and cartons should be kept legible; if necessary, they should be re-stencilled. If a product is in store for a prolonged period of time, it is important to determine that it is still suitable for use. At regular intervals (exact time is for the users decision, but it could be every quarter or every six months) a visual inspection of the outside of the cartons (for small packs) or containers (if drums or pails) should be undertaken checking for signs of leaks or damage. Those which are leaking or badly damaged should be downgraded for non-aviation use or destroyed in accordance with local environmental regulations. If product is still in stock after a number of years, then it is necessary to take samples and test key properties to verify that the product continues to be fit for purpose. For the majority of AeroShell grades, representative samples from each batch should be re-tested after the specified time from date of manufacture or, if not known, date of order or date of receipt can be used instead. Different products are subject to different re-test periods; similarly, the tests which need to be carried out on a product to verify its continued suitability for use depend on the type of product and field experience developed over the years. The re-test periods and the tests required for AeroShell products are based pri-

marily on those specified in the latest issue of NATO Standardization Agreement STANAG 3149 entitled Minimum Quality Surveillance of Petroleum Products. They are listed in the table below: Product; Initial Retest Period (years) All aviation piston engine oils (AeroShell Oils and W Oils); 4 years AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 2; 2 years AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4; 4 years AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra; 4 years All mineral turbine engine oils; 4 years All synthetic turbine engine oils; 6 years All greases; 3 years AeroShell Fluids 4,41,31,51; 3 years AeroShell Fluids 61, 71, SSF, LGF; 4 years AeroShell Fluids 1, 2F, 2XN, 3, 5L-A, 5M-A, 12, 18; 4 years AeroShell Fluids 602, 634, S.8350; 3 years AeroShell Compounds 02, 05, 06A; 4 years AeroShell Compound 07; 2 years AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2; 2 years Note: in some countries, the local military authorities may adhere to re-test limits more stringent than those listed above and these would need to be applied when supplying product to them. The first re-test date shall be at the original frequency stated above. Subsequent re-tests shall follow at half that frequency. For example, the original re-test period for AeroShell Oil W100 is 4 years; thus the first re-test is due 4 years after date of manufacture with the next re-test 2 years later, with subsequent re-tests following every 2 years thereafter. Normally there is no requirement to do a full specification test since in many specifications there are tests which are difficult/complex to do or which involve specialised hardware. Generally these can only be done by an oil products laboratory which specialises in aviation oils and greases. Instead, a reduced set of tests is specified for each product which focuses on those properties which would reveal any deterioration that has occurred in the product over the period

in storage. In some cases, the cost of re-testing can be higher than the value of the product in stock; in such situations it is doubtful that it makes economic sense to re-test the product and it should be downgraded or disposed of. Where re-testing is undertaken, then samples from each and every batch involved must be taken according to the cube root rule to determine how many containers need to be sampled. All re-test results should be compared with the relevant specification requirements and, more importantly, with the original certificate of quality to assess if deterioration has occurred. Based on this comparison, a decision can then be made as to the suitability of the product for continued use or whether further testing is required, or if the product should be downgraded or disposed of according to local environmental regulations.

To sum up
In general, AeroShell products are inherently stable. If stored properly, their quality, properties and performance should not be affected by prolonged storage. For greatest economic efficiency, it is recommended that products should be issued from the warehouse in the order in which they were received. In other words: FIRST IN - FIRST OUT If, for some reason, a product has to be stored for longer than is economically desirable, and some doubt arises about its quality, it is recommended that Shell technical staff should be contacted for information about the products continued suitability for aviation applications.


A constant temperature should be maintained throughout the year if necessary by means of heating or air conditioning. Good ventilation highly desirable.

Good lighting should be provided also an electricity connection and a water supply.

Fire extinguishers of the foam, dry powder or carbon dioxide type should be located at accessible spots. The room must be dust-free, accordingly it should be tiled or treated with a suitable paint.

A lock should be provided to secure the warehouse. The room must be spacious enough to permit the handling of drums and other containers, and such tasks as tapping oil and opening tins. It should be big enough to allow easy access to the stored containers. A pump and other useful tools should be present.


Shell Aviation is committed to meet or exceed industry standards at all locations.

Aircraft operators may be assured that everyone concerned with the handling and dispensing of Shell Aviation fuels realises that the safety of each aircraft they refuel is dependent upon their skill, knowledge and ability. Fuels, fuelling methods and equipment are continually being developed and improved by Shell to meet the ever-increasing demands of modern aircraft and the aviation industry. Careful design of fuelling facilities, good operating procedures and thorough training of personnel are high on Shells list of priorities. Included in this section are details of the care and attention paid by Shell to ensure that only clean, dry fuel to the correct specification is safely delivered into aircraft.

Types of aviation fuel

There are two categories of aviation fuel in common use today: aviation gasoline (known as Avgas) and turbine fuel or jet fuel. Details of these are given in the relevant fuels section in this handbook.

Identification of aviation fuels

The various grades of aviation gasoline are coloured to aid recognition. These colours have been established by international agreement. Turbine fuels, however, are not dyed and are generally colourless. In addition to fuel identification by colour, a marking and coding system has been adopted to identify the various airport fuel handling facilities and pieces of equipment according to the fuel they contain. Aviation gasolines are identified by name, using white letters on a red background; in contrast, turbine fuels are identified by white letters on a black background. All parts of the fuelling facility and associated equipment where an error might occur, no matter how remote the possibility, are identified and labelled in the same marking and colour code. In addition, wherever possible, selective couplings are used to prevent the transfer of one grade into another.

Quality assurance
The Shell Aviation Service is designed to ensure that aviation fuels are at all times delivered into aircraft on specification and in a clean and dry condition. Shell operates throughout the world according to the standards set out in the Shell Aviation Quality System and the Shell Airport Operations Manual. Regular audits by Shell Aviation personnel are made to ensure Shells standards

are maintained at all of Shells locations worldwide.

SAFETY IN FUELLING OPERATIONS Delivering the Correct Grade of Fuel

Before delivering any fuel into the aircraft, the fuelling crew need to confirm with certainty the correct grade and quantity of fuel required. This is particularly important when fuelling general aviation aircraft overwing. There is a particular problem present when refuelling types of aircraft which may exist in both turbine engine and piston engine forms. They look similar and the piston engine type may be turbo-charged, with large lettering on the cowlings saying TURBO. To add to the problem, there are now a number of diesel-engined aircraft appearing that require jet fuel but look like conventional piston-engined aircraft that would normally require Avgas. To prevent misfuelling aircraft during overwing fuelling, Shell Aviation requires that at least 2 out of the following criteria are satisfied for each and every fuelling: 1. A grade selective nozzle shall be fitted. 2. There shall be a decal next to the fuelling point on the aircraft specifying the grade of fuel required. 3. A Fuel Order Form has been completed and signed by an authorised member of the aircraft crew. If the grade marking or Fuel Order Form is not available, no fuel will be delivered. Aircraft operators should therefore make certain that all fuelling points on their aircraft are clearly marked with the correct grade of fuel.

Shell sets high standards for the facilities used to handle aviation fuels. Storage depots are designed to store optimum quantities of fuel at the high standard required by the Shell quality assurance system. Mobile equipment used to deliver fuels to customers aircraft is designed to ensure speedy, safe and efficient service. For both fixed and mobile equipment the emphasis is on achieving the correct balance between simplicity and sophistication. To help achieve this,

Shell maintains contacts with equipment suppliers around the world and is active in international organisations responsible for equipment standards. Good initial design and high standards of construction are complemented by regular testing and maintenance of all critical pieces of equipment.

Experience and Training

Shell has been in the aviation fuel business for more than 100 years and during that time it has built up a wealth of experience. This is communicated to all Shell locations by means of manuals, training courses and periodic publications and which is furthermore backed up by the extensive research facilities of Shell Global Solutions. Shell staff are fully aware of all aspects of safety required for the storage, handling and dispensing of aviation fuels.

Aviation gasolines and Jet B are extremely hazardous unless handled correctly; jet fuel, although less volatile than gasoline, also requires safe handling to avoid hazard. Shell refuelling crews are trained to handle fuels safely but, as a precaution, training in fire fighting is given, with regular fire drills held and crews made fully familiar with the operation of the fire extinguishers carried on all of Shells fuelling vehicles. The following points are worth remembering: Fuel Vapour + Air + Spark or Flame = Fire Every effort must be made therefore to prevent fuel spillage and subsequent vapour escape. Equally important are the procedures for the prevention of spark generation or naked flames near the airport apron or fuelling facilities. These are as follows: 1. No smoking or carrying of matches or lighters. This applies to all persons in the vicinity during fuelling operations. 2. Prevention of electrostatic sparks by careful bonding of fuelling equipment to aircraft.

3. Safe, well maintained equipment, e.g. motors and electrical circuits. 4. No fuelling whilst aircraft engines are running (unless special procedures are in force). 5. No fuelling whilst anti-collision strobe lights are operating (general aviation aircraft only). 6. Personnel must not wear nailed footwear or nylon clothing. 7. Care with mobile phones or any electrical equipment that could cause a spark.

Static Electricity
Matches, cigarette lighters, smoking, open flames and even backfires from vehicles or aircraft are obvious sources of ignition. Another source, not so visible or obvious, is the spark created by static electricity. Static electricity charges are generated in various degrees whenever one body passes through or against another. An aircraft in flight through the air, a fueller driving on a roadway, the rapid flow of fuel through a pipe or filter, and even the splashing of fuel into a fueller or aircraft during loading and fuelling operations, generates static electricity. A greater generation of static electricity may be expected when handling turbine fuels than when handling aviation gasoline; a basic reason for this is the higher viscosity of the fuel. Large turbine-powered aircraft demand large quantities of clean, dry fuel. The high-speed fuelling rates and the flow through ultra fine filter/separators required to meet this demand for cleanliness can create extremely high static electrical charges. Some of the hazard from the charging of the fuel itself is reduced by the use of a static dissipator additive. However, it is worth noting that a static charge may still accumulate on the aircraft during flight or on the ground due to air friction and in this case the presence of a static dissipator additive in the fuel cannot help. To minimise this hazard, it is necessary to bleed off static electrical charges before they build up to a high enough potential to create a static spark. This can be accomplished by bonding the fuelling vehicle to the aircraft with a cable and allowing sufficient time for the charge to equalise before performing any act which may draw a spark. The bleeding-off of an electrical charge from a body of fuel or an aircraft is not always an instantaneous act as is commonly believed. It may take several seconds to bleed off all the charge from some fuels.

When handling all aviation fuels, the following procedures are adopted: 1. Connect the bonding wire from the fueller or cabinet to the aircraft. 2. In the case of overwing fuelling, connect the fuel nozzle bonding wire to the aircraft before the tank cover is opened (underwing couplings do not need to be individually bonded to the aircraft). 3. When disconnecting, reverse the order. It cannot be emphasised too strongly the hazard present from static electricity when moving any hydrocarbon product. Many accidents outside airfield operations, in the home and at work, are caused by the mishandling of fuels.

If its metal, bond it. If its plastic, dont use it! ! !

Follow the links below to a series of technical training videos.

AeroShell Oil Answer Videos parts I and II

A collection of short videos on topics including the role of additives in piston engine oils, oil change intervals and when and how to pre-heat your aircraft engine.

Part 1 centre/video_vignettes/part1.html

Part 2 centre/video_vignettes/part2.html

AeroShell Grease answer videos

How to pack a wheel bearing properly. centre/video_vignettes/part5.html

AeroShell maintenance answer videos

Including spin training for general aviation pilots, maintenance of baffles and seals and maintenance tips for your propeller. centre/video_vignettes/part4.html



Shell Aviation fuels may be classified into two basic groups: aviation gasoline, for use in spark ignition piston engines; aviation turbine fuels (jet fuels), for use in turbo-fan, turbo jet and turbo-prop engines. Jet fuels are also certified by Aviation Authorities for use in compression ignition piston (diesel) engines, although the jet fuel specifications do not designed for this purpose. The various grades of each type available are described in this section. All Shell Aviation fuels are produced to meet the stringent manufacturing requirements set out in the relevant specifications. At key stages between refinery and aircraft tank, fuel quality is checked by sampling and on-site or laboratory testing, to ensure that the fuel conforms to the requirements specified for the grade when it is delivered to the aircraft. The Shell Aviation Quality Assurance System is organised on a worldwide basis, made easier because Shell Aviation Service is provided directly in many countries of the world.

Aviation Turbine Fuel (Jet Fuel)

Todays kerosine Jet fuels have been developed from the illuminating kerosine used in the early gas turbine engines. These engines needed a fuel with good combustion characteristics and a high energy content. The kerosine type fuels used in civil aviation nowadays are mainly Jet A-1 and Jet A. The latter has a higher freezing point (minimum 40C instead of minimum 47C) and is available only in the U.S.A.

Major Civil Jet Fuel grades Jet A-1

Jet A-1 is a kerosine grade of fuel suitable for most turbine engined aircraft. It has a flash point minimum of 38C (100F) and a freeze point minimum of 47C. It is widely available outside the U.S.A. The main specifications for Jet A-1 grade (see below) are the UK specification DEF STAN 91-91 (Jet A-1) NATO code F-35, (formerly DERD 2494) and the ASTM specification D 1655 (Jet A-1).

Jet A
Jet A is a kerosine grade fuel, normally only available in the U.S.A. It has the same flash point as Jet A-1 but a higher freeze point minimum (40C). It is supplied against the ASTM D 1655 (Jet A) specification. Jet A is used within the United States by domestic and international airlines.

Jet B
Jet B is a distillate comprising naphtha and kerosine fractions. It can be used as an alternative to Jet A-1, but because it is more difficult to handle (higher flammability), there is minimal demand and availability for this grade of fuel. The only significant area of use is in very cold climates, like northern Canada, where its better cold weather performance is important. Jet B is specified by ASTM D 6615, but in Canada it is supplied against the Canadian Specification CAN/CGSB 3.23

TS-1 is the main jet fuel grade available in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It is a kerosine type fuel with slightly higher volatility (flash point is 28C minimum) and lower freeze point (<50C) compared with Jet A-1. It is supplied against the GOST 10227 specification.

No.3 Jet Fuel

No.3 Jet Fuel is the main Chinese grade which is essentially identical to Jet A-1.

American Civil Jet Fuels

The basic civil jet fuel specification used in the United States of America is ASTM Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels D 1655, which defines the requirements for the two grades of fuel Jet A and Jet A-1 (Note: ASTM D 1655 formerly included Jet B but this grade is now covered by a separate specification ASTM D 6615).

Alternative Fuels
A recent development for jet fuels is the approval of alternative blend components. Unconventional blend components, including those derived from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis or some renewable bio-routes, are covered by a new specification, ASTM D7566. In this specification, blend components are

defined and controlled in the Annex section, along with the blending limits. Once blended, the finished fuels must meet the test requirements in the main table of ASTM D7566, which includes all of the testing requirements of ASTM D1655 plus some additional parameters. Once a finished fuel is certified to ASTM D7566 it can be recertified as ASTM D1655, thereby allowing the fuel to be handled and mixed with conventional jet fuel batches and, furthermore, not requiring any change in the certification of either aircraft or engines. Research and testing continues to prove the suitability of new processes and source materials for use in jet fuel and, as this work progresses, the scope of ASTM D7566 will continue to be expanded to accommodate these changes.

UK Jet Fuels
Although developed originally as a military jet fuel specification by the UK Ministry of Defence, DEF STAN 91-91 (originally DERD 2494) has been adopted as the standard UK civil jet fuel specification. It defines the requirements for a kerosine type fuel (Jet A-1 grade) having a minimum freeze point of 47C. Jet A-1 according to the DEF STAN 91-91 specification is essentially the same as Jet A-1 defined by the ASTM D 1655.

Russian and East European Jet Fuels

Russian kerosine type jet fuels are covered by a wide range of specification grades reflecting different crude sources and processing treatments used. The grade designation is T-1 to T-8, TS-1 or RT. The grades are covered either by a State Standard (GOST) number, or a Technical Condition (TU) number. The limiting property values, detailed fuel composition and test methods differ quite considerably in some cases from the Western equivalents. The principle grade available in Russia and other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is TS-1 (written as TC-1 in Russian script). The main differences in characteristics are that Russian fuels have a low freeze point (equivalent to about 57C by Western test methods) but also a low flash point (a minimum of 28C compared with 38C for western fuel). RT fuel (written as PT in Russian script) is the superior grade (a hydrotreated product) but is not

produced widely. TS-1 (regular grade) is considered to be on a par with Jet A-1 and is approved by most aircraft manufacturers. In some locations in Russia and for exports, product may be supplied against the Russian Jet A-1 specification GOST 52050-2006 which is aligned with DEF STAN 91-91. Eastern European countries have their own national standards with their own nomenclature. Many are very similar to the Russian standards, but others reflect the requirements of visiting international airlines and are similar to Jet A-1 in properties and test methods.

Chinese Jet Fuels

Five types of jet fuel are covered by current Chinese specifications. Previously, each grade was numbered with a prefix RP; however, they are now renamed No.1 Jet Fuel, No.2 Jet Fuel, etc. RP-1 and RP-2 are kerosines which are similar to Russian TS-1. They both have low flash points (minimum 28C). RP-1 freeze point is 60C and RP-2 is 50C. RP-3 is essentially the same as Jet A-1. RP-4 is a wide-cut type fuel similar to Jet B and Russian T-2. RP-5 is a high flash point kerosine similar to that used in the west by naval aircraft operating on aircraft carriers. Virtually all jet fuel produced in China is now RP-3 (renamed No.3 Jet Fuel).

International Specifications - AFQRJOS Check List

As jet fuel supply arrangements have become more complex in the 1970s, involving co-mingling of product in joint storage facilities, a number of fuel suppliers developed a document which became known as the Aviation Fuel Quality Requirements for Jointly Operated Systems, or AFQRJOS, Joint Fuelling System Check List. The Check List embodies the most stringent requirements of the DEF STAN 91-91 and ASTM D 1655 specifications for JET A-1. By definition, any product meeting Check List requirements will also meet either DEF STAN or ASTM specifications. The Check List is recognised by eight of the major aviation fuel suppliers - BP, Chevron, ENI, ExxonMobil, Kuwait Petroleum, Shell, Statoil and Total.

Military Jet Fuel grades

JP-4 used to be the primary jet fuel for the US Air Force but was phased out in the 1990s because of safety problems. A few airforces around the world still use it but there is very little production. JP-4 is the military equivalent of Jet B with the addition of corrosion inhibitor and anti-icing additives; it meets the requirements of the U.S. Military Specification MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-4. The UK Military specification for this grade is DEF STAN 91-88 AVTAG/FSII (formerly DERD 2454), where FSII stands for Fuel System Icing Inhibitor. NATO Code F-40.

JP-5 is a high flash point kerosine meeting the requirements of the U.S. Military Specification MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-5. The UK Military specification for this grade is DEF STAN 91-86 AVCAT/FSII (formerly DERD 2452). This is primarily jet fuel for use in aircraft carriers. NATO Code F-44.

JP-8 is the military equivalent of Jet A-1 with the addition of corrosion inhibitor and anti-icing additives; it meets the requirements of the U.S. Military Specification MIL-DTL-83133G. It is the dominant military jet fuel grade for NATO airforces. The UK also has a specification for this grade namely DEF STAN 91-87 AVTUR/FSII (formerly DERD 2453). NATO Code F-34.

JP-8 +100
JP-8 +100 is JP-8 fuel to which has been added an approved thermal stability improver additive. It meets the requirements of the U.S. Military Specification MIL-DTL-83133G and is widely used by the USAF in their fighter and trainer wings. NATO Code F-37.

Aviation Gasoline (Avgas)

Aviation Gasoline (Avgas) is used in small piston engine powered aircraft within the General Aviation community, e.g. private pilots, flight training, flying clubs and crop spraying. Piston engines operate using the same basic principles as spark ignition engines in cars, but they have a much higher performance

requirement. In todays General Aviation community there are only two main Avgas grades (100 and 100LL low lead) - a rationalisation that has enabled fuel companies to continue supplying a market that would otherwise have become uneconomic. Worldwide, total Avgas volumes are low, since Avgas-fuelled aircraft, although they outnumber jet-fuelled aircraft, are generally much smaller.

Avgas grades Avgas 100

This was the standard high octane fuel for aviation piston engines and has a high lead content. There are two major specifications for Avgas 100. The ASTM D 910 and UK DEF STAN 91-90. These two specifications are essentially the same, but differ over antioxidant content, oxidation stability requirements and max lead content. Avgas 100 is dyed green and is now only produced in a few refineries in the world.

Avgas 100LL
This grade is the lower lead version of Avgas 100. Low lead is a relative term. There is still up to 0.56 g/litre of lead in Avgas 100LL. This grade is listed in the same specifications as Avgas 100, namely ASTM D 910 and UK DEF STAN 91-90. Avgas 100LL is dyed blue and is the main grade of Avgas used worldwide.

Avgas 100VLL
This grade is the very low lead version of Avgas 100LL, containing a maximum lead concentration of 0.45 g/litre. It is effectively a variant of Avgas 100LL with a restraint on the max lead content. It could be made available as an interim measure prior to the introduction of an unleaded high octane fuel, should it be necessary to address environmental concerns about leaded fuels. This grade is listed in ASTM D 910 and, other than the lower lead content, is constrained by the same specification requirements as Avgas 100LL. It therefore meets the same aircraft approvals and operating limitation requirements as Avgas 100LL meeting ASTM D910.

Avgas 100VLL is dyed blue.

Avgas UL82
This grade is intended to comply with the same aircraft approvals as the original motor gasoline (mogas) Supplementary Type Certificate (STC) approvals, but with better compositional and performance control. It is aimed at the low compression ratio engines which do not need the high octane of Avgas 100 and could be designed to run on unleaded fuel. Avgas UL82 is specified in ASTM D 6227. Unlike other Avgas specifications, ASTM D6227 allows the use of some non-hydrocarbon components used in mogas, such as ethers, but, unlike mogas specifications, alcohols are not permitted. Avgas UL82 is dyed purple.

Avgas UL87
This is a relatively new grade added to ASTM D6227, driven by the need for some light sport engines to have a higher octane fuel than Avgas UL82. Avgas UL82 is dyed yellow.

Avgas UL91
Compositionally this grade is somewhat comparable with Avgas 100LL but with a zero lead content, which results in a lower octane rating of 91MON. Avgas UL91 is specified in ASTM D7547. Avgas UL91 differs principally from both Avgas UL87 and UL82 not only in the higher octane rating, but in lower vapour pressure (49kPa max compared with 60kPa max in ASTM D6227) and that oxygenates such as ethers are not permitted. In common with all other current Avgas specifications, ASTM D7547 does not permit the use of alcohols such as ethanol. Avgas UL91 is dyed orange.

History of Avgas Grades

Avgas is gasoline fuel for reciprocating piston engined aircraft. As with all gasolines, avgas is very volatile and is extremely flammable at normal operating temperatures. Procedures and equipment for safe handling of this product must therefore be of the highest order.

Avgas grades are defined primarily by their octane rating. Two ratings are applied to aviation gasolines (the lean mixture rating and the rich mixture rating) which results in a multiple numbering system e.g. Avgas 100/130 (in this case the lean mixture performance rating is 100 and the rich mixture rating is 130). In the past, there were many different grades of aviation gasoline in general use e.g. 80/87, 91/96, 100/130, 108/135 and 115/145. However, with decreasing demand these were rationalised down to one principle grade, Avgas 100/130. (To avoid confusion and to minimise errors in handling aviation gasoline, it is now common practice to designate the grade by just the lean mixture performance rating; thus Avgas 100/130 becomes Avgas 100). Some years ago, an additional grade was introduced to allow a common fuel to be used in engines originally designed for grades with lower lead contents as well as in those engines certified for higher lead contents. This grade is called Avgas 100LL, the LL standing for low lead. All equipment and facilities handling avgas are colour coded and display prominently the API markings denoting the actual grade carried. Currently, the two major grades in use internationally are Avgas 100LL and Avgas 100. To ease identification the fuels are dyed: Avgas 100LL is coloured blue, while Avgas 100 is coloured green. In 1999 a new Avgas grade UL82 (UL standing for unleaded) was introduced as a low octane grade suitable for low compression engines. It has a higher vapour pressure than conventional Avgas and can be manufactured from motor gasoline components, but, notably, the specification does not allow alcohols such as ethanol to be used. It is particularly applicable to those aircraft which have STCs to use automotive gasoline. An extension of this has been the grade Avgas UL87, which was created in response to the higher octane demand of some light sport engines; notably the turbocharged Rotax engines. UL87 is otherwise similar to UL82, using similar components, but again expressly excluding alcohols. The relatively high vapour pressure of the ASTM D6227 specification makes UL82 and UL87 somewhat unsuitable for high altitude flight as engine failure from vapour lock can be an issue. In order to meet the demands from the military for an unleaded Avgas for use in high flying, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), a new low vapour pressure UL91 grade was introduced, resulting in the

requirement for a new specification, ASTM D7547. At the time of writing, this specification is approved for light sport engines, such as Rotax, and is in the process of being considered for approval in a wider range of general aviation engines of low to mid-octane demand. However, it is clear that this will not be of high enough octane rating to be used safely in all general aviation engines and work continues in trying to find a true unleaded alternative to the almost ubiquitous Avgas 100LL.


Because it is important to refer only to the most recent issues of fuel specifications, their detailed requirements have not been tabulated in this AeroShell Book since they could quickly become out-of-date. Copies of the specifications cited above can be obtained from the following authorities:

DEF STAN Specifications

Ministry of Defence Directorate of Standardisation Kentigern House 65 Brown Street Glasgow G2 8EX UK phone +44 141 224 2496 fax +44 141 224 2503 NOTE: DEF STAN specifications are freely available from their web site at:

ASTM Specifications
ASTM specifications are published annually in the ASTM Book of Standards, Section 5 (on paper and CD). Copies are available from: ASTM 100 Barr Harbor Drive West Conshohocken PA 19428-2959

USA phone +1 610 832 9585 fax +1 610 832 9555 ASTM website is: NOTE: Specifications are available for a charge.

US Military Specifications
Department of Defense DODSSP Building 4/ Section D 700 Robins Avenue PA 19111-5094 USA phone +1 215 697 2667 fax +1 215 697 1462 NOTE: US Military specifications are freely available from their web site at:

IATA Guidance Material for Aviation Turbine Fuels Specifications

IATA issues an excellent guide covering commercial aviation fuels and additives. The latest edition can be obtained from: Fuel Services IATA 800 Place Victoria PO Box 113 Montreal Quebec Canada H6Z 1M1 phone +1 514 874 0202 fax +1 514 874 2661 IATA website is:

AFQRJOS Check List for Jet A-1

The Joint Fuelling Systems Check List for Jet A-1 is maintained by the JIG Product Quality Committee on behalf of the industry. The latest edition can be accessed on the Joint Inspection Groups website: under the link fuel quality.


Aviation fuel additives are compounds added to the fuel in very small quantities, usually measurable only in parts per million, to provide special or improved qualities. The quantity to be added and approval for its use in various grades of fuel is strictly controlled by the appropriate specifications. A few additives in common use are as follows:1. Anti-knock additives reduce the tendency of gasoline to detonate. Tetraethyl lead (TEL) is the only approved anti-knock additive for aviation use and has been used in motor and aviation gasolines since the early 1930s. 2. Anti-oxidants prevent the formation of gum deposits on fuel system components caused by oxidation of the fuel in storage and also inhibit the formation of peroxide compounds in certain jet fuels. 3. Static dissipator additives reduce the hazardous effects of static electricity generated by movement of fuel through modern high flow-rate fuel transfer systems. Static dissipator additives do not reduce the need for bonding to ensure electrical continuity between metal components (e.g. aircraft and fuelling equipment) nor do they influence hazards from lightning strikes. 4. Corrosion inhibitors protect ferrous metals in fuel handling systems, such as pipelines and fuel storage tanks, from corrosion. Some corrosion inhibitors also improve the lubricating properties (lubricity) of certain jet fuels. 5. Fuel System Icing Inhibitors (Anti-icing additives) reduce the freezing point of water precipitated from jet fuels due to cooling at high altitudes and prevent the formation of ice crystals which restrict the flow of fuel to the engine. This type of additive does not affect the freezing point of the fuel itself. Anti-icing additives can also provide some protection against microbiological

growth in jet fuel. 6. Metal de-activators suppress the catalytic effect which some metals, particularly copper, have on fuel oxidation. 7. Biocide additives are sometimes used to combat microbiological growths in jet fuel, often by direct addition to aircraft tanks; as indicated above, some anti-icing additives appear to possess biocidal properties. 8. Thermal Stability Improver additives are sometimes used in military JP-8 fuel, to produce a grade referred to as JP-8+100, to inhibit deposit formation in the high temperature areas of the aircraft fuel system.


Fuel specifications do not list all the properties of aviation fuels; it would be impractical for them to do so because by no means all of these properties could be tested for at the creation of each new fuel batch. However, many of these properties not listed in official fuel specifications may nevertheless be important to the designers of aircraft engines and airframes because they describe certain aspects of the fuels behaviour when in aircraft tanks and fuel systems. Examples of these properties are: Surface tension Flammability limits Specific heat Autoignition temperature Thermal conductivity Spark ignition energy Enthalpy Bulk Modulus Heat of vapourisation Solubility of gases in fuel Lubricity Solubility of water in fuel Permittivity Information and typical values for these properties can be obtained from a

variety of publications. The most useful one for designers of aircraft and engine fuel systems is probably the Coordinating Research Council (CRC) Report entitled Handbook of Aviation Fuel Properties (CRC Doc. No. 635). This was published in 2004 and is available from the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., General Publications Department, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania PA 15096 U.S.A. Order via or by calling +1 724 776 4970. Available in hard copy and CD ROM format.

Shell AeroJet is a premium aviation fuel service, offering major benefits to pilots, operators and owners of turbine powered aircraft. The service is available at selected airports and countries worldwide. Shell AeroJet minimises or eliminates some of the problems associated with the use of Jet A-1 in business jets, turbo-prop aircraft and helicopters and is mandated by some airframe manufacturers such as Pilatus.

The air inside fuel tanks contains moisture which can precipitate into the fuel as free water. This water has the potential to turn to ice during flight operation or even on the groundShell AeroJet contains a Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII) that is an approved additive which dramatically lowers the freezing point of water and eliminates this problem to give added security in case of fuel heater system breakdown. It also creates an environment that inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi which can pose a serious danger to the plane and passengers. This feature in Shell AeroJet can be particularly valuable for aircraft operating in hot and humid conditions.

The practice of using aerosol cans to mix anti-icing additive while overwing refuelling often results in an uneven mix and incorrect additive concentration as well as posing health hazards to the user from possible contact with the neat additive. The major advantages of Shell AeroJet over this and other systems

is the assurance that the fuel has been dosed with the additive at exactly the correct rate every time without any exposure to liquid splashes or harmful vapours.


AeroShell Performance Additive 101, developed for the USAF JP-8 +100 programme by BetzDearborn (now GE Water & Power) for high temperature, high performance jet fuel, helps prevent the build up of carbon deposits in the engine. AeroShell Performance Additive 101 is a unique, patented jet fuel additive designed to improve the thermal stability of military jet fuels. AeroShell Performance Additive 101 is approved for use in all military and civil engines manufactured by Pratt & Whitney and General Electric. Approval in Rolls-Royce and other manufacturers engines is pending. AeroShell Performance Additive 101 is designed to: provide greater fuel heat-dispersing capacity by allowing fuel temperatures to increase by as much as 56C (100F) without degradation. reduce deposits in turbine engines using all grades of jet fuel. prevent and clean up carbon in fuel system and combustion sections of turbine engines.

Improves Jet Fuel Thermal Stability

In todays military aircraft, standard jet fuel can break down and form deposits on metal surfaces, when thermally stressed to temperatures above 150C (300F). This severe environment requires substantially improved fuel stability. In a variety of static and dynamic laboratory tests, along with advanced simulator rigs, Shell Aviations additive programme, in conjunction with GE, has already demonstrated a minimum of 56C (100F) improvement over todays jet fuel in both the bulk and wetted wall areas of aircraft fuel systems.

Extended Duration Thermal Stability Test Bulk Fuel 350F: Nozzle 550F for 56 hours

Deposition (g/cm2)


With AeroShell Performance Additive 101

Reduces Fuel Manifold & Nozzle Coking

Carbon build-up (coking) can create back pressure in fuel manifolds, as well as distort fuel nozzle spray patterns. Altered flame patterns can contribute to metal fatigue in both the combustion and turbine sections of the engine. High engine cycle fatigue often occurs. In severe cases, turbine damage leading to catastrophic engine failure is possible. Coke build up along the walls of the fuel manifold system can cause changes in hydraulic pressure and contribute to erratic fuel controller performance. In real world field testing and subsequent routine usage in JP-8 +100, AeroShell Performance Additive 101 has minimised equipment replacement costs by reducing coking, allowing optimum performance levels to be achieved.

Reduces Unscheduled Engine Removals

Reports of after-burner and other fuel related malfunctions usually trigger a mandatory inspection to duplicate and correct the malfunction before the engine can be put back into active service. These engine inspections are costly but necessary to ensure pilot safety and aircraft integrity. In military field testing, continuous use of AeroShell Performance Additive 101 dramatically reduced the frequency of these fuel related malfunctions.

Improves Engine Cleanliness

Following the introduction of JP-8 +100, hot engine sections, from the combustion zone through to the afterburner tail exhaust, previously covered with light carbon deposits, have actually cleaned up and remained clean. Visual inspection of aircraft tail sections, combined with field boroscope inspections of fuel manifolds and nozzles have confirmed this benefit.

Reduces Operational & Maintenance Costs

Keeping the fuel system and jet engine clean from carbon deposits caused by the thermal stressing of jet fuel can reduce overall engine maintenance. A detailed evaluation of these impacts has been carried out with over a decade worth of field experience. Reports are available from your Shell representatives. Combine this with improved aircraft readiness, and the full benefit of AeroShell Performance Additive 101 can prove to be a wise investment.

Additive Injection
AeroShell Performance Additive 101 should be applied at the truck or vehicle refuelling operation using an injector system to meter the additive flow. Care should be taken if moving the injection point further up the refuelling process (such as into bulk storage tanks) in order to avoid deactivation of water coalescer systems by the detergent/dispersant action of the additive. The recommended dose rate for AeroShell Performance Additive 101 in JP-8 is 256 ppm (mg/litre) or 1:4000. The product is oil soluble with good low temperature handling characteristics and can be injected undiluted in its delivered form.

Performance Evaluation

AeroShell Performance Additive 101 should be used in conjunction with a monitoring program designed to focus on fuel-related malfunctions. It is usual to measure the actual number of malfunctions, average time between occurrences, and the reduction in maintenance and labour costs. An additional measure is the effect on fleet readiness rate after treatment. Caution: before using AeroShell Performance Additive 101, check with the aircraft/engine manufacturer to determine if the additive is approved for use in their equipment or, if not, under what terms and conditions the additive might be evaluated. To learn more about how your operation can benefit today from the advanced technology of AeroShell jet fuel additives, contact email: APA101Project@


The Shell Water Detector is a device for determining the presence in jet fuels of finely dispersed undissolved water in concentrations lower than those normally detectable by visual examination. Water dispersions of this type can result from the emulsification of a water/fuel mixture during pumping, or from the precipitation of dissolved water due to a fall in fuel temperature.

The detector consists of two parts: a. A standard polythene or nylon hypodermic syringe of 5 ml capacity with a Record type nozzle fitting. b. A plastic detector capsule in which is fitted a disc of filter paper treated with water sensitive chemicals.

Before use the detector capsule should be examined in order to confirm that the paper is of a uniform yellow colour. The detector capsule is fitted to the syringe, then the capsule and approximately half of the syringe is immersed in the sample under test and the plunger withdrawn until the fuel reaches the 5 ml

mark. The capsule should be examined for any difference in colour between the inner wetted portion and the outer portion which is protected by the plastic moulding. It is important to note that: a. The screw cap should be replaced on the capsule container immediately the required capsule has been removed to prevent discolouration of the remaining capsules by atmospheric humidity. Unused capsules should not be left lying about or kept loose in the pocket. b. A capsule should be used once only and then discarded because the sensitivity of the device is a function of the quantity of fuel passing through the paper.

Interpretation of results
The presence of undissolved water is indicated by a change in colour of the centre portion of the detector paper. The Shell Water Detector begins to react at very low levels of water contamination even below 10 ppm and the resulting colour change becomes progressively more noticeable with increasing water content until at approximately 30 ppm a distinct green colour is obtained giving a positive indication of water contamination. At lower water contamination levels a yellow/green colour is obtained which increases to blue/green and finally blue/black at very high levels of water contamination.

The Shell Water Detector should be used as follows to check samples of jet fuels immediately after they are drawn: a. Road vehicle and RTW drain samples before discharge into airport storage. b. Bottom samples from airport tanks immediately before release. c. Fueller and trailer compartment drain samples after each replenishment. d. Hydrant dispenser filter drain samples after each aircraft fuelling. e. Fueller filter drain samples after the first aircraft fuelling, after filling or topping up either fueller or trailer.

f. Drain samples from filtration equipment on hydrant delivery and fueller loading racks daily.

Storage life and supply arrangements

The recommended life for Shell Water Detector capsules is nine months from time of manufacture. The life expiry date (month/year) is marked on the bottom of each tube of capsules and is also printed on one end of each box of ten tubes.



For many years the performance of aircraft piston engines was such that they could be lubricated satisfactorily by means of straight mineral oils, blended from specially selected petroleum base stocks. However, demand for oils with higher degrees of thermal and oxidation stability necessitated fortifying them with the addition of small quantities of non-petroleum materials. The first additives incorporated in straight mineral piston engine oils were based on the metallic salts of barium and calcium. In highly-rated engines the performance of these oils with respect to oxidation and thermal stability was excellent, but the combustion chambers of the majority of engines could not tolerate the presence of the ash deposits derived from these metal-containing additives. To overcome the disadvantages of harmful combustion chamber deposits, a non-metallic, i.e. non-ash forming, polymeric additive was developed which was incorporated in blends of selected mineral oil base stocks, to give the range of AeroShell W Oils. Following extensive operational success in a wide range of civil engines, military specifications based on the general characteristics of AeroShell W Oils were prepared and issued. AeroShell W Oils were in service with the worlds airlines and aircraft operators for many years when they operated big transport piston-engined aircraft, during which time these oils became virtually the standard for all aircraft piston engines. Nevertheless, supplies of straight AeroShell Oils remained available primarily for running-in the aircraft piston engine and for the few operators who required them. Today these oils (both AeroShell W Oils and AeroShell Oils) are still required for the smaller piston-engined aircraft flying in air taxi operations, flying clubs or flown by private pilots. In the early 1980s a semi-synthetic multigrade W oil for piston engines (AeroShell Oil W 15W-50) was added to the range. This grade has become very popular amongst engine manufacturers and operators alike. In order to cater for those Lycoming engines which need improved load-carrying (i.e. those engine models which require the addition of Lycoming Additive LW 16702) AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 was upgraded in 1986 to include an anti-wear

additive. In recent years utilisation of piston engine aircraft has decreased, resulting in the aircraft spending more time on the ground. This led to an increase in corrosion being seen inside the engine. In order to combat this, AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 was further upgraded in 1993 to include a very effective anti-corrosion additive package. For those operators who prefer a single grade but still want the anti-wear and anti-corrosion benefits of the multigrade oil, AeroShell Oil W80 Plus and AeroShell Oil W100 Plus have been added to the range of ashless dispersant oils. To cater for the demands of operators of light sport aviation piston engines, two new grades AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 2 (for 2-stroke engines) and AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 (for 4-stroke engines) have recently been introduced. With the development of compression ignition (Diesel) piston engines specifically for the aviation market, Shell Aviation has been working closely with the OEMs to develop appropriate lubricants for this new engine type. The result of these co-operative efforts was the development of AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40, to be followed by the recent launch AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra.

Since the 1940s, piston engine operators have relied on two U.S. Military Specifications for defining piston engine lubrication requirements. Beginning with the non-dispersant MIL-L-6082 oils and continuing through the MIL-L-22851 Ashless Dispersant products, the U.S. Military Specifications were the standards for oil performance worldwide. In military circles Grades 1065 and 1100 as well as Type II and III were familiar grade identifications, whilst in civil use Grades 65, 80, 100 and 120 were common. However, that has all changed. The SAE Fuels and Lubricants Technical Committee 8 Aviation Piston Engine Fuels and Lubricant Committee worked very closely with the U.S. Navy to convert these Military Specifications into SAE Standards. Also involved were oil manufacturers, engine builders, test laboratories and the American FAA. In due course agreement was reached on a new set of performance standards for piston engine oils. These new SAE Standards are J-1966 Lubricating Oil,

Aircraft Piston Engine (Non-Dispersant) and J-1899 Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Piston Engine (Ashless Dispersant), both of which have now been adopted for use. The adoption of these new SAE Standards means that the two Military Specifications (MIL-L-6082 and MIL-L-22851) are now obsolete. These new specifications include upgraded and improved tests and have been designed to meet current technology, and include the latest test methods and precision limits. The most obvious change for users is the move from the old Grade or Type Number system to the more common SAE viscosity classification. Thus products in both SAE specifications are defined as SAE 30, 40, 50 or 60. In addition, for the first time, multigrade aviation oils are included in the new specifications. The U.K. has now cancelled DERD 2450 and DERD 2472 and adopted the SAE specifications.


