Personal Development 1 July 15 and 17 WEEK 4

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A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate
understanding of stress and its understanding of the whole
sources; various stress responses; brain theory, or two hemispheres of the
and coping strategies for healthful brain: artistic (right-brain dominant)
living in middle and late adolescence. And linear (left-brain dominant).
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to The learners shall be able to identify ways to
identify personal ways of coping improve learning using both the
for healthful living. left and right brain.
C. Learning Competencies/ The learners... The learners…
Objectives (Write the LC Code for 6.1 discuss that
5.1 discuss that understanding
each) stress and its sources during understanding the left and
adolescence may help in right brain may help in
identifying ways to cope and improving one’s learning
have a healthful life EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-6.1
6.2 explore two types of
5.2 identify sources of one’s mind-mapping techniques,
stress and illustrate the effect each suited to right brain- or
of stress on one’s system left brain-dominant thinking
EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.2 styles
5.3 demonstrate personal
ways of coping with stress for 6.3 make a plan to improve
healthful living learning using left and right
EsP-PD11/12CS-Ig-5.3 brain through mind-mapping

II. CONTENT Coping with Stress in Middle The Powers of the Mind
and Late Adolescence
- Whole brain Theory
- Definition of Stress - 4 Quadrants of the brain:
- Stress as Stimulus, Analytical Thinking,
Response and Relational Sequential Thinking,
- Healthy Stress Inter-personal Thinking
- School Demands and and Imaginative Thinking
Expectations - 5 ways Using Mind Maps
- Selecting a School, Effectively
College Course or Career
- Separation Anxiety
- College Life
- Romantic Relationships or
the Lack of it
- Family Demands and
- Health Concerns
- Demands of Social Life
- Bullying
- 6 Stress Reduction
- 6 Additional Stress
Reduction Methods
A. References Personal Development Personal Development
By Ricardo Rubio Santos By Ricardo Rubio Santos
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Pages 76-81 Pages 88-97
2. Learner’s Materials pages Books, Whiteboard marker, Books, Whiteboard marker,
whiteboard whiteboard
3. Textbook pages Pages 76-81 Pages 88-97
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or - teacher will ask some - Teacher will ask some
presenting the new lesson students what have they students, “give a
learned from the challenges of conclusion to the situation
middle and late adolescences. by selecting a coping
- to present a new lesson, mechanism to be adopted
teacher will ask some by the main characters.”
students, “what experience - To present a new lesson,
they encounter when they are teacher will ask some
stressed?, What will they do students, ”What do you
to manage the situation?”. know about the whole
brain theory?”
B. Establishing a purpose for the - to understand what - To understand how does -
lesson relational condition between the whole brain theory
persons and the situations affect the learning
they being stressed out. process of a person.
C. Presenting examples/ instances
D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher will give an activity,
practicing new skills #1 Using the topic “How to
improve Learning,” draw to
mind maps. The first one will
show the dominant right side
of the brain and the other
map will illustrate the left
side of the brain.
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 2)
G. Finding practical applications of Values and Integration: Values and Integration:
concepts and skills in daily living Forgiving and Determined Open minded and able to
think logically
H. Making generalizations and - the students will know that - The students will learn
abstractions about the lesson stress may be both good and the key characteristics of
bad, depending on the the four quadrants of
acuteness and length of time the brain as theorized by
it persist. Ned Herrmann.
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for - Teacher will give an
application assignment to the students,
cut any of the magazine that
will give you stress nowadays
and attached it to the short
bond paper and explain it. 100


A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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