God Rest You Merry C12ED321d01

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God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen

N.C. Em B7 Em Bm C G C B E Am/C B N.C.

               
God rest you mer - ry, gen - tle - men, Let Noth - ing you dis - may, For
In Beth - le - hem, in Jew - ry, This bless - ed Babe was born, And
From God our Hea - ven - ly Fa - ther, A bless - ed An - gel came; And

Em B7 Em Bm C G C B Em Am/C B E

            
  
Je - sus Christ our Sav - iour Was born up - on this day; To
laid with - in a man - ger Up - on this bless - ed morn; That
un - to cer - tain shep - herds Brought tid - ings of the same; How

 
Am D/F©© G C/E G7/B C G B7 Em C©©dim D G/B D7 Em D/F©©

            
 
save us all from Sa - tan's pow'r When we were gone a - stray;
Moth - er
Beth - le -
Ma - ry
hem was born The
Noth - ing
} O

G C G G F©©dim Em/B B Em C©©dim D7 Em7 F©©dim

             

ti - dings of com - fort and joy, com - fort and joy, O

 
G C/E G/B C G F©©dim Em/B B Em

        

ti - dings of com - fort and joy.

Verse 4: Verse 6:
"Fear not," then said the Angel, But when to Bethlehem they came,
"Let nothing you affright, Where this dear Infant lay,
This day is born a Saviour They found Him in a manger,
Of virtue, power, and might; Where oxen feed on hay;
To Free all those who trust in Him His Mother Mary kneeling down,
From Satan's power and might;" Unto the Lord did pray;
Chorus Chorus
Verse 5: Verse 7:
The shepherds at those tidings Now to the Lord sing praises,
Rejoiced much in mind, All you within this place,
And left their flocks a-feeding, And with true love and brotherhood
In tempest, storm, and wind; Each other now embrace;
And went to Bethlehem straightway, This holy tide of Christmas
The Blessed Babe to find; All others doth deface;
Chorus Chorus

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