A piston engine oils function inside a piston engine is to: reduce friction between moving parts provide necessary cooling to internal areas cushion moving parts against shock and help seal piston rings to cylinder walls protect highly finished internal parts of the engine from rust and corrosion keep interior of engine clean and free of dirt, sludge, varnish and other harmful contaminants

AeroShell Oils and AeroShell W Oils are intended for use in four-stroke (fourcycle) aircraft reciprocating piston engines. They are not recommended for use in automotive engines converted for use in aircraft, and in these cases the conversion shop should be consulted for proper oil recommendations. The term ashless dispersant was given to aviation oils to distinguish them from straight mineral aircraft piston engine oils. Automotive and heavy duty truck

engine oils contain ashless dispersants and ash-containing detergents. They were traditionally called detergent oils (some aircraft operators incorrectly refer to ashless dispersant oils as detergent oils). Because of the negative effect of ash on aircraft engine performance, it is very important that ash-containing oils are NOT used in an aircraft piston engine. The reverse is also true. Never use an aircraft piston engine oil in a modern automobile or heavy duty truck engine. Due to differences in metallurgy, operating conditions and fuel specifications, an aircraft oil will not meet all of the automobile/heavy-duty engines requirements. In addition, the aviation oils are not qualified for this application and their use could result in voiding the warranty and/or reduction in engine life. Thus automobile oils MUST NOT be used in aircraft engines which use or specify SAE J-1899 or J-1966 oils. Similarly aviation oils MUST NOT be used in automobile engines. Due to differences in metallurgy, operating conditions and fuel specifications, an aircraft oil will not meet all of the automobile/heavy-duty engines requirements. In addition, the aviation oils are not qualified for this application and their use could result in voiding the warranty and/or reduction in engine life. Thus automobile oils MUST NOT be used in aircraft engines which use or specify SAE J-1899 or J-1966 oils. Similarly aviation oils MUST NOT be used in automobile engines.


For the majority of aircraft piston engines the selection of the right grade is important to maximise engine performance and engine life. Running-inuseAeroShell Oils Normal operationuseAeroShell W or W Plus Oils


AeroShell Oils and AeroShell W Oils are each available in four grades. The grades differ only by viscosity and thus cover the needs of all reciprocating engines now in airline and general aviation operation. There is no general rule by which the correct grade for every engine type can be chosen, but the following table, based on recommendations from Lycoming, provides approximate guidance for selecting the most suitable grade, based on the average ambient outside air temperature at engine start-up.
AeroShell Oil 65 80, W80 and W80 Plus 17 to 21 40 100, W100 and W100 Plus 16 to 32 50 120 and W120 Above 26 60

Outside air temperature C Corresponding SAE No.

Below 12 30

Note: This table does not apply to AeroShell Oil W 15W-50. N.B. For large engines the choice depends greatly upon the operators preference and past experience. Traditionally the choice seems to be associated with climatic zones: AeroShell Oil W100 or W100 Plus is preferred for temperate regions and AeroShell Oil W120 for warmer climates.

Elaborate precautions are not needed when changing from straight mineral oil to AeroShell W Oils, since both types of oil are compatible with each other. Experience has shown that AeroShell W Oils do not loosen or affect the hard carbonaceous material already deposited in high-time engines, and may therefore be introduced at any time during the operational life of an engine. The easiest and possibly the best way of converting a fleet of engines to an AeroShell W Oil is to top-up with the oil commencing from a given date. The majority of operators use this method following procedures recommended by the engines manufacturer. However, other operators have drained engines and refilled them with AeroShell W Oil. If this procedure is adopted, the oil filters should be checked after a

ground run and at short intervals during initial operation, because the fresh charge of AeroShell W Oil may disperse pockets of partly oxidised straight mineral oil which may have bound together and retained flaky carbonaceous material during previous operation.


Almost all oil change recommendations specify not only an engine hour time limit, but also a calendar time limit; typically 4 or 6 months depending upon engine manufacturer. On low usage aircraft the calendar time limit is usually more critical than the engine hour limit. The need for frequent oil changes in aircraft is not caused by the oil wearing out, but rather by the oil becoming contaminated with by-products of combustion, dirt, water (both atmospheric as well as from condensation inside an engine) and unburnt fuel. This contamination can cause corrosion in the oil wetted areas of an engine and thus changing the oil removes these contaminants and helps to minimise corrosion. In order to minimise this corrosion inside low usage engines, calendar time changes are important.


Many operators are interested in extending oil change intervals. As a general rule extensions are not recommended for the following reasons: many engine manufacturers do not approve extended intervals possibility of losing engine manufacturers warranty on the engine possibility that extended intervals will shorten engine life The initial enthusiasm in the U.S. for extended intervals has declined due to problems associated with lead sludge found in engines. Many operators have now reverted back to the engine manufacturers oil change recommendations and found that these problems disappear. Operators are urged to follow the engine manufacturers or rebuilders recommendation for oil change interval.


Some aircraft engine manufacturers and rebuilders/overhaul agencies suggest in their service bulletins the use of straight mineral oil in new or newly overhauled engines for break-in. These straight mineral oils are usually recommended for the first 25 to 50 or even 100 hours of operation, or until the oil consumption stabilises. Other rebuilders or manufacturers, especially for such engines as the Lycoming O-320H and O/LO360E, allow either ashless dispersant or straight mineral oil for break-in, whereas ashless dispersant oils are mandated for break-in for all turbocharged Lycoming engines. Operators should check with engine manufacturers or rebuilders for the correct recommendation for the specific engine and application.

AeroShell W Oils are inherently stable and, providing they have been stored and handled correctly, prolonged storage does not have any effect on their quality, properties or performance.

Radial engines utilise special parts and, depending upon the type of aircraft, application and climate are often subject to specific problems not seen in other types of piston engines. In a radial engine each bank of cylinders has all of the cylinders in the same plane and transmits power through a single master rod bearing to the crankshaft. This master rod bearing is subjected to high loading and absorbs the shock and vibration from the cylinders and thus requires very good protection from the lubricant. Generally radial engines have greater piston and bearing clearances and thus require a higher viscosity oil. As a result of all this heavy duty stress, it is recommended that for radial engines used in normal operation (all operations except agricultural spraying), an oil such as AeroShell Oil W120 is used in moderate to temperate climates and AeroShell Oil W100 in cooler climates (if breaking-in, then AeroShell Oil 120 and 100 respectively). Alternatively AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 could be used in those radial engines for which it is approved. None of these oils contain zinc additives which if used would quickly destroy the master rod bearing.

Agricultural operations represent a special problem for an oil used in radial engines. This is because of problems with high dirt and overspray ingestion into the oil. The best way to combat this is proper maintenance, good flying procedures and frequent oil changes.

Vintage aircraft piston engines, including vintage radial engines, were approved on oils produced at the time the engine was originally manufactured. Many of these oils are no longer available. If the engine was approved on an aviation oil other than a MIL-L-6082 or a MIL-L-22851 oil then operators should consult with either the engine rebuilder or oil supplier. On no account assume that present oils are direct replacements for old vintage aircraft applications.

Routine oil analysis is now seen as a valuable part of a good maintenance programme. Increasingly, operators are adopting oil analysis programmes in order to help discover problems before they turn into major failures. Typically these programmes consist of spectrometric wear metal check, together with a few simple oil tests such as viscosity and acidity. Shell Companies can offer this service to operators. It is important to note that the information gained is only as good as the sampling procedure. A single test is not enough to reveal trends and significant changes, it can only tell an operator if there is already a serious problem. Operators should therefore: Take samples properly For best results, take the sample about midway through the draining of hot oil from the sump. A sample pulled off the bottom may be dirtier than normal. The sample should be taken the same way every time. An improperly taken sample can lead to mistaken conclusions about engine problems. Rely on a series of consistent tests over time Operators should look for significant changes or trends over time, not just absolute values.

Take samples consistently Always take the sample the same way at the same time interval. Always properly label the sample so that its identity is known. It is likely that higher wear metal levels will occur during break-in or following some maintenance procedures.


In selecting an AeroShell piston engine oil for a non-aviation application the properties of the oil must be examined. This will only give an approximate indication as to the expected performance in the specific application. However, such data must be regarded as guidance only. There is no laboratory test that can give a complete prediction of performance in actual use, and the final stage in any decision must involve performance tests in either the actual equipment or in the laboratory/test house under conditions expected in service.

AEROSHELL OILS 65, 80, 100 and 120

AeroShell straight mineral oils are blended from selected high viscosity index base stocks. These oils do not contain additives except for a small quantity of pourpoint depressant (which is added when improved fluidity at very low temperature is required) and an anti-oxidant.

AeroShell Oils are available in four different viscosity grades: AeroShell Oil 65AeroShell Oil 80AeroShell Oil 100AeroShell Oil 120 The suffix for each grade corresponds to the viscosity of the oil at 210F in Saybolt Universal Seconds. The appropriate grades of these AeroShell Oils are approved for use in four-stroke (four-cycle) certified aircraft reciprocating piston engines (except

Porsche) and other aircraft radial engines which use oil to specification SAE J-1966 (MIL-L-6082) and which do not require use of an oil containing a dispersant additive. AeroShell Oils are used primarily during break-in of most new or recently overhauled four-stroke aviation piston engines. The duration and lubrication recommendations for break-in vary, so operators should refer to the original engine manufacturer and/or overhaul facility for specific recommendations.

The U.S. Specification SAE J-1966 replaces MIL-L-6082E. Although it was planned to replace the British Specification DERD 2472 with a DEF STAN specification this has now been put into abeyance and instead the SAE specification has been adopted.
AeroShell Oil U.S. 65 80 100 Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 50 Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 50 120 Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 60 -

Approved Approved J-1966 J-1966 SAE Grade 30 SAE Grade 40 Approved J-1966 SAE Grade 40


French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

(AIR 3560/D (AIR 3560/D) Grade SAE 30) Grade SAE 40) O-113 Obsolete OM-107 Obsolete MS-14 OM-170

(AIR 3560/D Grade SAE 50) MS-20 O-117 Obsolete OM-270 OM-370 Obsolete

( ) indicates the product is equivalent to specification.

Typical Properties SAE viscosity grade Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Total acidity Sulphur Ash content C C kg/l mm/s

65 30 0.879 11.8 94 20 250 <0.1 0.3 1 0.006

80 40 0.880 14.6 140 Above 94 Below 17 Above 240 <0.1 0.45 1 0.006

100 50 0.886 19.7 230 Above 94 Below 17 Above 250 <0.1 0.48 1 0.006

120 60 0.889 24.8 94 11 Above 250 <0.1 0.51 1 0.006

mgKOH/g %m %m

Copper corrosion @ 100C

AEROSHELL OILS W80, W100 and W120

AeroShell W Oils were the first non-ash dispersant oils to be used in aircraft piston engines. They combine non-metallic additives with selected high viscosity index base stocks to give exceptional stability, dispersancy and anti-foaming performance. These additives leave no metallic ash residues that can lead to deposit formation in combustion chambers and on spark plugs, which can cause pre-ignition and possible engine failure.

AeroShell W Oils are available in four different viscosity grades: AeroShell Oil W80AeroShell Oil W100AeroShell Oil W120

The suffix for each grade corresponds to the viscosity of the oil at 210F in Saybolt Universal Seconds. AeroShell W Oils are intended for use in four-stroke (four-cycle) certified reciprocating piston engines, including fuel-injected and turbocharged engines. AeroShell W Oils are not recommended for use in automotive engines. For automotive engines converted for use in aircraft, the specific engine manufacturer or the conversion agency should be consulted for proper oil recommendation. Most radial engine operators use AeroShell Oil W120 in warm weather operations with AeroShell Oil W100 or AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 being used in cooler ambient temperatures. AeroShell Oil W100 or AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 are the common choices for most operators of Lycoming and Continental flat engines but, during colder parts of the year, use of AeroShell Oil W80 in place of AeroShell Oil W100 would be an excellent choice. Although some aircraft engine manufacturers and rebuilders/overhaul agencies suggest in their service bulletins the use of straight mineral oil in new or newly overhauled engines, other rebuilders or manufacturers, especially for such engines as the Lycoming O-320H and O/LO360E, allow either ashless dispersant or straight mineral oil for break-in, whereas ashless dispersant oils are mandated for break-in for all turbocharged Lycoming engines. Operators should check with engine manufacturers or rebuilders for the correct recommendation for the specific engine and application.

Promote engine cleanliness Help keep engines sludge free Help reduce oil consumption Help engines reach TBO (Time Between Overhaul) Protect highly stressed engine parts against scuffing and wear


The U.S. specification SAE J-1899 replaces MIL-L-22851D. Although it was planned to replace the British Specification DERD 2450 with a DEF STAN specification this has now been put into abeyance and instead the SAE specification has been adopted.
AeroShell Oil U.S. W80 Approved J-1899 SAE Grade 40 Approved J-1899 SAE Grade 40 (AIR 3570 Grade SAE 40) MS-14 O-123 Obsolete OMD-160 W100 Approved J-1899 SAE Grade 50 Approved J-1899 SAE Grade 50 (AIR 3570 Grade SAE 50) MS-20 O-125 Obsolete OMD-250 W120 Approved J-1899 SAE Grade 60 Approved J-1899 SAE Grade 60 (AIR 3570 Grade SAE 60) O-128 Obsolete OMD-370



Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

( ) indicates the product is equivalent to specification.


AeroShell W Oils are approved for use by the following engine manufacturers:-

Textron Lycoming Teledyne Continental Pratt & Whitney Curtiss Wright Franklin Engines

301F MHS 24B Service Bulletin 1183-S Various Service Bulletins refer to relevant Bulletin Various Service Bulletins refer to relevant Bulletin

Typical Properties SAE viscosity grade Colour ASTM Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Total acidity Sulphur Copper corrosion Ash content C C mgKOH/g %m @ 100C %m kg/l mm/s

W80 40 4.0 0.880 14.5 118 118 Below 22 Above 240 <0.1 0.3 1 0.006

W100 50 4.0 0.884 20.2 200 118 Below 18 Above 260 <0.1 0.38 1 0.006

W120 60 5.0 0.887 24.8 270 115 Below 18 Above 240 <0.1 0.51 1 0.006

A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is a unique blend of high quality mineral oil and over 50% synthetic hydrocarbon base stocks, plus the AeroShell Oil W ashless

dispersant additive system. This semi-synthetic blend offers high performance in a wide variety of applications and conditions. The synthetic base stock performance provides for better cold temperature pumping and protection than single grade oils. In addition, the blend of synthetic and high quality mineral base stocks provide high temperature performance superior to that of other fully approved aircraft piston engine oils. The mineral base stocks help disperse lead by-products of combustion, thereby keeping engines free of grey paint or lead sludge that can be a problem with some fully synthetic oils. The anti-wear additive system in AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 provides outstanding wear protection for critical camshafts, lifters and other high wear components. The anti-corrosion additive package in AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 helps protect low usage engines and engines in high humidity climates against rust and corrosion of critical engine parts such as camshafts and lifters. AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 provides superior anti-corrosion protection for all types of certified aircraft piston engines. When used with proper maintenance procedures, the product provides maximum protection and improves the likelihood that aircraft engines will reach TBO. In addition, this product provides outstanding high temperature oxidation protection for hot running engines. It is designed to keep engines cleaner with less sludge and varnish build-up in critical ring belt and other areas.

AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is intended for use in certified four-stroke (four-cycle) aircraft piston engines. AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is superior to single grade oils in almost every application. It offers easier starting, better lubrication after startup, reduced wear, reduced corrosion and rusting, and improved cleanliness, with oil pressures and temperatures equal to that of single grade SAE 50 oils at fully warmed up conditions. The anti-corrosion additive system is designed to prevent rust or corrosion in all types of aircraft piston engines. In comparative testing of camshaft rusting under high humidity conditions, AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 was almost entirely rust free while camshafts conditioned on other oils showed heavy rusting on some cam lobes and bearing surfaces.

These results indicate that AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 can provide maximum anti-corrosion protection for aircraft piston engines, when combined with proper maintenance practices and proper operating conditions. Because of the improved flow characteristics of AeroShell Oil W 15W-50, operators may observe slightly lower oil temperatures in some aircraft. On larger aircraft, the oil cooler flap will normally compensate for this change. However, in small aircraft, oil temperature could be reduced slightly. Operators should always check the oil temperature to ensure that they are in the range specified by the manufacturer. Most manufacturers recommend cruising oil temperatures between 82 to 93C (180 to 200F). Oil temperatures significantly below this range can result in excessive water and fuel contamination in the crankcase.


Provides excellent rust and corrosion protection for aircraft engines Promotes engine cleanliness, fights wear, offers excellent anti-foam properties Helps reduce oil consumption by up to 50% and provides superior oil flow at low temperatures Compatible with other approved aircraft piston engine oils Functions as an all season oil, no seasonal changes needed Reduces fuel consumption by up to 5% over single grades Provides superior high temperature oxidation stability Refer to General Notes at the front of this section for information on oil change recommendations and engine break-in. AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is not recommended for use in automotive engines. For automotive engines converted for use in aircraft, the specific engine manufacturer or the conversion agency should be consulted for proper oil recommendation.

AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 was developed in co-operation with Textron Lycoming

and Continental Motors and conforms to their specifications 301F and MHS24A respectively. This oil is also approved under Military Specification MIL-L-22851 which is now obsolete and has been replaced by the SAE J-1899 specification. AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is also approved for use in all Pratt & Whitney radial aircraft engines. In addition AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 meets the provisions of Lycoming Service Bulletin 446C and 471, plus Service Instruction 1409A and meets the American FAA Airworthiness Directive 80-04-03 which specifies special anti-wear requirements for certain engine models. AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 already contains, in the correct proportions, an antiwear additive equivalent to the Lycoming additive LW 16702; operators who use AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 DO NOT need to add this Lycoming additive to the oil. AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is qualified for use in all Continental Motors liquid cooled and air cooled aircraft piston engines.
U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved SAE J-1899 Grade Multigrade Approved SAE J-1899 Grade Multigrade O-162 Obsolete OMD-162


AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 is approved for use by the following engine manufacturers:

Textron Lycoming

301F Service Bulletins 446E and 471B Service Instruction 1409C MHS 24A SIL 99-2 Service Bulletin 1183-S Airworthiness Directive 80-04-03 R2

Continental Pratt & Whitney FAA

Typical Properties Oil type SAE viscosity grade Colour ASTM Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Total acidity Sulphur Copper corrosion 3 hrs @100C 3 hrs @ 204C Ash content Trace sediment Foaming tendency Elastomer compatibility AMS 3217/1 72 hrs @ 70C swell % AMS 3217/4 72 hrs @ 150C swell % Trace metal content Compatibility %m C C %m kg/l mm/s

SAE J-1899 Multigrade Multigrade Report 100 min Report 220 min 1.0 max 0.6 max 1 max 3 max 0.011 max Must pass Must pass

Typical Mixed synthetic hydrocarbon and mineral Multigrade 4.0 0.86 19.6 140 157 39 238 0.01 0.2 1 2 0.006 Passes Passes


Must pass Must pass Must pass Must pass

Passes Passes Passes Passes

A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section. This product is made in more than one location and the approval status and typical properties may vary between locations.


AeroShell Oil W80 Plus and AeroShell Oil W100 Plus are new single grade oils that combine the single grade, ashless dispersant performance found in AeroShell Oils W80 and W100 and the anti-wear/anti-corrosion additives of AeroShell Oil W15W-50 Multigrade. They are the oils for pilots who prefer a single grade but who also want the extra protection and performance from the additive package.

The advanced additives in AeroShell Oils W80 Plus and W100 Plus provide better rust and wear protection than conventional single grades. The additives work as a protective barrier to prevent critical parts from being slowly degraded by rust or wear, especially when an aircraft sits idle. This protection helps keep the camshaft and lifters coated, reducing the likelihood of premature damage and helping operators reach TBO.

AeroShell Oils W80 Plus and W100 Plus

Blended from selected high viscosity mineral base oils Contains AeroShells proven W Oils additive package Additional anti-wear additives (containing Lycoming additive LW 16702) Additional anti-corrosion additives Fully compatible with other approved aircraft piston engine oils

Approved SAE J-1899 SAE Grade 40 (AeroShell Oil W80 Plus) Approved SAE J-1899 SAE Grade 50 (AeroShell Oil W100 Plus) AeroShell Oils W80 Plus and W100 Plus already contain, in the correct proportions, an anti-wear additive equivalent to the Lycoming additive LW

16702; thus complying with FAA Airworthiness Directive 80-04-03. Operators who use AeroShell Oils W80 Plus and W100 Plus DO NOT need to add this Lycoming additive to the oil. AeroShell Oils W80 Plus and W100 Plus are qualified for use in all Continental Motors liquid cooled and air cooled aircraft piston engines.


AeroShell Oils W80 Plus and W100 Plus are approved for use by the following engine manufacturers:
Textron Lycoming 301F Service Bulletins 446E and 471B Service Instruction 1409C SIL 99-2 Airworthiness Directive 80-04-03 R2

Continental FAA

Typical Properties Colour ASTM Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Total acidity Sulphur Copper corrosion 3 hrs @100C Ash content %m kg/l mm/s

W80 Plus <3.0 0.883 14.0 113

W100 Plus <3.0 0.887 19.5 190 119 21 288 0.02 0.44 1B 0.002

100 min C C %m

124 30 260 0.02 0.40 1A 0.001


A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


Developed in conjunction with ROTAX, AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 2 is the first oil specifically developed for light sport 2-stroke (2-cycle) engines such as the ROTAX air and water-cooled series engines. These types of engines commonly encounter intense operating conditions, i.e. full power take off, cruise descent and idle conditions. Varying power outputs and higher operating temperatures demand a specific 2-stroke oil formulation which will also reduce the formation of deposits and protect the 2-stroke engines inherent exposure to corrosion and potential ring sticking. Provides full performance with both unleaded and leaded (AVGAS 100LL) fuel types. This oil can be used in all climates.

AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 2 is intended for use in 2-stroke aircraft piston engines, which have previously relied on general purpose 2-stroke oils originally developed for ground/marine based applications. Suitable for all air-cooled and water-cooled engine types. Can be used in premix and separate oil injection systems. Can be used with unleaded and leaded (AVGAS 100LL) fuels

No Aviation specifications yet defined. Fully approved all ROTAX 2-stroke series engines, ROTAX Service Instruction SI-2ST-008 Selection of suitable operating fluids for ROTAX 2-stroke UL engines (series). Meets the requirements of API TC Please consult Operators Handbook/Manual to confirm the correct fuel/oil mix ratio before use.


First specific oil for Light Sport and Very Light/Ultra Light 2-stroke aircraft engines High Film & Shear strength formulation specifically designed for strenuous operating conditions experienced by these types of aviation engines Promotes engine cleanliness protects engine parts such as pistons, rings and exhaust ports from excessive (or harmful) deposits and coking Outstanding performance in regard to ring sticking Excellent clean burn performance Helps to protect engine parts from corrosion during engine shutdown and storage Helps engine achieve TBO (Time Between Overhauls)

Suitable for use in oil injection and pre-mixed oil/fuel systems Protects highly stressed engine parts against scuffing and wear Can be used in any climate Superior performance compared to synthetic 2-stroke products when used in the aviation application Advanced anti-rust and anti-wear package Dyed green for better recognition Can be mixed with other mineral & synthetic 2-stroke oils previously used DO NOT use AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 2 in engines that are designed to use Ashless Dispersant aviation piston engine oils such as AeroShell W oils. This includes aircooled Continental Motors, Textron Lycoming, Jabiru and ROTAX 4-stroke engines.
Typical Properties Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C C kg/l mm/s 9.0 61.1 123 33 65 Sport Plus 2 0.88


Developed in conjunction with ROTAX, AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 is the first oil specifically developed for light sport aviation piston engines such as the ROTAX 912 & 914 series. A combination of low cylinder head temperature (compared with air cooled engines), low oil consumption and the engine internals requires a blend of high quality hydrocarbon base stocks, incorporating synthetic technology, which allows full performance with different fuel types. This oil can

be used in all climates.

AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 is intended for use in four-stroke (four-cycle) aircraft piston engines that are of an original automotive design and which cannot, therefore, use traditional Ashless Dispersant aircraft engine oil types. These engines include carburetted, fuel-injected and turbocharged types such as the ROTAX 912 & 914 series. AeroShell Sport Plus 4 can be used in integrated gearbox and wet clutch systems. AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 can be used in engines which operate on both unleaded gasoline and Avgas 100LL. The correct choice of additives and good solvent properties allow the oil to handle lead by-products that can form a semi solid sludge in the oil which can restrict oil passages and compromise lubrication. AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 is superior in this respect to those oil types intended for automotive/motorcycle application. Please refer to Operators Handbook/Manual for the correct oil drain interval when operating on different fuels.

No Aviation specifications yet defined. Meets or exceeds the requirements of the highest international specifications: API SL JASO MA Fully approved all ROTAX 912 & 914 series engines, ROTAX Service Instruction SI-912-016/SI-914-019 Selection of suitable operating fluids for ROTAX engine type 912 & 914 (series). Please consult Operating Handbook/Manual to confirm the correct lubricant specification before use.


First specific oil for Light Sport and Very Light/Ultra light aircraft engines Promotes engine cleanliness Helps keep engines sludge and varnish free Helps reduce oil consumption Helps engines reach TBO (Time Between Overhauls) Protects highly stressed engines parts against scuffing and wear Anti-foaming additives to maximise lubrication effectiveness especially for those engines operating an integrated gearbox Better cold flow characteristics for easier starts and quicker protection High thermal stability for longer-lasting and safer lubrication Can be used in any climate Advanced anti-rust and anti-wear package DO NOT use AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 in engines that are designed to use Ashless Dispersant aviation piston engines oils such as AeroShell W oils. This includes air-cooled Continental Motors and Textron Lycoming engines.
Typical Properties SAE viscosity grade Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C C kg/l mm/s 14.46 94.2 159 33 228 Sport Plus 4 Multigrade 10W-40 0.871


AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40 is a fully synthetic, multigrade engine oil designed for use in the new generation of compression ignition (Diesel) Aviation Piston Engines. The formulation has been selected to be suitable in piston engines fuelled by Jet A or Jet A-1 and is designed for use in the latest highly rated turbocharged diesel engines under all operating conditions.

AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40 is a fully synthetic engine oil containing a unique additive package to provide superior piston cleanliness, resulting in a clean, efficient and reliable engine. The package includes a powerful surface active additive that bonds to the surface of highly loaded engine parts, protecting the engine from scuffing damage. AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40 has been developed to be suitable for use in engines burning Jet fuel and its performance has been optimised to cope with the demands of this type of engine. Its key performance features include the ability to sustain high bearing loads, neutralisation of acid build-up from the sulphur present in the fuel and high dispersancy to allow for the relatively high particle loading produced when burning Jet fuel. During development, AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40 has amassed around 40,000 hours in engine- and flight-testing. It has been used throughout the SMA engine development program and during Thielert engine development testing: it is fully approved by both manufacturers. Further approvals are being sought as other engines are developed for this emerging market. AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40 MUST NOT be used in spark ignition or Avgas powered aircraft engines.


AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40 is approved for use in the following engines.

SMA Engines Thielert Engines

SR 305 (Later models yet to be produced) 1.7 and 2.0 Centurion (Other models yet to be produced)

No Aviation specifications yet defined.
U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation ACEA API E4, E5 equivalent CF equivalent

Typical Properties Oil type SAE viscosity grade Density @ 15C Base oil viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Total base number Sulphated ash content C C mgKOH/g %m kg/l mm/s

Diesel 10W-40 Fully synthetic hydrocarbon Multigrade10W-40 0.859 14.6 93.0 Above 160 38 220 16.0 1.9

NOTE: At the time of writing, AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40 was in the process of being superseded by AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra.


AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra is a fully synthetic, multigrade engine oil designed for use in the new generation of compression ignition (Diesel) Aviation Piston Engines. The formulation has been selected to be suitable in piston engines fuelled by Jet A or Jet A-1 and is designed for use in the latest highly rated turbocharged diesel engines under all operating conditions.

AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra is a fully synthetic engine oil containing a unique

additive package to provide superior piston cleanliness, resulting in a clean, efficient and reliable engine. This package includes a powerful surface active additive, which bonds to the surface of highly loaded engine parts, protecting the engine from scuffing damage. This oil has been developed to provide excellent component wear protection and engine cleanliness, based on substantial engine and component endurance tests with all the major diesel aero-engine manufacturers, and flight experience with diesel aero-engines in the field over recent years. AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra has been developed to be suitable for use in engines burning Jet fuel and its performance has been optimised to cope with the demands of this unique type of engine/fuel combination. Its key performance features include the ability to sustain high bearing loads, neutralisation of acid build up from the sulphur present in the fuel, and high dispersancy to allow for the relatively high particle loading produced when burning Jet fuel. AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra MUST NOT be used in spark ignition or Avgas powered aircraft engines.


AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra is approved to Mercedes Benz Specification 229.5, recognised and required by the leading Diesel aero engine manufacturers AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra is approved for use in the following engines. Whilst this is correct at the time of writing, testing is ongoing to extend this approval listing as new engines are produced.
Thielert/Centurion Engines Austro Engine 1.7 & 2.0 Centurion (Other models yet to be produced) AE300

No Aviation specifications yet defined.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation ACEA API Mercedes Benz SAE

Meets the requirements of A3/B4 Meets the requirements of SL/CF MB 299.5 Viscosity grade 5W-30

Typical Properties Oil type SAE viscosity grade Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C Pourpoint Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup HTHS viscosity @ 150C kg/l mm/s

Diesel Ultra Fully synthetic hydrocarbon Multigrade 5W-30 0.84 12.2 68.2 C C mPaS 39 215 3.50

NOTE: At the time of writing, AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra was in the process of replacing AeroShell Oil Diesel 10W-40.



3 AeroShell W Oils Diesel Ultra 15W-50 Sport Plus 4 W80 & W80 Plus W100 & W100 Plus W120 4 5 7 10 15 25

50 100 200 500 1000 3000 10000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Temperature: C

Kinematic viscosity: mm2/s



The earliest gas turbine engines were developed using straight mineral oils but the operational requirements for low temperature starting, either on the ground or at high altitude (re-lights) led to the development of a range of straight mineral oils with viscosities far lower than those of conventional aircraft engine oil of that time. For example, oils with viscosities between 2 mm2/s and 9 mm2/s at 100C became standard for gas turbine engines, compared with viscosities of 20 mm2/s to 25 mm2/s at 100C for piston engine oils. Although demand for the low viscosity straight mineral turbine oils is diminishing, the following list tabulates the range of specifications covered. MIL-PRF-6081D Grade 1010-AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 DEF STAN 91-99 (DERD 2490)-AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 DEF STAN 91-97 (DERD 2479/0)-(AeroShell Turbine Oil 9 - grade now withdrawn) DEF STAN 91-97 (DERD 2479/1)-(AeroShell Turbine Oil 9B - grade now withdrawn) The higher viscosity 9 mm2/s oils in the foregoing range were required for the highly loaded propeller reduction gears of turboprop engines. In some of these engines the natural load carrying characteristics derived from the viscosity of the oil alone was not enough and required improvement by an EP (Extreme Pressure) additive. The resultant blend, AeroShell Turbine Oil 9B (grade now withdrawn), was used by aircraft and helicopter operators. With the progressive development of the gas turbine engine to provide a higher thrust and compression ratio, etc., the mineral oils were found to lack stability and to suffer from excessive volatility and thermal degradation at the higher temperatures to which they were subjected. At this stage, a revolutionary rather than evolutionary oil development took place concurrently with engine development and lubricating oils derived by synthesis from naturally occurring organic products found an application in

gas turbine engines. The first generation of synthetic oils were all based on the esters of sebacic acid, principally dioctyl sebacate. As a class, these materials exhibited outstanding properties which made them very suitable as the basis for gas turbine lubricants. However, these materials yielded a product with a viscosity of about 3 mm2/s at 100C and alone had insufficient load carrying ability to support and transmit high gear loads. Therefore, to these materials were added thickeners (complex esters), which gave the required degree of load carrying ability and raised the final viscosity to about 7.5 mm2/s at 100C. Unlike straight mineral oils, the synthetic oils had to rely on additives, and in later formulations on multi-component additive packages, to raise their performance. This was particularly necessary to improve resistance to oxidation and thermal degradation; important properties which govern long term engine cleanliness. The two different basic grades of synthetic oil found favour on opposite sides of the Atlantic; in the U.S.A. 3 mm2/s oils became standard while, in the U.K., 7.5 mm2/s oils were used. AeroShell Turbine Oil 300 and AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 respectively were developed to meet these two separate requirements. The situation persisted for some years until 3 mm2/s oils were required for use in British pure jet engines. For many years AeroShell Turbine Oil 300 was the standard Shell 3 mm2/s oil and rendered satisfactory airline service in many different types of British and American engines. However, to provide a more than adequate margin of performance and to allow for further increase of operational life, principally in Rolls-Royce engines, AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 was developed. Although the use of 3 mm2/s oils in aero-engines has declined, the use in auxiliary power units is increasing where, because of the low temperature viscometric properties, use of 3 mm2/s oils gives improved cold starting reliability after prolonged cold soak. Soon after the introduction of AeroShell Turbine Oil 390, American practice changed. With the almost continuous increases in engine size and power output, a demand developed in the U.S.A. for oils possessing improved thermal stability and high load carrying ability, with some sacrifice in low temperature performance, and the idea of introducing a Type II, 5 mm2/s oil was formed.

These 5 mm2/s second generation, oils were usually based on hindered esters and have since found wide application in American engines and subsequently in British, Canadian and French engines. AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 was developed to meet these requirements. To meet the requirements to lubricate the engines of supersonic aircraft AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 was developed as an advanced 5 mm2/s synthetic oil with high temperature and load carrying performance. Changes which have taken place over the last two decades in engine performance (in terms of improved fuel consumption, higher operating temperatures and pressures) and in maintenance practices have resulted in increased severity in lubricant operating conditions. These types of changes stress the engine oil and thus the original Type II oils are becoming less suitable for use in modern aircraft engines. This has resulted in the need for engine oils with very good (and improved) thermal stability such as AeroShell Turbine Oil 560. This type of oil with better thermal stability is now generally known as third generation or HTS. In military aviation, the British Military initially standardised on the 7.5 mm2/s oils as defined by DERD 2487 (now renumbered as DEF STAN 91-98), but then, in the mid 1980s switched and decided that future requirements will be met by the specification DERD 2497 (now renumbered as DEF STAN 91-100) covering high temperature performance oils. In the U.S.A., the U.S. Air Force continues to prefer 3 mm2/s oils, and, more recently, 4 mm2/s oils, and maintains their performance requirements by revisions to specification MIL-PRF-7808 (formerly MIL-L-7808). The U.S. Navy, with interest in turbo-prop engines and helicopter gearboxes, etc., has tended to use 5 mm2/s oils and after a series of specifications have finalised their requirements in the MIL-PRF-23699 specification (formerly MIL-L-23699). The latest issue of this specification, MIL-PRF-23699F, now caters for three classes of 5 mm2/s oils; these are Standard Class (STD), Corrosion Inhibited class (C/I) and High Thermal Stability Class (HTS). Various AeroShell Turbine Oils are approved for each Class and the Summary Table at the end of these notes should be consulted for further information. More recently with the need to transmit more power and higher loads through helicopter gearboxes it has become apparent that MIL-PRF-23699 oils may not

be completely satisfactory. With this in mind, many helicopter manufacturers (as well as the U.S. Navy) have now turned to the advanced high load carrying 5 mm2/s oil AeroShell Turbine Oil 555. This in turn has led to the development of a U.S. military specification DOD-PRF-85734A (formerly DOD-L-85734) which covers a helicopter transmission oil against which AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 is fully approved. Historically, the aircraft engine original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have used the above military specifications to control the performance and quality of turbine oils used in their commercial engines. In recent years, as engine developments resulted in hotter-running engines, the OEMs decided that they needed a more comprehensive, civil specification with which to define oil properties and performance and, against which, they could approve oils. This led to the development of the SAE specification AS5780, which defines two grades of 5mm2/s turbine engine oils - SPC (Standard Performance Category) and HPC (High Performance Category). Shells newest turbine engine oil, AeroShell Ascender, was the first newly developed HPC oil to be approved against the SAE AS5780 specification.

Vintage aircraft turbine engines were approved on oils available when the engine was originally manufactured and in many cases these oils were specific blends of mineral oils, such oils being no longer available. If the engine was approved on a mineral turbine oil other than MIL-L-6081 or DEF STAN 91-99 (formerly DERD 2490) oils then operators should consult with either the engine manufacturer/rebuilder or oil supplier. In some cases it is possible to switch to a synthetic turbine oil but such a move can only be considered on a case by case basis. On no account assume that present turbine oils (both mineral and synthetic) are direct replacements for old vintage aircraft applications.

Routine oil analysis is now seen as a valuable part of a good maintenance programme. Increasingly operators are adopting oil analysis programmes in order to help discover problems before they turn into major failures. Typically

these programmes consist of spectrometric wear metal check, together with a few simple oil tests such as viscosity and acidity. Shell Companies can offer this service to operators. It is important to note that the information gained is only as good as the sampling procedure. A single test is not enough to reveal trends and significant changes, it can only tell an operator if there is already a serious problem. Operators should therefore: Take samples properly For best results, take the sample immediately after engine shutdown. The sample should be taken the same way every time. An improperly taken sample can lead to mistaken conclusions about engine problems. Rely on a series of consistent tests over time Operators should look for significant changes or trends over time, not just absolute values. Be consistent Always take the sample the same way at the same time interval. Always properly label the sample so that its identity is known.

Whenever an aircraft is certified, all of the engine oils are specified for each application point on the Type Certificate. The Type Certificate will specify, either by specification number or by specific brand names, those engine oils which are qualified to be used. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations state that only engine oils qualified for specific applications can be used in certified aircraft. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the aircraft owner or designated representative to determine which engine oil should be used.

The oil approvals listed in this section are believed to be current at time of printing, however, the respective engine manufacturers manuals and service bulletins should be consulted to ensure that the oil conforms with the engine manufacturers latest lubricant approval listing.

In the following section typical properties are quoted for each turbine oil; there may be deviations from the typical figures given but test figures will fall within the specification requirement.

Some turbine engine manufacturers permit or even recommend regular compressor washing. In this, water and/or special wash fluid is sprayed into the compressor during either ground idle running or during the final stages of engine shut down. The purpose of this washing is to restore the performance of the compressor by washing off any salt/sand/dirt/dust which may have collected on the compressor blade thereby causing deterioration in the performance of the compressor. Operators should strictly follow the engine manufacturers requirements for performing the compressor wash and in particular any requirement for a drying run since incorrect application of the wash/drying cycle could lead to contamination of the oil system by water and/or special wash fluid.


For many gas turbine engines there is no set oil change interval, this is because the oil in the system changes over through normal consumption in a reasonable number of hours. For some engines, particularly smaller engines, the engine manufacturer recommends regular oil changes. Operators should therefore adhere to the recommendations for the specific model of engine they operate. Depending upon the condition of the oil and the oil wetted areas of the engine, the engine manufacturer may be prepared to authorise oil change extensions. For gas turbines used in coastal operations (e.g. off-shore helicopter operations) where there is salt in the atmosphere, in high temperature/high humidity areas or in sandy/dusty areas regular oil changes can be beneficial because it allows removal of any salt/sand/dust/dirt/water contamination from the oil.

Generally synthetic turbine oils in one viscosity group are compatible and miscible with all other synthetic oils in the same viscosity group (and in many cases other viscosity groups as well). However, in changing from one synthetic turbine oil to another, an operator must follow the engine manufacturers recommendations. Change by top-off (mixing) allows the change over to take place slowly and there is increasing evidence that this is less of a shock to the engine and engine oil system. Whilst most engine manufacturers e.g. Rolls Royce, GE, P&W, CFMI, etc., allow change by top-off (mixing), other engine manufacturers e.g. Honeywell, do not and only allow changeover by either drain and refill or drain, flush and refill. It is Shells policy to always recommend that the engine manufacturers recommendations are followed. In addition it is recommended that for the initial period during and after change over the oil filters are inspected more frequently.


The advent of synthetic oil for gas turbine engine lubrication permitted greater extremes of temperature to be safely encountered (far in excess of those possible with mineral oils), and brought with it the problem of compatibility, not only of elastomers, but of metals, paints, varnishes, insulation materials and plastics. In fact all materials associated with lubricants in aircraft have had to be reviewed and new materials evolved, in some cases, to enable maximum benefit to be obtained from the use of synthetic turbine oils. Much of this evaluation has been undertaken by the manufacturers in the industries concerned, and may be summarised under the general heading of the materials groups.

When using a synthetic ester turbine oil the compatibility with sealing materials, plastics or paints has to be examined.

As a general rule, Shell Companies do not make recommendations regarding compatibility, since aviation applications are critical and the degree of compatibility depends on the operating conditions, performance requirements, and the exact composition of materials. In many cases the equipment manufacturers perform their own compatibility testing or have their elastomer supplier do it for them. Many elastomer suppliers do produce tables showing the compatibility of their products with a range of other materials. Therefore, the information provided here can only be considered as a guideline.

