EMS 3O Blog Rubric Student Self Evaluation
EMS 3O Blog Rubric Student Self Evaluation
EMS 3O Blog Rubric Student Self Evaluation
5-6 Some of my blog posts have an effective title, tags, and referenced images, but some are missing a number of conventions
Date:________________________ Level 4 8.5-10 All of my blog posts have an effective title, tags, and referenced images
Level 2 Level 3 6.5-7 7.5-8 Blogging Most of my blog Almost all of my conventions posts have an blog posts have an effective title, tags, effective title, tags, and referenced and referenced /10 images, but a few of images them are incomplete or missing multiple conventions Connections Some of my blog Most of my blog Almost all of my posts demonstrate posts demonstrate blog posts connections between good connections demonstrate good /10 ideas studied in class between ideas connections between and my own studied in class and ideas studied in class thoughts/experiences my own and my own thoughts/experiences thoughts/experiences Content/ Some of my blog Most of my blog Almost all of my writing posts are at least posts are at least blog posts are at conventions three paragraphs three paragraphs least three long (or very close) long (or very close) paragraphs long and and demonstrate and demonstrate demonstrate /10 appropriate spelling, appropriate spelling, appropriate spelling, grammar, and grammar, and grammar, and punctuation for this punctuation for this punctuation for this medium medium medium Subtotal A: Comments I commented on one I usually commented I commented on two blog post a week or I on two blog posts a other blog posts /10 have about half of week but I might be each week, with the required number missing a few. maybe one of comments exception Blog post I did about half of I may have missed a I blogged once a frequency the number of post or two week with maybe required posts one exception /10 Subtotal B: x5= Subtotal A:________ x Subtotal B %= Your overall mark:
All of my blog posts demonstrate excellent connections between ideas studied in class and my own thoughts/experiences All of my blog posts are at least three paragraphs long and demonstrate appropriate spelling, grammar, and punctuation for this medium I commented on at least two other blog posts each week. I blogged at least once a week
On the back of this sheet, please reflect on your achievement and set some goals for next time. If you were unable to meet the expectations at a level one, please explain the grade you feel you earned and fill out the reflection on the back of this sheet.
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