Purposive Communication Report

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Communication in Social Media connected through the exchange of short

status messages.
Social media refers to the means of
interactions among people in which they create,  Snapchat: This social media is only
available through a mobile app and boasts
share, and/or exchange information and ideas in
roughly 166 million daily users a mobile
virtual communities and networks. app that lets users send photos and videos
to friends or to their “story”.

 Instagram: A free photo and video

Social media sites provide people with the
sharing app that allows users to apply
opportunity to stay connected to friends and
digital filters, frames and special effects
family make new friends, share pictures and to their photos and then share them on a
exchange ideas. People can also engage in their variety of social networking sites.
communities by raising money for charities,  YouTube: Video hosting and watching
develop their creativity through sharing their art websites.
or music, and get to know others from diverse
backgrounds through shared interests. Social How Social Media Changed the Way
media sites also offer enhanced learning People Communicate
opportunities. 1. Created a Sense of Urgency and a Need
to Share.
RISKS 2. Provided an Inside Perspective of
Faraway Places.
Using social media can often become a risk 3. Shared the Full Story, Instead of Just
for adolescents even more than adults realize. Highlights
4. Made Digital Messages More Personal.
Cyberbullying. Refers to using digital 5. Brought News Back into Millennial Life.
media to communicate false, embarrassing or 6. Provided the Ability to Broadcast
hostile information about another person and it is Moments Live.

the most common risk for all teens.

There are currently 2.8 billion social media
Facebook depression. Is a new term that users worldwide. This changes how the world
communicates, especially with today’s obsession
refers to depression that develops as a result of
with social media networks.
children and teens spending a lot of time on social
media sites and begins to experience depression.
Social media has also changed the way
that we interact, mainly the way we have lost some
Top Social Media Platforms of our social skills.

 Facebook: The world’s largest social Social networks have affected our
network, with more than 1.55 billion communication by the way we converse and in our
monthly active users. Users create a writing techniques. The social web has changed
personal profile, add other users as the written word in a couple of crucial ways:
friends, and exchange messages, including
status updates. 1. Writing is more summarized
2. Abbreviations are more prevalent
 Twitter: With 328 million monthly users a
social networking/micro-blogging platform
that allows groups and individuals to stay
Reported By:
Najmah R. Sampaco

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