Elastomer/Plastic Fluorocarbon (Viton) Acrylonitrile Polyester Silicone Teon Nylon Buna -S Perbunan Methacrylate Neoprene Natural Rubber Polyethylene Butyl Rubber Poly Vinyl Chloride

Mineral Turbine Oils Very good Good Good Poor to Good Very Good Poor to Good Poor Good Good Fair to Good Poor to Fair Good Very Poor to Poor Poor to Good

Synthetic Ester Turbine Oils Very good Poor to Good (high nitrile content is better) Poor to Fair Poor to Fair Very Good Poor Poor Fair to Good Poor to Fair Poor Poor Good Poor to Fair Poor

Compatibility Rating:
Very Good-Good-Fair-Poor-Very Poor


Epoxy resin paints have been found to be practically the only paints entirely compatible giving no breakdown or softening or staining in use, except for the very light colour shades, which are susceptible to staining due to the actual colour of the anti-oxidant inhibitor contained in practically all ester based lubricants.

Only the more common plastics can be considered for evaluation of compatibility. The best from chemical and physical aspects is polytetrafluoroethylene, as might be expected from its generally inert properties. This is closely followed by higher molecular weight nylon. Polyvinyl chloride is rapidly softened by the hot oil and is not recommended. Currently, polythene and terylene are also suspect in this respect, but have not been extensively evaluated.

Many commonly used phenolic impregnated varnishes are softened by contact with the hot oil, but a few of the harder grades show moderate to good resistance. Silicone varnishes and TS 188 are considerably softened. Modified alkyd type varnishes, when baked, possess good resistance to oil but have poor resistance to water. When good resistance to water is also required, it is recommended that the varnish be coated with a water resistant finish.


Ester based synthetic oils are incompatible with mineral and vegetable oils. In no circumstances should these products be used together and, if changing from one type to another, then particular care is needed to ensure that all traces of the previous product are removed prior to ester lubricant application.


Copper and alloys containing copper

As in mineral oil applications, pure copper has a marked catalytic effect at sustained high oil temperatures on the break down of the esters to acid derivatives, and its use in engines or other equipment is thus most undesirable. Copper alloys such as brass and bronze do not possess this property to any great degree and can be used with safety.

Aluminium and steel and their alloys

These materials are not affected.

Cadmium, in the form of plating as a protective treatment for storage of parts destined to be in contact with oil in service, experiences a tendency at the higher temperatures to be taken into solution by synthetic oils. This solvent action does not harm the lubricant, but the slow removal of cadmium plating after many hours of service will detract from its efficiency as a subsequent protective.

Lead and alloys containing lead

Lead and all alloys containing lead are attacked by synthetic lubricants. The way the lubricant reacts with the lead differs according to the type of lubricant, but in general, all lead compounds should be avoided. The most common forms of lead are lead abradable seals and lead solder used particularly in filters and mesh screens. In these cases the mesh screen should be brazed.

Magnesium is not affected except where hydrolysis occurs. Thus magnesium should not be used if there is any likelihood of hydrolysis occurring or alternatively the magnesium could be coated with epoxy to protect it. Monel and Inconel are not affected. Tungsten accumulates a very thin soft black film after prolonged immersion in synthetic oils under static conditions. It is readily removed by wiping, leaving no sign of corrosion. Under the scrubbing conditions normally associated with circulatory oil systems this film does not materialise and its effect may be ignored.

Zinc, as galvanised protective, is attacked by synthetic lubricants leading to the formation of zinc soaps and thus should not be used. Storage of synthetic oils is best achieved in tinned mild steel cans or failing this, bright mild steel. Titanium is not affected. Silver and silver plating is generally not affected. However, in some synthetic ester oils, the additive pack, especially high load additives, react with the silver and blacken or even de-plate the silver. Chromium plating is not affected. Nickel and alloys are generally satisfactory. Tin plating is generally satisfactory. For aircraft oil tanks the recommended material is light alloy or stainless steel.


In selecting an AeroShell turbine engine oil for a non-aviation application, the properties of the oil must be examined. This will only give an approximate indication as to the expected performance in the specific application. However, such data must be regarded as guidance only. There is no laboratory test that can give a complete prediction of performance in actual use, and the final stage in any decision must involve performance tests in either the actual equipment or in the laboratory/test house under conditions expected in service. The main use of AeroShell turbine engine oils in non-aviation applications is in aero-derived industrial and marine gas turbine applications. Such engines have found application in: electrical power generation large pumps and compressors, especially in pipeline applications and in petrochemical process industry marine propulsion In an aero-engine, essential design features are its size and weight, which results in compact units. Such designs place heavy demands on the engine components and lubricants to ensure total reliability in the high temperatures

within the engine. The land and sea based derivatives of the aero-engines retain the essential design elements of their aviation versions and thus have similar lubrication requirements. Engine manufacturers therefore approve the use of aircraft synthetic turbine oils in these engines. Only these lubricants have the characteristics required to provide the unit lubrication and cooling within the severe operating environment. There is a full range of AeroShell turbine oils approved by the major engine manufacturers for use in their industrial and marine derivatives of aero-engines and a quick reference table is included at the end of this section.


Specication Number 308 Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved U.S. Air Force 3 mm2/s oil specication 4 mm2/s oil specication U.S. Navy 5 mm2/s oil specication U.S. helicopter transmission specication Aero and aero-derived Gas Turbine oil specication Approved U.K. 5 mm2/s Marine Gas Turbine oil specication Approved U.K. 3 mm2/s oil specication U.K. 7.5 mm2/s oil specication U.K. Advanced 5 mm2/s oil specication U.K. 5 mm2/s oil specication 390 560 750 Ascender Comments


MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3 Grade 4



SAE AS5780B Grade SPC Grade HPC Approved Approved


Approved Approved Approved

DEF STAN 91-93 (DERD 2458)

DEF STAN 91-94 (DERD 2468)

DEF STAN 91-98 (DERD 2487)

DEF STAN 91-100 (DERD 2497)

DEF STAN 91-101 (DERD 2499) Grade OX-27 Grade OX-28

AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 is a 2 mm2/s mineral turbine oil blended from mineral base stocks to which a pour-point depressant and an anti-oxidant have been added.

AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 is widely used for inhibiting fuel systems and fuel system components during storage. AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 is an analogue to the Russian Grade MK-8 and can therefore be used in engines which require the use of MK-8.


U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

Approved MIL-PRF-6081D Grade 1010 Equivalent to AIR 3516/A Analogue to MK-8 O-133 OM-10 (Obsolete)

PROPERTIES Oil type Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 37.8C @ 40C Viscosity stability 3hrs @ 40C Pourpoint Total acidity Colour Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 121C Trace sediment C mgKOH/g ASTM ASTM ml/200ml Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C kg/l mm/s

MIL-PRF-6081D Grade 1010 Mineral 10.0 min 3000 max 2 max 57 max 132 min 0.10 max 5.5 max 1 max 0.005 max

TYPICAL Mineral 0.875 10.5 2700 0.2 Below 57 154 0.02 <0.5 Passes 0.001

Corrosion & oxidation stability 168 hrs @ 121C - metal weight change - change in viscosity @ 37.8C % - acid number change mgKOH/g

Must pass 5 to +20 0.2 max

Passes Passes Less than 0.2


AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 is a 3 mm2/s mineral turbine oil blended from mineral base stocks to which a anti-corrosion additive has been added.

AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 was developed for early pure jet engines and is still

approved for some versions of these engines plus the Turbomeca Astazou, Artouste, Turmo, Bastan and Marbore engines. AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 is widely used for inhibiting fuel systems and fuel system components during storage. AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 is an analogue to the Russian Grade MK-8 and can therefore be used in engines which require the use of MK-8. It is also used as the mineral turbine oil component in the mixture of mineral turbine oil and piston engine oil used in Russian turbo-prop engines.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved DEF STAN 91-99 Equivalent to AIR 3515/B Analogue to MK-8 O-135 OM-11

PROPERTIES Oil type Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 40C @ 25C Pourpoint kg/l mm/s

DEF STAN 91-99 Mineral 12.0 min 1250 max C 45 max 144 min 0.30 max NIL 1 max 1 max 0.01 max 10 max

TYPICAL Mineral 0.875 12.28 1112 Below 45 146 0.15 NIL Passes 0.25 0.001 6.0

Flashpoint Pensky Martin Closed Cup C Total acidity Strong acid number Saponication matter Ash Aromatic content mgKOH/g mgKOH/g mgKOH/g % m/m %

Copper corrosion 3 hrs @100C

Oxidation - total acid number increase mgKOH/g - asphaltenes % m/m

0.7 max 0.35 max

0.24 0.09


AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP is a 3 mm2/s mineral turbine oil incorporating additives to improve anti-wear and anti-oxidant properties as well as low temperature properties.

AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP has excellent low temperature properties and is

approved for use in Russian engines which use the Russian grades MS-8P, MK8P and MS-8RK. Typical civil applications include various models of the Il-62, Il-76, Il-86, Il-114, Tu-134, Tu-154, YAK-40, AN-12, AN-26, AN-30, and M-15 aircraft as well as the Mi-6 and Mi-10 helicopters. Typical military applications include the MiG-9, MiG-11, MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-21, Su-7, Su-9, Su-11 and Su-15 aircraft. AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP is approved for use in the preservation of oil and fuel systems where Russian grades MK-8, MS-8P and MS-8RK are used. AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP can also be used in oil mixtures where this oil is mixed with piston engine oil. Typical mixtures are: SM-4.5 = 75% MS-8P + 25% MS-20 = 75% AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP + 25% AeroShell Oil 100 SM-8.0 = 50% MS-8P + 50% MS-20 = 50% AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP + 50% AeroShell Oil 100 SM-11.5 = 25% MS-8P + 75% MS-20 = 25% AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP + 75% AeroShell Oil 100 Typical applications for these mixtures include the Il-8, AN-12, AN-24, AN26, AN-28 and AN-30 aircraft as well as various military aircraft and some helicopter transmissions.


U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

(see table below) -

AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP has been tested and approved by the Central Institute of Aviation Motors (CIAM) in Moscow as follows: Engine oils MS-8P (OST 38.01163-78) MS-8RK (TU 38-1011181-88) Preservative oil MK-8 (GOST 6457-66) MS-8P MS-8R AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP is also approved and ratified in Decision No DB - 6.8 - 21 by: GUAP Goscomoboronprom (Chief Department of Aviation Industry of Defence Industry State Committee of Russian Federation) DVT MT (Aviation Transport Department of Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation).

PROPERTIES Oil type Density @ 20C Kinematic viscosity @ 50C @ 40C Pourpoint Total acid number Lubricating properties Thermal oxidation Water content Sediment content Sulphur content Ash content Flashpoint Foaming tendency Corrosivity Elastomer compatibility %m %m C kg/l mm/s

OST 38.01163-78 Mineral 0.875 max 8.0 min 4000 max C mgKOH/g 55 max 0.30 max Must pass Must Pass NIL NIL 0.55 max 0.008 max 150 min* Must pass Must Pass Must Pass

TYPICAL Mineral 0.875 8.15 3367 Below 55 0.02 Passes Passes NIL NIL 0.13 0.002 Above 140* Passes Passes Passes




In their qualification approval testing programme, CIAM tested AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP against the requirements of the OST 38.01163-78 Specification and in comparison with a sample of Russian-produced MS-8P. When comparing

results, it is important to realise that the OST 38.01163-78 specification was written specifically to cover MS-8P which was made from a particular mineral base oil; a direct analogue of this base oil is not available outside of Russia and so it is to be expected that not all the properties of AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP would necessarily be identical to those of MS-8P, nor even fully conform to the OST 38.01163-78 specification. This was, indeed, found to be the case by CIAM. Nevertheless, CIAM still approved AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP as being a suitable alternative to MS-8P. In terms of volatility - flash point and evaporation loss - AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP does not conform to the requirements of OST 38.01163-78. However, CIAM proceeded to approve AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP on the basis that aircraft which use it would formerly have used MK-8P, which was more volatile than the MS-8P which replaced it. CIAM confirmed its acceptance of a lower flash point in their letter dated 24th February, 1994. With regard to load carrying/anti-wear properties, when assessed by the 4-ball machine, AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP was found to give marginally inferior results to MS-8P. However, when subjected by CIAM to more realistic, high temperature, SH-3 gearbox bench testing, the results were good and CIAM concluded in their report that all aspects of pinion teeth wear did not exceed the accepted norms and that operation of the gearbox was normal. Furthermore, deterioration of the oil after test was minimal. Although each batch of AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP manufactured by Shell is tested on a 4-ball machine, the test methods used are ASTM D2596 and/or D4172 which would not necessarily produce identical results to the Russian GOST 9490-75 method. GUAP Goscomoboronprom (Chief Department of Aviation Industry of Defence Industry State Committee of Russian Federation) DVT MT (Aviation Transport Department of Ministry of Transport of Russian Federation).


AeroShell Turbine Oil 308 is a 3 mm2/s synthetic ester oil incorporating additives to improve resistance to oxidation and corrosion and to minimise


AeroShell Turbine Oil 308 was developed specifically for use in particular models of aircraft turbo-prop and turbo-jet engines for which a MIL-PRF-7808 (formerly MIL-L-7808) oil is required. AeroShell Turbine Oil 308 contains a synthetic ester oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials and it also affects some paints and plastics. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3 O-148 OX-9

PROPERTIES Oil type Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C @ 51C Viscosity stability Pourpoint Total acidity Trace metal content Evaporation 6.5 hrs @ 205C %m Silver - bronze corrosion @ 232C - silver gm/m2 - bronze gm/m2 Deposit test - deposit rating - neutralisation number change - viscosity change @ 40C Storage stability Compatibility C mgKOH/g Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C kg/l mm/s

MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3 Synthetic ester 3.0 min 11.5 min 17000 max Must pass 210 min 0.3 max Must pass 30 max 4.5 max 4.5 max 1.5 max 20 max 100 max Must pass Must pass

TYPICAL Synthetic ester 0.956 3.1 12.0 2400 12000 Passes Below 62 235 0.15 Passes 20 0.01 0.05 0.8 2.0 12.0 Passes Passes

% %

PROPERTIES Elastomer compatibility SAE-AMS 3217/1, 168 hrs @ 70C % swell SAE-AMS 3217/4, 72 hrs @ 175C % swell - tensile strength change % - elongation change % - hardness change % SAE-AMS 3217/5, 72 hrs @ 150C % swell - tensile strength change % - elongation change % - hardness change % Static foam test - foam volume - foam collapse time Dynamic foam test Corrosion and oxidation stability Bearing deposition stability - deposit rating - lter deposit weight g - viscosity change @ 40C - acid number change mg/KOH/g - metal weight change mg/cm Gear load carrying capacity ml secs

MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3


12 to 35 2 to 25 50 max 50 max 20 max 2 to 25 50 max 50 max 20 max 100 max 60 max Must pass Must pass 60 max 2.0 max 5 to +25 1.0 max 0.2 max Must pass

27 16 30 3.5 9.0 Passes Less than 50 Less than 50 Less than 20 30 15 Passes Passes <60 <2 Passes <1 Passes Passes

A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 is a 3 mm2/s synthetic diester oil incorporating a carefully selected and balanced combination of additives to improve thermal and oxidation stability and to increase the load carrying ability of the base oil.

AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 was developed primarily as an improved 3 mm2/s oil for British turbo-jet engines. AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 is fully approved for a wide range of turbine engines. More recently, because of the low temperature characteristics of AeroShell Turbine Oil 390, there is interest in using this oil in auxiliary power units (APU) in order to overcome the effects of cold soak. Normal practice is to shut down the APU during cruise, the APU then experiences cold soak, often prolonged, and when the unit is started there is considerable difficulty resulting in the unit not coming up to speed in the given time, thus causing a hung start. In such cases where the APU is subject to a long cold soak the viscosity of standard 5 mm2/s oils used in the APU will increase from 5 mm2/s at 100C to typically 10,000 mm2/s at -40C. At this much higher viscosity the oil cannot flow easily leading to a large viscous drag within the APU, thereby contributing to the difficulty in starting. AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 on the other hand experiences a much smaller viscosity increase (typically 2000 mm2/s at -40C) with a reduction in viscous drag which is often sufficient to overcome hung start problems. All experience to date shows a considerable improvement in cold reliability of the APU when AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 is used.


U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

Approved DEF STAN 91-94 Analogue to IPM-10, VNII NP 50-1 4f and 4u, and 36Ku-A OX-7


AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 is approved for use in all models of the following engines:
Honeywell Pratt & Whitney Canada Rolls Royce Turbomeca Hamilton-Sundstrand GTCP 30, 36, 70, 85, 331 and 660 APUs Starters, Turbo compressors PW901A APU Conway, Spey, Tay, M45H Astazou, Artouste, Bastan VII, Marbore 6, Makila, Turmo APS 500, 1000, 2000, 3000

PROPERTIES Oil type Density @ 15C Kinematic viscosity @ 40C @ 100C @ 54C Pourpoint Foam characteristics Trace element content Elastomer compatibility, swell tests - nitrile % - viton % - silicone % Solid particle contamination - sediment - total ash of sediment Corrosivity High temperature oxidative stability Load carrying ability mg/I mg/l kg/l mm/s

DEF STAN 91-94 16.0 max 4.0 min 13000 max C 60 max 225 min Must pass Must pass 14 to 26 15 to 25 16 to 24 10 max 1 max Must pass Must pass Report

TYPICAL Synthetic ester 0.924 12.9 3.4 <13000 68 225 Passes Passes Within range Within range Within range <10 <1 Passes Passes Passes

Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C

A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 is a 5 mm2/s synthetic hindered ester oil incorporating a carefully selected and balanced combination of additives to improve thermal and oxidation stability and metal passivation.

AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 was developed essentially to meet the requirements of Pratt & Whitney 521 Type II and MIL-L-23699 specifications and is entirely suitable for most civil and military engines requiring this class of lubricant. AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 is approved for use in a wide range of turbine engines as well as the majority of accessories. With the advent of the new civil turbine oil specification, SAE AS5780, which has more stringent requirements than the military specification MIL-PRF-23699, AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 was approved as a SPC (Standard Performance Capability) oil. AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 contains a synthetic ester oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials and it also affects some paints and plastics. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Pratt & Whitney General Electric Allison Approved MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD Approved SAE AS5780B Grade SPC Approved DEF STAN 91-101 Grade OX-27 Equivalent DCSEA 299/A O-156 OX-27 Approved 521C Type II Approved D-50 TF 1 Approved EMS-53 (Obsolete)


AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 is approved for use in all models of the following engines:
Honeywell TFE 731, TPE 331, GTCP 30, 36, 85, 331, 660 and 700 series APUs. ALF 502, LF507, LTS101, LTP101, T53, T55, AL5512, RE100, TCSP700, RE200 250 Series, 501, D13, T56, GMA 2100, GMA 3007 BR710, BR715 CFM 56 cleared for ight evaluation GP7200 EJ200 CF6, CT58, CF700, CJ610, CJ805, CF34, CT7, CT64 APS 500, 100, 2000, 3000 M601D, E and Z JT3, JT4, JT8, JT9, JT12, PW2000, PW4000, PW6000 JT15, PT6A, PT6T, ST6, PW100, PW200, PW300, PW500 RB211, -524, -535, Tay, Gnome, Spey, RB183, Adour, M45H, Viper (Series MK 301, 521, 522, 526, 535, 540, 601, 623 and 632)

Allison (Rolls-Royce) BMW-Rolls-Royce CFM International Engine Alliance Eurojet GE Hamilton Sundstrand IAE Motorlet Pratt & Whitney Pratt & Whitney Canada Rolls-Royce

Full details of the approved status of AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 in APUs and other engines/accessories is available


MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD SAE AS5780B Grade SPC Synthetic ester mm/s 4.90 to 5.40 23.0 min 13000 max 246 min 54 max 1 max 10.0 max Must pass C mgKOH/g


Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C Pourpoint Total acidity

Synthetic ester

5.17 25.26 8996 256 <54 0.11 3.6 Passes

Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C

Evaporation loss 6.5 hrs @ 204C %m Foaming Swelling of standard synthetic rubber SAE-AMS 3217/4 72 hrs @ 204C swell % Elastomer compatibility, % weight change after 24/120 hours: Fluorocarbon @ 200C LCS Fluorocarbon @ 200C Nitrile @ 130C Silicone @ 175C Peruoroelastomer @ 200C Thermal stability/corrosivity 96 hrs @ 274C - metal weight change mg/cm - viscosity change %

5 to 25

Within limits 15%

10/15 max. 10/20 max. Report Report N/A

Within limits Within limits Within limits Within limits

4 max 5 max 6 max

0.5 2.69 2.03

- Total acid number change mgKOH/g


MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD SAE AS5780B Grade SPC Must pass Must pass Must pass Report 102


Corrosion & oxidation stability 72 hrs @ 175C 72 hrs @ 204C 72 hrs @ 218C HLPS dynamic coking @ 375C @ 20hrs Deposit mg Ryder gear test, relative rating Hercolube A %

Passes Passes Passes 1.34 average 117

Bearing Test Rig Type 1 1/2 conditions (100hrs) - Overall deposit demerit rating - Viscosity change @ 40C % - Total acid number change mgKOH/g - lter deposits g Sonic shear stability viscosity change at 40C Trace metal content Sediment Ash mg/I mg/I %

80.0 max 5 to +30 2 max 3 max 4 max Must pass 10 max 1 max

51 18.25 0.63 0.70 0.19 Passes 0.77 0.4

AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 is also approved for use in the industrial and marine versions of the Rolls Royce Trent, Avon, Allison 501K and 570K, Honeywell TF35, Pratt & Whitney GG3/FT3, GG4/FT4, GG12/FT12, all General Electric LM Series of units, Turbomeca industrial engines and certain Solar gas turbine engines. A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 is an advanced 5 mm2/s synthetic hindered ester oil incorporating a finely balanced blend of additives to improve thermal and oxidation stability and to increase the load carrying ability of the base oil.

AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 was specifically developed to meet the high temperatures and load carrying requirements of SST engines and the DEF STAN 91-100 (formerly DERD 2497) and XAS-2354 specifications. AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 was also designed to give enhanced performance in current engines. More recently with the need to transmit more power and higher loads through helicopter transmission and gearbox systems (many helicopters use a synthetic turbine engine oil in the transmission/gearbox system) it has become apparent that the use of a very good load carrying oil, such as AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 is necessary. This in turn has led to the development of a U.S. Military Specification, DOD-L-85734 (now DOD-PRF-85734A), which covers a helicopter transmission oil against which AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 is fully approved. AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 contains a synthetic ester oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials and it also affects some paints and plastics. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information.


U.S. British

Approved DOD-PRF-85734A Approved DEF STAN 91-100 Note: both UK and US production are manufactured to the same formulation. O-160 OX-26 Approved 521C Type II Approved D-50 TF 1 Approved EMS-53 (Obsolete)

French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Pratt & Whitney General Electric Allison


AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 is approved for use in all models of the following engines:
Honeywell General Electric Motorlet Pratt & Whitney Pratt & Whitney Canada Rolls-Royce Turbomeca Auxiliary Power Units GTCP 30, 36, 85, 331, 660 and 700 series CT58, CT64, CF700, CJ610 M601D, E and Z JT3, JT4, JT8, JT9, JT12, PW4000 ST6, PW200 Gem, Gnome, M45H, Olympus 593, RB199 Adour


AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 is approved for an increasing number of helicopter transmissions, whilst details are listed below, it is important that operators check latest status with the helicopter manufacturer. In all cases it is important to check compatibility with seals used in the transmission/gearbox.
U.S. Military Eurocopter Agusta Bell Helicopter Textron Boeing Vertol McDonnell Douglas MBB Sikorsky Approved for helicopter transmission specication DOD-PRF-85734A Approved for Super Puma, for other helicopters check with Eurocopter Approved for A109 and A129 models, for other models check with Agusta Approved for all Bell turbine engine powered helicopters Approved for Chinook Approved Approved Approved for S-61N (note other types such as the S-70 and S-76 do not use synthetic turbine oils in the transmission) Approved for some models

Westland Helicopters

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 98.9C @ 37.8C @ 40C Pourpoint Total acidity mm/s

DOD-PRF-85734A Synthetic ester 5.0 to 5.5 25.0 min 13000 max 246 min 54 max 0.5 max 10.0 max Must pass C mgKOH/g

TYPICAL Synthetic ester 5.4 29.0 11000 >246 Below 54 0.3 2.6 Passes

Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C

Evaporation loss 6.5 hrs @ 204C %m Foaming Swelling of standard synthetic rubber SAE-AMS 3217/1 72 hrs @ 70C swell % SAE-AMS 3217/4 72 hrs @ 204C swell %

0 to 25 0 to 25

14 14

Thermal stability/corrosivity 96 hrs @ 274C - metal weight change mg/cm - viscosity change @ 37.8C % - Total acid number change mgKOH/g

4 max 5 max 6 max

0.97 1.2 2


MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD SAE AS5780B Grade SPC Must pass Must pass Must pass % 145 80.0 max 5 to +30 2 max 3 max 4 max Must pass mg/l mg/I 10 max 1 max


Corrosion & oxidation stability 72 hrs @ 175C 72 hrs @ 204C 72 hrs @ 218C Ryder gear test, relative rating Hercolube A

Passes Passes Passes >145 22 21 0.83 0.5 NIL Passes Passes Passes

Bearing test rig type 1 conditions - Overall deposit demerit rating - Viscosity change @ 37.8C % - Total acid number change mgKOH/g - lter deposits g Sonic shear stability - viscosity change at 40C Trace metal content Sediment Ash %

AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 is also approved for use in the industrial and marine versions of the Rolls - Royce RB211-22 and Olympus engines, General Electric LM 100, 250, 350, 1500 and 2500 engines. A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 is a third generation, high performance, low coking 5 mm2/s synthetic hindered ester oil incorporating a carefully selected and finely balanced combination of additives to improve thermal and oxidation


Changes which have taken place over the last twenty years in engine performance (in terms of improved fuel consumption, higher operating temperatures and pressures) and maintenance practices have resulted in increased severity in lubricant operating conditions. AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 was developed to withstand the hostile environments of todays high powered, high compression engines in which the older generation of oils can be stressed up to and beyond their thermal limits, as evidenced by oil coking in the high temperature bearing areas. By overcoming the problems associated with using old technology oils in new technology engines, AeroShell Turbine Oil 560: maintains a cleaner engine provides improved load carrying capacity reduces maintenance costs prolongs bearing life in both new and existing engines. In order for military authorities to take advantage of this better performance in military engines the specification MIL-PRF-23699 was re-written to include a High Thermal Stability (HTS) grade as well as the Standard (STD) and Corrosion Inhibited (C/I) grades. AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 is fully approved as an HTS oil. With the advent of the new civil turbine oil specification, SAE AS5780, which has more stringent requirements than the military specification, AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 was approved as a SPC (Standard Performance Capability) oil. With effect from January 1st 2002, AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 has been manufactured with an improved formulation to further enhance its anti-coking performance. AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 contains a synthetic ester oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials and it also affects some paints

and plastics. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Pratt & Whitney General Electric Allison Approved MIL-PRF-23699F Grade HTS Approved SAE AS5780B Grade SPC Equivalent DEF STAN 91-101 Equivalent DCSEA 299/A Analogue to VNII NP 50-1-4F, B3V, LZ-240, VNII NP 50-1-4U and 36/Ku-A O-154 Equivalent OX-27 Approved 521C Type II Approved D-50 TF 1 Approved EMS-53 (Obsolete)


AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 is approved for use in all models of the following engines:


TFE 731, TPE 331, APUs (majority of models) LTS 101, LTP 101, ALF 502, LF 507, AS907, AS977, GTCP 30, 36, 85, 331, 660, RE220 250 Series BR710, BR715 CFM 56 (all models) CFE 738 GP7200 GE 90, CF6 (all models) CJ610, CF700, CT34, GEnX V2500 Series FJR 710 APS 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 JT3D, JT8D, JT9D, PW4000 Series (cleared for ight evaluation in PW2000 engines) PT6T, PT6A (some models only), PW120,121 Series, JT15D, PW200 Series, PW300 Series, PW500 Series, PW901A APU Spey, Tay RB183, Adour, RB199 Arriel, Arrius, Makila, RTM 322, TM 319, TM 333, TP 319, MTR 390, various models of Astazou and Artouste engines

Allison (Rolls-Royce) BMW-Rolls-Royce CFM International CFE Engine Alliance GE IAE IHI Hamilton Sundstrand Pratt & Whitney Pratt & Whitney Canada

Rolls-Royce Turbomeca


MIL-PRF-23699F Grade HTS SAE AS5780B Grade SPC Synthetic ester mm/s 4.90 to 5.40 23.0 min 13000 max 246 min 54 max 1 max 10.0 max Must pass C mgKOH/g


Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C Pourpoint Total acidity

Synthetic ester 5.24 26.71 9351 268 60 0.20 2.0 Passes

Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C

Evaporation loss 6.5 hrs @ 204C %m Foaming Swelling of standard synthetic Rubber SAE-AMS 3217/4 72 hrs @ 204C swell % Elastomer compatibility, % weight change after 24/120 hours: Fluorocarbon @ 200C LCS Fluorocarbon @ 200C Nitrile @ 130C Silicone @ 175C Peruoroelastomer @ 200C

5 to 25


10/15 max. 10/20 max. Report Report N/A

7.5/9.0 6.5/8.5 6.5/6.0 14.5/13.5 0.5/0.5


MIL-PRF-23699F Grade HTS SAE AS5780B Grade SPC


Thermal stability/corrosivity 96 hrs @ 274C - metal weight change mg/cm - viscosity change @ 37.8C % - Total acid number change mgKOH/g Corrosion & oxidation stability 72 hrs @ 175C 72 hrs @ 204C 72 hrs @ 218C HLPS dynamic coking @ 375C @ 20hrs Deposit mg Ryder gear test, relative rating Hercolube A %

4 max 5 max 6 max Must pass Must pass Must pass Report 102

0.23 0.3 1.5 Passes Passes Passes 0.21 112

Bearing test rig (100hr test) Type 1 conditions - Overall deposit demerit rating - Viscosity change @ 40C % - Total acid number change mgKOH/g - lter deposits g Sonic shear stability - viscosity change at 40C Trace metal content %

80 max 5 to +30max 2.0 max 3 max 4 max Must pass

21 24 0.81 0.55 (200hr test) 0.3 Passes

AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 is also approved for use in the industrial and marine versions of the Rolls-Royce RB211-22, Avon, Spey, Olympus and Tyne engines, Pratt & Whitney GG3/FT3, GG4/FT4, GG12/FT12, GG8/FT8 engines, all General Electric LM Series of units, some Honeywell and Turbomeca industrial engines and certain Solar gas turbine engines. A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 is a 7 mm2/s synthetic mixed ester oil containing a thickener and additives which provide excellent load carrying, thermal and oxidation stability.

AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 was developed to meet the requirements of DERD 2487 (now DEF STAN 91-98) and to provide a high standard of lubrication in British civil gas turbines, particularly turbo-prop engines where a good load carrying oil was required for the propeller reduction gearbox. AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 is also approved by the Russian authorities as an analogue to MN-7.5u and for those Russian turbo-prop applications which require the use of mixtures of mineral turbine oil and aircraft piston engine oil. AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 contains a synthetic ester oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials and it also affects some paints and plastics. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information.


U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

Approved DEF STAN 91-98 (replaces DERD 2487) Equivalent to AIR 3517A Analogue to TU 38.1011722-85 Grade MN-7.5u O-149 (equivalent O-159) OX-38


AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 is approved for use in all models of the following engines:
Honeywell Allison (Rolls-Royce) BMW-Rolls-Royce Auxiliary Power Units (some models) PT6 (some models) Dart, Tyne, Avon (some early models only), Gnome, Pegasus, Palouste, Nimbus, Proteus, Orpheus, Olympus 200 and 300 S-61N transmissions D30 engine Astazou, Bastan, Turmo, Artouste, Arriel, Makila

Sikorsky Soloviev Turbomeca

PROPERTIES Oil type Density @ 15C kg/I Kinematic viscosity mm/s @ 40C @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C after storage @ 54C for 12 hr Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C Pourpoint Total acidity Foaming characteristics Sediment Total ash of sediment Trace element content Elastomer swell tests Corrosivity, metal weight change Gear machine rating Shear stability - viscosity change @ 40C - condition of oil Compatibility and miscibility Homogeneity @ 210C @ 40C % mg/I mg/I C mgKOH/g

DEF-STAN 91-98 Synthetic ester Report 36.0 max 7.35 min 13000 max 216 min 54 max Report Must pass 10 max 1 max Must pass Must pass Must pass Must pass 2 max Must pass Must pass Must pass Must pass

TYPICAL Synthetic ester 0.947 32 7.47 10140 10800 242 Below 54 0.03 Passes Less than 10 Less than 1 Passes Passes Passes Passes Less than 2 Passes Passes Passes Passes

A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Ascender is a fourth generation turbine engine oil developed with a high performance, low coking, 5 mm2/s synthetic hindered ester basestock combined with a state of the art additive system, to both improve thermal and oxidation stability and provide superior elastomer compatibility.

AeroShell Ascender was developed for the latest generation of gas turbine engines as a low-coking, high compatibility product. Its improved thermal and oxidative stability will ensure negligible coke formation in engines, so any traditional engine problems associated with coke should never occur. It has also been tested extensively for elastomer compatibility, which is a known service problem. AeroShell Ascender therefore offers the customer the balance of low coking performance with excellent elastomer compatibility. AeroShell Ascender will also deliver performance benefits in todays existing high powered, high compression engines in which the older generation of oils can be stressed up to and beyond their thermal limits, as evidenced by oil coking in the high temperature bearing areas.


The value of AeroShell Ascender lies in its ability to deliver both low coking and elastomer compatibility/seal integrity. Until recently, it had been commonly accepted that the two are mutually exclusive, so that improving the oils properties in one regard meant compromising the other. For airline operators, this problem can be expensive in terms of prematurely degraded seals. With AeroShell Ascender, Shell Aviation has developed a product that now deals with this problem so operators no longer have to choose between coking performance and elastomer compatibility.

FEATURES Excellent elastomer seal compatibility Low coking performance

BENEFITS Reduced chance of seal swell or degradation leading to high oil consumption and cost of changing the seals Less chance of oil coke build-up in bearing chambers and service pipes resulting in lower maintenance and cleaning costs Extended oil life during arduous engine conditions No issues or concerns when changing from one approved oil to AeroShell Ascender Improved performance over traditional standard grade oils can help reduce maintenance costs and extend engine life

Improved oxidation and thermal stability Excellent compatibility with other approved oils A High Performance Capability grade oil


U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Pratt & Whitney General Electric

Approved SAE AS5780B HPC Grade Approved MIL-PRF-23699F HTS Grade Equivalent DEF STAN 91-101 Equivalent DCSEA 299/A O-154 Equivalent OX-27 Approved 521C Type II Approved D-50 TF 1


AeroShell Ascender is approved for use in all models of the following engines: IAEV2500 Series *Approval is currently in progress for all engine models. For latest engine approval status, please contact your Shell Aviation representative.
PROPERTIES Oil Type Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C Pourpoint Total acidity mm/s 4.90 to 5.40 23.0 min 13000 max 246 min 54 max 1 max 10.0 max C mgKOH/g 5.02 25.47 11724 266 <54 0.24 2.0 SAE AS5780B Grade HPC Synthetic ester TYPICAL Synthetic ester

Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C

Evaporation loss 6.5 hrs @ 204C %m Swelling of standard synthetic rubber SAE-AMS 3217/4 72 hrs @ 204C swell % Foaming Elastomer compatibility, % weight change after 24/120 hours: Fluorocarbon @ 200C LCS Fluorocarbon @ 200C Nitrile @ 130C Silicone @ 175C Peruoroelastomer @ 200C

5 to 25 Must pass

16.24 Passes

11/15 max. 12/20 max. Report Report Report

9/10 6.5/8 8/8 12.5/12.5 0.5/0.5

PROPERTIES Thermal stability/corrosivity 96 hrs @ 274C - metal weight change mg/cm - viscosity change @ 37.8C % - Total acid number change mgKOH/g Corrosion & oxidation stability 72 hrs @ 175C 72 hrs @ 204C 72 hrs @ 218C Ryder gear test, relative rating Hercolube A %

SAE AS5780B Grade HPC


4 max 5 max 6 max Must pass Must pass Must pass 102

0.23 0.3 1.5 Passes Passes Passes 103

Bearing test rig (200hr test) Type 1 conditions - Overall deposit demerit rating - Viscosity change @ 40C % - Total acid number change mgKOH/g - lter deposits g HLPS dynamic coking @ 375C @ 20 hours, Deposit mg @ 40 hours, Deposit mg Shear stability - viscosity change at 40C Trace metal content %

40 max 0 to +35 2.0 max 1.5 max 0.4 max 0.6 max 4 max Must pass

33 16.7 0.60 0.80 0.23 0.32 NIL Passes

A viscosity/temperature chart is shown at the end of this section.


Engine 555 560 750 501K, 570K and 571K Series LM 100, 250, 350 and 150 LM 2500 LM 5000 LM 6000 ST6-75, -76 ST6-73 ST6A, ST6B, ST6J, ST6K, ST6L Approved (1) Approved Approved Approved (2) Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved (3) Approved (3) Approved Approved Approved Approved (4) Approved (4) Approved (4) ? Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved ? Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved AEROSHELL TURBINE OIL 390 500 Trent Avon Gnome Olympus Proteus RB211-22 RB211-24 Spey Industrial Spey Marine Tyne Centaur Mars Saturn TF-25, -35, -40 Astagaz XII & XIV Astazou IV Bastangaz IV, VI & VII Oredon IV Turmagaz III GG3/FT3 GG4/FT4 GG12/FT12 GG8/FT8 Approved (4) Approved (4) Approved (4) Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved

Engine Manufacturer



General Electric

Pratt & Whitney Canada (PWAC)





Consult the engine manufacturer for details on latest approvals

Turbo Power & Marine (Pratt & Whitney)

(1) AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 can be used if SB 49-59 has been incorporated (2) -22/Mk1 lube system combination only (3) 10,000 hours max. on Viton O seals (4) Oils approved on a unit by unit basis, not all units can use synthetic oils thus the manual for specific unit must be consulted or the unit manufacturer contacted.


3 4 5 7 10 15 25

50 100 200 AeroShell Turbine Oils 3 308 390 500, 555 & 560 750 Ascender -40 -30 -20 -10 0 500 1000 3000 10000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Temperature: C

Kinematic viscosity: mm2/s




A solid or semi-solid lubricant comprising a dispersion of a thickening agent in a liquid lubricant to which various additives have been added to improve particular properties. Within the aviation industry, there are many grease lubricated applications covering a very wide range of performance requirements. Those requirements are being increasingly stretched through new technology developments and extended service intervals. Many different grease formulations have been developed to meet specific requirements. One of Shells recent objectives, as a major supplier of aviation greases, has been the development of wide performance range products where a single grease can cover a multitude of applications. Greases, depending on the thickening agent, are broadly classified as either soap-based or non-soap-based. The soap-based greases include, for example, aluminum, calcium, sodium or lithium soaps; the non-soaps silica gel, clay and substituted urea. The low melting points and water solubility of some soap greases limit their usefulness. As a result alternative thickening agents have been developed soap-complex thickened greases, and non-soap greases with a much higher or no melting point. These thickening agents were developed for greases needing superior high temperature performance characteristics. Shells search for thickeners without the limitations of the simple soap-type, led to a family of proprietary technologies including our Microgel and Lithium-Complex systems. Microgel greases rely on an inorganic grease thickening agent, based on hectorite clay, which has several advantages over simple soap-type thickeners. It provides the AeroShell greases in which it is used with excellent physical properties, as shown below. Those properties make them particularly suitable for multi-purpose as well as specialised applications.

1. No melting point, within any conceivable temperature range for aircraft greases. 2. Very little change in consistency with variation in temperature. 3. Extremely good load carrying ability without the need for extreme pressure additive. 4. Excellent water resistance due to the use of tenacious waterproofing agents developed by Shell. 5. Low oil separation or bleeding, because of the high gelling efficiency. During recent years, the number of greases required for aircraft lubrication/ maintenance has been reduced by more extensive use of multi-purpose greases. However, because of commercial and technological limitations, special greases are still required. Most aircraft grease requirements are covered by the products in the AeroShell grease range. To minimise the number of greases required per aircraft, the most widely used specification in the aviation industry today is the general purpose grease to MILPRF-23827. In the early 2000s the Boeing Company introduced a multi-purpose grease specification (BMS 3-33) to replace many of the different greases previously required in support of Boeing aircraft. This has led to the development of the accompanying specification SAE AMS 3052. The only grease to meet the most challenging set of requirements of the initial BMS 3-33A specification has been AeroShell Grease 33. This ground breaking grease, based on a LithiumComplex thickener system, has a superior capacity to accommodate a wide range of proprietary performance additives. This thickener system now forms the basis for future grease developments in the AeroShell grease family. Detailed information for each AeroShell grease is given in this section, but for ease of reference AeroShell greases can be split into the following application categories.


(Wide temperature range with good load carrying properties) AeroShell Grease 7

AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell

Grease Grease Grease Grease

22 33 58 64

AeroShell Grease 7 has a useful operating temperature range of 73C to +149C. This coupled with its good load carrying ability make it entirely suitable for multi-purpose applications in aircraft fleets. AeroShell Grease 22 is recommended for most aviation anti-friction bearing applications. It is especially recommended for use wherever severe operating conditions are encountered as in high bearing loads, high speed, wide operating temperature range, and particularly where long grease retention and high resistance to water washout are required. AeroShell Grease 33 has a useful temperature range of 73C to +121C and is suitable for the majority of airframe grease applications. AeroShell Grease 64, based on AeroShell 33, contains molybdenum disulphide and is particularly effective for lubricating heavily loaded sliding steel surfaces.


Typical mean Hertz load (kg) AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Grease Grease Grease Grease Grease 7; 60 kg 22; 39 kg 33; 60 kg 58; 79 kg 64; 57.5 kg

AeroShell Greases 7, 22, 33, 58 and 64 are suitable for operating under heavy load, e.g. gearboxes, retracting screws, worms, chains, and undercarriage pivot bearings, etc.


Useful operating temperature range

AeroShell Grease 7; 73 to +149C AeroShell Grease 15; 73 to +232C AeroShell Grease 22; 65 to +204C AeroShell Grease 33; 73 to +121C AeroShell Grease 58; 54 to +175C AeroShell Grease 64; 73 to +121C AeroShell Grease 15 is suitable for use in lightly loaded ball and roller bearings throughout the temperature range quoted.


Useful maximum temperature AeroShell Grease 5; +177C AeroShell Grease 7; +149C AeroShell Grease 22; +204C AeroShell Grease 58; +175C AeroShell Grease 64; +121C AeroShell Grease 5 is recommended for normal high temperature applications when low temperature properties are not required; it has proved to be an excellent wheel bearing grease.


AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 64 - (with 5% molybdenum disulphide) AeroShell Grease 33 has enhanced corrosion resistance, and resistance to washout from water, de-icing fluids and other maintenance fluids.

AeroShell Grease 64 is not subject to any speed restrictions and is widely accepted as an advanced multi-purpose grease.


AeroShell Grease 6 AeroShell Grease 14 AeroShell Grease 6 has a useful temperature range of 40C to +121C, good load carrying ability and is inexpensive, which makes it suitable for use as a general grease for piston engined aircraft. AeroShell Grease 14 is now the universally accepted helicopter grease with a useful operating temperature range of 54C to +94C. Owing to its excellent anti-fret properties it is especially recommended for the lubrication of helicopter main and tail rotor bearings.

AeroShell Grease 14 Apart from its general purpose application for helicopters AeroShell Grease 14 is also recommended when anti-fret and anti-corrosion properties are required, e.g. splines.



AeroShell Grease 5 AeroShell Grease 6

AeroShell Grease 14

Synthetic Hydrocarbon
AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 58

Synthetic Ester
AeroShell Grease 7

Silicone Oil
AeroShell Grease 15

Mixed Synthetic Hydrocarbon and Ester

AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 64


AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Grease Grease Grease Grease 5 6 7 22

Lithium Complex
AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 58 AeroShell Grease 64

Calcium Soap
AeroShell Grease 14


Whenever an aircraft is certified, all of the greases are specified for each application point on the type certificate. The Type Certificate will specify, either by specification number or by specific brand names, those greases which are qualified to be used. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations state that only greases qualified for specific applications can be used in certified aircraft. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the aircraft owner or designated representative to determine which greases should be used.

The majority of aviation grease specifications call for greases to be evaluated in the following tests: Drop point Penetration at 25C, unworked/worked Evaporation loss in 22 hours (temperature varies according to specification) Corrosion, copper strip at 100C Water resistance at 40C Anti-friction bearing performance (temperature varies according to specification) Mean Hertz load Oil separation in 30 hours (temperature varies according to specification) Bomb oxidation pressure drop (conditions vary according to specification). In addition most aviation grease specifications call up other tests which are either specific to the type of grease or to the intended application.

In the following section typical properties are quoted for each grease; there may be deviations from the typical figures given but test figures will fall within the specification requirements. Due to poor repeatability of the low temperature torque test, typical test figures for this have not been included.


Although not normally part of the specification requirements, typical base oil viscosities have been quoted for the majority of AeroShell Greases.


The useful operating temperature ranges are quoted for guidance only. Continuous operation of equipment, with bearing temperatures at or in excess of these maximum and minimum limits for the grade in use, is not recommended.

Oil separation to a greater or lesser extent occurs with all greases. Unless the separation is excessive the grease can be used providing it is stirred well before use.


When using greases containing a synthetic oil, particularly an ester oil, the compatibility with sealing materials, plastics or paints has to be examined. Greases with a silicone oil base should not be used when silicone elastomers are present. As a general rule Shell Companies do not make recommendations regarding compatibility since aviation applications are critical and the degree of compatibility depends on the operating conditions, performance requirements, and the exact composition of materials. In many cases the equipment manufacturers perform their own compatibility testing or have their elastomer supplier do it for them. Many elastomer suppliers do produce tables showing the compatibility of their products with a range of other materials. Therefore the information provided can only be considered as guidelines.


Mineral Oil Based Greases Very Good Good

Synthetic Hydrocarbon Based Greases Very Good Good

Synthetic Ester Based Greases Very Good Poor to Good (high nitrile content is better) Poor to Fair Poor to Fair Very Good Poor Poor Fair to Good Poor to Fair Poor Poor Good Poor to Fair Poor

Flurocarbon (Viton) Acylonitrile

Polyester Silicone Teon Nylon Buna-S Perbunan Methacrylate Neoprene Natural Rubber Polyethylene Butyl Rubber Poly Vinyl Chloride

Good Poor to Good Very Good Poor to Good Poor Good Good Fair to Good Poor to Fair Good Very Poor to Poor Poor to Good

Good Poor to Good Very Good Poor to Good Poor Good Good Fair to Good Poor to Fair Good Very Poor to Poor Poor to Good

Compatibility Rating: Very Good - Good - Fair - Poor - Very Poor


What is grease incompatibility? The National Lubricating Grease Institute (NLGI) definition states that two greases show incompatibility when a mixture of the products shows physical properties or service performance which are markedly inferior to those of either of the greases before mixing. Performance or properties inferior to one of the products and superior to the other may be due

to simple mixing and would not be considered as evidence of incompatibility; this is sometimes referred to as performance dilution. In general, mixing of greases made with different thickener types should be avoided; thus Microgel or clay thickened greases should not be mixed with soap thickened (e.g. lithium complex) greases as this can lead to breakdown of the thickener structure. Incompatibility between greases can also arise from additive interactions. In some cases, different greases approved to the same specification may be incompatible with each other; to account for this, the MILPRF-23827C specification was amended to divide approved greases into Type I (soap-based) and Type II (clay-based).

Airframe and grease manufacturers do not recommend intermixing different types or brand names of grease, even if they are considered optional to each other, because of possible incompatibility. When changing over from one type or brand name grease to another, the recommended practice is to remove all of the old grease from the bearing surfaces and internal cavities of the lubricated mechanism prior to application of the new grease. If this is not possible or practicable, then the purging technique should be employed. Generally, purging is defined as the process of injecting grease into the grease fitting until the old grease has been visibly exhausted from the mechanism and only the new grease is coming out. It is advisable to seek information from the aircraft manufacturers and their maintenance manuals for their recommendations regarding purging procedures. Note: The definition of purging is not specific to the substitution of greases and applies equally to routine re-greasing with the same grease where the object in this case is to expel contaminants such as wear debris, dust, dirt and water which may have accumulated in the grease during service. That is, purging should always be done where the design of the lubricated component is amenable to this purging process. Always consult the Aircraft Maintenance Manual, Maintenance Planning Document or Component Overhaul Manual, and any associated Service

Bulletins for advice on the correct grade of grease to be used in a particular mechanism and on the method of application and/or replacement of that grease. In particular, the latest issues of the following publications should be consulted for the most up-to-date advice: Boeing Service Letter 707-SL-20-012-C/727-SL-20-022C/737-SL-20-027C/747-SL-20-044-C/757-SL-20-022-C/767-SL-20-022-C/777-SL-20-006-C Summary of Most Commonly Used Greases on Boeing Airplanes Airbus Service Information Letter SIL 12-008 General Purpose Aviation Greases Functional Interchangeability FAA Flight Standards Information Bulletin for Airworthiness FSAW 02-02C The Potential Adverse Effects of Grease Substitution After changing from one type or brand of grease to another, operators may choose to shorten the re-greasing interval by 50% for the following period and then revert to the normal re-greasing interval specified in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual. This will help to ensure that the new type or brand of grease has fully replaced the old. It is not good practice to randomly or intermittently alternate between grease types or brands, even though they may be approved to the same grease specification. Grease manufacturers carefully balance the components in their greases for optimum performance. Therefore even if two different greases are not incompatible, it is unlikely that all mixtures of the two greases will maintain the same optimal performance as the individual greases (performance dilution). Once an action has been taken to change grease types or brands, then the chosen grease should always be used for subsequent re-greasing. Wherever possible, use of a grease gun or grease in cartridges is recommended. If grease is used directly from tins or pails, it is important that wooden scrapers are not employed and that the tin lid is replaced firmly immediately the grease has been removed in order to prevent contamination by airborne dust, dirt and atmospheric moisture.

In selecting a grease for a particular application the following should be considered:

Lubrication Requirements friction requirements wear control penetration cooling (heat dissipation) sealing corrosion resistance Engineering Component type of component nature of contact (rolling, sliding, etc.) load, speed and size metallurgy/chemistry of component geometrics/space constraints Environment Factor temperature atmosphere conditions (humidity, dirt/dust contamination) ingress of water or other fluids seal materials health and safety Endurance and Application method of application re-lubrication interval life expectancy of lubricant life expectancy under exceptional conditions life expectancy of component need for protection against unexpected event performance versus cost


In selecting an AeroShell Grease for a non-aviation application the properties of the greases must be examined. This will only give an approximate indication as to the expected performance in the specific application. However, such data must be regarded as guidance only. There is no laboratory test that can give a complete prediction of performance in actual use, and the final stage in any

decision must involve performance tests in either the actual equipment or in the laboratory/test house under conditions expected in service.

AeroShell Grease 5 is a high temperature grease composed of a mineral oil thickened with Microgel, possessing good load-carrying ability. It is inhibited against oxidation and corrosion and has excellent resistance to water. The useful operating temperature range is 23C to +177C.

AeroShell Grease 5 is particularly effective for use as a wheel bearing grease, especially when landing speeds are high, and is suitable for the lubrication of aircraft and engine accessories operating at high speeds and at relatively high temperatures, e.g. magnetos, generators and starters. For the lubrication of rolling bearings which are required to start at temperatures as low as 23C an adequate period should be allowed for the grease to channel.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Meets MIL-G-3545C (Obsolete) Meets DTD.878A (Obsolete) Equivalent DCSEA 359/A G-359 (Obsolete) XG-277 (Obsolete)

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 100C mm/s -


TYPICAL Mineral Microgel 500 to 525 32 23C to +177 260+ 284 281

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Unworked penetration @ 25C Bomb oxidation pressure drop @ 99C 100 hrs lb/in 500 hrs lb/in Oil separation @ 100C, in 30 hrs Water resistance test loss @ 41C Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 149C Mean Hertz Load Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100C Bearing protection 2 days @ 51C Anti-friction bearing performance @ 149C hrs Colour %m %m %m kg C

177 min 250 to 300 -

10 max 25 max 5 max 20 max Must pass Must pass -

6 15 0.5 0.5 1.0 37 Passes Passes 600+ Amber


AeroShell Grease 6 is a general purpose grease composed of a mineral oil thickened with Microgel, possessing good all-round properties within a limited range. It is inhibited against oxidation and corrosion and has good water resistance and low noise capability. The useful operating temperature range is 40C to +121C.

AeroShell Grease 6 is a general purpose airframe grease for use in anti-friction bearings, gearboxes and plain bearings within the temperature range of 40C to +121C.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-24139A Meets MIL-G-7711A (Obsolete) Approved DEF STAN 91-12 Equivalent DCSEA 382/AA G-382 XG-271

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 100C mm/s -

MIL-PRF-24139A Mineral

TYPICAL Mineral Microgel 35 5.5 40C to +121 260+ 300 287

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Unworked penetration @ 25C Bomb oxidation pressure drop @ 99C 100 hrs lb/in 500 hrs Ib/in Oil separation @ 100C, in 30 hrs Water resistance test loss @ 38C Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 121C Mean Hertz Load %m %m %m kg C

149 min 265 to 320 -

10 max 25 max 5 max 30 Must pass Must pass -

9 15 0.7 2.0 1.3 35 2000+ Passes Passes Brown

Anti-friction bearing performance @ 121C hrs Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100C Bearing protection 2 days @ 51C Colour


AeroShell Grease 7 is an advanced multi-purpose grease, composed of a synthetic oil thickened with Microgel, possessing good load carrying ability over a wide temperature range. It is inhibited against corrosion and has excellent resistance to water. The useful operating temperature range is 73C to +149C.

AeroShell Grease 7 satisfies nearly all the airframe grease requirements of turbine engined aircraft and also those of piston engined aircraft provided that seal incompatibility does not occur. Most civil aircraft manufacturers approve AeroShell Grease 7 as a general purpose grease either by brand name or by specification. It is recommended for lubricating highly loaded gears, actuator screw mechanisms, etc., also for instrument and general airframe lubrication within the temperature range of 73C to +149C. AeroShell Grease 7 contains a synthetic ester oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section. AeroShell Grease 7 is a clay-based grease approved to MIL-PRF-23827C Type II; it should not be mixed with soap-based greases approved to MIL-PRF-23827C Type I.

U.S. British French Russian Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-23827C (Type II) Equivalent DCSEA 354/A -

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 40C @ 100C mm/s

MIL-PRF-23827C (Type II) Synthetic Clay 165 min 270 to 310 200 min

TYPICAL Synthetic ester (Diester) Microgel 1150 10.3 3.1 73C to +149 260+ 296 283

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Unworked penetration @ 25C Bomb oxidation pressure drop @ 99C 100 hrs kPa 500 hrs kPa Oil separation @ 100C, in 30 hrs Water resistance test loss @ 38C Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 100C Mean Hertz Load %m %m %m kg C

70 max 105 max 5 max 20 max 2.0 max 30 min Must pass Must pass -

62 96.5 3.0 0.80 0.5 60 2460 Passes Passes Bu

Anti-friction bearing performance @121C hrs Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100C Bearing protection 2 days @ 52C Colour

AeroShell Grease 14 is a helicopter multi-purpose grease composed of a mineral oil thickened with a calcium soap, possessing outstanding anti-fret and anti-moisture corrosion properties. It is oxidation and corrosion inhibited. The useful operating temperature range is 54C to +93C

AeroShell Grease 14 is the leading helicopter multi-purpose grease and is approved by all helicopter manufacturers. Owing to its anti-fret properties, AeroShell Grease 14 is particularly suitable for the lubrication of helicopter main and tail rotor bearings, splines, etc.

U.S. French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-G-25537C G-366 XG-284

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 100C mm/s -


TYPICAL Mineral Calcium Soap 12.5 3.1 54C to +93 148 273 269

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Unworked penetration @ 25C Bomb oxidation pressure drop @ 99C 100 hrs MPa 400 hrs MPa Oil separation @ 100C, in 30 hrs Water resistance test loss Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 100C %m %m %m C

140 min 265 to 305 200 min

0.0345 max 0.1378 max 5.0 max 7.0 max Must pass Must pass -

0.0207 0.0689 1.5 7.2 5.6 1700+ Passes Passes Tan

Anti-friction bearing performance @ 93C hrs Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100C Bearing protection 2 days @ 52C Colour


AeroShell Grease 15 is an extreme temperature range grease, composed of silicone oil with an organic thickener. AeroShell Grease 15 is inhibited against corrosion and oxidation, and possesses excellent high temperature and mechanical stability properties and low evaporation rate. It is water resistant. The useful temperature range is 73C to +232C. AeroShell Grease 15 has a tendency to bleed and should be stirred before use. AeroShell Grease 15 has replaced AeroShell Grease 15A.

AeroShell Grease 15 is a special grease suitable for use in lightly loaded ball and roller bearings through a temperature range of 73C to +232C. AeroShell Grease 15 is recommended for continuous high temperature service, e.g. for turbine engine control bearings, or where low torque properties are required at temperatures down to 73C.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-G-25013E Meets DEF STAN 91-55 (Obsolete) Analogue of VNII NP 235 G-372 XG-300

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 100C mm/s -


TYPICAL Silicone Teon 55 14.0 73C to +232 260+ 280 2

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Bomb oxidation pressure drop @ 100 hrs kPa Low temperature torque @ 73C Starting Running Oil separation @ 232C, 30 hrs Water resistance test loss @ 40C Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 205C High temperature bearing performance @ 232C Colour C

230 min 260 to 320 35.0

Nm Nm %m %m %m hrs

0.35 max 0.05 max 7.5 max 20 max 4.0 max 500 min -

0.32 0.035 3.0 3.1 2.7 518+ O white

AeroShell Grease 22 is a versatile advanced general purpose grease composed of a synthetic hydrocarbon oil thickened with Microgel, with outstanding performance characteristics. Appropriate additives are included to achieve the

necessary oxidation and corrosion resistance, anti-wear properties and load carrying properties. The useful operating temperature range is 65C to +204C.

AeroShell Grease 22 is especially recommended for use wherever severe operating conditions are encountered as in high bearing loads, high speeds, wide operating temperature range, and particularly where long grease retention and high resistance to water washout are required. The wide range of applications include aircraft wheel bearings, engine accessories, control systems, actuators, screw-jacks, servo mechanisms and electric motors, helicopter rotor bearings, instruments, airframe lubrication, hinge pins, static joints, landing gears. AeroShell Grease 22 contains a synthetic hydrocarbon oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-81322G Approved DOD-G-24508A Approved DEF STAN 91-52 Approved DCSEA 395/A Analogue of CIATIM 201 and 203, VNII NP 207, ERA (VNII NP 286M) and ST (NK-50) G-395 XG-293

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 40C @ 100C mm/s -


TYPICAL Synthetic Hydrocarbon Microgel 7500 30.5 5.7 65C to +204 260+ 275 271

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Unworked penetration @ 25C Bomb oxidation pressure drop @ 99C @ 100 hrs kPa (psi) @ 500 hrs kPa (psi) Oil separation @ 177C, in 30 hrs Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 177C %m C

232 min 256 - 320 -

83 (12) max 172 (25) max 2.0 to 8.0 20 max 10 max 400 min 30 min Must pass Must pass -

27 (4) 69 (10) 4.7 0.5 4.3 400+ 45 Passes Passes Amber

Water washout Loss @ 41C %m %m

Anti-friction bearing performance @ 177C hrs Load carrying capacity/ Load wear index Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100C Bearing protection 2 days @ 52C Colour kg

AeroShell Grease 33 is a synthetic universal airframe grease composed of a lithium complex thickened synthetic base oil with corrosion and oxidation inhibitors and load carrying additives. The useful operating temperature range is 73C to +121C.

For many years aircraft operators have been seeking to rationalise the greases used on aircraft and to reduce the number of different greases in their inventories. Recently Boeing began research on a new, general purpose, corrosion-inhibiting grease. The aim was for a non-clay based grease that would provide longer life for components and mechanisms and possess improved wear and corrosion resistance. This led to the introduction of the new Boeing Specification BMS 3-33. Owing to the wide range of operating temperatures, loads and other environmental conditions required for various aircraft components, several different types of grease with different desirable properties are used during routine lubrication of aircraft components. Boeing, in developing their BMS 3-33 specification, took account of the properties of the different grease types used on aircraft and wrote a specification for a grease which would provide improved performance and which could be used in the widest possible range of grease applications. AeroShell Grease 33 is approved to BMS 3-33B and offers the improved performance properties required by this specification. AeroShell Grease 33 can be used for routine lubrication on Boeing aircraft where MIL-PRF-23827C or BMS 3-24 is specified. AeroShell Grease 33 can also be used in some applications on Boeing aircraft which require use of MIL-G-21164. Other applications on Boeing aircraft which require use of MIL-G-21164 and other greases are being reviewed and in due course Boeing will issue details of the full range of applications. For the current status, refer

to the latest issue of Boeing Service Letter BMS 3-33 General Purpose Aircraft Grease. AeroShell Grease 33 can be used for routine lubrication in applications where MIL-PRF-23827C is specified on aircraft manufactured by McDonnell Douglas, Airbus, BAe Regional Aircraft, Canadair, Lockheed, Embraer, Fokker and Gulfstream (except for wheel bearings, applications above 121C and sliding applications requiring molybdenum disulphide). Other aircraft manufacturers are evaluating AeroShell Grease 33 with the aim of approving it for use on their aircraft. Operators should regularly check with these manufacturers for the latest status. Use of AeroShell Grease 33 can provide operators with the following benefits: Reduced inventories Easier maintainability (one major grease for most applications) Reduced maintenance labour costs Less chance of product mis-application AeroShell Grease 33 contains a synthetic oil and must not be used with incompatible seal materials. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Boeing Approved MIL-PRF-23827C (Type I) Approved DEF STAN 91-53 Approved DCSEA 354/A Equivalent ERA, OKB-122-7 G-354 XG-287 Approved BMS 3-33B

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 40C @ 100C mm/s -

BMS 3-33B Synthetic Hydrocarbon/Ester Lithium Complex

TYPICAL Synthetic Hydrocarbon/Ester Lithium Complex 1840 14.2 3.4 73C to +121 216 297 290

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Unworked penetration @ 25C Bomb oxidation pressure drop from 758 kPa (110 psi) @ 99C @ 100 hrs kPa (psi) @ 500 hrs kPa (psi) Oil separation @ 100C in 30 hrs Water resistance test loss (79C) Evaporation loss 500 hr @ 121C Mean Hertz Load %m %m %m kg C

73 to +121 265 to 315 -

70 (10) max 105 (15) max 7.5 max 10 max Must pass Must pass Blue-green

3.5 (0.5) 34 (5) 2.0 <6 < 10 60 1200+ Passes Passes Green

Anti-friction bearing performance @ 121C hrs Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100C Bearing protection 2 days @ 52C Colour

AeroShell Grease 64 comprises AeroShell Grease 33 fortified with 5% molybdenum disulphide. It possesses the enhanced anti-wear and anti-corrosion properties of AeroShell Grease 33 with the added EP (Extreme Pressure) properties provided by the addition of a solid lubricant. The useful operating temperature range is 73C to +121C. NOTE: AeroShell Grease 64 was previously branded as AeroShell Grease 33MS. Responding to customer requests, to avoid confusion with AeroShell Grease 33 it was decided to rebrand AeroShell Grease 33MS as AeroShell Grease 64.

AeroShell Grease 33 has established itself as the answer to most of the airframes General Purpose, airframe greasing requirements, being approved for use in Boeing, Airbus and many other aircraft types. It sets the standard with exceptional anti-corrosion and anti-wear performance while allowing aircraft operators to shrink their grease inventory and reduce the risk of misapplication. However, there remains a small number of highly loaded, sliding applications on the airframe where the additional boost of molybdenum disulphide will always be required. To address this need, Shell Aviation has developed AeroShell Grease 64. Sharing the same advanced grease technology as its parent, AeroShell Grease 64 also possesses the extreme pressure (EP) characteristics provided by molybdenum disulphide. AeroShell Grease 64 contains a synthetic oil and must not be used with incompatible seal materials.


U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

Approved MIL-G-21164D Approved DEF STAN 91-57 Approved DCSEA 353/A G-353 XG-276

PROPERTIES Oil type Thickener type Base oil viscosity @ 40C @ 40C @ 100C mm/s -

MIL-G-21164D Synthetic Hydrocarbon/Ester Lithium Complex

TYPICAL Synthetic Hydrocarbon/Ester Lithium Complex 1840 14.2 3.4 73C to +121 234 281 288 309

Useful operating temperature range C Drop point Worked penetration @ 25C Unworked penetration @ 25C Worked stability (100,000 strokes) Bomb oxidation pressure drop from 758 kPa (110 psi) @ 99C @ 100 hrs kPa (psi) @ 500 hrs kPa (psi) Oil separation @ 100C in 30 hrs Water resistance test loss (40C) Evaporation loss 22 hr @ 100C Low temperature torque @ 73C Starting torque 1 hr running torque %m %m %m C

73 to +121 165 min 260 to 310 200 min 260 to 375

68.9 (10) max 103.4 (15) max 5 max 20 max 2 max

10.3 34.5 2.29 3.39 0.65

Nm Nm

0.98 max 0.098 max 1000 min

0.50 0.060 Greater than 1000 (on all four runs)

Anti-friction bearing performance @ 121C hrs

PROPERTIES Extreme pressure properties load wear index Copper corrosion 24 hrs @ 100C Rust prevention/bearing protection, 2 days @ 52C Storage stability 6 months @ 40C Unworked penetration Worked penetration Change in penetration from original Colour

MIL-G-21164D 50 min Must pass Must pass

TYPICAL 57.49 Passes Passes, no corrosion

200 min 260 to 310 30 max -

226 289 8 Dark grey



AeroShell Hydraulic Fluids are used in hydraulic applications on aircraft and consist of:AeroShell Fluid 4 AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Fluid 71 AeroShell Fluid 31 AeroShell Fluid 51 AeroShell Fluid 61 AeroShell Shock Strut Fluid (SSF) AeroShell Landing Gear Fluid (LGF) AeroShell Fluids 4 and 41 are mineral hydraulic fluids; the latter has superior cleanliness characteristics and is the more widely used grade. AeroShell Fluid 71 is a preservative mineral hydraulic fluid for use in hydraulic systems and components that are in storage as well as hydraulic system test rigs. AeroShell Fluid 31 is a synthetic hydrocarbon fire resistant hydraulic fluid. This type of fluid is increasingly replacing mineral hydraulic fluids. AeroShell Fluid 51 is a low temperature synthetic hydrocarbon fire resistant hydraulic fluid. AeroShell Fluid 61 is a preservative synthetic hydrocarbon fire resistant hydraulic fluid. AeroShell SSF and LGF are hydraulic fluids specifically for landing gear shock struts of some aircraft. For some types of aircraft, proprietary non-inflammable fluids of non-petroleum origin (phosphate ester type) are required. Shell Companies can supply

Skydrol 500B-4 and LD-4 phosphate ester fluids against a known demand.

For many years, hydraulic systems have been utilised in military and commercial aircraft. They have provided power transfer which has been proven to be reliable, efficient and lightweight compared to mechanical or electrical power transfer services. Since the 1940s, MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid, a mineral oilbased fluid, has been one of the most widely used types of fluid. This hydraulic fluid has provided excellent operational properties over the temperature range of 54C to 135C (65F to 275F). A major deficiency of MIL-H-5606 fluids, which was recognised early in its use, was its high degree of flammability. The hazard generated by the flammability of the fluid was greatly increased by the high pressure required for hydraulic system operation, 2.07 x 107 Pascals (3000 psi), and the vulnerability of hydraulic lines widely distributed throughout the aircraft. Recognition of fire hazards associated with MIL-H-5606 (NATO Code H-515) fluids, resulted in the commercial aircraft industry developing hydraulic systems based on phosphate ester based hydraulic fluids. However, the phosphate ester based fluids were not adopted by the military at that time because they were not compatible with MIL-H-5606 fluids nor with many of the materials (e.g. elastomers) used in MIL-H-5606 hydraulic systems in the aircraft. There was a view that the use of two incompatible hydraulic fluids could cause supply/ logistic problems and could result in significant problems if the two fluids were ever inadvertently intermixed as they were not compatible or miscible. The cost of converting a MIL-H-5606 based hydraulic system to a phosphate ester based system was believed to be prohibitive owing to the requirement to change the elastomeric seals as well as many of the other materials used within and also outside the hydraulic system with which the fluid may come into contact (e.g. wiring insulation, paint, etc.). The commercial aircraft industry has found a significant reduction in the number of hydraulic fluid fires since the adoption of phosphate ester hydraulic fluids, and now all big civil transport aircraft use this type of fluid in the main hydraulic system. Although the military did not move to phosphate ester type fluids they did identify the need for a more fire resistant fluid as a direct replacement for

MIL-H-5606. As a result a synthetic hydrocarbon-based fluid, MIL-H-83282 was developed. This fluid is completely compatible with MIL-H-5606 fluids and MIL-H-5606 hydraulic system materials. All physical properties of MIL-H-83282 (now MIL-PRF-83282) were equivalent to or superior to those of MIL-H-5606 (now MIL-PRF-5606) except for low temperature viscosity. In particular all fire resistant properties of MIL-PRF-83282 are superior to those of MIL-PRF-5606. More recently MIL-PRF-87257 was introduced in order to address the concerns over the low temperature viscosity of MIL-PRF-83282.

Whenever an aircraft is certified, the hydraulic fluids are specified for each application point on the Type Certificate. The Type Certificate will specify, either by specification number or by specific brand names, those hydraulic fluids which are qualified to be used. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations state that only hydraulic fluids qualified for specific applications can be used in certified aircraft. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the aircraft owner or designated representative to determine which hydraulic fluid(s) should be used.

The main requirements for aircraft hydraulic fluids are: Low freezing point Minimum viscosity change with temperature Good corrosion and oxidation stability Good seal compatibility Shear stable Supercleanliness Fire resistant Good anti-foam properties Good low and/or high temperature stability In addition most aviation hydraulic fluid specifications list other requirements

which are either specific to the type of hydraulic fluid or to the intended application.

In the following section typical properties are quoted for each hydraulic fluid; there may be deviations from the typical figures given but test figures will fall within the specification requirement.


The useful operating temperature ranges are quoted for guidance only and are based on the requirements as quoted in the relevant specification.

Mineral hydraulic fluids (MIL-PRF-5606, MIL-PRF-6083) are completely compatible and miscible with synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic fluids (MILPRF-83282, MIL-PRF-87257 and MIL-PRF-46170) and vice versa. Mineral hydraulic fluids (MIL-PRF-5606 and MIL-PRF-6083) and synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic fluids (MIL-PRF-83282, MIL-PRF-87257 and MILPRF-46170) are not compatible with phosphate ester hydraulic fluids and on no account should they be mixed.

Since mineral hydraulic fluids are compatible with synthetic hydrocarbon fluids changeover can be easily accomplished. Two commonly used methods to convert existing MIL-H-5606 based hydraulic systems to MIL-PRF-83282 have been: (1) draining the aircrafts hydraulic system or the hydraulic system reservoir of MIL-PRF-5606 and refilling with MIL-PRF-83282, thereafter servicing the aircrafts hydraulic system with MIL-PRF-83282 and

(2) merely topping off the reservoir with MIL-PRF-83282, as needed. Both methods have been used with great success with no reported problems.


When using hydraulic fluids containing a synthetic oil the compatibility with sealing materials, plastics or paints has to be examined. As a general rule Shell Companies do not make recommendations regarding compatibility since aviation applications are critical and the degree of compatibility depends on the operating conditions, performance requirements, and the exact composition of materials. In many cases the equipment manufacturers perform their own compatibility testing or have their elastomer supplier do it for them. Many elastomer suppliers do produce tables showing the compatibility of their products with a range of other materials. Therefore the information provided can only be considered as guidelines.

Elastomer/ Plastic Flurocarbon (Viton) Acrylonitrile Polyester Silicone Teon Nylon Buna-S Perbunan Methacrylate Neoprene Natural Rubber Polyethylene Butyl Rubber Poly Vinyl Chloride

Mineral Oil Based Hydraulic Fluids Very Good Good Good Poor to Good Very Good Poor to Good Poor Good Good Fair to Good Poor to Fair Good Very Poor to Poor Poor to Good

Synthetic Hydrocarbon Based Hydraulic Fluids Very Good Good Good Poor to Good Very Good Poor to Good Poor Good Good Fair to Good Poor to Fair Good Very Poor to Poor Poor to Good

Compatibility Rating Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor


AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid 4 41 71 SSF LGF

Synthetic Hydrocarbon

AeroShell Fluid 31 AeroShell Fluid 51 AeroShell Fluid 61

Phosphate Ester
Skydrol 500B4 Skydrol LD4


Hydraulic fluid users should be keen to ensure optimum performance of hydraulic equipment and extend equipment life. One way of achieving this is by reducing wear of hydraulic system components. There are many ways in which wear can occur but one of the most common is due to particulates in the hydraulic fluid. The latest issues of MIL-PRF-5606, MIL-PRF-6083, MIL-PRF-46170, MILPRF-83282 and MIL-PRF-87257 require hydraulic fluids to be Superclean. By superclean it is meant that there is a very tight control on particulates in the fluid. Over the years, hydraulic systems and components have gotten smaller while operating pressures have increased. As a result, particulates in the hydraulic fluid are more likely to cause system failures through valve sticking, erosion by impingement, wear, or blockages of nozzles and tubes. Thus, these specifications include very tight limits on particulates. Typically for MIL-PRF5606H, MIL-PRF-83282D and MIL-PRF-87257A the requirement is of the order:
Particle Size 5 to 15 m 16 to 25 m 26 to 50 m 51 to 100 m over 100 m Microscopic Count 2500 1,000 250 25 10 Automatic Count 10,000 1,000 150 20 5

MIL-PRF-5606H allows automatic method only MIL-PRF-83282D allows both methods MIL-PRF-87257B allows automatic method only

Shell applies special process controls including multistage filtration, container cleaning just before filling, and clean room packaging conditions in order to manufacture fluids that meet these stringent limits. However, it would be pointless for Shell manufacturing plants to go to these extreme lengths if customers/operators do not handle the fluids in a manner that ensures that the superclean properties are maintained and enhanced. Thus it is recommended that operators take extreme care by: never opening containers to atmosphere using containers of correct size using a dispensing device which includes fine filtration ensuring hydraulic system is clean and free from metal particles, dust, dirt and other contaminants periodically connecting the aircraft hydraulic system to ground hydraulic trolley and circulating fluid through fine filtration. The latest issues of specifications MIL-PRF-5606, MIL-PRF-6083, MIL-PRF-46170, MIL-PRF-83282 and MIL-PRF-87257 require approved grades to meet the above levels of particulate contamination. The ISO 4406, BS.5540, NAS 1638 or SAE 749 requirements for cleanliness are NOT required by these specifications and thus AeroShell grades approved to these specifications are not automatically tested against these other cleanliness requirements. However, it has been found that normally AeroShell Fluid 4 is typically between Classes 8 and 9 in NAS 1638, whilst AeroShell Fluid 41 is typically between Classes 4 and 5 in NAS 1638.


AeroShell Hydraulic Fluids are widely used in non-aviation applications because of their superior performance, particularly at temperature extremes, when compared with standard industrial hydraulic fluids. Many non-aviation equipment manufacturers do permit use of AeroShell Hydraulic Fluids in their equipment and in many cases list the product in the appropriate manuals. Otherwise in selecting an AeroShell Hydraulic Fluid for a non-aviation application the properties of the hydraulic fluid must be examined. This will only

give an approximate indication as to the expected performance in the specific application. However, such data must be regarded as guidance only. There is no laboratory test that can give a complete prediction of performance in actual use, and the final stage in any decision must involve performance tests in either the actual equipment or in the laboratory/test house under conditions expected in service.


SPECIFICATION 4 U.S. Production Meets Equivalent Approved Approved Approved Approved Equivalent Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved Equivalent Approved Equivalent Approved European Production U.S. Production European Production 31 41 51 61 71 SSF/LGF









DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal

DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean

DEF STAN 80-142







BMS 3-32

AeroShell Fluid 4 is a mineral hydraulic oil with very good low temperature characteristics and capable of operating over a wide temperature range. AeroShell Fluid 4 is composed of a mineral oil base stock and a complex additive package which results in a product with excellent low temperature flow and anti-wear properties, exceptional antifoam characteristics, and excellent oxidation stability. AeroShell Fluid 4 is dyed red. The useful operating temperature range unpressurised is 54C to 90C. The useful operating temperature range pressurised is 54C to 135C.

AeroShell Fluid 4 is intended for use as a hydraulic fluid in undercarriage retraction mechanisms, flap jacks and control mechanisms, brakes, shock absorbers, automatic pilots, oleo legs, tail wheels, servo units, etc. AeroShell Fluid 4 is also suitable for lubricating de-icing pumps and gearboxes. AeroShell Fluid 4 should be used in systems with synthetic rubber components and must not be used in systems incorporating natural rubber. The latter systems require castor base fluids with which AeroShell Fluid 4 is not interchangeable. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for more information on compatibility. AeroShell Fluid 4 is compatible with AeroShell Fluids 31, 41, 51, 61 and 71, although it is not recommended that AeroShell Fluid 4 is used in systems which require the use of a superclean fluid nor should it be mixed with superclean fluids for operational reasons. Chlorinated solvents should not be used for cleaning hydraulic components which use AeroShell Fluid 4. The residual solvent contaminates the hydraulic fluid and may lead to corrosion.


U.S. British

Meets MIL-H-5606A (Obsolete - see AeroShell Fluid 41) Meets DTD.585 (Obsolete - see AeroShell Fluid 41) Approved DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal (European production only) Approved DCSEA 415/A Analogue to AMG-10 H-520 (European production only) OM-18 (European production only)

French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation


DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal Mineral mm/s 4.0 min 13 min 500 max 3000 max C C mgKOH/g %m 81 min 60 max 0.2 max 20 max Red 2 max Must pass Must pass Must pass % m/m 0.035 to 0.050

TYPICAL (European Production) Mineral 5.30 14.1 491 2300 105 < 60 0.01 0.87 10 Red Passes Passes Passes Passes Passes

Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C @ 54C Flashpoint Pensky Martin Closed Cup Pourpoint Total acid number Evaporation @ 100C Colour Copper corrosion Low temperature stability Shear stability Foaming characteristics Phosphorus content Oxidation & corrosion stability (168 hrs @ 135C) - metal weight change - change in viscosity @ 40C % - change in acid number mgKOH/g Anti-wear properties, scar diam mm Rubber swell 168 hrs @ 70C Vol change % Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C

Must pass 5 to +20 0.2 max 1.5 max 19 to 30

Passes +2.0 +0.1 0.95 25

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Fluid 31 is a synthetic hydrocarbon based aircraft hydraulic fluid with greatly improved fire resistance characteristics when compared with conventional petroleum products. AeroShell Fluid 31 has a specially designed base stock which imparts a relatively high flash point, excellent low temperature properties and good oxidation and thermal stability. In addition, AeroShell Fluid 31 is formulated with high technology additives to provide oxidation and corrosion resistance, anti-wear, and anti-foaming protection. AeroShell Fluid 31 is superclean filtered to ensure optimum performance in particulate monitored systems. AeroShell Fluid 31 is dyed red. The useful operating temperature range is 40 to +205C.

AeroShell Fluid 31 is recommended for use in aircraft, ordnance, and missile systems operating from 40C to +205C. This fluid should be considered for use in auto pilots, shock absorbers, brakes, flight control systems, hydraulic servo-controlled systems and other systems using synthetic elastomer seals. An increasing number of aircraft manufacturers now recommend use of this type of fluid in aircraft hydraulic systems in preference to mineral hydraulic oils. This move has been prompted by the need to use fluids with better fire resistant properties. AeroShell Fluid 31 is also approved for use in the Honeywell (formerly Garrett) cooling turbine (cabin air compressors). Increasingly this type of hydraulic fluid is being adopted for use in hydraulic systems of military aircraft in place of mineral hydraulic fluids. AeroShell Fluid 31 is a synthetic hydrocarbon oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information. AeroShell Fluid 31 is compatible with AeroShell Fluids 4, 41, 51, 61 and

71 and can be used in systems designed to operate with MIL-PRF-5606, MILPRF-6083, MIL-PRF-87257 and MIL-PRF-46170 fluids. Chlorinated solvents should not be used for cleaning hydraulic components which use AeroShell Fluid 31. The residual solvent contaminates the hydraulic fluid and may lead to corrosion.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-83282D (MIL-PRF-83282D) Approved DCSEA 437/A H-537 OX-19

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 205C @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Fire point Total acidity Evaporation loss 6.5 hrs @ 150C Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C mm/s

MIL-PRF-83282D Synthetic Hydrocarbon 1.0 min 3.45 min 14.0 min 2200 max C C mgKOH/g %m 205 min 245 min 0.10 max 20 max Report

TYPICAL Synthetic Hydrocarbon 1.07 3.53 14.33 2098 237 251 0.01 10 0.850

PROPERTIES Pourpoint Low temperature stability 72hrs @ 40C Low temperature stability 100 hrs @ 205C Gravimetric ltration Filtration time Particle count, automatic 5 to 15 m 16 to 25 m 26 to 50 m 51 to 100 m >100 m Water content Foam resistance Flame propagation Rubber swell, NBR-L 4-Ball wear, 1 hr @ 75C scar dia 1 kg load/1200 rpm 10 kg load/1200 rpm 40 kg load/1200 rpm mg/100ml minutes per Lt C

MIL-PRF-83282D 55 max Must pass Must pass 0.3 max 15 max 10000 max 1000 max 150 max 20 max 5 max ppm ASTM Seq 1 cm/s % mm 0.21 max 0.30 max 0.65 max 100 max Must pass Must pass 18 to 30

TYPICAL Below 55 Passes Passes 0.2 Less than 15 1331 190 55 4 0 82 Passes Passes Passes

0.18 0.24 0.50

Oxidation & corrosion stability (168 hrs @ 121C) - metal weight change - change in viscosity @ 40C % - change in acidity mgKOH/g Flammability

Must pass 10 max 0.2 max Must pass

Passes Less than 10 Less than 0.02 Passes

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Fluid 41 is a mineral hydraulic oil manufactured to a very high level of cleanliness, and possesses improved fluid properties. AeroShell Fluid 41 contains additives which provide excellent low temperature fluidity as well as exceptional anti-wear, oxidation - corrosion inhibition and shear stability. In addition metal de-activators and foam inhibitors are included in this high viscosity index fluid to enhance performance in hydraulic applications. AeroShell Fluid 41 is capable of wide temperature range operation. AeroShell Fluid 41 is dyed red. The useful operating temperature range unpressurised is 54C to 90C. The useful operating temperature range pressurised is 54C to 135C.

AeroShell Fluid 41 is intended as a hydraulic fluid in all modern aircraft applications requiring a mineral hydraulic fluid. AeroShell Fluid 41 is particularly recommended where use of a superclean fluid can contribute to improvements in component reliability, and can be used in aircraft systems operating unpressurised between 54C to 90C and pressurised between 54C to 135C. AeroShell Fluid 41 should be used in systems with synthetic rubber components and must not be used in systems incorporating natural rubber. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information. AeroShell Fluid 41 is compatible with AeroShell Fluids 4, 31, 51, 61 and 71 and SSF/LGF. Chlorinated solvents should not be used for cleaning hydraulic components which use AeroShell Fluid 41. The residual solvent contaminates the hydraulic fluid and may lead to corrosion.


U.S. British

Approved MIL-PRF-83282D Approved DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean * (European production only) Meets DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal (European production only) Equivalent to DEF STAN 91-48 Grades Superclean * & Normal (U.S. production only) Approved DCSEA 415/A Analogue to AMG-10 H-515* (equivalent H-520) OX-15* (equivalent OM-18)

French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

*Superclean grades The British specification DEF STAN 91-48 covers two grades (normal and superclean) of mineral hydraulic fluid which differ only in their cleanliness limits. AeroShell Fluid 41 is manufactured to meet the superclean requirements and thus it also meets the requirements of the normal grade.



TYPICAL U.S. Production Mineral 6.13 15.68 384 1450 214 104 230 < 60 0 16.5 55 0.874 Red

European Production Mineral 5.30 14.1 491 2300 Over 200 105 230 < 60 0.01 10 <100 0.87 Red

Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C @ 54C Viscosity index Flashpoint Pensky Martin Closed Cup C Auto-ignition temperature Pourpoint Total acid number Evaporation loss 6 hrs @ 71C Water content Colour Particle contamination, number of particles per 100ml in size range 5 to 15 microns 15 to 25 microns 25 to 50 microns 50 to 100 microns over 100 microns Copper corrosion Steel on steel wear scar diam mm C C mgKOH/g %m ppm mm/s

Mineral 4.90 min 13.2 min 600 max 2500 max 82 min 60 max 0.20 max 20 max 100 max Report Red

Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C

10000 max 1000 max 150 max 20 max 5 max 2e max 1.0 max

1200 550 70 5 0 1b 0.65

808 116 44 10 1 2b 0.95



TYPICAL U.S. Production 22

European Production 25.4

Rubber swell, L rubber Corrosiveness & oxidation (168 hrs @ 135C) - metal weight change

19 to 30

Must pass 5 to +20 0.20 max Must pass Must pass 0.2 max 0.3 max 15 max Must pass ppm 10 max

Passes 8.08 0.02 Passes Passes Less than 0.2 0.1 10 Passes Nil

Passes +0.1 +0.1 Passes Passes Less than 0.2 Less than 0.3 Less than 15 Passes Nil

- viscosity change @ 40C % - acid number change mgKOH/g Low temperature stability 72 hrs @ 54C Shear stability - viscosity change @ 40C - acid number change Gravimetric ltration mg/100ml ltration time min Foaming tendency Barium content

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.

AeroShell Fluid 51 is a synthetic hydrocarbon and ester based fluid for use in hydraulic systems which require reliable operation in extreme low and high temperatures as well as performance outside the capability of traditional MILPRF-5606 mineral based fluids. AeroShell Fluid 51 is formulated with high technology additives to provide oxidation and corrosion resistance, anti-wear, and anti-foaming protection. AeroShell Fluid 51 is superclean filtered to ensure optimum performance in particulate monitored systems.

AeroShell Fluid 51 is dyed red. The useful operating temperature range is 54C to +135C.

AeroShell Fluid 51 is recommended for use in aircraft, ordnance and missile systems operating from 54C to +135C. This fluid should be considered for use in auto pilots, shock absorbers, brakes, flight control systems, hydraulic servo-control systems and other systems using synthetic elastomer seals. This fluid is especially recommended for use in high altitude aircraft that normally operate with extended loiter times and high endurance levels such as UAVs and ELINT systems. AeroShell Fluid 51 is a synthetic hydrocarbon oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information. AeroShell Fluid 51 is compatible with AeroShell Fluids 4, 31, 41, 61 and 71 and can be used in systems designed to operate with MIL-PRF-5606, MILPRF-6083, MIL-PRF-83282 and MIL-PRF-46170 fluids. Chlorinated solvents should not be used for cleaning hydraulic components which use AeroShell Fluid 51. The residual solvent contaminates the hydraulic fluid and may lead to corrosion.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-87257B (MIL-PRF-87257B) H-538 OX-538

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C @ 54C Flashpoint Fire point Total acidity Evaporation loss 6.5 hrs @ 150135C Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Pourpoint Low temperature stability 72 hrs @ 54C High temperature stability - change in viscosity @ 40C % - change in acidity - formation of precipitate or insolubles Gravimetric analysis Particle count, automatic 5 to 15 m 15 to 25 m 25 to 50 m 50 to 100 m >100 m Water content Foam resistance Flame propagation Rubber swell NBR-L mg/100ml per Lt C mm/s

MIL-PRF-87257B 2.0 min 6.7 min 550 max C C mgKOH/g %m 160 min 170 min 0.20 max 20 max Report 60 max Must pass 5 max 0.1 max None 1.0 max 10000 max 1000 max 150 max 20 max 5 max ppm ASTM Seq 1 cm/s % 100 max 65 ml max 0.50 max 19 to 30

TYPICAL Synthetic Hydrocarbon 2.12 6.80 440 1945 175 185 0.00 13.5 0.838 65 Passes Less than 5 Less than 0.1 None 0.12 2400 250 90 5 0 65 20 Conforms 23

PROPERTIES 4-Ball Wear, 75C scar dia 1 kg load 10 kg load 40 kg load Barium content Flammability Corrosiveness & oxidation stability (168 hours @ 135 1C) - metal weight change - viscosity change % - change in acidity mg/KOH/g mm

MIL-PRF-87257B 0.21 max 0.30 max 0.65 max ppm 10 max Must pass

TYPICAL 0.17 0.22 0.52 Less than 10 Passes

Must pass 10 max 0.2 max

Passes Less than 10 Less than 0.02

AeroShell Fluid 61 is a synthetic hydrocarbon base hydraulic fluid specifically inhibited to provide excellent oxidation stability for the oil and good corrosion preventive protection to the hydraulic system. AeroShell Fluid 61 MIL-PRF-46170D Type I is undyed. AeroShell Fluid 61 MIL-PRF-46170D Type II is dyed red. AeroShell Fluid 61 has an operating temperature range of 40C to +204C.

AeroShell Fluid 61 is designed for use where a fire resistant preservative grade hydraulic fluid is required and is suitable for operational use from -40C to +204C as well as preservation of components during storage and shipment. AeroShell Fluid 61 has an operating temperature range of 40C to +204C. AeroShell Fluid 61 is compatible with AeroShell Fluids 4, 31, 41, 51 and 71.

AeroShell Fluid 61 is a synthetic oil and should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials. Refer to the General Notes at the front of this section for further information. Chlorinated solvents should not be used for cleaning hydraulic components which use AeroShell Fluid 61. The residual solvent contaminates the hydraulic fluid and may lead to corrosion.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-46170D Type I* H-544 -

* The US specification covers two grades, Type I and Type II. The only difference between the two grades is that Type II is dyed red for aerospace use whereas Type I is undyed.

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C @ 54C mm/s

MIL-PRF-46170D Type I 3.4 min 19.5 min 2600 max 218 min 246 min 0.2 max 5.0 max C ppm C per Lt 10000 max 250 max 50 max 10 max mg/I % swell mm 0.3 max 0.65 max 0.005 max 15 to 25 54 max 500 max 343 min Undyed

TYPICAL Synthetic Hydrocarbon 3.71 15.43 2488 15022 233 248 0.07 2.39 0.859 Below 54 278 354 Undyed 1414 390 4 0 0.001 21.5 0.23 0.38

Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C Fire point Cleveland Open Cup C Acid or Base number Evaporation loss 22 hrs @ 149C Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Pourpoint Water content Auto-ignition temperature Colour Particle count, automatic 5 to 25 microns 26 to 50 microns 51 to 100 microns Over 100 microns Trace sediment Rubber swell 168 hrs @ 70C 4-Ball wear, 75C - scar dia 147N load/1200 rpm 392N load/1200 rpm mgKOH/g %m

PROPERTIES Galvanic corrosion Corrosiveness & oxidation stability (168 hrs @ 121C) - metal weight change - viscosity change @ 40C % - change in acidity mg/KOH/g Low temperature stability Rust prevention Flammability

MIL-PRF-46170D Type I Must pass


Must pass 10 max 0.3 max Must pass Must Pass Must pass

Passes Less than 10 Less than 0.3 Passes Passes Passes

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.

AeroShell Fluid 71 is a preservative mineral hydraulic fluid of improved cleanliness. AeroShell Fluid 71 is composed of a mineral base oil with an additive package which results in a product with excellent corrosion preventative properties as well as excellent oxidation stability, and good antiwear characteristics. AeroShell Fluid 71 is dyed red. The useful operating temperature range is 54C to +121C.

AeroShell Fluid 71 is intended for preserving hydraulic equipment in storage from 54C to +121C, and also for use in rig testing of hydraulic components. AeroShell Fluid 71 should only be used in hydraulic systems employing synthetic rubber seals suitable for MIL-PRF-5606/DEF STAN 91-48 (AeroShell Fluids 4 or 41) type of fluids. Refer to General Notes at the front of this section for further information.

AeroShell Fluid 71 is compatible with AeroShell Fluids 4, 31, 41, 51 and 61. Chlorinated solvents should not be used for cleaning hydraulic components which use AeroShell Fluid 71. The residual solvent contaminates the hydraulic fluid and may lead to corrosion.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-6083F Equivalent DEF STAN 80-142 Equivalent to DCSEA 535/A C-635 Equivalent PX-26

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 40C @ 54C @ 40C Flashpoint Pensky Martin Closed Cup Total acidity Pourpoint Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Water content Colour Trace sediment mg/I Corrosiveness & oxidation stability (168 hrs @ 121C) - metal weight change - viscosity change @ 40C - acid number change mg/KOH/g Copper corrosion Corrosion inhibition Particle size per 100ml 5 to 25 microns 26 to 50 microns 51 to 100 microns Over 100 Low temperature stability 72 hrs @ 54C Shear stability change in viscosity @ 40C % ppm mm/s

MIL-PRF-6083F Mineral 800 max 3500 max 13 min C C 82 min 0.2 max 59 max 500 Red 0.005 max

TYPICAL Mineral 525 2400 14.3 88 0.12 Below 59 0.879 200 Red 0.002


Must pass 5 to +20 0.2 max 3a max Must pass 10000 max 250 max 50 max 10 max Must pass 2.0 max

Passes Passes Less than 0.2 Passes Passes 1170 90 10 1 Passes 0.06

PROPERTIES Rubber swell L rubber % Evaporation loss 22 hrs @ 100C %m Foaming tendency Steel on steel wear, scar diam Gravimetric ltration Filtration time mm mg/100ml mins

MIL-PRF-6083F 19 - 28 75 max Must pass 1.0 max 0.5 max 15 max

TYPICAL 23 62 Passes Passes Less than 0.5 12

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Shock Strut Fluid (SSF) and AeroShell Landing Gear Fluid (LGF) are mineral hydraulic fluids (MIL-PRF-6083 and MIL-PRF-5606 respectively) to which additional additives have been added to improve the extreme pressure characteristics and the fluids natural lubricity. The lubricity agent provides a stable thin film layer to the metal surfaces at mild operating conditions. When severe conditions exist (landing/touchdown), the extreme pressure additive supplies the load carrying needed at the metal-to-metal surfaces to prevent the occurrence of such phenomena as ladder cracking and slip stiction of the piston component of the landing gear. AeroShell SSF is AeroShell Fluid 71 plus additives. AeroShell LGF is AeroShell Fluid 41 plus additives. AeroShell SSF and LGF are straw yellow in colour.

AeroShell SSF is recommended for all normal applications whilst the better low temperature properties of AeroShell LGF make it particularly suitable in areas of low temperature operations.

AeroShell SSF and AeroShell LGF are compatible with each other as well as with AeroShell Fluids 4, 41 and 71.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Boing McDonnell Douglas Approved BMS 3-32A (AeroShell SSF is approved to Type I and AeroShell LGF is approved to Type II) Approved DPM-6177

AeroShell SSF and LGF are not covered by any military specification.


AeroShell SSF and LGF are approved for use in the shock struts of the following aircraft:
Boeing Lockheed McDonnell Douglas Airbus 707/720, 727, 737, 747 (except those using BMS 3-11 uids), 757, 767 and 777 L1011 Tristar DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, MD-80, MD-11 CML Code 02-004A (SSF)

For use in the landing gear shock struts of other aircraft, operators must check with the respective manufacturer first.

PROPERTIES Base hydraulic uid specication Kinematic viscosity @ 40C @ 40C @ 54C Flashpoint Neutralisation number Evaporation SSF 22 hrs @ 99C LGF 6 hrs @ 71C Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Pourpoint Foaming Seq I Foam/collapse time Seq II Foam/collapse time Seq III Foam/collapse time C sec sec sec mm/s

SSF TYPICAL MIL-PRF-6083F 14.5 560 2640 C mgKOH/g % 65 0.882 62 30/30 20/10 30/30 108 2.6

LGF TYPICAL MIL-PRF-5606H 14.5 423 1780 110 2.4 18.0 0.874 Below 68 45 -

PROPERTIES Corrosiveness & oxidation stability (168 hrs @ 121C) Metal weight change mg/cm Copper Aluminium Steel Magnesium Cadmium Fluid properties Change in viscosity Change in acid number Insolubles 4-ball wear, scar diam Colour % mgKOH/g mm



+0.002 0 0 +0.002 0 +15 +0.5 1.0 mg/100ml 0.43 Yellow

0.06 0.005 0.02 +0.01 +0.01 +10.5 +0.05 Clear 0.43 Yellow


3 4 5 7 10 15 25

50 100 200 AeroShell Hydraulic Fluids 4 & 41 31 & 61 71 500 1000 3000 10000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 Temperature: C 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Kinematic viscosity: mm2/s



AeroShell Preservatives are used for the preservation and protection of aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft components. Two classes of corrosion preservatives are used on aircraft, those for protecting engine interiors and those for exterior application.

Corrosion protectives (internal-engines)

AeroShell Fluid 2F AeroShell Fluid 2XN

Piston engine corrosion protective fluids

Corrosion protection fluids are used for preventing cold corrosion which would occur during the storage or shipment of engines, principally because of the action of fuel combustion products trapped in piston engine cylinders after shutdown. In addition to the protection given by the compound they contain, these fluids neutralise the acid products of combustion resulting from the use of leaded fuel, e.g. hydrobromic acid. British and American methods for inhibiting engines differ as is shown by the following specifications prescribing the official procedures:

Piston engine practice:

American MIL-E-6058B (Obsolete) British D.Eng.R.D. 2027 (Obsolete)

Turbine engine practice:


MIL-E-5607F (Obsolete) British D.Eng.R.D. 2028 (Obsolete) For inhibited engine oils in piston engines the British procedure was to motor the engines cold using a storage oil (DEF STAN 91-40) in the engine oil system, followed by spraying of various parts internally with a wax thickened oil/petrol mixture (DTD.791C). The U.S. procedure differs according to whether the storage period is short term or for an extended period. For short term protection only one type of product is required and this is a flyaway oil (AeroShell Fluid 2F, MIL-C-6529C Type II), which is added to the engine oil system while the engine is run-up under its own power. Immediately before shutdown it is sprayed into various parts of the engine as in the British procedure. AeroShell Fluid 2XN is the concentrate for AeroShell Fluid 2F.

Turbine Engine Corrosion Protective Fluid

Corrosion protective fluids to MIL-C-6529C Type III are suitable for the internal protection during storage of turbine engines which normally use mineral lubricating oil to MIL-PRF-6081D. Corrosion protective fluids to MIL-PRF-8188D are suitable for the internal protection during storage of turbine engines which normally use synthetic lubricating oils to MIL-PRF-7808L. More recently there has been increasing concern regarding corrosion inside turbine engines which use synthetic oils to MIL-PRF-23699 (formerly MIL-L-23699). In order to address these concerns the specification MIL-PRF23699F has been revised to include a corrosion inhibited (C/I) grade alongside the standard (STD) grade and high temperature grade (HTS).

Corrosion Protectives - external

AeroShell Compound 05

A variety of exterior corrosion preventatives are in current use to provide the many kinds of protection needed. The choice of protective depends upon the degree of protection necessary and ease of removal required. Corrosion protection is a big subject and whilst it is not within the scope of this handbook (there being many other publications available) the following key elements may be helpful in deciding what corrosion preventative to specify or use in any particular application. The key elements are: period of protection required, i.e. short, medium or long term whether component or assembly is stored indoor, outdoors or undercover climatic conditions at point of storage if outside whether preservative is to be applied hot or cold method of application, i.e. spray, brush, dipping whether preservative includes a solvent as a carrier which then volatilises off film thickness of the preservative film strength i.e. hard, soft whether preservative is to be removed or is permanent whether component is to be handled (fingerprints are corrosive and some protective films cannot withstand handling) what other methods are used to aid or enhance preservation, for example, wrapping in grease proof paper, silica gel moisture absorbing crystals, cacooning assemblies etc. Protectives for a wide range of applications are provided by Shell Ensis products, and Shell Vapour Phase Inhibitors, but these products are outside the scope of this publication.

AeroShell Fluid 2F is an inhibited flyaway lubricating oil for the internal protection of piston engines during storage. AeroShell Fluid 2F consists of three parts AeroShell Oil 100 (SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 50) with one part AeroShell Fluid 2XN (MIL-C-6529C Type I) a corrosion


AeroShell Fluid 2F is used as a piston engine preservative oil, also as a flyaway oil, in place of the normal engine oil. A period of 15 minutes engine running under idling conditions is required to ensure adequate distribution throughout the engine. It can also be applied to other parts of the engine and its accessories by spraying. The ashless anti-corrosion additive package and highly refined mineral base oils protect the engine by minimising the effects of humidity and neutralising the acidic components of engine oil oxidation and combustion by-products. After storage and before operating the engine, rotate the crankshaft by hand and drain off the preservative oil. An additional optional precaution is to flush the engine with the correct grade of AeroShell oil before draining and re-filling with fresh oil. Operation of engines containing flyaway oils is limited to 50 hours maximum. Detailed instructions for inhibiting piston engines are given in specifications MILE-6058B and MIL-E-6059A and in relevant engine manufacturers publications. AeroShell Fluid 2F may be used in conjunction with Shell VPI 260 or VPI 280 if protection for extended periods is required.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-C-6529C Type II Equivalent to AIR 1503/B Type B C-609 OX-270 (Obsolete)

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 98.9C @ 37.8C Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Pourpoint Carbon residue Ash Lead corrosion 4 hrs @ 149C Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 100C Rust protection (humidity cabinet) mm/s -

MIL-C-6529C Type II

TYPICAL Mineral 20.0 265 257 Below 12 0.89 0.45 0.01 14.3 Passes Passes

22.5 max C C %m %m mg/in 204 min 12 max 2 max 0.015 max 70 max -

Relative density @ 15.6/15.6 C


AeroShell Fluid 2XN is a corrosion preventative concentrate from which AeroShell Fluid 2F is blended; the blending proportions are one part AeroShell Fluid 2XN to three parts Aeroshell Oil 100. In general, operators should obtain supplies blended ready for use in engines, unless the use of the concentrate is specified.

AeroShell Fluid 2XN is primarily used as an ingredient of AeroShell Fluid 2F, but can be used undiluted to provide additional protection for piston engines after run-out on AeroShell Fluid 2F, by spraying exhaust ports, rocker arms,

accessories. For aircraft gas turbine engines a mixture of one part of AeroShell Fluid 2XN to three parts of AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 is required. Detailed instructions for inhibiting turbines are given in specification MIL-E-5607F. The ashless anti-corrosion additive package together with the highly refined mineral base oil protects the engine by minimising the effects of humidity and neutralising the acidic components of engine oil oxidation and, in piston engines, the combustion byproducts as well.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-C-6529C Type I (Has adopted MIL-C-6529C Type I) Approved DTD900/4913A (Obsolete) Equivalent to AIR 1503/B Type B Concentrate C-608 ZX-21

Properties are controlled only for the finished blends using AeroShell Fluid 2XN.

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 37.8C @ 98.9C Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Pourpoint Carbon residue Ash Lead corrosion 4 hrs @ 149C mm/s C C %m %m mg/in -

MIL-C-6529C Type I

TYPICAL Mineral 254 20.0 254 17 0.9 0.5 0.01 35 Passes Passes

Relative density @ 15.6/15.6 C

Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 100C Rust protection (humidity cabinet)

AeroShell Compound 05 is a petroleum jelly/beeswax mixture for protecting metal parts against corrosion under temperate and tropical conditions. Specification DEF STAN 80-85 requires the product to have the following approximate composition: High melting point mineral jelly (DEF STAN 91-38) 90% mass Beeswax (CS.2177) 10% mass.

AeroShell Compound 05 is used for protecting piston assemblies, anti-friction bearings, chains and other small parts under temperate and tropical conditions. AeroShell Compound 05 is applied by hot dipping in melted material to give a

film about 0.5 mm thick, the thickness can be controlled by the temperature and period of immersion. This gives a fairly firm, greasy film, with a slightly higher melting point, better texture and better protective qualities than plain mineral jelly. Grease resistant wrapping is necessary to protect the film from damage, but parts should be wrapped only after the film has set. The coating should be cleaned off before use, particularly to ensure freedom from grit and dirt, but meticulous cleaning is not necessary as any residual material will normally disperse harmlessly in the lubricant.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Corresponding MIL-C-11796C Class 3 Approved DEF STAN 80-85 Equivalent to AIR 8136 C-628 (obsolete) PX-11

PROPERTIES Melting point Ash Inorganic acidity Total acidity mgKOH/g C %m Saponication value mgKOH/g

DEF STAN 80-85 65 min 8.5 min 0.05 max Nil 1.7 to 2.2

TYPICAL 70 9.4 0.02 Nil 1.9



Other AeroShell Fluids are used for special applications on aircraft, aircraft engines and auxiliary equipment, and can be subdivided under the following headings: Lubricating oils Gearbox oils Calibrating fluids De-icing fluids Avionic cooling fluids

Lubricating Oils
AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell AeroShell Fluid Fluid Fluid Fluid 1 3 12 18

AeroShell Fluid 1 is an aircraft instrument and light mineral lubricating oil. AeroShell Fluid 3 and AeroShell Fluid 12 cover the two types of aircraft general purpose and instrument oils in use today i.e. mineral oil (MIL-PRF-7870) and synthetic oil (MIL-PRF-6085) respectively. They are recommended for the lubrication of delicate instruments and general aircraft lubrication by oil can application, etc. AeroShell Fluid 18 is a low temperature, water displacing general purpose oil.

Gearbox Oils
AeroShell Fluid 5L-A AeroShell Fluid 5M-A AeroShell Fluid S.8350 AeroShell Fluid 5L-A and 5M-A are recommended for the lubrication of gears

where high tooth loadings exist e.g. helicopter gearboxes and constant speed alternator drives. AeroShell Fluid 5L-A is of low viscosity, AeroShell Fluid 5M-A of medium viscosity. AeroShell Fluid S.8350 is an extreme pressure gear oil and recommended for lubrication of gears where the use of a 90 EP gear oil is required.

Calibrating Fluid
AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2 This fluid is used for calibrating the aircraft fuel system components of turbine engines.

De-icing Fluids
AeroShell Compound 06A AeroShell Compound 07 Various alcohols, or mixtures of these with other materials, are used for de-icing windscreens, propellers, carburettors and wing surfaces. The most common requirement, for de-icers for windscreens and propellers, is met by AeroShell Compounds 06A and 07. A mixture of equal volumes of AeroShell Compounds 07 and 06A, is suitable as a defrosting spray for aircraft parked in the open. AeroShell Compound 07 is also an approved wing de-icing fluid.

Avionic Cooling Fluids

AeroShell Fluid 602 AeroShell Fluid 602 is a cooling fluid for aircraft avionic systems.

AeroShell Fluid 1 is a light lubricating mineral oil containing, by specification,

less than 0.10% mass stearic acid.

For use as a lubricant where a light anti-freezing oil is required, e.g. on aircraft instruments, gun mounting buffers, hydraulic couplings, controls, door hinges, etc. Also used as a preservative oil for Stromberg carburettors and some fuel systems. AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 can be used as an alternative to AeroShell Fluid 1, but AeroShell Fluid 1 must never be used as an alternative to AeroShell Turbine Oil 3.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved DEF STAN 91-44 Equivalent to AIR 3515/B O-134 OM-13

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 25C @ 40C Flashpoint Pensky Martin Closed Cup Pourpoint Aniline point mm/s

DEF STAN 91-44 Mineral 1250 max 12 min C C C 144 min 45 min 85 min 5.5 max 0.3 max 0.01 max Must pass Must pass

TYPICAL Mineral 1140 12.15 150 Below 45 87 2.2 0.15 Less than 0.01 0.873 Passes Passes

Aniline point change after extraction with sulphuric acid C Total acidity Ash Density @ 15C Trace element content Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 100C mgKOH/g %m kg/l

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.

AeroShell Fluid 3 is a general purpose mineral lubricating oil recommended for general lubrication of aircraft parts that require a light oil with good low temperature characteristics and a low freezing point. It is inhibited against oxidation and corrosion. AeroShell Fluid 3 is a relatively low viscosity product with good resistance to evaporation.

AeroShell Fluid 3 is recommended for general lubrication of aircraft parts that require a light oil, e.g. hinges, pivot joints, shaft joints, linkage pins and bearings, pulleys, cables, camera mechanisms, radio and radar gear and

instruments. AeroShell Fluid 3 is normally applied by means of an oil can or brush. For this reason it is also described as an oilcan lubricant. Operating temperature range of AeroShell Fluid 3 is 54C to +121C. For high temperature applications where no provision is made for frequent re-lubrication the synthetic oil, AeroShell Fluid 12, should be used in place of the mineral oil, AeroShell Fluid 3; however in this case care should be taken to ensure that there is no incompatibility between AeroShell Fluid 12 and seals, paints etc.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-7870D Approved DEF STAN 91-47 O-142 OM-12

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 38C @ 40C Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Pourpoint Evaporation @ 99C, 22 hrs Total acid number Low temperature stability 72 hrs @ 54C Corrosion & oxidation stability (168 hrs @ 121C) - metal weight change - viscosity change % - acid number change mgKOH/g Corrosivity ASTM colour Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C mm/s

MIL-PRF-7870D 10 min 4000 max C C %m mgKOH/g 130 min 57 max 25 max Report Must pass

TYPICAL Mineral 10.0 Less than 4000 155 Below 57 13 0.3 0.89 Passes

Must pass 5 to +20 0.2 max Must pass -

Passes 10 0.02 Passes < 0.5

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Fluid 5L-A is a highly refined, low viscosity mineral oil containing an extreme pressure additive as well as additives to provide good oxidation and corrosion protection. AeroShell Fluid 5L-A has good low temperature characteristics.


AeroShell Fluid 5L-A is used for the lubrication of gears where high tooth loadings exist, particularly when operating at low temperature. AeroShell Fluid 5L-A is particularly suitable for the lubrication of radar gearboxes, constant speed alternator drives. AeroShell Fluid 5L-A is also used in those helicopter transmissions (gearboxes) which require use of this type of MIL-PRF-6086 oil. AeroShell Fluid 5L-A must not be used in engines.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-6086F Light Grade Approved DEF STAN 91-112 Grade L O-153 Equivalent OEP-30

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 37.8C @ 98.9C Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Viscosity index Pourpoint Total acid number Load wear index Colour ASTM Foaming, sequence I, II, III Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 100C Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C kg C mgKOH/g mm/s

MIL-PRF-6086F Light Grade 23 to 34 C 137.8 min 80 min 40 max 1.0 max 40 min 8 max Must pass Must pass

TYPICAL Mineral 27.8 4.90 190 100 Below 40 0.1 0.89 45.5 1.0 Passes Passes

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Fluid 5M-A is a highly refined, medium viscosity mineral oil containing an extreme pressure additive as well as additives to provide good oxidation and corrosion protection.

Aeroshell Fluid 5M-A is used for the lubrication of gears where high tooth loadings exist. AeroShell Fluid 5M-A is particularly recommended for the lubrication of translation units of contra-rotating propellers, radar gearboxes, constant speed alternator drives. AeroShell Fluid 5M-A is also used in those

helicopter transmissions (gearboxes) which require use of a MIL-PRF-6086 oil. AeroShell Fluid 5M-A is also suitable as an extreme pressure lubricant for heavily loaded pins, bushes and gear mechanisms. AeroShell Fluid 5M-A must not be used in engines.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-6086F Medium Grade Approved DEF STAN 91-112 Grade M O-155 OEP-70

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 37.8C @ 98.9C Viscosity index Pourpoint Total acid number Load wear index Colour ASTM Foaming, sequence I, II, III Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 100C Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C C mgKOH/g kg mm/s

MIL-PRF-6086F Medium Grade 60 to 82 154.5 min 80 min 28.9max 1.0 max 0.92 40 min 8 max Must pass Must pass

TYPICAL Mineral 68 8.3 204 100 Below 29 0.1 50 <3 Passes Passes

Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup C

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.

AeroShell Fluid 12 is a low volatility synthetic ester oil used in aircraft instruments and also for the general lubrication of aircraft. It is oxidation and corrosion inhibited, and possesses good high and low temperature characteristics.

AeroShell Fluid 12 is used for general aircraft lubrication as well as for aircraft gyro instrument gimbal bearings, separately lubricated high speed turbines and compressors, aircraft air cycle equipment and electronic equipment. AeroShell Fluid 12 is particularly suitable for use when an oil with a low evaporation rate

is required at high and low temperatures. AeroShell Fluid 12 is a synthetic oil and it should not be used in contact with incompatible seal materials such as neoprene or natural rubber. Suitable seal material include Fluorocarbon (Viton). AeroShell Fluid 12 may also affect certain paints and plastics. It is recommended that components are evaluated for compatibility if there is any question.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-6085D Equivalent DEF STAN 91-49 Approved AIR 3511/A O-147 Equivalent OX-14

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 54.4C @ 53.9C Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Pourpoint Total acid number Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Evaporation loss in 22 hrs @ 120C Colour ASTM Corrosion & oxidation stability (168 hrs @ 135C) - metal weight change - viscosity change @ 54.5C - total acid number change mgKOH/g - insolubles mg/100ml Low temperature stability Corrosivity %m mm/s

MIL-PRF-6085D 8 min 12000 max C C mgKOH/g 185 min 57 max 1.80 max -

TYPICAL Synthetic ester 8.2 11000 220 Below 60 0.20 0.925 1.50 <0.5

Must pass 5 0.5 max Must pass Must pass

Passes 0.5 0.1 1.0 Passes Passes

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.

AeroShell Fluid 18 is a highly refined petroleum lubricating oil and contains additives to inhibit corrosion and rusting and improve water displacing characteristics.


AeroShell Fluid 18 is for use in the lubrication and corrosion protection of small arms and automatic weapons and as a general purpose lubricant for all applications where water displacing, corrosion protection, and low temperature lubrication is required. AeroShell Fluid 18 is also intended for locks, hinges, electric motors, fans, small bearings, control rods and cables and can be used in numerous non-aviation applications. AeroShell Fluid 18 is not recommended as a lubricant at temperatures below 57C.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-32033 Equivalent DEF STAN 91-79 (Obsolete) O-190 (Obsolete) OX-14 (Obsolete)

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 40C @ 40C @ 54C Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Pourpoint Total acid number Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Evaporation 22 hrs @ 100C Precipitation number % ml mm/s

MIL-PRF-32033 Mineral 11 min 7000 max 60000 max C C mgKOH/g 135 min 57 max 25 max 0.005 max

TYPICAL Mineral 11.3 4500 55700 150 61 0.44 0.890 23 0.00

Corrosion & oxidation stability (168 hrs @ 121C) - viscosity change % - change in acidity mgKOH/g - metal weight change Water displacing properties Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 100C Galvanic corrosion Rust protection 168 hrs @ 43C

5 to +20 0.2 max Must pass Must pass Must pass None No rust

10.25 0.01 Passes Passes Passes Passes Passes

A viscosity/temperature curve is shown at the end of this section.


AeroShell Fluid 602 synthetic base fluid is composed of highly branched, compact and very stable molecules known as polyalphaolefins (PAO), blended with additives to provide long term storage stability. AeroShell Fluid 602 offers exceptional performance over a wide temperature

range and does not react with water, resulting in clean systems and long fluid and component life.

AeroShell Fluid 602 is most widely used as a cooling fluid for aircraft avionic systems, whose benefits include lower initial cost, longer fluid life, lower weight and lower toxicity when compared with other types of avionic system coolants. Since AeroShell Fluid 602 does not react with water, no reclamation equipment is required, adding further to the cost advantage.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved MIL-PRF-87252C S-1748 -

PROPERTIES Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Viscosity @ 100C @ 40C @ 40C @ 54C Viscosity index Pourpoint Flash point Fire point Evaporation loss @ 204C, 6.5 hr Total acid number Density g/cc dilatometer @ 0C @ 100C @ 190C Specic heat @ 17.8C @ 37.8C @ 149C @ 260C cal/gC Water content, Karl Fischer C C C %m mgKOH/g ppm mm/s

MIL-PRF-87252C 1.65 min 5.0 min 300 max 1300 max 150 min 160 min 0.2 max 50 max -

TYPICAL 0.799 1.77 5.29 280 1094 145 73 160 171 17 < 0.01 35 0.8058 0.7392 0.6768 0.49 0.54 0.63 0.72

Thermal conductivity, heat probe method cal/hr cm (C/cm) @ 17.8C @ 37.8C @ 149C @ 260C

1.26 1.21 1.12 1.02

PROPERTIES Coecient of thermal expansion dilatometer 1/C 0 to 50C 50 to 100C 100 to 150C 150 to 190C Dielectric constant Power factor Volume resistivity @ 25C Particle count, automatic 5 to 15 m 16 to 25 m 26 to 50 m 51 to 100 m < 100 m Elastomer compatibility Recommended (Swell <5%) 400 Hz 400 Hz kv ohm-cm



35 min 1.0 x 1010 min 10000 max 1000 max 150 max 20 max 5 max -

0.00083 0.00092 0.00103 0.00117 2.10 < 0.0001 47 2.9 x 1015 2664 345 86 10 0 Nitrile (N674-70) Fluorosilicone Fluorocarbon Polyacrylate Nitrile (N497-70) Ethylene Propylene Buna N SBR

Dielectric breakdown Voltage

Marginal Not recommended

(Swell <15%) (Swell >15%)


AeroShell Fluid S.8350 is an SAE 90 extreme pressure gearbox oil.

AeroShell Fluid S.8350 is used for helicopter rotor gears, drive-shafts and pitch control mechanisms and wherever high loads and slow speeds in gears require the use of a 90 EP gear oil. AeroShell Fluid S.8350 is approved for use in various Westland helicopter gearboxes. AeroShell Fluid S.8350 must not be used in engines.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved DTD.900/4981A OEP-215

PROPERTIES Oil type Kinematic viscosity @ 40C @ 100C Viscosity index Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Pourpoint Total acid number Density @ 15C Evaporation loss @ 150C Precipitation loss Copper corrosion Foaming, sequence I, II, III ml C C mgKOH/g kg/l mm/s

DTD.900/4981A 16.26 to 17.42 85 min 177 min 18 max 0.2 5 max 0.05 max Must pass Must pass

TYPICAL Mineral 182 17.0 97 228 21 0.15 0.895 3.0 0.01 Passes Passes


AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2 is composed of Specially Run Stoddard Solvent and is used for calibrating aircraft fuel system components.

AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2 is intended for the calibration of fuel system components of aircraft turbine engines.


U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation

Approved MIL-PRF-7024E Type II -

PROPERTIES Oil type Relative density @ 15.6/15.6C Temperature density variation @ 15C @ 30C @ 40C @ 80C Kinematic viscosity @ 10C @ 25C @ 40C Flashpoint by TAG method Distillation: IBP End point Recovery Total acid number Colour, saybolt Copper corrosion 3 hrs @ 100C Aromatics % vol mm/s

MIL-PRF-7024E Type II 0.77 0.005 1.17 0.05 C C C % mgKOH/g 38 min 149 min 210 max 98.5 min 0.015 max Must pass 20 max

TYPICAL Mineral 0.77 0.7705 0.759 0.752 0.7225 1.46 1.15 0.95 43 158 196 98.5 0.007 30 Passes < 1.0


AeroShell Compound 06A is used as a de-icing fluid for windscreens, carburettors and propellers.

AeroShell Compound 06A and ethyl alcohol (obsolete grade AeroShell Compound 06) are equally effective for de-icing and are miscible in all proportions. However, operators should follow the aircraft manufacturers recommendations regarding the type of fluid to be used, because of possible side effects.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Equivalent TT-l-735a Grade B Equivalent ASTM D770 Approved BS.1595 Equivalent AIR 3660/B S-737 AL-11

PROPERTIES Flashpoint (Abel) Distillation range: IBP Dry Water content Density @ 20C Miscibility with water Colour Residue on evaporation Aldehydes & ketones % mass as acetone Alkalinity or acidity % mass as acetic acid Hazen units % C C %m kg/l

BS.1595 81.5 83.0 0.5 max 0.785 to 0.787 Must pass 15 max 0.002 max 0.01 max 0.002 max

TYPICAL 10.0 82 83 0.085 0.786 Passes 5 0.002 0.007 0.0002

AeroShell Compound 07 is a de-icing fluid composed of ethylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol and distilled water. Specification DTD.406B requires the product to have the following approximate composition: Ethanediol (BS.2537) 85% volume Isopropanol (BS.1595) 5% volume Distilled water 10% volume


AeroShell Compound 07 is used for in-flight de-icing of windscreens, propellers, wings, tailplanes, etc. on suitably equipped aircraft. AeroShell Compound 07 is also recommended for removing hoar frost and light snow/ice from parked aircraft. AeroShell Compound 07 can be sprayed undiluted or mixed with up to 50% volume of water, depending upon the severity of the icing conditions, the efficiency of the spraying technique and whether it is applied hot or cold.

U.S. British French Russian NATO Code Joint Service Designation Approved DTD.406B S-745 AL-5

PROPERTIES Flashpoint Cleveland Open Cup Cold test @ 40C pH value Conductivity, micromho/cm Density @ 15C Miscibility with water @ 15C kg/l C

DTD.406B 11.0 to 13.0 No deposition 6.0 to 7.5 5.0 max 1.092 to 1.097 Must pass

TYPICAL 54.4 11.4 Complies 6.9 0.5 1.094 Passes

Kinematic viscosity @ 20C mm/s



AeroShell Fluids 1 2F 3 5L-A 5M-A 12 18

3 4 5 7 10 15 25

50 100 200 500 1000 3000 10000 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Temperature: C

Kinematic viscosity: mm2/s



The central figure in each column is the temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit which require conversion. If this is in terms of degrees Celsius, the corresponding Fahrenheit temperature will be found to the right of it; if the given temperature is in terms of Fahrenheit, the corresponding Celsius temperature is to the left.

-73.3 -68.7 -62.2 -56.7 -51.0 -45.6 -40.0 -34.4 -28.9 -23.3 -17.8 -17.2 -16.7 -16.1 -15.6 -15.0 -14.4 -13.9 -13.3 -12.8 -12.2 -11.7 -11.1 -10.6 -10.0 -9.4 -8.9 -8.3 -7.8 -7.2 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

-148.0 -130.0 -112.0 -94.0 -76.0 -58.0 -40.0 -22.0 -4.0 14.0 32.0 33.8 35.6 37.4 39.2 41.0 42.8 44.6 46.4 48.2 50.0 51.8 53.6 55.4 57.2 59.0 60.8 62.6 64.4 66.2

-6.7 -6.1 -5.6 -5.0 -4.4 -3.9 -3.3 -2.8 -2.2 -1.7 -1.1 -0.6 0.0 0.6 1.1 1.7 2.2 2.8 3.3 3.9 4.4 5.0 5.6 6.1 6.7 7.2 7.8 8.3 8.9 9.4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

68.0 69.8 71.6 73.4 75.2 77.0 78.8 80.6 82.4 84.2 86.0 87.8 89.6 91.4 93.2 95.0 96.8 98.6 100.4 102.2 104.0 105.8 107.6 109.4 111.2 113.0 114.8 116.6 118.4 120.2

10.0 10.6 11.1 11.7 12.2 12.8 13.3 13.9 14.4 15.0 15.6 16.1 16.7 17.2 17.8 18.3 18.9 19.4 20.0 20.6 21.2 21.7 22.2 22.8 23.3 23.9 24.4 25.0 25.6 26.1 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

122.0 123.8 125.6 127.4 129.2 131.0 132.8 134.6 136.4 138.2 140.0 141.8 143.6 145.4 147.2 149.0 150.8 152.6 154.4 156.2 158.0 159.8 161.6 163.4 165.2 167.0 168.8 170.6 172.4 174.2

26.7 27.2 27.8 28.3 28.9 29.4 30.0 30.6 31.1 31.7 32.2 32.8 33.3 33.9 34.4 35.0 35.6 36.1 36.7 37.2 37.8 38.3 38.8 39.4 40.0 40.6 41.1 41.7 42.2 42.8 43.3 43.9 44.4 45.0 45.6 46.1 46.7 47.2 47.8 48.3 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119

176.0 177.8 179.6 181.4 183.2 185.0 186.8 188.6 190.4 192.2 194.0 195.8 197.6 199.4 201.2 203.0 204.8 206.6 208.4 210.2 212.0 213.8 215.6 217.4 219.2 221.0 222.8 224.6 226.4 228.2 230.0 231.8 233.6 235.4 237.2 239.0 240.8 242.6 244.4 246.2

48.9 49.4 50.0 50.6 51.1 51.7 52.2 52.8 53.3 53.9 54.4 55.0 55.6 56.1 56.7 57.2 57.8 58.3 58.9 59.4 60.0 60.6 61.1 61.7 62.2 62.8 63.3 63.9 64.4 65.0 65.6 66.1 66.7 67.2 67.8 68.3 68.9 69.4 70.0 70.6 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

248.0 249.8 251.6 253.4 255.2 257.0 258.8 260.6 262.4 264.2 266.0 267.8 269.6 271.4 273.2 275.0 276.8 278.6 280.4 282.2 284.0 285.8 287.6 289.4 291.2 293.0 294.8 296.6 298.4 300.2 302.0 303.8 305.6 307.4 309.2 311.0 312.8 314.6 316.4 318.2

71.1 71.7 72.2 72.8 73.3 73.9 74.4 75.0 75.6 76.1 76.7 77.2 77.8 78.3 78.9 79.4 80.0 80.6 81.1 81.7 82.2 82.8 83.3 83.9 84.4 85.0 85.6 86.1 86.7 87.2 87.8 88.3 88.9 89.4 90.0 90.6 91.1 91.7 92.2 92.8 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199

320.0 321.8 323.6 325.4 327.2 329.0 330.8 332.6 334.4 336.2 338.0 339.8 341.6 343.4 345.2 347.0 348.8 350.6 352.4 354.2 356.0 357.8 359.6 361.4 363.2 365.0 366.8 368.6 370.4 372.2 374.0 375.8 377.6 379.4 381.2 383.0 384.8 386.6 388.4 390.2

93.3 98.9 104.4 110.0 115.6 121.1 126.7 132.2 137.8 143.3 148.9 154.4 160.0 165.6 171.1 176.7 182.2 187.8 193.3 198.9 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390

392.0 410.0 428.0 446.0 464.0 482.0 500.0 518.0 536.0 554.0 572.0 590.0 608.0 626.0 644.0 662.0 680.0 698.0 716.0 734.0

204.4 210.0 215.6 221.1 226.7 232.2 237.8 243.3 248.9 254.4 260.0 265.6 271.1 276.7 282.2 287.8 293.3 298.9 304.4 310.0 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590

752.0 770.0 788.0 806.0 824.0 842.0 860.0 878.0 896.0 914.0 932.0 950.0 968.0 986.0 1004.0 1022.0 1040.0 1058.0 1076.0 1094.0

315.6 343.3 371.1 398.9 426.7 454.4 482.2 510.0 537.8 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000

1112.0 1202.0 1292.0 1382.0 1472.0 1562.0 1652.0 1742.0 1832.0

C = / (F 32) F = ( / x C) + 32


Some useful conversion factors are listed below. For a full range, consult www.




Caloric Value. SI units - mass basis-Joule/kilogramme (J/kg); volume basis-Joule/cubic metre (J/m3) MJ/kg Btu/lb 4.299 x 102 Btu/lb kWh/kg 6.461 x 104 cal/g(kcal/kg) Btu/lb 1.8 Concentration (mass/volume) and Density. SI unit - kilogramme/cubic metre (kg/m3) kg/litre kg/m3(g/litre) lb/1000 UK gal mg/litre lb/1000 US gal mg/litre g/US gal g/litre kg/litre lb/UK gal kg/litre lb/ft3 Concentration (volume/volume). SI unit - cubic metre/cubic metre (m3/m3) ml/UK gal ml/litre or litre/m3 ml/US gal ml/litre or litre/m3 ppm % vol Energy/Heat/Work. SI unit - Joule (J) Btu kJ Btu kWh therm MJ cal J kWh MJ Force. SI unit - Newton (N) lbf pdl dyne Length. SI unit - metre (m) in ft N N mN mm m

103 99.78 1.198 x 102 0.264 10.02 62.43

0.22 0.264 104 1.055 2.9307 x 104 1.055 x 102 4.1868 3.6 4.448 1.38255 x101 0.01 25.4 0.3048

TO CONVERT FROM: Mass. SI unit - kilogram (kg) kg lb UK ton (2240 lb) long UK ton (2000 lb) short

TO: lb g tonne(t) tonne(t)

MULTIPLY BY: 2.2046 4.536 x 102 1.016 0.907 0.7457 1.3558 0.2931 105 6.895 x 103 68.948 9.807 x 104 14.223 33.864 1013.25 6.894757 x 103 0.06894 105 35.315 16.387 4.546 x 103 3.785 x 103 4.546 3.785 141.5 API + 131.5

Power/Heat Flow. SI unit - Watt (W) h.p. kW ft.lbf/s W Btu/hr W Pressure. SI unit - Newton/square metre (N/m2) Bar N/m2 (Pascal) lbf/in2(psi) N/m2 (Pa) lbf/in2 mbar kgf/cm 2N/m2 2 kgf/cm lbf/in2 in Hg mbar atmosphere mbar Pa lbf/in2(psi) lbf/in2(psi) Bar Bar Pa (N/m2) Volume. SI units - cubic metre (m3) m3 in3 UK gal US gal UK gal US gal ft3 cm3 m3 m3 litre litre

Relative Density) Specic Gravity/API conversion (Relative Density) Specic Gravity 15.6/15.6C = Kinematic viscosity mm2/s = 1cSt



British, U.S., French and Russian Military Specifications for aviation fuels, engine oils, hydraulic fluids, greases and other aviation products used on aircraft. Foreword
This part of the AeroShell Book contains five lists relating to British and U.S. Military Aviation specifications, NATO Code Numbers, Joint Service Designations and Shell Aviation Products. The lists are inter-related in that they contain the same data arranged in different forms for easy reference. In each list or table, the title data is given in the first column in numerical order. Further lists provide details of French and Russian Military Aviation Specifications and Shell Aviation Products. Specifications of other countries have not been included for reasons of space and their more limited application. Details of the precise relationship between the various items on each line are given in the introductions preceding each list. The significance of the letters incorporated in the various specification numbers and reference symbols are given in the key in the following page. In the column headed Product and Application only the most important and representative known uses have been named, and these are intended to serve as an indication of the type of application for which each grade is suitable. A range of substitutes to Russian grades have been developed for use in aircraft manufactured in Russia, some of which have been approved by the Russian Authorities and full details of these approvals are given in the list of Russian Specifications. Some AeroShell products are manufactured at more than one location. It is possible that the approval status will vary according to the source of material. The specification information provided is believed correct at time of going to press. However, commercial and military specifications for aviation products are subject to frequent changes, and where applications require compliance of

AeroShell grades to new or revised specifications, consultation with the local Shell company is advised. In many cases where an AeroShell grade is not listed an unbranded, specification grade may be available; for further details please consult your local AeroShell supplier.

DTD, DEF; Procurement Executive Ministry of Defence (Director of Materials Research) D.Eng.R.D., DERD, D.Eng.D; Procurement Executive Ministry of Defence (Director General Engine Development) DEF STAN; Directorate of Standardisation, Ministry of Defence CS; Procurement Executive Ministry of Defence (Materials Quality Assurance Directorate) BS; British Standards Institution TS; Technical Specification

AAF; U.S. Army Air Force AN; U.S. Air Force Navy Aeronautical JAN; Joint Army/Navy MIL; U.S. Military Specification DOD; Department of Defense PRF; Performance Standard DTL; Detail Standard VV; U.S. Federal Specification

JJJ; U.S. Federal Specification TT; U.S. Federal Specification SS; U.S. Federal Specification O; U.S.; Federal Specification P; U.S.; Federal Specification


OM; Oil mineral OEP; Oil extreme pressure OMD; Oil mineral detergent OF; Oil fatty OC; Oil compound OX; Oil miscellaneous The number following represents the approximate viscosity at 40C

LG; Lime base grease XG; Miscellaneous greases This covers greases made from less common soaps, e.g. aluminium, lithium, etc., unspecified soaps or mixture of soaps. The group also includes greases containing fatty oils, synthetic oils, graphite or other non-soap additives. The number following represents the approximate worked penetration

Miscellaneous Products
PX; Protective, miscellaneous. Materials for temporary protection against corrosion of metal equipment in storage ZX; Speciality, miscellaneous AL; Coolants, anti-freezing and de-icing agents

NATO Symbols
F; All fuels O; All oils except those developed for some other primary function other than lubrication H; All oils where the hydraulic properties are the main consideration G; All greases except those developed for a special function C; All products possessing anti-corrosion properties S; All products which were developed for special functions, i.e. speciality products P; All products for use as propellants


Scope of list
This list is comprised of British Specifications in the DTD, DTD.900, DED, DEF, DEF STAN, D.Eng.R.D., D.Eng.D., DERD, BS, CS and TS series which cover aviation fuels, lubricants and allied products. It should be noted that the original title Director General Engine Research and Development was modified to exclude Research and this resulted in a general

change from D.Eng.R.D. to D.Eng.D. More recently both D.Eng.R.D. and D.Eng.D. were changed to DERD as the specifications were amended, or new specifications were issued by the department concerned. In the 1980s many British Ministry of Defence DTD specifications were rewritten as DEF STAN specifications. Recently it was decided to standardise British Specifications as Defence Standards (commonly referred to as DEF STAN), and many of the DERD specifications have been changed over. The changeover is virtually complete and all current DERD, DTD, CS and TS specifications have now been converted to DEF STAN specifications; in doing so the numeric part has also been changed. Obsolete or Cancelled British Specifications will not be changed. The British Ministry of Defence has also adopted certain U.S. Military Specifications, these include MIL-DTL-5020, MIL-PRF-46010, MIL-S-81087, MIL-L-46000, MIL-PRF-83282, DOD-L-25681 and SAE J-1899 and J-1966. Details of these specifications are included in the section on U.S. Aviation Specifications. British Defence Standards can be downloaded as Acrobat documents from the UK MoD website

Interpretation of list
In the column headed Alternative U.S. Specification, only those specifications which are equivalent, or acceptable alternatives, to the British Specification are shown. Where an asterisk * appears in the last column of the list, the AeroShell grade recommended does not necessarily meet all the clauses of the British Specification, but is the nearest product marketed by Shell. For easy reference, obsolete specifications are shown in both the current and superseded specification columns. In the former case, a suitable comment is made, namely, OBSOLETE - superseded by

Specication DTD.72A DTD.279C DTD.392B DTD.406B DTD.417B

Superseded Specication DTD.72 DTD.406A DTD.4127A DTD.201 -

NATO Code S-745 O-140 (Obsolete) C-613 -

Joint Service Designation OF-300 (Obsolete) AL-5 OM-150

Product and Application Treated castor oil, specication now OBSOLETE CANCELLED - superseded by DEF STAN 80-83 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-80 De-icing uid ethylene glycol/alcohol/water mixture Low temperature oil for aircraft controls. OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-114 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-112 Hydraulic oil - petroleum base OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 81-205 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-34 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-54 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-49 OBSOLETE - superseded by DTD.5601. AeroShell Grease 5 still available for civil market meeting DTD.878A OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-56 Approval procedure for proprietary materials and processes. See later in this section for details of selected individual approvals. OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-57 OBSOLETE - superseded by DTD.5617 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-142 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-47 OBSOLETE - superseded by DTD.5601 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-46 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-55 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-61 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-53 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-52

Alternative U.S. Specication -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Compound 07 -

DTD.445A DTD.581C DTD.585 Obsolete DTD.585B Obsolete DTD.791C DTD.804 DTD.806B DTD.822B DTD.878A

PX-13 -

MIL-H-5606A Obsolete -

AeroShell Fluid 4* AeroShell Grease 5

DTD.897B DTD.900AA Series


DTD.5527A DTD.5530 DTD.5540B DTD.5578 DTD.5579 DTD.5581 DTD.5585A DTD.5586 DTD.5598 DTD.5601A

C-635 -

PX-26 -

Specication DTD.5609 DTD.5610 DTD.5617 DTD.900/4042A DTD.900/4081C DTD.900/4386A DTD.900/4630A

Superseded Specication DTD.900/4386 -

NATO Code S-718 -

Joint Service Designation ZX-24 OX-16 -

Product and Application OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-51 OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-G-4343C OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-81 Anti-seize compound, aircraft oxygen system OBSOLETE - superseded by DTD.900/6103A Dowty liquid uid for aircraft Molybdenum disulphide grease for certain precision ball bearings and actuator gearboxes Lubricant, solid lm, unbonded, graphite dispersion Lubrication of gearbox drive, shaft universal joints Lubricant for certain turbine, engine starters. OBSOLETE Lubricant for tting electrical cables in aircraft Phosphate ester hydraulic uid Anti-icing protection uid for parked aircraft. Not suitable for use in aircraft de-icing systems. Grease for actuator screw jack and ap transmission system of certain aircraft OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-C-6529C Type I OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-85 Windscreen washing uid for certain aircraft Helicopter gearbox oil Molybdenum disulphide grease for special applications Hydraulic uid for certain aircraft OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-44 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-42 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-39 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-40 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-12 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-62 Temporary rust preventive dyed Temporary rust preventive undyed OBSOLETE superseded by DEF STAN 80-217

Alternative U.S. Specication -

AeroShell Grade -

DTD.900/4639 DTD.900/4802B DTD.900/4872A DTD.900/4877A DTD.900/4881D DTD.900/4907

DTD.900/4309 DTD.900/4872 DTD.900/4881C -


ZX-30 XG-344 (Obsolete) ZX-36 OX-20 AL-34



DTD.900/4913A DTD.900/4914A DTD.900/4939A DTD.900/4981A DTD.900/4990 DTD.900/6103A DEF.2001A DEF.2004A DEF.2007A DEF.2181A DEF.2261A DEF.2304 DEF.2331A (Obsolete)

DTD.900/4939 DTD.900/4081 DEF.2331 DTD.121D

C-614 -

AL-36 OEP-215 OX-87 PX-1 dyed PX-1 undyed

MIL-C-16173E Grade 2 -

AeroShell Fluid 2XN AeroShell Fluid S.8350 -

Specication DEF.2332A DEF.2333 DEF.2334

Superseded Specication -

NATO Code -

Joint Service Designation -

Product and Application OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-34 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-38 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-85 (formerly DEF STAN 91-50) Fuels, lubricants and associated products Series of test methods for testing fuels, lubricants and associated products Silicone compound for insulating and sealing electrical equipment. Specication now superseded by DEF STAN 68-69 CANCELLED Water displacing and protective uid CANCELLED - superseded by DEF STAN 68-10 Inhibited coolant uid Molybdenum disulphide powder Electrical insulating silicone compound Technical ethanediol De-icing/anti-icing uid for runways. Specication superseded by Dual National Standard VG9700 Inhibited ethanediol antifreeze OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-150 Methanol/water mixture for hydrogen generation Mixture of AL-41 and AL-61 CANCELLED - see DEF STAN 68-118 Fuel soluble pipeline corrosion inhibitor/lubricity improving additive for aviation turbine fuels Fuel system icing inhibitor, high ash type Methanol/water mixtures Methanol/water mixtures Demineralised water Corrosion preventive compound Anti-seize compound for aircraft, graphite and petroleum mixture Anti-seize compound, molybdenum disulphide Corrosion preventive compound for aircraft structures Corrosion preventive compound

Alternative U.S. Specication -

AeroShell Grade -

DEF STAN 01-5 DEF STAN 05-50 DEF STAN 59-10

DEF STAN 68-7 DEF STAN 68-10 DEF STAN 68-11 DEF STAN 68-61 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 68-62 DEF STAN 68-69 DEF STAN 68-108 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 68-118 (Obsolete)

DTD.900/4916 CS.3122 DTD.5586 DEF.2304 DEF STAN 59-10 DEF STAN 68-217

C-634 S-740 S-736 -

ZX-33 (Obsolete) PX-24 PX-10 (Obsolete) AL-26 ZX-35 XG-250 AL-20 -

SAE-AMS-M-7866 SAE AS8660 -

DEF STAN 68-127 DEF STAN 68-128 DEF STAN 68-129 DEF STAN 68-150 DEF STAN 68-217 DEF STAN 68-251

TS10177 TS10067E TS10188 DEF STAN 68-128 DERD 2461

S-757 S-1747

AL-39 AL-40 AL-48 AL-61


DEF STAN 68-252 DEF STAN 68-253 DEF STAN 68-253 DEF STAN 68-253 DEF STAN 80-34 DEF STAN 80-80 DEF STAN 80-81 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 80-83 DEF STAN 80-85

DERD 2451 DERD 2491 DERD 2491 DERD 2491 DEF.2332A DTD.804 DTD.392B DTD.5617 DTD.279A DEF.2334 DEF STAN 91-50

S-1745 S-1744 S-1739 S-720 S-722 C-628 (Obsolete)

AL-41 AL-24 (Obsolete) AL-28 WTA PX-4 ZX-13 ZX-38 PX-32 PX-11

MIL-DTL-85470B SAE-AMS-2518A -

AeroShell Compound 05

Specication DEF STAN 80-142 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 80-143 DEF STAN 80-145 DEF STAN 80-186 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 81-205 DEF STAN 80-217 DEF STAN 91-4

Superseded Specication DTD.5540B TS.10131 TS.10164 DTD.791C DEF.2331A -

NATO Code C-635 C-613 C-614 F-76

Joint Service Designation PX-26 PX-28 PX-15 PX-31 PX-13 PX-1 DIESO F-76

Product and Application Preservative mineral hydraulic uid of improved cleanliness Preservative for internal airframe surfaces Corrosion preventive. CANCELLED Corrosion preventive Aircraft piston engine corrosion preventive oil Corrosion preventive, Soft lm, Cold application Alternative turbine/diesel engine fuel for use in certain Naval helicopters. This specication is primarily for F-76 (DIESO F-76, Fuel, Naval Distillate) Gasoline and oil resistant grease General purpose aircraft grease. CANCELLED CANCELLED - superseded by U.S. Specication MIL-L-8937D which in turn has been superseded by MIL-PRF-46010G (NATO S-1738, Joint Service ZX-34) Grease Multipurpose quiet service grease superseded by DEF STAN 91-105 CANCELLED Emulsifying petroleum hydraulic uid for use in certain types of radar equipment Technical petrolatum Sti, tacky petrolatum Soft petrolatum Hydraulic oil for certain radar equipment Corrosion preventive oil for aircraft piston engines General purpose lubricating oil Damping uid, dimethyl silicone, various grades. CANCELLED

Alternative U.S. Specication MIL-PRF-6083F MIL-DTL-16884L

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 71* -

DEF STAN 91-6 DEF STAN 91-12 DEF STAN 91-19

DEF.2261A -

G-363 G-382 -

XG-235 XG-271 -

SAE-AMS-G-6032 MIL-G-7711A (Obsolete) -

AeroShell Grease 6 -

DEF STAN 91-27 DEF STAN 91-28 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-30 DEF STAN 91-35

G-403 G-450 (Obsolete) -

XG-279 XG-274 (Obsolete) OX-30

MIL-PRF-10924H MIL-PRF-24139A -

AeroShell Grease 6* -

DEF STAN 91-38



PX-6 PX-7 OM-33 PX-27 OM-13 ZX-41 ZX-42 ZX-43 ZX-44 ZX-45 ZX-46 ZX-47 ZX-48 ZX-49 ZX-50 ZX-51 ZX-52 ZX-53 OM-12 OM-15

VV-P-236A W-D-1078B

AeroShell Fluid 1 (AeroShell Turbine Oil 3) -

DEF STAN 91-39 DEF STAN 91-40 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-44 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-46 Grade 3 Grade 10 Grade 20 Grade 50 Grade 100 Grade 500 Grade 1000 Grade 7500 Grade 12500 Grade 20000 Grade 60000 Grade 100000 Grade 200000 DEF STAN 91-47 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean

DEF.2007A DEF.2181A DEF.2001A DTD.44D DTD.5581 DTD.5578 DTD.585B

H-576 C-615 O-134 S-1712 S-1714 S-1716 S-1718 S-1720 S-1724 S-1726 S-1728 S-1732 O-142 H-515

General purpose lubricating oil of low freezing point Hydraulic uid of improved cleanliness and performance


AeroShell Fluid 3 AeroShell Fluid 41 (European production approved, U.S. production is equivalent

Specication DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal

Superseded Specication TS.10165

NATO Code H-520

Joint Service Designation OM-18

Product and Application Hydraulic uid of improved performance

Alternative U.S. Specication -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 41* AeroShell Fluid 4 (European production only is approved) AeroShell Fluid 12 AeroShell Grease 14 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 15

DEF STAN 91-49 DEF STAN 91-50 DEF STAN 91-51 DEF STAN 91-52 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-53 DEF STAN 91-54 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-55 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-56 DEF STAN 91-57

DTD.822B DTD.5609 DTD.5601A DTD.5598 DTD.806B DTD.5585A

O-147 G-366 G-395 G-354 G-355 G-372

OX-14 XG-284 XG-293 XG-287 XG-285 XG-300

Low temperature synthetic lubricating oil Replaced by DEF STAN 80-85 Helicopter general purpose and anti-fretting grease Multi-purpose aircraft grease Grease, multi-purpose, low temperature Graphited grease Extreme high temperature ball and roller bearing grease. UK MoD has adopted MIL-G-25013E Silicone grease for pneumatic systems Molybdenum disulphide grease for use in heavily loaded applications at high and low temperatures Molybdenum disulphide grease The segregation, handling and quality assurance of petroleum fuels, lubricants and associated products Helicopter transmission uid 9 mm/s Synthetic lubricating uid for gears and transmissions Soft lm corrosion preventive. CANCELLED CANCELLED. Preservative general purpose lubricating oil. Requirements now contained in DEF STAN 91-102 Synthetic grease with graphite Aviation turbine fuel, high ash type with FSII Aviation turbine fuel, kerosine type with FSII Aviation turbine fuel, wide cut type with FSII Isopropyl nitrate for certain engine starters Aviation gasoline Grade 80/87 Aviation gasoline Grade 100/130 Aviation gasoline 100/130 Low Lead Aviation turbine fuel, kerosine type Intended to replace DERD 2450 but will not now be issued Synthetic lubricating oil for marine gas turbines Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines 3 mm/s viscosity

MIL-PRF-6085D MIL-G-25537C MIL-PRF-81322G MIL-PRF-23827C MIL-G-7187 (Obsolete) MIL-G-25013E

DTD.897A DTD.5527A

G-394 G-353

XG-315 XG-276


AeroShell Grease 64*

DEF STAN 91-64 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-66

XG-305 -

DEF STAN 91-69 (Provisional) DEF STAN 91-71 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-78 DEF STAN 91-79 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-85 DEF STAN 91-86 DEF STAN 91-87 DEF STAN 91-88 DEF STAN 91-89 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-91 DEF STAN 91-92 DEF STAN 91-93 DEF STAN 91-94

TS.10134 -

O-190 (Obsolete) G-357 (Obsolete) F-44 F-34 F-40 S-746 F-12 (Obsolete) F-18 F-35 -

OX-125 OX-165 PX-19 OX-18 (Obsolete)


AeroShell Fluid 18*

DTD.900/4914A DERD 2452 DERD 2453 DERD 2454 DERD 2492 DERD 2485 DERD 2485 DERD 2485 DERD 2494 DERD 2458 DERD 2468


MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-5 MIL-DTL-83133G Grade JP-8 MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-4 ASTM D910 ASTM D910 ASTM D910 MIL-DTL-83133G ASTM D1655 -

Shell JP-5 Special arrangements necessary Shell JP-8 Special arrangements necessary Shell Avgas 100 Shell Avgas 100LL Shell Jet A-1 Shell AeroJet* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390

Specication DEF STAN 91-96 DEF STAN 91-97 DEF STAN 91-97 DEF STAN 91-98 DEF STAN 91-99 DEF STAN 91-100 DEF STAN 91-101 Grade-OX-27

Superseded Specication DERD 2479/0 DERD 2479/1 DERD 2487 DERD 2490 DERD 2497 DERD 2499 Grade-OX-27

NATO Code O-138 O-136 O-149 O-135 O-160 O-156

Joint Service Designation OM-71 OEP-71 OX-38 OM-11 OX-26 OX-27

Product and Application Intended to replace DERD 2472 but will not now be issued Mineral lubricating oil 9 mm/s viscosity. CANCELLED Mineral lubricating oil with EP additive 9 mm/s viscosity. CANCELLED Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft gas turbine engines 7.5 mm/s viscosity Mineral aviation turbine oil, 3 mm/s viscosity Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft gas turbines 5 mm/s viscosity Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft gas turbines 5 mm/s viscosity

Alternative U.S. Specication MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD Grade HTS MIL-PRF-14107D -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560* AeroShell Fluid 18* -

DEF STAN 91-101 Grade OX-28 DEF STAN 91-102 DEF STAN 91-103 DEF STAN 91-105 DEF STAN 91-106 DEF STAN 91-112

DERD 2499 Grade OX-28 DEF STAN 91-79 DEF STAN 91-28 DTD.581C

O-157 G-421 -

OX-28 OX-24 PX-36 XG-291 XG-294

Synthetic lubricating oil for certain gas turbines 5 mm/s viscosity (marine use) Low temperature lubricating oil for weapons Corrosion preventive, cleaner and lubricant for weapons Grease, multi-purpose, heavy duty Grease, multi-purpose, elevated temperature range Extreme pressure gear oil Grade Light Grade Medium Low temperature oil for aircraft controls Graphite powder - lubricating grade. Specication now obsolete OBSOLETE - superseded by D.Eng.R.D. 2472 OBSOLETE Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines - ashless dispersant type, SAE 40 Grade Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines - ashless dispersant type, SAE 50 Grade Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines - ashless dispersant type, SAE 60 Grade OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-252 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-86 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-87 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-88 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-93 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-251

O-153 O-153

OEP-30 OEP-70 OM-150 ZX-20 (Obsolete) OMD-160

MIL-PRF-6086F Grade Light MIL-PRF-6086F Grade Medium SS-G-659a SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 60 -

AeroShell Fluid 5L-A AeroShell Fluid 5M-A AeroShell Oil W80

DEF STAN 91-114 DEF STAN 96-1 (Obsolete) DED.2472 DED.2480 DERD 2450 Grade D-65 (Obsolete) DERD 2450 Grade D-80 (Obsolete) DERD 2450 Grade D-100 (Obsolete) DERD 2451 DERD 2452 DERD 2453 DERD 2454 DERD 2458 DERD 2461

DTD.417B DTD.77 -

S-732 O-123 (Obsolete) O-125 (Obsolete) O-128 (Obsolete) -


AeroShell Oil W100


AeroShell Oil W120

Specication DERD 2468 DERD 2469 D.Eng.R.D. 2470 DERD 2472 A/O (Obsolete) DERD 2472 B/O (Obsolete) DERD 2472 A/2 DERD 2472 B/2 DERD 2475 DERD 2479/0 DERD 2479/1 D.Eng.R.D. 2481 D.Eng.R.D. 2482 DERD 2485 DERD 2486 DERD 2487 D.Eng.R.D. 2488 DERD 2490 DERD 2491 DERD 2492 DERD 2493 DERD 2494 D.Eng.R.D. 2495 DERD 2497 DERD 2498 DERD 2499 BS.245:76 Type 1 BS.290 BS.506:87 BS.1595:86 BS.3591:85 CS.3118

Superseded Specication DED 2472 DED 2472 DEF.58 CS.606F -

NATO Code O-115 (Obsolete) O-117 (Obsolete) S-752 S-747 S-737 -

Joint Service Designation OM-170 OM-270 White Spirit AL-14 AL-11 -

Product and Application OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-94 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines, SAE 40 Grade Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines, SAE 50 Grade OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by DERD 2485 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-97 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-97 OBSOLETE - superseded by DERD 2491 OBSOLETE - superseded by DERD 2494 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-90 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-98 OBSOLETE - superseded by DERD 2498 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-99 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-253 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-89 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-91 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-100 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-86 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-101 White Spirit Turpentine (included in BS.244) Methanol Isopropyl alcohol (anti-icing uid) Denatured ethyl alcohol, for windscreens and carburettor de-icing OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-79

Alternative U.S. Specication SAE J-1966 Grade 40 SAE J-1966 Grade 50 MIL-PRF-680C Type 1 O-M-232K Grade A TT-I-735A Grade B MIL-A-6091C (Obsolete) -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil 100 Shell White Spirit AeroShell Compound 06A -

Specication CS.3120 TS.10035A TS.10067E TS.10131 TS.10134A TS.10164 TS.10165 TS.10177 TS.10180 TS.10188 TS.10228 TS.10266A TS.10281 TS.10151

Superseded Specication TS.10266 -

NATO Code -

Joint Service Designation -

Product and Application OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-78 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-128 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-143 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-71 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 80-186 OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-127 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-129 Ice control agent for aircraft runways Cleaning uid for compressors of gas turbine engines Cleaning compound for aircraft surfaces OBSOLETE - superseded by DEF STAN 68-10

Alternative U.S. Specication -

AeroShell Grade -


Scope of list
This list is comprised of U.S. Military Specifications which cover aviation fuels, engine oils, hydraulic fluids, greases and allied products. Currently major changes are taking place to U.S. Specifications. The U.S. authorities have decided to eliminate MIL specifications as they are currently known and replace them by Performance specifications. These will be labelled MIL-PRF- followed by a number. Many MIL-PRF- specifications have now been issued and others will follow until all current MIL specifications have been converted. The numeric part of the MIL-PRF- designation is the same as the numeric part of the MIL specification it replaces; however, the letter which denotes the Revision level has also changed. Some other MIL specifications have been converted to Detail specifications denoted by MIL-DTL- followed by a

number. MIL specifications which are cancelled or obsolete will not be changed. For certain products, the US authorities have decided to no longer maintain military specifications; in these cases, they have been converted to civil specifications by the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers). Recent examples of this change include: MIL-L-7808K has become MIL-PRF-7808L MIL-L-23699E has become MIL-PRF-23699F MIL-T-83188D has become MIL-DTL-83188E MIL-G-4343C has become SAE-AMS-G-4343 U.S. Military specifications can be downloaded free of charge as Acrobat documents from U.S. Department of Defense ASSIST database site: Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) are now held electronically in the Qualified Products Database (PQD) and can be downloaded from there on the ASSIST website.

Specication MIL-P-116J (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-372D MIL-PRF-680C MIL-PRF-907F MIL-S-3136B MIL-PRF-3150E MIL-G-3278A MIL-G-3545C (Obsolete)

Superseded Specication MIL-P-116H MIL-C-372C MIL-PRF-680B MIL-PRF-907E MIL-PRF-3150D -

NATO Code O-192 -

Product and Application Refer to MIL-STD-2073-1D Standard Practice for Military Packaging Solvent cleaning compound for automatic weapons Degreasing solvent High temperature anti-seize thread compound OBSOLETE - superseded by TT-S-735 Preservative Lubricating Oil - Medium OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-G-23827A OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-G-81322 (AeroShell Grease 5 is still available meeting MIL-G-3545C and NATO Code G-359) Lubricant, colloidal graphite in oil Jewel bearing instrument oil - INACTIVE Soluble corrosion preventive oil - INACTIVE Grease for pneumatic systems - superseded by SAE-AMS-G-4343 Aircraft compass liquid Specication cancelled. Use MIL-PRF-27617 Graphite-petrolatum anti-seize thread compound - superseded by SAE-AMS-2518A Corrosion preventive compound for aircraft engines, heavy oil type Specication cancelled. Use ASTM D910 Hydraulic aircraft oil, petroleum base. Remains available for civil use. Hydraulic aircraft oil, petroleum base, of improved cleanliness and performance Process for preparation for storage and shipment of gas turbine engines Aircraft turbine engine fuel Wide cut, gasoline type with FSII High ash point, kerosine type with FSII Gasoline and oil resistant grease - superseded by SAE-AMS-G-6032 Procedure for preparation of aircraft reciprocating engines for storage and shipment Processes for corrosion protection, pre-oiling and ground operation of aircraft reciprocating engines Aircraft mineral turbine oil Grade 1005 Grade 1010 OBSOLETE - superseded by SAE J-1966. See later in this section. Preservative oil of improved cleanliness for hydraulic equipment Low volatility aircraft instrument lubricating oil Lubricating gear oil, petroleum base Low viscosity Medium viscosity

Alternative British Specication -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Grease 5

MIL-PRF-3572B MIL-DTL-3918B MIL-DTL-4339E MIL-G-4343C (Obsolete) MIL-DTL-5020E MIL-T-5542E MIL-T-5544C (Obsolete) MIL-C-5545C (Obsolete) MIL-G-5572F MIL-H-5606A (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-5606H MIL-E-5607F (Obsolete) MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-4 Grade JP-5 MIL-G-6032D (Obsolete) MIL-E-6058B (Obsolete)

MIL-L-3572A MIL-L-3918A MIL-C-4339D MIL-G-4343B MIL-L-5020D MIL-T-5544B AN-C-178 MIL-C-5545B MIL-O-5606 MIL-H-5606G MIL-E-5607E MIL-DTL-5624T

C-630 G-392 S-712 S-720 C-612 (Obsolete) H-515 F-40 F-44 G-363 -

SAE-AMS-G-4343 DEF STAN 80-80 DTD.585 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean DEF STAN 91-86 DEF STAN 91-88 DEF STAN 91-6 D.Eng.R.D. 2027 (Obsolete) D.Eng.R.D. 2027 (Obsolete) -

AeroShell Fluid 4* AeroShell Fluid 41 Shell JP-5 -

AN-G-14a MIL-L-6032C AN-R-11a MIL-P-5894 MIL-E-6058A AN-E-50

MIL-E-6059A (Inactive)

MIL-PRF-6081D Grade 1005 Grade 1010 MIL-L-6082E (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-6083F MIL-PRF-6085D MIL-PRF-6086F Grade L - Light Grade M - Medium


O-132 (Obsolete) O-133 C-635 O-147

AeroShell Turbine Oil 2

MIL-H-6083E MIL-L-6085C AN-O-11 MIL-PRF-6086E

DEF STAN 80-142 DEF STAN 91-49 DEF STAN 91-112 Grade OEP-30 Grade OEP-70

AeroShell Fluid 71 AeroShell Fluid 12 AeroShell Fluid 5L-A AeroShell Fluid 5M-A

O-153 O-155

Specication MIL-A-6091C (Obsolete) MIL-C-6529C (Inactive for new design)

Superseded Specication MIL-C-7853 MIL-C-6529B

NATO Code -

Product and Application Denatured ethyl alcohol for aircraft use Non metallic aircraft engine corrosion preventive compounds Type I - concentrate Type II - ready mixed material for aircraft piston engines Type III - ready mixed material for jet aircraft engines Anti-icing spray equipment for aircraft windshield OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-C-16173E, Grade 1 and MIL-C-11796C OBSOLETE - superseded by SS-G-659a General Specication for lubrication of aircraft. OBSOLETE superseded by MIL-STD-838 Calibrating uid for aircraft fuel systems and components Type I - normal heptane Type II - special run Stoddard solvent Type III - high ashpoint uid

Alternative British Specication BS.3591:85

AeroShell Grade -

C-608 C-609 C-610

(MIL-C-6529C) -

AeroShell Fluid 2XN AeroShell Fluid 2F -

MIL-S-6625A (Obsolete) MIL-C-6708 MIL-G-6711 MIL-L-6880B (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-7024E

MIL-S-6625 MIL-C-7024D

AeroShell Calibrating Fluid 2 AeroShell Grease 6*

MIL-G-7118A MIL-G-7187 MIL-G-7421B MIL-G-7711A (Obsolete)

OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-PRF-23827C OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-G-21164D and MIL-G-23549 OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-PRF-23827C OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-G-81322 AeroShell Grease 6 still available for civil market meeting MIL-G-7711A and NATO Code G-382 Synthetic lubricating oil for military gas turbines Normal grade Higher viscosity/greater thermal stability grade Molybdenum disulphide powder - superseded by SAE-AMS-M-7866 General purpose low temperature lubricating oil Synthetic corrosion protective oil for aircraft gas turbines De-icing and defrosting uids. Superseded by SAE-AMS 1424 Aircraft non-petroleum hydraulic uid Silicone compound - superseded by SAE AS8660 OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-L-46010B Tricresyl phosphate for use as an aviation gasoline additive OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-L-27502 Multi-purpose grease Synthetic lubricating oil (mechanical time fuses) Corrosion preventive, petrolatum, hot application

MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3 Grade 4 MIL-M-7866C (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-7870D MIL-PRF-8188D MIL-A-8243D (Obsolete) MIL-H-8446B (Obsolete) MIL-S-8660C (Obsolete) MIL-L-8937D MIL-T-9188C (Obsolete) MIL-L-9236B MIL-PRF-10924H MIL-L-11734C MIL-C-11796C


O-148 O-163 S-740 O-142 C-638 S-736 S-1738 G-403 -

(MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3) DEF STAN 68-62 DEF STAN 91-47 DEF STAN 68-69 DEF STAN 91-27 -

AeroShell Turbine Oil 308 AeroShell Fluid 3 -

MIL-M-7866B MIL-PRF-7870C MIL-C-8188C MIL-A-8243C MIL-H-8446A MIL-I-8660B MIL-T-9188B MIL-PRF-10924G MIL-L-11734B MIL-C-11796B MIL-C-15167 MIL-C-6708 in part

C-633 C-627 (Obsolete) O-157

Class 1 - hard lm Class 1A - hard lm, non-stick Class 2 - medium lm Class 3 - soft lm Mica based anti-seize compound OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-H-46170 Low temperature oil for aircraft weapons DEF STAN 91-102

AeroShell Compound 05* AeroShell Fluid 18*

MIL-A-13881C (Obsolete) MIL-H-13919B MIL-PRF-14107D

MIL-A-13881B -

Specication MIL-PRF-15074E MIL-L-15719A MIL-PRF-16173E

Superseded Specication MIL-C-15074D MIL-L-15719 MIL-C-16173D MIL-C-972 MIL-C-19471

NATO Code -

Product and Application Corrosion preventive - ngerprint remover Lubricating grease (high temperature, electric motor, ball and roller bearings) Corrosion preventive, solvent cut back cold application

Alternative British Specication -

AeroShell Grade -

C-632 C-620 F-76 H-575 H-573 -

Grade 1 - hard lm Grade 2 - soft lm Grade 3 - soft lm, water displacing Grade 4 - transparent lm, non-tacky Grade 5 low pressure steam removable Alternative turbine/diesel engine fuel for use in certain Naval helicopters Power transmission uid Hydraulic uid, petroleum, inhibited Ball and roller bearing grease. This specication cancelled - use DOD-G-24508 (see later in this section). Waterproof solvent type aircraft wax. Specication now cancelled. Fire resistant phosphate ester hydraulic uid Semi-uid lubricant for aircraft ordnance Installation and test of aircraft oil system INACTIVE Molybdenum disulphide grease, for low and high temperature Internal lubricating oil - combustion engine preservation. This specication covers a range of grades. Catapult hydraulic uid OBSOLETE - superseded by SAE J-1899 (see later in this section) Fire resistant corrosion preventive - superseded by MIL-H-19457 Lubricant, solid lm air drying CANCELLED - superseded by MIL-C-81309 General purpose grease Synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft gas turbines, 5 mm/s viscosity Grade STD (Standard) Grade C/I (Corrosion Inhibited grade) Grade HTS - (High Thermal Stability) Grease for aircraft instruments, gears and actuator screws DEF STAN 91-4 -

AeroShell Compound 02* -

MIL-DTL-16884L MIL-DTL-17111D MIL-PRF-17672E MIL-G-18709A

MIL-PRF-16884K MIL-DTL-17111C MIL-PRF-17672D -

MIL-W-18723D (Obsolete) MIL-H-19457D MIL-L-19701B MIL-O-19838 MIL-G-21164D MIL-PRF-21260E

MIL-H-19457C MIL-L-19701A MIL-G-21164C MIL-G-7187 MIL-L-21260D

H-580 G-353 -

DEF STAN 91-57 -

AeroShell Grease 64* -

MIL-H-22072C MIL-L-22851D MIL-C-23112 (Obsolete) MIL-L-23398D MIL-C-23411A MIL-DTL-23549D MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD Grade C/I Grade HTS MIL-PRF-23827C (Type I & Type II)

MIL-H-22072B MIL-L-23398C MIL-G-23549C MIL-L-23699E

H-579 S-749 -

(MIL-L-23398D) -

O-156 O-152 O-154 MIL-G-23827B MIL-G-7118A MIL-G-3278A MIL-G-7421B MIL-G-15793 MIL-L-24131B MIL-G-24139A MIL-L-24478B MIL-G-25013D MIL-G-27343A MIL-I-25017E G-354

DEF STAN 91-101 Grade OX-27 DEF STAN 91-53

AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Grease 7 (Type II) AeroShell Grease 33 (Type I) AeroShell Grease 6 AeroShell Grease 15 -

MIL-L-24131C MIL-PRF-24139A MIL-H-24459 MIL-L-24478C MIL-G-25013E MIL-PRF-25017F

G-450 G-372 S-1747

Colloidal graphite in isopropanol Multi-purpose quiet service grease OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-L-17672 Lubricant, molybdenum disulphide in isopropanol Extreme high temperature ball and roller bearing grease Fuel soluble corrosion inhibitors for aviation turbine fuels

DEF STAN 91-28 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-55 (Obsolete) -

Specication MIL-DTL-25524E MIL-G-25537C MIL-F-25558C (Obsolete) MIL-DTL-25576E MIL-L-25681C MIL-G-25760A (Obsolete) MIL-C-25769J MIL-C-27251A (Obsolete) MIL-F-27351 MIL-L-25702 (Obsolete) MIL-G-27549 (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-27601C MIL-PRF-27617F

Superseded Specication MIL-F-25524D MIL-G-25537B MIL-F-25558B MIL-DTL-25576D MIL-L-9236B MIL-H-27601B MIL-G-27617E

NATO Code G-366 -

Product and Application Thermally stable aviation turbine fuel Helicopter oscillating bearing grease Fuel, ramjet - Grade RJ-1 Propellant - kerosine, Grade RP-1 OBSOLETE - superseded by DOD-L-25681D (see entry later in this section) OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-G-81322A Specication cancelled, use MIL-C-87936 Low temperature aircraft surface cleaning compound. Specication now cancelled. Specication now cancelled. Use MIL-PRF-7024E High temperature synthetic lubricating oil for aircraft gas turbines Heavy load-carrying aircraft grease High temperature, petroleum base, hydraulic uid for ight vehicles Grease, fuel and oxidiser resistant Type I Type II Type III Type IV Fuel system icing inhibitor (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) superseded by MIL-DTL-85470 Lubricating oil, instrument General purpose oil and preservative (water displacing, low temperature) Low volatility turbine fuel Grade JP-7 OBSOLETE - superseded by MIL-G-27617 OBSOLETE Purging uid for preserving fuel tanks of jet aircraft Aircraft surface cleaning compound Solid lm heat cured lubricant Semi-uid lubricating oil for automatic weapons Contact and volatile corrosion inhibited preservative oil Grease, rie Hydraulic uid petroleum base for missiles. Superseded by MIL-PRF-5606 Corrosion inhibiting heat cured solid lm lubricant Corrosion inhibiting air cured solid lm lubricant Semi-uid lubricant for weapons Corrosion removing compound for sodium hydroxide base - superseded by A-A-59261 Lubricating oil, IC Engine, Arctic Fire resistant preservative synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic uid Type I - undyed Type II - dyed red for aerospace

Alternative British Specication DEF STAN 91-51 -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Grease 14 -

G-397 G-398 G-399 G-1350 S-748 (Obsolete)

MIL-DTL-27686G (Obsolete) MIL-L-27694A (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-32033


DERD 2451 Grade AL-31 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-79 (Obsolete) -

MIL-L-27694 VV-L-800C

O-190 (Obsolete)

AeroShell Fluid 18

MIL-DTL-38219D MIL-G-38220 MIL-G-38277 MIL-PRF-38299D MIL-C-43616C MIL-L-45983 MIL-L-46000C MIL-PRF-46002D MIL-G-46003A (Obsolete) MIL-H-46004 (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-46010G MIL-PRF-46147D MIL-L-46150 MIL-L-46156A (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-46167D MIL-PRF-46170D

MIL-PRF-38219D MIL-PRF-38299C MIL-C-43616B MIL-L-46000B MIL-PRF-46002C MIL-G-46003 MIL-PRF-46010F MIL-PRF-46147C MIL-L-46156 MIL-PRF-46167C MIL-PRF-46170C

O-158 (Obsolete) H-535 (Obsolete) S-1738 (Type 1) O-184

H-544 -

AeroShell Fluid 61 -

Specication -MIL-G-46178 (Obsolete) MIL-G-46886B (Obsolete) MIL-F-47174A MIL-G-47219A MIL-C-47220B (Obsolete) MIL-L-60326 (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-63460E MIL-H-81019D MIL-S-81087C (Type I) MIL-R-81261A MIL-PRF-81309F MIL-PRF-81322G

Superseded Specication MIL-G-46886A MIL-G-47219 MIL-C-47220A MIL-PRF-63460D MIL-H-81019C MIL-S-81087B MIL-R-81261 MIL-C-81309E MIL-C-23411A MIL-PRF-81322F MIL-G-7711A MIL-G-3545C MIL-G-25760A MIL-L-81329C MIL-G-81827

NATO Code S-758 H-536 G-395

Product and Application Helicopter drive shaft coupling grease. Specication now cancelled. Silicone grease - superseded by A-A-59173 Hydraulic uid, petro base, intermediate viscosity. Specication now cancelled. Halouorocarbon lubricating grease. Specication now cancelled. Dielectric coolant uid - superseded by MIL-C-87252 Lubricant, uorocarbon telomer dispersion Lubricant, cleaner and preservative for weapons and weapon systems Hydraulic uid, petroleum base (ultra low temperature) Hydraulic uid, chlorinated silicone - INACTIVE Rain repellent glass window shield for in-ight application. Specication now cancelled. Ultra thin lm water displacing corrosion preventive compound General purpose grease, wide temperature range

Alternative British Specication (MIL-S-81087C) DEF STAN 91-52

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Grease 22

MIL-PRF-81329D MIL-B-81744A MIL-G-81827A

S-1737 -

Lubricant, solid lm, extreme environment Lubricant migration deterring barrier coating solution Molybdenum disulphide grease with high load capacity, wide temperature range OBSOLETE superseded by DOD-L-81846B (see entry later in this section) Fuel for expendable turbine engine - INACTIVE Ultra clean instrument grease Propellant, jet engine, T-H dimer Grade RJ-4 General specication for aircraft windshield rain repellent dispensing systems. Specication now cancelled, use MIL-E-87145 Rain repellent applied in ight, aircraft windshield. Specication now cancelled, use MIL-R-81261. Aviation turbine fuel kerosine type JP-8 (freeze point -47C) JP-8 +100 Jet A-1 Instrument bearing lubricant. Specication now cancelled. Grease, aircraft, EP/anti-wear Fire resistant hydraulic uid, synthetic hydrocarbon base Fire resistant hydraulic uid, phosphate ester based. Specication now cancelled. Helicopter transmission grease PTFE De-icer/anti-icer uid for runways and taxiways. Specication now cancelled, use AMS 1432.

MIL-L-81846A MIL-F-81912 MIL-G-81937A MIL-P-82522C MIL-R-83055

MIL-G-81937 MIL-P-82522B -




F-34 F-37 F-35 H-537 G-396 -

DEF STAN 91-87 DEF STAN 91-91 (MIL-PRF-83282D) (MIL-G-83363B) -

Shell JP-8 Shell JP-8 +100 Shell Jet A-1 Shell AeroJet* AeroShell Fluid 31 -

MIL-L-83176A MIL-PRF-83261C MIL-PRF-83282D MIL-H-83306 (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-83363D MIL-D-83411A (Obsolete)

MIL-L-83176 MIL-PRF-83261B MIL-H-83282C MIL-PRF-83363C -

Specication MIL-G-83414 (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-83483D MIL-DTL-85054D MIL-DTL-85470B MIL-PRF-85570D MIL-PRF-85704C MIL-PRF-87100A MIL-DTL-87107D MIL-C-87159A (Obsolete) MIL-DTL-87173B MIL-L-87177A MIL-PRF-87252C MIL-PRF-87257B MIL-C-87936A (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-87937D DOD-G-24508A DOD-PRF-24574 DOD-L-25681D DOD-L-81846B DOD-PRF-85336B DOD-G-85733 DOD-PRF-85734A VV-P-216C O-M-232L VV-P-236A SS-G-659A TT-T-656C VV-G-671F P-D-680B (Obsolete) Type I Type II TT-S-735A (Obsolete) TT-I-735A Grade B O-E-760D (Obsolete)

Superseded Specication MIL-PRF-83483C MIL-DTL-85054C MIL-I-85470A MIL-PRF-85570C MIL-C-85704B MIL-L-87100 MIL-P-87107C MIL-P-87173A MIL-L-87177 MIL-C-87252B MIL-PRF-87257A MIL-PRF-87937C DOD-G-24508 MIL-L-25681C MIL-L-81846A DOD-L-85336A DOD-L-85734 VV-P-216B O-M-232K VV-P-236 MIL-G-6711 SS-G-659 TT-T-656B VV-G-671E P-D-680A

NATO Code S-1745 S-1748 H-538 S-1735 S-747 S-743 S-732 G-408 S-752 S-753 S-737 S-738

Product and Application Grease, aircraft gunmount. Specication now cancelled Anti-seize thread compound, molybdenum disulphide and petrolatum A clear water displacing corrosion preventive compound High ash type fuel system icing inhibitor (di-ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) Aircraft exterior cleaning compound Turbine engine gas path cleaning compound Aircraft turbine engine oil, polyphenyl ether base Propellant, high density synthetic hydrocarbon type Grade JP-10 Water dilutable cleaning compound. Specication now cancelled, use MIL-C-87936. Propellant, priming fuel ALCM engine Grade PF-1 - INACTIVE Synthetic water displacing corrosion preventive compound Coolant uid, hydrolytically stable, dielectric Low temperature synthetic hydrocarbon re resistant hydraulic uid Water dilutable aircraft exterior surface cleaning ompound - superseded by MIL-C- 87937 Cleaning compound, Aerospace equipment High performance ball and roller bearing grease Lubricating uid for low and high pressure oxidising gas mixtures Molybdenum disulphide lubricating oil, silicone base High ash point lubricating oil for instrument ball bearing Lubricant, all weather (automatic weapons) High temperature grease for catapult systems Synthetic ester oil for helicopter transmissions Penetrating oil - superseded by A-A-50493 Methanol Technical petrolatum INACTIVE Graphite powder - lubricating grade Tricresyl phosphate Graphite grease White spirit - superseded by MIL-PRF-680 Type I - Flashpoint 38C Type II - Flashpoint 65C Standard hydrocarbon test uid - superseded by ASTM D471 Isopropyl alcohol (anti-icing uid) Eythl alcohol, denatured alcohol - superseded by A-A-59282, 51693, 53880

Alternative British Specication DEF STAN 68-252 Grade AL-41 (MIL-PRF-87257A) (DOD-L-25681D) BS.506:87 DEF STAN 91-38 Grade PX-7 DEF STAN 96-1 BS.245

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 602 AeroShell Fluid 51 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 AeroShell Compound 06A -

MIL-S-3136B TT-I-735 MIL-F-5566 O-E-760C

BS.1595:86 -

Specication VV-L-800C (Obsolete)

Superseded Specication VV-L-800B

NATO Code O-190 (Obsolete)

Product and Application General purpose oil and preservative (water displacing low temperature) - superseded by MIL-PRF-32033 General purpose light oil. Cancelled, superseded by VV-L-800 Damping uids silicone base

Alternative British Specication -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 18

VV-L-820C (Obsolete) VV-D-1078B

VV-L-820B MIL-S-21568A VV-D-1078C

0-196 (Obsolete)

DEF STAN 91-46 (Obsolete)

Shell Vitrea Oil 22* -

S-1714 S-1716 S-1718 S-1720 S-1724 S-1726 S-1728 S-1732 S-737 F-12 (Obsolete) F-18 (Obsolete) F-35 S-720 G-392 -

Grade 10 Grade 20 Grade 50 Grade 100 Grade 7500 Grade 20000 Grade 100000 Grade 200000 Isopropyl alcohol Aviation gasoline, various grades


TT-I-735B Grade B -

BS.1595:86 DEF STAN 91-90

AeroShell Compound 06A* Shell Avgas 100 Shell Avgas 100LL Shell Jet A-1 Shell AeroJet* -

ASTM D1655 SAE AS1241 SAE-AMS-1424 SAE-AMS-2518A SAE-AMS-3057 SAE AMS-3151 SAE-AMS-G-4343 SAE AS5780B

MIL-A-8243D MIL-T-5544C MIL-G-4343C SAE AS5780A

Aviation turbine fuel, kerosine type Fire resistant phosphate ester hydraulic uid for aircraft De-icing/anti-icing uid, SAE Type I Graphite-petrolatum anti-seize thread compound Lubricant, semi-uid for aircraft gearboxes Aircraft compass uid Grease for pneumatic systems Aero and Aero-Derived Gas Turbine Engine Lubricants Grade SPC Grade SPC Grade HPC Gasoline and oil resistant grease Anti-icing spray equipment for aircraft windshield Molybdenum disulphide powder Silicone compound Ashless dispersant aircraft piston engine oil SAE Grade 40 SAE Grade 40 SAE Grade 50 SAE Grade 50 SAE Grade 60 SAE Grade Multigrade Aircraft piston engine lubricating oil SAE Grade 30 SAE Grade 40 SAE Grade 50 SAE Grade 60 Grease for aircraft sweep wing pivot hinge Boeing material specication for phosphate ester hydraulic uid Boeing material specication for general purpose grease Boeing material specication for specially fortied hydraulic uids for aircraft landing gear shock struts Type I - preservative version Type II - low temperature version Boeing material specication for general purpose airframe grease Boeing material specication for grease for sealed-for-life bearings

DEF STAN 91-91 DEF STAN 80-80 -

AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Ascender DEF STAN 91-6 DEF STAN 68-62 DEF STAN 68-69 SAE J-1899 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil W80 Plus AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil W100 Plus AeroShell Oil W120 AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil 120 Skydrol 500 B4 or LD4 -

SAE-AMS-G-6032 SAE AS6625 SAE-AMS-M-7866 SAE AS8660 SAE J-1899

MIL-G-6032D MIL-S-6625A MIL-M-7866C MIL-S-8660C MIL-L-22851D

G-363 S-740 S-736 O-123 (Obsolete) O-125 (Obsolete) O-128 (Obsolete) O-162 (Obsolete)

SAE J-1966


O-113 (Obsolete) O-115 (Obsolete) O-117 (Obsolete) -

SAE J-1966

FMS-1071 BMS 3-11 BMS 3-24A BMS 3-32

BMS 3-24 -

AeroShell SSF AeroShell LGF AeroShell Grease 33 -

BMS 3-33B BMS 3-34

BMS 3-33A -


Scope of list
These symbols are used to denote the products in current use by the NATO countries. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all NATO products, but is a selection comprising all aviation fuels, engine oils, hydraulic fluids, greases and allied products.

Interpretation of list
In the columns headed British Specification and U.S. Specification the specifications listed are the official specifications for the NATO Code Number. Where both the British and U.S. Specifications are listed for the same NATO Code Number this means that these specifications are officially equivalent and completely interchangeable for NATO applications. Where an asterisk* appears in the last column of the list, the AeroShell grade recommended does not necessarily meet all the clauses of the official specifications, but is the nearest product marketed by Shell. For easy reference, obsolete specifications are shown in both the current and superseded specification columns. In the former case, a suitable comment is made, namely, OBSOLETE - superseded by

NATO Code C-608 C-609 C-610 C-612 (Obsolete) C-613 C-614 C-615 C-618 (Obsolete)

Product and Application Aircraft engine corrosion preventive oil concentrate Piston engine corrosion preventive oil Turbine engine corrosion preventive oil OBSOLETE Temporary protective for aircraft engine cylinders Short term protective at medium ambient temperatures - mixture of lanolin/white spirit Corrosion preventive oils for aircraft engines during storage Long term protective at medium and high ambient temperatures, superseded by PX-32 or PX-28 Corrosion preventive solvent cut-back, cold application - soft lm Corrosion preventive, petrolatum, hot application - soft lm

U.S. Specication MIL-C-6529C Type I MIL-C-6529C Type II MIL-C-6529C Type III -

British Specication (MIL-C-6529C Type I) DEF STAN 81-205 DEF STAN 80-217 DEF STAN 91-40 -

Joint Service Designation ZX-21 OX-270 (Obsolete) ZX-17 (Obsolete) PX-13 (Obsolete) PX-1 PX-27 PX-3 (Obsolete)

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 2XN AeroShell Fluid 2F -

C-620 C-627 (Obsolete)

MIL-PRF-16173E Grade 2 MIL-C-11796C Class 3 MIL-C-4339E MIL-PRF-16173E Grade 1 MIL-C-11796C Class 1 MIL-PRF-6083F MIL-PRF-8188D MIL-G-5572F (Obsolete) ASTM D910 ASTM D910 MIL-DTL-83133G Grade JP-8 MIL-DTL-83133G ASTM D1655 MIL-DTL-83133G MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-4 -

DEF STAN 80-85 DEF STAN 68-10 DEF STAN 80-142 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-87


AeroShell Compound 05* AeroShell Compound 05 AeroShell Fluid 71 Shell Avgas 100LL Shell JP-8 Special arrangements necessary Shell JET A-1 Shell AeroJet* Shell JP-8 +100 -

C-628 (Obsolete) Corrosion preventive, petrolatum, hot application - soft lm C-629 C-630 C-632 C-633 C-634 C-635 C-638 C-639 C-654 (Obsolete) F-12 (Obsolete) F-18 (Obsolete) F-34 Temporary protective for preservation of aircraft spare parts Soluble corrosion preventive oil Corrosion preventive, solvent cut-back, cold application - hard lm Corrosion preventive, petrolatum, hot application - hard lm Water displacing corrosion preventive Preservative oil of improved cleanliness for hydraulic equipment High temperature synthetic corrosion protective oil for turbine engines OBSOLETE Corrosion preventive, soft lm hot application Aviation gasoline Grade 80/87 Aviation gasoline Grade 100/130 Low Lead Aviation turbine fuel - kerosine type with fuel system icing inhibitor (-47C freeze point) Aviation turbine fuel - kerosine type (-47C freeze point) Aviation turbine fuel F-34 plus thermal stability additive S-1749 Aviation turbine fuel - wide cut type with fuel system icing inhibitor Aviation turbine fuel - high ash type (-46C freeze point) replaced by F-44

F-35 F-37 F-40 F-43 (Obsolete)

DEF STAN 91-91 DEF STAN 91-88 DERD 2498 (Obsolete)


NATO Code F-44

Product and Application Aviation turbine fuel - high ash type (-46C freeze point) with fuel system icing inhibitor Alternative turbine/diesel engine fuel for use in certain Naval helicopters

U.S. Specication MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-5

British Specication DEF STAN 91-86

Joint Service Designation AVCAT/FSII

AeroShell Grade Shell JP-5 Special arrangements necessary AeroShell Grease 64* AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 5 AeroShell Grease 14 AeroShell Grease 15 AeroShell Grease 6 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6 AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Fluid 41* AeroShell Fluid 4 (European production only) AeroShell Fluid 31 AeroShell Fluid 51 AeroShell Fluid 61


MIL-F-16884L MIL-G-21164D MIL-PRF-23827C MIL-G-7187 (Obsolete) MIL-G-3545C (Obsolete) MIL-G-25760A (Obsolete) SAE-AMS-G-6032 MIL-G-25537C MIL-G-25013E MIL-G-7711A (Obsolete) SAE-AMS-G-4343 MIL-PRF-81322G MIL-PRF-83363D MIL-PRF-27617F Type I MIL-PRF-27617F Type II MIL-PRF-27617F Type III MIL-PRF-10924H VV-G-671F Grade 1 MIL-PRF-24139A MIL-PRF-27617F Type IV MIL-PRF-5606H -

DEF STAN 91-4 DEF STAN 91-57 DEF STAN 91-53 DEF STAN 91-54 DEF STAN 91-85 DTD.878A (Obsolete) DTD.5579 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-6 DEF STAN 91-51 DEF STAN 91-55 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-12 (SAE-AMS-G-4343) DEF STAN 91-56 DEF STAN 91-52 DEF STAN 91-27 DEF STAN 91-105 DEF STAN 91-28 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal (MIL-S-81087C) (MIL-PRF-83282D) (MIL-PRF-87257B) -

DIESO F-76 XG-276 XG-287 XG-285 XG-273 XG-277 (Obsolete) XG-292 (Obsolete) XG-235 XG-284 XG-300 XG-271 (Obsolete) XG-269 XG-315 XG-293 XG-279 XG-291 XG-274 (Obsolete) OM-15 OM-18

G-350 (Obsolete) OBSOLETE - superseded by G-354 G-352 G-353 G-354 G-355 OBSOLETE - superseded by G-354 Synthetic molybdenum disulphide aircraft grease Synthetic aircraft grease for aircraft and instruments Graphited aircraft grease

G-357 (Obsolete) Graphited synthetic grease for exible cables G-359 G-361 G-363 G-366 G-372 G-382 G-392 G-394 G-395 G-396 G-397 G-398 G-399 G-403 G-408 G-421 High temperature aircraft grease Wide temperature range synthetic aircraft grease Hydrocarbon resistant plug grease Helicopter oscillating bearing grease High temperature synthetic grease Aircraft general purpose grease Synthetic grease for pneumatic systems Silicone based grease for pneumatic systems Multi-purpose aircraft grease Aircraft grease PTFE Grease fuel and oil resistant, liquid oxygen compatible Grease liquid oxygen compatible Grease liquid oxygen compatible All purpose grease Graphite grease Grease, general use

G-450 (Obsolete) Multi-purpose quiet service grease Superseded by G-421 G-1350 H-515 H-520 Grease liquid oxygen compatible Hydraulic uid, petroleum base, improved cleanliness and performance Hydraulic uid, petroleum base, improved performance OBSOLETE Hydraulic uid, chlorinated silicone Hydraulic uid, re resistant synthetic hydrocarbon Low temperature synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic uid Petroleum hydraulic uid Preservative grade re resistant synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic uid

H-535 H-536 H-537 H-538 H-540 H-544

MIL-S-81087C (Type 1) MIL-PRF-83282D MIL-PRF-87257B MIL-PRF-46170D Type I

OX-50 OX-19 OX-538 -

NATO Code H-575 H-576 H-579 H-580 O-113 (Obsolete) O-115 (Obsolete) O-117 (Obsolete)

Product and Application Inhibited petroleum hydraulic oil General purpose hydraulic uid Fire resistant hydraulic uid, water glycol

U.S. Specication MIL-DTL-17111D MIL-H-22072C

British Specication DEF STAN 91-39 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 60

Joint Service Designation OM-33 OM-107 (Obsolete) OM-170 OM-270 OMD-160 OMD-250 OMD-370 OM-10 (Obsolete) OM-13 (Obsolete) OM-11 OEP-71 OM-71 OM-150 OM-12 OX-14 OX-9 OX-38 -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Oil 65 AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil W80 Plus AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil W100 Plus AeroShell Oil W120 AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 AeroShell Fluid 1 (AeroShell Turbine Oil 3) AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Fluid 3 AeroShell Fluid 12 AeroShell Turbine Oil 308 AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 -

Hydraulic uid, phosphate ester re resistant MIL-H-19457D Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines SAE 30 Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines SAE 40 Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines SAE 50 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 30 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 60

O-123 (Obsolete) Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines dispersant Grade SAE 40 O-125 (Obsolete) Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines dispersant Grade SAE 50 O-128 (Obsolete) Lubricating oil of aircraft piston engines dispersant Grade SAE 60 O-132 (Obsolete) Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - petroleum Grade 1005 O-133 O-134 O-135 O-136 O-138 Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - petroleum Grade 1010 General purpose lubricating oil Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - 3 mm/s viscosity Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines EP 9 mm/s viscosity Mineral lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - 9 mm/s viscosity

MIL-PRF-6081D Grade 1005 MIL-PRF-6081D Grade 1010 MIL-PRF-7870D MIL-PRF-6085D MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3 MIL-PRF-23699F Grade C/I DEF STAN 91-44 DEF STAN 91-99 DEF STAN 91-97 DEF STAN 91-97 DTD.417B DEF STAN 91-47 DEF STAN 91-49 (MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3) DEF STAN 91-98 -

O-140 (Obsolete) Low temperature oil for aircraft controls O-142 O-147 O-148 O-149 O-150 O-152 General purpose low temperature lubricating oil Lubricating oil for aircraft instruments Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - 3 mm/s viscosity Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - 7.5 mm/s viscosity Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - 3 mm/s viscosity Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - corrosion inhibited 5 mm/s Extreme pressure gear oil - light grade Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - high thermal stability 5 mm/s Extreme pressure gear oil - medium grade

O-153 O-154

MIL-PRF-6086F Grade L MIL-PRF-23699F Grade HTS

DEF STAN 91-112 Grade Light -

OEP-30 -

AeroShell Fluid 5L-A AeroShell Turbine Oil 560

O-155 O-156

MIL-PRF-6086F Grade M

DEF STAN 91-112 Grade Medium DEF STAN 91-101 Grade OX-27 DEF STAN 91-102 (MIL-L-46000C)

OEP-70 OX-27

AeroShell Fluid 5M-A AeroShell Turbine Oil 500

Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft MIL-PRF-23699F Grade STD turbine engines - 5 mm/s viscosity standard grade Low temperature oil for aircraft weapons MIL-PRF-14107D MIL-L-46000C


OX-24 XG-485 (Obsolete)

AeroShell Fluid 18* -

O-158 (Obsolete) Low temperature lubrication of automatic weapons

NATO Code O-159 O-160

Product and Application Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - 7.5 mm/s viscosity Synthetic ester lubricating oil for aircraft turbine engines - 5 mm/s viscosity

U.S. Specication SAE J-1899 SAE Multigrade MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 4 MIL-PRF-32033 MIL-PRF-3150E VV-L-820C (Cancelled) MIL-L-5020E TT-S-1732 (Cancelled) MIL-T-5542E (Cancelled) SAE-AMS-2518A SS-G-659A SAE AS8660 TT-I-735A Grade B O-E-760D Type III SAE-AMS-M-7866 MIL-A-8243D Type II (Obsolete) VV-P-236A O-M-232L Grade A MIL-DTL-27686G (Obsolete) MIL-L-23398D MIL-PRF-680C Type I MIL-PRF-680C Type II MIL-PRF-63460E VV-D-1078B

British Specication DEF STAN 91-100 DEF STAN 91-79 (Obsolete) -

Joint Service Designation OX-26 OMD-162 OEP-220 OX-18 (Obsolete) -

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Turbine Oil 750* AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 AeroShell Fluid 18 AeroShell Compound 06A AeroShell Compound 07 -

O-162 (Obsolete) Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines, ashless dispersant SAE 15W-50 O-163 Synthetic engine oil for military gas turbines

O-184 (Obsolete) OBSOLETE - superseded by O-266 O-190 (Obsolete) General purpose oil and preservative, water displacing low temperature O-192 Preservative lubricating oil - medium

O-196 (Obsolete) General purpose light oil O-218 (Obsolete) S-712 (Obsolete) S-716 S-717 S-718 S-720 S-722 S-725 S-732 S-736 S-737 S-738 S-740 S-742 S-743 S-745 S-746 S-747 S-748 (Obsolete) S-749 S-752 S-753 S-756 S-757 S-758 S-761 S-1712 S-1714 Lubricating oil, colloidal graphite Aircraft compass liquid (mineral type) Anti-seize compound (lead free) Anti-seize compound for aircraft oxygen Aqueous colloidal graphite for screw threads of low pressure oxygen cylinders Aircraft grease for sparking plugs and other threads Molybdenum disulphide anti-seize compound for heavily loaded surfaces OBSOLETE - superseded by S-716 Lubricating graphite Insulating compound for use in assembly of ignition harness Isopropyl alcohol (anti-icing uid) Denatured ethyl alcohol (de-icing uid) for aircraft windscreens and carburettors Molybdenum disulphide powder De-icing and defrosting uid Technical petroleum De-icing/defrosting uid Isopropyl nitrate Methanol for use in methanol water mixtures and anti-freeze solutions Fuel system icing inhibitor (ethylene glycol monomethyl ether). Superseded by S-1745 Lubricant, solid lm, air drying White spirit, ashpoint 38C White spirit - high ash Transformer oil Inhibited ethanediol Lubricant, cleaner and preservative for weapons Multifunctional synthetic lubricant for weapons Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 3 Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 10

DEF STAN 91-30 (Cancelled) OX-320 (Cancelled) DTD.900/4042A DEF STAN 80-80 DEF STAN 80-81 DEF STAN 91-6 DEF STAN 68-69 BS.1595.86 DEF STAN 68-62 OM-1 ZX-32 (Obsolete) ZX-24 ZX-13 ZX-38 ZX-20 (Obsolete) XG-250 AL-11 ZX-35 -

DEF STAN 91-38 Grade PX-7 PX-7 DTD.406B DEF STAN 91-89 BS.506:87 DERD 2451 Grade AL-31 (Obsolete) (MIL-L-23398D) BS.245:76 Type I BS.148.84 DEF STAN 68-127 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 AL-5 AVPIN AL-14 AL-31 (Obsolete) ZX-55 White spirit OM-16 AL-39 ZX-41 ZX-42

NATO Code S-1716 S-1718 S-1720 S-1722 (Obsolete) S-1724 S-1726 S-1728 S-1730 (Obsolete) S-1732 S-1734 (Obsolete) S-1735 S-1737 S-1738 S-1739 S-1740 (Obsolete) S-1744

Product and Application Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 20 Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 50 Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 100 OBSOLETE (Damping uid, dimethyl silicone) Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 7500 Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 20000 Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 100000 OBSOLETE (Damping uid, dimethyl silicone) Damping uid, dimethyl silicone Grade 200000 OBSOLETE (Damping uid, dimethyl silicone) Molybdenum disulphide lubricant, silicone base Lubricant solid lm, extreme environment Heat cured solid lm lubricant Demineralised water OBSOLETE Thrust augmentation uid for aircraft turbine engines (Methanol/Water 44/56 grade) High ash type fuel system icing inhibitor for aviation turbine fuel (di-ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) De-icing/Defrosting uid Corrosion inhibitor/lubricity additive for jet fuel

U.S. Specication VV-D-1078B VV-D-1078B VV-D-1078B VV-D-1078B VV-D-1078B VV-D-1078B VV-D-1078B DOD-L-25681D MIL-PRF-81329D MIL-PRF-46010G Type 1 -

British Specication DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 (DOD-L-25681D) SAE AS 5272 Type 1 DEF STAN 68-253 DEF STAN 68-253

Joint Service Designation ZX-43 ZX-44 ZX-45 ZX-48 (Obsolete) ZX-50 (Obsolete) ZX-52 (Obsolete) ZX-53 (Obsolete) OX-70 ZX-34 WTA AL-24 (Obsolete) AL-28

AeroShell Grade -



DEF STAN 68-252 Grade AL-41 DTD.900/4907 DEF STAN 68-251 -


S-1746 S-1747 S-1748 S-1749


AL-34 AL-61 -

AeroShell Fluid 602 AeroShell Performance Additive 101

Coolant uid, hydrolytically stable, dielectric MIL-PRF-87252C Jet fuel thermal stability improver additive MIL-DTL-83133G


Scope of list
This list comprises the British Joint Service Designations which cover aviation fuels, engine oils, hydraulic fluids, greases and allied products.

Interpretation of list

The Joint Service Designations are allocated to grades which meet British Specifications (or those U.S. Specifications which have been adopted by the U.K.) and are supplied to the British Services. Hence only British Specifications are shown. However, in some cases the British Ministry of Defence uses U.S. Specifications and these are included for completeness. Where an asterisk* appears in the last column of the list, the AeroShell grade recommended does not necessarily meet all the clauses of the official specification, but is the nearest product marketed by Shell. For easy reference, obsolete specifications are shown in both the current and superseded specification columns. In the former case, a suitable comment is made, namely, OBSOLETE - superseded by

Joint Service Designation DIESO F-76 73 AVGAS 80 NL AVGAS 91/96 AVGAS AVGAS 80 (Obsolete) AVGAS 100 (Obsolete) AVGAS 100LL AVTAG/FSII AVTUR/FSII AVCAT (Obsolete) AVCAT/FSII AVPIN AVTUR WTA White Spirit AL-3 (Obsolete) AL-5 AL-7 AL-8 AL-9 AL-11 AL-14 AL-20 AL-24 (Obsolete) AL-26 AL-28 AL-29 AL-31 (Obsolete) AL-32 AL-33 AL-34 AL-36 AL-38 (Obsolete) AL-39 AL-40 AL-41 AL-48 AL-61

British Specication DEF STAN 91-4 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-88 DEF STAN 91-87 DERD 2498 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-86 DEF STAN 91-89 DEF STAN 91-91 DEF STAN 62-253 BS.245:76 Type 1 DTD.406B BS.1595.86 BS.506:87 DEF STAN 68-108 DEF STAN 68-253 DEF STAN 68-61 DEF STAN 68-253 DERD 2451 (Obsolete) DTD.900/4907 DTD.900/4939A DEF STAN 68-127 DEF STAN 68-129 DEF STAN 68-252 DEF STAN 68-150 DEF STAN 68-251

NATO Code F-76 F-12 (Obsolete) F-18 (Obsolete) F-40 F-34 F-43 (Obsolete) F-44 S-746 F-35 S-1739 S-752 S-745 S-737 S-747 S-1744 S-748 (Obsolete) S-1746 S-757 S-1745 S-1747

Product and Application Alternative turbine/diesel engine fuel for use in certain Naval helicopters OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE Aviation gasoline, Grade 80 Aviation gasoline, Grade 100/130 Aviation gasoline, Grade 100/130 (low lead) Wide cut gasoline type fuel, with fuel system icing inhibitor Kerosine type fuel (-47C freeze point) with fuel system icing inhibitor High ash kerosine type fuel (-46C freeze point). Replaced by AVCAT/FSII High ash kerosine type fuel (-46C freeze point) with fuel system icing inhibitor Turbine engine starter fuel (isopropyl nitrate) Aviation turbine fuel - kerosine type (-47C freeze point) Pure water for thrust augmentation White spirit Inhibited aircraft engine coolant and general purpose anti-freeze uid De-icing uid OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by AL-11 OBSOLETE - superseded by AL-14 Isopropyl alcohol anti-icing uid Methanol Ethanediol (used in DTD.406B) Methanol/water mixture of certain aircraft piston engines Coolant uid - inhibited 43.8% vol. Methanol/56.2% vol. OBSOLETE Fuel system icing inhibitor (ethylene gylcol monomethyl ether). Superseded by AL-41 OBSOLETE OBSOLETE Fluid for anti-icing and de-icing parked aircraft Windscreen washing uid for certain aircraft OBSOLETE - superseded by AL-48 Anti-freeze, inhibited ethanediol Methanol/water mixture for hydrogen generation High ash fuel system icing inhibitor (di-ethylene gylcol monomethyl ether) Mixture of AL-41 and AL-61 Corrosion inhibitor/lubricity additive for jet fuel

AeroShell Grade Shell Avgas 100 Shell Avgas 100LL Shell JP-8 Special arrangements necessary Shell JP-5 Special arrangements necessary Shell Jet A-1 Shell AeroJet* Shell White Spirit AeroShell Compound 07 AeroShell Compound 06A -

Joint Service Designation OEP-30 OEP-38 OEP-70 OEP-71 OEP-215 OF-4 (Obsolete) OM-1 OM-3 OM-10 (Obsolete) OM-11 OM-12 OM-13 (Obsolete) OM-15

British Specication DEF STAN 91-112 Grade L DEF STAN 91-59 DEF STAN 91-112 Grade M DEF STAN 91-97 DTD.900/4981A DTD.900/4081A (Obsolete) (MIL-L-5020C) DEF STAN 91-99 DEF STAN 91-47 DEF STAN 91-44 DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean BS.148:84 DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal BS.4475:75 BS.148:84 DEF STAN 91-39 DEF STAN 91-97 DTD.417B (DEF STAN 91-114 in preparation) SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 60 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1899 Grade Multigrade SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 50 DERD 2472B/2 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 60 DEF STAN 91-94 (MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3) DEF STAN 91-49 DTD.900/4386A DEF STAN 91-79

NATO Code O-153 O-186 O-155 O-136 S-712 (Obsolete) O-133 O-135 O-142 O-134 H-515

Product and Application EP gear lubricant of light viscosity Gear lubricant for very cold ambient temperatures EP gear lubricant of medium viscosity Mineral lubrication oil for aircraft, 9 mm/s viscosity Helicopter gearbox oil for certain Westland helicopters Proprietary aircraft hydraulic uid (castor oil base). Specication now cancelled; replaced by OX-87). Aircraft compass uid, U.K. has adopted U.S. specication OBSOLETE Mineral lubricating oil for turbine engines, 2 mm/s viscosity Mineral aviation turbine oil, 3 mm/s viscosity General purpose low temperature lubricating oil Light lubricating oil. Replaced by OM-11 Extreme low temperature mineral hydraulic uid of improved cleanliness and performance Oil for electrical purposes Hydraulic uid - petroleum base of improved performance

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 5L-A AeroShell Fluid 5M-A AeroShell Fluid S.8350 AeroShell Turbine Oil 2* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Fluid 3 AeroShell Fluid 1 (AeroShell Turbine Oil 3) AeroShell Fluid 41 (European production only, U.S. production is equivalent) Shell Diala Oil B* AeroShell Fluid 41* AeroShell Fluid 4 (European production only) Shell Diala Oil B* or D* AeroShell Oil 65 AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil W80 Plus AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil 120 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil W100 Plus AeroShell Oil W120 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 308 AeroShell Fluid 12* AeroShell Fluid 18

OM-16 OM-18

S-756 H-520

OM-21 (Obsolete) OM-22 OM-33 OM-71 OM-107 (Obsolete) OM-150 OM-170 OM-270 OM-370 (Obsolete) OMD-160 OMD-162 OMD-250 OMD-270 (Obsolete) OMD-370 OX-7 OX-9 OX-14 OX-15 OX-16 OX-18 (Obsolete)

H-576 O-138 O-113 (Obsolete) O-140 (Obsolete) O-115 (Obsolete) O-117 (Obsolete) O-123 (Obsolete) O-162 (Obsolete) O-125 (Obsolete) O-127 (Obsolete) O-128 (Obsolete) O-148 O-147 O-190 (Obsolete)

Flushing oil. Specication now obsolete. Transformer oil for aircraft electrical equipment (pourpoint -45C max) General purpose hydraulic oil Mineral lubricating oil for miscellaneous applications Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines. SAE 30 Grade. Lubricating oil for aircraft controls Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines. SAE 40 Grade. Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines. SAE 50 Grade. Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines. SAE 60 Grade. Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines - ashless dispersant type. SAE 40 Grade. Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines - ashless dispersant type SAE 15W-50. Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines - ashless dispersant type. SAE 50 Grade. OBSOLETE - Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines Lubricating oil for aircraft piston engines - ashless dispersant type SAE 60 Grade. Synthetic turbine oil 3 mm/s viscosity Synthetic turbine oil 3 mm/s viscosity Synthetic oil with additives - low volatility aircraft instrument oil OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-26 Silicone damping uid General purpose oil and preservative, water displacing low temperature

Joint Service Designation OX-19 OX-20 OX-22 OX-23 OX-24 OX-26 OX-27 OX-28 OX-30 OX-38 OX-50 OX-70 OX-87 OX-125 OX-165 OX-270 (Obsolete) OX-275 (Obsolete) OX-320 (Obsolete) OX-538 PX-1 PX-2 (Obsolete) PX-3 (Obsolete) PX-4 PX-6 PX-7 PX-9 (Obsolete) PX-10 (Obsolete) PX-11 PX-12 (Obsolete) PX-13 (Obsolete) PX-14 (Obsolete) PX-15 PX-19 (Obsolete) PX-24 PX-25 (Obsolete) PX-26 PX-27 PX-28

British Specication (MIL-H-83282D) DTD.900/4881D DEF STAN 91-93 DEF STAN 91-102 DEF STAN 91-100 DEF STAN 91-101 Grade OX-27 DEF STAN 91-101 Grade OX-28 DEF STAN 91-35 DEF STAN 91-98 (MIL-S-81087C) (DOD-L-25681D) DTD.900/6103A DEF STAN 91-69 (Provisional) DEF STAN 91-71 DEF STAN 91-30 (MIL-PRF-87257A) DEF STAN 80-217 DEF STAN 80-34 DEF STAN 91-38 Grade PX-6 DEF STAN 91-38 Grade PX-7 DEF STAN 80-85 DEF STAN 81-205 DEF STAN 80-145 DEF STAN 91-78 DEF STAN 68-10 DEF STAN 80-142 DEF STAN 91-40 DEF STAN 80-143

NATO Code H-537 O-291 O-157 O-160 O-156 H-584 O-149 H-536 S-1735 C-609 O-218 (Obsolete) H-538 C-614 C-642 S-743 C-628 (Obsolete) C-613 C-634 C-635 C-615 -

Product and Application Fire resistant synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic uid. U.K. has adopted U.S. Specication MIL-PRF-83282D. Phosphate ester hydraulic uid Synthetic turbine oil for marine gas turbine engines OBSOLETE - superseded by OX-27 Low temperature oil for aircraft weapons Synthetic turbine oil 5 mm/s viscosity Synthetic turbine oil 5 mm/s viscosity Synthetic turbine oil 5 mm/s viscosity for certain turbines Emulsifying petroleum hydraulic uid for use in certain types of radar equipment Synthetic turbine oil 7.5 mm/s viscosity U.K. has adopted U.S. Specication MIL-S-81087C Molybdenum disulphide lubricating oil, silicone base, U.K. has adopted U.S. Specication DOD-L-25681D. Hydraulic uid for certain aircraft Helicopter Transmission Lubricant (9 mm/s) Synthetic gear lubricating oil Corrosion preventive oil. Meets U.S. Specication MIL-C-6529C Type II. OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-27 CANCELLED - lubricating oil, colloidal graphite Low temperature synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic uid Lanolin/white spirit corrosion protective OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-31 OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-32 or PX-28 Corrosion preventive compound Sti tacky petrolatum. Used mainly as an ingredient of PX-11 Mineral petrolatum OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-28 OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-24 Long term mineral jelly/beeswax protective OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-250 for certain special applications Wax thickened engine protective OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-4 Corrosion preventive Soft lm temporary protective. OBSOLETE superseded by XG-380 Water displacing and protective uid. Also replaces PX-10 and PX-29 OBSOLETE Preservative mineral hydraulic uid Storage oil for piston engine preservation Preservative for internal airframe surfaces

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 31 AeroShell Fluid 18* AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 AeroShell Turbine Oil 500 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560* AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 AeroShell Fluid 2F AeroShell Fluid 51 AeroShell Compound 05 AeroShell Fluid 71* -

Joint Service Designation PX-29 (Obsolete) PX-30 (Obsolete) PX-31 PX-32 PX-36 XG-235 XG-250 XG-261 XG-265 (Obsolete) XG-269 XG-271(Obsolete) XG-273 XG-274 (Obsolete) XG-275 (Obsolete) XG-276 XG-277 (Obsolete) XG-278 (Obsolete) XG-279 XG-284 XG-285 XG-287 XG-291 XG-292 (Obsolete) XG-293 XG-294 XG-295 (Obsolete) XG-300 XG-305 XG-315 XG-329 (Obsolete) XG-344 (Obsolete) XG-350 (Obsolete) XG-410 (Obsolete) XG-480 (Obsolete) XG-485 (Obsolete) ZX-13 ZX-14 (Obsolete) ZX-17 (Obsolete) ZX-20 (Obsolete)

British Specication DEF STAN 80-186 DEF STAN 80-83 DEF STAN 91-103 DEF STAN 91-6 DEF STAN 68-69 SAE-AMS-G-4343 DEF STAN 91-12 DEF STAN 91-85 DEF STAN 91-28 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-57 DTD.878A (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-27 DEF STAN 91-51 DEF STAN 91-54 DEF STAN 91-53 DEF STAN 91-105 DTD.5579 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-52 DEF STAN 91-106 DEF STAN 91-55 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-64 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-56 DTD.900/4872A (MIL-L-46000C) DEF STAN 80-80 DEF STAN 96-1 (Obsolete)

NATO Code G-363 S-736 G-392 G-382 G-357 (Obsolete) G-450 (Obsolete) G-353 G-359 G-403 G-366 G-355 G-354 G-421 G-361 G-395 G-1352 G-372 G-394 O-158 (Obsolete) S-720 C-610 S-732

Product and Application OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-24 OBSOLETE Corrosion preventive compound Corrosion preventive compound for aircraft structures Corrosion preventive, weapon cleaner, lubricant Fuel and oil resistant grease Compound for use in assembly of ignition harness Silicone grease OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-293 Synthetic grease for pneumatic systems. U.K. has adopted SAE-AMS-G-4343. Aircraft general purpose grease. OBSOLETE superseded by XG-291 Graphite grease for lubrication of Bowden cables Multi-purpose quiet service grease. OBSOLETE superseded by XG-291 OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-287 Synthetic grease containing molybdenum disulphide OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-293. AeroShell Grease 5 is still available meeting the obsolete British Specication. OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-287 All purpose grease Aircraft anti-fret grease and helicopter general purpose grease Graphited grease for aircraft general use Load carrying synthetic grease for aircraft gears Grease, general use OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-293 Synthetic general purpose grease, wide temperature range Grease, multi-purpose, elevated temperature range OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-287 Extreme high temperature ball and roller bearing grease. UK has adopted MIL-G-25013E Molybdenum disulphide grease Silicone grease for metal to metal rubber lubrication OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-293 Grease for certain turbine engine starters - OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-271 OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-235 OBSOLETE Low temperature lubrication of automatic weapons. U.K. has adopted U.S. Specication MIL-L-46000C. Graphited anti-seize compound OBSOLETE - superseded by XG-235 Corrosion preventive oil for aircraft gas turbines Graphite powder - lubricating grade

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Grease 6 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 64 AeroShell Grease 5 AeroShell Grease 14 AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 15 AeroShell Compound 08 -

Joint Service Designation ZX-21 (Obsolete) ZX-24 ZX-28 G & P (Obsolete) ZX-29 (Obsolete) ZX-30 ZX-31 (Obsolete) ZX-32 (Obsolete) ZX-33 (Obsolete) ZX-34 ZX-35 ZX-36 ZX-38 ZX-41(Obsolete) ZX-42 (Obsolete) ZX-43 ZX-44 ZX-45 ZX-46 ZX-47 ZX-48 (Obsolete) ZX-49 (Obsolete) ZX-50 (Obsolete) ZX-51 ZX-52 (Obsolete) ZX-53 (Obsolete) ZX-55

British Specication (MIL-C-6529C Type I) DTD.900/4042A DTD.900/4639 DEF STAN 68-7 SAE AS5272 Type 1 DEF STAN 68-62 DTD.900/4877A DEF STAN 80-81 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 DEF STAN 91-46 (Obsolete) (MIL-L-23398D)

NATO Code C-608 S-718 S-717 S-1738 S-740 S-722 S-1712 S-1714 S-1716 S-1718 S-1720 S-1724 S-1726 S-1728 S-1732 S-749

Product and Application Inhibited lubricating oil concentrate for engine protection. U.K. has adopted U.S. Specication. Proprietary brand of aqueous colloidal graphite OBSOLETE OBSOLETE - superseded by PX-24 Dry lubricating coating for certain metal parts OBSOLETE Anti-seize and sealing thread compound for oxygen systems. Meets U.S. Specication MIL-T-5542E. CANCELLED. Cleaning and lubricating compound Bonded dry lm lubricant Molybdenum disulphide powder Lubrication for tting electrical cables in aircraft Anti-seize compound, molybdenum disulphide type Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 3 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 10 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 20 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 50 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 100 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 500 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 1000 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 7500 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 12500 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 20000 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 60000 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 100000 Damping uid dimethyl silicone Grade 200000 Lubricant, solid lm air drying corrosion inhibiting. U.K. has adopted the U.S. Specication.

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 2XN -


Scope of list
This list covers French aviation specifications for aviation fuels, lubricants and allied products. The equivalent British and American specifications can be found elsewhere in this guide. French specifications are being converted from Normes AIR (issued formerly by Delegation Generale pour lArmement) to DCSEA (issued by Service des Essences des Armes). Since 1997, SEA has been responsible for writing these

specifications. Norme AIR have all been downgraded as non-suitable for new design. Nevertheless, they can still be used if there is no replacement specification. According to SEA policy, it is no longer essential for a product to be manufactured in France to be approved to the French specification, either Norme AIR or DCSEA.

French Specication AIR 1501 (Inactive) AIR 1502 AIR 1503/B Type A AIR 1503/B Type B Concentrate (Inactive) AIR 1503/B Type B (Inactive) AIR 1504/B AIR 1506/B (Obsolete) AIR 3401/1 Grade 80/87 (Obsolete) AIR 3401/1 Grade 100/130 (Obsolete) AIR 3401/1 Grade 115/145 (Obsolete) AIR 3404/C Grade F-43 (Obsolete) AIR 3404/C Grade F-44 (Obsolete) AIR 3405/D Grade F-34 (Obsolete) AIR 3405/D Grade F-35 (Obsolete) AIR 3407/B (Inactive) AIR 3511/A AIR 3512/A AIR 3513 (Inactive) AIR 3514

NATO Code C-614 C-629 C-615 C-608 C-609 C-610 C-635 F-12 (Obsolete) F-18 F-22 (Obsolete) F-43 (Obsolete) F-44 F-34 F-35 F-40 O-147 O-138 O-150

Product and Application Corrosion protective Corrosion protective Piston engine storage oil Piston engine storage oil Piston engine storage oil Turbine engine corrosion preventive superseded by DCSEA 510/A Preservative mineral hydraulic uid of improved cleanliness superseded by DCSEA 535/A Aviation gasoline - Grade 80/87 (Obsolete) Aviation gasoline - Grade 100/130 Low Lead - superseded by DCSEA 118/B Aviation gasoline - Grade 115/145 (Obsolete) Aviation turbine fuel - high ash type - superseded by DCSEA 144/A Aviation turbine fuel - high ash type with fuel system icing inhibitor superseded by DCSEA 144/C Aviation turbine fuel - kerosine type with fuel system icing inhibitor superseded by DCSEA 134/C Aviation turbine fuel - kerosine type - superseded by DCSEA 134/C Aviation turbine fuel - wide cut type with fuel system icing inhibitor Low volatility aircraft instrument and general purpose oil Mineral turbine engine oil Both AIR 3513 and AIR 3514 are very specialised. French Specications required for a limited number of domestic applications. AIR 3513 specied a 3 mm/s synthetic oil and was originally covered by NATO Code O-148. By 1970 AIR 3513 was superseded by AIR 3514. Various AeroShell synthetic turbine oils are approved by brand name for the majority of engines for which AIR 3514 is specied. 3 mm/s mineral turbine engine oil 2 mm/s mineral turbine engine oil 7.5 mm/s synthetic turbine engine oil Mineral hydraulic uid of improved cleanliness - superseded by DCSEA 415/A Mineral hydraulic uid - superseded by DCSEA 415/A Extreme pressure oil for gearboxes - superseded by DCSEA 255/A Piston engine oil Piston engine oil Piston engine oil Soft lm protective Ashless dispersant piston engine oil Ashless dispersant piston engine oil Ashless dispersant piston engine oil Corrosion preventive compound, water displacing superseded by DCSEA 534/A

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Compound 02 AeroShell Fluid 2XN AeroShell Fluid 2F AeroShell Fluid 71 Shell AVGAS 100LL Shell JP-5 Shell JP-8 Shell Jet A-1 Shell AeroJet* AeroShell Fluid 12 -

AIR 3515/B AIR 3516/A AIR 3517/A AIR 3520/B Grade H-515 (Obsolete) AIR 3520/B Grade H-520 (Obsolete) AIR 3525/B (Obsolete) AIR 3560/D Grade SAE 30 (Inactive) AIR 3560/D Grade SAE 40 (Inactive) AIR 3560/D Grade SAE 50 (Inactive) AIR 3565/A AIR 3570 Grade SAE 40 (Inactive) AIR 3570 Grade SAE 50 (Inactive) AIR 3570 Grade SAE 60 (Inactive) AIR 3634

O-135 O-133 O-159 H-515 H-520 O-155 O-113 (Obsolete) O-115 (Obsolete) O-117 (Obsolete) S-743 O-123 (Obsolete) O-125 (Obsolete) O-128 (Obsolete) C-634

AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 2 AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Fluid 4 AeroShell Fluid 5M-A AeroShell Oil 65 AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil W80 Plus* AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell W100 Plus* AeroShell Oil W120 -

French Specication AIR 3651/A (Methanol) (Inactive) AIR 3651/A (Water) (Inactive) AIR 3651/A (60/40) (Inactive) AIR 3651/A (50/50) (Inactive) AIR 3651/A (44/56) AIR 3652/B Grade S-748 (Obsolete) AIR 3652/B Grade S-1745 (Obsolete)

NATO Code S-747 S-1739 S-1741 (Obsolete) S-1742 (Obsolete) S-1744 S-748 (Obsolete) S-1745

Product and Application Methanol for use in methanol/water mixtures Demineralised water Methanol/water mixture Methanol/water mixture Methanol/water mixture Fuel system icing inhibitor High ash fuel system icing inhibitor for aviation turbine fuel (di-ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) - superseded by DCSEA 745/A De-icing uid superseded by DCSEA 638/A De-icing uid superseded by DCSEA 637A High temperature aircraft grease - superseded by DCSEA 359/A Graphite grease - superseded by DCSEA 355/A Synthetic wide temperature range grease - superseded by DCSEA 361/B Synthetic grease - superseded by DCSEA 354/A Gasoline and oil resistant grease - superseded by DCSEA 363/B Aircraft general purpose grease - superseded by DCSEA 382/A Molybdenum disulphide grease - superseded by DCSEA 353/A Synthetic general purpose grease - superseded by DCSEA 395/A Molybdenum disulphide powder superseded by DCSEA 640/B Graphite powder, lubricating superseded by DCSEA 632/B Extreme pressure grease Aircraft grease. Specication obsolete, replaced by AIR 4210/B Lubricating oil, semi-uid (-54C to +130C) Graphited anti-seize compound Corrosion preventive soluble oil Corrosion preventive Petroleum jelly/beeswax mixture for general preservation White spirit All purpose grease Lubricant, cleaner and preservative Aviation gasoline, grade 100/130 Aviation turbine fuel with fuel system icing inhibitor Aviation turbine fuel - kerosine type Aviation turbine fuel, high ash point type, with fuel system icing inhibitor Extreme pressure oil for transmissions 5mm/s synthetic turbine engine oil Synthetic molybdenum disulphide grease Synthetic grease for airframe and instruments Graphited aircraft grease Mineral Grease

AeroShell Grade -

AIR 3655/A AIR 3660/A AIR 4205/B AIR 4206/B AIR 4207/A AIR 4210/B AIR 4214/B (Obsolete) AIR 4215/B (Obsolete) AIR 4217/A AIR 4222 AIR 4223 AIR 4224 AIR 4225/B (Inactive) AIR 4226 AIR 4246 (Inactive) AIR 4247/A AIR 8130 (Inactive) AIR 8132 AIR 8136 (Inactive) DCEA 202/B (Obsolete) DCEA 300 (Obsolete) DCSEA 501/A DCSEA 118/A (Obsolete) DCSEA 134/C DCSEA 134C DCSEA 144/C DCSEA 255/A DCSEA 299/A DCSEA 353/A DCSEA 354/A DCSEA 355/A DCSEA 359/A

S-738 S-737 G-359 G-355 G-361 G-354 G-363 G-382 G-353 G-395 S-740 S-732 G-350 (Obsolete) G-352 (Obsolete) O-158 S-720 C-630 C-620 C-627 G-403 S-758 F-18 F-34 F-35 F-44 O-155 O-156 G-353 G-354 G-355 G-359

AeroShell Compound 06A AeroShell Grease 5 AeroShell Grease 7 AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 6 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Compound 05 Shell Avgas 100LL Shell JP-8 Shell Jet A-1 Shell AeroJet* Shell JP-5 (special arrangements necessary) AeroShell Fluid 5MA AeroShell Turbine Oils 500, 560 AeroShell Grease 64 AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 5

French Specication DCSEA 361/A (Obsolete) DCSEA 363/A (Obsolete) DCSEA 382/A DCSEA 392/A DCSEA 395/A DCSEA 415/A DCSEA 415/A DCSEA 437/B DCSEA 502/A (Inactive) DCSEA 510/A DCSEA 534/A DCSEA 535/A DCSEA 637/A DCSEA 638/A DCSEA 632/B DCSEA 640/B DCSEA 745/A DCSEA 745/A

NATO Code G-361 G-363 G-382 G-392 G-395 H-520 H-515 H-537 S-761 C-610 C-634 C-635 S-737 S-738 S-732 S-740 S-1745 XS-1745 (SEA code)

Product and Application Wide temperature range synthetic aircraft grease Gasoline and oil resistant grease Aircraft general purpose mineral grease Synthetic grease for pneumatic systems superseded by SAE AMS-G-4343 Multipurpose synthetic aircraft grease Mineral hydraulic uid Mineral hydraulic uid Synthetic hydrocarbon hydraulic uid Multifunctional synthetic lubricant for weapons Turbine engine corrosion preventive Corrosion preventive compound, water displacing Preservative mineral hydraulic uid De-icing uid De-icing uid Graphite powder, lubricating Molybdenum disulphide powder Fuel system icing inhibitor, high ash point type Mixture of S-1745 with anti-corrosion additive

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Grease 6 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Fluid 4 AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Fluid 31 AeroShell Fluid 71 AeroShell Compound 06A -


This list is comprised of Russian Aviation Specifications which cover aviation engine oils, hydraulic fluids, greases and allied products. The list is composed of two parts, firstly a listing of specifications and then secondly a listing of grade names. In Russia lubricants are governed by State Standards and are designated under a series of specifications including: GOST: Gozudarstuyeny Standart VTU-(BTY): Temporary Technical Conditions TU-(TY): Technical Conditions MRTU: Inter Republic Technical Conditions

In this list where a grade is shown in brackets it indicates that the grade is an industrial grade. Where an asterisk* appears in the last column of the list, the AeroShell grade recommended does not necessarily meet all the clauses/ requirements of the Russian Specifications, but is the nearest product marketed by Shell. Any grade marked with brackets or an asterisk has not necessarily been tested for suitability as a replacement. Shell Companies have not been able to test samples of Russian aviation lubricants using U.S. or British test methods nor have Shell Companies been able to test AeroShell grades in full scale hardware tests prescribed by the Russian Authorities. For this reason Shell Companies make no representation as to the fitness or suitability of any AeroShell lubricant listed in this List. Responsibility for evaluation of an AeroShell Grade as a suitable alternative is that of the customer or operator. Although the information set forth herein is presented in good faith and believed to be correct at time publication Shell Companies make no representation as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. This information is included in this publication upon the condition that the customer/operator using this information will make their own determination as to suitability for their purpose prior to use. In no event will Shell Companies be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use or reliance upon the information. Nothing contained in this section is to be construed as a recommendation to use any product.

Specication GOST 782-59 982-68 1012-72 1013-49 (Superseded by 21743-76)

Grade Name Grease UN TK TKP Avgas 95/130 MS-14 MS-20 MK-22

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Compound 05* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3* Shell Avgas 100 Shell Avgas 100LL AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 5* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Turbine Oil 2* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6*

Remarks Technical vaseline for protection of metal surfaces against corrosion Transformer oil Transformer oil with anti-oxidant additive Aircraft piston engine oils

1033-73 1631-61 (Obsolete) 1642-50 1805-76 1957-72 20734-75 2712-75 2967-52 3005-51 3276-74 (Obsolete) 3333-80 4003-53 4216-55 (Obsolete, superseded by 18375-73)

US-1 US-2 1-13 Spindle Oil AV MVP UT (Constalin-1) 7-50S-3 AMS-1 AMS-3 Grease AF-70 Gun grease GOI-54p USsA Hypoid Gear oil OKB-122-3 OKB-122-4 OKB-122-5 OKB-122-14 OKB-122-16 Press Solidol S Solidol S Steol-M HF-12-18 NK 50 (HK-50) CIATIM 201 MK-8 MK-8P

Medium melting point multi-purpose grease High temperature grease for roller bearings Highly rened spindle oil Instrument oil Calcium based multi-purpose grease Lubrication of mechanisms Instrument grease Corrosion protection of mechanisms Lubricant and protective Graphite grease Hypoid gear oil A series of instrument oils

4366-76 5020-75 5546-66 5573-67 (Obsolete) 6267-74 6457-66

Multi-purpose, high melting point Synthetic hydraulic uid Refrigerator oil for Fron system in Mi-8 helicopter High temperature wheel bearing grease Multi-purpose grease 3 mm/s mineral turbine

6794-78 7171-78 7903-74 8313-88 8551-74 8773-73

AMG-10 BU BM-4 (VM-4) CIATIM 205 CIATIM 203

Mineral hydraulic uid Gasoline and oil resistant grease Fuel anti-icing additive Anti-seize grease/compound Grease for high load mechanisms

Specication GOST 9320-60 (Superseded by 21743-76) 9433-80 9762-61 10227-86 10328-63 10568-63 10817-64 10877-64 10957-64 11110-75 11122-66 11552-65 12030-66 12031-66 12245-66 12308 13076-86 14068-79 15171-70 15866-70 16422-70 16564-71 16728-71 18179-72 18375-74 (Replaces 4216-55)

Grade Name MS-20S CIATIM 221 Grease MS-70 TS-1 MK-6 PVK Grease VNII NP-44-2 VNII NP-44-2C K-17 Lubricant No. 6 CIATIM 202 VNII NP-25 MS-6 VNII NP-223 VNII NP-262 VNII NP-7 T-8V, T-6 VNII NP 50-1-4F VNII NP-232 AKOR-1 PFMS-4 CIATIM 208 RT VNII NP-403 OKB-122-7 OKB-122-3 (132-19) OKB-122-5 (132-08) OKB-122-14 (132-20) OKB-122-16 (132-21) OKB-122-4 (132-07) VNII NP-246 PVK VNII NP-207 VNII NP-225 7-50C-3 MS-14 MS-20 MS-20S MK-22 MS-20P

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Grease 15* AeroShell Grease 22 Shell TS-1 AeroShell Turbine Oil 2* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Turbine Oil 2* AeroShell Turbine Oil 750* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390* AeroShell Turbine Oil 560* AeroShell Fluid 2XN* Shell Jet A-1 AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 15* AeroShell Compound 05* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 -

Remarks Aircraft piston engine oils Multi-purpose engine grease Jet fuel Mineral turbine oil Grease lubrication and corrosion protection Petroleum oils for turbo-prop applications Preservative grease Instrument and roller bearing grease Bearing and pivot lubricant Mineral turbine oil Lubrication of roller bearings Lubrication of bearings of electric spindles Synthetic turbine oil Military jet fuels Synthetic turbine oil Anti-seize compound Preservative additive Organosilicone uid Transmission grease Jet aircraft fuel Hydraulic oil General purpose grease Series of oils

18852-73 19537-74 19774-74 19782-74 20734-75 21743-96

High temperature grease Soft lm protective Multi-purpose grease Molybdenum disulphide grease Silicone hydraulic uid Aircraft piston engine oils



Synthetic oils

23907-79 24300-80 24926-81

De-icing uids Grease Grease

Specication TU 6-020-531-69 6-02-917-79 11-100-69 38-00180-75 38-001116-73 38-1-158-68 38-1-230-66 (Obsolete)

Grade Name PFMS-4S PFMS-4S MD-BF IPM-10 Grease No. 9 VNII NP-225 Grease OKB-122-7 Grease OKB-122-7-5 Grease OKB-122-8

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Turbine Oil 390* AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 500* AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Turbine Oil 500* AeroShell Grease 15* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560* AeroShell Turbine Oil 500* AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 Skydrol 500B4 or LD4 AeroShell Grease 33 AeroShell Grease 22* AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 22* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 Sykdrol 500B4 or LD4 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560

Remarks Specialised grease Specialised grease Synthetic turbine oil. See also TU 38.1011299-90 Believed to be superseded by GOST 18179-72

38-101-295-75 (Obsolete) Supersedes 38-1-164-65 and 38-1-157-65) 38-101-295-85 38-101-297-78 38-101-384-78

36/1 36/1K B3-V B3-V VNII NP 235 36/1Ku-A

Synthetic turbine oils (see also TU 38.101384-78)

Synthetic turbine oils High temperature grease Synthetic turbine oils

38-101-419-79 (Obsolete) 38-101-722-85 38-101-740-80 38-101-741-78 38-101-950-00


Grease Synthetic turbine oil Phosphate ester hydraulic uid Fuel static dissipater additive Multi-purpose grease

38-101-1181-88 38-101-1219-89 38-101-1243-89 38-101-1299-06 38-101-1332-90 38-401-58-12-91 38-401-58-57-93 38-401-121-75 (Obsolete) 38-401-286-82 38-401-337 301-04-010-92

MS-8RK ST (NK-50) CIATIM 221S IPM-10 TSgip VNII NP 50-1-4U NGJ-5u VNII NP 286M VNII-NP 50-1-4U PTS-225 LZ-240

Mineral preservation oil for engines Grease Grease Synthetic turbine engine oil Heavily loaded gear oil Synthetic turbine engine oil Phosphate ester hydraulic uid Grease Synthetic turbine engine oil Synthetic turbine engine oil Synthetic turbine engine oil

Specication OCT/CTY/VT OCT 6-08-431-75 OCT 38-01145-80 OCT 38-01163-78 OCT 38-01180-80 OCT 38-01294-83 OCT 38-1355-84 OCT 95-510-77 CTY 36-13-719-61 VT UNP-18-58

Grade Name Grade C-1 I-13 MS-8P CIATIM 221S CIATIM 221C IPM-10 CT (HK-50) ST Grease No.8 PFMS-4S CIATIM 221S

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390* AeroShell Grease 5* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 22

Remarks Graphite powder Obsolete Mineral turbine engine oil Grease Synthetic turbine engine oil Wheel bearing grease Anti-seize grease Grease

Grade Name AF-70 AKOR-1 AMG-10 AMS-1 AMS-3 AV B3-V BM-4 (VM-4) BU C-1 CIATIM 201 CIATIM 202 CIATIM 203 CIATIM 205 CIATIM 208 CIATIM 221 CIATIM 221S (221C)

Specication Refer to Grease AF-70 GOST 15171-70 GOST 6794-78 GOST 2712-75 GOST 2712-75 Refer to Spindle Oil AV TU 38-101-295-75 TU 38-101-295-85 GOST 7903-74 Refer to Gasoline Proof Grease OCT 6-08-431-75 GOST 6267-74 GOST 11110-75 GOST 8773-73 GOST 8551-74 GOST 16422-70 GOST 9433-80 TU 38-101-419-79 VT UNP-18-58 OCT 38-01180-80 OCT 38-1355-84 TU 38-101-950-83 GOST 7171-78 GOST 3276-74 OCT 95-510-77 TU 38-001116-73 GOST 2967-52 GOST 9762-61 GOST 782-59 GOST 3005-51 GOST 5546-66 GOST 5573-67 GOST 4003-53 GOST 1631-61 OCT 38-01145-80 TU 38-00180-75 OCT-38-01294-83 TU 38-101-1299-90 GOST 10877-64 GOST 10957-64

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Fluid 2XN* AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Turbine Oil 500* AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 22* AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 22 -

CT (HK-50) or ST ERA (VNII NP 286M) Gasoline Proof Grease GOI-54p Grease No. 8 Grease No. 9 Grease AF-70 Grease MS-70 Grease UN Gun Grease HF-12-18 HK-50 (NK-50) Hypoid Gear Oil I-13 IPM-10

AeroShell Grease 5* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Compound 05* AeroShell Grease 5* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390* AeroShell Turbine Oil 390* -

K-17 Lubricant No. 6

Grade Name LZ-31 LZ-240

Specication GOST 24300-80 TU 38-401-579-86 301-04-010-92 301-04-015-91 OCT 38-1355-84 TU 11-100-69 GOST 21791-76 GOST 21791-76 GOST 21791-76 TU 38-101-722-85 GOST 10328-63 GOST 6457-66 GOST 6457-66 GOST 1013-49 GOST 21743-76

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Turbine Oil 500* AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Grease 5* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Turbine Oil 750 AeroShell Turbine Oil 2* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 2* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Turbine Oil 2* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil W100 Sykdrol 500B4 or LD4 Skydrol 500B4 or LD4 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* -

CT (HK-50) MD-BD MAS-8N MAS-14N MAS-30NK MN 7.5U-(or MH 7.5u) MK-6 MK-8 MK-8P MK-22

MS-6 MS-8 MS-8P MS-8RK MS-14

GOST 11552-65 OCT 38-01163-78 TU 38-101-1181-88 GOST 1013-49 GOST 21743-76


GOST 1013-49 GOST 21743-76

MS-20P MS-20S

GOST 9320-60 GOST 21743-76

MS-70 MVP NGJ-4 NGJ-5U OKB-122-3 OKB-122-4 OKB-122-5 OKB-122-7 OKB-122-7-5 OKB-122-8 OKB-122-14

Refer to Grease MS-70 GOST 1805-76 TU 38-101-740-80 TU-38-401-811-90 GOST 4216-55 GOST 18375-73 GOST 4216-55 GOST 18375-73 GOST 4216-55 GOST 18375-73 GOST 18179-72 TU 38-1-230-66 TU 38-1-230-66 TU 38-1-230-66 GOST 4216-55 GOST 18375-73

Grade Name OKB-122-16 PFMS-4 PFMS-4S

Specication GOST 4216-55 GOST 18375-73 GOST 15866-70 TU 6-020-531-69 TU 6-02-917-79 CTY 36-13-719-61 GOST 4366-76 TU 38-401337 GOST 10586-63 GOST 19537-74 GOST 16564-71 GOST 4366-76 GOST 1642-50 GOST 12308 GOST 12308 GOST 982-68 GOST 982-68 GOST 10277-86 Refer to Grease UN GOST 1033-73 GOST 1033-73 GOST 3333-80 GOST 1957-72 Refer to BM-4 GOST 12246-66 GOST 11122-65 GOST 10817-64 GOST 10817-64 GOST 13076-67 TU 38-401-286-82 GOST 19774-74 GOST 12030-66 GOST 19782-74 TU 38-1-158-68 GOST 14068-79 TU 38-101-297-78 GOST 18852-73 GOST 12031-66 GOST 24926-81 TU 38-401-121-75 TU 38-101-950-83

AeroShell Grade -

Press Solidol S PTS-225 PVK RT Solidol S Spindle Oil AV T-6 T-8V TK TKP TS-1 UN US-1 US-2 USsA UT VM-4 VNII NP 7 VNII NP 25 VNII NP 44-2 VNII NP 44-2-C VNII NP 50-1-4F VNII NP 50-1-4U VNII NP 207 VNII NP 223 VNII NP 225 VNII NP 232 VNII NP 235 VNII NP 246 VNII NP 262 VNII NP 282 VNII NP 286M (ERA)

AeroShell Compound 05 Shell Jet A-1* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3* AeroShell Turbine Oil 3* Shell TS-1 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 15* AeroShell Grease 15* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* AeroShell Grease 22 AeroShell Grease 6* -

VNII NP 403 7-50C-3

GOST 16728-71 GOST 20734-75

Grade Name 36/1 36/1K 36/1 KUA

Specication TU 38-101-295-75 TU 38-101-295-75 TU-38-101-384-78

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil 500* AeroShell Turbine Oil 560 -

132-07 132-08 132-19 132-20 132-21

GOST 18375-73 GOST 18375-73 GOST 18375-73 GOST 18375-73 GOST 18375-73


Scope of list
This list is comprised of all current AeroShell Grades, namely: aviation oils, fluids, greases and other Shell products used in aircraft, i.e. aviation fuels and specialised products.

Interpretation of list
For each AeroShell Grade listed the relevant U.S. and U.K. Specifications, NATO Code Number and Joint Service Designation are listed. Details of the product and application are also given and where appropriate comments are included. Where an asterisk* appears alongside either the U.S. or U.K. Specification in the list, it means that the AeroShell Grade is not necessarily fully approved to that specification but that it meets the requirements of that specification.

AeroShell Grade AVIATION FUEL Shell Avgas 100 Shell Avgas 100LL Shell JP-8 Shell JP-8 +100 Shell Jet A-1 Shell JP-5 Shell Jet A Shell Jet B

U.S. Specication

British Specication


Joint Service Designation

Product and Application


ASTM D910 ASTM D910 MIL-DTL-83133G Grade JP-8 MIL-DTL-83133G Grade JP-8 +100 MIL-DTL-83133G ASTM D1655 MIL-DTL-5624U Grade JP-5 ASTM D1655 ASTM D6615

DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-90 DEF STAN 91-87 DEF STAN 91-91 DEF STAN 91-86 -

F-18 F-34 F-37 F-35 F-44 -


Fuel for aircraft piston engines Grade 100/130 Fuel for aircraft piston engines Grade 100/130 Low Lead Aviation turbine fuel, kerosine type with FSII Aviation turbine fuel. JP-8 + thermal stability additive S-1749 Aviation turbine fuel kerosine type Aviation turbine fuel, high ash kerosine type with FSII Aviation turbine fuel, freeze point -40C Aviation turbine fuel, wide cut

Special arrangements necessary Special arrangements necessary Special arrangements necessary Normally only available in the U.S.A. Normally only available in Canada meeting CAN/CGSB 3.23 Special arrangements necessary

Shell AeroJet

ASTM D1655*

DEF STAN 91-91*


Aviation turbine fuel, kerosene type with FSII

AEROSHELL ADDITIVES AeroShell Performance Additive 101 PISTON ENGINE OILS AeroShell Oil 65 AeroShell Oil 80 AeroShell Oil 100 AeroShell Oil 120 AeroShell Oil W80 AeroShell Oil W80 Plus AeroShell Oil W100 AeroShell Oil W100 Plus AeroShell Oil W120 AeroShell Oil W 15W-50 AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 2 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 30 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 60 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 60 SAE J-1899 Grade Multigrade API TC SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1966 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 40 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 50 SAE J-1899 Grade SAE 60 SAE J-1899 Grade Multigrade O-113 (Obsolete) O-115 (Obsolete) O-117 (Obsolete) O-123 (Obsolete) O-125 (Obsolete) O-128 (Obsolete) O-162 (Obsolete) OM-107 (Obsolete) OM-170 OM-270 (Obsolete) OM-370 OMD-160 OMD-250 OMD-370 OMD-162 Aircraft piston engine oil Aircraft piston engine oil Aircraft piston engine oil Aircraft piston engine oil Ashless dispersant aircraft piston engine oil Ashless dispersant aircraft piston engine oil Ashless dispersant aircraft piston engine oil Ashless dispersant aircraft piston engine oil Ashless dispersant aircraft piston engine oil Ashless dispersant aircraft piston engine oil Specic oil for Light Sport and Very Light/Ultra Light 2-stroke aircraft engines Approved by Rotax Service Instruction SI-2ST-008 (MIL-DTL-83133G) S-1749 Fuel additive to improve thermal stability of aviation turbine fuel This additive when added to JP-8 makes grade JP-8 +100

AeroShell Grade AeroShell Oil Sport Plus 4 AeroShell Oil Diesel Ultra

U.S. Specication API SL

British Specication -

NATO Code -

Joint Service Designation -

Product and Application Specic oil for Light Sport and Very Light/Ultra Light 4-stroke aircraft engines Specic oil for aircraft diesel engines

Remarks -


Approved to Mercedes Benz MB229.5

TURBINE ENGINE OILS AeroShell Turbine Oil MIL-PRF-6081D 2 Grade 1010 AeroShell Turbine Oil 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 3SP AeroShell Turbine Oil MIL-PRF-7808L 308 Grade 3 AeroShell Turbine Oil 390 AeroShell Turbine Oil MIL-PRF-23699F 500 Grade STD SAE AS5780B Grade SPC AeroShell Turbine Oil DOD-L-85734A 555 AeroShell Turbine Oil MIL-PRF-23699F 560 Grade HTS SAE AS5780B Grade SPC AeroShell Ascender SAE AS5780B Grade HPC DEF STAN 91-99 (MIL-PRF-7808L Grade 3) DEF STAN 91-94 DEF STAN 91-101 Grade OX-27 O-133 O-135 O-148 O-156 OM-10 (Obsolete) OM-11 OX-9 OX-7 OX-27 Mineral aviation turbine oil 2 mm/s viscosity Mineral aviation turbine oil 3 mm/s viscosity Mineral aviation turbine oil 3 mm/s viscosity Synthetic ester aviation turbine oil 3 mm/s viscosity Synthetic ester aviation turbine oil 3 mm/s viscosity Standard Grade, synthetic ester aviation turbine oil 5 mm/s viscosity Acceptable substitute for AeroShell Fluid 1 Analogue to Russian Grade MS-8P -

DEF STAN 91-100



Synthetic ester oil for helicopter transmissions. High load synthetic ester aviation turbine oil 5 mm/s viscosity High thermal stability synthetic ester aviation turbine oil 5 mm/s viscosity


High performance capability synthetic ester aviation turbine oil 5 mm/s viscosity Synthetic ester aviation turbine oil 7.5 mm/s viscosity

AeroShell Turbine Oil 750

DEF STAN 91-98



AEROSHELL GREASES AeroShell Grease 5 MIL-G-3545C* (Obsolete) MIL-G-7711A* (Obsolete) MIL-PRF-24139A DTD.878A* G-359 XG-277 (Obsolete) High temperature aircraft grease Still available for civil market meeting obsolete U.S. and U.K. Specications Still available for civil market meeting obsolete U.S. and U.K. Specications Approved to U.S. Specication. Equivalent to U.K. Specication Approved to Boeing Specication BMS 3-33B -

AeroShell Grease 6

DEF STAN 91-12 DEF STAN 91-28*

G-382 G-450

XG-271 -

Aircraft general purpose grease Multi-purpose quiet service grease

AeroShell Grease 7 AeroShell Grease 14 AeroShell Grease 15

MIL-PRF-23827C (Type II) MIL-G-25537C MIL-G-25013E

DEF STAN 91-51 DEF STAN 91-55 (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-52 DEF STAN 91-53 -

G-366 G-372 G-395 G-354 -

XG-284 XG-300 XG-293 XG-287 -

Synthetic grease for aircraft Helicopter general purpose grease Extreme high temperature grease Synthetic general purpose aircraft grease General purpose airframe grease Wide temperature range grease for aircraft wheel bearings

AeroShell Grease 22 MIL-PRF-81322G DOD-G-24508A AeroShell Grease 33 MIL-PRF-23827C (Type I) AeroShell Grease 58 SAE AMS3058

AeroShell Grade

U.S. Specication

British Specication DEF STAN 91-57 DEF STAN 80-80

NATO Code G-353 S-720

Joint Service Designation ZX-13

Product and Application Synthetic ester aircraft grease with molybdenum disulphide Graphited anti-seize compound 7.5 mm/s viscosity

Remarks Formerly branded as AeroShell Grease 33MS -

AeroShell Grease 64 MIL-G-21164D AeroShell Compound SAE-AMS-2518A 08

HYDRAULIC FLUIDS AeroShell Fluid 4 MIL-H-5606A* (Obsolete) AeroShell Fluid 31 AeroShell Fluid 41 AeroShell Fluid 51 AeroShell Fluid 61 AeroShell Fluid 71 MIL-PRF-83282D MIL-PRF-5606H MIL-PRF-87257B MIL-PRF-46170D Type I MIL-PRF-6083F DTD.585* (Obsolete) DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Normal (MIL-PRF-83282D) DEF STAN 91-48 Grade Superclean (MIL-PRF-87257B) DEF STAN 80-142* H-520 H-537 H-515 H-538 H-544 C-635 OM-18 OX-19 OM-15 OX-538 PX-26* Mineral hydraulic uid Mineral hydraulic uid Synthetic hydrocarbon re resistant hydraulic uid Mineral hydraulic uid of improved cleanliness Low temperature synthetic hydrocarbon re resistant hydraulic uid Preservative synthetic hydrocarbon re resistant hydraulic uid Preservative mineral hydraulic uid of improved cleanliness Still available meeting obsolete U.S. and U.K. Specications European production only Approved to U.S. Specication Equivalent to U.K. Specication Approved to Boeing Specication BMS 3-32 Type I Approved to Boeing Specication BMS 3-32 Type II

AeroShell SSF

Fluid based on MIL-PRF-6083 for use in landing gear shock struts Fluid based on MIL-PRF-5606 for use in landing gear shock struts

AeroShell LGF

OTHER FLUIDS AeroShell Fluid 1 AeroShell Fluid 3 AeroShell Fluid 5L-A MIL-PRF-7870D MIL-PRF-6086F Grade Light DEF STAN 91-44 DEF STAN 91-47 DEF STAN 91-112 Grade Light* DEF STAN 91-112 Grade Medium DEF STAN 91-49* O-134 O-142 O-153 OM-13 (Obsolete) OM-12 OEP-30* Light lubricating oil General purpose lubricating oil Extreme pressure gear oil of low viscosity Extreme pressure gear oil of medium viscosity Low volatility aircraft instrument oil Approved to U.S. Specication Equivalent to U.K. Specication Approved to U.S. Specication Equivalent to U.K. Specication Equivalent to ASTM D770 -

AeroShell Fluid 5M-A MIL-PRF-6086F Grade Medium AeroShell Fluid 12 MIL-PRF-6085D

O-155 O-147

OEP-70 OX-14*

AeroShell Fluid 18 AeroShell Fluid 602 AeroShell Fluid S.8350

MIL-PRF-32033 MIL-PRF-87252C -

DEF STAN 91-97* (Obsolete) DTD.900/4981A BS.1595.86 DTD.406B

O-190 (Obsolete) S-1748 S-737 S-745

OX-18* (Obsolete) OEP-215 AL-11 AL-5

Light lubricating oil Avionic cooling uid Helicopter gearbox oil Special run Stoddard Solvent Isopropyl alcohol de-icing uid Glycol/alcohol mixture

AeroShell Calibrating MIL-PRF-7024E Fluid 2 Type II AeroShell Compound TT-I-735A 06A Grade B AeroShell Compound 07

AeroShell Grade PRESERVATIVES AeroShell Fluid 2F

U.S. Specication

British Specication


Joint Service Designation

Product and Application


MIL-C-6529C Type II MIL-C-6529C Type I


OX-270 (Obsolete)

Inhibited lubricating oil for internal protection of piston engines during storage Concentrate for AeroShell Fluid 2F and 2T Petroleum jelly/beeswax mixture for general preservation

AeroShell Fluid 2XN

(MIL-C-6529C Type I) DEF STAN 80-85

C-608 C-628 (Obsolete)

ZX-21 (Obsolete) PX-11

U.S. Specication acceptable substitute. NATO symbol of substitute C-627

AeroShell Compound MIL-C-11796C 05 Class 3*

OTHER PRODUCTS Shell Water Detector Method for detecting water in jet fuel -

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